[email protected] • • 4455 7741 inside Top 10 CAMPUS bungee • Building a stronger school nursing jumps in programme in Qatar the world P | 4 P | 7 FOOD • The new cooking trend: Add a pound of salt. Or not P | 6 FILM • The Book Thief: Beckham intends A rush through to launch his own life’s lessons professional soccer P 8-9 team in Miami, a | multicultural market that has defied major HEALTH league owners twice • Experimental bird flu vaccines show before. But Beckham promise in early trials is known for making long shots. P | 11 TECHNOLOGY • Google mystery barge to be ‘artistic’ high-tech exhibition venue P | 12 Beckham lines Learn Arabic • Learn commonly used Arabic words and their meanings up long shot P 13 | 2 PLUS | MONDAY 18 NOVEMBER 2013 COVER STORY Beckham plans a Miami soccer team By David Adams and Kevin Gray stadium deals after a $500m baseball sta- dium with a retractable roof for the Miami rom his tattoos to his finely chiseled Marlins failed to draw fans. physique and Armani underwear The state legislature rebuffed the Miami ads, soccer icon David Beckham Dolphins’ request for public funding of a Foozes Miami-style appeal. $350m renovation of its privately owned Blending charisma with a smart busi- American football stadium. ness plan, Beckham intends to launch his Instead, Beckham is assembling a group own professional soccer team in Miami, a to invest $150-200m in private financing for multicultural market that has defied major a new soccer stadium in Miami’s urban core league owners twice before.