Cough Induced by Enalapril but Not by Captopril
Eur Respir J 1989, 2, 289-291 CASE REPORT Cough induced by enalapril but not by captopril H. Puolijoki*, M. Nieminen*, E. Moilanen**, L. Siitonen*, A. Lahdensuo*, P. Reinikainen*, H. Vapaatalo** Cough iruluced by enalapril but 1101 by capropril. H. Puolijoki, M Nieminen, •Tampere University Central Hospital. E. Moilanen, L. Siironen, A. Lahdensuo, P. Reinikainen, If. VapaaJalo. •• Dept of Biomedical Sciences, University of ABSTRACT: We report a 68 yr old woman with hypertension wbo Tampcre. Finland. developed a dry cough on enalaprll but not on captopril therapy. Pul monary function te!its, methacholine in halation challenges, total blood Correspondence: H. Puolijoki, Dept of Pulmonary Diseases, Turlcu University Central Hospital, SF- eoslnophiJ counts, and changes In plasma concentrations or prostaglandin 207 40 Preitila, Finland. E2 and tllromboxane 81 did not explain the difference in the adverse reaction between tbese two angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. Keywords: ACE inhibitors; captopril; cough; Eur Respir J., 1989, 2, 289- 291. enalapril. Received: March, 1988; accepted after revision August 9, 1988. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibiLors like Case History capropril and ena1april are usually well tolerated. How ever, in some patientS they may cause cough as an A 68 yr old non-smoking woman with diabetes, adverse reaction [1]. We report a female patiem who hypertension and compensated heart failure, but with developed a cough on enalapril but not on captopril no respiratory disease or abnormalities on chest X-ray, therapy. We evaluated her lung function, bronchial re developed a dry cough but no dyspnoea or posrnasal activity to methacholine, LolaJ blood eosinophi l count as drip during Lreatmem with ena1april (Renitcc®, MSD, E 20 mg·day·1) for hypertension.
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