The Western Mistic, January 5, 1962

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The Western Mistic, January 5, 1962 Minnesota State University Moorhead RED: a Repository of Digital Collections The Western Mistic Student Newspapers 1-5-1962 The Western Mistic, January 5, 1962 Moorhead State College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Moorhead State College, "The Western Mistic, January 5, 1962" (1962). The Western Mistic. 842. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Western Mistic by an authorized administrator of RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Maureen Forrester, contralto, singes Jan. 9 Maureen Forrester, renowned Cana­ and Music and was one of the out­ Forrester made her concert debut in dian contralto, will appear in concert standing attractions of the first sum­ Montreal in 1953. Ever since, the at MSC on Tuesday, Jan. 9, at 8:15 mer music festival in Vancouver. critical acclaim has been unanimously p.m., in Weld Auditorium. favorable. Since Miss Forrester's initial ap­ Miss Forrester has, since her 1956 pearance in Europe in 1955, she has Within a short time, she had sung New York debut, impressed audiences been in constant demand. Engaged by with every important orchestra in Can­ and critics alike throughout this con­ Les Jeunesses Musicales for a three- ada, and sang in such diverse leading tinent and in Europe with her vocal month tour, she was so enthusiastically roles as those in Gluck's "Orfeo," powers. In the five years since her received and so frequently re-engaged Moussorgsky's "Boris Godounov," and debut, she has appeared with many that her stay lengthened to a year, Menotti's "The Consul." of the world's great orchestras and has covering some nine countries in all. participated in many important music In private life Miss Forrester is the festivals. At least a part of each season's wife of Eugene Kash, a prominent concerts is at present reserved for young Canadian violinist and conduc­ Her first extensive tour of this Miss Forrester's European tours, and tor, and the mother of four children. country, in 1957-58, included not only she has now appeared in most count­ a highly successful return engagement ries there. Orchestras which have en­ Miss Forrester records for RCA at New York's Town Hall and at gaged her include the Royal Phil­ Victor, and has had several records Carnegie Hall, but also performances harmonic in London, the Berlin Phil­ released in the past months, including with the symphony orchestras of Chi­ harmonic, the Amsterdam Concert- versions of Mahler's "Kindentoten- cago, Pittsburgh and Detroit, as well gebouw, the Lamoureux of Paris, the lieder" and "Lieder eines fahrendon as with the Symphony of the Air at Oslo Philharmonic, the Tivoli of Co­ Gesellen," and a Schumann-Brahms the Empire State Music Festival. penhagen, the Liverpool Philharmonic, recital, the former record under Fritz and many others. Reiner and the Chicago Symphony This past winter Miss Forrester ap­ Orchestra. peared at Carnegie Hall with the New Many of Europe's leading conduc­ Miss Forrester will present the fol­ York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Cleve­ tors have directed Miss Forrester in lowing song-cycles at her MSC per­ land orchestras, and again with the concert, and she has appeared with formance, all complete except for the Symphony of the Air. She also ap­ such music festivals as those of Berlin, first item listed, which consists of peared again at the Empire State Holland, Montreux, Bournemouth, and complete sections of a longer work: Music Festival, singing the American Edinburgh, as well as the Casals Fes­ premieres of works by Prokofieff and tival in Puerto Rico. From "Canzone Scordate" Shostakovich, and she sang at a special Ame Dorumsgaard Of Scotch-Irish extraction, Miss (selections by C. P. E. Bach & J. W. Franck) United Nations concert with the New Frauenliebe und Leben York Philharmonic Symphony orches­ Forrester was raised in the French Robert Schumann tra, a total of 24 performances with Quarter of Montreal, and is at ease Melodies passageres this orchestra in four seasons. in either English or French. Her vocal Samuel Barber (from the "Poemes francais" of Rainer repertory now extends to seven lang­ Maria Rilke) Miss Forrester has been equally ac­ uages, including Russian. Siete canciones populares espagnoles tive in Canadian and European music Manual de Falla activities. She regularly appears with As a teenager, Miss Forrester sang as Maiden's Lament (Newfoundland folksong) arr. by Vaughan Williams the Toronto and Montreal symphonies a soprano, but, under the tutelage of The Nightingale (American folksong) and with other leading Canadian or­ Bernard Diamant, a prominent Dutch arr. by Howard Brockway chestras, and frequently on Canadian baritone in Montreal, developed her Gai-!on-la (French-Canadian folksong) Broadcasting Co. (CBC) radio and natural contralto register. After initial arr. by Anthony Hopkins Boum-badi-boum (French-Candian television. She has been featured at experience singing for churches and folksong) the Stratford (Ont.) Festival of Drama social organizations and on radio, Miss arr. by Victor Bouchard Maureen Forrester _ . ^ ^ Replacements set fvLC frfa&ttC for Dr. Maxwell A newspaper written by and for the students of Moorhead State College. Announcement has been made of Werner J. Feld, scheduled to arrive replacements for Dr. Amox Maxwell, here this coming summer. Replace­ professor of social studies, whose res­ ment until then will be Thomas L. ignation was effective the end of fall Pahl, currently engaged in graduate tyeux 37 - t2 - 'Wt<Hx%6.e<zcC State (2*tte$e, Tfcwifeact, 7HCntte<&>ta. - £<znctax<f 5. J962 quarter. studies in political science at the University of Minnesota. The permanent replacement will be Feld, now teaching at North Georgia College, Dahlonega, Ga., took his law degree at the University of Berlin and was engaged in the im­ port-export business in Germany until Mrs. Grantham enjoys Yule trip to Europe 1937, when he became a businessman in this country, visiting many countries in Africa, the Middle East, and else­ While most MSC students and fac­ They visited what Mrs. Grantham where. He is a lieutenant-colonel in ulty relaxed over the Christmas holi­ calls "the usual tourist attractions." the army intelligence (reserve) and days, some traveled—but none further but also had a chance to see the Sor- served as intelligence officer during than Mrs. Viriginia Grantham, pro­ bonne, where Mrs. Grantham studied, World War II. fessor of languages at MSC. and the famed "left bank." They saw Verdi's "A Masked Ball" at the French Before teaching at North Georgia Mr. and Mrs. Grantham—he's court opera, Moliere's 'The Imaginary Sick- Colege, he taught at Spring Hill Col­ reporter for Minnesota's Seventh Ju­ man" at the Comedie Francaise, and lege in Alabama, and at the Mobile dicial District—spent 17 days in Lon­ also had a chance to visit the Folies Center of the University of Alabama. don, Paris, and Brussels. Of special Bergeres and the Lido, famed night He is finishing his doctorate in po­ interest to them, Mrs. Grantham re­ club. In London, the Granthams heard litical science at Tulane University in lated, was the manner in which Christ­ the renowned Halle Orchestra, con­ New Orleans, and will have the de­ mas was celebrated in the countries ducted by Sir John Barberoli, at Fes­ gree when he arrives to teach at MSC. visited. tival Hall, and saw a performance of Shaw's "Heartbreak House" and Jean He has contributed articles for legal "Christmas is almost completely Anouilh's 'The Rehearsal." journals and is a contributor to a bib­ devoted to children," she said. "Toys liography on Soviet American relations are especially prominent in the beau­ The Granthams were part of an in­ to be published shortly by the Prince­ tifully-decorated stores. But the re­ ternational group for part of their ton University Press. He has also ligious element is also important. Al­ French tour, with others in the group served as an advisor to civil defense most all the churches we saw had from South America, Africa, and else­ authorities in the South. Mr. and Mrs. crib scenes, with children looking at where in Europe. (The picture ac­ Feld have three children, one of col­ the scene wherever we went." companying this story shows the lege age. Granthams and the others in this PALAIS VERSAILLES Santa Claus in these countries is group in Versailles.) Pahl, who will teach political science seen, Mrs. Grantham added, "but he courses at MSC winter and spring Mrs. Virginia Grantham, professor of languages at MSC (seventh seems much different from the Santa quarters, is a professional worker for from right) and her husband, Walter (second from right), pictured American children know." In London When asked for a comment for the Republican party, and, according with part of an international group in front of the Versailles palace. he was tall and slender, with a red MSC students, Mrs. Grantham said to social studies chairman, Dr. John gown and wearing a hooded hat, and that the one thing which impressed Smurr, "MSC students will be getting is called Father Christmas. In the her most was the comment made by a a great deal of practical information French-speaking countries the Grant- young man from Ceylon (furthest to about Minnesota politics from him hams visited, he was called Pere Noel. the right in the picture), son of the which they would have difficulty Fine Arts ticket rules printed consul-general of Ceylon: 'He said getting elsewhere." The Granthams' visit to Europe was that there was only one real barrier Mrs.
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