Congressional Record-Sel~ Ate
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11600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEL~ ATE. N OVEl\IBER 21 ' PRIVATE BILLS ~D RESOLUTIO~S. tucky because there had been no one selected n the ~en e..ral Umler clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions election to fill out the short term occasionetl by the death of were introduced and severally referred, as follows: the late Senator .James. As this raises a new que tion, I ask By l\lr. ~""DERSON: A bill (H. R. 13144) granting an increase unanimous consent that the question as to l\lr. 1\l_j.n T r:~'s o-f pension to :Michael Fogarty ; to the Committee on Invalid right to a seat in the Senate be referred to the Committee on Pensions. Privileges and Elections for investigation and report. Also, a bill (H. R. 13145) granting a pension to Feronka The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there any objection?· The Chait· Dotzenrot; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. hears none, and it is so ordered. By 1\Ir. HICKS: A bill (H. R. 13146) for the relief of Carolyn SENATOR FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE. Wbeeler Kobbe ; to the Committee on Claims. The V:IOE PRESIDENT. The Ohair presents the credentials By 1\Ir. SHERWOOD: A bill (H. R. 13147) granting a pension of Hon. llir-.TRY W. KEYES, Senator elect from the State of .._ Tew to A1bert Beehler ; i:o i:he Committee on Pensions. Hampshire for the term of ~ix years beginning 1\Iarch 4, 1919. Also, a bill (H. R. 13148) granting an increase of pension to The credentials will be printed in the RECORD and placed ou tile. John 0. Koepplinger; to the Committee on Pensions. The credentials are as follows : Also, a bill (H. R. 13149) granting an increase of pension to STATE OF NEW HA~'MPSHIRE , Bavin Copeland; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ExECUTIVE DEPARTi\lEXl'. Also, a bill (H. R. 13150) granting an increase of pension to To the PRESIDE~T OF THE SE~ATE OF THE UNITED STATES: Mari1y R. 'Yardley; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. This is to certify that on the 5th day of Novembet'. 191 , HE:'\'1tY W. KEI:ES wa_s duly chosen by the qualified electors of the State of New Also, a bill (H. R. 13151) granting an increase of .Pension to Hampshire a Senator from said State to represent aid Stn.te in the :John Daily ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Senate of the United States for the term of six years, beginning on the Also, a bill (H. R. 13152) g1·anting an increase of pension to 4th day of March, 1919. Witnes;J: His excellency, our gO-vernor, llEKRY W. KEYES, and our seal 'Villiam H. Ramey; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. hereto affixed at Concord, this 15th day of November, A. D. 1918. HExnY W. KEYES, Goventor. By the governor : PETITIONS, ETC. (SEAL.] EDWIN C. BlllAK, Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, Secrctm·y of State. Mr. DAllROW presented a resolution of the United Business CONGRATULATORY CABLEGRAMS FROM AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Men's Association of Philadelphia, Pa., in favor ,of legislation The VICE PRESIDENT. The Ohair lays before the Senate providing for the retirement of superannuated Government em a congratulatory cablegram from the president of the Council ployees, which was referred to the Committee on Interstate and of State of Haiti, which will e read. Foreign Commerce. The Secretary read as follows : --~~~~--------- PORT AU PRr.\CE, Not:cn~ber 11, 1918. To the Senate of the Unitea States, · SENATE. Washington: The Council of State of llaiti, happy at the success of the arms of THURSDAY, Novembe1· ~1, 1918. the United States and allies, expresses to -·the Senate of the Gnlted States its confidence in a. final pence founded on right, ju tice, and The chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the humanity. LEGIT HI Ill, following prayer: _ Preside1lt of the Douncil ot State. Almighty God, we have come to Thee with the great burdens of The VICE PRESIDENT. The cablegram will be referred state upon our hearts and minds. Thou hast brought us to the to the Committee on Foreign Relations. day of victory and great glory has come to our arms. Thou ·hast Mr. HITCHCOCK. .Mr. President, before it is referred I brought us into vital contact with the nations of tJ,:le earth. should like to state that the Committee on Foreign Relations Thou hast given us a place of great power in the world. We ha'\l'e had under consitleration everal messages of a similar sort desire in the exercise of our great obligations and duties to keep from legislative bodies of American Republics anti have in before us Thy will, to build states and to build a world citizen structed me to report a resolution requesting the Vice President ship upon the unchanging principles of Thy revealed wilL Guide to acknowledge the receipt of the same, and I shouM like to us day by day as we labor to advance the interests of mankind. have the privilege of incorporating this message from Haiti for Give us constantly the assurance of Thy presence and blessing. the same purpose. For Christ's sake. Amen. The VICE PRESIDENT. Is t~ere objection? The Chair The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed hears none. ings of Monday lasf, when on ~·equest of 1\Ir. SHEPPARD a,nd by Mr. HITCHCOCK. If thel'e is no objection, I will report at unanimous consent the further reading was dispensed with, and this time the resolution which the Committee on Foreign Rela the Journal :was approved. tions presents and ask that the Secretary incorporate with the SENATOB FROM MISSOURI, names iu the resolution the message received from tl1e Republic 1\Ir. REED. Mr. President, I present the credentials of Sena of Haiti. I do this because we are on the eve of final adjourn tor-elect SEr.nEN P. SPENCER, of Missouri, and ask that they be ment and there ought to be a prompt acknowledgment. I ask read to the Senate. tbat the Secretary may read the resolution as modified. The VICE PUESIDENT. The Secretary will read. The VICE PRESIDE~~. It will be read. The Secretary read, as follows : The Secretary read the resolution (S. Res. 340) as modified THil STATE OF .:MISSOURI, and accompanying report, as ~ollows : EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. The Co1lllllittee on Forei~n Relations, to which were referred the To THE PRESIDEXT OF THE Sli:~ATE OF THE UNITED STA'IES : cnbl«>gram addressed to the President of the Senate of the United States · This is to certify that on tbe 5tb day of November, .1918 SELDE.N P. by Ricardo Dol:-. President of tne SEDate of the Republic of <.:uba, SPENCER wa!i' duJy chosen by Lhe qualified electors of the state .of Mis dated November 11, 1918_; JLDJ also the cablegTam addressed to the souri a Senator from said Stai:e to Tepresent said State in the Senate President of the Senate of the United States by Ismael Vasquez, pt·esl of the United States for the unexpired term of the late William Joel dent of the Sena t ~ of the Republic of Bolivia, and Atiliano Aparicio, ' Stone. secretary of ~ta te o Bolivia; and also thl:' cablegram nddrcs ed to tbc I n testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand and cause to be affixed President of the Senate of 1be United States by PresWent Legitime, the great seal of the State of MissourL Done at the city of .Telferson, of the Council of 8tate of Haiti ; and also thP cablt•grnm adllressed this 19th day of November, A. D. 1918. to the Amer!can Henat~ by the Senate of the Republic of Uruguay. and FREDERICK D. GARDXER, signed by Ricardo Areco, its president, and M. Solsona, the secretary, By the Governor : all of which congratulate the Senate of the nited States upon a [SEAL.] JOHN L _ SULLIVAN, successful termination of the war, having had the same under con Secretary oJ State. sideration, favorably report for adoption the following resolution : Re.<wlt·ed, Tbat the Vice President be, and he is hPreby, requPste<l, in The VICE PRESIDE...~T. Is there objection to the creden the name of the Seuate of the United States, to acknowledge the tials? [After a pause.] I the ne,vly elected Senator in the receipt of the cablegrams addre, sed to the Vice Pre ident of the United States by the 8ennte of Cuba, the Senate of Bolivia, the Senate Chamber? of Uruguay, :mel the Council of State of Haiti, all of which eon Mr. REED. He is. gratumte the Senate of the United States upon a successful termina The VICE PRESIDE ·T. He will present himself at the tion of the \"\"fir, and to express the appreciation of the Senate for the de. k and take the oath ·Of office. friendly greetings and congratulations contained therein. l\lr. SPENCER was escorted to the Vice President's llesk by . The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair Mr. REED, an<l the oath prescribed by law having been admiuis hears .none, and the resolution is adopted. te·ed to him he took llis seat in the Senate. AFFAIRS IN COSTA RICA. SE..,...,.ATOR 'FROM KENTUCKY. 1\Ir. LODGE. I present a cablegram from San Jose, Co ta :Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, at the last meeting ·of the Sen Rica, and ask that it may b ·~ read and referred to the Committee ate I objected to calling the name of Senator MARTIN of Ken- on Foreign Relations. 1918. CONGR.ESSION \.L RECORD-SENATE .