Current status on European lobster aquaculture in Europe Report from the 3rd annual ELCE meeting held in Stavanger, Norway on 18 – 19 May 2015 Sponsored by: Report from workshop held on 18-19 May 2015 in Stavanger, Norway Address: Kjelsbergtunet 29 N-4050 Sola, Norway Telephone: +47 51 32 59 00 Fax: +47 51 32 59 01 Cellular: +47 90 19 67 31 E-mail:
[email protected] Title: Serial No. Date Current status on European lobster aquaculture in Europe. 0X – 2015 25 September 2015 Report from the 3rd annual ELCE meeting held in Stavanger, Report/Document Pages: Norway 18 – 19 May 2015. No. 35 pp. Author: Geographical Topic group: Distribution: Asbjørn Drengstig, Ivar Lund, Ann- area: Lobster aquaculture Open Lisbeth Agnalt, Dom Boothroyd, Carly Europe Daniels, Knut Jørstad, Susanne Eriksen, Ragnheidur Thorarinsdottir, Roberta Cimmaruta, Gonzalo Pèrez Benavente, Jane McMinn & Beth Evensen File/Archive: Client/Employer: Europe/workshops-lobster/01-15 European Lobster Centre of Excellence Abstract: On behalf of the network European Lobster Centre of Excellence (ELCE), Norwegian Lobster Farm hosted the 3rd annual meeting. Altogether 36 participants from a total of eight countries were present during the two days workshop. The main aim of the meeting was to organise a 3rd workshop in the ELCE network. ELCE wanted to continue the positive development within the network between Nordic companies and institutions carrying out research and commercial attempts with the European lobster. Due to a strong interest from countries outside the Nordic region, several European companies and research institutions were also invited in order to highlight status on lobster aquaculture in Europe.