Timothy E. Long, Ph.D. TIMOTHY E. LONG, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry 800 West Campus Drive 2110 Hahn Hall South Virginia TeCh, BlaCksburg, VA 24061-0344 OffiCe: 540-231-2480, E-Mail:
[email protected] Prof. Long maintains a vigorous partnership with diverse industries, inCluding BASF, ElevanCe, MiChelin, SABIC, ExxonMobil, ProCter & Gamble, IBM, 3M, Kimberly Clark, Henkel, Bayer, Kraton Polymers, Toray, and Solvay. He has maintained a 20-member interdisciplinary research group and has been awarded ~ $45M in researCh funding over the past 18 years at Virginia Tech. His group’s continuing research goal is to integrate fundamental research in novel maCromoleCular struCture and polymerization proCesses with the development of high performanCe maCromoleCules for advanCed teChnologies, inCluding drug and gene delivery, sustainable feed stoCks, adhesives and elastomers, bloCk Copolymers and living polymerization, and biomaterials for health and energy. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2014-date Director, Macromolecules Innovation Institute Virginia TeCh, ICTAS, BlaCksburg, VA 2014-date Affiliated Faculty, School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (SBES) Virginia Tech-Wake Forest University, BlaCksburg, VA/Winston-Salem, NC 2014-date Affiliated Faculty, Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Virginia TeCh, Virginia TeCh Carilion ResearCh Institute, Roanoke, VA 2012-2014 Associate Dean for Research and International Outreach Virginia TeCh, College of SCienCe, BlaCksburg, VA 2011-2012 Associate Dean of Strategic Initiatives Virginia TeCh, College of SCienCe,