Always a Bridesmaid--1 Among the images of brides and bridesmaids, one also Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride: finds a common theme or idea as to how we define the “perfect Portrayals of Women of Color in Bridal Magazines bride”—white, thin, and pretty. “Over and over again,” asserts Ingraham (1999) in her book White Weddings: Romancing forthcoming in Media Report to Women (2006) Heterosexuality in Popular Culture, “the icon of the beautiful white bride in the beautiful white bridal gown is replayed and reinforced, sending a clear message to young and old alike that Cynthia M. Frisby what counts as beautiful and marriageable is white” (p. 97). Department of Advertising For women of color, the covert message in bridal 221 Walter Williams magazines and advertisements points to one of assimilation University of Missouri-Columbia and conformity, and reflects the cultural perception of Columbia, MO 65211 whiteness as “a marker of beauty and power,” as noted by (573) 882-6232 (office) Hobson (2005). Female beauty thus has become a significant (573) 882-4823 (FAX) site for political resistance to the dominant culture especially
[email protected] for Black women, Hobson further observes, “because in male- dominated culture, all women are judged by their physical Erika Engstrom attractiveness and evaluated in comparison to particular Department of Communication Studies standards of beauty based on white supremacy” (p. 7). University of Nevada, Las Vegas This exploratory study examines the portrayal of African Box 454052 Americans in a bridal magazines, a particular form of mass 4505 Maryland Parkway media that caters specifically to women, and which ideally Las Vegas, NV 89154-4052 would cater to all women who hold traditional views about
[email protected] marriage and the wedding.