A MAgAzine of the AMericAs VoluMe 23 • suMMer 2014 • http://lAcc.fiu.edu How Free are Media in the Americas Today? 13657_SIPA_LACC_Cover2014-final.indd 2 6/11/14 10:46 AM Latin American and Caribbean Center School of International and Public Affairs An integral part of the School of International and Public Affairs, the Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) is one of the largest and most comprehensive area studies program at FIU. The center coordinates a robust program that spans across the disciplines, supporting and ehancing the university’s academic mission. Designated as a National Resource Center for Foreign Language and Area Studies by the U.S. Department of Education, LACC fosters high quality research, education and services on Latin American and the Caribbean. LACC’s academic offerings include graduate and undergraduate certificate programs and a variety of summer and foreign study opportunities. The center’s programs build on the unique assests of FIU’s inter-American setting and the expertise of approximately 200 faculty associates who work on Latin America and the Caribbean. For more information, contact LACC at 305-348-2894 or by email at
[email protected] Please visit our website at lacc.fiu.edu Arts & Sciences Florida International University 13657_SIPA_LACC_Cover2014-final.indd 3 6/11/14 10:46 AM Hemisphere Volume 23 • Summer 2014 • http://lacc.fiu.edu IN THIS ISSUE LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Frank mora .................................................................................................................................................3 LETTER FROM THE GUEST EDITOR Raul reis .....................................................................................................................................................4 SETTING THE STAGE Freedom in latin america: What press monitors Say Leonardo Ferreira .........................................................................................................................................6 Thet wo americas and the freedom of expression disconnect Alejandro J.