5.9 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES the Information Contained Within This
5.9 Biological Resources 5.9 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES The information contained within this section is summarized from the Moreno Valley General Plan EIR Biological Report (Merkel & Associates, September 2004). The report is provided in Volume II Appendix E of this EIR. The existing biological resources documented in this report were determined through an extensive review of the most current, available biological literature and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data available for the planning area. Previous biological surveys conducted by Merkel & Associates (M&A) staff, as well as biological information gathered by other consultants for projects within Moreno Valley, were further reviewed. Vegetation communities were primarily identified based on the regional GIS data incorporated into the MSHCP (KTU+A and PSBS 1995). Floral and faunal species potential presence was determined based on vegetation community presence/absence and knowledge of species requirements. The assessment of presence or potential presence of sensitive biological resources was also based on MSHCP data, which incorporated California Natural Diversity Database records for sensitive species. In addition to the MSHCP and vegetation community information, the following sources were consulted to aid in determining faunal presence/absence: USFWS 2000b, Ericksen and Belk 1999, Sauer et al. 1996, Sauer et al. 2000, Zeiner et al. 1988, Zeiner et al. 1990a and 1990b. M&A also contacted individuals with special expertise to determine the likelihood of species presence for certain groups (e.g., bats). Additionally, M&A biologists, Craig Reiser and Diana Jensen, conducted field investigations in April 2001 to ground truth portions of the regional GIS vegetation data and record locations of identified sensitive species.
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