July 25, 2014 – 27, 5774 Flamingo E Weekly 598 Erev Mivarchim Menachem-, Parshat Masei ~ Chazak, Avot Chapter 2 may not be lit until 7:16 pm, but must be lit before 8:30 pm Shabbat ends: 9:37 pm The Family Shul Wishes You Shabbat Shalom!

Weekly Schedule

Friday, July 25 Shabbat (Saturday), July 26 Sunday, July 27 7:00am Tehillim Minyan 6:30 am Maamer Moment 8:00 am Early Minyan 8:45 am The Chassidic Reader - Lekutei Torah 6:40 am Early Minyan 8:30 am Tanya Teachings 9:15 am Main Shacharit Services 7:00 am Regular Minyan 9:15 am Regular Minyan 9:30 am Youth Minyan 6:30 pm Mincha and Sefer 10:30 am All Youth Programs 7:30 pm Mincha Hamitzvot, followed 7:45 pm Ma’ariv 1:30pm Shabbat Mevarchim by Kabbalat Shabbat 7:45 pm Mincha, Seuda Shlishit, Ma’ariv; followed by All observances related to the ‘Nine screening of Living Torah Days’ begin at sundown – 8:47 pm Honours: Seudat Shlisheet Honours: Milgrom Family available Women’s Mikvah: Women’s Mikvah: Women’s Mikvah: by appt. only 10:15 -12:15am 9:00 - 11:00 pm Monday, July 28 Tuesday, July 29 Wednesday, July 30 Thursday, July 31 Menachem-Av ~ The 9 Days begin~ 6:35 am Early Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan 6:35 am Early Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 10:30 am Life after Life with 7:30 pm Mincha 7:30 pm Mincha 7:30 pm Mincha & Sefer Mitzvot Nomi Freeman 7:45 pm Ma’ariv 7:45 pm Ma’ariv 7:50 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm Mincha 8:30pm Life after Life with 8:15 pm Men’s Chavruta 7:45 pm Ma’ariv Nomi Freeman – (repeats Monday) 8:30 pm 101

Women’s Mikvah Women’s Mikvah Women’s Mikvah Women’s Mikvah 9:00 - 11:00 pm 9:00 - 11:00 pm 9:00 - 11:00 pm 9:00 - 11:00 pm Praying for Israel. Standing with Israel. Going to Israel – With intense concern for Israel under fire, our hearts go out for the young soldiers and civilians whose lives have been cut short tragically and for the many wounded who have sacrificed so much in defense of our beloved, ancestral and eternal homeland - Israel. We proudly stand strong with faith and trust in the eternity of the Jewish people and in G-d’s supernatural protection; this has become literally palpable in Eretz Yisrael over the past few weeks. Let us acknowledge and thank Hashem for shielding our nation against those who celebrate death over life and seek to annihilate our people. Now is the time to unite in support of the IDF and our brethren who dwell in the holy land. We’re extremely proud to announce that, as follow up to the Rabbi’s sermon last Shabbat, a group of about 10 Shul members are leaving for Israel this Sunday for a solidarity mission to comfort the bereaved, visit the injured and bring gifts to cheer the many children cowering in bomb shelters. We’ll also be bringing financial help to our under-reported civilian victims of Gaza rocket terror. Anybody wishing to contribute to this cause in which every single penny goes directly to those in need should contact our office immediately. Anything given or pledged prior to, or even during the time we are in Israel will be immediately distributed - first hand - to most deserving individuals! Fight the Darkness; Ignite the Light – This Shabbat (preceding Rosh Chodesh, thereby initiating the new Hebrew month) is called Mevarchim - that blesses - because it’s especially empowered to infuse the upcoming month of Menachem-Av with many much-needed blessings for Jewish people around the world and especially in Israel. During the past week, in cities around the world, from Paris and Berlin to London (UK) and even Calgary, we have witnessed some of the ugliest demonstrations of anti-Semitism and violence against Jewish people since World War II. Close to home – on this very Shabbat – our hate crazed enemies plan to gather at Queens Park to spew their twisted and repugnant racist lies about Israel and try to incite violence against Jews as they “celebrate” a “holiday” wickedly conspired by Iranian arch-Sona Yisrael Khomeini, Yemach Shemo to urge his frenzied followers to rally against us, in their festival of hate against our Jewish state, and against Jewish people wherever they may be. Our saintly Sages always taught that such darkness is best countered with light: we urge our entire community to rally together in Shuls to strengthen ourselves in our faith, hope and trust in Hashem. Our traditional early morning recitation of Tehillim will be dedicated to the success of our soldiers and a Refu’ah Shliema for those who have been wounded. If we all stand together in shul, we can petition heaven in unison. Please join us on this Shabbat, in the hope that it will become a true source of blessing and comfort as we ring in the month of Menachem-Av, destined from time immemorial to bring Am Yisrael its long-awaited redemption for the tragic Galut of the past two millennia. Who Gives’s Strength to the IDF? The I.D.E! At our superb Shabbat Youth Minyan, cool parents and kids continue to surprise and exceed expectations! Together they've assumed a dynamic leadership role ensuring a successful continuation of this Intergenerational Davening Experience. If you are blessed with small children, come join us! Together, we’ll continue to pray for the welfare and success our cherished IDF soldiers, for the many wounded, and for our innocent brothers and sisters forced to scramble into bomb shelters across Israel. King David explicitly states in that the Jewish people’s [military] might and success come from the mouth of “babes and sucklings.” Our Sages taught that the prayers of small children are the most precious in G-d's eyes, and extremely effective in difficult times. Join us on time by 9:30 am! Jumping For Joy – For kids who are back from camp, your Family Shul is has been waiting for you! Come and join us beginning at 10:30am for circle time, davening, parsha learning, snack, and games! This week’s Parsha is called Masei. By a stroke of divine Providence, it talks about our imminent arrival to the holy land of Israel and the ways of inheritance and apportioning the land for the Jewish people. The parsha sets specific boundaries for the Land - we are indeed the true ancient settlers for 3,300 years – in an area far larger than Israel’s current tiny size. We’ll play “Jump over the Jordan River” and “Remember the Places” through unique and fun memory games. Mazel Tov to last week's Shabbat mensch – Shua Rotman!

This Farbrengen is brought-to-you by Kabbala-Toons – Following the Kiddush, a special Shabbat Mivarchim Farbrengen will be celebrated in accordance with our time-honored Chasidic traditions. This month we welcome Rabbi Tzvi Freeman to lead this as our special guest speaker. Rabbi Freeman is the world-renowned author and blogger, who is the senior editor of the world’s largest Jewish website: .org. He is the creator of Kabbala-toons. The Rabbi, in his thought provoking, entertaining and unique style, will address questions many of us are now asking: Does our performance of mitzvahs really help our soldiers and brethren in Israel? How exactly does this work? Why should we all feel motivated now to inspire fellow Jews to perform as many mitzvot as possible? This Shabbat, find out the answers and be inspired to go from strength to strength!

Canadians for Israel – On Sunday, July 27, decent people of all faiths and cultural backgrounds will rally at Queens Park in support of Israel! This grassroots event has been organized by an ad hoc group of pro-Israel and pro-democracy groups concerned that not enough public support for Israel has been shown – while our hateful enemies are strutting around threateningly promoting their vicious lies and racism. Friends of Israel in Toronto will make their voices heard in support of the world’s only Jewish state - this bastion of civilized freedom surrounded by waring promoters of global terrorism. In our public expression of Shalom and support for Israel’s right to stop Gaza rockets, we will assemble on the north side of the park (near the equestrian statue) at 2:00 pm. Please bring your own placards and flags as we show the world that Canadians proudly stand with Israel!

A Powerful Public Prayer – Later on Sunday, at 5:30 pm after the rally mentioned above –, a Kinus Tefillah v’Hisorerus - communal prayer and spiritual awakening - will be hosted for the Jewish communities of the Toronto and Thornhill. The venue for this gathering is the south end of the community at Kehilas Toras Emes, 1 Viewmount Avenue. Together, we will petition heaven on behalf of Toshavai Eretz Yisrael and B’nai u’Bnot Yisrael the world over. This important event has been organized by the senior Torah leadership of the city: Harav Dovid Schochet, Harav Shlomo Miller and Harav Mordechai Ochs. Stand with us and let’s pray together beyachad!

Extreme Non-Makeover, Rosh Chodesh Av Edition – Cancel the contractors and real estate agents! What and why? Monday, July 28 is Rosh Chodesh Av. Beginning at sundown Sunday, July 27, the Nine Saddest Days on the Jewish calendar begin. They culminate with Tisha B’Av, the day we mourn the destruction of both Batie Mikdash and the many tragedies our people experienced throughout our extensive history, right up to today Remarkably, this date also marks the start of the First World War, which ultimately led to the next World War and the Holocaust. This pre-Tisha B’Av period of mourning for the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash, Tzion & Yerushalayim has a special set of observances that include refraining from eating meat, drinking wine (except on Shabbat), nonessential home renovations, major lifestyle-altering purchases - such as a new home, boat or a cottage. Pleasant activities such as swimming, boating, pleasure bathing, and vacations are also off-limits. Instead of material improvements, it’s the time to work on spiritual improvements. Visit our website to discover more about the Halachot & Minhagim connected to this season and its motif of positive spiritual redemptive energy that resonates for Jewish people during this unique time. Help your spiritual makeover begin!

Is There Life after Death? – Have you ever wondered what happens to our consciousness once it leaves the body? Is there any truth to the idea of a Near Death Experience (NDE)? Is there any scientific proof for this? Discover the fascinating answers to these questions as Nomi Freeman presents a fascinating lecture based on years of research that suggests it's the real deal. She further posits that these unique individual experiences may well benefit all of us! Mrs. Freeman will also address the question of our unique Jewish NDE’s. Her intriguing presentation will be repeated twice so that everybody can listen, learn and be inspired. The initial presentation will take place on Monday July 28 at 10:30 am at the usual women’s only Torah class. The repeat performance (for both men and women) takes place the next evening on Tuesday, July 29 at 8:30 pm.

Sefer Torah, Safer World – In 1981, our beloved Rebbe suggested that by having every Jewish child acquire a letter in a special world Unity Torah Scroll (for just one dollar), they would become a conduit for world peace, and we would merit protection for our beloved progeny. Nearly a dozen such Torahs have already been written around the world – and we’re pleased to announce that the writing of another such Torah has recently begun in the holy city of Jerusalem. Give your child this gift of holiness, protection and spirituality by signing them up today. Visit www.kidstorah.org to ensure your child will have a share in this special mitzvah. A beautiful certificate is presented to each participating child to cherish forever.

Be One of the Final 10%! — Advertise now in our upcoming 2014/15 - 5775 Events Calendar! Support our great cause - our Family Shul - while promoting your own business in one of Thornhill’s most popular Jewish calendars. Our calendar is displayed in thousands of offices and homes throughout the GTA's largest Jewish neighbourhood. Boost your business, day and night, 24/6! But hurry – our ad space is already 90% sold out!

Family Shul Bulletin • Mazal Tov to Gerald and Chava Milgrom upon the birth and Brit of their new grandson this Shabbat. • Mazal Tov to Mark and Veronica Covant upon the engagement of Mark’s son, Lorne. • Mazal Tov to Yossi and Tami Zimner upon the engagement of their daughter, Liora. • Heartfelt condolences are extended to Leigh Panovka upon the loss of her father in South Africa. Leigh will be observing Shiva in South Africa; condolences may be sent to [email protected]. Kiddush Sponsors: This week’s congregational Kiddush has been kindly sponsored by Gerald and Chava Milgrom in honour of the birth and Brit of their new grandson. The Seudat Shlisheet honours are still available. To be a sponsor, please speak to Rabbi Yossi.

Chabad @ Flamingo | www.chabadflamingo.com | [email protected] 8001 Bathurst Street | Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8L5 | Phone: (905) 763-4040| Fax: (905) 763-3470 Copyright © 2014 Chabad@Flamingo, All rights reserved.