Middle Pacific Coast sedatedwith thecoast in theRegion. An ad. Yellow-billedLoon in breedingplumage flew byBodega Head, Sonoma 19 Sep (LLu, CLu), Pt.st.'i• andajuv. was at EagleL., Lassen8 Oct(Ken- neth P. Able, Lew Oring).The total of 5 LaysanAlbatrosses reported was about aver- age.A Dark-rumpedPetrel nw. of Cordell Bankin Sonoma17 Sep (SNGH, ShJ) was the 4th foundin thatgeneral area. A birdshow- ing characteristicsof Parkinson's Petrel was he. of CordellBank in Sonoma11 Oct (ShJ, 6tear,. •Refuges Valley' iL,TAHOE FortPontBraggi• Are. ' '%,Lake ßSacramen LWC, PP,ASH, ph. DWN). Ihis recordis currentlyunder review by theC.B.R.C. and, if accepted,would represent the first North BodegaB• eSaff•a•Røsa eSacrame,,,• '• Mor• Americanrecord of this species.Based on PtReyes • "• ßSto• •e distribution,this is themost likely Procellar- SanFrancism- •u e Modesto,: ia petrelto occuroff w. NorthAmerica. A S.E.Farallon ls• • • Streaked Shearwater he. of Cordell Bank 17 Sepwas yet anotherSonoma rarity (SNGH, ShJ,ph. RobertZaremba). This speciesre- Mmter•Bayfie mainsquite rare in the Region,but it has Seq• beenrecorded each of thepast four falls, an BigSu• • Tu•reLake NP unprecedentedrun. Evenrarer, a Greater DavidsonSea•ount• ....... •s• Shearwaterwas less than 13 km of[Bodega Head,Sonoma 29 Aug (ph. RSet al.). The onlyManx Shearwater reported was in Mon- Steven A. Glover terey22 Aug(ph. DR,?WGB et al.). Black- anaverage year for vagrants. However, a ventedShearwaters were very scarce, with (DovestoWrentit) ntotalterms of 14ofspecies total numbers,earning boldfacethis wastypebut only 3-4 reported,all fromMonterey Bay. 6526Conestoga Lane wasnothing short of astonishing.Amongst Storm-petrelflocks were concentratedof[ thesewere a possibleNorth American first SantaCruz, with numbersranging from an Dublin,California 94568 (Parkinson'sPetrel), Common Black-Hawk, estimated2600 on 29 Aug to 12,000on 1 (
[email protected])the Region's first DuskyWarbler in seven Oct (ShJ,DR et al.).