1 Jeremi Suri Department of History Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78712 (512) 232-3989
[email protected] http://jeremisuri.net Current Position: Mack Brown Distinguished Chair for Leadership in Global Affairs Professor, Department of History Professor, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs Senior Fellow, Provost’s Teaching Fellows Faculty Fellow, William P. Clements, Jr. Center for National Security Distinguished Scholar, Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law University of Texas at Austin. Previous Employment: E. Gordon Fox Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009 to 2011. Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007-2009. Associate Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005-2007. Assistant Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001-2005. Education: Yale University, Ph.D. in history, 2001. Dissertation: “Convergent Responses to Disorder: Cultural Revolution and Détente among the Great Powers during the 1960s.” Recipient of the John Addison Porter Prize for the best dissertation in the humanities. Recipient of the Hans Gatzke Prize for the best dissertation in international history. Ohio University, M.A. in history, 1996. Completed M.A. thesis with distinction: “Cold War Legitimacy in Crisis: An International History of Détente.” Stanford University, A.B. in history with highest honors and university distinction, 1994. Book Publications: The Impossible Presidency: The Rise and Fall of America’s Highest Office (New York: Basic Books, 2017). See: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jeremi-suri/the-impossible-presidency/9780465051731. Reviewed widely, including: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Washington Times, Dallas Morning News, American Interest, Nation.