Second Regular Session of the Fifty-third Legislature

of the State of

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012

Pursuant to Article V, Section 26, of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma, the Second Regular Session of the House of Representatives for the Fifty-third Legislature assembled in the House Chamber at 12:00 o'clock noon and was called to order by Speaker Steele.

The roll was called with 99 Members present.

Vacancy: District 1, District 71.—2.

The Speaker declared a quorum present.

Speaker Steele requested a moment of silence in memory of former Representative Rusty Farley.

Prayer was offered by Pastor Anthony Rhone, Galilee Baptist Church, Edmond. Pastor Rhone was sponsored by Speaker Steele.

Upon motion of Representative Thomsen, Pastor Rhone was confirmed as House Chaplain for this legislative day.


The following communication was received by the Office of the Speaker from the Office of the Governor and ordered printed in the Journal as follows:

October 21, 2011

The Honorable Governor 212 State Capitol 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. , OK 73105-4897 2 House Journal

Governor Fallin:

Pursuant to the provisions of 26 O.S. § 12-119, I hereby submit this irrevocable letter of resignation from the office of House District 71. Such resignation will not become effective immediately, but rather will become effective on Wednesday, November 30, 2011.


/s/ Daniel S. Sullivan


Representative DeWitt moved that each House Member be given credit for $500.00 of postage each month to be used for official communications, and be authorized to purchase office supplies in the amount of $350.00, to be paid for by the House, and that the Speaker be authorized to purchase from time to time necessary postage, supplies and equipment to conduct the affairs of the House during the Second Regular Session of the Fifty-third Legislature, to which objection was heard.

Representative Reynolds moved to amend the DeWitt motion as follows:

“That each House member be authorized to purchase office supplies in the amount of $350.00 that each member to be allocated an equal credit for the operation of their office that the amount of the credit will be determined by a House Resolution, same to be paid by the House, and that the Speaker be required to bring before the House one or many resolutions for the authorization of all expenses necessary for the operation of the Oklahoma House of Representatives.”

Representative Wright moved to table the Reynolds motion to amend the DeWitt motion, which tabling motion was declared adopted upon roll call as follows:

Aye: Armes, Banz, Billy, Casey, Cockroft, Coody, Cooksey, Cox, Dank, Denney, Derby, DeWitt, Grau, Hall, Hardin, Hickman, Holland, Jackson, Johnson, Jordan, Joyner, Kern, Kirby, Liebmann, Martin (Scott), Martin (Steve), McCullough, McDaniel (Randy), McNiel, Nelson, Ortega, Osborn, Ownbey, Peters, Peterson, Pruett, Quinn, Richardson, Roberts (Dustin), Russ, Sanders, Schwartz, Sears, Shannon, Stiles, Thomsen, Tibbs, Trebilcock, Vaughan, Watson, Wright, Mr. Speaker.--52.

Nay: Bennett, Blackwell, Brown, Brumbaugh, Cannaday, Christian, Condit, Dorman, Enns, Faught, Fourkiller, Glenn, Hilliard, Hoskin, Inman, Kouplen, Lockhart, McAffrey, McDaniel (Jeannie), McPeak, Moore, Morgan, Morrissette, Murphey, Newell, Proctor, Renegar, Reynolds, Ritze, Roan, Roberts (Sean), Rousselot, Scott, Shelton, Sherrer, Shoemake, Shumate, Terrill, Virgin, Walker.--40.

Excused: Hamilton, Key, Mulready, Nollan, Pittman, Wesselhoft, Williams.--7.

Vacancy: District 1, District 71.--2. First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 3

Representative DeWitt pressed adoption of his motion, to which objection was heard.

Representative Wright moved to put the previous question.

Representative Reynolds moved to table the Wright motion to put the previous question, which tabling motion failed of adoption upon roll call as follows:

Aye: Bennett, Blackwell, Brown, Cannaday, Christian, Condit, Dorman, Fourkiller, Glenn, Hamilton, Hilliard, Hoskin, Inman, Kern, Key, Kouplen, Lockhart, McAffrey, McDaniel (Jeannie), McPeak, Moore, Morrissette, Murphey, Pittman, Proctor, Pruett, Renegar, Reynolds, Ritze, Rousselot, Scott, Shelton, Sherrer, Shoemake, Shumate, Terrill, Trebilcock, Virgin, Walker.--39.

Nay: Armes, Banz, Billy, Brumbaugh, Casey, Cockroft, Coody, Cooksey, Cox, Dank, Denney, Derby, DeWitt, Enns, Faught, Grau, Hall, Hardin, Hickman, Holland, Jackson, Johnson, Jordan, Joyner, Kirby, Liebmann, Martin (Scott), Martin (Steve), McCullough, McDaniel (Randy), McNiel, Mulready, Nelson, Newell, Nollan, Ortega, Osborn, Ownbey, Peters, Peterson, Quinn, Richardson, Roan, Roberts (Dustin), Roberts (Sean), Russ, Sanders, Schwartz, Sears, Shannon, Thomsen, Tibbs, Vaughan, Watson, Wesselhoft, Wright, Mr. Speaker.--57.

Excused: Morgan, Stiles, Williams.--3.

Vacancy: District 1, District 71.--2.

Representative Wright pressed his motion, which motion was declared adopted upon roll call as follows:

Aye: Armes, Banz, Billy, Casey, Cockroft, Coody, Cooksey, Cox, Dank, Denney, Derby, DeWitt, Enns, Hall, Hickman, Holland, Johnson, Jordan, Joyner, Kirby, Liebmann, Martin (Scott), Martin (Steve), McCullough, McDaniel (Randy), McNiel, Mulready, Nelson, Nollan, Ortega, Osborn, Ownbey, Peters, Peterson, Pruett, Quinn, Richardson, Roan, Roberts (Dustin), Russ, Sanders, Schwartz, Sears, Shannon, Thomsen, Tibbs, Vaughan, Watson, Wright, Mr. Speaker.--50.

Nay: Bennett, Blackwell, Brown, Brumbaugh, Cannaday, Christian, Condit, Dorman, Faught, Fourkiller, Glenn, Grau, Hamilton, Hardin, Hilliard, Hoskin, Inman, Jackson, Kern, Key, Kouplen, Lockhart, McAffrey, McDaniel (Jeannie), McPeak, Moore, Morgan, Morrissette, Murphey, Newell, Pittman, Proctor, Renegar, Reynolds, Ritze, Roberts (Sean), Rousselot, Scott, Shelton, Sherrer, Shoemake, Shumate, Terrill, Trebilcock, Virgin, Walker, Wesselhoft.--47.

Excused: Stiles, Williams.--2.

Vacancy: District 1, District 71.--2.

4 House Journal

Representative DeWitt pressed adoption of his motion, which motion was declared adopted upon roll call as follows:

Aye: Armes, Banz, Billy, Blackwell, Brown, Brumbaugh, Cannaday, Casey, Cockroft, Condit, Coody, Cooksey, Cox, Dank, Denney, Derby, DeWitt, Enns, Faught, Fourkiller, Glenn, Grau, Hall, Hardin, Hickman, Hilliard, Holland, Jackson, Johnson, Jordan, Joyner, Kern, Key, Kirby, Kouplen, Liebmann, Lockhart, Martin (Scott), Martin (Steve), McCullough, McDaniel (Jeannie), McDaniel (Randy), McNiel, McPeak, Moore, Morgan, Mulready, Murphey, Nelson, Newell, Nollan, Ortega, Osborn, Ownbey, Peters, Peterson, Pittman, Pruett, Quinn, Renegar, Richardson, Roan, Roberts (Dustin), Roberts (Sean), Rousselot, Russ, Sanders, Schwartz, Scott, Sears, Shannon, Shoemake, Shumate, Stiles, Thomsen, Tibbs, Trebilcock, Vaughan, Virgin, Walker, Watson, Wesselhoft, Wright, Mr. Speaker.--84.

Nay: Bennett, Christian, Dorman, Hamilton, Hoskin, Inman, McAffrey, Morrissette, Proctor, Reynolds, Ritze, Shelton, Sherrer, Terrill, Williams.--15.

Vacancy: District 1, District 71.--2.


Speaker Steele announced the House Officers and the membership of the standing committees for the Second Regular Session of the Fifty-third Legislature as follows:

Kris Steele ...... Speaker Jeff Hickman ...... Speaker Pro Tempore Dale DeWitt ...... Majority Floor Leader Harold Wright ...... Deputy Majority Floor Leader Gary Banz ...... Assistant Majority Floor Leader Lisa Billy ...... Assistant Majority Floor Leader George Faught ...... Assistant Majority Floor Leader Mike Jackson ...... Assistant Majority Floor Leader Dennis Johnson ...... Assistant Majority Floor Leader Leslie Osborn ...... Assistant Majority Floor Leader Skye McNiel ...... Majority Whip Dennis Casey ...... Assistant Majority Whip Marian Cooksey ...... Assistant Majority Whip Corey Holland ...... Assistant Majority Whip Fred Jordan ...... Assistant Majority Whip Steve Martin ...... Assistant Majority Whip Randy McDaniel ...... Assistant Majority Whip Mike Sanders ...... Assistant Majority Whip Paul Wesselhoft ...... Assistant Majority Whip Weldon Watson ...... Majority Caucus Chair Harold Wright ...... Majority Caucus Vice Chair Marian Cooksey ...... Majority Caucus Secretary Scott Inman ...... Democrat Minority Leader First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 5

Chuck Hoskin ...... Minority Floor Leader Eric Proctor ...... Deputy Minority Floor Leader Wes Hilliard ...... Assistant Minority Floor Leader Steve Kouplen ...... Assistant Minority Floor Leader Al McAffrey ...... Assistant Minority Floor Leader Jeannie McDaniel ...... Assistant Minority Floor Leader Wade Rousselot ...... Assistant Minority Floor Leader Mike Shelton ...... Assistant Minority Floor Leader Ben Sherrer ...... Minority Whip Cory Williams ...... Assistant Minority Whip Jerry McPeak ...... Minority Caucus Chair Joe Dorman ...... Minority Caucus Vice Chair Donnie Condit ...... Minority Caucus Secretary


The Speaker and Speaker Pro Tempore are ex officio voting members of all standing and special committees.

Administrative Rules and Government Oversight

Faught, Chair Walker, Vice Chair

Banz McCullough Brumbaugh Peterson Fourkiller Reynolds Key Shelton McAffrey Watson

Agriculture, Wildlife and Environment

Richardson, Chair Russ, Vice Chair

Bennett Newell Billy Ortega Casey Osborn Enns Pruett Glenn Renegar Hardin Sanders Jackson Shoemake Kouplen Vaughan Lockhart

6 House Journal

Appropriations and Budget

Sears, Chair Martin (Scott), Vice Chair

Armes Dorman Billy Hoskin Blackwell Liebmann Brown McPeak Cox Nelson Dank Peters Denney Walker DeWitt

Education Subcommittee

Denney, Chair Holland, Vice Chair

Banz Nollan Casey Quinn Coody Shumate Kern Thomsen McDaniel (Jeannie) Williams

General Government and Transportation Subcommittee

Liebmann, Chair Wright, Vice Chair

Faught Murphey Glenn Proctor Johnson Scott Key Shannon McDaniel (Randy) Terrill

Human Services Subcommittee

Nelson, Chair Morrissette, Vice Chair

Hall Renegar McDaniel (Jeannie) Roberts (Dustin) Peters Tibbs Peterson Vaughan Pittman First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 7

Judiciary Subcommittee

Blackwell, Chair McCullough, Vice Chair

Grau Sherrer Jordan Stiles Joyner Trebilcock Morrissette Virgin

Natural Resources and Regulatory Services Subcommittee

Armes, Chair Osborn, Vice Chair

Enns Renegar Kirby Richardson McNiel Shoemake Ortega Walker

Public Health and Social Services Subcommittee

Cox, Chair Cooksey, Vice Chair

Cockroft Mulready Derby Roberts (Sean) Fourkiller Schwartz Hamilton Shelton Moore Wesselhoft

Public Safety Subcommittee

Billy, Chair Ritze, Vice Chair

Bennett Dorman Brumbaugh Hardin Christian Roan Condit Sanders

8 House Journal

Revenue and Taxation Subcommittee

Dank, Chair Ownbey, Vice Chair

Brown Pruett Jackson Reynolds Martin (Steve) Russ Newell Watson Pittman

Common Education

Coody, Chair Shumate, Vice Chair

Blackwell Kern Cannaday McDaniel (Jeannie) Casey Nelson Condit Nollan Cox Ownbey Holland Roberts (Dustin) Jordan Virgin

Economic Development, Tourism and Financial Services

McDaniel (Randy), Chair Ortega, Vice Chair

Armes Morgan Brown Morrissette Denney Mulready Faught Osborn Holland Ownbey Jackson Pittman Key Reynolds McAffrey Russ McNiel Shelton

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 9

Energy and Utility Regulation

Peters, Chair Jackson, Vice Chair

Armes Ortega Brumbaugh Proctor Cooksey Quinn Denney Rousselot Hilliard Russ Inman Sanders Johnson Schwartz Kirby Shannon Kouplen Sherrer Martin (Steve) Trebilcock McNiel Watson McPeak Wesselhoft Morgan

General Government

Johnson, Chair Christian, Vice Chair

Billy Martin (Steve) Condit Roberts (Dustin) Glenn Rousselot Hall Shoemake Joyner Terrill Liebmann Tibbs Martin (Scott)

Government Modernization

Murphey, Chair Hilliard, Vice Chair

Brumbaugh Scott Cockroft Stiles Derby Terrill McCullough Trebilcock Moore Walker Morrissette

10 House Journal

Higher Education and Career Tech

Thomsen, Chair Kouplen, Vice Chair

Casey Pittman Cooksey Reynolds Denney Richardson Hall Shannon Hamilton Terrill Martin (Scott) Virgin Moore Williams Newell Wright

House Ethics

Banz, Chair Shumate, Vice Chair

Casey Pruett Coody Rousselot Morgan Russ

Brumbaugh Hamilton (alternate) (alternate)

Human Services

Peterson, Chair Sanders, Vice Chair

Condit Peters Kern Rousselot McNiel Scott Murphey Sherrer Nelson Wright Nollan

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 11


Key, Chair Kirby, Vice Chair

Christian Ritze Dank Roberts (Sean) Dorman Shelton Morgan Shumate Mulready Vaughan Quinn


Jordan, Chair Schwartz, Vice Chair

Blackwell Osborn Cooksey Sherrer Grau Stiles Inman Tibbs Kirby Virgin McCullough Wesselhoft Morrissette Williams

Long-Term Care and Senior Services

Kern, Chair Pruett, Vice Chair

Billy Dank Blackwell Fourkiller Cannaday Lockhart Christian Newell Coody Ritze

Public Health

Enns, Chair Derby, Vice Chair

Cannaday McDaniel (Jeannie) Cox Nollan Grau Peters Hilliard Ritze Holland Roberts (Sean) McAffrey Schwartz 12 House Journal

Public Safety

Tibbs, Chair Martin (Steve), Vice Chair

Bennett McAffrey Cannaday Ownbey Cockroft Peterson Cox Renegar Hardin Roan Hoskin Thomsen Jordan Vaughan Joyner


DeWitt, Chair Morgan, Vice Chair

Central Oklahoma Subcommittee

Dank, Chair

Inman Newell McDaniel (Randy) Pittman

Eastern Oklahoma Subcommittee

Roan, Chair

Cox Hoskin Faught Quinn

North/Northeast Oklahoma Subcommittee

Peters, Chair

Nollan Shumate Rousselot Trebilcock

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 13

Southern Oklahoma Subcommittee

Armes, Chair

Billy Martin (Scott) Hilliard Virgin

West/Northwest Oklahoma Subcommittee

Hickman, Chair

Casey Roberts (Sean) Jackson Walker


Banz, Chair Watson, Vice Chair

Armes McDaniel (Randy) Dank Mulready Dorman Quinn Glenn Scott Hamilton Trebilcock Johnson Williams Liebmann


Shannon, Chair Joyner, Vice Chair

Brown Martin (Scott) Cockroft McPeak Faught Murphey Grau Proctor Hall Richardson Hardin Roberts (Sean) Kouplen Thomsen Liebmann Wright Lockhart

14 House Journal

Veterans and Military Affairs

Wesselhoft, Chair Moore, Vice Chair

Banz McDaniel (Randy) Bennett Proctor Coody Roan Enns Roberts (Dustin) Hoskin Stiles Inman


Pursuant to the federal mileage allowable, effective January 1, 2012, Representative DeWitt moved adoption of the Report on Mileage Allowance prepared by the Office of the Comptroller and for said Report to be printed in the House Journal, which motion was declared adopted.

Mileage Amount Name Round Trip Due

Don Armes, Faxon and return 223 123.77 Gary Banz, Midwest City and return 0 0 John R. Bennett, Sallisaw and return 328 182.04 Lisa Billy, Lindsay and return 102 56.61 Gus Blackwell, Lavern and return 372 206.46 Mike Brown, Fort Gibson and return 314 174.27 David Brumbaugh, Broken Arrow and return 216 119.88 Ed Cannaday, Porum and return 280 155.40 Dennis Casey, Morrison and return 180 99.90 Mike Christian, Oklahoma City and return 0 0 Josh Cockroft, Tecumseh and return 86 47.73 Donnie Condit, McAlester and return 290 160.95 Ann Coody, Lawton and return 170 94.35 Marian Cooksey, Edmond and return 24 13.32 Doug Cox, Grove and return 446 247.53 David Dank, Oklahoma City and return 0 0 Lee Denney, Cushing and return 134 74.37 David Derby, Owasso and return 252 139.86 Dale DeWitt, Braman and return 234 129.87 Joe Dorman, Rush Springs and return 132 73.26 John T. Enns, Enid and return 200 111.00 George E. Faught, Muskogee and return 294 163.17 William T. Fourkiller, Stilwell and return 412 228.66 Larry Glenn, Miami and return 392 217.56 Randy Grau, Edmond and return 26 14.43 First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 15

Elise Hall, Oklahoma City and return 0 0 Rebecca Hamilton, Oklahoma City and return 17 9.44 Tommy C. Hardin, Madill and return 252 139.86 Jeff Hickman, Fairview and return 214 118.77 Wes Hilliard, Sulphur and return 180 99.90 Corey Holland, Marlow and return 148 82.14 Chuck Hoskin, Vinita and return 354 196.47 Scott Inman, Del City and return 28 15.54 Mike Jackson, Enid and return 204 113.22 Dennis Johnson, Duncan and return 170 94.35 Fred Jordan, Jenks and return 202 112.11 Charlie Joyner, Midwest City and return 14 7.77 Sally Kern, Oklahoma City and return 20 11.10 Charles Key, Oklahoma City and return 22 12.21 Dan Kirby, Tulsa and return 222 123.21 Steve Kouplen, Beggs and return 220 122.10 Guy Liebmann, Oklahoma City and return 30 16.65 James Lockhart, Heavener and return 408 226.44 Scott Martin, Norman and return 54 29.97 Steve Martin, Bartlesville and return 316 175.38 Al McAffrey, Oklahoma City and return 5 2.78 Mark McCullough, Sapulpa and return 198 109.89 Jeannie McDaniel, Tulsa and return 206 114.33 Randy McDaniel, Oklahoma City and return 30 16.65 Skye McNiel, Bristow and return 152 84.36 Jerry McPeak, Warner and return 270 149.85 Lewis Moore, Arcadia and return 36 19.98 Danny Morgan, Prague and return 110 61.05 Richard Morrissette, Oklahoma City and return 20 11.10 Glen Mulready, Tulsa and return 192 106.56 Jason Murphey, Guthrie and return 52 28.86 Jason Nelson, Oklahoma City and return 18 9.99 Tom Newell, Seminole and return 120 66.60 , Sand Springs and return 208 115.44 Charles Ortega, Altus and return 290 160.95 Leslie Osborn, Mustang and return 50 27.75 Pat Ownbey, Ardmore and return 192 106.56 Ron Peters, Tulsa and return 210 116.55 Pam Peterson, Tulsa and return 204 113.22 Anastasia Pittman, Oklahoma City and return 16 8.88 Eric Proctor, Tulsa and return 212 117.66 R. C. Pruett, Antlers and return 300 166.50 Marty L. Quinn, Claremore and return 272 150.96 Brian Renegar, McAlester and return 304 168.72 Mike Reynolds, Oklahoma City and return 34 18.87 Phil Richardson, Minco and return 120 66.60 Mike Ritze, Broken Arrow and return 232 128.76 Paul Roan, Tishomingo and return 242 134.31 16 House Journal

Dustin Roberts, Durant and return 302 167.61 Sean Roberts, Hominy and return 240 133.20 Wade Rousselot, Wagoner and return 314 174.27 , Cordell and return 206 114.33 Mike Sanders, Kingfisher and return 104 57.72 Colby Schwartz, Yukon and return 36 19.98 Seneca Scott, Tulsa and return 224 124.32 Earl Sears, Bartlesville and return 290 160.95 T. W. Shannon, Lawton and return 198 109.89 Mike Shelton, Oklahoma City and return 6 3.33 Ben Sherrer, Chouteau and return 276 153.18 Jerry Shoemake, Morris and return 232 128.76 Jabar Shumate, Tulsa and return 218 120.99 , Shawnee and return 72 39.96 Aaron Stiles, Norman and return 54 29.97 Randy Terrill, Moore and return 28 15.54 Todd Thomsen, Ada and return 185 102.68 Sue Tibbs, Tulsa and return 224 124.32 John Trebilcock, Broken Arrow and return 224 124.32 Steven E. Vaughan, Ponca City and return 224 124.32 , Norman and return 0 0 Purcy Walker, Elk City and return 238 132.09 Weldon Watson, Tulsa and return 214 118.77 Paul Wesselhoft, Moore and return 24 13.32 Cory Williams, Stillwater and return 128 71.04 Harold Wright, Weatherford and return 152 84.36


Representative Thomsen moved that a Chaplain be selected to serve as House Chaplain on a rotating, week-to-week basis, which motion was declared adopted.


The following were introduced and read for the first time:

HB 2186 − By Brown. An Act relating to education financing; requiring State Board of Education to make certain determination by specified date; requiring State Board of Equalization to subtract specified amount from amount certified as available for appropriation; requiring Director of the Office of State Finance to deposit certain funds into Oklahoma National Board Certification Revolving Fund according to specified schedule; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 17

HB 2187 − By Cannaday, Brown, Condit, Hoskin, Inman, Kouplen, Lockhart, McAffrey, McDaniel (Jeannie), McPeak, Morgan, Pittman, Renegar, Roberts (Dustin), Scott, Sherrer and Shoemake. An Act relating to education financing; requiring State Board of Education to make certain determination by specified date; requiring State Board of Equalization to subtract specified amount from amount certified as available for appropriation; requiring Director of the Office of State Finance to deposit certain funds into School District Employees Flexible Benefit Allowance Revolving Fund according to specified schedule; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 26-104, which relates to the funding of flexible benefit allowances for school district employees; deleting appropriation requirement; modifying basis for determining funding; creating the School District Employees Flexible Benefit Allowance Revolving Fund; making funding continuing; requiring transfer of funds; making funds appropriated; stating purpose; requiring expenditures to be on warrants; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2188 − By DeWitt. An Act relating to agriculture; prohibiting the transport of castor beans; providing for penalties; providing for enforcement; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2189 − By DeWitt. An Act relating to agriculture; prohibiting production of castor beans; providing for penalties; providing for enforcement; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2190 − By Trebilcock. An Act relating to sexually violent predators; defining terms; providing for certain notices regarding sexually violent predators; providing immunity for certain persons; establishing court procedures for commitment of sexually violent predators; stating rights of person alleged to be a sexually violent predator; providing for the appointment of counsel; authorizing retainment of experts for examinations; providing access to certain records; authorizing certain persons to demand a jury trial; providing jury trial guidelines; establishing confinement and segregation requirements; directing person be released under certain circumstances; providing procedures for mistrials; establishing commitment procedures for persons previously found incompetent; providing for yearly examination of committed persons; requiring annual review by the court of committed persons; establishing procedures for transitional release; authorizing and establishing procedures for removal from the transitional release program; authorizing person to petition for transitional release upon approval by certain person; establishing procedures for transitional release; establishing procedures for conditional release; providing treatment plan guidelines; establishing procedures for final discharge of committed person; authorizing return of person to confinement under certain circumstances; establishing procedures for persons returned to confinement from conditional release; prohibiting the eligibility of certain person for certain release measures; directing conformity to certain constitutional requirements; establishing guidelines for persons petitioning for release or discharge; providing for reimbursement of costs; requiring certain agency to provide treatment services; requiring notice prior to release of committed persons; providing for the release of certain records; requiring certain records be sealed; establishing process for designating crime as sexually motivated; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

18 House Journal

HB 2191 − By Tibbs. An Act relating to game and fish; prohibiting breeding or failure to prevent breeding of certain animals; listing animals that shall not be bred; exempting certain accredited facilities; prescribing punishment for violation; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2192 − By Murphey. An Act relating to electronic court filings; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 3226, which relates to the Oklahoma Discovery Code; permitting electronic filing for protected material; amending 12A O.S. 2011, Section 15-121, which relates to the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act; exempting court filings from rules promulgated by Secretary of State; requiring use of electronic signature; directing procedures adopted by Supreme Court be followed; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Sections 1114.3 and 1114.3A, which relate to filing traffic citations; allowing electronic filing by district attorney; removing requirement of paper copy when filing electronically; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 9, which relates to marriage license recording; allowing recording by electronic means as approved by the Supreme Court; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Section 24A.29, which relates to the Oklahoma Open Records Act; permitting electronic filing for protected material; and providing an effective date. HB 2193 − By Murphey. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.7a, which relates to transporting and storing firearms; modifying scope of certain firearms prohibition; and providing an effective date. HB 2194 − By Reynolds. An Act relating to legislators; prohibiting compensation, remuneration or reimbursement from certain entities for prescribed period; providing exception; providing for penalties; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2195 − By Reynolds. An Act relating to the militia; amending 44 O.S. 2011, Section 41, which relates to eligibility to serve in the militia; modifying certain eligibility requirements; and providing an effective date. HB 2196 − By Murphey. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Transparency of State Government Processes Act; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2197 − By Murphey. An Act relating to state government; creating the Strategic Cost Reduction and Saving Act; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2198 − By Vaughan. An Act relating to game and fish; amending 29 O.S. 2011, Section 6-303.1, which relates to possession of paddlefish eggs; adding penalty for taking, possessing or transporting certain paddlefish products with certain value; clarifying language; and declaring an emergency. HB 2199 − By Trebilcock. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2890, which relates to an additional homestead exemption; modifying qualifying income amount; and providing an effective date.

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 19

HB 2200 − By Trebilcock. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 858- 515.1, which relates to The Oklahoma Real Estate License Code; modifying definition; and providing an effective date. HB 2201 − By Trebilcock. An Act relating to elections; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 3-101, which relates to when elections are held; modifying the number of certain special elections; and declaring an emergency. HB 2202 − By Cannaday. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 105.6, which relates to adjudication of stream water rights; updating statutory language; making a water rights suit instituted by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board contingent upon certain conditions; listing conditions; prohibiting suits to adjudicate stream water rights if a majority of certain persons object; permitting only one suit for a stream system at one time; limiting a stream water adjudication suit to the stream system only; and declaring an emergency. HB 2203 − By Sears. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; making certain acts unlawful; providing penalties; defining term; providing an exception; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2204 − By McDaniel (Randy). An Act relating to labor; amending 40 O.S. 2011, Sections 2-204, 2-207, 2-503, 2-507, 2-613, 3-102, 3-106, 3-115, 3-309, 4-508 and 5-108, which relate to the Employment Security Act of 1980; modifying registration for employment; providing for alternative method to qualify for benefits; allowing certain notices, determinations, and charges be given by electronic means; providing for penalty for fraudulent claims; providing for levy to collect certain penalties and fees; allowing certain award be made to local office, unit or division of the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission; allowing certain organizations to obtain certain employment information; modifying penalties; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2205 − By Vaughan. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-212, which relates to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; prohibiting purchase of pseudoephedrine products under certain circumstances; and providing an effective date. HB 2206 − By Bennett. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1320, which relates to bail bondsmen; removing limitation on number of bonds written; and providing an effective date. HB 2207 − By Bennett. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-820, which relates to Residential Care Act definitions; modifying definition; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-890.6, which relates to the applicability of the Continuum of Care and Assisted Living Act; specifying certain medical foster homes shall be exempt from Act; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1903, which relates to the applicability of the Nursing Home Care Act; specifying certain medical foster homes shall be exempt from Act; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1962, which relates to the Home Care Act; specifying certain medical foster homes shall be exempt from act; and providing an effective date. 20 House Journal

HB 2208 − By DeWitt. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 277.6, which relates to the board of directors of irrigation districts; modifying requirement for development of a comprehensive plan; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 565, which relates to plans of improvement prepared by master conservancy districts; updating statutory language; requiring plans to be submitted to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board for certain purposes; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 1085.3, which relates to dividing the state into water districts; prohibiting the creation of new water districts under certain circumstances; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 1086.1, which relates to the policy of the state as to use of surplus and excess water; updating and deleting obsolete statutory language; requiring the development of a comprehensive state water plan to focus on certain local and regional planning; listing certain entities; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 1086.2, which relates to certain powers of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board; updating statutory outline; requiring Board to focus on certain local and regional planning in developing a comprehensive state water plan; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 1277, which relates to annual written reports by regional water districts; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 1324.10, which relates to powers of rural water, sewer, gas and solid waste management districts; directing each district to develop a comprehensive plan; requiring plan to be filed with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board and utilized for certain purposes; and providing an effective date. HB 2209 − By Cannaday. An Act relating to agriculture; authorizing county commissioners to offer a bounty for feral swine; requiring proof of killing; requiring affidavit filed with county clerk; setting forth contents of affidavit; directing county clerk present affidavit and proof of killing at scheduled meeting of board of county commissioners; requiring board conduct audit and remit bounty to applicant; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2210 − By Cannaday. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-110, which relates to driver license examinations; authorizing the Department of Public Safety to waive examination requirements for certain driver license applicants; and providing an effective date. HB 2211 − By Peterson. An Act relating to county commissioners; amending 65 O.S. 2011, Section 154, which relates to the City-County Library Act; allowing chairman of the board of county commissioners to designate certain person to serve in place of the chairman; and providing an effective date. HB 2212 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1103, which relates to the Waterworks and Wastewater Works Advisory Council; re-creating the council; and modifying the termination date. HB 2213 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Section 1501, which relates to the State Board of Examiners of Certified Shorthand Reporters; re-creating the Board; and modifying the termination date.

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 21

HB 2214 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 2053, which relates to the State Board of Examiners of Perfusionists; re-creating the Board; and modifying the termination date. HB 2215 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 51-104, which relates to the Public Employees Relations Board; re-creating the Board; and modifying the termination date. HB 2216 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1607, which relates to the Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology; re-creating the Board; and modifying the termination date. HB 2217 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 698.3, which relates to the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; re-creating the Board; and modifying the termination date. HB 2218 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 759, which relates to the Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence; re-creating the Board; and modifying the termination date. HB 2219 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 91, which relates to the State Anatomical Board; re-creating the Board; and modifying the termination date. HB 2220 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Section 18-52, which relates to the Oklahoma Peanut Commission; re-creating the Commission; and modifying the termination date. HB 2221 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Section 18-301, which relates to the Oklahoma Wheat Utilization, Research and Market Development Commission; re-creating the Commission; and modifying the termination date. HB 2222 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 582, which relates to the Board of Examiners in Optometry; re-creating the Board; and modifying the termination date. HB 2223 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 4102, which relates to the State Capitol Preservation Commission; re-creating the Commission; and modifying the termination date. HB 2224 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 130.1, which relates to the Commission on County Government Personnel Education and Training; re-creating the Commission; and modifying the termination date. HB 2225 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 245, which relates to the Oklahoma Climatological Survey; re-creating the Survey; and modifying the termination date. 22 House Journal

HB 2226 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1253, which relates to the State Board of Licensed Social Workers; re-creating the Board; and modifying the termination date. HB 2227 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Section 1150.2, which relates to the Child Death Review Board; re-creating the Board; and modifying the termination date. HB 2228 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 7005, which relates to the Oversight Committee for State Employee Charitable Contributions; re-creating the Committee; and modifying the termination date. HB 2229 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1382, which relates to the Wellness Council; re-creating the Council; and modifying the termination date. HB 2230 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 52 O.S. 2011, Section 420.22, which relates to the Oklahoma Liquefied Petroleum Gas Research, Marketing and Safety Commission; re- creating the Commission; and modifying the termination date. HB 2231 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 161.4, which relates to the Board of Chiropractic Examiners; re-creating the Board; and modifying the termination date. HB 2232 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 53 O.S. 2011, Section 231, which relates to the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame Board; re-creating the Board; and modifying the termination date. HB 2233 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1203, which relates to the State Board of Registration for Foresters; re-creating the Board; and modifying the termination date. HB 2234 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1004, which relates to the Oklahoma State Committee of Plumbing Examiners; re-creating the Committee; and modifying the termination date. HB 2235 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-2516, which relates to the Oklahoma Emergency Response Systems Development Advisory Council; re-creating the Council; and modifying the termination date. HB 2236 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 23-105, which relates to the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority; re-creating the Authority; and modifying the termination date. HB 2237 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; creating the Sunset Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2238 − By Faught. An Act relating to sunset; creating the Sunset Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2239 − By Faught. An Act relating to administrative rules; creating the Administrative Rules Update Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2240 − By Faught. An Act relating to administrative rules; creating the Administrative Rules Update Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2241 − By Faught. An Act relating to statutes and reports; amending 75 O.S. 2011, Section 308, which relates to the Administrative Procedures Act; requiring approval of certain rules; and providing an effective date. HB 2242 − By Denney. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1133, which relates to the registration of commercial vehicles; providing for determination of wrecker weight; and providing an effective date. HB 2243 − By Denney. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-101.20, which relates to the Teacher Due Process Act of 1990; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2244 − By Denney. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-122.3, which relates to alternative placement teaching certification; modifying eligibility criteria for certification; and providing an effective date. HB 2245 − By Reynolds. An Act relating to cities and towns; prohibiting municipalities from enacting certain ordinances; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2246 − By Tibbs. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 150.34, 150.38 and 152.10, which relate to investigative functions of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; modifying employee positions within the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; deleting employment qualifications for certain investigators and interviewers; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 840-5.5, which relates to unclassified service positions; modifying unclassified service positions of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 150.38a, which relates to the employment and duties of child forensic interviewers of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; and providing an effective date. HB 2247 − By Faught. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 3903, which relates to the termination of certain statutory entities; re-creating certain entities; and modifying termination date. HB 2248 − By Shannon. An Act relating to roads, bridges and ferries; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Section 1521, which relates to the Rebuilding Oklahoma Access and Driver Safety Fund; increasing certain apportionment; increasing fund cap; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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HB 2249 − By Shannon. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1104, which relates to motor vehicle collections; modifying percentage of certain apportionments; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2250 − By Shannon. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 14-111, which relates to overweight vehicles; requiring consideration of weighing area levelness; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2251 − By Peterson. An Act relating to children; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-1-105, which relates to definitions; adding definition; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-2-102, which relates to child welfare assessments and investigations; requiring safety analysis after receipt of certain allegations; requiring thorough investigations of drug-endangered-children allegations; and providing an effective date. HB 2252 − By Sherrer. An Act relating to criminal procedure; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 18, which relates to arrest record expungements; modifying qualifications for criminal arrest record expungements; and providing an effective date. HB 2253 − By Sherrer. An Act relating to criminal procedure; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 988.8, which relates to the Oklahoma Community Sentencing Act; authorizing court to enter certain order regarding driving privileges; providing guidelines for entering order; construing provision; providing exceptions; requiring proof of insurance prior to issuance of certain order; directing the Department of Public Safety to make certain designation in driving records under certain circumstances; providing exceptions; requiring certain electronic notification to the Department of Public Safety; directing the Department of Public Safety to promulgate certain rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2254 − By Sherrer. An Act relating to mental health; creating the Local Law Enforcement Mental Health Manpower Act; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 5-207, which relates to protective custody of certain individuals; authorizing officer to relinquish certain person to designated individuals until certain determination is made; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2255 − By Sherrer. An Act relating to motor vehicles; creating the Patriot Guard Funeral Procession Act; making certain acts unlawful; providing an exception; stating penalty provision; providing for codification; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2256 − By Sherrer. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1151.2, which relates to the Roofing Contractor Registration Act; modifying definition; and providing an effective date. HB 2257 − By Sherrer. An Act relating to property; amending 60 O.S. 2011, Section 175.3, which relates to the Oklahoma Trust Act; adding definition for trustee advisor; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2258 − By Sherrer. An Act relating to state government; requiring specified agencies to share information and coordinate investigative and enforcement efforts for certain purpose; authorization for creation of secure database and promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2259 − By Sherrer. An Act relating to workers’ compensation; amending 85 O.S. 2011, Section 311, which relates to employees exempted from application of Workers’ Compensation Code; modifying exempt employee requirement; defining term; and providing an effective date. HB 2260 − By Shannon. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 11-1401.2, which relates to tolls; modifying certain toll evasion notice mailing requirements; and declaring an emergency. HB 2261 − By Shannon. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Oklahoma Revenue and Taxation Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2262 − By Shannon. An Act relating to state government assets; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 901, which relates to the Long Range Capital Planning Commission; modifying requirements related to certain report; providing for findings related to Oklahoma State Government Asset Reduction and Cost Savings Program; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 61.7, which relates to the Oklahoma State Government Asset Reduction and Cost Savings Program; creating the Maintenance of State Buildings Revolving Fund; providing for deposit of certain sale proceeds; prescribing requirements for expenditures; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2263 − By Nelson. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.7, which relates to the Board of Dentistry; increasing number of dental hygienist members on the Board; and providing an effective date. HB 2264 − By Cox. An Act relating to animals; amending 4 O.S. Sections 392, 393, 397 and 399, which relate to using animals for scientific or educational activities; transferring licensing duties from State Board of Health to Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry; providing for transfer of certain records; and providing an effective date. HB 2265 − By Cox. An Act relating to statutes and reports; amending 75 O.S. 2011, Section 309, which relates to the Administrative Procedures Act; restricting the removal of certain actions from the administrative process; providing exceptions; providing for attorney fees and costs to prevailing party; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2266 − By Cox. An Act relating to public health and safety: creating the Public Health Delivery Act; defining certain terms; authorizing registered nurses to use certain protocols when performing duties on behalf of certain entities; requiring State Department of Health to have designated Medical Director responsible for protocols; requiring Department to promulgate certain policies and procedures; permitting medical algorithms to be utilized; permitting registered nurse to dispense and recommend nonprescription medications; 26 House Journal permitting registered nurse to orally submit prescription prescribed by advanced practice registered nurse; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2267 − By Cox. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1527, which relates to tobacco restriction preemption; modifying legislative intent; and providing an effective date. HB 2268 − By Bennett. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 14-103G, which relates to oversize annual permits; providing for annual permit option; limiting load size; setting fee; providing for replacement under certain limited conditions; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2269 − By Bennett. An Act relating to transportation; enacting the Oklahoma Transportation Policy Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2270 − By Cox. An Act relating to poor persons; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 2002, which relates to the Nursing Facilities Quality of Care Fee; providing fee shall not exceed certain amount if federal waiver is approved; authorizing Oklahoma Health Care Authority to seek approval of federal waivers to allow certain assessment rate for certain facilities; providing for certain assessment rate for certain facilities if licensed by certain date; providing for certain assessment rate for certain facilities that fail to receive license by certain date; and providing an effective date. HB 2271 − By Bennett. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Act of 2012; stating legislative intent; directing the Center for Aerospace and Hyperbaric Medicine to allow certain hyperbaric treatments; directing Oklahoma Health Care Authority to seek waivers allowing for certain treatments; specifying veterans shall be highest priority in treatment; directing Authority to notify Legislature in certain circumstance; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2272 − By Cox. An Act relating to counties and county officers; enacting District Road Fund Act; defining term; allowing districts to levy sales tax; limiting amount of tax; providing threshold for special election; limiting purpose of tax; depositing proceeds in certain fund; providing for duration; providing for rate; providing for creation of road tax revolving funds; limiting purpose; defining term; allowing districts to levy road assessment; limiting amount of assessment; providing threshold for special election; limiting purpose of assessment; depositing proceeds in certain fund; providing for duration; providing for rate; providing for creation of road assessment revolving funds; limiting purpose; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2273 − By Cox. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 5006, which relates to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority; authorizing Authority to pay professional expenses of administrator and full-time physicians employed by the Authority; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 5030.5, which relates to a drug prior authorization program; removing authority of Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Board to establish protocols and standards for certain drugs for the treatment and prevention of certain First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 27 diseases without prior authorization; permitting prior authorization of certain medications pending Board review; and providing an effective date. HB 2274 − By Murphey. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2104, which relates to vehicle excise tax; allowing alternative reference material when determining value; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2275 − By Murphey. An Act relating to children; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Section 7503-2.1, which relates to consent for adoption; modifying age of consent for certain adoptions; and providing an effective date. HB 2276 − By Murphey. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Whole Woman’s Health Funding Priorities Act; making legislative findings; establishing legislative intent; defining terms; establishing priority of public funding for family planning services; prohibiting State Department of Health from entering into certain contract; authorizing Attorney General to bring action; providing for availability of certain relief; providing for standing of certain entities to bring action; providing for attorney fees; providing for intervention if constitutionality is challenged; providing that certain appropriations be null and void; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2277 − By Grau. An Act relating to civil procedure; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 2502, which relates to attorney-client privilege; declaring certain disclosure agreements binding; allowing court to order certain documents not waived by disclosure; and providing an effective date. HB 2278 − By Grau. An Act relating to criminal procedure; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 1105.3, which relates to the Pretrial Release Act; updating language; modifying pretrial release conditions to include various monitoring and testing methods; and providing an effective date. HB 2279 − By Glenn. An Act relating to Troops to Teachers; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-122.5, which relates to Troops to Teachers Alternative Placement teaching certificate participants; directing the State Board of Education to establish a Troops to Teachers Alternative Certification Program; stating purpose; defining certain program; modifying alternative certification requirements for persons eligible for the Troops to Teachers program; directing the Board to grant a Troops to Teachers Alternative Certificate to persons meeting certain criteria; listing criteria; specifying eligibility for enrollment in a Troops to Teachers Alternative Certification Program; authorizing the Board to grant licensing and certification exceptions to certain individuals with specific competencies; excluding student teaching and preservice for standard certification; requiring an annual report by teacher education institutions; restricting accreditation of higher education institutions under certain conditions; requiring institutions to provide certain opportunities to certain persons; allowing cooperative arrangements; directing the Board to issue a license to certain persons who meet certain qualifications; exempting program participants from certain portion of competency examination; allowing identification of comparable competency examinations; requiring applicants to have a criminal history record on file; allowing the Board to issue a temporary license; providing for certain incentive stipend and bonus; limiting qualification for the stipend and bonus; providing for mileage and per diem reimbursement for the 28 House Journal

Troops to Teachers director; exempting the director from certain system; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2280 − By Glenn. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 350, which relates to county commissioners; modifying the date for publishing of holidays; and providing an effective date. HB 2281 − By Glenn. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 548, which relates to sheriffs; authorizing sheriffs to designate certain person to perform certain duties; and providing an effective date. HB 2282 − By Glenn. An Act relating to game and fish; amending 29 O.S. 2001, Section 4-110, which relates to fishing licenses; adding an exemption for persons possessing a paddlefish permit; allowing residents and nonresidents to purchase a three-day paddlefish permit without a fishing license; setting fee for the permit; requiring certain portion of the permit fees to be deposited in the Oklahoma Wildlife Land Fund; allowing persons with a fishing license to fish for paddlefish without the permit; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2283 − By Glenn. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-314, which relates to labels on containers of controlled dangerous substances; directing dispensers of controlled dangerous substances to add certain warning on container labels; and providing an effective date. HB 2284 − By Denney. An Act relating to memorial highway designations; designating the Spc. Jordan M. Morris Memorial Highway; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2285 − By Virgin. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-187, which relates to teacher competency examinations; extending dates in which certain teachers may complete certain examinations as a requirement to become certified in certain areas; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2286 − By Virgin. An Act relating to marriage and family; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Sections 121 and 134, which relate to the division of property in divorces and alimony; relocating provisions relating to the division of certain military benefits; and providing an effective date. HB 2287 − By Virgin. An Act relating to notice by publication; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Section 7505-4.1, which relates to adoption without the consent of a parent; establishing due diligence notice requirements; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 105, which relates to petition and summons requirements for dissolution of marriage petitions; establishing due diligence requirements for notice by publication; and providing an effective date. HB 2288 − By Virgin. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1308.3, which relates to state employee eligibility to opt out of health insurance coverage; authorizing employee to opt out of coverage due to future coverage by separate insurer; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2289 − By Grau. An Act relating to private process servers; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 158.1, which relates to the licensing of private process servers; modifying qualifications for private process server licenses; deleting process for issuing county-specific licenses; increasing amount of license fees; modifying identifiers listed on licenses; modifying notice requirements; increasing bond amount; providing procedure for denying initial license applications; authorizing Attorney General to file certain petition; updating language; directing the Administrative Office of the Courts to establish and maintain statewide registry of private process servers; providing for the promulgation of rules; requiring approval of rules by the Supreme Court; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 2004, which relates to the Oklahoma Pleading Code; requiring inclusion of certain information on return of service; and providing an effective date. HB 2290 − By Roberts (Dustin). An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 1250.8, which relates to the adjustment and settlement of certain motor vehicle claims; modifying motor vehicle damage estimate requirements; and providing an effective date. HB 2291 − By Roberts (Dustin). An Act relating to motor vehicles; enacting the Oklahoma Motor Vehicle Inspection Act; requiring mechanical inspection of motor vehicles, motorcycles, trailers, semitrailers, pole trailers, and ancient vehicles; prohibiting the operation of unsafe motor vehicles on streets and highways; requiring certain motor vehicles to bear official inspection sticker; providing for exceptions; requiring annual inspection for modified ancient vehicles; defining term; conferring authority upon the Commissioner of Public Safety and other law enforcement agencies to stop vehicles for inspection; providing notice of unsafe or ill- equipped vehicle; providing requirements and time limitations to comply with notice; establishing number of days for compliance and allowable mileage before repair; regulating and providing for the designation of official inspection stations; providing for inspection of vehicles fueled by alternative fuels; requiring inspection of new and used vehicles prior to sale; conferring authority upon the Commissioner of Public Safety to promulgate rules necessary for administration and enforcement of motor vehicle inspections; requiring certain decals to be part of the inspection; providing exception for out-of-state inspection certificate; providing authority to suspend registration of unsafe vehicles; designating official inspection stations; establishing certain requirements for inspection permits; establishing permit and renewal fees; providing alternative fuel conversion centers to perform motor vehicle inspections; conferring authority upon the Commissioner of Public Safety to supervise, suspend, or revoke inspection station permits; providing notice and hearing for revoked or suspended permits; providing exception for temporary suspensions; designating where funds collected will be remitted and credited; providing uniform official inspection station signs; requiring inspectors to check and test certain equipment; designating and establishing certain requirements and training for official inspectors; conferring authority upon the Commissioner of Public Safety to supervise, suspend, or revoke inspector licenses; providing notice and hearing for revoked or suspended licenses; providing exception for temporary suspensions; providing for emission control equipment; requiring inspection of emission control equipment on certain vehicles; authorizing the implementation of gas cap integrity tests upon violation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards; designating monies collected; providing exceptions to gas cap integrity test; allowing for continuation of emission control requirements; providing for promulgation of rules and regulations for administration and enforcement of the Oklahoma 30 House Journal

Motor Carrier Safety and Hazardous Materials Transportation Act; providing owners an appeals process for rejected vehicles; designating where monies, fees, and revenues are to be remitted; establishing charge for inspections; designating certain funds and deposit of monies collected for inspection stickers; directing inspection stations to keep accurate records of inspection stickers; prescribing violations and penalties; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2292 − By Roberts (Dustin). An Act relating to poor persons; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 230.52; which relates to eligibility requirements for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program; modifying requirement; and providing an effective date. HB 2293 − By Proctor and Derby. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; requiring certain taxpayers to repay amounts received as incentive payments or reductions in tax liability under specified conditions; permanently prohibiting incentives under specified conditions; requiring Oklahoma Tax Commission to promulgate certain rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2294 − By Proctor. An Act relating to foster care; creating the Foster Care Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2295 − By Proctor. An Act relating to turnpikes; amending 61 O.S. 2001, Section 118, which relates to prequalification of bidders; prohibiting transactions with certain companies; prohibiting certain form of payment; defining terms; amending 69 O.S. 2001, Section 304, which relates to transportation; prohibiting transactions with certain companies; prohibiting certain form of payment; defining terms; amending 69 O.S. 2001, Section 1701, which relates to turnpikes; prohibiting transactions with certain companies; prohibiting certain form of payment; defining terms; and providing an effective date. HB 2296 − By Proctor. An Act relating to torts; prohibiting liability for certain owners who allow shelter in office during severe weather; defining terms; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2297 − By Cooksey. An Act relating to insurance; prohibiting the use of credit information in personal insurance; repealing 36 O.S. 2011, Sections 950, 951, 952, 953, 954, 955, 956, 957, 958 and 959, which relate to the Use of Credit Information in Personal Insurance Act; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2298 − By Cooksey and Denney. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1029, which relates to engaging in prostitution; providing presumption for certain persons charged with prostitution crimes; and providing an effective date. HB 2299 − By Peterson. An Act relating to professions and occupations; defining term; requiring certain licensing boards to develop certain course; requiring mental health professionals to complete certain course by certain date; requiring mental health professionals to complete certain training as part of annual continuing education credits beginning on certain date; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2300 − By Peterson. An Act relating to the Department of Human Services; creating the Department of Human Services Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2301 − By Shannon. An Act relating to public safety; creating the Oklahoma Public Safety Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2302 − By Hilliard. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 741, which relates to kidnapping; clarifying scope of kidnapping definition; and providing an effective date. HB 2303 − By Hilliard. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.7, which relates to the Board of Dentistry; modifying board membership; and providing an effective date. HB 2304 − By Hilliard. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 213.2, which relates to the State Auditor and Inspector; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2305 − By Hilliard. An Act relating to consumer credit; amending 14A O.S. 2011, Section 6-303, which relates to fees and deposits collected by the Department of Consumer Credit; modifying apportionment of fees; amending 14A O.S. 2011, Section 6-605, which relates to the Administrator; deleting requirement that salary be paid from funds appropriated by the Legislature; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2306 − By Coody. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3-104, which relates to the powers and duties of the State Board of Education; deleting authority and requirement to review school construction and alteration plans; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3-104.2, which relates to the Comprehensive Local Education Plan; removing certain content from the plan; deleting training requirement for regional accreditation officers; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-117.4, which relates to the school improvement plan; adding certain content to the plan; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.508, which relates to the development and administration of criterion-referenced tests for third through eighth grade; changing manner of recording certain test results on a high school transcript; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2307 − By Faught. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Oklahoma Tax Incentives Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2308 − By Faught. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 161.6 (Section 2, Chapter 230, O.S.L. 2011), which relates to the Oklahoma Chiropractic Practice Act; modifying powers and duties of the Board; providing for temporary license; and providing an effective date.

32 House Journal

HB 2309 − By Faught. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.8, which relates to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying concealed carry notification procedure; modifying penalties; and providing an effective date. HB 2310 − By Grau. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 339, which relates to county commissioners; modifying general powers of the board of county commissioners; and providing an effective date. HB 2311 − By Cooksey. An Act relating to cities and towns; creating the Municipal Government Update Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2312 − By Cooksey. An Act relating to cities and towns; creating the Municipal Government Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2313 − By Cooksey. An Act relating to state government; creating the State Government Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2314 − By Coody. An Act relating to tobacco; amending 37 O.S. 2011, Sections 600.2, 600.3, 600.4, 600.5, 600.6, 600.7, 600.8, 600.10A, 600.11 and 600.13, which relate to the Prevention of Youth Access to Tobacco Act; modifying definition; prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to persons under nineteen years of age beginning on certain date; prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to persons under twenty-one years of age beginning on certain date; conforming references to age; and providing an effective date. HB 2315 − By Coody. An Act relating to public retirement systems; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 17-106, which relates to the Board of Trustees of the Teachers’ Retirement System of Oklahoma; modifying membership; providing for selection of person by certain organization; specifying additional member to be nonvoting; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2316 − By Key. An Act relating to employee injuries; creating Oklahoma Employee Injury Benefit Act; stating legislative intent; defining terms; authorizing the exemption of certain employers from certain requirements; requiring certain notice; requiring the payment of certain fee; directing Administrator of the Workers’ Compensation Court to collect and maintain certain information; directing Administrator to monitor compliance; directing Workers’ Compensation Court to maintain a list of exempt employers; authorizing Administrator to require certain confirmation; authorizing Administrator to designate certain agent; authorizing Administrator to adopt certain rules; authorizing Administrator to prescribe certain forms; specifying information required on forms; authorizing Court to contract with the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission or the Comptroller for certain assistance; directing Commission and Comptroller to cooperate with Court; directing employers to notify employees of certain coverage; directing certain employers to post notices regarding workers’ compensation insurance; authorizing Administrator to adopt certain rules; specifying certain employers shall be required to adopt a written benefit plan; specifying requirements of plan; authorizing certain limitations of plan; requiring compliance of plan with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act; directing certain employers to provide First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 33 certain information to the Administrator; specifying required insurance coverage; requiring certain rating of insurance companies; authorizing the payment for required insurance in installments or lump sum; requiring certain surety bonds; requiring certain rating of insurer; specifying required amount of bonds; requiring the filing of surety; authorizing the use of surety bond for certain payments; specifying requirements for the use of bond; directing Administrator to promulgate certain rules; specifying employer liability shall be exclusive; prohibiting certain employees from claiming negligence against an employer; authorizing certain intentional tort claims; specifying intentional tort requirements; specifying intoxication or illegal controlled substance use shall create certain presumption; specifying certain benefits paid shall offset other award; specifying prohibiting certain claims; prohibiting appeal for enforcement of certain limitations; specifying employer responsibilities; requiring certain employers to comply with Workers’ Compensation Code; specifying manner of resolution for certain disputes; authorizing the establishment of certain mediation or arbitration procedures for certain disputes; specifying requirements; limiting the establishment of certain rules and regulations; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2317 − By Key. An Act relating to workers’ compensation; amending 85 O.S. 2011, Section 352, which relates to penalties for the failure of an employer to secure compensation; modifying penalties; providing Commissioner of Labor discretion to assess and collect penalty proceeds; specifying exception; requiring employers to post notice of coverage; authorizing Commissioner to enter upon certain premises; providing penalties for failure to post notice of workers’ compensation coverage; directing Commissioner to provide for administrative hearing; specifying requirements; authorizing the award of certain proceeds to an individual reporting violations; prohibiting the release of the identity of reporter; specifying certain information shall not be subject to the Oklahoma Open Records Act; directing Commissioner of Labor to approve list of hazardous industries; specifying requirements; and providing an effective date. HB 2318 − By Key. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 309.2, which relates to authority of the Insurance Commissioner to perform certain examinations; modifying frequency of examinations; authorizing Commissioner to adopt certain rules; and providing an effective date. HB 2319 − By McDaniel (Randy). An Act relating to public retirement systems; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Sections 50-109 and 50-110, which relate to the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; modifying employee contribution rate; modifying employer contribution rate; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 312.1, which relates to the apportionment of insurance premium tax revenue; modifying apportionment of revenue to the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2320 − By McDaniel (Randy). An Act relating to public retirement systems; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Sections 49- 106.1 and 49-122, which relate to the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; modifying provisions related to Deferred Retirement Option Plan; prescribing maximum interest rate on certain account balances; modifying employee contribution rate; modifying employer contribution rate; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 312.1, which relates to the apportionment of insurance premium tax revenues; modifying percentage of revenue 34 House Journal apportioned to the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2321 − By McDaniel (Randy). An Act relating to public retirement systems; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 17- 116.2, which relates to the Teachers’ Retirement System of Oklahoma; modifying sick leave crediting provisions; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 913, which relates to the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; modifying sick leave crediting provisions; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2322 − By McDaniel (Randy). An Act relating to public retirement systems; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 909.1 and 913.4, which relate to the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; modifying provisions related to investment of retirement system assets; modifying provisions related to certain actuarial assumption related to cost-of-living adjustment; modifying provisions related to computation of retirement benefits for elected officials; modifying provisions related to computation of early retirement benefits for elected officials; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 922, which relates to reserves; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2323 − By Hardin. An Act relating to memorial highway designations; designating the Trooper William McClendon Memorial Highway; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2324 − By Murphey. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Prioritization of Public Funding in the Purchasing of Family Planning and Counseling Services Act; defining terms; establishing priority of public funding for family planning services; authorizing district attorney or Attorney General to bring certain action; providing for standing of certain entities to bring certain action; providing for attorney fees in certain circumstances; providing for severability; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2325 − By DeWitt. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 14-118, which relates to oversize loads; providing annual permit for certain conservation equipment; and providing an effective date. HB 2326 − By Lockhart. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; creating the Rural Value Added Quality Jobs Act; stating legislative intent; defining terms; creating Incentive Approval Committee; specifying membership and duties of committee; providing for quarterly incentive payments to certain establishments; specifying amount of payments; specifying application procedures; providing eligibility requirements; requiring Oklahoma Department of Commerce determine applicant eligibility; requiring cost benefit analysis; limiting eligibility based on result of analysis; allowing Oklahoma Tax Commission to require additional information; allowing Tax Commission to audit to verify eligibility; providing that agreement exists under certain conditions; allowing municipalities to receive portion of payments under certain circumstances; requiring Tax Commission approval; creating Rural Value Added Quality Jobs Incentive Payment Fund; authorizing Tax Commission to withhold portion of income taxes for deposit into fund; providing for determination of withheld amount; limiting permissible uses of funds; limiting liability of state; requiring filing of claim for payment within certain time period; restating gross payroll requirements; restating limit on amount of payments; allowing eligibility of expansion; providing First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 35 extraordinary adverse business circumstance procedures; providing time limitation for application for additional incentives; requiring Tax Commission to issue certain warrant; providing ineligibility for certain other incentives based on participation; providing exception; allowing certain incentive simultaneously; requiring certain determination letter; requiring Department of Commerce and Tax Commission to promulgate certain rules; prohibiting certain act; providing punishment; requiring Department of Commerce to prepare certain report; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2327 − By Lockhart. An Act relating to public finance; requiring state agencies to prepare contingent budgets; providing for budget exclusive of federal funds; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2328 − By Lockhart. An Act relating to state government; requiring certain applicants sign an affidavit of noncollusion; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2329 − By Lockhart. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; prohibiting convicted arsonist from working or volunteering as a firefighter; defining terms; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2330 − By Moore. An Act relating to state government; authorizing contracts with third-party vendor to conduct employment screenings, background and credit checks; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2331 − By Moore. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-117, which relates to records kept by the Department of Public Safety; reducing amount charged for motor vehicle reports; and providing an effective date. HB 2332 − By Moore. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.6, which relates to the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 1971; modifying conditions related to carrying firearms; and providing an effective date. HB 2333 − By Renegar. An Act relating to waters and water rights; directing the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to negotiate groundwater basin or subbasin contracts or compacts with the federal government or other states; requiring the Board to file update reports by certain dates; defining certain terms; and providing an effective date. HB 2334 − By Renegar. An Act relating to waters and water rights; creating the Regional Water Planning Act; requiring division of the state into regional water planning areas; requiring designation by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board by a certain date; stating factors to be considered for the division; requiring updates; providing for selection of representatives for the initial coordinating body; providing for designation of additional representatives for the regional water planning groups; specifying interest to be represented by the additional members; providing for ex officio members; directing the regional water planning groups to prepare a regional water plan; listing contents of the plans; directing the Board to provide certain guidelines to the regional water planning groups; requiring submission of a regional water plan; listing contents of the regional water plans; directing the Board to adopt certain rules; requiring the Board to provide technical and financial assistance; authorizing the Board to 36 House Journal facilitate resolution of conflicts within regions; requiring regional planning groups to hold public hearings after notice; providing for ongoing public input; directing the regional planning groups to make copies of the plan publicly available; requiring submission of the regional plan to the Board; providing for resolution of conflict between regions; providing for approval of regional water plans by the Board; describing required notice; establishing procedure for amendments to the plan; requiring adoption of the regional plans by a certain date; requiring submission of legislative recommendations; requiring subsequent submissions of the regional plans; providing criteria for financial assistance to political subdivisions for water supply projects; allowing for certain waivers; allowing a political subdivision to contract with a regional water planning group for certain purposes; limiting certain causes of action; limiting liability of regional water planning groups, representatives and certain employees; directing the Attorney General to represent regional water planning groups, representatives and certain employees; providing for resolution of conflicts with conservancy district and master conservancy district management plans; directing the regional water planning groups to examine certain financial needs and make a report to the Board; listing contents of the report; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2335 − By Renegar. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; making certain acts unlawful; providing penalties; defining term; providing an exception; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2336 − By Renegar. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-546.5, which relates to the Oklahoma Prenatal Addiction Act; expanding scope of disposition options; and providing an effective date. HB 2337 − By Renegar. An Act relating to smoke detectors; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 324.11a, which relates to installation of smoke detectors; requiring certain persons to install certain smoke detectors; defining term; and providing an effective date. HB 2338 − By Renegar. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 277, which relates to the Oklahoma Irrigation District Act; clarifying statutory citations; and providing an effective date. HB 2339 − By Key. An Act relating to motor vehicles; creating the Biometric and Social Security Number Religious Exemption Act; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-101, which relates to driver license class requirements and fees; authorizing collection of fee; directing deposit of fee in the Department of Public Safety Computer Imaging System Revolving Fund; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-106, which relates to application for driver licenses; prohibiting the Department of Public Safety from retaining certain information; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-110.3, which relates to the federal REAL ID Act; deleting requirement that certain data be retrieved and deleted from databases; deleting certain definition; stating when certain provision shall become effective; defining terms; directing the Department of Public Safety to include certain statement on application forms for driver licenses and identification cards; providing certain exemptions to persons who sign exemption form; directing the Department of Public Safety to cease collecting, retaining and disclosing biometric data; providing procedures for storing and collecting facial images; prohibiting First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 37 retention of facial images; requiring deletion of facial images and biometric data under certain circumstances; providing exceptions to photograph and fingerprint retention and collection requirements; making certain persons exempt from being issued driver licenses and identification cards that utilize radio frequency identification technology; providing persons and entities immunity from certain liability; providing for codification; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2340 − By McNiel. An Act relating to horse and mule ranching; creating the “Horse and Mule Ranching Act of 2012”; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2341 − By McNiel. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3-104.4, which relates to accreditation standards; changing years during which withdrawal or denial of accreditation for failure to meet certain media program standards is prohibited; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Sections 16-102, 16-111 and 16-114a, which relate to textbook adoption and allocation; directing the State Textbook Committee to suspend pending textbook selections processes; directing the Committee to extend the textbook adoption cycle for certain time period; changing years during which school districts are exempted from certain textbook adoption requirements; changing years during which school districts are allowed to expend the textbook allocation for other purposes; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2342 − By McNiel. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; creating the Oklahoma Victims Rights Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2343 − By McNiel. An Act relating to crime victims; creating the Oklahoma Crime Victims Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2344 − By McNiel. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 10-102, 10-102.1, 10-103, 10-104, 10-106, 10-107, 10-110, 10-111, 10-113, 10-114, 10-116, 10-117 and 10- 118, which relate to accidents and accident reports; clarifying language relating to vehicle accidents; and providing an effective date. HB 2345 − By McNiel. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Venture Capital Formation Tax Incentive Modification Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2346 − By McNiel. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Oklahoma Quick Action Closing Fund Amendments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2347 − By McNiel. An Act relating to environment and natural resources; permitting certain off-site commercial hazardous waste land disposal facilities to dispose of naturally occurring radioactive material; limiting application of provisions; requiring payment of a disposal fee; requiring deposit of fee in certain fund; directing the Environmental Quality Board to promulgate rules; specifying content of rules; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

38 House Journal

HB 2348 − By McNiel. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 105.1, which relates to irrigation and water rights; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2349 − By McNiel. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 1750.1, 1750.2, 1750.2A, 1750.3, 1750.4, 1750.4a, 1750.5, 1750.6, 1750.7, 1750.9, 1750.10 and 1750.11, which relate to the Oklahoma Security Guard and Private Investigator Act; defining term; expanding to include regulation of bouncers; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Sections 3311 and 3311.13, which relate to schools; updating title of act; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 360.19, which relates to state government; updating title of act; and providing an effective date. HB 2350 − By Hilliard. An Act relating to counties and county officers; allowing county commissioners to institute action to collect for road damages; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2351 − By Hilliard. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; creating the Self-Defense Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2352 − By Kouplen. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; providing tax credit for installation of certain surveillance equipment; limiting amount of credit; providing for carryover; prohibiting refund; prohibiting transferability; defining terms; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2353 − By Kouplen. An Act relating to agriculture; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Section 20-7, which relates to the Oklahoma Swine Feeding Operations Act; modifying frequency of educational training requirements for certain employees; requiring licensed managed feeding operation to develop and submit continuing education curricula; and providing an effective date. HB 2354 − By Kouplen. An Act relating to higher education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3218.9, which relates to graduate and professional resident and nonresident tuition and mandatory fees; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2355 − By Kouplen. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; making legislative findings; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 193, which relates to the Ad Valorem Reimbursement Fund; modifying procedures for reimbursement; providing for reimbursement to qualifying manufacturing concern; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2356 − By Kouplen. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1835.2, which relates to property rights; requiring notification of county sheriff prior to retrieving loose animals; and providing an effective date. HB 2357 − By Kouplen. An Act relating to transportation; enacting the Transportation Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 39

HB 2358 − By Kouplen. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 1B, which relates to surface water and groundwater; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2359 − By Kouplen. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 105.1, which relates to irrigation and water rights; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2360 − By Pruett. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 131, which relates to county officers; making elections for county officers nonpartisan; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 215.1, which relates to district attorneys; making elections for district attorneys nonpartisan; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 510, which relates to county sheriffs; making elections for county sheriffs nonpartisan; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Sections 5-105, 8-101, 12-111, 12-113 and 12-114, which relate to candidates for nomination to office, certification and contest of nominees, and vacancies in certain county office; stating certain parameters for filing for office; removing references to county Runoff Primary Elections and Runoff Primary Elections for district attorneys; stating conditions for winning election; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Section 10, which relates to vacancies in state and county offices; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2361 − By Pruett. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 105.19, which relates to surrender of water rights; clarifying statutory language; deleting obsolete language; and providing an effective date. HB 2362 − By Pruett. An Act relating to roads, bridges and ferries; requiring name of cemetery on certain signs; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2363 − By Billy. An Act relating to poor persons; requiring the Department of Human Services to contract to build certain units at certain locations; requiring Department to seek funding through certain sources; requiring Department to ensure that certain existing units comply with certain laws and regulations; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2364 − By Billy and Inman. An Act relating to prisons and reformatories; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 21, which relates to contraband in jails or prisons; providing for the disposal of certain contraband; and providing an effective date. HB 2365 − By Billy. An Act relating to environment and natural resources; amending 27A O.S. 2011, Section 1-3-101, which relates to state agency jurisdictional areas of environmental responsibility; modifying exception to the jurisdictional responsibility of the Department of Environmental Quality over radiation sources; amending 27A O.S. 2011, Section 2-9-104, which relates to radiation management rules; modifying exception to the rules for certain sources of radiation; and providing an effective date.

40 House Journal

HB 2366 − By Billy. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 46.14, 144, 148, 199.11, 396.12c, 475.18, 532, 858-723, 887.13, 888.9, 1370, 1503A, 1619, 1912, 1925.15 and 1941, which relate to architects, landscape architects and interior designers, podiatric physicians, cosmetologists, funeral directors, professional engineers and land surveyors, athletic trainers and apprentices, real estate appraisers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, pawnbrokers, speech-language pathologists and audiologists, professional counselors, marital and family therapists, and licensed behavioral practitioners; modifying and clarifying language; defining terms; modifying qualification for certain examination; requiring satisfaction of certain Board for certain licensure; modifying the prohibition to issue and renew certain licenses and certificates based on criminal conviction; providing certain appeal procedure for denial of certain license; adding definitions; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2367 − By Billy. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 6-101, 6-105, 6- 110 and 6-122, which relate to the issuance and renewal of driver licenses; authorizing waiver of written and driving examination for motorcycle endorsements and driver licenses under certain circumstances; allowing eligible certified driver education instructors to administer the Class D driving skills examination; directing Department of Public Safety to adopt curriculum of courses and training; establishing fees for initial and annual designated examiner certifications; directing deposit of fees into certain revolving fund; authorizing designated examiners to charge fee for driving skills examination; providing for the promulgation of rules; modifying procedures for renewing driver licenses by mail; and providing an effective date. HB 2368 − By DeWitt. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 14-118, which relates to permits; expanding width of certain oversize permit; and providing an effective date. HB 2369 − By Sanders. An Act relating to memorial highway designations; designating the Senator Ralph J. Choate Memorial Highway; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2370 − By Sanders. An Act relating to sex offenders; creating the Oklahoma Sex Offenders Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2371 − By Sanders. An Act relating to public finance; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 310.8, which relates to blanket purchase orders; increasing maximum authorized amount of certain blanket purchase orders; and providing an effective date. HB 2372 − By Sanders. An Act relating to counties and county commissioners; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 333, which relates to county commissioners; modifying duties of certain commissioners; and providing an effective date. HB 2373 − By Sanders. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 349, which relates to county commissioners; authorizing county commissioners to execute certain deeds for certain property; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2374 − By Tibbs. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 4-105, which relates to stolen vehicles; providing certain exemption for vehicles towed by wrecker operators; prohibiting the confiscation or removal of towed vehicles under certain circumstances; and providing an effective date. HB 2375 − By Tibbs. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Sections 2-208 and 2-212, which relate to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; adding products containing pseudoephedrine to Schedule III; deleting pseudoephedrine products from Schedule V; deleting procedures for the sale of products containing pseudoephedrine; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Sections 2-309C and 2-309D, which relate to the Anti-Drug Diversion Act; deleting reporting and monitoring requirements for dispensers and registrants who dispense certain products; and providing an effective date. HB 2376 − By Tibbs. An Act relating to prisons and reformatories; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 332.18, which relates to medical paroles for inmates; clarifying eligibility requirements for medical parole reviews; and providing an effective date. HB 2377 − By Tibbs. An Act relating to corrections; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 991a, which relates to sentencing powers of the court; authorizing use of electronic monitoring of inmates under certain circumstances; authorizing sheriff to contract for electronic monitoring services; providing for the revocation of electronic monitoring order; defining term; providing exemption from certain liability; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 38, which relates to reimbursement rates for incarcerated inmates; providing rate of reimbursement for inmates on electronic supervision; and providing an effective date. HB 2378 − By Tibbs. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 46.14, 144, 148, 199.11, 396.12c, 475.18, 532, 858-723, 887.13, 888.9, 1370, 1503A, 1619, 1912, 1925.15 and 1941, which relate to architects, landscape architects and interior designers, podiatric physicians, cosmetologists, funeral directors, professional engineers and land surveyors, athletic trainers and apprentices, real estate appraisers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, pawnbrokers, speech-language pathologists and audiologists, professional counselors, marital and family therapists, and licensed behavioral practitioners; modifying and clarifying language; defining terms; modifying qualification for certain examination; requiring satisfaction of certain Board for certain licensure; modifying the prohibition to issue and renew certain licenses and certificates based on criminal conviction; providing certain appeal procedure for denial of certain license; adding definitions; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2379 − By Cockroft. An Act relating to public finance; establishing the Oklahoma State Government Open Records One Stop Initiative; imposing duties on the Chief Information Officer; providing for delivery of certain documents; requiring electronic delivery; requiring certain documents be made available to the public; providing for statutory construction; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

42 House Journal

HB 2380 − By Cockroft. An Act relating to children and juvenile code; authorizing juvenile facilities to serve free meals to staff and law enforcement personnel; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2381 − By Cockroft. An Act relating to public health and safety; requiring physician who prescribes certain drug to be physically present when such drug is first provided to patient; providing for penalty; providing for damages; permitting certain individuals to maintain action for damages; providing for attorney fee; permitting certain individuals to maintain action for injunctive relief; providing certain fines for violation of terms of injunction; providing physician who violates certain act to have engaged in unprofessional conduct; requiring anonymity of woman bringing certain action unless consent is given; requiring court to issue orders, direct sealing of record, and exclude individuals from courtroom to safeguard identity; requiring certain individuals to bring action under a pseudonym; preventing certain individual from being subject to certain action; providing for interpretation; providing for severability; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2382 − By Cockroft. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Sections 1203, 1204, 1206, 1210 and 1211, which relate to the Ambulance Service Districts Act; deleting requirement of emergency medical services plan; decreasing percentage needed for petition to create district; removing certain required petition statement; deleting certain duty of board of county commissioners; authorizing county to raise revenue; exempting county from limitation on consumer sales tax; allowing incorporated town or city to raise revenue; exempting incorporated town or city from limitation on consumer sales tax; decreasing percentage needed for petition to annex; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1370, which relates to county sales tax; providing for exception; adding emergency medical services as designated purpose for sales tax; and declaring an emergency. HB 2383 − By Cockroft. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1290.14 and 1290.24, which relate to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; allowing firearm training and qualification course providers to determine course fee; providing immunity from civil liability; and providing an effective date. HB 2384 − By Cockroft. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1277 and 1280.1, which relate to the unlawful carrying of firearms; modifying manner in which handguns may be transported onto elementary and secondary school property; modifying certain penalty provision; and providing an effective date. HB 2385 − By Faught. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1301, which relates to bail bondsmen; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2386 − By Faught. An Act relating to workers’ compensation; amending 85 O.S. 2011, Section 301, which relates to the Workers’ Compensation Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2387 − By Faught. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 219A, which relates to the State Auditor and Inspector; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2388 − By Liebmann, Bennett, Billy, Roberts (Sean) and Vaughan. An Act relating to poor persons; requiring drug testing for applicants for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits; specifying cost of testing shall be paid by applicant; specifying individuals subject to testing requirement; providing that applicants testing positive for controlled substances shall be ineligible for benefits; specifying duration of ineligibility; directing the Department of Human Services to provide notice of drug testing requirements; specifying required contents of notice; authorizing applicants to inform Department of medications applicant utilizes; requiring certain acknowledgment be signed by applicants; specifying drug-testing procedure; providing for additional testing of certain applicants; specifying reapplication procedure for certain applicants; requiring Department to provide list of substance abuse treatment providers; specifying state shall not pay for treatment; allowing applicants to reapply after treatment; specifying requirements; providing that certain benefits shall not be affected by the failure of a parent to pass the drug test; providing for the designation of an individual to receive benefits on behalf of a child; specifying requirements; directing Department to adopt rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2389 − By Liebmann. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 840-5.5, which relates to unclassified service; modifying requirement that certain positions be unclassified; and providing an effective date. HB 2390 − By Liebmann. An Act relating to the Corporation Commission; amending 17 O.S. 2011, Section 353, which relates to the Petroleum Storage Tank Indemnity Fund; allowing reimbursement to certain government storage tanks; removing minimum cost requirement; deleting obsolete language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2391 − By Liebmann. An Act relating to the Corporation Commission; amending 17 O.S. 2011, Section 354, which relates to motor fuel; modifying apportionment of motor fuel assessment; providing for apportionment to the Weigh Station Improvement Revolving Fund; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2392 − By Liebmann. An Act relating to public finance; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 901, which relates to the Long Range Capital Planning Commission; modifying provisions related to membership; modifying provisions related to staffing; modifying duties and responsibilities; removing duties of Oklahoma Department of Commerce; modifying provisions related to the Policy Advisory Committee; and providing an effective date. HB 2393 − By Liebmann. An Act relating to brine recovery; amending 17 O.S. 2011, Sections 502 and 503, which relate to the Oklahoma Brine Development Act; clarifying language; modifying definitions; adding certain definition; clarifying Corporation Commission jurisdiction over certain types of wells; modifying application of the act to certain types of wells; authorizing the Commission to space or pool the brine production associated with certain oil and gas wells; providing process for brine production spacing or pooling applications; requiring 44 House Journal brine production spacing units to conform to certain spacing; providing for application of certain requirements; amending 52 O.S. 2011, Section 87.1, which relates to spacing and pooling of oil and gas; modifying procedures to include spacing and pooling for brine recovery; authorizing certain operators to impose reasonable charges for saltwater disposal and supervision; amending 52 O.S. 2011, Section 112, which relates to applications to amend or modify Commission orders; clarifying language; deleting certain hearing requirement; allowing certain persons to apply for the repeal or modification of a Commission order within certain time period; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2394 − By Liebmann. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 11-1401.2, which relates to toll collection; modifying penalty for toll evasion; and providing an effective date. HB 2395 − By Liebmann. An Act relating to cities and towns; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Municipal Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2396 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to criminal procedure; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Sections 60.4 and 60.11, which relate to the Protection from Domestic Abuse Act; increasing fixed period of final protective orders; authorizing continuous protective orders upon specific findings by the court; modifying protective order statements; providing for the issuance of protective order identification cards; directing the Office of the Attorney General to adopt and promulgate certain rules and procedures; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2397 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to criminal procedure; creating the Victim Protective Order Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2398 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to waters and water rights; prohibiting the Board of Directors of the Grand River Dam Authority from raising rates and charges for raw water for a certain period; stating reason; requiring rates for raw water not to exceed a certain amount; providing for the formation of a special committee to conduct a comprehensive study of the powers and duties of the Grand River Dam Authority relating to water; providing definition; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2399 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to insurance; creating the Oklahoma Rural Access to Care Act; stating legislative intent; defining terms; prohibiting certain acts by health care insurers; providing that insurance providers may continue certain efficiency and cost-control programs; specifying that participation in a health plan is not mandatory for certain institutes; specifying that insurers may establish terms and conditions for participation in certain programs; specifying applicability to various insurance providers; requiring compliance with federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974; specifying that the Oklahoma Rural Access to Care Act shall not apply to certain self-insured businesses; authorizing the creation of certain networks by certain noninsurers; providing that the Oklahoma Rural Access to Care Act shall apply to state and education employees; specifying violations of act; providing for cause of action in the event of certain violations; providing that the Oklahoma Rural Access to Care Act shall be applicable to certain First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 45 contracts arising after certain date; authorizing Insurance Commissioner to enforce provisions of act; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2400 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 698.12, which relates to the Oklahoma Veterinary Practice Act; modifying acts not prohibited; creating the Animal Massage and Acupressure Therapy Act; defining terms; identifying scope of practice; prohibiting certain acts restricted to veterinary medicine; requiring completion of training program for certification; mandating completion of an examination; describing application process for certification; declaring criteria for approved animal massage or acupressure programs; requiring practitioner provide client with information form; setting forth information to be included in information form; directing information form be kept with animal records; requiring display of certification in primary place of practice; mandating certain written records be kept; providing for annual certification renewal; setting forth fees; providing for codification; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2401 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to children; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 109.4, which relates to grandparental visitation rights; directing court to order mediation upon the filing of petition; and providing an effective date. HB 2402 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1171, which relates to unlawful peeping; modifying penalty; and providing an effective date. HB 2403 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Home Bakery Act of 2012; requiring license to operate home food establishment; providing definitions; providing for number of annual licenses and term; providing for inspection by State Department of Health; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for penalties; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2404 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-101.20, which relates to the Teacher Due Process Act of 1990; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2405 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Oklahoma Tax Reduction Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2406 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to firefighters; creating the Firefighter Improvement Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2407 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to firefighters and water; creating the Firefighter Emergency Water Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2408 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 1085.8, which relates to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board annual report; clarifying statutory language; and providing an effective date.

46 House Journal

HB 2409 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to elections; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 2-129, which relates to the compensation of inspectors, judges, clerks, and counters; modifying compensation of certain persons; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2410 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to nepotism; creating the Nepotism Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2411 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to state employee compensation; providing for salary increase for state employees; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2412 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to soldiers and sailors; amending 72 O.S. 2011, Section 48.1, which relates to leaves of absence from employment by certain service members; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2413 − By Rousselot. An Act relating to roads, bridges and ferries; enacting the Memorial Bridge and Highway Designation Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2414 − By Grau. An Act relating to contracts; amending 15 O.S. 2011, Section 765.6, which relates to the Notice of Opportunity to Repair Act; modifying definition; and providing an effective date. HB 2415 − By Pruett. An Act relating to firefighters; creating the Firefighter Training Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2416 − By Enns. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1272, which relates to the unlawful carrying of firearms; modifying scope of prohibited act; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.2, which relates to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying definition of concealed handgun; prohibiting the confiscation of firearms under certain circumstances; providing exceptions; providing remedies for aggrieved persons; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2417 − By Enns. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1277 and 1280.1, which relate to the unlawful carrying of firearms; providing and clarifying manner in which handguns may be transported onto school property; modifying certain penalty provisions; and providing an effective date. HB 2418 − By Enns. An Act relating to motor vehicles; requiring certain handle in vehicles sold by dealers; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2419 − By Enns. An Act relating to property; prohibiting certain liability for owners of storm shelters for time prescribed; defining term; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2420 − By Enns. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1192, which relates to the spread of infectious diseases; expanding scope of certain prohibited act; and providing an effective date. First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 47

HB 2421 − By Enns. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2175, which relates to the establishment of a public umbilical cord blood bank; providing that State Department of Health collaborate with certain organization in the state to establish, operate and maintain public umbilical cord blood bank by certain date; directing State Board of Health to increase birth certificate fee and to deposit such increase in certain revolving fund; directing State Board of Health to remove fee at end of certain period; requiring certain organization in the state to establish program of education for maternity patients by certain date; requiring physicians and hospitals to have certain information available to pregnant patients; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2175.1, which directs the State Commissioner of Health to request certain information regarding the establishment of a public cord blood collection operation; directing Commissioner to request information from certain organization in the state by certain date; directing Commissioner to submit a summary of responses to certain individuals by certain date; creating and designating certain revolving fund; establishing fund as a continuing fund; establishing purpose of fund; providing expenditures from funds to be approved by Director of the Office of State Finance; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2422 − By Enns. An Act relating to school elections; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 13A-103, which relates to election dates; changing election dates for members of the board of education; changing election dates for question of school levy; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 13A- 105, which relates to the declarations of candidacy by certain candidates; modifying dates of filing; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-107A, which relates to membership of boards of education of school districts; providing for the term of office of board members elected after certain date; providing for completion of the term of office for certain board members; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2423 − By Enns. An Act relating to children; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-4-704, which relates to child welfare individualized service plans; directing the Department of Human Services to pay costs of certain evaluations; and providing an effective date. HB 2424 − By Enns. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2425 − By Enns. An Act relating to children; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Children’s Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2426 − By Enns. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1301, which relates to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2427 − By Enns. An Act relating to public finance; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 3103, which relates to the Oklahoma Pension Legislation Actuarial Analysis Act; modifying definition related to cost-of-living adjustment; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

48 House Journal

HB 2428 − By Roan. An Act relating to emergency medical services; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 1210, which relates to the Ambulance Service Districts Act; empowering county to raise revenue for ambulance services; exempting county from consumer sales tax limitation; empowering town or city to raise revenue for ambulance services; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1- 2511, which relates to the Oklahoma Emergency Response Systems Development Act; transferring duties and oversight to the Emergency Medical Services Board; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-2530.9, which relates to the Trauma Care Assistance Revolving Fund; directing how to allocate certain monies; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1370, which relates to county sales tax; providing exemption for consumer sales taxes levied for certain purpose; creating the Oklahoma Emergency Medical Services Act; defining terms; abolishing Division of Emergency Medical Services; transferring duties to Emergency Medical Services Board; abolishing certain duties of the State Commissioner of Health; transferring duties to Board or Administrator; establishing Emergency Medical Services Board; outlining Board membership; describing appointment procedures for Board; providing for removal of Board member; outlining terms for members; setting minimum meeting requirements; providing for annual election of chair and Vice Chair; authorizing travel reimbursement; directing Board appoint an Administrator; authorizing Administrator to hire employees; stating how employees are classified; providing for succession of certain duties and functions; providing for continuation of contracts or agreements based on succession; stating certain orders and rules to remain in effect through succession; providing Board to succeed certain powers, duties and functions; providing for succession of all records; and unexpended balances of fees; transferring employment; providing for retention of earned leave and retirement, longevity and other benefits; providing for continuous service of employees; directing Governor resolve any conflicts during transfer; providing Board succession of property and unexpended appropriations; retaining lawsuit rights following transfer; mandating Board duties; directing Board adopt rules; exempting certain rescue vehicles; permitting municipality to establish an emergency medical or ambulance service; allowing annual tax levy; directing tax levy procedures; prohibiting certain ambulance services in the county; permitting municipality to establish an emergency service communication system; allowing continuation of any previously established emergency medical or ambulance services; empowering municipality to take certain actions; permitting county to establish ambulance service taxing districts; limiting liability of certain medical professionals; prohibiting operation of an ambulance service without a permit; requiring medical director to oversee emergency medical services operations; describing permit application process; providing for terms of permit; providing for permit fees; requiring medic certificate or license; providing for medic certificate; requiring examination; stating application process; providing for expiration and renewal of certificate; outlining application and certification for EMS training programs; requiring certain supervision for training; outlining application and certification for instructors; prohibiting or revoking certification in certain cases; describing application and certification for training officer; barring certification in certain cases; authorizing Board to inspect operation of ambulance services; allowing municipality to license ambulance services; allowing Board to revoke or deny operator’s permit for certain reasons; providing for revocation of medic or instructor certification; allowing temporary restrictions on permits pending a hearing; mandating continuous ambulance services year-round; exempting certain entities from act; prohibiting certain acts; declaring violations of act to be misdemeanors; creating emergency medical services operating fund; requiring deposit of all First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 49 fees to the fund; directing State Treasurer oversee fund; requiring Board to develop statewide data collection system; establishing how information is gathered; providing for confidentiality; limiting liability of certain operators; establishing a Rural Emergency Medical Service Survival Fund; directing Board administer Fund; providing for funding; establishing an Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedic Scholarship Program; providing funding for scholarship; directing Board administer scholarship program; outlining requirements of program; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-2510, which relates to the Division of Emergency Medical Services; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2429 − By Roan. An Act relating to highway and bridge designations; designating the SSGT Chaz Allen Highway; designating the Randy Derrick Memorial Bridge; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2430 − By Roan. An Act relating to damages; amending 23 O.S 2011, Section 61.2, which relates to limitations on damages; exempting certain civil actions; limiting amount for certain noneconomic damages; and providing an effective date. HB 2431 − By Roan. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 150.16, which relates to Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation aircraft; authorizing ownership of additional aircraft; updating language; and providing an effective date. HB 2432 − By Roan. An Act relating to criminal procedure; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 1014, which relates to death penalty procedures; deleting certain death punishment option; and providing an effective date. HB 2433 − By Roan. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1533, which relates to false personation; making certain acts unlawful; providing penalty; updating language; and providing an effective date. HB 2434 − By Roan. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; creating the Crimes and Punishments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2435 − By Roan. An Act relating to public safety; creating the Oklahoma Public Safety Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2436 − By Cockroft. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Emergency Medical Service Survival Act; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-2530.9, which relates to the Trauma Care Assistance Revolving Fund; permitting fund to be used for certain programs; establishing the Rural Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedic Scholarship Program; providing for purpose; providing for administration and funding; providing certain eligibility for program; requiring licensed emergency medical providers to have certain individuals available beginning certain year; establishing the Rural Emergency Medical Service Survival Program; providing for purpose; providing for administration and funding; providing certain eligibility for program; establishing standards for paramedic education programs; requiring State Department of Health to revoke certain program under certain 50 House Journal condition; providing for the promulgation of certain rules; providing for applicability; providing for codification; providing for noncodification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2437 − By Cockroft. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1125, which relates to zone of safety restrictions; modifying certain age limitation; and providing an effective date. HB 2438 − By Cockroft. An Act relating to memorial highway designations; designating the Deputy Mike Roberts and Deputy Tim Lowery Memorial Highway; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2439 − By Cockroft. An Act relating to volunteer firefighters; creating the Volunteer Firefighter Protection Act; defining terms; prohibiting public and private employers from terminating employment of employee who becomes volunteer firefighter; prohibiting employment termination if employee is late or absent due to emergency; permitting reduction in pay for missed time; authorizing employer to request written statement of supervisor verifying absence; requiring volunteer firefighter to give reasonable notice to employer; providing cause of action for violations of act; outlining possible damages and awards; setting statute of limitations for claims; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2440 − By DeWitt. An Act relating to courts; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Sections 92.22 and 92.23, which relate to judges of the district courts; modifying number of district court judges for certain districts; providing for nomination and election; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2441 − By Virgin. An Act relating to marriage and family; creating the Alimony Guidelines Task Force; stating purpose of Task Force; providing for membership; providing for service of members and vacancy; providing for date of appointment; providing for quorum; requiring designation of cochairs by certain persons; providing for convening of certain meeting and scheduling of subsequent meetings; providing for staff; prohibiting compensation; authorizing travel reimbursement; directing Task Force to make certain recommendations; requiring certain publication; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2442 − By DeWitt. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 321, which relates to county commissioner districts; requiring practicable division of districts; requiring resolution providing boundaries and effective date of reapportionment; providing effective date if none is specified; establishing a depository for certain maps and resolutions; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2443 − By DeWitt. An Act relating to higher education; directing the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to make educational resources available in Ponca City; naming the program the University Center at Ponca City; requiring the State Regents to set educational programs and standards; providing for establishment of funds and accounts; requiring physical plant to be provided locally; creating a board of trustees; stating authority of the board; providing for membership; providing for election of officers; authorizing the board to provide and pay the costs of certain employee benefits; authorizing the board to establish accounts with the First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 51

State Treasurer; making accounts revolving funds; providing for investment of funds; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2444 − By Cannaday. An Act relating to memorial highway designations; designating the Joshua D. Sheppard-Young Memorial Highway; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2445 − By Quinn. An Act relating to workers’ compensation; amending 85 O.S. 2011, Sections 375, 379 and 382, which relate to CompSource Oklahoma; requiring CompSource to operate as a member insurer; limiting liability for certain assessments; limiting liability in the event of insolvency of CompSource; modifying powers and duties of Board of Managers of CompSource; specifying reinsurance purchased by CompSource of the Oklahoma Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty Association may be used for payment of certain losses; guaranty provisions in certain losses; and providing an effective date. HB 2446 − By Quinn. An Act relating to labor; amending 40 O.S. 2011, Section 600.4, which relates to renewal of registration by professional employer organizations; providing for late- registration renewal fee; and providing an effective date. HB 2447 − By Quinn. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 1219.3, which relates to discounted fee reimbursement limitations; adding exclusive provider benefit plans to exceptions; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Sections 6054, 6055 and 6057.1, which relate to the Health Care Freedom of Choice Act; adding definition; authorizing certain differences in cost-sharing provisions; specifying certain exception; authorizing insurers to create certain exclusive provider benefit plans; prohibiting certain benefit plans from discriminating within a network; specifying certain treatment decisions may be made by exclusive provider benefit plans; prohibiting the denial of certain emergency treatment by exclusive provider benefit plans; requiring exclusive provider benefit plans to compensate providers for certain treatment; authorizing exclusive provider benefit plans to determine the adequacy of network; authorizing Insurance Commissioner to conduct examinations of exclusive provider benefit plans; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 6532, which relates to Health Insurance High Risk Pool definitions; modifying definition; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Sections 6552 and 6554, which relate to the Hospital and Medical Services Utilization Review Act; modifying definition; specifying certificate shall not be required for certain reviews of exclusive provider benefit plans; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 6571, which relates to health care provider and insurer definitions and determinations; modifying definition; and providing an effective date. HB 2448 − By Quinn. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 1212.1, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227 and 1228, which relate to the Oklahoma Franchise Tax and the Oklahoma Business Activity Tax; repealing 18 O.S. 2011, Section 1142.2, which relates to a credit against certain registration fees; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2370, which relates to a privilege tax; modifying reference to Oklahoma Business Activity Tax; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

52 House Journal

HB 2449 − By Quinn. An Act relating to elections; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 13-102, which relates to municipal elections; modifying information contained in certain resolution; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2450 − By Quinn. An Act relating to hotels and motels; creating the Hotel and Motel Liability Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2451 − By Quinn. An Act relating to transportation; enacting the Oklahoma Roads and Bridges Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2452 − By Key. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 298, which relates to documents recorded by the county clerk; permitting recording of digitized image or electronic copy if submitted electronically; and providing an effective date. HB 2453 − By Key. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 1435.6, which relates to the application examination requirements for insurance producer licenses; modifying requirements; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 1464, which relates to certain insurance broker licensure requirements; restricting licensure to existing licensees; modifying requirements; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Sections 1473 and 1477, which relate to the Managing General Agents Act; updating statutory language and reference; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Sections 1608, 1609 and 1620, which relate to the investment of certain funds by insurers; allowing for investment in general obligation bonds; specifying certain securities shall not be considered acceptable investments; requiring that certificates of deposit be classified as negotiable and transferable; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Sections 1651 and 1654, which relate to insurance company subsidiary requirements; adding definitions; requiring the filing of certain enterprise risk report; providing that failure to file certain report shall be a violation; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Sections 1703 and 1707, which relate to the administration of certain deposits; modifying requirements; authorizing the release and return of certain deposits upon proper request and financial review of insurers; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 3639.1, which relates to the improper cancellation or refusal to renew homeowner insurance policies; adding certain insurance coverage to prohibited cancellations; modifying notification requirement; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 4030.9, which relates to the determination of the maturity date of certain benefits; removing certain annuity contract determinations; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Sections 6206 and 6217, which relate to the Insurance Adjusters Licensing Act; requiring application for license within certain period after applicant passes certain examination; removing certain continuing education requirement; requiring insurance adjusters notify Insurance Commissioner of certain administrative actions or criminal prosecutions taken against adjuster; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 6475.13, which relates to independent external review organization requirements; authorizing Commissioner to promulgate by rule additional minimum qualifications for independent organizations; authorizing Commissioner to rely upon certain accreditation standards to determine compliance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 6608, which relates to service warranty association licensure requirements; requiring annual submission of verification an entity is subject to certain exclusions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2454 − By Key. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 2001, which relates to the Oklahoma Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty Association Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2455 − By Lockhart. An Act relating to cable television services; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 22-107.1, which relates to cable television systems; authorizing a municipality to require a cable operator to carry the signal of certain local commercial television stations; allowing the cable operator to carry the signal of certain additional stations; defining term; and providing an effective date. HB 2456 − By Lockhart. An Act relating to environment and natural resources; amending 27A O.S. 2011, Section 2-6-303, which relates to rules and standards for public water supply systems; directing the Environmental Quality Board to promulgate rules adopting mandatory standards for certain contaminants; specifying standards; and declaring an emergency. HB 2457 − By Key. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 101, which relates to the Oklahoma Insurance Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2458 − By Key. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Sections 1100.1, 1100.2, 1101, 1101.1, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1106.1, 1107, 1109, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1115, 1116 and 1118, which relate to the Unauthorized and Surplus Lines Insurance Act; modifying definitions; specifying the Insurance Commissioner shall not be compelled to join certain agreements or compacts; allowing exception; modifying prohibited insurer actions; modifying domestic surplus lines insurer requirements; modifying service of process requirement; modifying exemption from service of process; modifying attorney fee allowance; modifying capital and surplus requirements; modifying due diligence search requirements; modifying insurer information filing requirements; specifying certain tax filings shall be provided to Commissioner; authorizing Commissioner to enter certain agreements or compacts; modifying failure to file certain payment penalties; specifying certain surplus line coverage contracts shall contain certain notice; allowing insurance producer to receive certain commission; modifying requirements prohibiting placement of coverage in an insolvent insurer; modifying surplus lines broker record keeping requirements; specifying certain information shall be provided to the Commissioner; authorizing Commissioner to enter into certain agreements or compacts; modifying surplus lines tax payment requirements; specifying certain taxes shall be paid through certain licensee and broker; authorizing Commissioner to join certain agreements or compacts; specifying certain liability shall be a civil penalty; authorizing Commissioner to accept service upon certain insurers; modifying reinsurance exemption; and providing an effective date. HB 2459 − By Key. An Act relating to compulsory liability insurance; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 7- 600, which relates to definitions; modifying definition; and providing an effective date. HB 2460 − By Moore. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Healthcare Freedom of Conscience Act; establishing legislative purpose; defining terms; providing certain right of healthcare provider; prohibiting liability of healthcare provider under certain circumstance; 54 House Journal prohibiting discrimination against healthcare provider under certain circumstance; providing certain right of healthcare institution; prohibiting liability of healthcare institution under certain circumstance; prohibiting discrimination against healthcare institution under certain circumstance; prohibiting public official from denying benefit to healthcare institution based on certain circumstance; providing certain right of healthcare payer; prohibiting liability of healthcare payer under certain circumstance; prohibiting discrimination against healthcare payer under certain circumstance; prohibiting public official from denying benefit to healthcare payer based on certain circumstance; authorizing civil action; authorizing certain individuals and entities to commence civil action; providing for damages; providing for attorney fees; permitting court to award injunctive relief; providing for severability; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2461 − By Moore. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 11-103.6a, which relates to the review of adopted curriculum; deleting requirement for the adoption of K-12 Common Core State Standards; and declaring an emergency. HB 2462 − By Moore. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-820, which relates to Residential Care Act definitions; modifying definition; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-890.6, which relates to the applicability of the Continuum of Care and Assisted Living Act; specifying certain medical foster homes shall be exempt from act; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1903, which relates to the applicability of the Nursing Home Care Act; specifying certain medical foster homes shall be exempt from act; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1962, which relates to the Home Care Act; specifying certain medical foster homes shall be exempt from act; and providing an effective date. HB 2463 − By Key. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 900.1, which relates to the Oklahoma Insurance Rating Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2464 − By Peterson. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.5, which relates to the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training; authorizing training on human trafficking issues; and providing an effective date. HB 2465 − By Stiles. An Act relating to courts; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Sections 92.22 and 92.23, which relate to judges of the district courts; modifying number of district court judges for certain districts; providing for nomination and election; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2466 − By Stiles. An Act relating to settlements; creating the Offer of Settlement Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2467 − By Stiles. An Act relating to public finance; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.11.9, which relates to the Oklahoma State Government Business Licensing One-Stop Program; limiting exemptions to individual licensing processes; prohibiting exemptions on agency-by-agency basis; requiring reporting of exemptions; mandating annual renewal of exemptions; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.24.1, which relates to the state portal system for licensing; limiting exemptions to individual licensing processes; prohibiting exemptions on First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 55 agency-by-agency basis; mandating annual renewal of exemptions; and providing an effective date. HB 2468 − By Morrissette. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Sections 2-206, 2- 208 and 2-302, which relate to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; adding certain substance to Schedule II; deleting certain substance from Schedule III; directing registrants to perform certain function; and providing an effective date. HB 2469 − By Morrissette. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Oklahoma Transportation Infrastructure Bank Act; defining terms; creating the Oklahoma Transportation Infrastructure Bank; stating purposes of Bank; directing Bank establish certain accounts; setting up board to govern Bank; providing for board membership; describing appointment of board members; stating terms of membership; outlining powers and limitations of Bank; authorizing sources of capitalization for Bank; directing how certain earnings are credited and invested; directing State Treasurer to establish accounts; allowing Bank to provide loans based on review and approval of the Council on Bond Oversight; setting forth requirements for loans; mandating criteria for board consideration of projects; outlining additional factors board may consider; permitting use of financing agreements; exempting Bank from paying certain taxes; providing for withholding of funds when nonpayment occurs; limiting certain withholding of funds; exempting liability of board and employees; stating notice requirements; directing Bank monies be deposited and invested by State Treasurer; requiring annual report; requiring annual audit by independent certified public accountant; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2470 − By Cox. An Act relating to roads, bridges and ferries; requiring Oklahoma Turnpike Authority to conduct certain feasibility studies related to Will Rogers Turnpike; providing relief from requirement if construction has begun; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2471 − By Cox. An Act relating to technology; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 35.3, which relates to the Information Technology Consolidation and Coordination Act; excluding the Grand River Dam Authority from definition of state agency; and declaring an emergency. HB 2472 − By Cox. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 1212.1, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227 and 1228, which relate to the Oklahoma Franchise Tax and the Oklahoma Business Activity Tax; repealing 18 O.S. 2011, Section 1142.2, which relates to a credit against certain registration fees; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2370, which relates to a privilege tax; modifying reference to Oklahoma Business Activity Tax; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2473 − By Cox. An Act relating to Grand River Dam Authority; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 874.1, which relates to watercraft landing on leased land; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2474 − By Scott. An Act relating to public finance; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Section 5-88, which relates to the Oklahoma Agricultural Linked Deposit Act; modifying provisions related to loan interest rate; and providing an effective date. 56 House Journal

HB 2475 − By Scott. An Act relating to county and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 178.1, which relates to inventory; requiring certain inventory be performed annually; and providing an effective date. HB 2476 − By Scott. An Act relating to cities and towns; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 22-111, which relates to general powers of municipalities; modifying notice requirement; increasing certain fee; and providing an effective date. HB 2477 − By Scott. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; amending 37 O.S. 2011, Section 521, which relates to licenses; allowing holders of brewer licenses to provide samples; limiting total amount of samples; requiring restricted sampling area; limited sampling hours; providing certain application; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2478 − By Scott. An Act relating to mental health; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 5-421, which relates to emergency service patrols; permitting Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services to establish certain emergency dispatch system if requested; and providing an effective date. HB 2479 − By Scott. An Act relating to labor; creating the Oklahoma Employee Classification Act; stating purpose; defining terms; providing for applicability; providing for status of individuals performing service; requiring notice; providing for failure to properly classify; providing for enforcement; directing the Attorney General to prosecute violations; providing for penalties; directing the Department of Labor to adopt certain rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2480 − By Scott. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority; directing certain pay raise; and providing an effective date. HB 2481 − By Scott. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the State Employee Pay Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2482 − By Moore. An Act relating to government; creating the Government Modernization Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2483 − By Grau. An Act relating to marriage and families; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 4, which relates to marriage license requirements; specifying evidence proving validity of existing common law marriage; prohibiting common law marriages; providing that existing common law marriages shall remain valid; providing requirements for certain common law marriages to remain valid; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 134, which relates to the modification of certain alimony payments; modifying common law requirement; amending 85 O.S. 2011, Section 308, which relates to definitions in the Workers’ Compensation Code; modifying definition of surviving spouse; and providing an effective date. HB 2484 − By Grau. An Act relating to criminal procedure; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 991b, which relates to revocation of suspended sentences; modifying time limitation for revocation hearings; and providing an effective date. First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 57

HB 2485 − By Casey. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-135.2, which relates to the Oklahoma Cost Accounting System; deleting obsolete language; limiting State Department of Education changes to certain codes and procedures to no more than once per year; requiring certain notification; setting certain deadlines; providing certain exception; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2486 − By Casey. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1364.2, which relates to special event permits; modifying definition; and providing an effective date. HB 2487 − By Casey. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Farmers Market Homemade Foods Act; requiring license to operate homemade food establishment; defining terms; providing for number of annual licenses and term; providing for inspection by State Department of Health; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for penalties; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2488 − By Casey. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1357, which relates to sales tax exemptions; authorizing sales tax exemptions for sale of certain food items; and providing an effective date. HB 2489 − By Casey. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-106.1, which relates to fees; directing State Board of Health to develop reduced schedule of fees based on certain annual net income; and providing an effective date. HB 2490 − By Casey. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 150.9, which relates to criminal history records; authorizing the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation to provide certain criminal history record updates; and providing an effective date. HB 2491 − By Casey. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1306, which relates to the powers and duties of the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board; modifying insurance plan year start date for education employees; authorizing modification of certain plan; and providing an effective date. HB 2492 − By Cannaday. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 11-103.6, which relates to curriculum standards and high school graduation requirements; requiring certain high school curriculum credit be given for certain college credit earned by a student; directing that credit be given for the correlating subject area; allowing for elective credit; requiring credit to be reported on the transcript; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2493 − By Cannaday. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 11-103.6, which relates to curriculum standards and high school graduation requirements; deleting reference to certain type of diploma; providing for the award of an honors diploma upon completion of certain conditions; providing for the award of a standard diploma under certain conditions; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.523, which relates to mastery of state academic content standards in designated subjects; deleting requirement to demonstrate mastery of 58 House Journal state academic content to graduate with a standard diploma; providing for the award of an honors diploma upon completion of certain conditions; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2494 − By Denney. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.545, which relates to the Oklahoma School Testing Program annual report; updating statutory citations; adding certain data to be used to determine a high school grade; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2495 − By Hardin. An Act relating to game and fish; permitting sale of unclaimed wild game after certain period of time has elapsed; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2496 − By Hardin. An Act relating to oil and gas; directing an operator of a commercial injection or disposal well or land application site to collect an additional fee on deleterious substances from another state; providing for calculation of the additional fee; providing for payment of the additional fee to the Corporation Commission; establish schedule for payment; directing the Commission to distribute the fees to certain entities; allowing the Commission to retain certain amount for administration; directing the Commission to establish reporting and payment procedures; defining terms; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2497 − By Hardin. An Act relating to oil and gas; requiring an applicant for drilling oil or gas wells to provide notice to the board of county commissioners of certain counties; specifying the type of notice; providing for application of law; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2498 − By Hardin. An Act relating to oil and gas; requiring certain underground injection wells or land application sites to be located a certain distance from an occupied residence; determining how the distance is measured; allowing certain agreements between an operator and a residence owner; providing for application of the law; defining term; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2499 − By Grau. An Act relating to counties and county officers; creating the Oklahoma Regional Jail District Act; defining terms; authorizing creation of regional jail districts; providing for the exercise of certain powers; defining boundaries; providing guidelines for regional jail district agreements; establishing powers of regional jail district; providing for regional jail commissions; providing for commission members; stating tenure of commission members and terms of office; describing powers and duties of regional jail commissions; providing for the appointment of regional jail directors; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2500 − By Grau. An Act relating to civil procedure; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 1809, which relates to the Dispute Resolution Act; increasing amount of court costs collected for alternative dispute resolution system; and providing an effective date.

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 59

HB 2501 − By Grau. An Act relating to corporations; amending 18 O.S. 2011, Section 1124, which relates to liability of officers, directors or shareholders; specifying scope of immunity; including certain specific claims; providing certain liability protections be the same for limited liability companies as corporations; amending 18 O.S. 2011, Section 2022, which relates to liability of members or managers; providing certain liability protections be the same for limited liability companies as corporations; disallowing suit prior to judgment and execution on limited liability company; specifying scope of immunity; including certain specific claims; requiring certain issues be tried separately; specifying separate juries; prohibiting discovery prior to judgment and execution on limited liability company; and providing an effective date. HB 2502 − By Watson. An Act relating to Grand River Dam Authority; creating the Grand River Dam Authority Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2503 − By Watson. An Act relating to the Grand River Dam Authority; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 863.2, which relates to the Board of Directors of the Grand River Dam Authority; modifying duty of the Board to approve business expenses; authorizing the Board to delegate certain responsibility to the general manager; and declaring an emergency. HB 2504 − By Watson. An Act relating to the Grand River Dam Authority; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 862, which relates to the powers, rights, and privileges of the district; updating statutory language and citations; authorizing the district to enter into certain agreements which provide for indemnifications; prohibiting agreements that allow for certain liability; requiring certain findings to be included in the minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors; and declaring an emergency. HB 2505 − By Russ. An Act relating to the Corporation Commission; amending 17 O.S. 2011, Section 356, which relates to the Oklahoma Petroleum Storage Tank Release Indemnity Program; adding limitation on reimbursements made from the Petroleum Storage Tank Indemnity Fund after a certain date; deleting certain costs that are not reimbursable from the Fund; and providing an effective date. HB 2506 − By Russ. An Act relating to sex offenders; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Sections 582 and 583, which relate to the Sex Offenders Registration Act; deleting applicable date for registration requirements; and providing an effective date. HB 2507 − By Russ. An Act relating to game and fish; allowing certain nonwildlife activities during hunting seasons; defining term; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2508 − By Russ. An Act relating to poor persons; requiring drug testing for applicants for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits; specifying cost of testing shall be paid by applicant; specifying testing costs shall not be reimbursed; specifying individuals subject to testing requirement; providing exceptions; providing that applicants testing positive for controlled substances shall be ineligible for benefits; specifying duration of ineligibility; directing the Department of Human Services to provide notice of drug testing requirements; 60 House Journal specifying required contents of notice; authorizing applicants to inform Department of medications applicant utilizes; requiring certain acknowledgment be signed by applicants; specifying drug-testing procedure; providing for additional testing of certain applicants; specifying reapplication procedure for certain applicants; requiring Department to provide list of substance abuse treatment providers; specifying state shall not pay for treatment; allowing applicants to reapply after treatment; specifying requirements; providing that certain benefits shall not be affected by the failure of a parent to pass the drug test; providing for the designation of an individual to receive benefits on behalf of a child; specifying requirements; directing Department to adopt rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2509 − By Stiles. An Act relating to unauthorized practices; creating the Unauthorized Practices Act; providing civil cause of action; directing certain damages award; prohibiting practicing without a license; providing punishment for prohibited act; requiring governing body to choose whether to pursue criminal or administrative remedy; allowing governing body to contract with local district attorney; mandating each violation be considered a separate offense; providing for certain damages; requiring restitution for payment of damages; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 143, which relates to the Podiatric Medicine Practice Act; deleting certain unlawful acts; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 199.6, which relates to the Oklahoma Cosmetology Act; deleting certain unlawful acts; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 475.20, which relates to the engineering and land surveying; deleting criminal penalties; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 536.6, which relates to the Registered Electrologist Act; deleting certain prohibited acts; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 567.5, 567.6 and 567.6a, which relate to the Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act; deleting criminal punishment provisions; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 588, which relates to optometry; deleting certain prohibited acts; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 638, which relates to the Oklahoma Osteopathic Medicine Act; deleting prohibited act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 725.3, which relates to healing arts; deleting certain prohibited acts; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1044, which relates to the Oklahoma Inspectors Act; deleting certain penalties; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 1106 and 1115, which relate to the Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operator Certification Act; deleting unlawful act; deleting certain penalty; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1270, which relates to the Social Worker’s Licensing Act; deleting penalties for certain unlawful acts; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1336, which relates to bail bonds; deleting applicability of certain penalties; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1474, which relates to the Polygraph Examiners Act; deleting certain prohibited act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1512, which relates to the Oklahoma Pawnshop Act; deleting penalty for certain act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1634, which relates to the Oklahoma Welding Act; deleting certain penalties; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.8, which relates to the Oklahoma Security Guard and Private Investigator Act; deleting certain prohibited act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1928, which relates to behavior analysts; deleting investigation of certain act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1957, which relates to the Oklahoma Rental-Purchase Act; deleting certain violation and penalties; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 2009, which relates to the Oklahoma Health Spa Act; deleting certain prohibited act; deleting certain penalties; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 2042 and 2044, which relate to the Respiratory Care Practice Act; deleting certain prohibited act; deleting certain penalties; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 2069, which relates to the Oklahoma Licensed Perfusionists Act; deleting certain prohibited acts; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 2307, which relates to the First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 61

Oklahoma Licensed Pedorthists Act; deleting certain prohibited acts and penalties; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 3007, which relates to the Orthotics and Prosthetics Practice Act; deleting certain prohibited acts and penalties; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 15.25, which relates to the Oklahoma Accountancy Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 46.17 and 46.41, which relate to the State Architectural and Registered Interior Designers Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 61.6, which relates to barbers; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 159.5, which relates to the Podiatric Medicine Practice Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 161.14, which relates to the Oklahoma Chiropractic Practice Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.49, which relates to the State Dental Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 353.17A, which relates to the Oklahoma Pharmacy Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 396.12d and 396.24, which relate to the Funeral Services Licensing Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 491 and 495b, which relate to the Oklahoma Allopathic Medical and Surgical Licensure and Supervision Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 519.10, which relates to the Physician Assistant Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 533, which relates to the Oklahoma Athletic Trainers Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 536.11, which relates to the Registered Eletrologist Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 540.12, which relates to the Therapeutic Recreation Practice Act; 59 O.S. 2011, Section 567.9, which relates to the Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 597, which relates to optometry; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 698.18 and 698.26, which relate to the Oklahoma Veterinary Practice Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 731.3 and 731.4, which relate to healing arts; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 858-401, which relates to The Oklahoma Real Estate License Code; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 858-632, which relates to the Home Inspection Licensing Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 858-704, which relates to the Oklahoma Certified Real Estate Appraisers Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 887.16, which relates to the Physical Therapy Practice Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 946, which relates to sales of optical goods and devices; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 989, which relates to the Oklahoma Public Auction Law; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1019, which relates to The Plumbing License Law of 1955; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1150.12, which relates to the Oklahoma Sanitarian and Environmental Specialist Registration Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1151.3, which relates to the Roofing Contractor Registration Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1220, which relates to foresters; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1374, which relates to the Psychologists Licensing Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1457, which relates to the Polygraph Examiners Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1503, which relates to the Oklahoma Pawnshop Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 1523 and 1529, which relate to the Precious Metal and Gem Dealer Licensing Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1621, which relates to the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Licensing Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1640, which relates to the Oklahoma Welding Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1690, which relates to the Electrical License Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1736, which relates to the Licensed Dietitian Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 1750.2A, 1750.4 and 1750.4a, which relate to the Oklahoma Security Guard and Private Investigator Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 1800.6 and 1800.16, which relate to the Alarm and Locksmith Industry Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 1850.7 and 1850.11, which relate to the Mechanical Licensing Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1911, which relates to the Licensed Professional Counselors Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 1925.10 and 1925.16, which relate to the Marital and Family Therapist Licensure Act; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1940, which relates to the Licensed Behavioral Practitioner Act; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. 62 House Journal

HB 2510 − By Coody. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; prohibiting certain acts related to organization sales tax exemptions; providing punishment options; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2511 − By Coody. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.508C, which relates to the Reading Sufficiency Act; deleting certain limitation on approved screening instruments; and declaring an emergency. HB 2512 − By Coody. An Act relating to public finance; requiring Legislature to present legislation allocating funds to the State Board of Education each year; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2513 − By Coody. An Act relating to the State Board of Education; requiring expenditure of funds for financial support of public schools; requiring expenditure of funds for certain scholarships; requiring expenditure of funds for certain program expansion; requiring expenditure of funds for Alternative and High Challenge Education; stating purpose; requiring transfer of funds for certain purposes; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2514 − By Kern. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1277 and 1280.1, which relate to the unlawful carrying of firearms; modifying manner in which handguns may be transported onto private school property; and providing an effective date. HB 2515 − By Kern. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-738.3, which requires the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision to publish certain print and online information; requiring that Board website use search capabilities to ensure certain information is accessible; requiring that website ensure that certain information is printable; requiring that website include instruction on how to receive certain information in printed form; requiring that website be accessible to public without requiring registration; and providing an effective date. HB 2516 − By Kern. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Sections 1210.508C, 1210.508D and 1210.508E, which relate to the Reading Sufficiency Act; adding kindergarten students to assessment requirement; deleting authorization for a medical evaluation referral by school districts; modifying specification for certain assessment; adding certain kindergarten student information to certain reading report; allowing reimbursement for intervention; modifying specification for certain professional development requirements; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2517 − By Kern. An Act relating to higher education; creating the Higher Education Outcomes-Based Funding Task Force; directing the Task Force to study certain issues and make recommendations; specifying certain issues; establishing membership; providing for cochairs, meetings, service, quorum, vacancies and staff support; directing state agencies to provide support and information; allowing for travel reimbursement; allowing the Task Force to seek certain assistance for certain purpose; requiring the Task Force to submit certain reports; providing for noncodification; and declaring an emergency.

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HB 2518 − By Kern. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 748, which relates to human trafficking; modifying certain definition; prohibiting use of certain defense; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1029, which relates to engaging in prostitution; providing presumption for certain persons charged with prostitution crimes; and providing an effective date. HB 2519 − By Nelson. An Act relating to child pornography; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1024.1, which relates to child pornography definitions; modifying certain definitions; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 151.1, which relates to the Internet Crimes Against Children unit of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; authorizing Director of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation to enter into certain local cooperative agreements; providing for the appointment of reserve agents; establishing powers and duties of reserve agents; providing for the renewal, suspension and revocation of agreements; and providing an effective date. HB 2520 − By Murphey. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Government Reorganization Act; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2521 − By Kern. An Act relating to torts; amending 76 O.S. 2011, Section 32, which relates to the Volunteer Professional Services Immunity Act; defining certain term; expanding the use of certain definitions; and providing an effective date. HB 2522 − By Martin (Steve). An Act relating to firearms; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1272, 1272.1, 1272.2, 1273, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1280.1, 1283 and 1287, which relate to the carrying, use and possession of firearms; modifying description of handgun licenses; clarifying manner in which firearms may be carried by handgun licensees; deleting certain statutory references; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1289.7, 1289.9, 1289.10, 1289.11, 1289.12, 1289.13, 1289.13A, 1289.16 and 1289.23, which relate to the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 1971; modifying description of handgun licenses; clarifying manner in which firearms may be carried by handgun licensees; deleting certain statutory references; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1290.2, 1290.3, 1290.4, 1290.5, 1290.6, 1290.7, 1290.8, 1290.9, 1290.11, 1290.12, 1290.13, 1290.14, 1290.15, 1290.17, 1290.18, 1290.19, 1290.20, 1290.21, 1290.23, 1290.24, 1290.25 and 1290.26, which relate to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying and deleting certain statutory references; defining term; modifying certain definition; modifying description of handgun licenses; clarifying manner in which firearms may be carried by handgun licensees; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1364, which relates to discharging firearms; modifying description of handgun license; deleting certain statutory reference; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-110, which relates to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; modifying manner in which weapons may be carried by attorneys of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control; amending 63 O.S. 2001, Section 4210.3, which relates to the Oklahoma Boating Safety Regulation Act; modifying scope of certain prohibited act; and providing an effective date. HB 2523 − By Martin (Steve). An Act relating to game and fish; amending 29 O.S. 2011, Section 4-110, which relates to fishing licenses; creating a one-day nonresident fishing license; establishing fee for the license; providing for deposit of certain portion of fee in certain funds; and declaring an emergency. 64 House Journal

HB 2524 − By Martin (Steve). An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 858- 351, 858-353, 858-356, 858-359, 858-360, 858-362 and 858-363, which relate to the Oklahoma Real Estate License Code; modifying definitions; modifying duties and responsibilities of broker; modifying broker service agreements; providing for written disclosure for certain agreements; requiring certain confirmation be in writing; providing for compensation of services; allowing cooperation of brokers; prohibiting certain agreements; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 858-352, 858-354, 858-355 and 858-357, which relate to the Oklahoma Real Estate License Code; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2525 − By Martin (Steve). An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 7-600.2, which relates to online verification of compulsory insurance compliance; authorizing certain traffic stops; and providing an effective date. HB 2526 − By Brown. An Act relating to torts; amending 76 O.S. 2011, Section 10.1, which relates to limitation on landowner liability; modifying definitions; and providing an effective date. HB 2527 − By Brown. An Act relating to Corporation Commission; amending 17 O.S. 2011, Section 353, which relates to the Petroleum Storage Tank Indemnity Fund; deleting certain exception to prohibition to transfer funds from the Petroleum Storage Tank Indemnity Fund; deleting authorization for the Administrator of the Corporation Commission to transfer funds; prohibiting authorization by the Legislature to transfer funds; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2528 − By Brown. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Buy America First Act of 2012; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1367.1, which relates to vendor discounts for sales tax; modifying provisions related to vendor discounts; removing maximum amount retained by vendors; requiring Oklahoma Department of Commerce to develop system for identification of certain inventory; providing certain exception; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1353, which relates to apportionment of sales tax revenues; providing for apportionment of certain incremental sales tax revenue to the Buy America First Revolving Fund; creating Buy America First Revolving Fund; providing for apportionment of monies to fund; providing for expenditures by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce; providing for development of program to assist certain small business entities; providing for codification; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2529 − By Brown. An Act relating to insurance; creating Nick’s Law; providing short title; requiring certain coverage; requiring equal coverage in certain circumstances; specifying certain requirement; stating certain right; requiring certain diagnosis; providing certain restrictions; providing exceptions; prohibiting certain acts; clarifying applicability of act; defining terms; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2530 − By Brown. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Oklahoma Clean Energy Finance Program Act; defining terms; creating Oklahoma Clean Energy Finance Program; providing for oversight by certain Energy Office; imposing duties on Energy Office or program First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 65 administrator; creating Clean Energy Program Fund; creating accounts; providing for deposit of monies in fund; prescribing requirements for interest; prohibiting transfer of certain monies; providing for payments; providing for payments to lenders; providing for payments based upon uncollectable loan amounts; providing for transfer of monies by State Treasurer; requiring information to be provided to Treasurer; authorizing certain investment; providing for implementation of program; specifying requirements for administration; prescribing loan application procedures; providing for certain borrower classifications; prescribing method for computation of interest rates; requiring annual report; prescribing content of report; providing for reporting to certain committees of the Legislature; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2531 − By Stiles. An Act relating to cities and towns; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 13-109, which relates to municipal charters; providing exception; declaring certain charter provisions void; requiring municipalities comply with certain state law; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 15- 103, which relates to municipal initiatives and referendums; providing exception; modifying signature requirements for certain petitions; defining term; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Sections 43-101 and 43-104, which relate to municipal buildings and zoning; limiting regulations and restrictions; requiring notice to include certain information; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2532 − By Cannaday. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-111, which relates to the school day and rules for online courses; adding a provision to be addressed in rules adopted by the State Board of Education; prohibiting a school district from entering into certain contracts with online course providers; specifying contract restriction; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2533 − By Pruett. An Act relating to game and fish; prohibiting persons from capturing nuisance wildlife for commercial purposes without a nuisance wildlife control operator permit; requiring completion of the nuisance wildlife control operator certification examination; exempting certain persons from permit requirements; setting the fee for the permit; providing a penalty for violations; authorizing revocation of permit for violations; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2534 − By Stiles. An Act relating to forcible entry and detainer; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Sections 1148.4, 1148.5, 1148.5A, 1148.6, 1148.10, 1148.10A and 1148.14, which relate to forcible entry and detainer actions; requiring defendant to file written answer within certain time; requiring defendant to deliver answer to plaintiff; directing court clerk to set trial date within certain time frame; mandating judgment and execution for plaintiff if defendant fails to answer; modifying procedure and requirements for service of process; stating service is effective at time of posting; providing for entry and detainer action in certain cases; deleting affidavit option; removing provision that defendant is not required to answer prior to trial; providing for writ of restitution instead of writ of execution; exempting certain additional postjudgment court costs; modifying notice requirement to include service by private process servers; modifying time limits; making assignment to small claims docket permissive; deleting mandate on court clerks to assist plaintiffs in certain cases; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 1751, which relates to the Small Claims Procedure Act; exempting limitation of attorney fees for uncontested forcible entry and detainer cases; amending 41 66 House Journal

O.S. 2011, Sections 111, 115, 121, 122, 130, 131, 132 and 133, which relate to the Oklahoma Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; clarifying date requirements; mandating recovery if tenant remains in possession of the premises after notice; deleting certified mailing requirement; modifying mailing requirements for certain written statements; permitting mailing to last known-address of tenant; clarifying dates; requiring tenant be in full compliance to assert certain rights; extending applicability to guest of tenant; deleting certified mailing requirement; limiting landlord responsibility to store or maintain certain items; permitting delivery of written demand for payment notice; clarifying dates; mandating actual and statutory damages for landlord; allowing termination after certain notice to vacate; permitting recovery of actual and statutory damages; allowing lien for security and storing property; modifying definition; repealing 12 O.S. Sections 1148.15 and 1148.16, which relate to forcible entry and detainer affidavit and summons; and providing an effective date. HB 2535 − By McCullough. An Act relating to property; creating the Oklahoma Uniform Statutory Rule Against Perpetuities Act; providing short title; providing a statutory rule against perpetuities; providing time of creation of nonvested property interest or power of appointment; providing for reformation of certain dispositions; providing exclusions from the statutory rule against perpetuities; providing for prospective application; exempting certain trusts; amending 60 O.S. 2011, Section 172, which relates to duration of express trusts; modifying duration; repealing 60 O.S. 2011, Section 175.47, which relates to suspension of power of alienation; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2536 − By McCullough. An Act relating to environment and natural resources; creating the Oklahoma Beverage Container Recycling Act; stating findings; providing definitions; providing for registration by deposit beverage distributors; providing for a container recovery fee; requiring payment of a deposit on deposit beverage containers; stating deposit fee; providing for refund value; establishing the Deposit Beverage Container Fund; stating source of monies; providing for expenditures; providing for administration of the Deposit Beverage Container Program; providing for audits; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for certification of redemption centers; establishing criteria for redemption centers; providing criteria for reverse vending machines; allowing refusal of certain beverage containers; providing for certification of processors; stating criteria for certification; stating certain duties of a processor; requiring the Oklahoma Tax Commission to pay a handling fee for redeemed deposit beverage containers; providing for payment of an administrative fee; requiring certain reports; requiring records be made available; providing for an advisory committee; providing penalties for violations; limiting obligation; making certain acts unlawful; providing for payment of certain fines; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2537 − By McCullough. An Act relating to firearms; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1272, 1277 and 1280.1, which relate to unlawful carry of firearms; making certain acts unlawful; providing exception; clarifying certain exception; clarifying elements of certain prohibited act; modifying manner in which handguns may be carried into or upon public property, elementary or secondary school property; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1290.2, 1290.8, 1290.11, 1290.22 and 1290.26, which relate to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying definition of concealed handgun; modifying punishment for certain prohibited act; modifying temporary preclusion conditions for handgun licenses; authorizing private First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 67 property owners to prohibit certain conduct; requiring private property owners to post certain signs; making certain conduct subject to removal from property; providing for the issuance of citations; modifying manner in which a firearm may be carried; and providing an effective date. HB 2538 − By McCullough. An Act relating to children; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-1-102, which relates to legislative intent in the Oklahoma Children’s Code; modifying presumption; specifying that termination of parental rights shall be tried before a judge without a jury; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-4-902, which relates to grounds for termination of parental rights; adding additional ground for termination of parental rights; repealing 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-4-502, which relates to jury trial for termination of parental rights; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2539 − By McCullough. An Act relating to poor persons; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 230.50, which relates to the Statewide Temporary Assistance Responsibility System (STARS); clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2540 − By McCullough. An Act relating to marriage and family; amending 28 O.S. 2011, Section 31, which relates to court clerk fees; modifying requirements for certain marriage applications and licenses; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Sections 5, 5.1 and 6, which relate to marriage; requiring two hours of premarital counseling prior to any marriage; requiring certificate of premarital counseling completion; providing for fee reduction for completion of eight hours of premarital counseling; requiring certain counseling certificate; providing contents and attachments of marriage licenses; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 107.2, which relates to court authority to require certain educational programs; making certain educational programs mandatory; and providing an effective date. HB 2541 − By McCullough. An Act relating to the State Auditor and Inspector; requiring performance audit of certain programs; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2542 − By McCullough. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 565.1, 566, 572, 573, 578.1, 579 and 579.1, which relate to the Oklahoma Motor Vehicle Commission; expanding duties to include licensing and regulation of powersports vehicle dealers; modifying definitions; defining terms; updating language to include powersports vehicle dealers; defining terms; providing for reimbursement upon termination; requiring reimbursement within certain period; providing inventory procedures; providing reimbursement for cost of storage; allowing immediate possession; providing liability for nonpayment; providing exemptions from reimbursement; prohibiting required arbitration; prohibiting certain requirements of dealer; prohibiting certain discrimination; requiring reimbursement for cost of recall; prohibiting certain financing practices; requiring notice of denial; providing denial protest procedures; prohibiting certain practices; requiring reasonable delivery time; providing exceptions; requiring notice of termination; providing termination procedures; defining term; requiring certain notice; requiring inclusion of certain statement; providing grounds for termination; allowing for protest and hearing; requiring establishment of franchise upon termination; requiring mediation; providing detailed specifications for mediation; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 68 House Journal

1102, which relates to registration; modifying definitions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2543 − By Nollan. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 10-105, which relates to compulsory school attendance; requiring certain affidavit by certain persons by certain date; and providing an effective date. HB 2544 − By Nollan. An Act relating to schools; creating the ACE/ACT Task Force on Preparing Students for College; stating duties; providing for membership, appointment, designation of officers, quorum, staff support, and travel reimbursement; requiring report of findings and recommendations by certain deadline; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2545 − By Nollan. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.523, which relates to mastery of state academic content standards; delaying requirement for students to demonstrate mastery of state academic content standards; changing certain reporting date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2546 − By Nollan. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Sections 2-208 and 2-212, which relate to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; adding products containing pseudoephedrine to Schedule III; deleting pseudoephedrine products from Schedule V; deleting procedures for the sale of products containing pseudoephedrine; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Sections 2-309C and 2-309D, which relate to the Anti-Drug Diversion Act; deleting reporting and monitoring requirements for dispensers and registrants who dispense certain products; and providing an effective date. HB 2547 − By Nollan. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-111, which relates to the issuance of driver licenses and identification cards; providing restrictions on issuing both a driver license and identification card; and providing an effective date. HB 2548 − By Nollan. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 1630, which relates to assessment on property within a drainage district; updating statutory language; adding methods for the valuation of property; authorizing the county commissioners to select the valuation method; modifying exemption for certain properties; authorizing certain county commissioners to reevaluate and modify the physical boundaries of drainage districts; providing limitation for boundaries; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2549 − By McCullough. An Act relating to state government; enacting the Legal Services Reform Act; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 18c, which relates to employment of attorneys; prohibiting entities from hiring private attorneys unless certain procedures are met; removing excepted agencies; allowing entities to employ general counsels and attorneys as provided by statute; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 20i, which relates to legal representation for agency or official; allowing Attorney General to use good cause to determine when private attorneys shall be retained; requiring certain statement from retained outside counsel at conclusion of legal proceeding; providing maximum amount of fees and expenses to be incurred; providing for reduction in fee; providing that act does not expand authority of state agency First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 69 or state officer; providing for discretion in the request for proposal process; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.3A, which relates to The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; providing for exemption; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2550 − By McCullough. An Act relating to firearms; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1272, 1272.1, 1272.2, 1273, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1280.1, 1283 and 1287, which relate to the carrying, use and possession of firearms; modifying description of handgun licenses; modifying manner in which firearms may be carried by handgun licensees; deleting certain statutory references; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1289.7, 1289.9, 1289.10, 1289.11, 1289.12, 1289.13, 1289.13A, 1289.16 and 1289.23, which relate to the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 1971; modifying description of handgun licenses; clarifying manner in which firearms may be carried by handgun licensees; deleting certain statutory references; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1290.2, 1290.3, 1290.4, 1290.5, 1290.6, 1290.7, 1290.8, 1290.9, 1290.11, 1290.12, 1290.13, 1290.14, 1290.15, 1290.17, 1290.18, 1290.19, 1290.20, 1290.21, 1290.23, 1290.24, 1290.25 and 1290.26, which relate to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying and deleting certain statutory references; defining term; modifying certain definition; modifying description of handgun licenses; clarifying manner in which firearms may be carried by handgun licensees; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1364, which relates to discharging firearms; modifying description of handgun license; deleting certain statutory reference; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-110, which relates to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; modifying manner in which weapons may be carried by attorneys of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control; amending 63 O.S. 2001, Section 4210.3, which relates to the Oklahoma Boating Safety Regulation Act; modifying scope of certain prohibited act; and providing an effective date. HB 2551 − By McCullough. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Sections 2-208 and 2-212, which relate to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; adding products containing pseudoephedrine to Schedule III; deleting pseudoephedrine products from Schedule V; deleting procedures for the sale of products containing pseudoephedrine; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Sections 2-309C and 2-309D, which relate to the Anti-Drug Diversion Act; deleting reporting and monitoring requirements for dispensers and registrants who dispense certain products; and providing an effective date. HB 2552 − By Proctor. An Act relating to waters and water rights; stating purpose of certain provisions; prohibiting certain contracts for or the sale or exportation of water outside of the state without certain approval; requiring a legislative referendum; providing for the ordering and filing of the legislative referendum; stipulating effective date of a contract or sale upon approval of the legislative referendum; limiting effect of provisions on certain contracts and certain water; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2553 − By Proctor. An Act relating to public utilities; amending 17 O.S. 2011, Section 122, which relates to judgment for and collection of overcharges; updating statutory language; adding prohibition from filing an application for a review of rates and charges for certain period; prohibiting certain public utilities from increasing rates using a certain streamlined general rate filing procedure; amending 17 O.S. 2011, Section 152, which relates to the jurisdiction of the Corporation Commission over public utilities; prohibiting the Commission from examining a request for review of rates and charges under certain conditions for a certain 70 House Journal period; prohibiting certain public utilities from filing an application for review of rates and charges for certain period; and providing an effective date. HB 2554 − By Proctor. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Oklahoma Tax Revenue Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2555 − By Proctor. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Taxation Review of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2556 − By Proctor. An Act relating to roads, bridges and ferries; enacting the Oklahoma Bridge and Highway Designation Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2557 − By Nollan. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Public Health and Safety Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2558 − By Wesselhoft. An Act relating to appropriations; making appropriation to Employment Security Administration Fund; specifying amount and purpose of appropriation; requiring expenditure by certain date; requiring certain federal standards; requiring compliance with Social Security Act; and providing an effective date. HB 2559 − By Wesselhoft of the House and Treat of the Senate. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; making certain act unlawful; providing penalty; providing an exception; defining term; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2560 − By Wesselhoft. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-738.3, which requires the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision to publish certain print and online information; requiring that Board website use search capabilities to ensure certain information is accessible; requiring that website ensure that certain information is printable; requiring that website include instruction on how to receive certain information in printed form; requiring that website be accessible to public without requiring registration; and providing an effective date. HB 2561 − By Wesselhoft. An Act relating to public health and safety; permitting certain individuals to commence civil actions against abortion provider for certain violations; providing for attorney fees; requiring court to rule whether anonymity of certain individual be preserved if consent not given; requiring court to issue orders, direct sealing of record, and exclude individuals from courtroom if determination is made that anonymity should be preserved; requiring order to be accompanied by specific written findings; requiring certain individuals to bring certain action under a pseudonym; providing for interpretation; providing for severability; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2562 − By Wesselhoft. An Act relating to disabled parking; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 14-111, which relates to penalties for municipal ordinance violations; directing municipal courts to remit certain percentage of fine to the Department of Public Safety; establishing maximum fine amount for disabled parking offenses; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 15-111, which relates to parking privileges for physically disabled persons; directing municipalities and political subdivisions to enact certain ordinances or rules; and providing an effective date. First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 71

HB 2563 − By Wesselhoft. An Act relating to state-tribal relations; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1207, which relates to the Oklahoma Native American Liaison; modifying certain eligibility requirement; and declaring an effective date. HB 2564 − By Wesselhoft. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1221, which relates to cooperative agreements with Indian tribes; making an exception from certain provisions for certain transportation-related agreements; and declaring an emergency. HB 2565 − By Wesselhoft. An Act relating to militia; prohibiting private employers from terminating certain employees; allowing employee to return to same employment; requiring employee to give certain notice of intent to return to employment; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2566 − By Wright. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-890.3, which relates to the promulgation of rules by the State Board of Health; providing residents with freedom of choice without financial penalty charged by assisted living center; and providing an effective date. HB 2567 − By Wright. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; enacting the Oklahoma Intoxicating Liquors Policies Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2568 − By Wright. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 11-904, which relates to personal injury accidents; modifying penalty; and providing an effective date. HB 2569 − By Wright. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2352, which relates to the apportionment of income tax revenue; modifying apportionment to the Ad Valorem Reimbursement Fund; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2570 − By Wright. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; making legislative findings; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 193, which relates to the Ad Valorem Reimbursement Fund; modifying procedures for reimbursement; providing for reimbursement to qualifying manufacturing concern; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2571 − By Wright. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Oklahoma Individual Income Tax Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2572 − By Ownbey. An Act relating to landlord and tenant; requiring certain owners to ensure anchoring of certain homes; defining terms; and providing an effective date. HB 2573 − By Ownbey. An Act relating to game and fish; amending 29 O.S. 2011, Section 5-202, which relates to the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Code; prohibiting catching upon land of another; classifying offense for certain violations as a misdemeanor; providing penalties; mandating suspension of hunting or fishing license after certain poaching convictions; permitting court to set period of suspension within certain time; providing default suspension period; prohibiting Department of Wildlife Conservation from issuing license during suspension; requiring surrender of license to court upon conviction; directing court to send Department 72 House Journal surrendered license and copy of judgment of conviction; defining term; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2574 − By Ownbey. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-309D, which relates to access to central repository information for certain controlled dangerous substances; requiring registrants to check information in central repository to review patient history prior to prescribing medications; modifying scope of liability of registrants; and providing an effective date. HB 2575 − By Ownbey. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1105, which relates to certificates of title; allowing transfer of certificate of title to be processed as one transaction under certain circumstances; providing fee; providing for deposit of portion of fee in certain fund; providing alternative method to obtain salvage title; providing procedures; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1108, which relates to the procedure for replacement of lost certificates of title; providing exception under certain circumstances; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1111, which relates to vehicle title; providing alternative method to obtain salvage title; amending 47 O.S. 2001, Section 1141.1, which relates to retention of fees by motor license agents; referencing alternative amount allowed to be retained pursuant to certain provision; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2576 − By Ownbey. An Act relating to tax provisions; amending 37 O.S. 2011, Sections 163.5 and 553, which relate to excise tax; modifying due date for tax; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2418, which relates to telephone fees; modifying due date for fee; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 212, which relates to sales tax permits; expanding remedy options under certain circumstances; defining terms; prohibiting certain act relating to sales suppression devices; providing punishment; providing for administrative fine; providing for revocation of sales tax permit; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 317.5 and 413, which relate to cigarette and tobacco taxes; modifying due date for reports; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2385.3, which relates to income tax; modifying frequency of report filing; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 2385.6, 2385.28 and 2385.31, which relate to the payment of tax; modifying timing of penalty for failure to pay; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2577 − By Ownbey. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1128, which relates to in-transit license plates; expanding to include trailers; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.2, which relates to special license plates; incorporating similar plates for widows of veterans; and providing an effective date. HB 2578 − By Mulready. An Act relating to counties and county officers; authorizing the board to contract with a collection agency; providing for collection of fees; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2579 − By Mulready. An Act relating to agriculture; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Section 16-26, which relates to emergency drought conditions; modifying definition of extreme fire danger; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2580 − By McDaniel (Jeannie). An Act relating to mental health; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 5-410, which relates to a petition regarding a person requiring treatment; expanding list of family members authorized to file a petition regarding a person requiring treatment; and providing an effective date. HB 2581 − By McDaniel (Jeannie). An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 11-105.1, which relates to sex education; creating the Healthy Students Act of 2012; defining terms; providing for interpretation; requiring each board of education to provide health instruction in certain grades; requiring each board of education to ensure that staff development program is offered to certain teachers; requiring State Department of Education to make available certain research studies for use in educating students; requiring each board of education to provide certain materials and resource list to parents; encouraging each board of education to work with communities to provide parent education sessions; requiring all materials or tests used for sex education class be made available annually to parents; requiring each school district to provide certain information upon request by an agency or organization; requiring that primary purpose of certain curriculum is to inform students that abstinence is only completely effective protection against unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases; requiring board of education to approve sex education curriculum; requiring board of education to ensure materials are medically accurate and age-appropriate; establishing minimum criteria for board of education to consider in approving certain materials; and providing an effective date. HB 2582 − By McDaniel (Jeannie). An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1945, which relates to definitions; adding definitions; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1947, which relates to employee background checks; requiring that certain employers not hire individuals under certain circumstances; requiring criminal history record background checks and fingerprints for applicants; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1950.1, which relates to criminal background checks for nurse aides; authorizing certain employer to obtain any criminal history background record under certain conditions; preventing certain applicants from being hired under certain conditions; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1- 1950.4, which relates to a uniform employment application for nurse aides; requiring application to contain release statement giving authority to proceed with state or national criminal history record checks; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1950.8, which relates to nontechnical services workers; authorizing certain employer to obtain any criminal history background record under certain conditions; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1951, which relates to the certification, training and registration of nurse aides; preventing certain individual from receiving nurse aide certification; and providing an effective date. HB 2583 − By McDaniel (Jeannie). An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 12-417, which relates to the Oklahoma Mandatory Seat Belt Use Act; modifying seat belt use requirement; and providing an effective date. HB 2584 − By McDaniel (Jeannie). An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 205.2, which relates to the Uniform Tax Procedure Code; modifying provisions related to intercept of income tax refunds; authorizing procedures related to amounts due and owing to housing authorities; modifying references; and providing an effective date. 74 House Journal

HB 2585 − By McDaniel (Jeannie). An Act relating to children; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Section 601.3, which relates to the duties of the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth; directing Commission to provide certain services to children of incarcerated parents; and providing an effective date. HB 2586 − By Ownbey. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1352, which relates to sales tax; modifying definitions; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 1354.2 and 1354.3, which relate to sales tax; modifying application of tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1401, which relates to use tax; modifying definitions; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1354.1, which relates to sales tax; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2587 − By Joyner. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-2712, which relates to the Oklahoma Dental Loan Repayment Program; increasing number of dentists eligible for education loan repayment assistance; requiring certain dentists to provide certain dental services; permitting Program to award additional nonfaculty dentists if no appropriate faculty applicants exist; requiring dentist participating in Program to execute contract pursuant to certain contract terms and rules promulgated by the State Department of Health; and providing an effective date. HB 2588 − By Joyner. An Act relating to cities and towns; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 22-111, which relates to the Oklahoma Municipal Code; authorizing municipalities to assign right to collect certain amounts owed; and providing an effective date. HB 2589 − By Joyner. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-101, which relates to the issuance of driver licenses; modifying circumstances that allow for the use of driver license photographs; and providing an effective date. HB 2590 − By Joyner. An Act relating to cities and towns; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Municipal Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2591 − By Holland. An Act relating to property; eliminating acquisition of real property by adverse possession; amending 60 O.S. 2011, Section 331, which relates to methods of acquisition of real property; eliminating acquisition by occupancy; making application prospective; repealing 60 O.S. 2011, Sections 332 and 333, which relate to acquisition of real property by occupancy and by prescription; and providing an effective date. HB 2592 − By Holland. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2001, Sections 6-204.1 and 6-204.2, which relate to the Education Leadership Oklahoma Act; deleting certain contingency funding language; extending period for not accepting application, awarding scholarships, or providing certain bonus; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2593 − By Holland. An Act relating to higher education; providing for establishment of certain tuition and fee amounts by the ; repealing 70 O.S. 2011, Sections 3218.2, 3218.8 and 3218.9, which relate to establishment of tuition and fees by Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education; providing for codification; and providing effective dates. First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 75

HB 2594 − By Holland. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-101.22, which relates to the grounds for dismissal or nonreemployment of a teacher; changing requirement to dismiss or nonreemploy a teacher for receiving a certain evaluation rating; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2595 − By Holland. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 18-114.12, which relates to the teacher minimum salary schedule; expanding minimum salary schedule for certain school years; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2596 − By Holland. An Act relating to schools; creating the Education Mandates Review Task Force; directing the Task Force to study certain issues and make recommendations; specifying certain issues; establishing membership; providing for cochairs, meetings, service, quorum, vacancies and staff support; directing state agencies to provide support and information; prohibiting compensation or travel reimbursement; allowing the Task Force to seek certain assistance for certain purpose; requiring the Task Force to submit certain reports; providing for noncodification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2597 − By Holland. An Act relating to amusements and sports; amending 3A O.S. 2011, Section 713, which relates to the lottery; eliminating funding for higher education; eliminating funding for career and technology education; and providing an effective date. HB 2598 − By Holland. An Act relating to higher education; stating legislative intent that certain boards of regents adopt certain employment policies and procedures that meet certain guidelines and standards; providing guidelines and standards for probationary and annual contracts; providing guidelines and standards to eliminate tenure or multiyear or continuing contracts; providing guidelines and standards for contract rights and dismissal of an employee; providing definitions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2599 − By Holland. An Act relating to higher education; stating legislative intent that certain boards of regents adopt a system of post-tenure faculty evaluation and review; providing guidelines and standards for a post-tenure faculty evaluation and review system; defining term; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2600 − By Holland. An Act relating to school elections; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 13A-103, which relates to election dates; changing election dates for members of the board of education; changing election dates for question of school levy; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 13A- 105, which relates to the declarations of candidacy by certain candidates; modifying dates of filing; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-107A, which relates to membership of boards of education of school districts; providing for the term of office of board members elected after certain date; providing for completion of the term of office for certain board members; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2601 − By Holland. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Oklahoma Tax Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2602 − By Holland. An Act relating to mental health; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 1-106, which relates to representation of the state in certain court proceedings; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2603 − By Holland. An Act relating to state government; creating the State Government Reform Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2604 − By Blackwell. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; making legislative findings; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 193, which relates to the Ad Valorem Reimbursement Fund; modifying procedures for reimbursement; providing for reimbursement to qualifying manufacturing concern; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2605 − By Blackwell. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 245, which relates to county clerks; clarifying the delivery of certain records; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2606 − By Blackwell. An Act relating to insurance; creating the Continuity of Care Act of 2012; defining terms; specifying act shall be applicable to certain health benefit plans; specifying exceptions; specifying certain prescription medication notice requirements; authorizing the modification of drug benefits; specifying requirements; prohibiting health benefit plan providers from modifying the cost or availability of certain medications; specifying exceptions; specifying certain denials shall be subject to external reviews; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2607 − By Blackwell. An Act relating to game and fish; limiting the scope of certain authority regarding setbacks; prohibiting certain commercial activities with respect to endangered species; providing penalty; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2608 − By Blackwell. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 18-114.12, which relates to the teacher minimum salary schedule; increasing the minimum salary schedule beginning with certain school year; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2609 − By Blackwell. An Act relating to game and fish; amending 29 O.S. 2011, Section 5-213, which relates to bows; prohibiting the use of certain equipment when hunting antelope; amending 29 O.S. 2011, Section 5-401, which relates to seasons; providing limitation on antelope season; defining term; and providing an effective date. HB 2610 − By Blackwell. An Act relating to children; transferring duties associated with child welfare; specifying duties of certain agencies; making Office of Juvenile Affairs a division of Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families; providing for statutory construction; creating the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families Act of 2012; stating legislative intent; establishing the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families; specifying the powers, duties and functions of Department; providing for the appointment of the Secretary of the Department; specifying Secretary shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor; providing for the filling of vacancy; specifying the powers, duties and functions of the Secretary; providing for the creation of certain First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 77 divisions within the Department and specifying duties; providing for the creation of the Council on Services for Children, Youth and Their Families; specifying duties of Council; providing for the composition of the Council; providing for the appointment of Council members; providing for the selection of Council Chair; providing length of term of service of Council; specifying responsibilities of Chair of the Council; specifying that Council members shall not be compensated; authorizing travel reimbursement for Council members; providing for the filling of vacancies on Council; transferring the authority of Department of Human Services and the Office of Juvenile Affairs to the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families; specifying all existing rights of appeal shall continue in Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families; providing for the transfer of all property necessary for the functioning of the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families from agencies no longer performing Department functions; specifying that all pending cases and proceedings shall be transferred to Department; providing that all policies, rules in effect upon transfer shall remain in effect; specifying that all children in the custody of the Department of Human Services or the Office of Juvenile Affairs shall be deemed in the custody of the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families; providing for the transfer of employees to the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families; specifying the employees shall retain all benefits and retirement accrued; specifying all references to agencies or functions assumed by the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families shall be construed to refer to the Department; providing that all monies associated with former agencies shall be transferred to the Department; requiring Secretary to create certain annual report; directing Secretary to propose annual budget request; directing agencies affected by this act to provide access to all records and facilities to Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families; authorizing Department to release certain information to agencies; specifying employees of Department shall be immune to certain liability; specifying act shall not override any existing confidentiality requirements; providing for the creation of a Steering Committee; specifying membership of Committee; specifying duties of Committee; requiring Committee to prepare and submit certain report; directing State Auditor and Inspector to perform certain audit; directing State Auditor and Inspector to make certain report; specifying contents of report; specifying that all references to the Department of Human Services and the Office of Juvenile Affairs in statute shall be construed to mean the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2611 − By Cox. An Act relating to state institutions for children; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Sections 1406, 1409, 1410, 1411, 1413, 1414, 1415, 1415.1 and 1421, which relate to the operation of state resource centers; transferring certain resource centers to the University Hospitals Authority and Trust; transferring powers and duties of operation of certain resource centers to the Authority and Trust; transferring all personal property of certain resource centers to the Authority and Trust; transferring unexpended funds of certain resource centers to certain fund; providing for retention of certain employees; providing for retention of earned leave and certain benefits; specifying Authority and Trust shall assume mineral rights; authorizing the use of revenue for certain purposes; authorizing Authority and Trust to promulgate and adopt certain rules; authorizing Authority and Trust to establish and maintain administration of resource centers; authorizing Authority and Trust to maintain and repair certain resource center facilities; authorizing Authority and Trust to receive certain federal funds; directing 78 House Journal

Authority and Trust to establish duties and set the compensation of certain facility employees; authorizing Authority and Trust to expend certain funds; authorizing Authority and Trust to transfer certain facility residents; authorizing Authority and Trust to admit certain residents to resource centers; directing Authority and Trust to provide certain psychological forms for admissions purposes; authorizing Authority and Trust to establish rules and conditions for the release of certain residents; allowing for the appointment of certain guardians for residents of Authority and Trust-operated facilities; requiring the Authority and Trust to complete certain assessments within certain period; prohibiting certain employees from acting as guardians; authorizing Authority and Trust to request the appointment of guardians in certain circumstances; authorizing Authority and Trust to assist certain residents in requesting the appointment of a guardian; requiring Authority and Trust to maintain certain clinical records; directing Authority and Trust to establish certain ombudsman program; authorizing Authority and Trust to enter into certain contracts for the benefit of residents; specifying contract requirements; authorizing Authority and Trust to pay stipends to certain resident relatives and volunteers; directing Authority and Trust to develop rules for stipend payments; specifying parents or guardians shall have access to certain Authority and Trust records; authorizing the purchase of school buses by the Authority and Trust; providing an effective date. HB 2612 − By Cox. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Public Health Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2613 − By DeWitt. An Act relating to consolidation of state agencies; transferring certain powers and duties of the Scenic Rivers Commission to the Oklahoma Conservation Commission; specifying the transfer of certain property, assets, liabilities, fund balance, and obligations; providing for transfer of employees and procedures related to leave and benefits; requiring conveyances by specified date; providing for transfer of monies; providing for succession to certain rights; providing for continued effect of administrative rules; providing for fee amounts; providing for effect of certain records; defining certain employees; authorizing employment of seasonal employees; prescribing procedures related to seasonal employees; prescribing penalties for certain statements or representations; authorizing administrative fines; authorizing administrative law judges or hearing officer; imposing criminal penalties for certain noncompliance; providing criminal penalties not exclusive; providing for payment of attorney fees and costs; providing for apportionment of fees, fines and monies; authorizing emergency orders; prescribing procedures related thereto; authorizing certain notices; creating Scenic River Advisory Council; providing for membership; prescribing terms; imposing duties; providing for reimbursement; providing for selection of chair; authorizing meetings; providing for vacancies and procedures related thereto; authorizing powers to the Oklahoma Conservation Commission; authorizing administrative rules; authorizing fees; making legislative findings; providing for appointment of peace officers; prescribing powers of officers; authorizing retention of certain items; providing for seasonal personnel; authorizing contracts; amending 27A O.S. 2011, Sections 3-1-103, 3-2-106 and 3-3-114, which relate to the Oklahoma Conservation Commission; defining terms; modifying powers and duties of the Commission; modifying definitions; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Sections 1451, 1452, 1454, 1455, 1462B, 1462C, 1464, 1465, 1466 and 1467, which relate to the Scenic Rivers Act; modifying short title; modifying definition; modifying the acquisitions of certain access points; modifying penalties; modifying petty cash fund; First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 79 modifying revolving fund; modifying violations; modifying reference to Scenic River areas; repealing 82 O.S. 2011, Sections 1457, 1458, 1460, 1461, 1462, 1462A, 1463, 1468, 1469, 1470 and 1471, which relate to the Scenic Rivers Act; providing for codification; providing for recodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2614 − By Johnson. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-114, which relates to school attendance; changing date for determining age for school attendance purposes; allowing certain students at a certain age beginning with certain school years to enroll in early childhood, kindergarten or first grade if they are screened and determined to be ready; establishing certain conditions; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2615 − By Johnson. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-101.20, which relates to the Teacher Due Process Act of 1990; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2616 − By Johnson. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1357, which relates to general sales tax exemptions; creating sales tax exemption for durable medical equipment; defining terms; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1357.6, which relates to sales tax on medical products; modifying scope of exemption; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2617 − By Johnson. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Nondiscrimination in Treatment Act; defining terms; providing for nondiscrimination in the provision of life- preserving health care services; providing for injunctive relief; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2618 − By Johnson. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 339, which relates to county commissioners; modifying general powers of the board; and providing an effective date. HB 2619 − By Johnson. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 1501, which relates to county purchasing agents; modifying certain exception to bidding procedures; and providing an effective date. HB 2620 − By Johnson. An Act relating to property; eliminating acquisition of real property by adverse possession; amending 60 O.S. 2011, Section 331, which relates to methods of acquisition of real property; eliminating acquisition by occupancy; making application prospective; repealing 60 O.S. 2011, Sections 332 and 333, which relate to acquisition of real property by occupancy and by prescription; and providing an effective date. HB 2621 − By Johnson. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.11, which relates to tax credits for certain transactions related to coal production; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.32A, which relates to tax credits related to certain zero emission facilities; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.32B, which relates to tax credits for manufacturers of small wind turbines; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.41, which relates to tax credits for certain qualified historic rehabilitation expenditures; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.46, which relates to tax credits for construction of certain energy- 80 House Journal efficient residences; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.104, which relates to tax credits for certain railroad reconstruction expenditures; modifying provisions related to transferability of tax credits; providing credits not transferable; providing for effect of amendatory provisions of enactment with respect to tax credits earned or transferred prior to specified date; providing for effect of amendatory provisions of enactment with respect to carryover periods; providing for noncodification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2622 − By Johnson. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1301, which relates to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2623 − By McDaniel (Randy). An Act relating to officers; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Section 24.1, which relates to forfeiture of office or employment; defining certain persons to be state employees for purposes of retirement benefit forfeiture provisions; and declaring an emergency. HB 2624 − By Blackwell. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 11-103.6a, which relates to the review of adopted curriculum; requiring legislative consent for implementation of curriculum aligned with K-12 Common Core State Standards; and declaring an emergency. HB 2625 − By Blackwell. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Grand River Dam Authority Revenue Analysis Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2626 − By Blackwell. An Act relating to public lands; amending 64 O.S. 2011, Section 1002, which relates to administration of state school lands; authorizing simultaneous and nonsimultaneous property exchanges; stipulating status of nonsimultaneous transfers; requiring completion of nonsimultaneous transfers within certain time period; directing the Commissioners of the Land Office to promulgate rules; and declaring an emergency. HB 2627 − By Blackwell. An Act relating to poor persons; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 230.50, which relates to the establishment of the Statewide Temporary Assistance Responsibility System (STARS); clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2628 − By Blackwell. An Act relating to prescription drugs; creating the Oklahoma Prescription Drugs Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2629 − By McAffrey. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.3, which relates to special license plates; providing special license plate for Oklahomans for the Arts; providing for design; and providing an effective date. HB 2630 − By Cox. An Act relating to professions and occupations; requiring certain licensees or applicants to allow the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision to inspect records; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 492, which relates to designation of physicians; requiring an active license to use certain designation; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 540.11, which relates to the issuance of a temporary license of a therapeutic recreation specialist without examination; providing that conditions for granting temporary license be established by Board rule; establishing legislative purpose; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 81

887.2, which relates to definitions; modifying definitions; adding definitions; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 887.12, which relates to the renewal of licenses of physical therapists; permitting license to be renewed by completing jurisprudence examination; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 887.17, which relates to the referral of physical therapists by certain individuals; removing requirement that physician or surgeon possess unlimited license; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 2037, which relates to the licenses of respiratory care practitioners; removing amount of certain fee; requiring licensee to provide proof of certain certification; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2631 − By McAffrey. An Act relating to criminal procedure; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 18, which relates to expungement of criminal arrest records; adding category of offenses authorized for expungement; and providing an effective date. HB 2632 − By McAffrey. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1132, which relates to registration fees; reducing moped registration fees; and providing an effective date. HB 2633 − By Walker. An Act relating to children; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Sections 406, 407 and 408, which relate to the Oklahoma Child Care Facilities Licensing Act; directing the Department of Human Services to provide documentation of investigations to the Child Care Peer Review Board upon request; authorizing child care providers to request the intervention of the Board in certain circumstances; authorizing Department to proceed with disciplinary actions in certain circumstances; modifying Department authority in certain licensing decisions; creating Child Care Peer Review Board; stating purpose; directing Board to work with agencies to correct certain violations; specifying Board composition; providing for the selection of members; specifying term of service; specifying that members shall not be compensated; requiring certain meetings; specifying quorum requirements; authorizing Board to create subcommittees; providing that any child care facility may request assistance of Board for certain purpose; providing Board discretion in whether to intervene; specifying standard; directing Department to provide information to the Board in certain circumstances; authorizing Board to participate in certain hearings; specifying Board may participate only upon request; authorizing child care facility to request the assistance of the Board; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2634 − By Walker. An Act relating to birth and adoption records; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Section 7504- 1.2, which relates to the disclosure of certain adoption records; modifying certain notice requirements; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-323, which relates to the confidentiality of vital records; authorizing the issuance of certain birth certificates; specifying requirements; directing the Registrar of Vital Statistics to develop certain contact preference form; specifying requirements; directing Registrar to attach certain form to existing records; directing Registrar to send certain information to court clerk; and providing an effective date. HB 2635 − By Walker. An Act relating to highway designations; designating the Jimmy Harrel Highway; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

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HB 2636 − By Schwartz. An Act relating to drug courts; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 471.6, which relates to the Oklahoma Drug Court Act; authorizing judge to enter certain order; construing provision; providing exceptions; requiring proof of insurance prior to issuance of certain order; directing the Department of Pubic Safety to make certain designation in driving records under certain circumstances; providing exceptions; requiring certain electronic notification to the Department of Public Safety; directing the Department of Public Safety to promulgate certain rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2637 − By Schwartz. An Act relating to state government; creating the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Research Fund; stating type of fund; describing appropriate deposits for fund; directing Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology to oversee fund; providing for payment of expenditures; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2638 − By Schwartz. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; providing exemption from certain reporting requirements of Business Activity Tax; prescribing maximum gross revenue amount for purposes of exemption; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2639 − By Schwartz. An Act relating to higher education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3242.2, which relates to resident tuition and benefits for individuals unlawfully in the United States; deleting certain exception; repealing 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3242, which relates to eligibility for enrollment and resident tuition for students with certain immigration status; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2640 − By Schwartz. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1962, which relates to requirements of a home care agency; prohibiting licensed health care facility from referring client for certain services except to licensed agency; providing definition; and providing an effective date. HB 2641 − By Denney. An Act relating to schools; creating the Twenty-First Century Successful Living Act; recognizing the impact of certain negative aspects of the twenty-first century on students; stating legislative findings relating to student counseling; describing certain counseling curriculum; directing the Office of Juvenile Affairs to identify an evidence-based counseling curriculum and make it available to students; making provision subject to funding; defining term; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2642 − By Brumbaugh. An Act relating to the Corporation Commission; amending 17 O.S. 2011, Section 354, which relates to motor fuel; modifying apportionment of motor fuel assessment; providing for apportionment to the Weigh Station Improvement Revolving Fund; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2643 − By Brumbaugh. An Act relating to roads, bridges and ferries; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Section 1278, which relates to outdoor advertising; removing limitation on sign removal; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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HB 2644 − By Brumbaugh. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-135.2, which relates to reporting financial transactions; requiring the State Department of Education to certify compliance with certain laws; prohibiting allocation of monthly State Aid payments until certain requirements are met; and providing an effective date. HB 2645 − By Brumbaugh. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 3006, which relates to the county excise board; imposing continuing education requirement; prescribing required credit hours; providing for offering or approval of course content by the Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service Center for Local Government Technology; and providing an effective date. HB 2646 − By Brumbaugh. An Act relating to state government; creating the Accountability in Purchasing Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2647 − By Brumbaugh. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.45l, which relates to the Trip Optimizer system; exempting certain state employees; requiring Office of State Finance to publish certain rate schedule; and providing an effective date. HB 2648 − By Brumbaugh. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 2826 and 2877, which relate to the Ad Valorem Tax Code; modifying provisions related to records of appraisals; modifying provisions related to protests of valuations for purposes of ad valorem taxation; authorizing appearance by taxpayer using certain methods; prohibiting communications between members of county board of equalization and county assessor and other persons; providing certain exceptions; and providing an effective date. HB 2649 − By Brumbaugh. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2355, which relates to income tax rates; removing contingent income tax rate; modifying income tax rate for certain years; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2355.1A, which relates to contingent income tax rates; and providing an effective date. HB 2650 − By Brumbaugh. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Sales and Use Tax Administrative Rules Technical Amendments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2651 − By Brumbaugh. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 1470, which relates to certain powers of the Scenic Rivers Commission; modifying provisions authorizing certain fees; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2652 − By Denney. An Act relating to criminal procedure; providing short title; creating the Oklahoma Innocence Collaboration Program; stating duration of program; defining terms; creating program within the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; authorizing Bureau to collaborate with public and private entities; stating purpose of program; authorizing Bureau to accept or decline requests for forensic testing; providing measures for testing physical evidence; directing law enforcement agencies to provide certain records; providing for the confidentiality of records; exempting records from the Oklahoma Open Records Act; 84 House Journal providing compensation for the search and copy of records; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2653 − By Roberts (Dustin). An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; requiring certain information be included on low-point beer retail dealer permits; requiring display of permit; providing punishment for failing to display permit; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2654 − By Jordan. An Act relating to oil and gas; enacting the Energy Litigation Reform Act; defining terms; providing rules of construction for certain oil and gas agreements; allowing exceptions; limiting damages in certain actions for failure to pay proceeds; setting damages; limiting the filing of actions to certain time periods; limiting time period on interest that may be collected; defining term; providing certain actions prerequisite to litigation; providing notice requirements; requiring claimant have interest; requiring affirmative request in class action; excluding certain parties; clarifying difference in effective timing; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2655 − By Jordan. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 298, which relates to documents recorded by the county clerk; permitting recording of digitized image or electronic copy if submitted electronically; and providing an effective date. HB 2656 − By Jordan. An Act relating to conveyances; amending 16 O.S. 2011, Section 86.2, which relates to the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act; modifying definition of electronic signature; and providing an effective date. HB 2657 − By Jordan. An Act relating to employee injuries; creating Oklahoma Employee Injury Benefit Act; stating legislative intent; defining terms; authorizing the exemption of certain employers from certain requirements; requiring certain notice; requiring the payment of certain fee; directing Administrator of the Workers’ Compensation Court to collect and maintain certain information; directing Administrator to monitor compliance; directing Workers’ Compensation Court to maintain a list of exempt employers; authorizing Administrator to require certain confirmation; authorizing Administrator to designate certain agent; authorizing Administrator to adopt certain rules; authorizing Administrator to prescribe certain forms; specifying information required on forms; authorizing Court to contract with the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission or the Comptroller for certain assistance; directing Commission and Comptroller to cooperate with Court; directing employers to notify employees of certain coverage; directing certain employers to post notices regarding workers’ compensation insurance; authorizing Administrator to adopt certain rules; specifying certain employers shall be required to adopt a written benefit plan; specifying requirements of plan; authorizing certain limitations of plan; requiring compliance of plan with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act; directing certain employers to provide certain information to the Administrator; specifying required insurance coverage; requiring certain rating of insurance companies; authorizing the payment for required insurance in installments or lump sum; requiring certain surety bonds; requiring certain rating of insurer; specifying required amount of bonds; requiring the filing of surety; authorizing the use of surety bond for certain payments; specifying requirements for the use of bond; directing Administrator to promulgate certain rules; specifying employer liability shall be exclusive; prohibiting certain employees from claiming negligence against an employer; authorizing First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 85 certain intentional tort claims; specifying intentional tort requirements; specifying intoxication or illegal controlled substance use shall create certain presumption; specifying certain benefits paid shall offset other award; specifying prohibiting certain claims; prohibiting appeal for enforcement of certain limitations; specifying employer responsibilities; requiring certain employers to comply with Workers’ Compensation Code; specifying manner of resolution for certain disputes; authorizing the establishment of certain mediation or arbitration procedures for certain disputes; specifying requirements; limiting the establishment of certain rules and regulations; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2658 − By Jordan. An Act relating to corporations; amending 18 O.S. 2011, Section 1027, which relates to the Oklahoma General Corporation Act; declaring inapplicability of requirement that board of directors be divided into classes under certain circumstances; allowing terms of office for directors be set by bylaws or certificate of incorporation if inapplicable; and declaring an emergency. HB 2659 − By Jordan. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1000.25, which relates to the Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission Act; requiring fees be remitted to the Commission within time prescribed; providing for late fee; requiring semiannual report; and providing an effective date. HB 2660 − By Jordan. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-101.20, which relates to the Teacher Due Process Act of 1990; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2661 − By Jordan. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-101, which relates to scope, organization and definitions; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2662 − By Jordan. An Act relating to criminal procedure; creating the Oklahoma Criminal Procedure Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2663 − By Jordan. An Act relating to private attorney retention; creating the Private Attorney Retention Transparency Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2664 − By Jordan. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Oklahoma Public Health and Safety Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2665 − By Jordan. An Act relating to marriage and family; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 121, which relates to the division of property in marriage dissolution proceedings; modifying certain military retainer pay division determinations; providing methods for the calculation of asset divisions; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 134, which relates to alimony determinations; relocating provisions related to the division of certain military benefits; and providing an effective date. HB 2666 − By Jordan. An Act relating to public and private partnerships; enacting the Public and Private Partnership Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2667 − By Jordan. An Act relating to insurance; defining terms; creating privilege for certain self- evaluative audits; prohibiting examination of entity performing certain audit; specifying exception; allowing for voluntary submission of certain audit document; specifying document shall remain confidential; prohibiting Insurance Commissioner from making certain use of document; specifying document shall remain subject to certain privileges; specifying document in possession of Commissioner shall not be subject to disclosure; providing that certain disclosure shall not constitute a waiver of privilege; specifying privilege may be expressly waived; authorizing a court of record to disclose certain privileged material; specifying requirements; authorizing a court in a criminal proceeding to disclose certain privileged material; specifying requirements; providing procedure to prevent certain requested disclosures of material; specifying failure to petition shall constitute waiver; establishing procedure for hearings on disclosure of certain material; requiring court to issue order within certain period; authorizing court to require certain disclosures; providing that compelled disclosures shall not be considered a public document; specifying information required of company asserting certain privilege; providing that company asserting certain privilege has the burden of demonstrating applicability of privilege; authorizing certain stipulations; specifying items or information not to be considered privileged; providing for applicability of act; specifying act shall not limit or negate any other statutory or common law privileges; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2668 − By Jordan. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.506, which relates to definitions used in the Oklahoma School Testing Program Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2669 − By McAffrey. An Act relating to cemeteries; repealing 8 O.S. 2011, Section 4, which relates to surveys and plats; and providing an effective date. HB 2670 − By McAffrey. An Act relating to poor persons; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 1010.1, which relates to the Oklahoma Medicaid Program Reform Act of 2003; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2671 − By Shumate. An Act relating to public health and safety; requiring State Department of Health to contract with certain providers to provide services to adults with sickle cell disease; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2672 − By Shumate. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 1135.3 and 1135.5, which relate to special license plates; removing outdated language; creating the Historic Greenwood District License Plate; providing for deposits into specified fund; and providing an effective date. HB 2673 − By Shumate. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Public Health Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2674 − By Shumate. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.5, which relates to special license plates; creating the Booker T. Washington High School License Plate; providing for deposits into specified fund; creating the Booker T. Washington High School License Plate Revolving Fund; providing source of funds; allowing expenditures for certain purposes; providing legislative intent; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2675 − By Shumate. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S.2011, Section 3-144, which relates to the Charter Schools Incentive Fund; clarifying statutory citation; and providing an effective date. HB 2676 − By Shumate. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-107, which relates to educational services; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date. HB 2677 − By Shumate. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3212, which relates to private educational institutions coordinating with The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education; clarifying statutory language; and providing an effective date. HB 2678 − By Shumate. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 24-117, which relates to providing safety goggles to certain personnel; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2679 − By Banz. An Act relating to higher education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Sections 2603 and 2604, which relate to the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Act; deleting certain payment language; modifying amount of award an eligible Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program student is entitled to; making modification apply to students enrolled in the program after a certain school year; basing the amount of award on the amount of income of the parent; establishing percentages; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2680 − By Banz. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.5, which relates to special license plates; creating the Fighting Addiction Through Education License Plate; providing for design; providing for deposits into specified fund; creating the Fighting Addiction Through Education License Plate Revolving Fund; providing source of funds; allowing expenditures for certain purposes; providing legislative findings; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2681 − By Banz. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission; making an appropriation thereto; stating purpose; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2682 − By Banz. An Act relating to counties and county officers; defining term; allowing imposition of certain community service program assessment; providing for assessment in certain cases; setting range for amount of assessment; limiting assessment to certain cases; requiring consideration of certain factors; providing for assessment on juvenile proceedings; setting range for amount of assessment; limiting assessment to certain cases; providing for assessment in municipal cases; limiting assessment to certain cases; setting range for amount of assessment; allowing retention of portion of assessment by municipal court 88 House Journal clerk; providing for creation of community service program assessment revolving funds; limiting purpose; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2683 − By Banz. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1-104, which relates to definition of bicycles; modifying certain definition; and providing an effective date. HB 2684 − By Banz. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 26-103, which relates to the Larry Dickerson Education Flexible Benefits Allowance Act; modifying certain definition; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2685 − By Banz. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 131, which relates to county officers; modifying election years; providing term limits for certain county offices; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2686 − By Banz. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 475.2, 475.8, 475.9, 475.12, 475.15, 475.18 and 475.21, which relate to professional engineers and land surveyors; modifying definition; modifying language; authorizing period of probation and conditions set by Board; modifying type of funds payable to General Revenue Fund; requiring certain Board-approved examination; deleting set hours for written examination; authorizing waiver of certain examination for extraordinarily qualified applicants; disqualifying certain minimum qualifications at certain times; requiring certain technical information to be retained for certain period; clarifying authority of Board for disciplinary action; including retired licensees under disciplinary authority; deleting nonpayment of fees as condition for certain disciplinary action; deleting maximum period for license suspension; setting requirements for out-of-state firms operating branch office in Oklahoma; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2687 − By Banz. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 887.2 and 887.17, which relate to the Physical Therapy Practice Act; modifying definitions; providing exception; and providing an effective date. HB 2688 − By Banz. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-111, which relates to the issuance and renewal of driver licenses and identification cards; directing the Department of Public Safety to develop procedures for identifying veterans on driver licenses and identification cards; and providing an effective date. HB 2689 − By Banz. An Act relating to higher education; making students who are dependents of certain military personnel eligible for in-state residency status; specifying eligibility criteria for resident tuition; providing for continuation of in-state status under certain conditions; providing for continuation of in-state status upon discharge; providing definition; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2690 − By Banz. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.24, which relates to the State Dental Act; requiring Board to issue license to certain applicants; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 353.9, which relates to the Oklahoma First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 89

Pharmacy Act; requiring Board to issue license to certain applicants; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 887.9, which relates to the Physical Therapy Practice Act; requiring Board to issue license to certain applicants; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 888.8, which relates to the Occupational Therapy Practice Act; requiring Board to issue license to certain applicants; and providing an effective date. HB 2691 − By Banz. An Act relating to state government; creating the Ethics Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2692 − By Banz. An Act relating to public retirement systems; enacting the Teachers’ Retirement System Death Benefit Technical Amendments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2693 − By Banz. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.3, which relates to special license plates; providing special license plate for Habitat For Humanity; providing for design; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.5, which relates to special license plates; providing special license plate for Downed Bikers Association; providing for design; authorizing Tax Commission to enter into licensing agreement; limiting amount of payment pursuant to agreement; and providing an effective date. HB 2694 − By Banz. An Act relating to ethics; creating the Ethics Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2695 − By Morrissette. An Act relating to cedar trees; creating the Oklahoma Resource Reclamation Act; declaring the public interest in managing private unoccupied lands in the state for certain purpose; specifying certain goals; defining infested lands and abandoned property; stating duty of absentee landowners to manage and control infestations of trees and other fuel sources; stating duty of absentee landowner to remove Eastern Red Cedar trees under certain conditions; causing certain trees, vegetation and fuel sources to be declared abandoned property under certain circumstances; providing for certain notification to and response by landowner; providing for approval or disapproval of the landowner response or fire management plan; authorizing state and local officials to remove infestation upon failure of the absentee landowner to respond; establishing liability for removal costs; providing for an agreement for reimbursement of costs for removal; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 222, which relates to the Prisoners Public Works Act; authorizing use of inmate labor for certain purposes; defining term; providing in lieu tax treatment for certain property; requiring verification by Oklahoma Tax Commission; allowing Oklahoma Tax Commission to request additional information; providing for approval in writing; requiring filing of approval and election with county assessor; setting in lieu tax rate; setting filing deadline; providing for payment to county treasurer; providing for apportionment according to existing millage levies; providing for in lieu treatment; disqualifying property for certain exemption; providing penalty for nonpayment; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2805, which relates to ad valorem taxes; expanding list of in lieu taxes; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.44D, which relates to purchasing preferences for products made from Oklahoma harvested trees; modifying certain date; deleting purchasing preference; requiring the Purchasing Division of the Department of Central Services to register certain manufacturers 90 House Journal into the vendor registration system; directing the Department to waive certain fees; providing for codification; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2696 − By Fourkiller. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; placing additional sales tax on violent video games; setting tax rate; limiting effect; defining term; apportioning revenue; placing additional use tax on violent video games; setting tax rate; defining term; apportioning revenue; creating the Childhood Outdoor Education Revolving Fund; providing source of funds; allowing expenditure; providing purpose; creating the Bullying Prevention Revolving Fund; providing source of funds; allowing expenditure; providing purpose; providing revenue-raising procedures; providing for alternative procedure based on certain results; providing for codification; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2697 − By Fourkiller. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 18-114.12, which relates to the teacher minimum salary schedule; expanding minimum salary schedule; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2698 − By Fourkiller. An Act relating to schools; creating the Oklahoma Physical Activity and Academic Performance Task Force; stating duties; providing for membership, appointment, designation of first meeting, election of chair, quorum, staff support, and travel reimbursement; requiring report of findings and recommendations by certain deadline; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2699 − By Fourkiller. An Act relating to schools; requiring schools to have certain beverages available to students during certain time; requiring certain beverages to comprise certain percentage; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2700 − By Fourkiller. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-116.3, which relates to the self-administration of inhaled asthma or anaphylaxis medication; allowing school districts to amend certain policy; permitting physician to write certain prescription; allowing school districts to maintain a minimum number of Epinephrine injectors at each school; and providing an effective date. HB 2701 − By Vaughan. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1272 and 1277, which relate to the carrying of firearms; providing exception to prohibited acts for certain persons; and providing an effective date. HB 2702 − By Vaughan. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.25, which relates to the use of deadly force; clarifying manner in which defensive force may be used; and providing an effective date. HB 2703 − By Vaughan. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1290.10 and 1290.11, which relate to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying mandatory and temporary preclusions for obtaining concealed carry licenses; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2704 − By Vaughan. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 3604.1, which relates to the Oklahoma Quality Jobs Program Act; modifying provisions related to certain federal contractors; defining terms; authorizing use of certain labor hours; providing circumstances pursuant to which change of contractual basis can occur; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2705 − By Vaughan. An Act relating to motor vehicles; creating Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle Education and Recovery Commission; providing for appointment of members; providing for length of terms and appointment if vacancy occurs; requiring oath of office; providing for payment and reimbursement of members; requiring the Commission to appoint Executive Director; providing for term; requiring Commission to fix salary and duties; authorizing Commission to hire employees and incur expenses; providing Commission with rulemaking authority; establishing Commission powers and duties; requiring reports to be filed; limiting liability of the Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle Education and Recovery Fund; establishing Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle Education and Recovery Fund; establishing source of monies into the fund; authorizing certain investments; directing deposit of interest or dividends; authorizing expenditures; providing for use of funds to reimburse specified individuals; establishing authority of Commission; requiring notification under certain circumstances; providing Commission with certain powers; providing parties certain rights; requiring notification of Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle and Parts Commission under certain circumstances; providing for appeal under Administrative Procedures Act; authorizing Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle Education and Recovery Commission to order compensation from fund; providing for appeal from decision; establishing limit on amount of payment which can be requested from the fund; providing for assignment of rights to judgment for purposes of subrogation; establishing claimant priority over fund under certain circumstances; placing limit on amount of certain claims; providing for payment of claims when monies in fund are insufficient; authorizing hearing for revocation of license under certain circumstances; establishing funds as excess funds; authorizing expenditure of excess funds under specified circumstances; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 583, which relates to licensing of used motor vehicle dealers; providing exception; establishing new fees and directing deposit of fees; limiting requirement to procure and file bond to specified license applicants; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2706 − By Vaughan. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 583, which relates to licenses; honoring out-of-state licenses under certain circumstances; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2707 − By Vaughan. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Oklahoma Methamphetamine Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2708 − By Vaughan. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2709 − By Morrissette. An Act relating to poor persons; providing that a person awaiting certain services on the statewide Developmental Disabilities Services Division Waiver request waiting list shall not be removed or lowered due to specified increase in annual income or assets; authorizing nonprofit organizations to create certain fund; allowing certain donations; providing limit of donation; specifying certain donors shall not affect placement of waiver request waiting list; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2710 − By Jackson. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Oklahoma Tax Analysis Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2711 − By Jackson. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 581, 582, 583, 584 and 1137.1, which relate to used motor vehicles; modifying definition; providing for resident broker license; updating references; expanding certain application requirements to include renewals; removing partial bond exemption; increasing amount of bond required; creating bond requirement; providing inventory requirement; updating reference; and providing an effective date. HB 2712 − By Jackson. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 14-116, 14-120, 14-121 and 14-122, which relate to size, weight and load; reducing amount of certain fees; modifying apportionment for certain fiscal years; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2713 − By Jackson. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 220, which relates to the Court Clerk’s Revolving Fund; transferring duties from State Auditor and Inspector to Administrative Director of the Courts; and providing an effective date. HB 2714 − By Jackson. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 85.3A and 5040, which relate to community action agencies; exempting community action agencies from The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; requiring budget work program before expenditure of funds; requiring certain audit; and providing an effective date. HB 2715 − By Jackson. An Act relating to agriculture; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Section 3-86, which relates to pesticide applicator licenses; modifying prohibited acts; prohibiting use without regard to public health or safety; exempting certain act; and providing an effective date. HB 2716 − By Jackson. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 5001, 5002, 5004, 5005, 5007, 5008 and 5026, which relate to the Commercial Pet Breeders Act; modifying authority to administer act; modifying definition; modifying authority and membership of the Board; providing for law enforcement division; authorizing division to conduct certain investigations; providing for qualifications of person in charge of division; allowing director to be in charge of division; providing for duties of division; allowing executive officer to authorize disbursements; modifying penalties; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2717 − By Jackson. An Act relating to oil and gas; amending 52 O.S. 2011, Section 86.4, which relates to common source of supply orders and rules; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2718 − By Reynolds. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2802, which relates to the Ad Valorem Tax Code; modifying definition of actual fair cash value; and providing an effective date. HB 2719 − By Reynolds. An Act relating to state government; creating the Government Accountability Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2720 − By Morrissette. An Act relating to property; creating the Ryan and Cole Hamil Act; amending 60 O.S. 2011, Section 833, which relates to the Residential Property Condition Disclosure Act; modifying information contained in the disclosure statement; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2721 − By Inman. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1357.10, which relates to sales tax holidays; expanding to include school supplies; reducing value of eligible items; prohibiting exemption for certain items; defining term; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2722 − By Inman. An Act relating to public finance; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 3103, which relates to the Oklahoma Pension Legislation Actuarial Analysis Act; modifying definitions; requiring notice regarding furlough; prescribing content of notice; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2723 − By Inman. An Act relating to criminal procedure; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 60.9, which relates to the Protection from Domestic Abuse Act; modifying bail conditions for protection order violations; and providing an effective date. HB 2724 − By Inman. An Act relating to labor; prohibiting employers from using certain qualification for employment; providing for penalties; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2725 − By Inman. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; prohibiting purchase of low-point beer using certain system; providing penalty; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2726 − By Inman. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.29, which relates to an income tax credit for ad valorem taxes; modifying events resulting in damage or destruction upon which credit based; modifying period of time for which credit may be claimed; providing for period of time within which repair or reconstruction to be completed; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2727 − By Inman. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-105, which relates to substitute teachers; removing requirement that certain substitute teachers not be employed for same assignment for certain time period; requiring each school district to adopt policy setting forth maximum number of days certain substitute teachers may be employed for same assignment; removing ability of school district to request certain waiver from State Board of Education; and providing an effective date. HB 2728 − By Inman. An Act relating to carbon monoxide detectors; providing for the installation of carbon monoxide detectors; requiring certain persons to install certain carbon monoxide detectors by time prescribed; defining term; providing for penalties; prohibiting municipalities from enacting certain ordinances; authorizing Commission to promulgate certain rules; authorizing municipalities to enact certain ordinances; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2729 − By Inman. An Act relating to education funding; requiring State Board of Education to make certain determination by specified date; requiring State Board of Equalization to subtract specified amount from amount certified as available for appropriation; requiring Director of the Office of State Finance to deposit certain funds into Oklahoma National Board Certification Revolving Fund according to specified schedule; amending 70 O.S. 2001, Sections 6-204.1 and 6-204.2, which relate to the Education Leadership Oklahoma Act; deleting certain contingency funding language; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2730 − By Inman. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.2, which relates to the Oklahoma Security Guard and Private Investigator Act; modifying definitions; and providing an effective date. HB 2731 − By Inman. An Act relating to insurance premium tax; enacting the Insurance Premium Tax Credit Technical Amendments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2732 − By Inman. An Act relating to individual development accounts; enacting the Individual Development Account Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2733 − By Morrissette. An Act relating to schools; making legislative findings; encouraging school districts to participate in joint use programs; requiring State Board of Education to develop certain agreement; providing that school districts participating in joint use agreements shall be protected from certain liability; requiring certain entities to secure liability insurance; requiring board of education to adopt certain policy; encouraging school districts to provide certain assemblies; encouraging attendance by parents or guardians; encouraging school districts to conduct fund-raising activities and apply for grant funding; permitting certain staff to make body mass index; providing that parent or guardian receive confidential health report; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2734 − By Morrissette. An Act relating to homestead and exemptions; amending 31 O.S. 2011, Section 1.1, which relates to exemptions from process; providing exemption for disabled debtor; adding guideline for court consideration when debtor is disabled; and providing an effective date. HB 2735 − By Peters. An Act relating to children; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Sections 601.3 and 601.6, which relate to the powers and duties of the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth; removing certain duties; authorizing Commission to select Chief Children’s Advocate; specifying requirements; specifying duties of Advocate; providing for the Office to take responsibility for certain investigations; directing Office to rely upon existing protocols and policies; directing Office of Client Advocacy to create certain report; specifying certain information shall remain confidential; providing penalty for violations; specifying use of information shall be limited; authorizing certain use of information; providing that Chief Children’s Advocate shall have certain access; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-6-105, which relates to public disclosure of information in certain child welfare cases; providing for the disclosure of certain investigations; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-9-112, which relates to Office of Client Advocacy duties; removing certain duties; directing Advocate General to assist Office of Juvenile Oversight in the transfer of duties; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 2-7-202, which relates to powers and duties of the Office of Juvenile Affairs; directing Office to certify certain shelters managed by the Department of Human Services; and providing an effective date. HB 2736 − By Peters. An Act relating to children; directing the Department of Human Services to outsource certain social services; specifying the Department shall retain certain responsibilities; defining term; providing for the selection of certain agencies; providing the Department authority to establish certain requirements; providing for the transfer or termination of certain employees; providing for the creation of a Steering Committee; providing for the appointment of Steering Committee members; providing for the selection of cochairs; directing certain Steering Committee members to make available certain resources; requiring legislative staff to provide support to the Steering Committee; specifying requirements; providing for the submission of certain advisory plan; specifying required contents of plan; specifying the plan outcomes shall be based upon certain federal act; specifying plan shall be consistent with certain settlement agreement; directing Department to establish a quality assurance program; specifying requirements; requiring participating agencies to have certain accreditation; limiting services of unaccredited agencies; amending Section 1, Chapter 17, O.S.L. 2011, which relates to the creation of the Foster Care System Improvement Task Force; extending duration of Task Force; eliminating travel reimbursement; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2737 − By Peters. An Act relating to telecommunications; amending 17 O.S. 2011, Section 139.106, which relates to the Oklahoma Universal Service Fund; updating statutory citations; making recovery of certain revenue reductions or cost increases from the Oklahoma Universal Service Fund optional; and declaring an emergency.

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HB 2738 − By Peters. An Act relating to the Corporation Commission; amending 17 O.S. 2011, Section 139.109, which relates to the Oklahoma E911 Emergency Service Fund; modifying services that are considered Special Universal Service; authorizing Corporation Commission to investigate and modify or reject certain request under certain circumstances; and providing an effective date. HB 2739 − By Peters. An Act relating to criminal procedure; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Sections 60.1, 60.2, 60.3 and 60.4, which relate to the Protection From Domestic Abuse Act; modifying definition; providing time limitation for protective order hearing under certain circumstances; prohibiting the assessment of costs to plaintiff for failure to appear at hearings; prohibiting courts from making certain hearing requirement; directing courts to enter permanent order within certain time limitation; clarifying protective order terms and conditions; authorizing service of process by private investigators or private process servers; directing judges and attorneys with certain docket responsibilities to attend domestic violence training; directing the Administrative Director of the Courts to develop and administer rules for training; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2740 − By Peters. An Act relating to the children and juvenile code; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Sections 2-5-201, 2-5-202, 2-5-203, 2-5-204, 2-5-205, 2-5-206, 2-5-207, 2-5-208, 2-5-209, 2-5-210, 2-5-211, 2-5-212 and 2-5-213, which relate to the Youthful Offender Act; changing name of Youthful Offender Act to Serious Juvenile Offender Act; designating youthful offenders as serious juvenile offenders; providing legislative intent and purpose for the Serious Juvenile Offender Act; modifying and adding definitions; deleting purpose statement for the Youthful Offender Act; clarifying criminal proceeding procedures; prohibiting the admissibility of custodial interrogation information under certain circumstances; prohibiting commencement of custodial interrogation until offender advised of certain rights; providing for the representation of indigent offenders; providing for the confidentiality of court records and files; clarifying certification procedures; providing time limitation for commencing trial unless waived by the accused; establishing burden of proof for juvenile certification; authorizing continuances for additional investigations and hearings for certain convicted persons; authorizing court to order certification evaluations; increasing age limitation for treatment programs and sentencing determinations; increasing time limitation for filing individualized treatment plans; providing procedures for dispositional hearings; stating requirements for individualized treatment plans; allowing court to conduct review hearings to examine individualized treatment plans; authorizing transfer of offender to the Department of Corrections under certain circumstances; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 2-5-301, which relates to educational needs of confined juveniles; including technology centers and local school districts as educational providers; clarifying status of juveniles who are committed to mental health facilities; authorizing mental health facilities to segregate persons under certain circumstances; prohibiting the disqualification of insurance program eligibility; providing for secure or community-based placement of juveniles; repealing 10A O.S. 2011, Section 2-5-101, which relates to the certification of juveniles charged with certain offenses; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2741 − By Peters. An Act relating to the children and juvenile code; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Sections 2-1-102 and 2-1-103, which relate to the Oklahoma Juvenile Code; modifying legislative intent; clarifying and adding definitions; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Sections 2-2-101, 2-2- 102, 2-2-104 and 2-2-107, which relate to custody and court proceedings; modifying circumstances that allow taking a child into custody; clarifying juvenile detention requirements and case transfer procedure; providing preliminary inquiry procedures for intake workers; directing district attorneys to determine legal sufficiency of complaints; making diversion services available for certain at-risk children; providing for the use of diversion services after supervision petition filed; prohibiting the filing of supervision petition while participating in diversion services; requiring notice when terminated from diversion services program; construing certain provision; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 2-2-301, which relates to custodial interrogations and appointment of counsel; clarifying manner in which custodial interrogations may be conducted; prohibiting certain information from being admitted into evidence; providing representation for indigent children; modifying guardian ad litem qualifications; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Sections 2-2-402 and 2-2-404, which relate to adjudicative hearings and delinquency proceedings; clarifying privacy requirements for adjudicative hearings; allowing open hearings under certain circumstances; modifying circumstances that allow for the deferral of delinquency proceedings; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Sections 2-2-502 and 2-2-503, which relate to treatment and service plans and disposition orders; providing guidelines for treatment and service plan assessment and evaluation process; directing the Office of Juvenile Affairs to identify risks and needs assessment instruments for treatment and service plans; construing certain provision; providing list of rights for disposition hearings; authorizing use of sanctions under certain circumstances; deleting redisposition guidelines; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 2-2-701, which relates to contempt of court violations; authorizing issuance of bench warrants; defining terms; describing contempt of court violations; modifying punishment; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Sections 2-6-101, 2-6-102 and 2-6-108, which relate to records of juvenile cases; modifying definitions; deleting and modifying exceptions to confidentiality requirements; directing court to seal records of delinquent proceedings; deleting directive to establish certain records system; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1283, which relates to firearm possession prohibitions; modifying certain prohibited act; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 5-507, which relates to the admission of deprived children; clarifying manner in which minor children in state custody may be admitted to hospital or treatment facilities; repealing 10 O.S. 2011, Sections 22 and 24, which relate to personnel of state institutions and the appointment of counsel; repealing 10 O.S. 2011, Sections 130.1, 130.2, 130.3, 130.4, 130.5, 130.6, 130.7, 130.8 and 130.9, which relate to detention homes for juveniles; repealing 10 O.S. 2011, Section 1101.1, which relates to placement of certain children in mental health facilities; repealing 10A O.S. 2011, Section 2-2-806, which relates to construction of certain juvenile custody facility; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2742 − By Peters. An Act relating to consumer credit; amending 14A O.S. 2011, Sections 2-104, 2-106, 3-102, 3-104, 3-310 and 5-203, which relate to the Uniform Consumer Credit Code; modifying definitions; modifying applicability; modifying definition; providing exception for certain education loans; modifying disclosure procedure; requiring additional disclosure for certain extensions of credit; requiring additional statements if annual percentage rate changes; mandating receipt of disclosure prior to payment; permitting creditor to impose 98 House Journal certain fees; allowing consumer to waive or modify timing requirements in certain instances; declaring inapplicability; modifying certain civil liability amounts; providing additional remedy; requiring creditor notify borrower of certain transfers; authorizing Administrator to share certain information with government agencies; providing for confidentiality and nondisclosure; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2743 − By Peters. An Act relating to energy; creating the Oklahoma Energy Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2744 − By Peters. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Public Health Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2745 − By Peters. An Act relating to water; amending 60 O.S. 2011, Section 60, which relates to water ownership; mandating date when public water becomes property of the Regional Water Authorities; listing areas designated as Water Planning Regions; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 110.3, which relates to the Oklahoma Dam Safety Act; defining term; and providing an effective date. HB 2746 − By Kirby. An Act relating to amusements and sports; amending 3A O.S. 2011, Sections 602, 604.1, 604.2, 605, 606, 607, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 617 and 619, which relate to the Oklahoma State Athletic Commission; defining terms; updating terminology to reflect modification of definitions; modifying Commission membership qualifications; requiring sanctioning of certain events; requiring certain notice; expanding scope of certain license considerations; removing ability to request certain action of Attorney General; providing punishment for repeated offenses; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2747 − By Kirby. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1316.2, which relates to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Act; providing for one-time reinstatement for certain persons; requiring Board to provide certain notice upon reinstatement; prohibiting payment of certain amount to employees reacquiring health care coverage; and providing an effective date. HB 2748 − By Kirby. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 858- 715, which relates to the Oklahoma Certified Real Estate Appraisers Act; modifying application process for reciprocity; and providing an effective date. HB 2749 − By Kirby. An Act relating to insurance; prohibiting certain higher copayment or coinsurance for certain services rendered by certain doctors; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2750 − By Kirby. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 24-131, which relates to the authority to order certain individual out of school buildings; extending authority to remove individual attending school activity or field trip when threat to peaceful conduct exists; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2751 − By Kirby. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 307.3, which relates to the State Insurance Commissioner Revolving Fund; modifying fees that are not included in fund; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 307.5, which relates to the Insurance Department Anti-Fraud Revolving Fund; specifying that certain fees shall be deposited into fund; exempting fees from certain transfer requirements; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 362, which relates to fees designated for the investigation and prevention of certain fraud; providing that fees shall be paid into certain fund; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2752 − By Kirby. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 6060.14, which relates to the Health Savings Account Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2753 − By Kirby. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 101, which relates to the Oklahoma Insurance Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2754 − By Morrissette. An Act relating to amusements and sports; amending 3A O.S. 2011, Section 402, which relates to charity games; defining term; allowing breakopen ticket game machines under certain conditions; requiring machines meet certain conditions; requiring certification from certain independent testing laboratory; requiring certification contain certain findings; specifying information to be provided to testing laboratory; requiring example be made available; requiring testing laboratory provide report containing certain findings; providing scope of approval review; providing for maintenance of approval records; providing for precedence; limiting number of machines; limiting proximity of machines; providing for fee; requiring presence of agent upon installation; providing sale and shipping procedures; providing machine location requirements; requiring approval for relocation; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2755 − By McPeak and Jordan. An Act relating to schools; creating the Freedom to Succeed Act; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.508, which relates to the Oklahoma School Testing Program Act; clarifying effect of proficiency attainment on the end-of-instruction tests on graduation; adding remediation or intervention requirements; allowing students to take an alternative assessment; requiring alternative assessments to be recorded on the transcript; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.526, which relates to eligibility for funding under the Achieving Classroom Excellence Act of 2005; changing and updating statutory citations; repealing 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.523, which relates to demonstrating mastery of the state academic content standards; providing for noncodification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2756 − By McPeak. An Act relating to oil and gas; directing an operator of a commercial injection or disposal well to collect an additional fee on deleterious substances from another state; providing for calculation of the additional fee; providing for payment of the additional fee to the Corporation Commission; establishing schedule for payment; directing the Commission to distribute the fees to certain entities; allowing the Commission to retain certain amount for administration; directing the Commission to establish reporting and payment procedures; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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HB 2757 − By McPeak. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2358, which relates to income tax adjustments; increasing amount of exemption allowed for certain payments received as participation awards in livestock show events; and providing an effective date. HB 2758 − By McPeak. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; authorizing income tax credit for qualified horse slaughter facility; defining terms; prescribing amount of income tax credit; prohibiting use of credit to reduce tax liability to less than certain amount; authorizing carryover; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2759 − By McPeak. An Act relating to agriculture; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1, which relates to the Oklahoma Agricultural Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2760 − By McPeak. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 24-117, which relates to providing safety goggles to certain personnel; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2761 − By Stiles. An Act relating to open records; creating the Open Records Update Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2762 − By Denney. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3-117, which relates to the Office of Accountability; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2763 − By Bennett. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Oklahoma Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2764 − By Bennett. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Public Health Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2765 − By Bennett. An Act relating to firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2766 − By Bennett. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Oklahoma Healthcare Professionals Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2767 − By Holland. An Act relating to public retirement systems; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 2-300, which relates to the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; modifying membership eligibility provisions; providing certain campus police officers not to be eligible for membership in the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2768 − By Pruett. An Act relating to agriculture; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Section 2-2, which relates to compensation and meetings of the State Board of Agriculture; changing number of required meetings; clarifying language; and declaring an emergency.

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HB 2769 − By Stiles. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Truth in Purpose of Taxation Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2770 − By Stiles. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-102, which relates to scope and organization; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2771 − By Stiles. An Act relating to professions and occupations; creating the Professions and Occupations Update Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2772 − By Stiles. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; defining terms; making certain acts unlawful; providing penalty; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2773 − By Stiles. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-101.20, which relates to the Teacher Due Process Act of 1990; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2774 − By Stiles. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1370, which relates to the Oklahoma State Employees Benefits Act; modifying benefit allowance amounts; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2775 − By Stiles. An Act relating to motor vehicles; creating the Motor Vehicles Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2776 − By Faught. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; providing for individual firearms licensure for certain purpose; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2777 − By Russ. An Act relating to public finance; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 193, which relates to the Ad Valorem Reimbursement Fund; modifying reference to the Oklahoma Tax Commission; and providing an effective date. HB 2778 − By Russ. An Act relating to wind energy; prohibiting certain wind energy facilities from interfering with certain radio frequency transmissions; providing for the filing of certain notice; providing for liability under certain circumstances; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2779 − By Russ. An Act relating to environment and natural resources; amending 27A O.S. 2011, Section 2-6-403, which relates to the requirements for construction or operation of sewage treatment systems; establishing the percolation test method as the simple soil test to be used for certain purposes; describing the percolation test method; prohibiting additional tests in certain circumstances; limiting additional capacity; and providing an effective date. HB 2780 − By Russ. An Act relating to higher education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 2602, which relates to the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2781 − By Russ. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Public Health Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2782 − By Russ. An Act relating to banking; creating the Banking Rules Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2783 − By Russ. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 277, which relates to the Oklahoma Irrigation District Act; clarifying statutory citations; and providing an effective date. HB 2784 − By Russ. An Act relating to county jails; creating the County Jails Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2785 − By Russ. An Act relating to agriculture; creating the Agriculture Rights Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2786 − By Ortega. An Act relating to agriculture; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Section 20-9, which relates to the Oklahoma Swine Feeding Operations Act; directing Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry to develop a record retention schedule; and providing an effective date. HB 2787 − By Ortega. An Act relating to banks and trust companies; amending 6 O.S. 2011, Section 906, which relates to affidavits of heirship; providing for affidavit of heirship for safe deposit boxes; limiting affidavit to certain safe deposit boxes; permitting institution to inventory and release contents of certain safe deposit boxes; describing affidavit contents; and providing an effective date. HB 2788 − By Ortega. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 1250.7, which relates to the acceptance or denial of certain insurance claims; requiring the payment of certain claims within certain period; specifying requirements; providing for exception; requiring issuance of funds in certain circumstances; specifying requirements; and providing an effective date. HB 2789 − By Ortega. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; amending 37 O.S. 2011, Section 518, which relates to license fees; reducing winemaker self-distribution license fee; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2790 − By Ortega. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-189, which relates to the licensure and certification system; modifying certification requirements for a superintendent of schools; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2791 − By Ortega. An Act relating to labor; creating the Labor Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2792 − By Ortega. An Act relating to immigration; creating the Oklahoma Immigration Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 103

HB 2793 − By Ortega. An Act relating to immigration; creating the Immigration Reform Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2794 − By Ortega. An Act relating to property; requiring specific resolution of property disputes between religious entities regarding ownership interests in real or personal property; providing for express creation of certain trust in the name of nonprofit or religious corporations; stating requirements for creation of certain trust; prohibiting certain implied trusts; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2795 − By Ortega. An Act relating to amusements and sports; providing age restriction on participation in certain sports; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2796 − By Ortega. An Act relating to energy; amending 17 O.S. 2011, Section 160.12, which relates to the Oklahoma Wind Energy Development Act; updating statutory citations; and providing an effective date. HB 2797 − By Ortega. An Act relating to oil and gas; enacting the Oklahoma Oil and Gas Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2798 − By Ortega. An Act relating to immigration; creating the Immigration Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2799 − By Ortega. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 105.19, which relates to surrender of water rights; clarifying statutory language; deleting obsolete language; and providing an effective date. HB 2800 − By Ortega. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Oklahoma Income Tax Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2801 − By Ortega. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Oklahoma Sales Tax Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2802 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Nonprescription Clarification Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2803 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Small Business Development Tax Credit Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2804 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to public health and safety; directing State Board of Health to set certain permit fees; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2805 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to poor persons; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 230.63, which relates to the Statewide Temporary Assistance Responsibility System; eliminating eligibility of person convicted of felony TANF fraud; providing duration of ineligibility; and providing an effective date. 104 House Journal

HB 2806 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to local elections; enacting the Local Tax Rate Election Amendments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2807 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 105.4, which relates to diversion of water; clarifying statutory language; and providing an effective date. HB 2808 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to public safety; creating the Oklahoma Public Safety Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2809 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 887.3, which relates to license requirements; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2810 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-102, which relates to scope and organization; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2811 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.200, which relates to the availability of automated external defibrillators at schools contingent upon funding or donations; requiring each school district to make automated external defibrillators available at each high school, middle school and elementary school beginning with certain school years; requiring each school district to make automated external defibrillators available at each high school athletic practice or competition beginning with certain school year; and providing an effective date. HB 2812 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to pharmacies; creating the Oklahoma Prescription Medications Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2813 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 519.3, which relates to the Physician Assistant Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2814 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to schools; requiring a minimum of fifteen minutes in which students may eat lunch; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2815 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 888.1, which relates to the Occupational Therapy Practice Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2816 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to agriculture and education; creating the Agriculture and Education Collaboration Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2817 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to shared use agreements; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-130, which relates to school buildings and property; permitting use of school property for physical fitness; providing for shared use agreements; barring liability under shared use agreements; allowing churches to open facilities to the public for certain purposes; First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 105 providing for shared use agreements; barring liability under shared use agreements; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2818 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to property; creating the Property Rights Protection Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2819 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to pseudoephedrine; creating the Pseudoephedrine Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2820 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to crimes and punishments; creating the Oklahoma Crimes and Punishments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2821 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to elections; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 7-114, which relates to conduct of elections; modifying voter identification card exception; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2822 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to counties and county officers; requiring certain counties make certain information available on its website; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2823 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to ethics; creating the Ethics Commission Reform Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2824 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to revenue and taxation; providing exemption from payment of Business Activity Tax; prescribing maximum gross revenue amount for purposes of exemption; providing for exempt treatment of intangible personal property; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2825 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to public retirement systems; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 49- 100.1, which relates to the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; modifying provisions related to membership; authorizing chiefs and deputy chiefs to make certain election regarding membership in retirement system; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2826 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Ad Valorem Tax Clarification of Definitions Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2827 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1301, which relates to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2828 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to children; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Children’s Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2829 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to marriage and family; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 120.1, which relates to the Parenting Coordinator Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. 106 House Journal

HB 2830 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to insurance; requiring major medical insurance coverage for certain motorcycle use; specifying requirement; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2831 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to poor persons; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 1010.1, which relates to the Oklahoma Medicaid Program Reform Act of 2003; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2832 − By Roberts (Sean). An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 101, which relates to the Oklahoma Insurance Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2833 − By Martin (Scott). An Act relating to energy; creating the Statewide Energy Initiative Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2834 − By Martin (Scott). An Act relating to government; creating the Government Modernization Cabinet Flexibility Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2835 − By Martin (Scott). An Act relating to environment and natural resources; allowing the use of a certain amount of gray water for certain purposes without a permit; listing certain conditions; providing for definition of certain term; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2836 − By Martin (Scott). An Act relating to waters and water rights; prohibiting certain takings by municipal or county bodies; prohibiting restrictions on private land beyond federally established floodplain; providing exceptions; requiring advance payment to landowner; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2837 − By Martin (Scott). An Act relating to property; amending 60 O.S. 2011, Section 176, which relates to public trusts; deleting bidding procedures and requirements; mandating public trusts follow bidding requirements of Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974; and providing an effective date. HB 2838 − By Martin (Scott). An Act relating to tourism and recreation; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 2220, which relates to rates and fees for state park services, facilities and commodities; granting an exception to the payment of certain fees for children, youth, and school groups; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2839 − By Martin (Scott). An Act relating to poor persons; directing the Department of Human Services to contact certain Indian tribes regarding the garnishment of certain winnings; requiring submission of certain report; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2840 − By Martin (Scott). An Act relating to children; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Section 403, which relates to exemptions from the Oklahoma Child Care Facilities Licensing Act; exempting certain care; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2841 − By Martin (Scott). An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.2, which relates to special license plates; providing for a Military Multi-Decoration license plate; providing for design; limiting size of vehicle; providing for Global War on Terror Expeditionary license plate; providing for design; limiting size of vehicle; and providing an effective date. HB 2842 − By Martin (Scott). An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-130, which relates to the use of school buildings and property; expanding purpose for which school building and property may be used; and providing an effective date. HB 2843 − By Ownbey. An Act relating to higher education; transferring governance, supervision, management and control of the Ardmore Higher Education Program from the Board of Trustees for the Ardmore Higher Education Program to the Regional University System of Oklahoma; transferring all interests and obligations of the Board of Trustees and the Ardmore Higher Education Program; requiring assumption of obligations for tenure and retirement by the Regional University System of Oklahoma; requiring certain facilities to serve as branch campus in Ardmore of Southeastern Oklahoma State University; authorizing Regional University System of Oklahoma to provide resources to branch campus for certain purpose; requiring Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to make college credit courses and programs available to people of Ardmore and southern Oklahoma; requiring establishment of branch campus of Southeastern Oklahoma State University at Ardmore; providing for governance of the Ardmore branch campus by Regional University System of Oklahoma; directing Murray State College to operate a branch campus at Southeastern Oklahoma State University at Ardmore; providing for lower division courses and programs to be offered by Murray State College; establishing certain advisory board; providing for membership; stating duties; prohibiting duplication of certain courses and programs; providing for the continued relationship between certain institutions of higher education; providing for a transition plan; setting completion date; requiring transition plan to be flexible; providing that no additional appropriations be used for certain purposes; allowing East Central University to offer certain courses and programs during and after transition period; providing that Southeastern Oklahoma State University shall assume management and be one of four educational providers; repealing 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3213, which relates to the Ardmore Higher Education Program; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2844 − By Ownbey. An Act relating to poor persons; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 2002, which relates to the Nursing Facilities Quality of Care Fee; providing fee shall not exceed certain amount if federal waiver is approved; authorizing Oklahoma Health Care Authority to seek approval of federal waivers to allow certain assessment rate for certain facilities; providing for certain assessment rate for certain facilities if licensed by certain date; providing for certain assessment rate for certain facilities that fail to receive license by certain date; and providing an effective date. HB 2845 − By Ownbey. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1110, which relates to security interests; providing lien release alternative; defining term; and providing an effective date. 108 House Journal

HB 2846 − By Jackson. An Act relating to poor persons; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 2002, which relates to the Nursing Facilities Quality of Care Fee; providing fee shall not exceed certain amount if federal waiver is approved; authorizing Oklahoma Health Care Authority to seek approval of federal waivers to allow certain assessment rate for certain facilities; providing for certain assessment rate for certain facilities if licensed by certain date; providing for certain assessment rate for certain facilities that fail to receive license by certain date; and providing an effective date. HB 2847 − By Jackson. An Act relating to electric utilities; amending 17 O.S. 2011, Section 190.1, which relates to the Electric Restructuring Act of 1997; clarifying statutory citations; and providing an effective date. HB 2848 − By Jackson. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 1020.16, which relates to commercial drilling or plugging licenses; clarifying statutory language; and providing an effective date. HB 2849 − By Jackson. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1301, which relates to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2850 − By Jackson. An Act relating to poor person; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 3051, which relates to a plan to discontinue the operation of state-administered resource centers; extending date in which plan shall be submitted; extending date in which plan shall be subject to disapproval; extending implementation date of plan; and providing an effective date. HB 2851 − By Jackson. An Act relating to school buildings; stating purpose to promote energy and environmental standards in public school building construction; directing the Department of Central Services to adopt construction standards for public school buildings; listing goals of the construction standards; defining terms; directing the Department to adopt and update a high-performance certification program; making school districts eligible for certain incentives for attaining the highest performance certification; specifying criteria for attaining certification; requiring the Department to examine the estimates before authorizing and qualifying the school district for incentives; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2852 − By Jackson. An Act relating to firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2853 − By Jackson. An Act relating to contracts; prohibiting businesses from sharing or selling personal information of clients to other businesses; defining terms; exempting certain acts; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2854 − By Jackson. An Act relating to oil and gas; amending 52 O.S. 2011, Section 570.1, which relates to the Production Revenue Standards Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2855 − By Jackson. An Act relating to corrections; creating the Corrections Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2856 − By Hall and Cockroft. An Act relating to schools; granting all children between certain ages the right to participate in extracurricular activities in certain school districts; providing for eligibility requirements; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2857 − By Hall. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Oklahoma State Government Debt Transparency and Online Checkbook One Stop Initiative; requiring development of website; prescribing content for website; prescribing content related to debt; requiring historical information related to debt; defining term; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2858 − By Hall. An Act relating to public finance; requiring certain entities to accumulate revenue before expending funds for certain property; prohibiting certain entities from using sale of bonds for certain property; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2859 − By Hall. An Act relating to public finance; requiring state agencies to prepare budgets using certain method; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2860 − By Hoskin. An Act relating to labor; creating the Employee Credit Privacy Act; defining terms; prohibiting employer from using credit history or credit reports as hiring criteria; providing applicability for employees and applicants; exempting certain employers; prohibiting waiver of rights under the act; providing civil remedies for violations of act; mandating attorney fees; allowing certain background investigations; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2861 − By Hoskin. An Act relating to common carriers; creating the Geolocation Information Protection Act; providing definitions; making certain acts unlawful; providing penalties; stating acts that are deemed permissible; prohibiting acceptance of geolocation information into evidence under certain circumstances; authorizing interception of geolocation information under specified circumstances; providing procedures for interception order; authorizing persons to seek civil relief for violations; providing defense to civil or criminal actions; stating time limitation for filing suit; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2862 − By Hoskin. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.45l, which relate to the Trip Optimizer system; exempting certain employees; and providing an effective date. HB 2863 − By Shelton. An Act relating to insurance; creating the Earthquake Insurance Act of 2012; defining terms; requiring certain insurers to offer insurance for losses due to earthquakes; specifying period in which offer shall be made; specifying contents of mandatory offer; authorizing Insurance Commissioner to approve certain modifications to mandatory offer; specifying 110 House Journal optional methods insurers may use to provide coverage; requiring insurers to maintain proof of the offer of coverage; providing for the renewal or modification of certain policies; requiring insurers to offer coverage periodically or at renewal of policy; requiring insurers to provide certain notice to insured if coverage is declined by the insured; prohibiting insurers from discriminating against insured for acceptance of coverage; specifying fire insurance policies shall not be exempted by earthquake-related fires; requiring insurers to disclose certain discounts and surcharges available to insured; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2864 − By Shelton. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 6055, which relates to accident and health insurance policy requirements and exclusions; requiring certain notice by diagnostic service providers; and providing an effective date. HB 2865 − By Shelton. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 3021, which relates to the Elevator Safety Act; requiring elevators be equipped with certain restrictor by time prescribed; and providing an effective date. HB 2866 − By Shelton. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 840-2.25, which relates to the Oklahoma Personnel Act; increasing the number of organizational leave days; and providing an effective date. HB 2867 − By Shelton. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; amending 37 O.S. 2011, Section 163.11, which relates to low-point beer; modifying certain permit eligibility requirement; amending 37 O.S. 2011, Section 528, which relates to alcoholic beverages; modifying certain license eligibility requirements; and providing an effective date. HB 2868 − By Shelton. An Act relating to schools; requiring school districts to have a written earthquake protection plan; making the earthquake plan a part of the required emergency management plans; directing school districts to provide certain training; making training contingent upon funding; requiring training to be coordinated and provided or approved by the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management; requiring school districts to conduct a certain number of earthquake drills annually; allowing for additional drills; stating purpose of the drills; providing for participation; directing the State Board of Education to adopt rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2869 − By Shelton. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3-107, which relates to the administrative and executive duties of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2870 − By Shelton. An Act relating to prisons and reformatories; creating the Inmate Certificate of Rehabilitation Act; prohibiting entities from discriminating against certain applicants; requiring written explanation of disqualification; defining terms; authorizing courts and supervisory authorities to issue certificates under certain circumstances; providing presumption; making certificates invalid under certain circumstances; providing for the revocation of certificates; making certain acts unlawful; providing penalty; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2871 − By Shelton. An Act relating to torts; amending 76 O.S. 2011, Section 1, which relates to abstaining from injuring the person or property of another; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2872 − By Shelton. An Act relating to schools; creating the Oklahoma Building a Bridge to Literacy Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2873 − By Shelton. An Act relating to the children and juvenile code; creating the Oklahoma Juvenile Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2874 − By Shelton. An Act relating to motor vehicles; creating the Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2875 − By Shelton. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Public Health and Safety Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2876 − By Shelton. An Act relating to corrections; creating the Oklahoma Sentencing Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2877 − By Shelton. An Act relating to public buildings and public works; creating the State Buildings Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2878 − By Shelton. An Act relating to labor; authorizing leave of absence for certain donations for certain employees; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2879 − By Shelton. An Act relating to labor; amending 40 O.S. 2011, Section 401, which relates to the Oklahoma Occupational Health and Safety Standards Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2880 − By Shelton. An Act relating to labor; creating the Labor Update Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2881 − By Shelton. An Act relating to labor; creating the Labor Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2882 − By Shelton. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management; making an appropriation; stating purpose; and providing an effective date. HB 2883 − By Pittman. An Act relating to historic landmarks; enacting the Oklahoma Historic Landmarks Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2884 − By Pittman. An Act relating to housing; creating the Oklahoma Housing Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2885 − By Pittman. An Act relating to human trafficking; creating the Human Trafficking Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. 112 House Journal

HB 2886 − By Pittman. An Act relating to poor persons; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 230.60, which relates to support eligibility requirements; authorizing Department of Human Services to establish paternity prior to birth; authorizing the assessment of support of certain children prior to birth; and providing an effective date. HB 2887 − By Pittman. An Act relating to children; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-7-103, which relates to powers and duties of the Department of Human Services; directing Department to place certain children in the custody of the Department in certain foster homes; and providing an effective date. HB 2888 − By Pittman. An Act relating to pensions; enacting the Pension Amendments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2889 − By Pittman and Dorman. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 842.3, which relates to body piercing and tattooing regulations; directing the State Board of Health to promulgate rules for enforcement procedures; and declaring an emergency. HB 2890 − By Pittman and Dorman. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 840-5.5, which relates to the Oklahoma Personnel Act; modifying certain office, positions, and personnel in classified service; allowing public agencies that have investigatory powers to share certain information; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2891 − By Pittman. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Sections 24-100.3, 24-100.4 and 24-100.5, which relate to the School Bullying Prevention Act; modifying certain findings; defining cyberbullying; expanding the definition of harassment, intimidation, bullying and cyberbullying; expanding definition of electronic communications; directing district boards of education to adopt certain policies; providing list of items required to be included in certain policy; providing for school employees and administrators to be included in developing certain policy; directing the State Board of Education to develop a model policy; directing the State Board of Education to establish and maintain certain repository; modifying composition of Safe School Committee; modifying duties of the Committee; deleting exemption for technology center schools; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2892 − By Pittman. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; enacting the Intoxicating Liquors Technical Amendments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2893 − By Pittman. An Act relating to poor persons; creating the Vulnerable Adult Protection Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2894 − By Pittman. An Act relating to motor vehicles; enacting the Oklahoma Motor Vehicles Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2895 − By Pittman. An Act relating to wages; creating the Living Wage Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 113

HB 2896 − By Pittman. An Act relating to public health and safety; requiring State Department of Health to contract with certain providers to provide services to adults with sickle cell disease; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2897 − By Pittman. An Act relating to roads, bridges and ferries; enacting the Roads, Bridges and Ferries Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2898 − By Morgan. An Act relating to motor vehicles; making certain acts unlawful; defining term; repealing 47 O.S. 2011, Section 15-102.1, which relates to state preemption for cellular phone usage; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2899 − By Morgan. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 150.13A, which relates to Special Investigators of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; clarifying scope of enforcement authority; and providing an effective date. HB 2900 − By Morgan. An Act relating to schools; directing certain private educational institutions to provide certain information to applicant students; listing required information; requiring private educational institutions to post the required information on their Internet websites; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2901 − By Morgan. An Act relating to the Legislature; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 450.1, which relates to the Legislative Service Bureau; expanding the duties of the Legislative Service Bureau; transferring certain duties, powers, responsibilities, assets, obligations, records, property, and personnel to the Legislative Service Bureau; providing for transfer of personnel without loss of leave, benefits, or salary; providing that there shall be no reduction-in-force as a result of the transfer; providing for organizational structure; providing for office space; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2902 − By Morgan. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 321, which relates to county commissioner districts; requiring practicable division of districts; requiring resolution providing boundaries and effective date of reapportionment; providing effective date if none is specified; establishing a depository for certain maps and resolutions; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2903 − By Morgan. An Act relating to emergency services; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2815.1, which relates to the confidentiality and liability for use of nine-one-one emergency telephone service information; requiring a governing body to notify and provide certain addresses to a secretary of the county election board; specifying which secretaries shall be provided notification; setting time period for providing notification; modifying certain liability limitations; and declaring an emergency. HB 2904 − By Morgan. An Act relating to torts; amending 76 O.S. 2011, Section 10.1, which relates to limitation on landowner liability; modifying definitions; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2905 − By Morgan. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 396.2a, 396.3, 396.4, 396.5b, 396.10, 396.11, 396.12b, 396.12c and 396.30, which relate to the Funeral Services Licensing Act; modifying duties of the Oklahoma Funeral Board; authorizing approval of course providers and curriculum for mortuary assistants; providing alternative qualifications; establishing qualifications for mortuary assistant; directing Board to examine certain applicants; defining term; stating minimal qualifications; requiring payment of certain fees; setting minimal examination score; making certificate expire on certain date; providing for renewal, continuing education and compliance with law; adding fee for mortuary assistant; modifying date for double fee; requiring continuing education for certain certificate holder; providing for application of license for mortuary assistant; providing for mortuary assistant apprentice; authorizing mortuary assistant to pick up or transfer human remains; modifying grounds to issue, renew, revoke or suspend license or registration; prohibiting crematory license without funeral or embalming establishment license; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2906 − By Joyner. An Act relating to agriculture; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Section 16-26, which relates to emergency drought conditions; modifying definition of extreme fire danger; and providing an effective date. HB 2907 − By Hamilton. An Act relating to human oocytes; prohibiting certain acts; requiring certain consent; creating civil liability; providing penalties; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2908 − By Hamilton. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1115 (Section 124, Chapter 234, O.S.L. 2009), which relates to penalties for first-degree rape; increasing penalty; and providing an effective date. HB 2909 − By Hamilton. An Act relating to officers; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Section 24.1, which relates to forfeiture of office; providing for forfeiture of office upon certain plea or conviction of certain crime; and providing an effective date. HB 2910 − By Hamilton. An Act relating to prostitution; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1031, which relates to penalties for prostitution; modifying certain penalty; and providing an effective date. HB 2911 − By Hamilton. An Act relating to insurance; requiring health insurance providers to provide coverage for certain children; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2912 − By Virgin. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.199, which relates to the Dustin Rhodes and Lindsay Steed CPR Training Act; requiring that students receive instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator prior to graduation from high school; directing the State Board of Education to adopt rules to implement certain program; requiring the use of psychomotor skills in certain program; directing that program be based upon certain instructional programs; requiring the State Department of Education to provide training to school personnel; directing certain governing boards to ensure a minimum number of certified personnel; providing that school First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 115 districts may use certain funds to pay for training in the use of automated external defibrillator; adding a definition; and providing an effective date. HB 2913 − By Morrissette. An Act relating to children; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Section 7700-102, which relates to the Uniform Parentage Act; modifying certain definition; and providing an effective date. HB 2914 − By Richardson. An Act relating to waters and water rights; creating the Regional Water Planning Council Act; stating legislative findings; providing for the division of the state into water regions; stating criteria for the division; creating Regional Water Planning Councils to correlate with the water regions; stating duty and responsibility of the Councils; making the Councils advisory; providing for meetings; providing for membership of each Council; providing for officers; directing each Council to develop organizational documents; providing for vacancies; providing for a Regional Water Planning Council Coordinating Committee; requiring certain number of meetings; stating responsibilities of the Coordinating Committee; requiring each Council to develop a regional water plan; specifying phases of the planning process; listing certain Phase 1 projects, studies and programs; requiring incorporation of certain local plans; identifying Phase 2 and 3 objectives; establishing completion dates for each phase; requiring submission and approval of each regional water plan by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board; providing for incorporation of regional water plans into certain water plan updates; authorizing the Board to reconcile conflicts and differences; directing division of funding among the Councils; allowing for funding of competitive grants; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2915 − By Richardson. An Act relating to property; creating the Groundwater Severance Restriction Act; stating intent to restrict the permanent severing of groundwater from the land for certain purposes; limiting certain leasing arrangements; stating exception; defining terms; stating impact of certain agreement; stipulating that certain agreements shall run with the land until terminated; requiring certain instrument to be in writing and to be filed with a certain county clerk; specifying information to be included in the instrument; prohibiting severance of any resource associated with groundwater from the surface estate; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2916 − By Richardson. An Act relating to agriculture; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Section 2-4, which relates to powers of the State Board of Agriculture; allowing Board to employ attorneys; and providing an effective date. HB 2917 − By Richardson. An Act relating to agriculture; enacting the Oklahoma Poultry Nutrient Utilization Act; stating purpose of act; defining terms; creating the Oklahoma Poultry Nutrient Utilization Council; outlining membership requirements of Council; stating terms of office; providing for vacancy or removal of members; stating quorum requirement; prohibiting compensation of members; providing for certain reimbursement of members; listing powers and duties of Council; directing Council to provide copy of annual independent audit; requiring annual report be submitted to Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry; requiring surety bonds; mandating collection of funds; prohibiting funds from certain uses; exempting Council from liability; exempting individual Council members from liability; providing for assessment on all birds delivered to the integrator; requiring remittance of 116 House Journal assessment to the Department; directing how assessment is collected; requiring notification to integrators; requiring report; providing for failure to submit report and remittance; directing Council to determine amount; allowing for hearing in cases of dispute over the amount; permitting Department to request an audit at any time; directing integrator to keep records for certain time; describing how assessments are deposited; requiring nutrient management plans be provided; directing State Board of Agriculture to promulgate rules for collection and remittance procedures; allowing registered poultry feeding operation to request refund; stating refund procedures; requiring Council to submit annual report; directing that report be open to the public; requiring Council to keep records for certain time; creating the Oklahoma Poultry Nutrient Utilization Fund; directing Department to administer the fund; stating contents of fund; limiting use of fund; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2918 − By Richardson. An Act relating to public records; amending 51 O.S.2011, Section 24A.28, which relates to confidential information; allowing certain information regarding certain sources of radiation to be kept confidential; listing types of information; and declaring an emergency. HB 2919 − By Richardson. An Act relating to game and fish; amending 29 O.S. 2011, Section 5-414, which relates to white deer; modifying definition; and providing an effective date. HB 2920 − By Richardson. An Act relating to game and fish; amending 29 O.S. 2011, Section 5-502, which relates to trapping devices; allowing certain traps; and providing an effective date. HB 2921 − By Richardson. An Act relating to pet breeders; creating the Pet Breeder Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2922 − By Richardson. An Act relating to waters and water rights; creating the Water Projects Funding Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2923 − By Armes. An Act relating to condemnation; amending 27 O.S. 2011, Section 13, which relates to policies for acquiring real property; extending applicability of policies; providing remedy for noncompliance; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Section 1708, which relates to turnpike condemnation proceedings; permitting property owner to raise certain compliance failure in written exceptions for noncompliance; providing remedy for noncompliance; and providing an effective date. HB 2924 − By Armes. An Act relating to cities and towns; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 37-117, which relates to acquiring lands and water; limiting acquisition of water rights to ten-year term; specifying taking as an easement; requiring municipality remove appurtenances within two years; and providing an effective date. HB 2925 − By Armes. An Act relating to agriculture; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Sections 6-503 and 6-507, which relate to the Oklahoma Farmed Cervidae Act; authorizing the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry to negotiate reciprocal agreements; prohibiting interstate transportation without a reciprocal agreement; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2926 − By Armes. An Act relating to professions and occupations; creating the Broker Relationships Act; defining terms; providing for duties and responsibilities of broker; providing for broker service agreements; providing for written disclosure for certain agreements; requiring certain confirmation be in writing; providing for duties upon completion of performance; providing for compensation of services; allowing cooperation of brokers; authorizing use of certain term; prohibiting certain liability; prohibiting certain agreements; requiring certain associates be associated with broker; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2927 − By Armes. An Act relating to public lands; amending 64 O.S. 2011, Section 1011, which relates to a revolving fund for the Commissioners of the Land Office; adding source of monies for the revolving fund; adding an expenditure purpose for the revolving fund; amending 64 O.S. 2011, Section 1069, which relates to proceeds from bonuses, royalties and other inducements; creating the Multiyear Education Distribution Stabilization Revolving Fund; providing for deposit of bonuses and delay rental income; making the fund a continuing fund; making deposit of income contingent upon certain determination by the Commission; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2928 − By Armes. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1004, which relates to gross production tax; modifying termination dates for certain funding allocations; and providing an effective date. HB 2929 − By Armes. An Act relating to waters and water rights; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 1085.7A, which relates to the Community Water Infrastructure Development Revolving Fund; changing expenditure purpose; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 1085.40, which relates to the Statewide Water Development Revolving Fund; providing for transfers to the fund; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2930 − By Armes. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; enacting the Oklahoma Title 37 Modification Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2931 − By Armes. An Act relating to animals; creating the Estray Legal Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2932 − By Armes. An Act relating to professions and occupations; creating the Real Estate Branch Brokers Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2933 − By Morrissette. An Act relating to poor persons; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 230.50, which relates to the establishment of the Statewide Temporary Assistance Responsibility System; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2934 − By Roberts (Dustin). An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 14-120.1, which relates to escort vehicles; limited scope of escort vehicle requirement to trips of a certain length; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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HB 2935 − By Trebilcock. An Act relating to roads, bridges and ferries; enacting the Oklahoma Bridge and Highway Designation Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2936 − By Trebilcock. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; providing income tax credit for teachers expending money for certain purposes; setting forth amount of credit; limiting credit; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2937 − By Trebilcock. An Act relating to energy; enacting the Energy Policy Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2938 − By Trebilcock. An Act relating to energy; enacting the Oklahoma Energy Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2939 − By Derby. An Act relating to technology; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 35.1, which relates to the Information Technology Consolidation and Coordination Act; clarifying statutory citation; and providing an effective date. HB 2940 − By Derby. An Act relating to technology; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.11.1, which relates to the Chief Information Officer; modifying definition of state agency; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.16, which relates to the submission of the annual one-year telecommunications and electronic information technology plan; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.21, which relates to authorization for obtaining communications or telecommunications systems; deleting exception for the telecommunications network known as OneNet; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 35.3, which relates to the Information Technology Consolidation and Coordination Act; changing definition; requiring the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and OneNet to provide a list of certain information technology assets; specifying certain duty of the Chief Information Officer and Director of the Office of State Finance; requiring modification of certain assessment; requiring identification of certain information technology assets and positions; requiring identified assets and positions to be transferred to Information Services Division of Office of State Finance; establishing a transfer date for certain assets; specifying responsibilities for certain costs until certain date; requiring execution of certain conveyances and documents; establishing a transfer date for certain positions; providing for a transfer agreement; providing for succession of certain rights and responsibilities to the Information Services Division of the Office of State Finance; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2941 − By Derby. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Public Health and Safety Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2942 − By Derby. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Sections 2-204, 2- 210 and 2-309C, which relate to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; adding certain substances to Schedule I and Schedule IV; deleting exception to transmission requirement for nonresident drug outlets; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2943 − By Derby. An Act relating to workers’ compensation; amending 85 O.S. 2011, Section 327, which relates to provider reimbursement rates; modifying reimbursement requirements for magnetic resonance imaging procedures; and providing an effective date. HB 2944 − By Derby. An Act relating to criminal procedure; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 471.1, which relates to the Oklahoma Drug Court Act; authorizing municipalities to establish misdemeanor drug courts; requiring alcohol and drug substance abuse evaluations and assessments for drug court participants; and providing an effective date. HB 2945 − By Derby. An Act relating to cities and towns; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 34-104, which relates to the disposition of personal property; increasing property valuation amount for certain notification requirement; and providing an effective date. HB 2946 − By Derby. An Act relating to maintenance medications; creating the Oklahoma Improvement in Maintenance Medications Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2947 − By Derby. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2355, which relates to income tax rates; deleting contingent income tax rate; modifying income tax rate for certain years; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2358, which relates to adjustments to taxable income; eliminating individual income tax deductions and exemptions; repealing 27A O.S. 2011, Section 2-11-303, which relates to hazardous waste control tax credit; repealing 36 O.S. 2011, Sections 625.1, 625.4 and 2030, which relate to insurance industry tax credits; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2355.1A, which relates to contingent income tax rates; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 2357, 2357.1, 2357.4, 2357.6, 2357.7, 2357.7A, 2357.8, 2357.10, 2357.11, 2357.11A, 2357.13, 2357.22, 2357.25, 2357.25A, 2357.26, 2357.27, 2357.28, 2357.29, 2357.30, 2357.31, 2357.32, 2357.32A, 2357.32B, 2357.33, 2357.34, 2357.35, 2357.36, 2357.37, 2357.38, 2357.39, 2357.40, 2357.41, 2357.42, 2357.43, 2357.45, 2357.46, 2357.47, 2357.59, 2357.60, 2357.61, 2357.62, 2357.63, 2357.66, 2357.67, 2357.73, 2357.74, 2357.81, 2357.100, 2357.101, 2357.102, 2357.103, 2357.104, 2357.201, 2357.202, 2357.203, 2357.204, 2357.205, 2357.206, 2357.301, 2357.302, 2357.303, 2357.304, 2357.401, 2357.402, 2358.7, 2370, 2370.3 and 54006, which relate to tax credits; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2358.1, 2358.1A, 2358.3, 2358.4, 2358.5, 2358.5A and 2358.6, which relate to adjustments to income tax; and providing an effective date. HB 2948 − By Derby. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 101, which relates to the Oklahoma Insurance Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2949 − By Derby. An Act relating to professions and occupations; creating the Professions and Occupations Update Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2950 − By Derby. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1301, which relates to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2951 − By Derby. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Public Health Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2952 − By McDaniel (Randy). An Act relating to public retirement systems; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 2-304 and 2-305, which relate to the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; modifying employer contribution rate; modifying employee contribution rate; modifying provisions related to retirement benefit computation for certain members; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2953 − By McAffrey and Dorman. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; amending 37 O.S. 2011, Section 163.1, 505 and 520A, which relate to personal use permit; allowing certain acts related to personal use permits; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2954 − By McAffrey and Dorman. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; amending 37 O.S. 2011, Section 521, which relates to licenses; allowing holders of brewer licenses to provide samples; allowing holders of package store licenses to provide samples; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2955 − By Christian. An Act relating to state government; requiring certain employees have certain time off before returning to work; providing exception; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2956 − By Christian. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 840-2.18, which relates to longevity pay; modifying eligibility for longevity pay; modifying longevity pay schedule; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2957 − By Christian. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 590, which relates to contracts; prohibiting certain employment; and providing an effective date. HB 2958 − By Christian. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; requiring licensees to maintain liability insurance; specifying requirement; directing the Alcoholic Beverage Law Enforcement Commission to promulgate rules; providing for the creation of certain form; specifying contents of form; requiring annual renewal of form; requiring licensees to maintain form; providing that failure to comply shall be grounds for suspension or revocation; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2959 − By Christian. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; creating the Crimes and Punishments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2960 − By Christian. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 101, which relates to the Oklahoma Insurance Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2961 − By Christian. An Act relating to motor vehicles; creating the Oklahoma Motor Vehicles Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2962 − By Christian. An Act relating to state government; creating the State Government Reform Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2963 − By Christian. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 4601, which relates to the Health Care for Oklahomans Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2964 − By Lockhart. An Act relating to waters and water rights; directing the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to create a coordinated restoration and protection strategy for impaired watersheds; stating goal of the strategy; requiring submittal of the strategy by a certain date; requiring an annual progress report to be submitted to certain persons; listing specific information and recommendations to be included in the update; directing the Governor and Legislature to take appropriate action under certain conditions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2965 − By Thomsen. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 858- 706 and 858-712, which relate to the Oklahoma Certified Real Estate Appraisers Act; requiring Real Estate Appraiser Board maintain certain records; directing content of records; directing public availability of certain records; setting length of time for Board review; setting length of time for arranging examination date; and providing an effective date. HB 2966 − By Thomsen. An Act relating to public safety; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 196, which relates to warrantless arrest procedures; modifying circumstance that allows for a warrantless arrest; updating statutory reference; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 1-142 and 1-168, which relate to definitions; expanding scope of certain definitions; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 2-106, which relates to the Driver License Examining Division of the Department of Public Safety; changing name of division; stating the service position of division director; modifying salary requirements for Driver License Examining Division employees; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 6-111, 6-205 and 6-209, which relate to the issuance and cancellation of driver licenses; updating statutory references; clarifying circumstances that require mandatory revocation; providing for the surrender of driver licenses under certain circumstances; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 7-503, which relates to self-insurers of motor vehicles; clarifying procedures for the issuance of self-insurance certificates; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 7-602, 7-602.1, 7-603, 7-605 and 7-606, which relate to compulsory liability insurance; clarifying purpose of security verification form requirement; authorizing use of Insurance Commissioner records for insurance verification purposes; deleting property interest statement relating to driver licenses; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 14-109, 14-116 and 14-120.2, which relate to size, weight and loads of vehicles; providing statutory reference to certain federal weight formulas; deleting vehicle weight table; stating fee for certain permit cancellation or revision requests; updating statutory reference; stating entity that will provide superload escort services; defining term; providing fee amount; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 40-102, which relates to traffic collision reports; expanding list of persons who may request collision reports; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 751 and 754, which relate to complied consent tests and surrender of driver licenses; modifying circumstances that require consent to test blood or breath for alcohol concentration; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. 122 House Journal

HB 2967 − By Thomsen. An Act relating to athlete agents; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Sections 821.85 and 821.94, which relate to the Uniform Athlete Agents Act; reducing certain surety bond amount; requiring submission of a surety bond if an athlete agent is charged with a violation; setting amount of the surety bond; modifying prohibition from contact with a student-athlete; and providing an effective date. HB 2968 − By Thomsen. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.508, which relates to the Oklahoma School Testing Program Act; deleting authorization for the State Board of Education to develop and administer certain tests; deleting requirement to administer certain tests; deleting requirement for student to take certain test upon completion of a course; deleting requirement to develop certain tests; deleting requirement to provide retakes of certain tests; requiring school districts to administer certain ACT assessments to students in certain grades; requiring results to be reported to the State Department of Education; stating that results of certain assessment be used for developing a certain plan for each student; requiring school districts to administer certain ACT assessments to certain students enrolled in certain courses; requiring students to take the ACT assessment in order to graduate; directing the Board to negotiate an annual statewide administration; providing for costs; modifying requirement to report certain test results on the high school transcript; deleting requirement for administration of an art assessment; deleting requirements related to the end-of-instruction criterion referenced tests; repealing 70 O.S. 1210.523, which relates to the end-of-instruction criterion-referenced tests; and providing an effective date. HB 2969 − By Thomsen. An Act relating to state government; creating the Legislative Task Force on The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; providing for membership of Task Force; requiring study of certain issues related to The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; requiring organizational meeting; providing for chair and Vice Chair; providing for staff assistance; providing for final report; providing for termination of Task Force; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2970 − By Thomsen. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 4307, which relates to reports and statements to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education; modifying certain reporting requirements; adding technology center school districts and certain education information; directing the State Regents to include certain data or information in certain reports, surveys or studies; specifying certain data or information; requiring the State Regents to include the data or information in college-going and college completion rates; and providing an effective date. HB 2971 − By Thomsen. An Act relating to higher education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3101, which relates to the title of the Higher Education Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2972 − By Fourkiller and Dorman. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; defining terms; providing tax credit for reserve law enforcement officers; specifying amount of credit; providing credit eligibility criteria; requiring certain documentation; requiring certain uniform documents be provided to departments; providing for reporting form; allowing access to certain information; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 123

HB 2973 − By Fourkiller and Dorman. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 11-103.6f, which relates to graduation requirement exceptions for students transferring from out of state; changing the school year level for graduation exceptions; clarifying language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2974 − By Dank. An Act relating to officers; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Section 315, which relates to the Political Subdivisions Ethics Act; modifying the filing of certain reports; and providing an effective date. HB 2975 − By Dank. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2358, which relates to adjustments to taxable income and adjusted gross income; authorizing exemption for persons age sixty-five and older; modifying provisions related to capital gains; providing for capital gains exclusion for persons age sixty-five and older; and providing an effective date. HB 2976 − By Dank. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 27A O.S. 2011, Section 2-11-303, and 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 2357, 2357.4, 2357.6, 2357.11, 2357.22, 2357.25, 2357.26, 2357.27, 2357.30, 2357.32A, 2357.32B, 2357.40, 2357.41, 2357.45, 2357.46, 2357.47, 2357.59, 2357.66, 2357.67, 2357.81, 2357.100, 2357.101, 2357.102, 2357.104, 2357.201, 2357.203, 2370, 2370.3 and 54006, which relate to tax credits; modifying dates for purposes of tax credit moratorium; modifying provisions related to accrual of certain tax credits; providing tax credit provisions not to be utilized unless measure enacted pursuant to provisions of the Oklahoma Constitution; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2977 − By Dank. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.1A-1, which relates to the Task Force for the Study of State Tax Credits and Economic Incentives; modifying scope of study; modifying date for report; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2978 − By Dank. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; defining term; requiring measures to contain provisions allowing identification of certain persons; prohibiting measures allowing transfer of tax credits; providing exception; requiring creation or retention of jobs; requiring tax credit to contain limitations with respect to revenue loss; requiring tax credits to contain certain termination date; requiring prior approval of certain activity related to tax credits; requiring audits by the State Auditor and Inspector; requiring fiscal impact; requiring impact to be available within certain period of time prior to vote on final passage; prohibiting consideration of measures containing tax credits during certain period of time related to legislative sessions; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2979 − By Dank. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.11, which relates to tax credits for certain transactions related to coal production; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.32A, which relates to tax credits related to certain zero emission facilities; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.32B, which relates to tax credits for manufacturers of small wind turbines; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.41, which 124 House Journal relates to tax credits for certain qualified historic rehabilitation expenditures; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.46, which relates to tax credits for construction of certain energy- efficient residences; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.104, which relates to tax credits for certain railroad reconstruction expenditures; modifying provisions related to transferability of tax credits; providing credits not transferable; providing for effect of amendatory provisions of enactment with respect to tax credits earned or transferred prior to specified date; providing for effect of amendatory provisions of enactment with respect to carryover periods; providing for noncodification; and declaring an emergency. HB 2980 − By Dank. An Act relating to economic development incentives; enacting the Saving Quality Jobs Technical Amendments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2981 − By Ortega. An Act relating to Insurance Department fees; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 321, which relates to Insurance Department fees; providing for additional fees; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 613, which relates to deposit requirements; specifying applicability of certain statute; imposing deposit requirement for certain insurers; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 1450, which relates to licensing requirements; extending duration of certain licenses; modifying certain fees; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 6676, which relates to certain limited-lines license application requirements; directing Insurance Commissioner to collect certain fees; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 858-708, which relates to real estate appraiser fees; directing Insurance Department to charge and collect certain federal fees; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 1305, 1310 and 1314, which relate to bail bondsmen licensing fees and requirements; increasing application fee; modifying penalties for certain notice failures; establishing certain late fee; authorizing civil penalty for certain late filings; and providing an effective date. HB 2982 − By Mulready. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 2027, which relates to the Respiratory Care Practice Act; modifying definition; deleting definition; updating certain references; modifying fee for license to practice respiratory care; and providing an effective date. HB 2983 − By Mulready. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Title 68 Modification Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2984 − By Mulready. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 1204, which relates to defining unfair practices and frauds; modifying what constitutes prohibited inducement; and providing an effective date. HB 2985 − By Mulready. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 101, which relates to the Oklahoma Insurance Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 2986 − By Mulready. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 4601, which relates to the Health Care for Oklahomans Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

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HB 2987 − By Ritze. An Act relating to elections; requiring proof of citizenship for certain candidates; requiring documents to be available for public inspection; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 2988 − By Ritze. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.25, which relates to the use of deadly force; expanding right to use deadly force; and providing an effective date. HB 2989 − By Ritze. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-117, which relates to the powers and duties of a board of education; modifying power to contract with an attorney; enacting the School District Private Attorney Retention Act; requiring request for proposal process for retention of lawyer or law firm on behalf of school district; requiring Internet website to contain conspicuous statement; requiring school district to maintain list of persons and entities receiving requests for proposals; authorizing school district to provide Internet website access to request for proposals; prescribing period of time to maintain access; requiring website to contain information regarding vendor to which contract awarded; imposing requirement with respect to documents accessible through website; requiring review of certain contracts; requiring filing of proposed contract and written statement with Attorney General; providing requirements of written statement; providing time period for review; requiring report from the Attorney General; allowing school district to enter into certain proposed contract if the Attorney General makes no changes; requiring school district to revise and file revised contract in certain circumstances; providing for expedited review of proposed contract; requiring certain statement from retained outside counsel at conclusion of legal proceeding; providing maximum amount of fees and expenses to be incurred; providing for reduction in fee; defining terms; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2990 − By Ritze. An Act relating to officers; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Sections 303, 305, 307 and 315, which relate to the Political Subdivisions Ethics Act; modifying administration of the act; authorizing Commission to administrate act for candidates for school district office; modifying duties of the Commission; modifying filing of complaints; modifying the filing of certain reports; and providing an effective date. HB 2991 − By Ritze. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Modernization of Health Department Certificates Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2992 − By Ritze. An Act relating to state government; creating the State Agency and Elected Officials Advertising Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 2993 − By Ritze. An Act relating to elections; requiring costs for certain elections be printed on public communications and ballots; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2994 − By Newell. An Act relating to cities and towns; providing for exclusion of certain real property from street improvement districts; authorizing inclusion of certain real property in street improvement districts under certain circumstances; prescribing procedures; imposing duties 126 House Journal upon municipal clerk; requiring notice regarding assessments; providing for proportionate sharing of costs; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 2995 − By Newell. An Act relating to county and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Sections 339, 421.2 and 1502, which relate to county commissioners; modifying general powers of the board; modifying transfer of surplus equipment; requiring board to prescribe certain inventory system for county supplies; and providing an effective date. HB 2996 − By Newell. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-503, which relates to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; making certain property subject to forfeiture; and providing an effective date. HB 2997 − By Newell. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1289.7 and 1289.13A, which relate to transporting firearms in vehicles; modifying manner in which firearms may be transported in vehicles; construing certain provision; providing discretion in the issuance of certain traffic citations; and providing an effective date. HB 2998 − By Newell. An Act relating to firearms; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1290.2 and 1290.22, which relate to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying definition of concealed handgun; authorizing private property owners to prohibit certain conduct; requiring private property owners to post certain signs; making certain conduct subject to removal from property; providing for the issuance of citations; and providing an effective date. HB 2999 − By Newell. An Act relating to higher education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3507.1, which relates to the alternate name of the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3000 − By Newell. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-110.1, which relates to continuing education requirements for school district board of education members; expanding prohibition from running for reelection; adding time period to prohibition from running for office; and declaring an emergency. HB 3001 − By Newell. An Act relating to game and fish; establishing open season dates for the hunting, killing or taking of deer; directing the Wildlife Conservation Commission to establish certain limits; authorizing the Commission to establish a special antlerless deer gun open season and certain limits for the season; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 3002 − By Newell. An Act relating to criminal procedure; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Sections 914 and 925, which relate to criminal verdicts; adding guilty but mentally ill verdict; defining terms; providing procedures; specifying circumstances under which a defendant may be found guilty but mentally ill; authorizing courts to take certain actions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 3003 − By McAffrey and Dorman. An Act relating to elections; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 7-114, which relates to conduct of elections; modifying proof of identity; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 127

HB 3004 − By Hoskin and Kirby. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 10.3 and 10.5, which relate to the cabinet system; providing for a Native American issues cabinet area; designating the Oklahoma Native American Liaison as the cabinet Secretary; establishing the maximum salary of the Secretary of Native American Affairs; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1207, which relates to the Oklahoma Native American Liaison; requiring the Oklahoma Native American Liaison to serve as the Secretary of Native American Affairs; changing appointment date; modifying certain eligibility requirement; clarifying certain duty; and declaring an emergency. HB 3005 − By Kern. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 3603, which relates to the Oklahoma Quality Jobs Program Act; modifying definition; providing net benefit rate not to exceed certain income tax rate; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3006 − By Stiles. An Act relating to compressed natural gas; enacting the Oklahoma Compressed Natural Gas Vehicles Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3007 − By Terrill. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-110.1, which relates to driver license endorsements; directing the Department of Public Safety to establish certain endorsement; describing endorsement; defining term; directing the Department of Public Safety to establish rules for the operation of autonomous vehicles; providing guidelines for establishing rules; defining terms; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 3008 − By Terrill. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1707, which relates to the Deferred Savings Incentive Plan; modifying authorized contribution amounts; modifying references to certain dates with respect to contributions by public officials; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3009 − By Terrill. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 701.7, which relates to the crime of murder in the first degree; expanding scope of crime; and providing an effective date. HB 3010 − By Terrill. An Act relating to prisons and reformatories; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 563.3, which relates to the Oklahoma Corrections Act of 1967; making private prisons responsible for incarceration costs of certain inmates; and providing an effective date. HB 3011 − By Terrill. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.29, which relates to persons permitted to carry firearms; authorizing certain persons to carry firearms; and providing an effective date. HB 3012 − By Terrill. An Act relating to state government; creating the State Government Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3013 − By Terrill. An Act relating to amusements and sports; enacting the Amusements and Sports Policy Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. 128 House Journal

HB 3014 − By Terrill. An Act relating to definitions and general provisions; creating the Oklahoma Official English Language Implementation Act; declaring the English language to be the official language of this state; stating legislative findings; requiring that the state preserve and enhance the role of English as the official language; stating purpose; prohibiting actions which diminish or ignore the role of English as the official language of this state; defining actions which preserve, enhance, diminish, or ignore the role of English as the official language of this state; requiring disclosure of requirements, and separate budget delineations of costs, for using languages other than English; specifying that the Oklahoma Official English Language Implementation Act creates no new rights of action or claims; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 3015 − By Terrill. An Act relating to courts; creating the Court Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3016 − By Terrill. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1302, which relates to Insurance Commissioner authority to regulate bail bondsmen; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3017 − By Terrill. An Act relating to insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 101, which relates to the Oklahoma Insurance Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3018 − By Terrill. An Act relating to motor vehicles; creating the Oklahoma Motor Vehicles Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3019 − By Terrill. An Act relating to state government; creating the State Government Update Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3020 − By Terrill. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 18-114.3, which relates to the Juris Doctorate Degree; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3021 − By Terrill. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-102, which relates to scope and organization; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3022 − By Terrill. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Oklahoma Revenue and Taxation Policy Analysis Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3023 − By Terrill. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Public Health Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3024 − By Terrill. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; enacting the Title 37 Technical Amendments Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3025 − By Terrill. An Act relating to labor; creating the Labor Update Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 129

HB 3026 − By Terrill. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Public Finance Technical Amendments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3027 − By Terrill. An Act relating to workers’ compensation; amending 85 O.S. 2011, Section 301, which relates to the Workers’ Compensation Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3028 − By Coody. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1356, which relates to sales tax; providing exemption to certain organizations providing services to veterans; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3029 − By Coody. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1357, which relates to general sales tax exemptions; exempting sales to surviving spouses of certain veterans from sales tax; exempting funeral expenses of certain veterans from sales tax; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3030 − By Coody. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 11-103.6, which relates to high school graduation requirements; modifying curricular requirements for mathematics; specifying types of mathematics courses; allowing certain career technology courses to be substituted; delaying implementation under certain circumstances; directing the State Board of Education to make certain determination; requiring continuation of the additional mathematics course after implementation; modifying mathematics completion requirement for certain grades; and providing an effective date. HB 3031 − By Coody. An Act relating to schools; requiring the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation to offer certain teachers a professional development program in certain reading instruction; stating purpose; specifying criteria for a professional development program; requiring certain content; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3032 − By Coody. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-107, which relates to educational services; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date. HB 3033 − By Coody. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3212, which relates to private educational institutions coordinating with The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education; clarifying statutory language; and providing an effective date. HB 3034 − By Coody. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 24-117, which relates to providing safety goggles to certain personnel; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3035 − By Coody. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Revenue and Tax Analysis Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.

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HB 3036 − By Coody. An Act relating to pension systems; enacting the Pension Systems Technical Amendments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3037 − By Coody. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Public Health Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3038 − By Osborn, Newell, Derby, Murphey, Brumbaugh, Blackwell, Hall, McDaniel (Randy), Holland, Cockroft, Faught, Tibbs, Cooksey, Grau, Vaughan, Ortega, Kirby, Jackson, Armes, Denney, Sanders, Wright and Mulready. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 2355, 2357 and 2358, which relate to the Oklahoma Income Tax Code; modifying individual income tax rates; providing for computation of tax rates; providing for elimination of individual income tax; modifying provisions related to certain individual income tax credits; modifying provisions related to computation of taxable income and adjusted gross income; eliminating deductions and exemptions related to computation of adjusted gross income for individuals; prohibiting use of tax credits by individuals; providing for scope of prohibition regarding use of tax credits; defining term; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1353, which relates to the apportionment of sales tax; modifying apportionment of sales with respect to the Ad Valorem Reimbursement Fund; modifying apportionment of sales tax with respect to the Teachers’ Retirement System Dedicated Revenue Revolving Fund; modifying apportionment of sales tax with respect to the General Revenue Fund; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2355.1A, which relates to determination regarding top marginal rate of income tax based on certain revenue conditions; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 2358.1, 2358.1A, 2358.3, 2358.5, 2358.5A and 2358.7, which relate to certain tax credits for individuals; providing for codification; and providing effective dates. HB 3039 − By Osborn. An Act relating to educational television; stating legislative intent to reduce appropriations to the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority; establishing certain reduction amounts for certain fiscal years; stating legislative intent regarding appropriations to the Authority by a certain fiscal year; directing the Authority to secure an amount of funding from certain sources if possible; stating use and purpose of funding; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3040 − By Osborn. An Act relating to higher education; creating the Higher Education Accountability Act; requiring higher education institutions to annually report certain information; establishing reporting date; requiring submission of report to the Legislature and on a website; listing information to be contained in the report; requiring reported information to be disaggregated by certain factors and compared to peer institutions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 3041 − By Osborn and Blackwell. An Act relating to state employee compensation and benefits; authorizing state employee pay increase; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1353, which relates to the apportionment of sales tax; providing for apportionment of sales tax revenue to State Employee Market Compensation Revolving Fund; creating State Employee Market Compensation Revolving Fund; providing for apportionment of revenue; providing purpose First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 131 of expenditures; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 840-2.18, which relates to longevity pay; modifying authorized longevity pay amounts; providing for increase based on certain performance evaluation; providing for indexed amounts using Consumer Price Index; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1370, which relates to a flexible benefits program; modifying flexible benefit amount; providing for codification; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3042 − By Osborn. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 18f and 212, which relate to the State Auditor and Inspector; requiring certain entities assist the State Auditor and Inspector in reimbursing for certain services; and providing an effective date. HB 3043 − By Osborn. An Act relating to public buildings and public works; creating the Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act; declaring purposes; defining terms; prohibiting public agencies from entering into certain contracts; prohibiting certain terms in certain documents; prohibiting public agencies from making certain awards; prohibiting certain persons from placing certain terms in certain documents; providing exemptions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 3044 − By Osborn. An Act relating to state government; limiting the number of full-time-equivalent employees for certain entities; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3045 − By Osborn. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 2, which relates to power of the Governor; authorizing Governor to appoint or replace certain persons; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 102, which relates to powers and duties of the Oklahoma Tax Commission; modifying appointments made by Governor; and providing an effective date. HB 3046 − By Osborn. An Act relating to environment and natural resources; amending 27A O.S. 2011, Section 2-6-205, which relates to the unlawful discharges without a permit under the Oklahoma Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3047 − By Ritze. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1623, which relates to consumer fireworks; prohibiting certain municipalities from prohibiting certain acts related to fireworks; and declaring an emergency. HB 3048 − By Kern. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Sections 6-101.15, 6-101.22 and 6- 101.41, which relate to grounds for dismissal or nonreemployment of school administrators, teachers and school support employees; modifying certain definition; requiring school districts to release certain information to any other school district upon request; requiring board of education to adopt a policy concerning appropriate communication between teachers and students and teachers and staff; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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HB 3049 − By Sanders. An Act relating to sex offenders; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 590, which relates to residency restrictions for registered sex offenders; prohibiting certain sex offenders from residing with minor children; and providing an effective date. HB 3050 − By Sanders. An Act relating to sex offenders; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 1632, which relates to petition for change of name; modifying petition requirements for change of name; amending Section 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1125, which relates to the Zone of Safety requirements; increasing certain age limitation; prohibiting registered sex offenders from obtaining a name change; providing penalties; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 3051 − By Sanders. An Act relating to children; authorizing prosecution of certain Department of Human Services employees for certain violations; specifying requirements; prohibiting certain benefits; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 3052 − By Steele. An Act relating to corrections; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 13.1, which relates to required service of prison sentence; modifying eligibility requirements for earned credits; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 471.2, which relates to the Oklahoma Drug Court Act; providing for the use of intermediate sanctions facilities; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 982a, which relates to judicial reviews; increasing time limitation for requesting sentence modification; requiring approval by the district attorney under certain circumstances; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 991a, which relates to sentencing powers of the court; requiring certain persons to participate in an assessment and evaluation; providing access to assessment results; directing use of assessment results for sentencing options; requiring mandatory term of supervised probation; establishing time limitation for mandatory probation; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 517, which relates to probation violations; modifying circumstances that allow the revocation of probation; clarifying procedures for intermediate sanctions facility placement; authorizing the Department of Corrections to develop matrix of technical notations and sanctions for certain persons; authorizing use of intermediate sanctions process; providing procedures for sanctions process; directing the Department of Corrections to develop certain policies and procedures; providing procedures for technical violation hearings; making hearing and sanctions appealable to the district court; authorizing the Department of Corrections to establish intermediate sanctions facilities for certain persons; establishing time limitation for confinement in facility; prohibiting offenders from receiving earned credits; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-402, which relates to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; modifying penalties for certain crimes; creating the Justice Reinvestment Grant Program; authorizing the Attorney General to award competitive grants to local law enforcement agencies; directing use of funds; providing eligibility requirements; directing the Attorney General to publish guidelines and application; authorizing the Attorney General to adopt rules and procedures; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 3053 − By Steele. An Act relating to state government; creating the State Government Administrative Process Consolidation and Reorganization Reform Act of 2012; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Sections 34.3 and 34.3.1, which relate to the Oklahoma State Finance Act; creating the Office of Enterprise and Management Services; creating the Division of Capital Assets First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 133

Management, Human Capital Management Division and Employee Benefits Department; consolidating certain agencies into the Office of Enterprise and Management Services; modifying definition; requiring Director of the Office of Enterprise and Management Services to implement consolidation; modifying delivery of books, papers, records and property; transferring powers, duties and responsibilities; providing for transfer of funds; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 695.7, which relates to the Oklahoma State Bond Advisor; modifying powers and duties; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 61.2, which relates to the Department of Central Services; modifying references; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 840-1.6, 840-1.7, 840-1.8, 840-1.15, 840—1.19, 840-1.20, 840-2.1, 840-2.3, 840-2.4, 840- 2.7, 840-2.13, 840-2.14, 840-2.18, 840—2.19, 840—2.20, 840—2.20A, 840-2.21, 840-2.22 and 840-2.26, which relate to the Oklahoma Personnel Act; modifying references; providing for powers and duties of Director; providing for transfer of funds; directing payment of certain costs; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 1303 and 1320, which relate to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Act; modifying definitions; creating the Oklahoma Health and Wellness Board; providing for membership and terms; abolishing certain entities; providing for powers and duties of the Board; modifying references; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 1363, 1368 and 1375, which relate to the Oklahoma State Employees Benefits Act; modifying definitions; providing for transfer of funds; modifying references; repealing 62 O.S. 2011, Section 695.7a, which relates to the Office of State Bond Advisor; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 840-1.5 and 840-1.21, which relate to the Oklahoma Personnel Act; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 1304, 1305, 1306.3 and 1306.4, which relate to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Act; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 1364 and 1365, which relate to the Oklahoma State Employees Benefits Act; providing for codification; and providing for noncodification. HB 3054 − By Steele. An Act relating to children; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Children’s Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3055 − By Steele. An Act relating to waters and water rights; creating the Water for 2060 Act; stating finding; declaring state policy; limiting application of the act; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 1088.1, which relates to the Oklahoma Water Conservation Grant Program Act; modifying title; adding entities eligible to be considered communities; expanding pilot projects; creating the Water for 2060 Advisory Council; establishing membership of the Advisory Council; providing for officers, meetings, quorum and vacancies; providing for staff support; listing duties and responsibilities of the Advisory Council; requiring the Advisory Council to submit a final report by a certain date; providing for recodification; and providing for codification. HB 3056 − By Steele. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 1306 and 1321, which relate to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Act; clarifying language; modifying plan year dates; establishing dates for determining premiums for certain plan year; establishing deductible amounts for certain plan year; deleting obsolete language; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 1363, 1369, 1370 and 1371, which relate to the Oklahoma State Employees Benefits Act; modifying definition of plan year; modifying plan year dates relating to eligibility; modifying plan years for flexible benefit allowance; modifying plan year relating to purchase of benefits; and providing an effective date.

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HB 3057 − By Steele. An Act relating to transportation funding; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1104, which relates to motor vehicle collections; modifying amount of certain apportionments; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Section 1521, which relates to the Rebuilding Oklahoma Access and Driver Safety Fund; increasing certain apportionment; raising cap on fund; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3058 − By Steele. An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Oklahoma Hospital Residency Training Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3059 − By Steele. An Act relating to safe communities; creating the Oklahoma Safe Communities Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3060 − By Steele. An Act relating to corrections; creating the Oklahoma Corrections Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3061 − By Steele. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Tax Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3062 − By Steele. An Act relating to the Department of Human Services; creating the DHS Restructuring Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3063 − By Steele. An Act relating to schools; creating the Education Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3064 − By Kern. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-141, which relates to salary schedules, superintendent contracts and administrator compensation and benefits; setting the maximum salary of a superintendent of a school district; allowing a school district to pay certain benefits; authorizing the adoption of incentive pay plans for superintendents; limiting application to employment contracts signed after a certain date; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3065 − By Kern. An Act relating to higher education; stating legislative intent that students complete United States history and government courses in order to be granted certain degrees; specifying certain criteria for the courses; prohibiting substitution of other types of courses; prohibiting the award of extrainstitutional learning credit toward the courses; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 3066 − By Kern. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3067 − By Kern. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; creating the Crimes and Punishments Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.

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HB 3068 − By Quinn. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2355, which relates to income tax rates; removing contingent income tax rate; creating contingent income tax rate for certain years; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2355.1A, which relates to contingent income tax rates; and providing an effective date. HB 3069 − By Dorman. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 3603, which relates to the Oklahoma Quality Jobs Program Act; modifying definition; providing for eligibility of remanufacturing; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 1357 and 1359, which relate to sales tax transactions; modifying references; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3070 − By Dorman. An Act relating to administrative law; enacting the State Office of Administrative Hearings Act; providing short title; stating purpose; defining terms; providing for exceptions to act; creating the State Office of Administrative Hearings; providing powers and duties; providing for the appointment of the Chief Administrative Law Judge of the State Office of Administrative Hearings; providing for powers and duties of the Chief Administrative Law Judge; providing for compensation of Chief Administrative Law Judge; providing for the adoption of rules pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act; establishing qualifications, responsibilities and compensation of administrative law judges; providing for the jurisdiction of the State Office of Administrative Hearings; providing for appeal from a decision of an administrative law judge; creating the State Office of Administrative Hearings Revolving Fund; providing for the administration of the fund; providing for the transfer of personnel, equipment, and pending cases to the State Office of Administrative Procedures; providing that the transfer of funds, personnel, allotments, purchases, outstanding financial obligations and encumbrances be coordinated by the Director of the Office of State Finance; requiring Chief Administrative Law Judge promulgate rules, establish procedure, and obtain necessary personnel and equipment to assure smooth transition process; amending 75 O.S. 2011, Sections 250.3, 310, 311, 311.1, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322 and 323, which relate to the Administrative Procedures Act; modifying the Administrative Procedures Act to conform with the State Office of Administrative Hearings Act; providing for codification; providing for noncodification; and providing effective dates. HB 3071 − By Dorman. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 4258, which relates to the Ethics Commission Act; modifying Ethics Commission Fund; providing for funding based on certain fees; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3072 − By Dorman. An Act relating to schools; directing the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation to establish the Oklahoma Student Study Skills Improvement Pilot Program; stating purpose of the Program; directing the Commission to seek requests for development of professional development institutes; providing for approval of programs; requiring participating teachers to take certain assessments; requiring the Commission to contract for an independent evaluation of the programs; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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HB 3073 − By Dorman. An Act relating to schools; stating legislative intent that the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education establish a dyslexia teacher training pilot program; providing for selection of institutions; stating goals of the pilot program; requiring participating institutions to provide certain training for teachers and teacher candidates; directing the State Regents to establish guidelines and procedures; requiring annual reports by participating institutions; requiring the State Regents to submit a report containing certain information; defining term; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3074 − By Dorman. An Act relating to liens; amending 42 O.S. 2011, Section 43, which relates to hospital liens; providing for lien when injured party asserts claim against insurer; and providing an effective date. HB 3075 − By Dorman. An Act relating to property; eliminating acquisition of real property by adverse possession; amending 60 O.S. 2011, Section 331, which relates to methods of acquisition of real property; eliminating acquisition by occupancy; making application prospective; repealing 60 O.S. 2011, Sections 332 and 333, which relate to acquisition of real property by occupancy and by prescription; and providing an effective date. HB 3076 − By Dorman. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-142, which relates to criminal history record checks; defining term; requiring board of education to request national criminal history check for any prospective volunteer; requiring school district to pay search fee; prohibiting future checks after prospective volunteer passes a check unless break in service occurs; and providing an effective date. HB 3077 − By Dorman. An Act relating to education; making certain military students eligible for in-state residency status at higher education institutions and technology center school districts; specifying eligibility criteria for resident tuition; making spouses and dependent children of certain military students eligible; providing for continuation of in-state or resident status after a military-ordered out-of-state transfer under certain conditions; providing for continuation of in-state or resident status upon discharge under certain conditions; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3078 − By Dorman. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 492, which relates to the practice of medicine and surgery; modifying exemptions; and providing an effective date. HB 3079 − By Murphey. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Office of State Finance Reform Act; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3080 − By Murphey. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Administrative Cost Consolidation for Public Safety Act; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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HB 3081 − By Murphey. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Administrative Cost Consolidation for Natural Resources Act; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3082 − By Murphey. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Administrative Cost Consolidation for Human Services Act; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3083 − By Murphey. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Administrative Cost Consolidation for Education Act; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3084 − By Murphey. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Administrative Cost Consolidation for Business Services Act; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3085 − By Murphey. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Omnibus Tax Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3086 − By Murphey. An Act relating to fees; amending 28 O.S. 2011, Section 111, which relates to collection of certain fees by the Secretary of State; limiting fee for certain documentation for international adoptions; and providing an effective date. HB 3087 − By Nelson. An Act relating to government; creating the Federal Violations of the United States Constitution Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3088 − By Nelson. An Act relating to school administration; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 13A-103, which relates to election dates; changing election dates for members of the board of education; changing election dates for question of school levy; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 13A-105, which relates to the declarations of candidacy by certain candidates; modifying dates of filing; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Section 91, which relates to officers subject to removal; adding school district officers; clarifying language; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-107A, which relates to membership of boards of education of school districts; providing for the term of office of board members elected after certain date; providing for completion of the term of office for certain board members; requiring school board members and administrators to disclose receiving a thing of value from certain persons; requiring the member or administrator to file a written report; requiring report to be filed in certain office and posted on the school district Internet website; defining terms; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3089 − By Nelson. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-111, which relates to the school day; changing the length of the school day; changing length of school day for kindergarten; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 18-108; which relates to free public kindergarten; changing the length of a full day of kindergarten; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. 138 House Journal

HB 3090 − By Nelson. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 13-101.2, which relates to the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program Act; clarifying language; updating statutory citations; providing for proration of a scholarship in certain circumstances; modifying time period for notifying a private school of scholarship amount; amending Section 2, Chapter 356, O.S.L. 2011, which relates to the Special Education Statewide Cooperative Task Force; extending termination date of the Task Force; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3091 − By Williams. An Act relating to criminal record expungements; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 2- 5-210, which relates to the Youthful Offender Act; clarifying procedures for expunging criminal records of youthful offenders; providing access to expunged records for certain purposes; providing for the unsealing of records upon application for use in subsequent prosecutions; defining term; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 18, which relates to the expungement of records; adding and modifying expungement qualifications; and providing an effective date. HB 3092 − By Williams. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; amending 37 O.S. 2011, Sections 163.7, 163.8, 163.10, 163.11, 163.11a, 163.16, 213.1, 241 and 244, which relate to low-point beer; removing the district court from the low-point beer licensing and regulation process; updating references to reflect modification of low-point beer regulation; requiring certain information be provided to the Oklahoma Tax Commission instead of district court; requiring permit protests be heard by Oklahoma Tax Commission; updating references to reflect modification of low-point beer regulation; and providing an effective date. HB 3093 − By Williams. An Act relating to canoes; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 4002, which relates to vessel registration; modifying definitions; exempting canoes from registration and excise tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1354, which relates to sales tax; subjecting canoes to sales tax; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3094 − By Williams. An Act relating to the State Board of Education; making appropriations; stating purpose; and declaring an emergency. HB 3095 − By Williams. An Act relating to children; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Sections 401, 402, 404, 404.1, 404.3, 405, 405.1, 405.2, 405.3, 406, 406.1, 407, 408, 410.1 and 412, which relate to the Oklahoma Child Care Facilities Licensing Act; making State Department of Education the licensing authority; modifying definitions; providing for the transfer of authority to license child care homes or facilities to the State Department of Education; providing for the transfer of certain records; providing for the continuation of certain contracts; directing State Department of Education to enforce certain rules; specifying licensing powers and duties of State Department of Education; providing for the transfer of certain employees of the Department of Human Services to the State Department of Education; providing for retention of certain employees; providing for retention of earned leave and certain benefits; directing Department of Central Services to provide office space; directing State Department of Education to establish certain grievance system; and providing an effective date.

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HB 3096 − By Williams. An Act relating to education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 11-103.9, which relates to physical education programs; requiring physical education teachers to complete certain training and obtain certain certification; and providing an effective date. HB 3097 − By Williams. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 1212.1, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227 and 1228, which relate to the Oklahoma Franchise Tax and the Oklahoma Business Activity Tax; repealing 18 O.S. 2011, Section 1142.2, which relates to a credit against certain registration fees; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2370, which relates to a privilege tax; modifying reference to Oklahoma Business Activity Tax; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3098 − By Williams. An Act relating to marriage and family; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 112, which relates to the determination of care, custody and support of minor children in dissolution of marriage actions; modifying medical insurance coverage requirement; and providing an effective date. HB 3099 − By Williams. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.508, which relates to the Oklahoma School Testing Program Act; clarifying effect on graduation of proficiency attainment on the end-of-instruction tests; adding remediation or intervention requirements; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.526, which relates to eligibility for funding under the Achieving Classroom Excellence Act of 2005; changing and updating statutory citations; deleting eligibility for reimbursement of administration of alternative assessments; repealing 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.523, which relates to demonstrating mastery of the state academic content standards; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3100 − By Williams. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; amending 37 O.S. 2011, Sections 241 and 537, which relate to prohibited acts; prohibiting sale of low-point beer and alcoholic beverages during certain time period; and providing an effective date. HB 3101 − By Williams. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Sales Tax Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3102 − By Williams. An Act relating to domestic partnerships; creating the Domestic Partnership Benefits Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3103 − By Williams. An Act relating to poor persons; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 230.50, which relates to the Statewide Temporary Assistance Responsibility System; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3104 − By Williams. An Act relating to marriage and family; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 120.1, which relates to the Parenting Coordinator Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3105 − By Williams. An Act relating to children; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-1-101, which relates to the Oklahoma Children’s Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

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HB 3106 − By Williams. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 840-1.1, which relates to the Oklahoma Personnel Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3107 − By Williams. An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; enacting the Oklahoma Intoxicating Liquors Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3108 − By Hickman. An Act relating to memorial highway designations; designating the U.S. Border Patrol Chief Donald R. Coppock Memorial Highway; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency. HB 3109 − By Hickman. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 1303, 1304, 1305.1, 1306, 1306.1, 1306.2, 1306.4, 1306.5, 1306.6, 1307, 1307.1, 1307.2, 1307.3, 1308, 1308.1, 1309, 1310, 1310.1, 1310.2, 1311, 1311.1, 1312, 1312.1, 1312.2, 1312.3, 1314.3, 1314.5, 1315, 1315.1, 1316.1, 1316.2, 1316.3, 1317, 1318, 1320, 1321, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329 and 1329.1, which relate to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Act; modifying definitions; abolishing Oklahoma State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board; transferring the duties of the Board to the Director of the Office of State Finance; creating State and Education Employees Group Insurance Advisory Board; providing for the selection of members; specifying the selection of individuals representing certain interests; requiring Advisory Board to meet quarterly; specifying the duties of the Director; modifying statutory language to reflect transfer of duties and authority of Board to Director; updating statutory references; updating statutory language; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 1305 and 1305.2, which relate to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Act; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. HB 3110 − By Hickman. An Act relating to revenue and taxation; enacting the Tax Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3111 − By Hickman. An Act relating to public finance; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.70, which relates to payroll deductions; modifying certain payroll deductions; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-139, which relates to certain payroll deductions for school employees; prohibiting school districts from making certain payroll deductions for school employees; and providing an effective date. HB 3112 − By Hickman. An Act relating to higher education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 2604, which relates to Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program awards; limiting payment of awards for remedial non-credit-earning courses or units; specifying application; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3113 − By Hickman. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-102, which relates to scope and organization; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

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HB 3114 − By Hickman. An Act relating to firearms; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1272, 1272.1, 1272.2, 1273, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1280.1, 1283 and 1287, which relate to the carrying, use and possession of firearms; modifying description of handgun licenses; clarifying manner in which firearms may be carried by handgun licensees; deleting certain statutory references; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1289.7, 1289.9, 1289.10, 1289.11, 1289.12, 1289.13, 1289.13A, 1289.16 and 1289.23, which relate to the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 1971; modifying description of handgun licenses; clarifying manner in which firearms may be carried by handgun licensees; deleting certain statutory references; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1290.2, 1290.3, 1290.4, 1290.5, 1290.6, 1290.7, 1290.8, 1290.9, 1290.11, 1290.12, 1290.13, 1290.14, 1290.15, 1290.17, 1290.18, 1290.19, 1290.20, 1290.21, 1290.23, 1290.24, 1290.25 and 1290.26, which relate to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying and deleting certain statutory references; defining term; modifying certain definition; modifying description of handgun licenses; clarifying manner in which firearms may be carried by handgun licensees; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1364, which relates to discharging firearms; modifying description of handgun license; deleting certain statutory reference; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-110, which relates to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; modifying manner in which weapons may be carried by attorneys of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control; amending 63 O.S. 2001, Section 4210.3, which relates to the Oklahoma Boating Safety Regulation Act; modifying scope of certain prohibited act; and providing an effective date. HB 3115 − By Hickman. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 18-200.1, which relates to the State Aid formula; modifying calculation of the Foundation Program Income; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3116 − By Hickman. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 220, which relates to the Court Clerk’s Revolving Fund; transferring duties from State Auditor and Inspector to Administrative Director of the Courts; and providing an effective date. HB 3117 − By Hickman. An Act relating to motor vehicles; enacting the Oklahoma Title 47 Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3118 − By Hickman. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the Governmental Entity Legal Representation Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3119 − By Hickman. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 7-203, which relates to the School Consolidation Assistance Fund; deleting provision for payment of severance allowance for certain employees; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3120 − By Hickman. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1306, which relates to the powers and duties of the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board; modifying insurance plan year start date for education employees; authorizing modification of certain plan; and providing an effective date.

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HB 3121 − By Hickman. An Act relating to court costs; amending 28 O.S. 2011, Section 153, which relates to costs in criminal cases; reducing amount of certain court costs; adding new categories of court costs for certain convictions; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 12-417, which relates to the Oklahoma Mandatory Seat Belt Use Act; modifying penalty; and providing an effective date. HB 3122 − By Hickman. An Act relating to oil and gas; amending 52 O.S. 2011, Section 318.2, 318.3, 318.4, 318.5 and 318.9, which relate to surface damage negotiations; enacting the Oklahoma Surface Damages Act; updating statutory language; clarifying statutory language; modifying definitions; adding definitions; changing oil or gas drilling to oil or gas operations; deleting certain exception; expanding requirement for written notice to certain surface tenants; expanding scope of good faith negotiations; adding recommendation to be made by the appraisers; allowing an operator to file an alternative small claims petition for certain seismic operations; providing for the transfer from the small claims docket upon action of the surface owner; limiting the defendants that are required to be named; allowing a surface tenant to intervene upon request; clarifying notice requirements; clarifying grounds for damages; and declaring an emergency. HB 3123 − By Hickman. An Act relating to oil and gas; amending 52 O.S. 2011, Section 570.1, which relates to the Production Revenue Standards Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3124 − By Hickman. An Act relating to corrections; creating the Oklahoma Corrections Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3125 − By Hickman. An Act relating to labor; amending 40 O.S. 2011, Section 2-203, which relates to Employment Security Act of 1980; requiring a drug test as a condition of eligibility for unemployment benefits; providing that certain persons are ineligible for benefits; providing for promulgation of rules; and providing an effective date. HB 3126 − By Hickman. An Act relating to firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3127 − By Hickman. An Act relating to courts; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Section 31, which relates to the Court of Criminal Appeals; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3128 − By Hickman. An Act relating to education; creating the School and Education Development Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3129 − By Hickman. An Act relating to courts; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Sections 92.22 and 92.23, which relate to judges of the district courts; modifying number of district court judges for certain districts; providing for nomination and election; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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HB 3130 − By Nelson. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-135.2, which relates to the Oklahoma Cost Accounting System; deleting obsolete language; limiting State Department of Education changes to certain codes and procedures to no more than once per year; requiring certain notification; setting certain deadlines; providing certain exception; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3131 − By Nelson. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 360, which relates to crimes against state property and revenue; prohibiting public employees from certain actions regarding legislation; prohibiting retaliation; providing exceptions; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 491, which relates to perjury; modifying definition; providing for legislative proceeding; expanding crime of perjury to include dissemination of certain information; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3132 − By Nelson. An Act relating to civil procedure; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 1809, which relates to the Dispute Resolution Act; increasing amount of court costs collected for alternative dispute resolution system; and providing an effective date. HB 3133 − By Nelson. An Act relating to children; creating the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3134 − By Nelson. An Act relating to the Department of Human Services; creating the DHS Restructuring Task Force Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3135 − By Nelson. An Act relating to the Department of Human Services; creating the Department of Human Services Transparency Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3136 − By Nelson. An Act relating to the Department of Human Services; creating the Department of Human Services Agency Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3137 − By Nelson. An Act relating to the Department of Human Services; creating the Department of Human Services Agency Reform Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3138 − By Nelson. An Act relating to the Attorney General and district attorneys; creating the Attorney General and District Attorneys Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3139 − By Nelson. An Act relating to marriage and family; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 120.1, which relates to the Parenting Coordinator Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3140 − By Nelson. An Act relating to poor persons; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 198.12, which relates to the Oklahoma Self-Directed Care Act; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. 144 House Journal

HB 3141 − By Nelson. An Act relating to children; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Section 7501-1.1, which relates to the Oklahoma Adoption Code; clarifying language; and providing an effective date. HB 3142 − By Nelson. An Act relating to civil procedure; creating the Civil Procedure Reform Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3143 − By Nelson. An Act relating to school funding; creating the Oklahoma Education Savings Account Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3144 − By Nelson. An Act relating to public finance; enacting the State Use Contract Transparency Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HB 3145 − By Nelson. An Act relating to crimes; creating the Internet Crimes Act of 2012; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date. HB 3146 − By Nelson. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-108, which relates to the school district definition; clarifying statutory language; and providing an effective date. HB 3147 − By Martin (Steve). An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; amending 37 O.S. 2011, Section 521, which relates to licenses; consolidating charitable license provisions; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. HJR 1067 − By Reynolds. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma by adding a new Section 38 to Article II; providing for applicability; prohibiting the intentional killing of any innocent person; providing for exceptions; defining terms; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1068 − By Reynolds. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 2 of Article V of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; modifying percentages of voters needed to propose certain measures; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1069 − By Reynolds. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma by adding a new Section 25A to Article X; prohibiting certain obligations based upon method of repayment; requiring provisions of Section 25 of Article X as exclusive method for incurring of obligations by state governmental entities; providing exception for bonds repaid using certain fees or charges for repayment; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1070 − By Glenn. A Joint Resolution designating the Coleman Theatre Beautiful as the premiere vaudeville theatre in Oklahoma; directing distribution; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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HJR 1071 − By Cooksey. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 23 of Article V of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; modifying provisions related to certain activity authorized for legislators; prohibiting compensation, remuneration or reimbursement from state governmental entities for prescribed period; providing exception for legislators returning to certain employment; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1072 − By Key. A Joint Resolution creating the Support for the American Sovereignty Restoration Act; declaring that certain actions should occur; and directing distribution. HJR 1073 − By Enns. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 12 of Article II of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; providing exception to prohibition against dual office holding; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1074 − By Stiles. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection proposed amendments to Sections 3 and 4 of Article XXV of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma, which relate to the Oklahoma Public Welfare Commission; abolishing the Oklahoma Public Welfare Commission; authorizing the Governor to select and supervise the Director of Department of Human Services; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1075 − By Murphey. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma by adding a new Section 19A to Article VI; authorizing State Auditor and Inspector to conduct performance audits; prescribing authorized scope of audits; providing for written responses; authorizing issuance of subpoenas; providing criminal penalties for certain conduct; providing for performance audits as public records; providing performance audits by State Auditor and Inspector not exclusive; authorizing performance audits by contract; providing for apportionment of certain sales and use tax revenues; providing for expenditure of funds; requiring annual report; authorizing enabling legislation; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1076 − By Holland. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 23 of Article V of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; modifying provisions related to certain activity authorized for legislators; prohibiting compensation, remuneration or reimbursement from state governmental entities for prescribed period; providing exception for retirement benefits; authorizing former legislators to receive compensation if elected to another public office; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1077 − By Moore. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Sections 3 and 4 of Article XXVIII of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; allowing winemakers to maintain tasting rooms under certain limited circumstances; expanding certain exception to include tasting rooms; 146 House Journal increasing production limits on sale of wine by wineries; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1078 − By Banz. A Joint Resolution ratifying an amendment to the United States Constitution; providing for a balanced federal budget; and directing distribution. HJR 1079 − By McPeak. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 5 of Article XI of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; modifying the distribution of the proceeds of Section Thirteen and Indemnity lands; adding community colleges; updating language; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1080 − By Russ. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 6B of Article X of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; modifying reference; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1081 − By Nelson. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection the repeal of Section 5 of Article II of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1082 − By Roberts (Sean) and Banz. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 12 of Article II of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; providing exception to prohibition against dual office holding; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1083 − By Shelton. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 5 of Article XIII of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; eliminating the State Board of Education; granting certain powers to the Superintendent of Public Instruction; providing an effective date for amendment; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1084 − By Shelton. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma by adding a new Section 8F to Article X; providing ad valorem tax exemption for certain residences destroyed by natural disasters; prescribing duration of exemption; providing for applicability of exemption based upon location of property within certain boundaries; providing for exempt treatment with respect to certain millage amounts; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1085 − By Richardson. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 39 of Article X of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; clarifying language; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1086 − By Thomsen. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 26 of Article II of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; clarifying manner in which citizens may keep and bear arms; providing ballot title; and directing filing. First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 147

HJR 1087 − By Dank. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 6B of Article X of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; modifying provisions related to reimbursement of revenues to certain local taxing jurisdictions; specifying reimbursement exclusive of certain revenues related to value of land or improvements during period of exempt treatment; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1088 − By Terrill. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 8 of Article II of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; modifying exceptions for the right to bail; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1089 − By Steele. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma by adding a new Section 5A to Article X; defining term; requiring measures to contain provisions allowing identification of certain persons; prohibiting measures allowing transfer of tax credits; providing exception; requiring creation or retention of jobs; requiring tax credit to contain limitations with respect to revenue loss; requiring tax credits to contain certain termination date; requiring prior approval of certain activity related to tax credits; requiring audits by the State Auditor and Inspector; requiring fiscal impact statement; requiring impact statement to be available within certain period of time prior to vote on final passage; prohibiting consideration of measures containing tax credits during certain period of time related to legislative sessions; providing statement ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1090 − By Nelson. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 26 of Article V and Section 23 of Article X of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; modifying provisions related to legislation considered in odd-numbered year of legislative session; requiring two-year budget cycle; modifying provisions related to appropriations; modifying provisions related to revenue estimation process; modifying provisions related to the Constitutional Reserve Fund; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1091 − By McDaniel (Randy). A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma by adding a new Section 13 to Article XXIII; prohibiting enactment of legislation violative of certain laws related to prohibited diversion of pension plan assets; imposing investment standard; requiring funding of pension systems based on actuarially required contribution amounts; providing exceptions; requiring professional actuarial investigations; imposing duty on Legislature with respect to funding standards for purposes of actuarial soundness; providing ballot title; and directing filing. HJR 1092 − By Nelson. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 3 of Article XXV of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma, which relates to the Oklahoma Public Welfare Commission; clarifying language; providing ballot title; and directing filing. 148 House Journal

HJR 1093 − By Steele and Inman of the House and Bingman and Burrage of the Senate. A Joint Resolution disapproving certain action by the Board on Judicial Compensation; and declaring an emergency.


The following were introduced and read:

HCR 1019 − By Cox. A Concurrent Resolution naming certain new building the Bryan H. Potter Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy Building; providing for placement of suitable markers; and directing distribution. HCR 1020 − By Wright. A Concurrent Resolution relating to music therapy; recognizing music therapy professionals who serve children and adults with illness and disabilities; proclaiming the third week of February to the third week of March in 2012 as Music Therapy Month at the State Capitol; and providing for distribution. HCR 1021 − By Banz. A Concurrent Resolution relating to insurance; creating the Oklahoma Cancer Treatment Parity Task Force; stating purpose; providing for membership, appointment, designation of first meeting, election of chair, quorum and staff support; providing no compensation; and requiring report of findings and recommendations by certain deadline. HCR 1022 − By Richardson. A Concurrent Resolution designating February 13, 2012, Water Appreciation Day at the State Capitol; encouraging recognition of the value and significance of water resources; and directing distribution. HCR 1023 − By Kern. A Concurrent Resolution relating to religious freedom; encouraging Oklahomans to commemorate and celebrate January 16 as Religious Freedom Day; and providing for distribution. HCR 1024 − By Morgan, Cannaday, Condit, Lockhart, Pruett, Renegar, Rousselot and Walker. A Concurrent Resolution declaring the official motto of the State of Oklahoma to be: “Oklahoma-In God We Trust!”. HCR 1025 − By Key. A Concurrent Resolution expressing belief that the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 is unconstitutional; directing Oklahoma Congressional Delegation to commence efforts to repeal certain sections of the act; expressing belief that the unconstitutional sections of the act are not enforceable within the state and prohibiting state officers from enforcing them; and directing distribution. HR 1040 − By Reynolds. A Resolution recognizing February 8, 2012, as Rose Day 2012 at the State Capitol; commending all citizens who have come to the Capitol in recognition of Rose Day.

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 149


Representative DeWitt moved that the Honorable Senate be notified by message that the House of Representatives is assembled and ready to convene in Joint Session, which was the order.


The First Joint Session of the Second Regular Session of the Fifty-third Legislature assembled in the House Chamber on Monday, February 6, 2012, and was called to order by President of the Senate, Lieutenant Governor Todd Lamb.

Senator Schulz moved that the attendance roll call of the Senate be considered the roll call of the Senate in Joint Session, which was the order.

Representative DeWitt moved that the attendance roll call of the House be considered the roll call of the House in Joint Session, which was the order.

President Lamb declared quorums of the Senate and House present and the Joint Session duly convened.

The invocation was given by Pastor Anthony Rhone, Galilee Baptist Church of Shawnee.

Posting of the Colors was presented by the .


Senator Schulz moved that the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House appoint a committee of Members from the Senate and the House respectively as a Joint Committee to notify Governor Mary Fallin that the Second Regular Session of the Fifty- third Legislature is now in Joint Session and ready to receive her and hear her message, which motion was declared adopted.

President Lamb appointed Senators Nichols and Wilson.

Speaker Steele appointed Representatives Key, Peters, Roan, Tibbs and Walker.

Governor Fallin was escorted to the rostrum by the Joint Committee and presented to the Joint Session by President Lamb where she delivered her message.

Upon motion of Representative DeWitt, the Joint Session was ordered dissolved at 2:00 p.m.

150 House Journal

Speaker Steele Presiding


Upon motion of Representative DeWitt, the Message of the Governor was ordered printed in full in the House Journal as follows:


“Lieutenant Governor Lamb, statewide elected officials, Speaker Steele, President Pro Tem Bingman, members of the court, Honorable Senators and Representatives, cabinet members, distinguished guests, and citizens of Oklahoma: It is my duty as well as my great honor to be here today to discuss the state of our state as we begin the 2012 legislative session. I'm joined today by my family, my husband Wade and our wonderful children. Thank you for your love and support. And to the people of Oklahoma, thank you for giving me the incredible opportunity to serve as your governor. It has been an honor, a privilege and an incredible experience for my staff, my family and for me personally to work every day for the people of this state, and to help build a stronger and more prosperous Oklahoma. It has also been an honor to serve as the Commander in Chief of our National Guard during a time when so many of our Guardsmen have been deployed overseas, fighting for freedom and for the safety of the American people. I'd like to take a moment right now to recognize the many Oklahomans in our armed services, both past and present. Will the active duty military and veterans with us today please stand. We honor their service and sacrifice, especially the 77 Oklahomans who gave their lives during Operation Iraqi Freedom and the 83 Oklahomans who have lost their lives in the war in Afghanistan. To the families of those men and women who have paid the ultimate price, we offer our greatest gratitude, deepest sympathies and most heartfelt prayers. Soon, 3,000 guardsmen and women will be returning to Oklahoma from Afghanistan and Kuwait. Nothing could make us more thrilled than to welcome them home. Adjutant General , Secretary of Veterans Affairs and I are ready to help our returning soldiers with a smooth transition back to Oklahoma. We have committed resources to help them find jobs, receive counseling, and address other needs. I'm asking everyone here today to please join me in a brief, silent prayer for the safety and wellbeing of our troops. Thank you. Our goal as lawmakers should be to build a better and more prosperous state for our returning troops and for all Oklahomans. I'm happy to say that in the last year, we have done well on that front. The progress we have made in Oklahoma comes despite facing a number of difficult circumstances. A year ago today we were just starting to climb out of a recession that cost Oklahoma nearly 80,000 jobs. First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 151

Like people all around the country, many Oklahomans were struggling. Jobs had disappeared in the wake of a financial crisis that was largely out of our control. Tax revenues were down. And the state was facing a budget shortfall of over $500 million with only $2 left in our ‘Rainy Day’ account. It was with that difficult backdrop that I asked you - our legislators - to work with me to do three things. The first was to pass measures that would create jobs and jump-start our economy by building the best, most competitive economic climate possible. The second was to reduce government waste, and to make state government smaller, smarter and more efficient. Finally, I asked the legislature to work with me to strengthen education and pass measures to boost student performance. I am proud to say that we worked together and rose to the challenge, making 2011 one of the most productive legislative sessions in memory. To reduce job-killing legal fees, we passed sweeping lawsuit reform that included a $350,000 hard cap for non-economic damages. We delivered the largest rewrite in state history of our workers' compensation system, improving it while being fair to both injured workers and employers. That action has already helped to bolster the state's business climate by lowering costs for Oklahoma businesses by $30 million, a number that will rise as these reforms continue to be implemented this year. While many other states were raising taxes in order to close their budget gaps - and driving out jobs in the process - we cut our income tax. Because of that, Oklahomans will be able to keep an extra $116 million of their hard- earned money this year, providing relief to working families and spurring economic growth in the private sector. These and other reforms have helped to create a business climate in Oklahoma that has led to greater prosperity and job growth. And the numbers back that up. In 2011, the state of Oklahoma had a net increase of 41,600 jobs. Our job growth rate ranks third among all states. We've gained back over two-thirds of the jobs lost in Oklahoma to the most devastating economic collapse since the Great Depression. Our unemployment rate continues to be one of the lowest in the country at 6.1 percent. Despite the worst drought on record, Oklahoma agricultural exports are up almost 70 percent in the last three quarters thanks to the tenacity of our farmers and ranchers. Oklahoma ranked first in the nation for the growth of manufacturing jobs, which grew two and a half times faster than they did in Texas and five times faster than the national average. These gains are also reflected in our population. Whereas once our citizens left Oklahoma to escape the Dust Bowl, we're now ranked eighth in the number of new residents we have attracted. In fact, the largest number now comes from California, a complete reversal of the migratory patterns depicted in Depression-era works like The Grapes of Wrath. All of these indicators demonstrate that Oklahoma's economy continues to outperform the national economy. People all across the country are noticing: Oklahoma stands as a testament to the fact that low taxes, limited government, and fiscal discipline are a recipe for job creation. Our success stands in stark contrast to the record of dysfunction, failed policies, and outrageous spending that occurs in Washington, D.C.

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In Oklahoma, we could teach Washington a lesson or two about fiscal policy and the size and proper role of government. That's why I'm asking that we send our president and his allies a message this year, in the form of a resolution declaring that Oklahoma will support a Federal Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Constitution. Washington is leading this country off a fiscal cliff. It is reckless; it is wrong; and it is destroying jobs and holding back economic growth in all 50 states. Most importantly, it threatens the success of our children's future. Oklahoma needs to be on the record saying so. Despite the missteps in Washington, 2011 proved to be a better year here in Oklahoma. After a long and painful recession, our citizens are finding good jobs and getting back to work. I realize, however, there are many Oklahomans who are still looking for jobs, as well as businesses looking for skilled labor. That's why the Department of Commerce and I are pleased to announce the launch of a major online initiative called OKJobMatch.com to match students and job seekers with employers. Some of the most unique skill sets are possessed by our military veterans and those returning with the Armed Services from overseas. These men and women deserve our help to find jobs and reenter the workforce. OKJobMatch.com will serve as a comprehensive reemployment resource for returning military men and women who have bravely served us. I would like to encourage both employers and those of any background who are looking for employment to help us populate the site with resumes and job opportunities and aid us in making this a valuable tool for job growth. As we look to continue Oklahoma's impressive rate of job creation in the private sector, we must continue our efforts to eliminate waste in the public sector and create a smaller, more efficient and more customer friendly state government. As you know, last year we signed into law a series of government modernization measures designed to eliminate waste and save taxpayer dollars, including one that consolidated several government agencies under the Office of State Finance and instructed OSF to reduce expenditures by 15 percent. I'm happy to report that target has been exceeded. I want to commend Secretary of Finance and his team for realizing over $4.2 million in savings in 2012 while delivering a more streamlined, customer friendly approach to government. Additionally, the Information Technology modernization and consolidation measures passed by the Legislature are projected to save $170 million over seven years. My thanks go out to our state CIO Alex Pettit and state agencies for the work they have done to update and centralize IT services. For example, in the Department of Education, under Superintendent Janet Barresi, IT reforms saved $600,000 in 2011 and are expected to deliver another $3 million in the following three years. Phone lines, email systems and the department Web site have all been upgraded, leading to a more responsive, transparent and again - customer friendly - Department of Education. Now, because of the successes of our IT initiatives, I have asked Higher Education - and they have agreed - to explore IT consolidation opportunities of their own, starting with the creation of their own chief information officer.

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As these examples show, we will always be able to eliminate waste, find more savings, more efficiency and more opportunities to modernize government. It is important to continuously improve and rethink how government works to solve problems. Our criminal justice and corrections systems, for example, illustrate that point well. In 2011, I appreciated that the Legislature and, in particular, Speaker Steele, joined me in supporting ‘smart on crime’ initiatives. Together, we acted to increase resources for substance-abuse treatment centers that are less expensive and more effective alternatives to prison for non-violent offenders with addiction problems. This year, we can do even more. My budget reflects a financial commitment to alternative sentencing for non-violent offenders with substance abuse issues, as well as to the ‘crisis centers’ provided by the Department of Mental Health, which offer help and hope to Oklahomans struggling from addiction or other mental health issues. These initiatives are smart, effective at reducing repeat offenses, and will save the state money by treating addicts and helping them to once again become productive citizens, parents and taxpayers. Our goal as lawmakers and public servants - regardless of what agency we are dealing with - is to achieve better results and better services. One of the areas we identified as in need of improvement last year was education. That's why we pursued important measures last session designed to improve our schools, boost test scores and ultimately deliver a stronger and better educated work force. I want to thank the Legislature for sending me a series of outstanding education reform bills, including A-through-F grading for public schools and the end of social promotion. The Department of Education is implementing these reforms and performance measurements through initiatives designed to promote, as Superintendant Barresi says, ‘College, Career, and Citizen Readiness.’ Those three ‘Cs’ are exactly what we should be promoting in Oklahoma, which is why I partnered with Higher Education officials to launch Oklahoma's Complete College America Initiative. Oklahoma must do a better job of encouraging Oklahomans to pursue higher levels of education and to complete more degree or certificate programs. We know that a majority of the jobs created in the next decade will require either a college education or a career certificate from one of our Career Technology centers. Additionally, college graduates earn $1 million more over their lifetime than high school graduates. That's why we have set a goal to increase the number of college graduates from 30,500 degrees and certificates awarded annually to 50,900. As you can tell, I'm proud of the work we have accomplished in such a short period of time. But that work is not done ... far from it. The people of Oklahoma expect us to continue to focus on moving this state forward and creating a more prosperous, better state to live and work in. They expect their lawmakers to continue to find and eliminate waste in government and to make our state agencies run as efficiently and effectively as possible. That's why in 2012 I am asking the Legislature to join me in focusing on initiatives that will create more jobs, encourage more efficiency in government, improve our infrastructure and continue to bolster the quality of our workforce. Our first task is to craft a budget that reflects these priorities.

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I am happy and proud to say that our budget numbers for the next fiscal year look considerably better than we thought they would a year ago. Revenues are up nearly 10 percent over initial estimates. That's good news. But the state is also experiencing a significant loss of one-time sources of funding. In fact, the state has been left to find over $500 million in revenue to replace those lost funding sources. That means that most of our agencies will be facing a flat budget moving into Fiscal Year 20l3. But it does not mean that we will accept the status quo, or that ‘funding as usual’ means ‘business as usual.’ As a manager in the private sector, I used to tell my employees ‘to inspect what they expect.’ As governor, I expect efficiency and good stewardship of taxpayer dollars. So this year, we are initiating a statewide performance evaluation initiative among every state agency. Under current law, state agencies are required to submit a strategic plan that includes goals and proposals for increased efficiency and improved services. Unfortunately, these plans have not, historically, been carefully scrutinized. Well, it's a new day in Oklahoma. My office and the Office of State Finance will begin evaluating each and every one of these plans and will use new software and technologies that measure performance and efficiency and align expenditures with outcomes. That analysis will help us to right-size government and ensure that each agency is operating as effectively as possible. Improving state services isn't a bullet point in a stump speech. It's a necessity. At the Department of Human Services, for instance, lives depend on it. Protecting the lives of our children and our most vulnerable citizens has to be a priority. While there are many hardworking and dedicated employees at the Department of Human Services, we know that ineffective systems have led to tragedy. That's unacceptable. That's why I will work with our agency staff and the legislature to reevaluate those systems and ensure we are allocating resources correctly and in a way that maximizes the effectiveness of that agency. I want to thank outgoing Director for his service at DHS. I am confident that Interim Director Terri White will not only competently manage the transition as the commission searches for a permanent director, but will also actively seek to improve services during her time there. Moving forward, our goal should be that DHS becomes a model for quality services and child protection. In order to improve services in other areas of state government, you will notice that I have proposed several supplemental funding items. The first of these items focuses on public safety, which will always be a priority of mine. We must increase the number of troopers we have on the road. The current numbers are dangerously low due to attrition, retirements and the lack of a patrol school since 2009. That cannot continue. Secondly, the state must keep its commitment to fund teachers' health benefits. For that reason I've included a supplemental funding measure for the Department of Education. Our recent reform measures ask a lot of our teachers; it is important to ensure that we are adequately funding the benefits they have been promised. Additionally, the medical examiner's office - which has long been underfunded and understaffed - requires additional personnel and equipment. Because of the positive First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 155 trajectory of that agency and the capable management provided by our new Chief Medical Examiner Doctor Eric Pfeifer, I am asking for supplemental assistance on their behalf. Cities and local municipalities also need our help to recover from extraordinary expenses incurred by natural disasters. As you know, the State Emergency Fund is nearly empty and has a large backlog of several years of expenses. That's not right, so I'm asking you to work with me to refill that fund. In addition to these supplemental measures, my budget allocates additional funds to the Attorney General's office. As you know, the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations have sued the state of Oklahoma concerning who owns the water in 22 counties. We continue to hope this issue can be settled through mediation, without huge legal fees, and with all parties negotiating in good faith. In the event, however, that the tribes do not share that goal, we intend to defend the water rights of all Oklahomans against a claim that favors one group over the interests of the entire state and all of its citizens. To ensure we are adequately prepared to do that, the Attorney General needs additional resources to retain the very best counsel. These are not the only priorities, however, that require an additional financial commitment. The state Capitol building is currently in a state of disrepair. It's embarrassing for our citizens to see barricades roping off portions of the Capitol. It's bad for the image of this state and our efforts to recruit business. It is our responsibility to maintain this building - which is a symbol of Oklahoma and its people - and that requires funding. We must pass a bond issue for Capitol repairs. The people of Oklahoma elected us to make responsible decisions. Let's do our job. The items I have listed above represent the commitments we need to make to adequately fund our state government and provide essential services. That's a start. But Oklahomans also expect us to make tough decisions and to take bold steps to move this state forward. Today I'm asking our lawmakers to join me in an ambitious and exciting undertaking: the passage of a bold tax reform plan that will represent the most significant tax cut in state history. The Oklahoma Tax Reduction and Simplification Act will immediately cut income taxes for Oklahomans in all tax brackets, simplify the tax code, and chart a course towards the gradual elimination of the income tax. It will give Oklahoma the lowest income tax rate in the region besides Texas, making us a more competitive state for those looking to move jobs here. Over time, our income tax would be phased out for every Oklahoman. Our plan is a game-changer for Oklahoma. It's a job-creator. And it provides broad based tax relief to the middle class without starving government or hurting the working poor. It also protects core government services. It would, beginning on January 1, 2013, replace our current system, which taxes the first penny that every Oklahoman makes. It reduces the seven brackets we currently have to 3 lower and flatter rates: Those couples making $0 to $30,000 a year will now pay nothing in state taxes. For those making $30,000 to $70,000 a year, the tax rate will be 2.5 percent.

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And for families making over $70,000 a year, the rate will be 3.5 percent, as opposed to the 5.25 percent rate they are currently paying. Under these new rates, a middle class couple making $40,000 a year, for example, will pay 37 percent less in taxes in 2013; with additional cuts in future years. These tax cuts would take place immediately, in year one. Moving forward, tax rates would be cut by an additional quarter point in any year in which the state of Oklahoma hits a revenue growth trigger of 5%. That growth trigger gives the state a safety net should we experience another economic downturn. I want to commend Representative Dank, Senator Mazzei, many of our legislators and others who have worked to reexamine our tax code and tax incentives. We have a common goal: to lessen the tax burden on Oklahomans, and to do it in a responsible manner. The question remains, how will we pay for a tax cut? Under the Oklahoma Tax Reduction and Simplification Act, we do it in three ways: First, by eliminating tax loopholes, carve-outs and other exceptions. Second, by continuing to eliminate government waste and making government more efficient and effective. We've already proven that we can find substantial savings through government modernization initiatives. Third, by capitalizing on economic growth we expect to see as a result of our pro-jobs, pro-business policies. According to Americans for Prosperity, non-income tax states have seen 59% economic growth over the past decade, versus just 38% for high income tax states. Additionally, job growth has increased significantly in non-income tax states, while high tax states have actually lost jobs. New jobs and increased investments in Oklahoma will lead to more revenue and increased collections in sales tax, corporate tax, excise tax and more. With all of that in mind, I am asking for your support of the Oklahoma Tax Reduction and Simplification Act, the conservative centerpiece of our pro-jobs agenda. Send this plan to my desk and let working families keep more of their hard-earned money and provide a higher quality of life for all Oklahomans. Another way we can boost Oklahoma's economy is by supporting one of our most important industries, one that has helped to lead us towards greater prosperity during tough times: the energy industry. Last November I unveiled Oklahoma's first comprehensive energy agenda: the Oklahoma First Energy Plan. As my task force on economic development - or what I like to call my ‘Game Changer Committee’ - noted, a comprehensive energy plan is vital to sustaining economic growth in Oklahoma. Oil and natural gas companies support nearly 300,000 jobs in the state. Renewable energies like wind power are also growing at a fast pace. Energy is, in many ways, the backbone of our economy. And we need policies that reflect that important truth. While many in Washington refuse to support the production of American-made energy, Oklahoma is leading the way towards energy independence and domestic energy production. One area where we have great potential is in natural gas. Natural gas is an abundant source of energy. It is efficient, affordable, clean and produced right here in Oklahoma. First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 157

There are, however, obstacles to increased usage: infrastructure and demand. It's a chicken and egg scenario: consumers do not buy natural gas vehicles that can only be refueled at a limited number of gas stations; the private sector doesn't want to add CNG pumps with only a limited number of consumers. That's why I have launched an unprecedented, bipartisan, multistate initiative to break that cycle and jump-start both the development of CNG infrastructure and the use of natural gas cars. Together with Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, I have asked other states to join us in committing to purchase natural gas vehicles for our state fleets. I'm happy to report we now have ten states total who have committed to this project. Each state has signed a Memorandum of Understanding outlining a goal to purchase, as a group, a minimum of 5,000 NGVs per year. We believe that commitment will provide the incentive for American car manufacturers to begin producing an affordable natural gas sedan. By the middle of this year we will submit a Request for Proposal to automobile companies asking them to develop that product. By supporting natural gas consumption, we are supporting an Oklahoma energy source that will continue to produce Oklahoma jobs. And this is only the first step in our far-reaching energy agenda. Oklahoma can and should lead the way in implementing energy efficiency measures that will save hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars. I'm asking our lawmakers to send me a bill requiring every state agency and higher education institution to reduce energy consumption by 20 percent by the year 2020. Oklahoma State University has already been a leader in this field, resulting in $19 million in savings since 2007. If those same practices are extended across state government, we can expect to see statewide savings of at least $300 million over 10 years. Oklahoma has always been a leader in energy production. Unfortunately, we have lagged far behind in energy conservation, with taxpayers footing the bill. That's unacceptable, and with the help of the Legislature we can address this problem and become a leader in energy efficiency. Next, I'm asking you to make a strong commitment to improve Oklahoma's transportation infrastructure. Having safe, modern and functional roads and bridges is vital to commerce and job creation. Unfortunately, Oklahoma has been at the top of the national list for bad bridges for years. That's something we're not proud of. To address that problem, I have proposed the ‘Bridge Improvement and Turnpike Modernization Plan’ to fix all 706 of Oklahoma's structurally deficient state highway bridges by 2019, moving Oklahoma from the list of worst bridges in the country to the best. Today I'm asking the Legislature to help me meet three goals outlined in this plan. First, I am proposing we restore $15 million in motor vehicle revenue back to the transportation budget that had previously been diverted to the general revenue fund. Second, I'm asking for your support in raising the cap on the ROADS fund in order to provide the necessary resources to improve our road and bridge system. Third, in the transportation plan, we are planning to repurpose 1,500 steel beams in good condition, taken from the old 1-40 cross town expressway, to help construct 300 new county bridges.

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To further aid in this project, my plan includes an additional $20 million a year for the construction of county bridges. Lastly, our plan relieves congestion on the Creek and Kilpatrick Turnpikes, two of Oklahoma's most widely travelled roads, without raising taxes or tolls. The Turnpike Authority has already begun work on that project. Improving the health of our transportation infrastructure is important ... but equally important is working to improve the health of our citizens. Healthy living is important, not just because we want Oklahomans to live full and happy lives, but because the effects of unhealthy life choices hurt our economy, drain taxpayer dollars and drive up the cost of health care for everyone. Oklahoma is currently ranked 48th in the nation in overall health indicators. That's unacceptable. There are several major factors that hurt our health ranking: obesity, tobacco, poor nutrition, infant mortality, substance abuse and lack of physical activity, just to name a few. It's time to address these problems, move the numbers in the right direction and take control of our own destiny. To do that, I have first signed an executive order to prohibit tobacco use on all state property. We are also going to close the smoking room at the State Capitol and transform it into a small fitness center. To fund this transformation, the state has already applied for a grant from the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust, which the Oklahoma Hospital Association has generously agreed to match. Second, my budget uses financial rewards to encourage schools to serve nutritious foods and promote physical activity. Third, we are proposing additional funds to enhance our current statewide infant mortality prevention program. Infant mortality rates in Oklahoma can and must be improved. Fourth, 64 of Oklahoma's 77 counties have shortages of health professionals, especially rural physicians. That must change. To remedy that, I have included over $3 million to establish 40 new doctor residency slots to help increase the number of primary care physicians in rural and underserved areas in Oklahoma. Lastly, I'm asking the Legislature to pass a bill reducing liability to schools, so that moms and dads and others from our local communities can join our children in accessing tracks, courts and exercise equipment. That's part of an effort lead by the Fit Kids Coalition and the American Heart Association to open school exercise facilities to the public. All of these initiatives will help Oklahomans to make good choices about their health and get the right care. And just like we are asking our citizens to make good decisions about their lifestyles, they have asked us to make good decisions for Oklahoma here in the state capitol. Today I've outlined a path forward to a more prosperous, better and brighter future for our state and its citizens. We can get there by allowing Oklahomans to keep more of their hard earned money ... • by improving our schools and strengthening our workforce ... • by investing in our infrastructure ... • by being more energy efficient ...

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• by improving our health ... • and by cutting government waste and building a more efficient and effective state government. That's my vision for Oklahoma, and it's a vision I know that many of you share. I'm excited to work with you to pursue that vision, and to watch as the hard work of this Legislature paves the way for another year of growth and forward momentum for our state and, most importantly, our citizens. Thank you for all that you do. God bless you, and God bless the great state of Oklahoma.”


The Speaker announced the following appointments:

May 31, 2011 – Representative Peters appointed as a Member of the Foster Care System Improvement Task Force. (HB 1359, § 1, 2011) June 28, 2011 – Representatives Dorman, Murphey and Stiles appointed as Members of the Business and Professional License Facilitation Task Force. (SB 772, § 1, 2011) June 28, 2011 – Representatives Martin (Scott) and Russ appointed as Members of the Task Force on the Collection, Distribution and Enforcement of Municipal Sales Tax. (SB 216, § 1, 2011) June 28, 2011 – Representative Proctor appointed as a Member of the Eastern Flyer Passenger Rail Development Task Force. (66 O. S. § 323.1, HB 1686, § 1, 2011) June 28, 2011 – Representative Watson appointed as a Member and Co Chair and Representatives Cox, Peters and Rousselot appointed as Members of the Joint Legislative Task Force on the Grand River Dam Authority. (82 O. S. § 863.3) July 1, 2011 – Representative Dank appointed as a Member and Co Chair and Representatives Inman and Sears appointed as Members of the Task Force for the Study of State Tax Credits and Economic Incentives. (68 O. S. § 2357.1A-1) July 1, 2011 – Representative Russ reappointed as a Member of the Employee Assistance Program Advisory Council. (74 O. S. Chapter 27A, § 840-2.10) July 11, 2011 – Representative Blackwell appointed as a Member of the Endangered Species and Economic Development Task Force. (SB 603, § 1, 2011, SB 740 § 1, 2011) July 11, 2011 – Representative Morgan appointed as a Member of the Joint Legislative Task Force on the Grand River Dam Authority. (82 O. S. § 863.3) July 14, 2011 – Representative Joyner appointed as a Member of the Eastern Flyer Passenger Rail Development Task Force. (66 O. S. § 323.1, HB 1686, § 1, 2011) July 18, 2011 – Representative McDaniel (Randy) appointed as Chair and Representatives Brumbaugh, Holland, Kouplen, Martin (Steve), McCullough, Osborn, Pruett, Renegar, Russ, Scott and Watson appointed as Members of the House Oversight Committee on Pensions. (House Rule 1.8(c)) July 21, 2011 – Representative Banz appointed as a Member of the Task Force to Study War Veterans Commission of Oklahoma. (SB 56, § 1, 2011) July 22, 2011 – Representative Bennett appointed as a Member of the Task Force to Study War Veterans Commission of Oklahoma. (SB 56, § 1, 2011)

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August 2, 2011 – Representative Mulready appointed as a Member and Co Chair and Representatives Cox, Grau, McDaniel (Jeannie), Morgan and Nelson appointed as Members of the Joint Committee on Federal Health Care Law. (House Rule 1.8(c)) August 2 and 5, 2011 – The Speaker announced the following appointments as Members of the Standing Committees of the National Conference of State Legislatures (Pursuant to NCSL Bylaws): Agriculture and Energy – Representatives Armes, DeWitt, Dorman, Fourkiller, Glenn, Jackson, Kouplen, Lockhart, McNiel, McPeak, Morgan, Osborn, Peters, Pruett, Renegar, Richardson, Rousselot, Russ, Shoemake, Vaughan and Walker Budgets and Revenue – Representatives Brown, Denney, Hickman, Hilliard, Hoskin, Inman, Martin (Scott), Morgan, Morrissette, Russ and Sears Communications, Financial Services and Interstate Commerce – Representatives Brown, Brumbaugh, Glenn, Grau, Key, Kirby, Lockhart, Martin (Steve), Moore, Murphey, Quinn, Scott and Trebilcock Education – Representatives Blackwell, Cannaday, Casey, Condit, Coody, Denney, Holland, Kern, Lockhart, McDaniel (Jeannie), McPeak, Nelson, Nollan, Roberts (Dustin), Shumate, Thomsen, Virgin and Williams Environment – Representatives Cannaday, Condit, Enns, Hardin, Hoskin, Pruett, Renegar, Richardson, Roan, Rousselot, Shoemake and Walker Health – Representatives Cooksey, Cox, Derby, Enns, Fourkiller, Hamilton, Hoskin, McAffrey, McCullough, McDaniel (Jeannie), Mulready, Pittman, Ritze, Roberts (Sean), Schwartz, Shelton, Virgin and Wright Human Services and Welfare – Representatives Dank, Fourkiller, Hall, Hamilton, Kouplen, McAffrey, McCullough, McDaniel (Jeannie), Nelson, Ortega, Peters, Peterson, Pittman, Sanders, Shelton, Shumate, Steele and Williams Labor and Economic Development – Representatives Faught, Glenn, Hilliard, Inman, McDaniel (Randy), Ortega, Proctor, Pruett, Scott and Sullivan Law and Criminal Justice – Representatives Billy, Christian, Inman, Jordan, McAffrey, Morrissette, Ownbey, Pittman, Roan, Scott, Shelton, Sherrer, Shumate, Steele, Stiles, Tibbs, Virgin, Wesselhoft and Williams Legislative Effectiveness – Representatives Banz, Brown, Cannaday, Dank, Dorman, Johnson, Newell, Sherrer, Walker and Watson Redistricting and Elections – Representatives DeWitt, Dorman, Hamilton, Morgan, Morrissette, Peters, Proctor, Reynolds, Roan and Terrill Transportation – Representatives Bennett, Billy, Cockroft, Condit, Hilliard, Joyner, Kouplen, Liebmann, McPeak, Proctor, Renegar, Roan, Rousselot, Shannon, Sherrer, Shoemake and Wright August 3, 2011 – Representative Richardson appointed as a Member and Co Chair and Representatives DeWitt, Hoskin, Liebmann, Ortega, Pruett, Renegar and Sullivan appointed as Members of the Joint Legislative Water Committee. (House Rule 1.8(c)) August 4, 2011 – Representative Cannaday appointed as a Member of the Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Commission. (70 O.S. § 6-101.17, HB 1267, § 2, 2011) August 24, 2011 – Representative Dank appointed as a Member and Co Chair, replacing Representative Hickman, Representative Ownbey appointed as a Member, replacing former Representative Brannon, and Representative Wright appointed as a Member, replacing Representative McDaniel (Randy), of the Task Force on Comprehensive Tax Reform. (SJR 61, § 15, 2010) First Legislative Day, Monday, February 6, 2012 161

August 26, 2011 – Representative Sears appointed as a Member of the Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Commission. (70 O. S. § 6-101.17, HB 1267, § 2, 2011) September 2, 2011 – Representative Peters appointed as a Member and Vice Chair of the Joint Legislative Task Force on High-point Beer and Wine sales in Grocery Stores. (SB 658, § 1, 2011) September 26, 2011 – Representative Ortega appointed as Co Chair, replacing Representative Faught, and Representative Holland appointed as a Member of the Joint Immigration Reform Committee. (House Rule 1.8(c)) September 28, 2011 – Representative Dank appointed as a Member of the Streamlined Multistate Sales and Use Tax Agreement Negotiations Task Force, replacing Representative Hickman. (68 O. S. § 1354.17) November 4, 2011 – Representative Peters appointed as Chair, replacing Representative Trebilcock, of the Energy and Utility Regulation Committee. (House Rule 1.8(c)) November 4, 2011 – Representative Nelson appointed as Chair, replacing Representative Peters, of the Appropriations and Budget Subcommittee on Human Services. (House Rule 1.8(c)) November 4, 2011 – Representative Nelson appointed as a Member of the Appropriations and Budget Committee, General Conference Committee on Appropriations and Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget. (House Rule 1.8(c)) November 8, 2011 – Representative Banz appointed as a Member and Chair, Representative Shumate appointed as a Member and Vice Chair, Representatives Casey, Coody, Morgan, Pruett, Rousselot and Russ appointed as members and Representatives Brumbaugh and Hamilton appointed as alternate members of the House Ethics Committee. (House Rule 1.8(c)) November 9, 2011 – Representative Billy appointed as a member, replacing Representative Sullivan, of the Joint Legislative Water Committee. (House Rule 1.8(c)) November 9, 2011 – Representative Morrissette appointed as Vice Chair, replacing Representative Nelson, of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Human Services. (House Rule 1.8(c)) November 14, 2011 – Representative Scott appointed as a member of the Law Enforcement Behavioral Health Emergency Dispatch Task Force. (43A O.S. § 5-213, SB 492 § 2, 2011)

Representative DeWitt moved that when the clerk's desk is clear, the House stand adjourned to reconvene at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, February 7, 2012, which was the order.

Pursuant to the motion of Representative DeWitt, the House was adjourned at 2:10 p.m., to reconvene Tuesday, February 7, 2012, at 9:00 a.m.