Publisher DJPubba_Tim Lindquist Roger Danish_Greg Off Wolfie_Terry Wolfinger Tim Lindquist It’s been a real busy time trying to get the Makai Kingdom In a weak moment, Greg thought it would be funny to Ah, summer is here in lovely SoCal, and so is the heat. Editor in Chief strategy guide to the printer, keep on top of all the see how many of his mom’s low fat mini-muffins he could When ya go outside and the soles of your shoes melt—the instruction manual and packaging projects we’ve got going shove in his mouth and then wash them down with Diet AC is barely keeping it bearable inside—and the computer’s Greg Off on and finish the magazine at the same time. Plus, the Pepsi. After 21 and a 32 ounce mega gulp, he went into a sweating... oh, but I’m sure there are hotter places. Like
[email protected] games don’t play themselves. There’s quite a stack built up saccharine seizure (it’s a medical condition, you can check the sun... or Hell. Art Director that need attention. Genji’s calling real loud and I got a big it) and had to be rushed to the emergency room where he Terry Wolfinger urge to <3 me some Katamari. was treated for Splenda poisoning. Stupid Splenda. Why Senior Editor do you deceive with your artificial sweetness? Thomas Wilde Executive Editor Adam Pavlacka Wanderer_Thomas Wilde Lynxara_Alicia Ashby Metalbolt_Anthony Mertz Editors I know it’s crap. I know it’s relentlessly mediocre. So Can you have too many giant fightin’ robots in one month? Firmly believing that one day EA will buy us all, Anthony why in the hell am I playing Resident Evil: Outbreak File Lynxara came pretty close with the Gundam vs.