San Jose Barracuda Proud AHL Affiliate of The

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San Jose Barracuda Proud AHL Affiliate of The San Jose Barracuda Proud AHL affiliate of the: Date Team Result Oct. 7 @Stockton W, 6-4 Game Notes | Game 2 | Watch: | Listen: AM 1220 KDOW Oct. 13 Grand Rapids L, 3-7 BEST-OF-5 DIVISION SEMIFINAL (SERIES TIED 0-1) Oct. 14 San Antonio L, 2-3 Oct. 18 Stockton W, 5-2 Oct. 21 @Cleveland L, 1-4 Oct. 22 @Cleveland W, 1-0 (OT) SAN JOSE BARRACUDA (34-26-4-4 .559) vs. TUCSON ROADRUNNERS (42-20-5-1 .662) Oct. 27 @San Antonio L, 1-3 SATURDAY, APRIL 21 | 7:00 P.M. | SAP CENTER at SAN JOSE | SAN JOSE, CALIF. Oct. 28 @Texas L, 2-3 (SO) Nov. 1 @Ontario L, 2-4 Nov. 5 Texas W, 6-1 Tonight’s*Matchup:!On!Saturday,!the!San!Jose!Barracuda!look!to!even!their!best8of8five!series!with!the!Tucson!Roadrunners!after!a!482!loss! Nov. 11 Manitoba L, 2-5 on!Thursday.!During!the!regular!season,!the!Barracuda!went!5828081!against!the!Coyotes!AHL!affiliate!and!2818081!at!the!Tank.! Nov. 12 Manitoba W, 4-1 ! Nov. 18 Ontario W, 1-0 In* Case* You* Missed* It:! Despite! outshooting! the! Roadrunners! 388to824! on! Thursday,! San! Jose! fell! 482! in! game! one! of! the! best8of8five! NOV. 19 ONTARI0 L, 1-4 Divisional! Round! matchup.! Alex! True! (PP)! and! Sasha! Chmelevski! scored! for! the! Barracuda! while! Dakota! Mermis,! Ryan! MacInnis,! Lane! NOV. 22 San Antonio W, 5-3 Pederson!and!Dylan!Strome!(EN)!found!the!back!of!the!net!for!the!top8seeded!Roadrunners.! Nov. 24 @Ontario L, 0-3 ! Nov. 26 San Diego W, 5-3 Odds*Makers:!On!April!4,!the!Barracuda!had!less!than!a!.01%!chance!of!making!the!playoffs,!but!six8straight!wins!lifted!San!Jose!above!four! Dec. 3 @Bakersfield W, 2-1 teams!in!the!division!over!a!108day!period,!punching!a!ticket!to!the!Calder!Cup!playoffs!for!the!third!straight!season.!Tucson!also!did!San! Dec. 6 Stockton L, 0-6 Jose!a!favor!by!taking!down!the!San!Diego!Gulls!in!three8straight!games!to!close!out!the!season.! Dec. 8 Tucson L, 1-3 ! Dec. 12 @Tucson W, 3-2 Let’s* Go* Streaking:! The! Barracuda! finished! the! regular8season! riding! a! season8long! six8game! winning! streak! as! they! outscored! their! Dec. 13 @Tucson W, 5-2 opponents!258to810!over!that!span,!netting!power8play!goals!in!five!of!the!six!contests.! Dec. 16 Bakersfield L, 2-4 ! Dec. 17 Bakersfield W. 3-2 Past*Playoffs:!Tucson!makes!its!first!appearance!in!the!Calder!Playoffs!after!finishing!with!the!Western!Conference’s!best!regular!season! Dec. 21 @Bakersfield L, 3-4 (SO) record! (428208581! 8! .662%),!while!San!Jose!makes!its!third8straight!trip!to!the!dance!after!finishing!with!its!second8best! regular8season! Dec. 22 Texas W, 3-1 record! in! franchise! history! (348268484! 8! .559%).! A! season! ago,! the! ‘Cuda! won! the! Western! Conference’s! regular8season! crown! after! Dec. 28 Stockton W, 6-5 (OT) Dec. 30 @Manitoba W, 3-2 compiling!a!record!of!438168485!(.699%).!The!Barracuda!are!9811!all8time!in!Calder!Cup!playoff!play.! Dec. 31 @Manitoba L, 2-5 ! Jan. 5 @San Diego L, 0-5 Desert*Swarm:!The!Roadrunners!concluded!the!regular!season!with!a!+41!goal!differential,!which!was!tops!in!the!Pacific!Division.!Also,! Jan. 6 @San Diego L, 2-3 Tucson!allowed!the!AHL's! second8fewest!goals!(173).! Trade!deadline!addition!Carter! camper! finished!T811th!in! the! AHL!in! scoring,!and! Jan. 9 San Antonio W, 2-1 netminder!Adin!Hill!ranked!fifth!in!goals8against!average!(2.28).!But!2017818!was!all!about!the!rookies!for!the!‘Runners!as!Tucson!had!three! Jan. 12 Rockford L, 2-4 first8year!players!represented!at!the!2018!AHL!All8Star!Game!(Dylan!Strome,!Nick!Merkley,!Kyle!Capobianco).! Jan. 15 Bakersfield W, 3-2 (OT) ! Jan. 17 Stockton L, 0-2 Road* Warriors:!Tucson!finished!the!regular!season!as!the!AHL’s!second8best!road!team!(24878281!.750)!only!behind!the!Toronto!Marlies! Jan. 19 @San Diego W, 3-2 (30858182!.829).!The!Roadrunners!boasted!a!+30!goal!differential!away!from!the!Tucson!Convention!Center!compared!to!a!+11!mark!on! Jan. 20 @San Diego W, 2-1 home!ice.!In!addition,!Tuc!held!the!leagues!best!road!power!play!(32/142!8!22.5%).! Jan. 23 @Texas L, 2-3 (OT) ! Jan. 25 @San Antonio L, 0-3 Young*Guns:!Since!Ivan!Chekhovich!and!Sasha!Chmelevski!joined!San!Jose’s!lineup!on!Amateur!Tryout!Agreements!on!April!4,!the!‘Cuda! Jan. 27 @San Antonio W, 5-1 went!680!in!their!final!six!games,!and!the!two!teens!combined!for!13!points!(six!goals,!seven!assists).!Chekhovich!had!points!in!all!six!games! Feb. 2 @Stockton W, 3-0 he! played! (three! goals,! six! assists)! in! the! regular! season! and! ended! with! the! team’s! best! plus/minus! (+8).! Chmelevski! who! scored! on! Feb. 3 Stockton L, 2-4 Thursday!in!game!1!is!the!first!California!native!to!appear!in!a!game!for!the!‘Cuda.! Feb. 5 Tucson L, 3-4 (SO) ! Feb. 10 San Diego L, 2-3 (OT) Captain* America:!When!Captain!John!McCarthy!was!at!the!Winter!Olympics!in!February!representing!Team!USA!in!Pyeongchang,!South! Feb. 11 San Diego L. 1-4 Korea,! the! Barracuda! sputtered! without! their! leader,! going! 2868181! in! the! month.! Since! Mac’s! return,! San! Jose! has! gone! 12858181.! On! Feb. 14 Tucson W. 4-2 Thursday,! the! Barracuda! signed! McCarthy! to! a! one8year! contract! extension,! which! means! he’ll! return! for! his! tenth! season! with! the! Feb. 16 @Stockton L, 4-5 (OT) organization!in!2018819.!McCarthy!is!the!Barracuda’s!all8time!leader!in!games!played!(190),!T8first!in!goals!(45),!T8first!in!power8play!goals! Feb. 17 @Stockton L, 1-2 (15),!and!T8first!in!short8handed!goals!(4).! Feb. 21 @Ontario L, 2-5 ! Feb. 23 @Bakersfield L, 1-4 Blueline*Bolster:!19%!(36/186)!of!San!Jose’s!goals!scored!in!2017818!came!from!its!backend,!compared!to!15%!(35/232)!from!its!defense!a! Mar. 2 Bakersfield W, 2-1 (OT) season! ago.! In! 2016817,!San!Jose!had!the!AHL’s!most!potent!offense!that!included!NHLer!Joakim!Ryan!and!Second!Team!All8AHLer!Tim! Mar. 4 Ontario W, 2-1 (SO) Heed!on!the!blueline.! Mar. 9 Cleveland W, 6-2 ! Mar. 10 Cleveland W, 4-0 Powering*Up:!Before!failing!to!score!on!the!power!play!in!the!season!finale!at!Stockton!last!Saturday,!the!Barracuda!had!lit!the!lamp!on!the! Mar. 16 @Bakersfield L, 8-4 man8advantage!for!a!franchise8record!108straight!games,!going!138for839!(33%)!over!that!stretch.!On!Thursday,!San!Jose!went!one8for8four! Mar. 18 @Ontario L, 4-5 (OT) on!the!man!advantage.! Mar. 20 @Tucson L, 0-4 ! Mar. 21 @Tucson W, 4-3 (OT) Age*Is*Just*A*Number:!With!an!average!age!of!22.57!years!old,!San!Jose!is!the!AHL’s!youngest!team!while!Tucson!(23.23)!is!the!league's! Mar. 24 Ontario L, 3-6 third8youngest!roster.!! Mar. 25 Tucson W, 3-2 ! Mar. 30 @Grand Rapids L, 2-3 (SO) Rudy!*Rudy!*Rudy!:!Rookie!forward!Rudolfs!Balcers!finished!his!first!pro!season!ranked!seventh!in!points!(48)!among!AHL!freshman,!T8fifth! Mar. 31 @Rockford L, 3-5 in!goals!(23),!and!T814th!in!assists!(25).!During!the!regular!season,!Balcers!paced!the!Barracuda!in!points,!goals,!points8per8game!(.72),!and! Apr. 4 San Diego W, 4-0 power8play!goals!(8).!Balcers!is!the!sixth!player!in!Barracuda!history!to!reach!the!208goal!mark!in!a!season,!joining!Brian!Lerg!(21)!’15816,! Apr. 6 @Stockton W, 6-2 Nikolay!Goldobin!(21)!’15816,!Barclay!Goodrow!(20)!’15816,!Danny!O’Regan!(23)!’16817,!and!Barclay!Goodrow!(25)!’16817.!Balcers!was!a! Apr. 7 Stockton W, 7-3 mid8season!AHL!All8Star,!joining!fellow!teammate!Antoine!Bibeau!in!Utica.! Apr. 11 @Bakersfield W, 2-1 ! Apr. 13 Bakersfield W, 4-3 BigLTime*Bibeau:!Antoine!Bibeau!finished!his!first!season!in!San!Jose!ranked!10th!in!the!AHL!in!goals8against!average!(2.37),!11th!in!save8 Apr. 14 @Stockton W, 2-1 percentage!(.919),!T8sixth!in!wins!(23),!and!T8third!in!shutouts!(5).!Bibeau!was!named!a!mid8season!AHL!All8Star!and!is!riding!a!four8game! DIVISION SEMIFINAL: winning!streak!entering!postseason!play.!Bibeau!is!6888081!in!15!career!Calder!Cup!playoff!games!with!a!2.90!goals8against!average,!and!a! Apr. 19 Tucson L, 2-4 .900!save!percentage.! Apr.!! 21 Tucson 7:00 PM * Apr. 25 @Tucson 7:05 PM * *Apr. 27 @Tucson 7:05 PM ! *Apr. 28 @Tucson 7:05 PM *If necessary Regular Season Team Leaders (2017-18) Regular Season Records (2017-18) Points: 48, Rudolfs Balcers Home: (20-12-1-1) Goals: 23, Rudolfs Balcers Road: (14-14-3-3) Assists: 29, Adam Helewka Pacific Division: (29-20-4-3) PP Goals: 8, Rudolfs Balcers Central Division: (5-6-0-1) SH Goals: 1, 5 different players Western Conference: (34-26-4-4) GW Goals: 5, Manuel Wiederer, Rudolfs Balcers Eastern Conference: PIMs: 130, Emerson Clark Situational Records: +/-: +8, John McCarthy, Ivan Chekhovich 1-Goal Game: 18-3-4-4 Shootout Totals 2-Goal Game: 5-8-0-0 After a win: 13-14-2-2 Shooter Goals/Att % After a loss: 18-7-1-2 Danny O’Regan 0/1 .00 After an OTL/SOL: 5-7-0-1 Rudolfs Balcers 1/4 .25 Scoring First: 24-4-2-3 Michael Brodzinski 1/4 .25 Opponent Scoring First: 10-21-1-2 Adam Helewka 0/2 .00 Leading After 1 period: 14-1-1-1 John McCarthy 0/1 .00 Trailing After 1 period: 5-16-1-0 Emerson Clark 1/2 .50 Tied After 1 period: 135-9-1-4 Radim Simek 0/1 .00 Leading after 2 periods: 22-3-1-0 Filip Sandberg 0/1 .00 Trailing after 2 periods: 2-17-0-2 Manuel Wiederer 0/1 .00 Tied after 2 periods: 11-5-1-2 Rourke Chartier 0/1 .00 Overtime Record: 5-3 Goaltender Record Saves/Att % Shootout record: 1-4 Troy Grosenick 0-2 4/6 .666 Outshooting Opponent: 16-11-1-3 Antoine Bibeau 1-2 10/14 .714 Outshot Opponent: 11-16-2-2 Even Shots: 6-0-0-0 Situation For Against Scoring 1 goal: 2-7-0-0 5 on 5: 129 129 Scoring 2 goals: 7-9-1-3 5 on 4: 38 5* Scoring 3 goals: 5-3-0-2 5 on 3: 3 0 Scoring 4+ goals: 17-1-2-0 4 on 4: 1 0 Allowing 1 goal: 9-0-0-0 4 on 3: 2 0 Allowing 2 goals: 11-2-0-2 3 on 3: 4 4 Allowing 3 goals: 5-6-1-3 3 on 4: 0 0 Allowing 4+ goals: 2-18-2-0 3 on 5: 0 3 Day Game (Prior to 5 PM): 11-6-1-1 4 on 5: 4 36 Specialty Jerseys: 6-2-0-0 Extra attacker: 2 1 Empty Net: 7 9 Penalty Shot 1 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! Last Time When Regular Season Team Leaders SH Goal For: Nick DeSimone 3/18/18 at ONT (OTL, 5-4) Vs.
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