Planché's Roll of Arms
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— 148 planche''s roll of arms. Edited by James GREEXsxnEET. The remarkable collection of very early coat-armour whicli I am now, by tlio liberality of the Chapter of Heralds' Colk-ge, enabled to lay before the public, was lir>t commented upon hy the illustrious Herald whose name, for tliat reason, I have asso- ciated with it. ^Ir. Planche seems to have been unaware that the Record, from which the copy in the College was taken, still existed at the time when he referred to the contents of this Roll in his excellent account of Ash-ncxt-Sandwich. Yet there appear to be strong reasons for thinlang that "Planches" Roll of Arms is identical with one which was sold at Messrs. Sotheby's Auction Rooms in 18G5, and is now, no doubt, preserved among the MSS. belonging to the late Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart., at Cheltenham. In the Sale Catalogue the Roll in question, which formed part of the collection of the late Dr. AVellesley, is described as consisting of G97 coats, a rnnnbcr which differs only by one from the total of ilie arms tricked in the College copy, namely, 69 G.' The contents of "Planche's" Roll were not altogether unknown to me when the Reference List of Rolls of Arms was published, but the only knowledge I then liad of the document was derived from a very corrupt and incomplete transcript preserved among the Harlcian .MSS. (No. 1068, pencil fos. 156 to 183). ^ly impression at the time was, that a copy of the "Dering" Roll of ^ The majority of Mo.s5rs. Sotheby's Sale Catalogues, priced, are, I believe, deposited in the liritish iluseum Library for reference. The Catalogue of the Sale in question is, however^, as I liave elicited by personal search, wanting. The Sale was advertised in the Athcnaurn, to take place on Monday, June 12:h, and following day; and the same paper for June 24th contains a report of the prices realized. In the second day's sale (which began with Lot 202) the two Rolls are thus dfe3cribed : 3yL Roll of Ainrs, Temp. Edw. L Manuscript ox Vellum, now cut up ai'd bound as a bool; containing 697 painted coats of ariiis of persons, luth English and Foreign, living in the reign of Edward I, v:ith an ii.dix made ly Ealph Slarkey, russia ; from the Library of Sir E, Deriuj, of Surrenden, Bart. 4to. Hxc. xiv. 392. Roll of Akms, Temp. Edw. L MA>'UsciiU'T ON Vellum (measui-ing 10 fcrt 3 inches in length by 10 inches in xcidth), containing 324 coats of arms of Aoblcs and Knights in the reign of Edicard I, painted in col.nirs. SiEC. xiv. An early transcript of the Roll known as "the Acre Roll," having been th\is termed in an ancient copy. On the back is an Index made by Ralph Starky in the XVIth century. This Roll seems to liave passed from tlie Library of Sir Kdward Dering, of Surrenden Ray [.<iV., read '"of Suriendcn, Rait."], into that of ilr. D, Powell. [? Rev. P. T. IV.well intende'd,] Lot 301 was j>urch."\sed for £G1, lot 392 fur £i5; both l)y Knight (for Sir Thomas Phillipps, Eart.). — plaxche's roll of arms. 140 Arms was made in the ivi-n of Edward IV, and then largely augmented by the addition of coats belonging to that period. Light, however, is thrown upon this by the singular coincidence, not only that the " Dering " Roll was also disposed of at the above sale, but that, in the catalogue, " Planche's " lioll is asserted to have likewise belonged at one time to the Library at Surrejiden Dering, of which Library the "Dering" lloll of Arms was always, the foremost heraldic feature. If this statement may be assumed to be strictly accurate, it would prove that these two Rolls of Arms sold in 1SG5 were : 1. The original, i.e., what then remained of it. 2. A replica, made at a later date, and before the said original was shorn of more than half its normal length. The College transcript occurs in the MS. Collections of Augustine Vincent, "Windsor Herald, No. 1G5 (which is bound up with No. 1G6), from fo. 1:31 to 152 b. The dnte of the compilation of the original document may be pretty safely assigned to the close of the reign of King Henry III, but many of the pei-sons commemorated lived on into the reign of his successor. WAjt Eoll. 'Che Oricdu.ill oi thi!5 ii3 lurouaht in rollovs in .i(u) olb p.m-hmcutt rollc, aub rciuaiiiice in the hanbcs of ^ir John p'l^i^i"^^ ^iuiglit, out x)f tohiche this lii;i!? fcppicb Jlno 1500. Fo. Space. 1. Az on a cross Or the \ .^ -^31 j ^j ^ &='^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ • do Saviour crucified Arg. j 2. Arg a cross potent het^v. ( ^, -^ 131, 2 "^ ^^ '^Jerusalem. four plain crosses (Jr. ) 3. Or a douhle-lieadod eagle ^, j. (,, ,,^,, -^^,„,,^^ 131, 3 displaj'ed ba. armed bu. j *^ 4. Gu.. a cross Or. C;mperour oi (!rou5t[nnt]i- 1 ^3^ ^ 5. Or, an eagle displayed Sa. I ~,^.^ ^^ ^hnamu. 131. 5 "^ c ^ armed Gu. J 6. Az., three crowns Or. "gt £\Q\t ^t. (fMuurbc. 131, 6 7. Az. a cross patonce betw.) .^^ ^,^.^ (tMuarbc. 131, 7 '^ ^^_ four martlets Or. ) • "^ 8. Az., florv Or. iCc ~£\0\ be /r.iuucc. 131, 8 9. Gu., three lions pas.ant f^^ ^,^. j,.^^' 1^^^^.^^^ 131^ 9 cr <s <= v gardaiit in pale Or. j 10. Quarterly, 1 and -l.Turpure, ^ a lion ramp. Arg. ; 2 and ( ^, -^ . ^^.^ ^^ ^c^r ^ ^^^ ^^ 3, Gu., a castle triple- ( towered Or. ) 150 planche's roll of arms 11. Gu.,., ail cscarbuncle dimi- '\ diat.-il Or, impaling, Az., ( .^.. ^^^ [qu lie 4UDarc. 131, 11 a bfud Arg. cotiscd by T^ ^ two chains Ur. } 12. Or, a lion ramp, within | a double trossuro llory >3L'c 4lion lie (Sococc. 131, 12 counter flory Gu. ) 13. Gu., three castles triple-) -,,-» r.i • v /i-i in ni ii ^C ^tOiC lie (Lha.tell. 131,13 towered Or. } 14:. ) -,-, ,-,-, • '-.-> Gu., a lion ramp. Or v loi i i ^^°^^ ^' ^)uuc}anj. 131, 14 collared Az. } ^' 15. Erm., on a cross Gu. I ^ ^^ v,ou 131,.J5 <=' ^' Crnueuie. '• crown Or. j ^ ^ ^ . -,. 16. Or, a grifiin segrcant Az., | ^,-, ^^ ^ ioi ir ^'^ ^'^^'^ ^^ (bruffouuc. 131, IG armed Gu. \ 17. Gu., three battle-axes Or. ^c Vion lie pcum.ivlic. 131'' 1 18. Az., three barges in pale^ Arg., tenui- ( 5 the ends -,-v -i v loib o . , 131" ' 1 , 1 1 /iLC 'tie 3 =- c='41x011- nating in beasts heads | crowned Or. ) " ' 19. Gu., two bars betw. an orle )-,-,-, ^,-. ,v iqh, •> ~ c/"'-^*'^'- of six leopards faces Or. j ^ ^ 20. Gu., a lion ramp. Or, j holding with his fore- ICc ^ilou bc 4I0VU.1CUC. 131'' 4 paws a battle-axe Az. ) 21. Gu., three birds Or. ^Ce ^loy lie ^lovlu.Jiie. 131'' 5 131'' 23. Gu. , three pales Or. |L'e ^loie lie J^ragoii. 6 23. Gu., three men's legs em- ") bowed and conjoined at > ^c ^loD "bt ^XiUX. 131'' 7 the thighs .... j 24. Az., flory Or and a label of I -,-» ^n \ o- -n iQib v ^t gxOljht ^Ullk. 131" b five pendants Gu. \ 25. Gu., three dice Arg. each \ charged with five spots > |Cc '^lou ie ^ortiugilU. 131'' 9 Sa. ) 26. -Banaily (of 14) Arg. and \ Az., a lion ramp. Gu. I ^c ^lot) lie Cypr^. 131'' 10 crowned Or. ) 27. Quarterly Or and Gu., four ) lions passant gardant l ^c JJrincc ht ©ales. 131'' 11 counter-changed. ) 28. Or, a cross recercellee Sa. 3Ce t^riucc lie la jHorcc. 131'' 12 29. Gu., tliree haut-boys Or. Jjc }jrince lie Jlntiochc. 131'' 13 30. Or, on a bend Gu. three) t;,^ -n v ^.^ 131"ioibi4 1 1 14 > 4Le Sue oc 4Loreiuie. 14 eagles T ^ ^^ cr--*^^ dis})Iayed Arg. f 31. Sa., a lion ramp. Or. ^gt gluc l)e ^Irabau. 131'' 15 32. I Eendy of eight Or and Az. ,5„ ^ ., ,,, loibic '^' ^' ^urgoiuc. 131" 16 within a bordure Gu. } ^"^ 33. Arg., a lion ramp, tail) ^sn —» v -o u i too i iLc ^ambcrgh. 132, 1 forked Gu. | Pucbc tlancue's roll of arms. -151 Zi. Gu., a castle triple-to^veml { ^.^ ^^^^ ^^ 'Ctnx^^z. 132, 2 35. Or, two lions passant Gu. ^c puf bc ;^1vuU'^U.iijhc. 132, 3 (" Urusewikc " Avrilteu uu<lcrneatli.) 3G. Gu., three lions pa&sant ] gardant in pale Or dinii- ! dinted, inipalin|,s ^'^'.' y^^c^dui [l"/{ blend] 132, 4- "=^ - a lion ramp, rurpure, | and on a chief Gu. a . i ( triple-towered ir. • ... castle J . 37. Gu., a castle triple-towered 1 ' Or, and on a chief Avg. ^ _ [Ir/l h/aiJ.-] 132, o f a lion ramp. Turpure, l" ^corhu impaling, Ar-., thee bars Az. within a bordure Gu. "j 38. ., three lions passant • gardant in pale . dinu- ( r^„^^ 3^.^^.^.,^^^ ^^^^^j.. 13.,^ q impaling, Gu., - •- -" diated, | three pales Or. J 39. Or, three chevrons Gu. |i!c Contc tic 61oui:cotcr. 132, 7 40. Arg., a lion ramp. Gu. l within a bordure Sa. V |Cc Coutc ic Corutuall. 132, 8 r bezantcc. ; 41. Per pale Or and . ., over ) ^.^ ^^^^^^ /tlarcschall. 132, 9 ^ "^ all a lion ramp. Ltu. J 42. Chequj Or and Az. ^C Coutc ic ^^.tniTCUUC. 132, 10 betw. six cross ) . 43. Gu., a fess ^.^" ^^^^^^^ ^^ (iiriarlDi.Uc. 132, 11 crosslets Or. J 44. Az., six lions ramp. Or. 1£c Conic t)c ^'alisburic. 132, 12 45. Quarterly Or and Gu., over^ 13:}, 13 all a baston Sa.