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32 Freeman, R., Abel, D., Cowper-Smith, M., & Stein, L. (2004). Reconnecting children with absent parents: A model for intervention. Family Court Review 42(3), 439–459. Freitas, D. P., & Pellizzaro, G. (2012). Alienação Parental: Commentários à Lei 12.318/2010 [Parental alienation: Comments on Law 12.318/2010] [Portuguese]. Rio de Janerio, Brazil: Editora Forense. Freyd, P. (1992–present). Foundation for False Memory Syndrome Newsletter. Frick, P. J., Silverthorn, P., & Evans, C. E. (1994). Assessment of childhood anxiety using structured interviews: Patterns of agreement among informants and asso- ciation with maternal anxiety. Psychological Assessment 6(4), 372–379. Friedlander, J. S., & Walters, M. G. (2010). When a child rejects a parent: Tailoring the intervention to fit the problem. Family Court Review 48(1), 98–111. Friedman, M. (2004). The so-called high-conflict couple: A closer look. American Journal of Family Therapy 32(2), 101–117. Friedrich, B. (2005). Correlates of sexual behavior in your children. Journal of Child Custody 2(3), 41–55. Friedrich, W. N. (2001). Psychological assessment of sexually abused children and their fam- ilies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Friedrich, W. N., Fisher, J. L., Dittner, C. A., Acton, R., Berliner, L., Butler, J., & Wright, J. (2001). Child sexual behavior inventory: Normative, psychiatric, and sexual abuse comparisons. Child Maltreatment 6, 37–49. Gagné, M-H., & Drapeau, S. (2005). L’aliénation parentale est-elle une forme de mal- traitance psychologique? [Is parental alienation a form of child abuse?] [French]. Divorce et Séparation (3), 29–42. Gagné, M-H., Drapeau, S., & Hénault, R. (2005). Parental alienation: An overview of research and controversy. Canadian Psychology— Psychologie Canadienne 46(2), 73–87. Gagné, M-H., Drapeau, S., Melançon, C, Saint-Jacques, M-C, & Lépine, R. (2007). Links between parental psychological violence, other family disturbances, and children’s adjustment. Family Process 46(4), 523–542. Gagnon, S. W., & Bingham, T. S. (1998). Parental alienation: How to deal with it in your family law case. Austin, TX: State Bar of Texas, Family Law Section. Galatzer-Levy, R. M., & Kraus, L. (1999). The scientific basis of child custody decisions. New York: John Wiley.

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34 Flinn, M. V., & England, B. G. (1995). Childhood stress and family environment. Current Anthropology 36(6), 854–866. Folberg, J. (1991). Joint custody and shared parenting. New York: Guilford. Foley, M. A., & Johnson, M. K. (1985). Confusion between memories for performed and imagined actions. Child Development 56(5), 1145– 1155. Fondren-Happel, R. N., Fanetti, M. N., & Visio, M. E. (2012). Effects of gender on rate of disclosure in the forensic interviews of children. American Journal of Forensic Psychology 30(1), 45–57. Foran, H. M., Beach, S. R. H., Slep, A. M. S., Heyman, R. E., & Wamboldt, M. Z. (2012). Family problems and family violence: Reliable assessment and the ICD-11. New York: Springer Publishing. Framo, J. L. (1992). Family-of-origin therapy: An intergenerational approach. New York: Brunner-Routledge. Freckelton, I. (2002). Evaluating parental alienation and child sexual abuse accom- modation evidence. Butterworths Family Law Journal 4(3), 57–66. Freeman, B. W. (2011). Children of divorce: The differential diagnosis of contact refusal. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America 20(3), 467–477. Freeman, R., Abel, D., Cowper-Smith, M., & Stein, L. (2004). Reconnecting children with absent parents: A model for intervention. Family Court Review 42(3), 439–459. Freitas, D. P., & Pellizzaro, G. (2012). Alienação Parental: Commentários à Lei 12.318/2010 [Parental alienation: Comments on Law 12.318/2010] [Portuguese]. Rio de Janerio, Brazil: Editora Forense. Freyd, P. (1992–present). Foundation for False Memory Syndrome Newsletter. Frick, P. J., Silverthorn, P., & Evans, C. E. (1994). Assessment of childhood anxiety using structured interviews: Patterns of agreement among informants and asso- ciation with maternal anxiety. Psychological Assessment 6(4), 372–379. Friedlander, J. S., & Walters, M. G. (2010). When a child rejects a parent: Tailoring the intervention to fit the problem. Family Court Review 48(1), 98–111. Friedman, M. (2004). The so-called high-conflict couple: A closer look. American Journal of Family Therapy 32(2), 101–117. Friedrich, B. (2005). Correlates of sexual behavior in your children. Journal of Child Custody 2(3), 41–55. Friedrich, W. N. (2001). Psychological assessment of sexually abused children and their fam- ilies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

35 Friedrich, W. N., Fisher, J. L., Dittner, C. A., Acton, R., Berliner, L., Butler, J., & Wright, J. (2001). Child sexual behavior inventory: Normative, psychiatric, and sexual abuse comparisons. Child Maltreatment 6, 37–49. Gagné, M-H., & Drapeau, S. (2005). L’aliénation parentale est-elle une forme de mal- traitance psychologique? [Is parental alienation a form of child abuse?] [French]. Divorce et Séparation (3), 29–42. Gagné, M-H., Drapeau, S., & Hénault, R. (2005). Parental alienation: An overview of research and controversy. Canadian Psychology— Psychologie Canadienne 46(2), 73–87. Gagné, M-H., Drapeau, S., Melançon, C, Saint-Jacques, M-C, & Lépine, R. (2007). Links between parental psychological violence, other family disturbances, and children’s adjustment. Family Process 46(4), 523–542. Gagnon, S. W., & Bingham, T. S. (1998). Parental alienation: How to deal with it in your family law case. Austin, TX: State Bar of Texas, Family Law Section. Galatzer-Levy, R. M., & Kraus, L. (1999). The scientific basis of child custody decisions. New York: John Wiley. Galatzer-Levy, R. M., Kraus, L., & Galatzer-Levy, J. (2009). The scientific basis for child custody decisions (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley. Garbarino, J., Guttmann, E., & Seeley, J. W. (1986). The psychologically battered child: Strategies for identification, assessment and intervention. San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass Publishers. Garbarino, J., & Stott, F. M. (1992). What children can tell us: Eliciting, interpreting, and evaluating critical information from children. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Garber, B. D. (1996). Alternatives to parental alienation syndrome: Acknowledging the broader scope of children’s emotional difficulties during parental separation and divorce. New Hampshire Bar Journal 37(1), 51–54. Garber, B. D. (2004). Parental alienation in light of attachment theory: Consideration of the broader implications for child development, clinical prac- tice, and forensic process. Journal of Child Custody 1(4), 49–76. Garber, B. D. (2004). Therapist alienation: Foreseeing and forestalling third-party dynamics undermining psychotherapy with children of conflicted caregivers. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 35(4), 357–363. Garber, B. D. (2007). Conceptualizing visitation resistance and refusal in the context of parental conflict, separation, divorce. Family Court Review 45(4), 588–599.

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