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Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention: November 2018 In the Service of Peace Pray for everybody, everywhere, to use kind words instead of harsh ones. May we all speak with love, all the time.

Two thousand years ago, St. Paul wrote letters to Christians in Corinth. In one of those letters, he reminded the Corinthians always to speak with love: If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away everything I own . . . but do not have love, I gain nothing. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3)

St. Paul knows that love always wins. We can say the smartest things in the world or be the cleverest inventor in history, but if we say mean things about other people, we’re just making a lot of noise. We can heal people or amaze the world by giving things away to the poor, but if we think or say nasty things, our good deeds are trash.

Jesus cares about our hearts. He wants to fill our hearts with love for others—especially people who are difficult to get along with. Jesus wants us to pour love into our words. This is impossible without God’s help! We must ask the Holy Spirit to guard our mouths so that we solve problems with kindness and respect. Let’s pray together: Lord, you have the words of everlasting life! Please send us your Holy Spirit so our words bring peace and love into the world. Think About it!

• Think of a person who is kind to you. Do you use loving words when speaking with or about this person? • Think of a person who sometimes makes you feel angry. How can you pour more love into your words to or about this person? • Why are words important? Language Activity: Secret Messages This month’s activities will fill our imaginations with kind words. What you need:

• Small slips of paper (scratch paper is fine) or 3x5 note cards • Pens, pencils, or crayons What you do: • On each slip of paper or note card, write today’s date and the name of a person you know. • Then write a word or phrase that describes something nice about this person. Examples: o November 3, 2018. Dr. Megan: helps me feel better when I’m sick o November 14, 2018. Dad: gentle • Now hide the message in a place where the person will notice it, like in between pages of a book, under a pillow, or on a desk. The date on the message will be come in handy if the paper stays hidden for a while! • If you would rather deliver the message personally rather than hide it, that’s fine too!

How many messages can you write? The more we think of kind words to describe others, the more our hearts become like Jesus’ own Heart.

MAPAC Community during a visitation of one of the cemeteries located in Marikina City. It is where the socially economically deprived citizens buried their loved ones. It is called Bangka Municipal Cemetery. This cultural experience provides is with an insight of how the Filipino people commemorates the union of the living and the dead.. and an expression of affection and care for those you had passed away... especially their love ones.

The Brothers with a compacted graves around.

During a prayer moment when all Brothers light candles and spend times reflecting and praying for those you have gone before us.

Another cemetery that is mainly used by families of different social class

Short Message from Pope Francis about the occasion. Family feast Pope Francis said we are united not only with the saints in and of the liturgical calendar but also with our "next door" saints - our relatives and acquaintances who are now part of that immense multitude. Hence, the Pope said, All Saints Day is a family feast, because the saints, our truest brothers and sisters, love us, know what is our true good, help us, await us and want us to be happy with them in heaven. Extracted from Vatican News web page. On the 5th of this month, MAPAC community celebrated a Pacific Day.It was organized and run by the Pacifican Brothers John, Anitlelea, Epalle and Tabunga. During the celebration we had guest who attend witnessed this special day. They were friends, relatives and also group of Pacifican’s Priest and Brothers, from the south pacific who were studying with Bro Simon Serero at the East Asia Institute here in Manila. The program began with a Mass Celebration and the choir lead by Simon and his group from EAPI. Afterward there was a social program with Pacifican flavor consisting of Kava ceremony, dancing and sharing a tasty pacific dinner. John, Anitelea and Epalle uncovering “Umu” (Food cooked on hot stones)

Students Brothers during their decoration.

Pictures of MAPAC community DCDH Community with the quests from the Pacific after celebrating the Mass.

The Institute of Formation and Religious Studies celebrated an integrations day which includes presentations of various cultural items from different countries. The program started with a Mass Celebration, followed by cultural items and shared meal. All well as members of the MAPAC formation Team. The theme for this year was “EMBRACING DIVERSITY, BECOMING AUTHENTIC WITNESS.

Br Rubel and Sisters from Pasificans and Chinness Brothers with their mates Bangledish, schooling also at IFRS

More than 100 people, groups of Formators & Candidates Brs Thuong, Tri andHung with their from different congregations and Ex Students who came Vietnaemise group mate and witnessed also that day aparts from IFRS Students

During this month, MAPAC welcomes an immersion group of students and staff from Sacred Heart College, one of the Marist Schools in Australia. They are based here in MAPAC While they are in the Philippines. However, most of the time they reach out to rural areas and squatters area as part of their exposures experience.

Students Brothers and SHC students at Alfano Fraternity during social and BBQ night.

MAPAC Staff & SHC Immersion staff.

Dominican School Brothers Tri, Tabunga and Wang Peng were there also during an Apostolic Activity.

The Group from Sacred Heart College mingled with students of this school. . Molave Kids.

Brs Epalle, Anitelea and Guangzhao and Keneil with students from SHC during an Apostolic on the street.

Bata Foundation.

Brs Hung, Rubel and Hung with SHC college during an apostolic at Bata Foundation where most young girls who victims of abuse stay. During the Day, Australians students were had a good time talked with girls from this place.

SHC members and Brothers with Bata Staff. Br Thuong and his famous Magic show to the young girls at their apostolic placement.

Brs Ray, John and Anitelea during their visitation to one of the community that consists of consecrated lay man and women called “Home of the Heart' at , Manila City. This community mission is to help people who live in the thump area, journeying with them and teaching them how to sustain life for the future especially for the Children

Picture of students Brothers with Br Hiralio (Animator) during an outing. This events occurs only once in a semester. This time is a good opportunity for each brother..while coping with the business of study, assignments and other programs within this first semester. The outing began with a tour inside SM Marikina Mall at Riverbank, Watching Movies and then having dinner together inside the same place.

Alfano Fraternity members at Vikings lounge, SM MARAKINA.

The photos capture the last class and Integration day of a Music Class in which Brothers present whatever they learn during the course.

Students Brothers with Mom Marjorie, a music teacher at Marist High school, and also for the brothers. MAPAC Coming Events

Date Events December 1. Simon Serero finished his course and back to MAPAC December 2. Welcoming to MAPAC Board Members December 5. Farewell Meal with SHC Immersion Group and MAPAC Board. (Leave on the 6) December 4, 6 and 7. Last Integration Day at IFRS (EXAM) December 10 . IFRS Christmas Party December 15 - 16. MAPAC Christmas Party with AFA Children December 18 – 21. Another Immersion Group from Australian Adult. December 21. MAPAC Christmas Party with Staff and their Families December 24. Christmas Eve and Fraternity Gathering December 26 – 27. Lavalla Fraternity Outing December 29. Br Tony finish from MAPAC and back to Korea. December 31. New Year Eve and Social in MAPAC community. December 29. Br Tony finish from MAPAC and back to Korea.

Something to think about it!!

Christmas is for all. By Maricel Trina Orendain.

Christmas season is often times characterized by happiness and Joy. It is a tradition when we go back to our own family to enjoy the Family Spirit and celebrate Christmas together. It is easy to imagine the Spirit of Christmas here in the Philippines, particularly where majority are Catholics. But how about Christmas in countries where there is violence or conflict and civilians are the victims? What is Christmas in countries like Congo or Iran or many other countries, where many innocent people killed?

Some of us might say, well it is not our problem. We are in the Philippines or whatever place that we may feel comfortable and celebrate Christmas as a Family, as a nation. Have we ever thought that Jesus was born not only for Christians but for? He was born not only for those who enjoy freedom of religion but also to the oppressed, to those who are persecuted in faith.

Taken from livingwithchrist.com.ph

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