Publication information Becoming a sustaining subscriber Table of Subscriptions to Fightback are avail- able for $20 a year, this covers the costs Contents of printing and postage. At present the writing, proof reading, layout, and 3 Editorial distribution is all done on a volun- teer basis. To make this publication 4 National and its right wing friends sustainable long term we are asking for people to consider becoming ‘Sustain- 7 The politics, not the dirt is the problem ing subscribers’ by pledging a monthly amount to Fightback (suggested $10). 8 Whale Oil leaks: Anti-politics from above Sustaining subscribers will be send a free copy of each of our pamphlets to 12 Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic? thank them for their extra support. To start your sustaining subscription set The Labour Party and MANA up an automatic payment to 38-9002- 0817250-00 with your name in the 14 Hone Harawira: Burning the flag or accepting particulars and ‘Sustain’ in the code the evil and email your name and address to
[email protected] 15 Regional Joint Statement 15 New Zealand state’s quandary in the Asia- Pacific 18 Unite against poverty wages and zero-hour Get Fightback contracts: An interview with Heleyni Pratley each month 19 Elections and migrant-bashing: Full rights for Within NZ: $20 for one year (11 issues) migrant workers or $40 for two years (22 issues) Rest of the World: $40 for one year or 21 Miriam Pierard of the Internet Party: “Speak- $80 for two years ing the language of youth” Send details and payments to: Fightback, PO Box 10282 27 Coalition governments and real change Dominion Rd, Auckland or Bank transfer: 38-9002-0817250-01 Donations and bequeathments Fightback is non-profit and relies on financial support from progressive people, supporters and members for all its activities including producing this magazine.