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i WAverly i -3.9207 - ft ■ VOL. XXXIV— No. 1754 HILLSIDE, N .J, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1958 PRICE 10 CENTS Youth Group And PAL Merge Berting Quits School Board For Post Singe, Will Vacate John v. tim in g, Hwvina .ins; TwelveHomesHeld third year as a member o f the ■Board o f Education, resigned last- Wednesday night offacllva immediately to succeed Henry Singe as supervisor of buildings and grounds. , Berting will be’ assIsfahtTu7 pervlsor from September December' 31, when Singe will retire alter 31 years of servicer Twelve houses on. Irvington. -Betitog^difc=tiieii^bemme=au:p£fc: avenue in 19J52 and jAlgflgJ,mni January 1 to June 30, 1953 were constructed in vio 1959. His pay will be at the rate Hillside Airman Is lation of deed restrictions, of $71800 annually. The board set was disclosed at a meeting of a salary range for the job at $6,* the Township Committee Tues -000k to $8,500 with yearly iricre- day night. ment-s o f $300. Killed In Germany —St ir o f the-ff The violation came . to light voted for the appointment, with; when JoscpF Hlnkes, o f 857. irv- Arnold H. McCISW not voting. Berting refrained from voting and one. member, I. Lute-Share, was absent. It w a s. announced that Berting did not participate in conferences at which his applt-1 .button was considered. Berting is ! potoj a metallurgist.with Metals Dis- zer, Hinkes requested unship' I M'si Committee fo r relief, but the . The resignation was accepted | 0f j^iss Doris puzzled, committeemen turned with President Joseph Ram laud- • . ’S S5 the problem over to Township ing Bbrtlng’s service as a board r ' . Attorney Sidney Birnbaum who -member. Berting has oeen Chair-' Edwin-Willk said ne vbouid have to study it- man o f the sites and new build- j slstant janitor * married 18 months ago. bfeore reaching a .decision.. ings committee which has charge | G. Nulton, cha i staying: with ■ hef par- Took Builders’ -Word ar.d Freehold, preparing to Going over plans for Saturday night's dame. Seated, from left, Cathy Atkinson, Samuel Faz- uoiSphetibipoi Township Clerk H oward J. the additions to the high school ayold crashii husband shortly. H e-is Patrolman Alois Stelr and N ancy Yeachishe’n. Pagano, DBlpy said he recalled that build now under way. The men wei rived by his parents, Mr. Standing, Joyce Weiman, T om Franglone, P e teR iccl and Edward Mlkulewlcz. ing permits were Issued for the - Board- members had not de Spangdahlem . Otto Helmann of Hill- houses to Lezep Builders on their Merger- .o f’ the Hillside Y ouths g c b / g : cided whether the vacancy willl representation that the ■ restrlc-___ with the Police i S l ’ Samuel Fazzdne, H.Y.0 waltz, cha cha and jitter bug. A be filled by appointment or re Organization lions were being compiled with. I advisor. trophy will be awarded the win main unfilled until the- next licapped children to 'Athletic league was voted last The Inspector, he said, did not election in February. schools In Elizabeth and Hillside The first PAL dance will be ning couple In each event, and school 'have access t o . the deeds and ‘Thursday evening at a meeting Three New Teachers was awarded to Hillside Yellow Mrs. White To Head United Fund Drive held Friday, July 19, from S to' the winning couple iir-one event took the word o f the builders. [the "W ar Memorial Building. hree new teachers were ap- Cab Co. at $18 a day. Mrs. Emmet T. White, o f 14 may not compete in another. To Repair Bridge 'Henceforth, all’ activities of Hill 1-1—pim n-at the Acme parking- Looker street, a leader in Will- An-ordinance carrying a $7,000 side ’ youth,, w ill be under the lot, Liberty avenue, with a rain Mayor Adolph A. Winston will Side's community life for many appropriation was introduced for— sponsorship o f PALt,.‘acoording 1 flute set for July 26, -fi week la- present the trophies to the win years, will direct the first United the repair of thejootbridge over / joint announcem dv by Pa- ter. A trophy dance contest will ning ouples ;at TO PlM,...... ' Raps Democrats On Fund drive in the township next the Lehigh Valley Railroad con trolman Alois Steir, PAL .'‘ree-1 be held in three sections, for the Chap,erones for the dance will fall. necting Hollywood and Pennsyl be Mrs. Samuel Fazzone, Mrs,, vania avenues. Public hearing is Ltlois Steir, and Mrs. Lillian Bs- ..The United Fund effort, to; be • set for August 5. A contract for Itiato. The dance is limited to Recreation Stand conducted in Elizabeth, Hillside, ! the work was awarded to-Cnion youth, o f Hillside. Shorts will not -Linden, Roselle and Roselle Park, | Paving & Construction Co, for be permitted', with giria being re- B. Ross, Republican can Kai will benefit the Community Wel $6,010. The only other bid to <2 )o n 3 quired to wear dresses and boya Iflflentlon * t didate for Township Committee, j ylfyOOO towards the $16,000 they fare Council, the Red Crews and taled $18,894. spoit shirts and trousers Ad-1 today charged that "the recent originally out. other national health and w el Rubin Ritz, secretary of tjie mission will be 50 cents per per Change For The Better fare organizations. No quota has Board of Assessors, reported son. Refreshments will be avail Democratic move to provide an "N ext the machine -ignored the idditionai for township, ers. protegtg ol the gtanley been set as yet for the over-all new ratabies for the June quar- It’s Chilly— In July able.— wr 510°°0 playgrounds is typical of the r * effort or for the Hillside phase, ter. totaled $111,240. H e also re Muslc for the affair, by an • Rezoning Progress patchwork ty p e administration terrace and Race street areas un- In her 39 years as a ported that following an inspec-1. eight-piece band1, is being donat IT’S PROBABLY just a coincidence, but following the Item >1 Hillside, Mrs. White tion of-the new Bristol-M yers Co; ed by the Elizabeth Musicians we have running Hillside today. t!^ ^ couW do 80 n° longer aRd to‘this column July*$, a police order has been issued changing The Democrats are so scared of tten finaWy * desperation it i member o f the Board addition, the board decided to Association,. Local 151, American the former policy on reporting 'auto, accidents. this, hot Issue they've f umbled, pr°vlded facilities for the young- latidn for six years'and levy an assessment for the ware- . Federation Of Musicians; Sincere _ Instead o f bringing careless driving charges against aljg that • for this year’s cam paign' 8t®rs ln those are? s- ioard's secretary fo r ti house as of April 1 and the re- , appreciation is-expressed to the took the Hillside Civic As- motorists involved In accidents, even when one of.'die parties they are now trying to smotlre -She Is corresponding mainder of the structure as of association for its, cooperation the brush fire that has been I soc|ation to find $4,000 worth July 1. No figures w ere given. is parkpn. ihp rpw pdipt win the charees-tothe drivers in - — The next meeting of PA'L will >f the Visiting Nurse As smoldering for some years. :donated playground equipment! ) f^EasI ern -l-Jnion-Co un Two bids were received for minor accidents, unless the police happen to' be witnesses. In be held Thursday evening, July “This spring the Democratic that ggjg stored by the ?r the paving ol Bloy afreet from 7 more serious accidents, charges will continue to be brought by IT, in the War Memorial Build Recreation Commission request- inefficient government. It Liberty avenue to Gurd avenue, Sp&ELEf formerly. ing. ed budgetary • consideration o f tWs discovery by the totaling $12,393.70 and $12,575.50 This seems to be a m ore sensible rule to follow, although respectively. They w ere referred it is understood the other practice has been adopted on the salaries, wages, special events, I etc., for the amount o f $38,037. to. the engineer. Garden State Parkway. The ■’parkway. Is. a different situation, CYCLE INJURY FATAL It received from its parent, the College Circles Schulman Ignored however, since it is'a high speed thoroughfare where parking in 3. Harry Lupfer, 55, o f 7 Southern boulevard, . Chatham, Democratic controlled Township Committeeman H y m a n M. itself could cause an accident and can be tolerated only in ease NEW BRUNSWICK, J u ly 17— died Tuesday morning in New Committee, $26,000. The Recrea- Goldberg Affair Schulman, Republican, said there of an emergency. High scholastic achievement-dur- tloft Commission ttlso asked for “The Democratic Party thinks has been a vacancy on the Gen- ark Beth- Israel Hospital of in- ing the 1957-58 academic year juries sustained In a motorcycle $16,000 for other “expenses. They so much o f non-political recrea real Board of Improvement As- A LETTER from Carmen M onaco,- Sr.,-building inspector, accident here July 8. - - were appropriated $12,000, a re tion that it held up the appoint has earned two Hillside students sessments_for four months, stat to the Board o f Education last week noted that freshly poured Lupfer suffered severe head duced $4,000 making a total re ment of sports-minded Moe Gold at^Douglass College of Rutgers ing lt is time it was filled since concrete for the high school additions recently wps hot properly_ Injuries when his motorcycle duction o f $16,000 appropriated berg, who had been nominated f i ko'q I University the recognition o f be- the three-man board has impor protected from the rain, which tends to dilUteAhe strength) o f struck a rut in the pavement on from the original requests.