A TRIBUTE A TRIBUTE racing, and it happens weekly THE CHAMPION: good old roll, and I gave him a long Phar Lap with strapper at all levels of the sport— Tommy Woodcock (right) walk for about an hour and a half.’ that moment when the jockey and owner David Davis. ‘Should have given him a bit acknowledges the horse and PHOTO VRC COLLECTION of work, you know.’ asks all of us to do the same, I said: ‘Aw yeah.’ to applaud the animal who has He said: ‘He’s gonna run tomorrow.’ performed so courageously, ‘What?’ so beautifully and so willingly. ‘He’s running tomorrow, you know.’ Luke acknowledges the great ‘Aw gee.’ mare, just as Bossy did so well So anyway, Oaks day come with Makybe, and Fred with and I got him out to the races and Northerly, and Jimmy with he looked very well. He looked Might And Power and Dermot beautiful. And, of course, with Vintage Crop, and the late, Oaks day with all the women great Roy Higgins did with Light all dressed up—when I was walking Fingers and Bart with Saintly. him up the enclosure, all the ladies They loved these great horses. they stood up and clapped and Love is a strong word, cheered him. This captivating tribute to the horse by host HAMISH McLACHLAN was the but Bart believes it, and he said as He was a real idol. highlight of the October launch of the Spring Racing Carnival and the racing.com much when describing the way he He walked around the enclosure, trained: “You really have to love the and he went out, and that was only a Australian Racehorse of the Year Awards at the Melbourne Museum. horse and read its moods … horses mile race after running two miles on are always sending you messages, the Tuesday, but he won quite easy. and you have to learn their language So anyhow, that was on the have been asked to pay They, in simplest terms, … you need to have empathy.” THE SPEECH: tribute to the horse. Thursday and Mr. Telford came Hamish McLachlan, are just like people. As the dim son of a sheep in a replica of a stewards’ That’s easy. I really do love In the racing world, every up on the Friday, and he said: tower at the museum, pays I farmer, I’ve chosen to steal the horses, everything about them. year, at every carnival across the ‘How is he?’ tribute to the horse. prose of the greatest of them all, Watch what a 500kg animal world, great horses emerge that ‘Oh he’s good, not bad, he had PHOTO SDP Shakespeare, who brought the does with a child on its back— make great racing even greater. horse to life with simple, a roll. He didn’t dance and buck they will walk quietly and Think through the past 20 years, yet glorious words. in the roll like he did on Wednesday safely, or just stand still, here in Melbourne alone. morning.’ Shakespeare loved the He won and confirmed his place in the folklore or trot, or jump, or swim … There was Vintage Crop, who ‘You didn’t work him?’ horse, and many wonderful of this wonderful sport. He was indeed a horse, all because the 12-year-old turned this carnival on its head. ‘No, gave him a walk, that’s all.’ descriptions of this great animal and all others you may call beasts. asks them to. Nobody can make Forever. Opened it to the world. are peppered throughout ‘He’s running tomorrow.’ HAMISH MCLACHLAN ON PHAR LAP’S FOUR WINS IN CUP WEEK IN 1930 a child smile like a horse can. To Saintly, who changed the his work, but none is more ‘What!’ What kindness! way Bart trained for the Cup. evocative than those he gave ‘He’s running tomorrow.’ They do as they are asked, Imagine a horse being able to do to the heir to the throne of When I am with horse, who came before and after. ‘Aw no.’ when they could do as they that! Change the way Bart trains, France in Henry V. He wrote: I am soothed, I am calm, Just as we all do. ‘Yes, we’re gonna run him wanted to, but they don’t. now that’s a story in itself. When I bestride him, I soar; I have no cares. I hope the I hope I can do Tommy again tomorrow.’ They love to please, to be a To Makybe Diva, who turned I am a hawk horse is the same with me. justice. Tommy said: And ’course that was to be a part of one of humanity’s Lee Freedman into a poet, He trots the air. Tommy Woodcock knew “I loved the horse that much, mile an’ a half on the Saturday. most enduring partnership. after the great mare had won The earth sings when he touches it; these feelings better than I wouldn’t care a dash as long as And anyhow, up we come up on I love everything about her third Cup in a row: “Go find He is pure air and fire; most. Shakespeare didn’t see I got a pair of boots and a shirt. the Saturday and ’course everybody’s the horse. Watch closely the smallest child on this course and and the dull elements of earth Phar Lap, but Woodcock did, He used to rub against me and idol he was, everybody stood up the next time a horse parades there will be the only example of and water never appear in him, and Tommy was a true poet, wear out a shirt pretty often and and clapped and cheered him …” in front of you—really watch— a person who will live long enough but only in patient stillness a man whose raw words had I used to wear a pair of boots out Phar Lap did what no horse and you will see much more to see that again,” said Lee. when his rider mounts him. the ability to take you inside every two weeks, just walking and will ever do again. He won than a betting proposition. And to Black Caviar. What He is indeed a horse, the heart and mind of Phar Lap. leading him, but that was for me his fourth race of the week, That eye, that walk, that Black Caviar did for this sport, and all others you may There’s something spiritual own enjoyment. and confirmed his place in the muscle, that subtle skin and the best marketers could only call beasts. about reciting Tommy’s words I’ll tell you what a great horse folklore of this wonderful sport. those pins of legs carrying half dream of. She was everyone’s For those of us who love about Phar Lap, here in this he was—he won the Melbourne He was indeed a horse, and all a tonne of power; every part horse. A mare cheered on like the horse—whether champion sanctuary (the museum where Stakes on the Saturday and then others you may call beasts. of the horse tells a story— fans do for their footy team. or hack—this is our love his hide stands). the Melbourne Cup on the Tuesday, you just need to look closely. The more I think about described. For me, it’s like being and then Mr. Telford came up on Woodcock’s words on Phar Lap are from Me & Phar Lap—The Consider a horse’s toughness Black Caviar, the more I am sure I am a lucky man. with Tommy, riding the words, the Wednesday and he asked me, remarkable life of Tommy Woodcock, and bravery and that great people fell in love with her quite I have ridden all my life, and do letting his bush poetry sing and ‘What did you do with him this as told to Jan ‘Yarn’ Wositzky heart. When a horse’s lungs are simply because she was a horse at leastRV_559_RACE_ST_C_I once a week still. And soar. Indeed, R - he 1loved 2014- Phar Lap, 09- morning?’ 15T14: 14: 25+10: 00(The Slattery Media Group, 2011) burning and their legs are tired that provided certainty when when I do, I am, indeed a hawk. as he loved all those horses, I said: ‘I rolled him, he had a The Racehorse of the Year Awards: PAGE 28 and they should be screaming the rest of the world couldn’t for someone to stop the guarantee a damn thing. madness, they don’t stop like Since her retirement Black they should—or could—they Caviar has been immortalised continue on bravely. by Racing Victoria as THE brand If only we could be like for racing. Look at her a horse, if only those famous on the racing.com logo—her ears words of that marvellous pricked, dominant in victory horseman George Hanlon were number 13, the 2011 BTC Cup WHERE RACING LIVES! true: Horses are only human. at Doomben, with Luke Nolen FEATURING FREE No two are the same. saluting the great mare. RACE REPLAYS With new form guides, free race replays, breaking news and video updates, dedicated owners’ And the more horses you get to For me, the image captures site, expert tips and more, race fans can find all they need at racing.com, where racing lives! know, the more interesting life is. one of the beautiful moments in 28 INSIDE RACING www.insideracingmagazine.com.au 29.
A Social and Cultural History of the New Zealand Horse
Copyright is owned by the Author of the thesis. Permission is given for a copy to be downloaded by an individual for the purpose of research and private study only. The thesis may not be reproduced elsewhere without the permission of the Author. A SOCIAL AND CULTURAL HISTORY OF THE NEW ZEALAND HORSE CAROLYN JEAN MINCHAM 2008 E.J. Brock, ‘Traducer’ from New Zealand Country Journal.4:1 (1880). A Social and Cultural History of the New Zealand Horse A Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy In History Massey University, Albany, New Zealand Carolyn Jean Mincham 2008 i Abstract Both in the present and the past, horses have a strong presence in New Zealand society and culture. The country’s temperate climate and colonial environment allowed horses to flourish and accordingly became accessible to a wide range of people. Horses acted as an agent of colonisation for their role in shaping the landscape and fostering relationships between coloniser and colonised. Imported horses and the traditions associated with them, served to maintain a cultural link between Great Britain and her colony, a characteristic that continued well into the twentieth century. Not all of these transplanted readily to the colonial frontier and so they were modified to suit the land and its people. There are a number of horses that have meaning to this country. The journey horse, sport horse, work horse, warhorse, wild horse, pony and Māori horse have all contributed to the creation of ideas about community and nationhood. How these horses are represented in history, literature and imagery reveal much of the attitudes, values, aspirations and anxieties of the times.
Volume 8 Number 033 Phar Lap Lead: Despite a Heroic Past, Australia Is
Volume 8 Number 033 Phar Lap Lead: Despite a heroic past, Australia is a nation with few real national heroes. Few would deny, however, that one of them was a big, red horse named Phar Lap. Intro.: A Moment in Time with Dan Roberts. Content: In his youth, Phar Lap, whose name in Thai is the word for “lightning,” did not seem a likely prospect for heroic status. The gelding was born in Timaru, New Zealand in 1926, bought for about $336 and arrived in Australia, painfully thin, with warts all over his face, and lacking very much elemental grace. His trainer, Harry Telford, however, believed he had the makings of champion. Phar Lap was of large sturdy construction and later was found to have an enormous heart of near freakish size. He could sprint and also hang in there for the distance. Around the stable the horse was known as Bobby, and there he met his soon-to-be inseparable companion, stableboy Tommy Woodcock. After a slow start in 1929 Phar Lap began to place, and by September was judged to be the favorite in most of the races in which he was entered. He won so often that he began to skew the betting odds, costing the book makers a massive hemorrhage each time he won. Prior to one race in November 1930, someone pulled alongside Woodcock and Phar Lap as they were returning from warm-up and tried to shoot the horse. The bullets missed but only after Woodcock threw himself in the path to protect the horse.
EVEREST DIARIES PLATINUM SOUVENIR O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9 A S E C R E T A R I A T ' S W O R L D P U B L I C A T I O N Quality Feed For Superior Results KENSINGTON PRODUCE Q U A L I T Y F E E D F O R S U P E R I O R R E S U L T S F O L L O W U S O N I N S T A G R A M @ K E N S I N G T O N P R O D U C E P : + 6 1 ( 0 2 ) 9 6 6 6 7 7 5 5 W : W W W . K E N S I N G T O N P R O D U C E . C O M . A U Everest Diaries Platinum Souvenir 2019 Welcome, I have always loved magazines. I read the articles, stare at the photos, and study how text and image combined to create in my imagination stories, people, and news events. I notice the headlines and white space and typography and savour the whole experience found in those pages that carry me into the wider world. A Editor-in-chief Pallavi Shevade magazine could be picked up, put down, returned to at will. Creative Director Ritesh Jamkhedkar The greatest magazines tell stories enabling the reader’s Senior Editor Archana Bansode thoughts to travel far beyond the carriage of paper and Editorial Assistant Prajwal Jain ink.
SYDNEY AUTUMN Get your RACING CARNIVAL fun back » 13 MAR - 24 APR » ROYAL RANDWICK on track » ROSEHILL GARDENS 2021 MEDIA GUIDE 01 A COVID-SAFE CONTENTS CARNIVAL COVID Safety In addition to full compliance with 05 34 strict NSW Public Health Orders, the CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME Australian Turf Club (ATC) is taking a SCHWEPPES ALL AGED STAKES DAY proactive approach to minimise the risk of exposure to COVID-19. ATC is committed to the health and well-being of all people visiting and working at 06 38 all of our venues with CovidSafe plans CALENDAR OF MEDIA EVENTS including and not limited to: HORSES TO WATCH » Hand sanitiser placed regularly at all venues » Routine cleaning of all venues during 07 raceday and meetings & events MAJOR PARTNERS & AUSTRALIAN TURF 40 CLUB FOUNDATION JOCKEYS TO WATCH The Australian Turf Club, reserves the right to REFUSE ENTRY, in the event; a) Displays symptoms related to 08 42 COVID-19 RACING FIGURES & WAGERING FACTS TRAINERS TO WATCH b) Have visited identified venue Hotspot, or; c) Live in &/or visited identified Hotspot locations or Local 09 44 Government Area. EVEREST CARNIVAL FACTS & FIGURES CARNIVAL HOSPITALITY ALL MEDIA intending to participate on this day, must be formally accredited by the Australian Turf Club, pre-register and provide their contact details. This 10 is mandatory, imposed by governing SYDNEY AUTUMN RACING CARNIVAL 46 health authorities, ensuring ‘tracking STYLE & BEAUTY and tracing’ protocols are enabled in the RACEDAY SUMMARY event an outbreak is recognised. Physical distancing restrictions will be in place and policed by ATC Staff, ensuring 2m2 &/or 1.5m physical distancing are 12 50 adhered to by people on course.
Phar Lap’s Last Lap Dave Davis – An American Beatrice (Bea) Davis Harry Telford – Phar Lap’s trainer Tom Woodcock – Strapper Elvira Telford (Vi) – Harry’s wife Cappy Gerald Telford (13 -16 ) Vi and Harry’s son Emma Cunningham – Tom’s girlfriend Interviewer/voiceover male: Jim Pike – jockey – voiceover Band singer – jazz & cabaret-style Opening Music 1928 Act 1Scene 1 Emma and Tommy out under a tree Tommy was thoughtful enough to throw a horse blanket down for them to sit on. Emma brings a lunch box and puts it in front of Tommy looking very pleased with herself. Tommy reciprocates by catching her hands and placing a much smaller box in her hand closing the other over it and smiles... Emma looks startled then... surprised.. then excited... gasping..... Tommy: well? open it Em- Emma: What is it Tommy.... OH MY GOD... is it a ring?! Tommy: It’s a friendship ring Emma, we can’t go getting’ any silly ideas now can we?... not just yet anyway. Emma: Ok I won't pause... oh remember that girl you were going out with last year- that plain Jane, my friend, remember when you took us both down to the stables? Tommy: Pause, eyes gleaming while he looks intently at Emma Well yeah but she’s got nothing on you though Em Emma: I remember when I met you, you were training that flighty horse and you let Jane take the lead rope then the horse took off like a rocket when she let go and you had to run off after it! Laughs Tommy: Yeah, but you wouldn't do a silly thing like that now would ya? He says teasingly with a dig in her ribs, Emma giggles Emma: well anyway, that’s...oh it doesn't matter Coyly Emma replies with eyes slightly lowered turning her head away, looking over her shoulder away from Tommy Tommy: What Em? Tenderly Tommy brings her head gently back around to look into her eyes Emma: I think that's when I fell in love with you.
Melbourne Cup Quiz Memorylanetherapy.com What is a mature female horse called? Mare What breed of horse is used in Australia for racing? Thoroughbred What is the piece of metal called that goes in a horses mouth when riding it? Bit Where is a fetlock on a horse? Foot Where is a wither on a horse? between its shoulders Where is a frog located on a horse? Under its hoof What is the name of the racecourse in Melbourne were the cup is run? Flemington How long is the race for the Melbourne Cup? 2 miles or 3200 meters What is the name of the often bright coloured and patterned jacket & cap jockeys wear when riding in races? Colours or silks Which famous race horse can be viewed at the Melbourne museum? Phar lap What is the strap called that goes under a horses stomach to hold the saddle on? Girth What colour do you call a horse that has a brown body with a black mane & tail? Bay What is the name of the starting gates called that the horses jump out at the beginning of a race? Barriers What is the shop called in Australia where you go to place a bet? TAB What 2 things can a lady wear on her head at the races? Hat or fascinator The Melbourne Cup is known as the race that? stops a nation What day of the week in November is the Melbourne Cup run on every year? Tuesday Which week in November on a Tuesday is the Melbourne Cup always run, first week, second, third or last week? First Who was the first and only lady jockey to win the Melbourne Cup in 2015? Michelle Payne If a horse is scratched from a race what does this mean? It is withdrawn from a race If a horse is described as a maiden at the races what does this mean? A horse who has never won a race When is it a horses birthday in Australia every year? August 1st What is the name of the person who puts shoes on a horse and cares for their hoof care? Farrier For more fun Activities for Seniors visit Memorylanetherapy.com .
M AJURNC HE 12 2 2 002 00 ISSVUOEL 1021 1 OTI GAZETTE The official newsletter of OTI RACING and Management Racing authorities around the world have different IN THIS WEEK'S EDITION criteria when it comes to the naming of horses. In Australia, a name cannot be repeated for 17 years. In This Weeks Edition Names of certain winners of major races have a special restriction placed upon their reuse, and in Upcoming OTI Runners OTI Fun and Games WELCOME Welcome some cases names can never be reused. There will never be another Winx or Phar Lap. OTI NEWS OTI NEWS Rude or risqué names cannot be used, though MATT STEWART some have been known to have slipped through Q&A with the net including Hoof Hearted and Big Tits. In EUROPEANM HaOttR SSmESi TthO FOLLOW South Africa, President Trump proved to be difficult and unruly, and had to be gelded. His FUN & GAMES OTI name also changed after South African authorities Fun and Games decided it was a little too controversial. He is now Q&A called Fake News, and continues to show limited ANDREW BENSLEY ability. Reflections from Europe JOHN HAMMOND ON by John Hammond Coincidently in 2010 at Monmouth Park, USA My THE EUROPEAN CLASSICS Wife Knows Everything battled in the finish against My Wife Doesn't Know. WATCH WHAT HAPP ENED TO... PENSHURST named after the Victorian country town won for the first time in Australia with an easy win at Grafton on Thursday. A U G U S T 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 OTI NEWS V O L .
MUNCE RACING NEWSLETTER Welcome to our July edition of the Munce Racing Newsletter THE 2016/17 RACING SEASON In what was only Chris’s second full year as a trainer he ended the 2016/17 racing season in 8th place on the Qld Metropolitan ladder. A jump from 13th spot in the 2015/16 year. With 185 metro runners for the season Chris racked up 25 wins, 16 second placing and 22 thirds earning just over $1,050,000 in prize money for his owners. During this racing season Chris was also successful with winning 4 juvenile feature races. The B J McLachlan Stakes and Phelan Ready Stakes with Ours To Keep, Champ Elect won the Calaway Gal Stakes and Saint Patricks Day taking the Dalrello Stakes. Saint Patricks Day also bought Chris the honour of training the first stakes winner for Coolmore shuttle stallion Excelebration, in Australia, when he won the 2017 Dalrello Stakes at Eagle Farm back in April. Chris also had two runners in the 2017 Magic Millions 2-year-old Classic with Ours To Keep and Champ Elect. There was also plenty of success with his other 2-year-olds Skate To Paris, Johnny Whitesox, Dazzling Grey, Sir Cass, Lucky Jackson and Helfuchi with some breaking their maidens or showing the potential they have as they progress into their 3-year-old careers. It is just not the babies that went well this racing season. Along with stable stalwart First Crush, who gained a start in the 2017 Grafton Cup by winning the Grafton Prelude, new comers to the stable including Constantine, who chalked up 4 wins in a row, Kings Legend, Jexerlent, Asalwas all stepped-up for Chris.
FAMILY MATTERS FAMILY MATTERS GOLDEN RESULT: Estijaab Derbys. Prince Foote was a son Chand Beebee … who has been her 18th year, saved her best to (Blake Shinn) wins the DECADES OF Golden Slipper at Rosehill. of Brown’s imported stallion Sir racing for four seasons on the nearly last—a brown colt (in PHOTO COLIN BULL Foote (by 1892 Epsom Derby Australian turf and this was her image) by Positano (GB) (by CHAMPIONS winner Sir Hugo), who stood at her first victory, although she St. Simon (GB)), born in 1908, 1882: Foundation mare Chand Beebee Motto in the early 1900s after had time after time in private who became the champion (GB)—bred at the Queen’s stud— having won the Futurity Stakes, exhibited the possession of stayer, Piastre, winner of the imported from England as a 2YO. Newmarket Handicap and tremendous pace, indeed no 1912 Melbourne Cup, in which 1900s: Chand Beebee’s 4th foal, Doncaster Handicap in a stellar short race was placed beyond John Brown had the unplaced Chantress, wins the 1903 VRC Newmarket 1902 autumn. Prince Foote her reach by admirers …” favourite Duke Foote (by Sir Handicap. Bee Bee, Chand Beebee’s 5th foal—1903 went on to sire the champion When Chand Beebee was Foote (GB)). Maribyrnong Plate colt Richmond Main—named retired to Motto Stud Farm, her William Brown continued Baw Bee, Chand Beebee’s 6th foal—1907 after John Brown’s largest first three foals were bred by his investment in thoroughbred 1910s: Piastre, Chand Beebee’s 9th coalmine (regarded at the time John Brown and nothing much breeding by buying the famed foal—1912 VRC Melbourne Cup.
{PDF} Peter Pan: the Forgotten Story of Phar Laps Successor Ebook
PETER PAN: THE FORGOTTEN STORY OF PHAR LAPS SUCCESSOR PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Jessica Owers | 512 pages | 01 Jan 2012 | Random House Australia | 9781742750217 | English | Ferntree Gully, VIC, Australia Peter Pan: The Forgotten Story of Phar Laps Successor PDF Book Srishti Chowdhury marked it as to-read May 24, Return to Book Page. Watch my husband closely at 7. But the restaurant life? Born in , Peter Pan debuted on Australian racetracks just six weeks after Phar Lap's death in Angela Sali marked it as to-read Dec 23, Judith marked it as to- read May 07, It's a shame that he's been all but forgotten. Good product. Enlarge cover. To ask other readers questions about Peter Pan , please sign up. I was, in my silly younger days, one of those mastercheffy wanky-food wannabes, but living in Europe completely cured me of that. The first rule of an Italian restaurant is the Passion. Through headline-snatching pedigree flaws, acclimatization and countless hardships, he blitzed across the ritzy, glitzy racetracks of California. Friend Reviews. Sarah marked it as to-read May 12, No trivia or quizzes yet. A little bit of olive oil, some rosemary garnish. Nin marked it as to-read Oct 10, He was Peter Pan. Sold in August for the then highest price ever paid at auction for an Australian thoroughbred, Shannon ended up in America. But we noticed that Italian food, simple Italian recipes cooked by Italians in an eatery owned and run by Italians, never went out of fashion. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.
Appendix D: Cultural Resources Assessment DRAFT CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT REPORT Cartan Field Project Town of Atherton, San Mateo County California PREPARED FOR: LAMPHIER-GREGORY 1944 Embarcadero Oakland, CA 94606 PREPARED BY: WILLIAM SELF ASSOCIATES, Inc. PO Box 2192 Orinda, CA 94563 May 2013 DRAFT CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT REPORT Cartan Field Project Town of Atherton, San Mateo County, California PREPARED BY: Allen Estes, Ph.D. and Aimee Arrigoni, M.A., Principal Investigators with contributions by Nazih Fino, M.A. SUBMITTED BY: James M. Allan, Ph.D., RPA, WSA Principal Archaeologist WSA Project No. 2013-14 WSA Report No. 2013-10 May 2013 Cover photo: Phar Lap. http://www.progroupracing.com.au/horse-racing-articles/race-horses/phar-lap Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Project Location ...................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Project Description ................................................................................................. 2 2.0 Regulatory Context .................................................................................................... 6 2.1 State Regulations (CEQA) ...................................................................................... 6 3.0 Project Setting ............................................................................................................ 7 3.1 Environmental Setting ...........................................................................................