! ""'".--'"-,,A' THE ECHINODERM NEWSLETTER NUlIlber 24. 1999 Editor: Cynthia Ahearn Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History Room W-31S, Mail Stop 163 Washington D.C. 20560-0163 U.S.A.
[email protected] Distributed by: David Pawson Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History Room W-323, Mail Stop 163 Washington D.C. 20560-0163 U.S.A. The newsletter contains information concerning meetings and conferences, publications of interest to echinoderm biologists, titles of theses on echinoderms, and research interests, and addresses of echinoderm biologists. Individuals who desire to receive the newsletter should send their name, address and research interests to the editor. scientific literature. and a published document. Koehler, 1899 '•.:.•/'i9 VIRTUAL ECHINODERM NEWSLETTER http://www.nmnh.si.edu/iz/echinoderm • TABLE OF CONTENTS Echinoderm Specialists Addresses; (p-); Fax (f-); e-mail numbers 1 Current Research 39 Papers Presented at Meetings (by country or region) Algeria 63 Australia 64 Europe. .................................................................64 Hong Kong 67 India 67 Jamaica ',' 67 Malaysia 68 Mexico 68 New Zealand 68 Pakistan 68 Russia 68 South America 69 United States 69 Papers Presented at Meetings (by conference) SYmposium on Cenozoic Paleobiology, Florida 71 Annual Meeting of Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 71 Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan 73 XIX Congreso de Ciencias del Mar, Chile 76 Evo 1uti on '99......................................................... 77 Fifth Florida Echinoderm Festival 78 10th International Echinoderm Conference 79 Theses and Dissertations 80 Announcements, Notices and Conference Announcements 86 Information Requests and Suggestions 88 Ailsa's Section Contribution by Lucia Campos-Creasey 90 Echinoderms in Literature 91 How I Began Studying Echinoderms - part 9 92 Obituaries Maria da Natividade Albuquerque 93 Alan S.