

Harris United Methodist Church 20 South Vineyard Blvd. Hon., HI 96813 WE ARE AN OPEN AND RECONCILING CONGREGATION

www.harrisumc.org Facebook: @HarrisUMC Instagram: aloha2harrisumc February 2019

PASTOR’S Dear Harris Ohana, Happy New Year to all of you! I hope that your transition to CORNER this New Year went as smoothly as it can be. The week after Christmas and New Year, I spent some time visiting several of our house bound and shut in members, relatives and friends of our Harris ohana. Many of them are struggling hard with their physical health, but one thing is clear: their soul and spirit is partly nourished by your love and their faith to God from Rev. Rona Mangayayam whom they find strength. Seeing them and offering my presence and prayer reminded me of the prayers that the late June Shimokawa sent last October, 2010. By that time she was experiencing a remission from her cancer and these two prayers from the “Daily Word of Healing” (according to June) “lift my spirits” and “have come to believe that God created us with the capacity to be renewed, if not fully in body, certainly in spirit.” I am sharing these two (2) with hope that as June said then: “you will find comfort in the power which comes in communion with God, and peacefulness after you open your ‘broken’ self to God.” MEDITATION

Seek the Lord and his strength, seek God’s presence continually! Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always - Psalm 10: 54

In the silence of prayer and meditation, I take a cool, calming breath and clear my mind of any emotional clutter. I turn away from any outer intrusions and focus on the peace of God within. I take another deep, calming breath, and then slowly release it. I feel my body entering a relaxed state. Continuing my rhythmic breathing, I touch my hand to my heart. With my eyes closed and my mind focused, I feel as it works with quiet strength. My body is a wonderful work of God’s creativity. God has given me a priceless gift-the gift of life. I sat in silence, feeling the warm glow of life throughout my entire being. As my time of prayer comes to an end, I take another deep, cleansing breath and whisper a prayer of thanks. cont. page 2


God’s love is being poured out to me constantly.

I am convinced that neither death, nor life. Nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come…will be able to separate us from the love of God - Romans 8:38-39

The love of God is powerfully reflected in me; yet this does not mean that I will never have to go through times of challenge and growth. I know from experience, however, that the very times I am challenged most are the times when I am inspired to let more of God live out through me. The more of God I express, the more I recognize God’s love moving in and through my life. As I open my heart to the love of God that is always being poured out to me, I know that nothing can defeat me. I become aware of the wonder of God in my life every day. Then what may have seemed like a challenge becomes an opportunity to let more of God be expressed through me as love and ever-renewing life.

Deep Blessings, Rona


9:00 am Nichigo Worship (Japanese Language Ministry) To Be Announced 5:00 pm Evening Worship (Contemporary Music) Davy Lee ************************************* 10:45am Worship (English Language Service) February 3rd: 4th Sunday of Epiphany Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 1: 4-10 “This Very Day” Rev. Dr. Cheol Kwak, preaching COMMUNION February 10th: 5th Sunday of Epiphany Scripture Reading: Luke 5: 1-11 ”Don’t Be Afraid” Rev. Dr. Cheol Kwak, preaching February 17th: 6th Sunday of Epiphany Bishop Grant Hagiya, preaching February 24th: 7th Sunday of Epiphany Scripture Reading: Genesis 45: 3-11, 15 “The Essence of Life” Rev. Rona Mangayayam, preaching


Feb. 17 Following morning worship Miyama Hall

We are honored to welcome Bishop Grant Hagiya, the Resident Bishop of the -Pacific Conference, to our pulpit! Bishop Hagiya will be preaching at our Morning Worship service on Sunday, Feb. 17. Our morning worship service will begin at 10:45am. Following the service, everyone is invited to our 3rd Sunday Lunch in Miyama Hall to hear further reflections from Bishop Hagiya regarding the Commission on a Way Forward report. Of recent concern for all United Methodists is the Special Session of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church. This Special Session was called by the Council of Bishops and will be held February 23-26, 2019 in St. Louis, Missouri. The purpose of this session will be to receive and act on a report from the Commission on a Way Forward based on the recommendations of the Council of Bishops. The 32- member Commission was authorized by General Conference 2016 and appointed by the Council of Bishops to examine paragraphs in The Book of Discipline concerning human sexuality and strengthening the unity of the church. Bishop Hagiya will be providing information regarding the Bishop Grant Hagiya called Special Session and the three plans that have been submitted. We invite you to join with us to better understand these important issues that will change our understanding of the United Methodist Church.


Chee Hoo!! I warned Harris Leadership, but they still wanted me to become its newest Co-Lay Leader (w. Natalie Nimmer). My background has taken me many places and to several countries. My leadership experience has been in government, nonprofit and the private industry. Previously, I served as the director of Doyen Towers in Melbourne (AUS) as well as the Chief of U.S. Probation for the District of Hawaii. As I tackle my newest adventure coming back to Honolulu I look forward to helping our church as much as I can. Besides serving as a conduit to our pastors I believe my main role is to help our church grow. By this I mean to not only increase parishioners, but also in opportunities. One way I believe that can help is through micro-volunteerism. Volunteering for an activity can be challenging as many groups want you to make a very strong commitment to their event. Micro volunteering generally refers to easy, no-commitment, cost-free actions that take less than 30 minutes to complete. There's usually little or no formal agreement needed before a volunteer can get started, and no expectation that the volunteer will return. Our first activity will be feeding the homeless at Next Step Shelter on February 21st. In one day, we have already recruited 10 volunteers (outside Harris), with 4 others on a waitlist. These mini-opportunities to volunteer do not take much work and can introduce new people into our wonderful church. A second way that I wish to help is to make Harris United Methodist more recognizable and known. One example is that there is a small company who is now creating a walking tour of Chinatown. It is my hope to have them include Harris United Methodist in the tour. Visitors would only stop outside along the sidewalk for 5 minutes. These guests would learn about the history of the church as well as hear of the great things the church is doing now before proceeding onto the other great interests of Chinatown. Though it may not look it I take my role as Lay Leader quite seriously. Furthermore, as I have been away for a couple of years and as I am still new to my role please feel free to offer any advice you can that can make me a better Lay Leader. Mahalo and remember to “Chee Hoo” daily! Submitted by Felix Mata, Co-Lay Leader


ALL CHURCH MEETING Sunday, Feb. 24th 12:00 pm-1:00pm For the last several years, the quarterly 4C dinners and breakfasts have provided an opportunity for Harris members to Connect, Collaborate, Communicate, and Celebrate. We recognize that many Harris members cannot attend on Wednesday evenings or Saturday mornings, so we are experimenting with hosting these4C events directly after worship on Sundays. We hope this will increase the number of people who can attend, so you can learn about what is happening at Harris and how you can get involved. Each Ministry Team and From Dreaming to Doing Team will be provided time to share about their goals and activities for 2019. Light refreshments will be provided. Submitted by Natalie Nimmer, Co-Lay Leader

PRAYER GATHERING Saturday, Feb. 2 at 7:00am Sanctuary contact Rosa Blackman for details

HARRIS CAFÉ Join us for another Harris Café on Sunday, March 3rd right after the completion of the English worship service. We meet in Komuro Lounge. Jo Tanimoto-Carmichael and the Rev. Richard Matsushita will share their faith journeys. Come for some great fellowship and refreshments. Café will close at 1:30 p.m. Child care for younger children may be available upon request. Please contact Patrick Zukemura at Ph. 391-3464 or email: [email protected] by Sunday, February 24 if you need child care or have any questions. ALL ARE WELCOME! IN MINISTRY TOGETHER FROM DREAMING TO DOING


THURSDAY, FEB. 21 9:00am-1:00pm Our Outreach collaboration with hiehie.org continues on the third Thursday of each month. HieHie provides clean shower & hygiene opportunities for the houseless and we provide clean clothing. The Institute for Human Services (IHS) coordinates with the various service providers and the volunteers from St. Peter’s Episcopal Church provide the sack lunches. A generous and loving undertaking for our guests. Volunteers are always needed; contact Darlene Rodrigues: [email protected]

NEXT STEP SHELTER THURSDAY, FEB. 21 5:00pm Our MEN MAKING BREAKFAST (MMB) Ministry are coordinating an event where we will be preparing and serving an evening meal to those temporarily living at the NEXT STEP SHELTER in Kaka’ako. Volunteers are needed with food preparation/purchase, and serving the meals to the residents at the site. Please contact Felix Mata, Co-Lay Leader for details and how you can help!! [email protected]

3RD SUNDAY LUNCH FEBRUARY 17 MIYAMA HALL Come and join us as we gather to eat, and listen to the reflections of Bishop Grant Hagiya. (refer to article on page 4). Coordinated by Church & Society members. Contact members or Chair Darlene Rodrigues for details: [email protected]

ALL ARE WELCOME! REFLECT ON THIS…. One indication of how the institutional church determines its’ WELLNESS is often by measurement of quantity….in other words, how many are members, or how many attend your Worship service. BUT...what if we looked at our WELLNESS from a different perspective...look at our programs; look at our participation of our time & talents in various areas; look at our service and engagement to each other and within our community. HOW ARE WE DISCERNING & SHARING GOD’S LOVE IN COMMUNITY WITH OTHERS? Is there another way to measure where our energy is taking us as we MOVE FROM DREAMING TO DOING?? Take a look at what we compiled (to the best of our ability, knowledge, and memory!) for 2018. A church’s WELLNESS can be determined by other means. Could we be instigating a subversive idea when it comes to a church’s WELLNESS? Food for thought!



HieHie 124 95 80

Harris Preschool 7590 46 AARP 150 **Bazaar A LOT 109 56

**Rummage A LOT 135 ? CMS 371 99 64 Kauluwela 25 3 8 Japanese class 258 33 Royukai 540 315 20


training 77 26 immigrant support 5 7 **Pride Parade A LOT 12 10

Strike Commun 350 1 **Interfaith Service 100+ 2 12

**Christmas Summer 240 35 12 Soup MInistry A LOT 884 468 Sewing Ministry 96 **Na Alii Special Oly 30 1

Japanese American 23 7 Citizen's League

TOTAL 9783+ 1873 763+

Numbers DO NOT include our Harris Ohana who support in ALTERNATE ways i.e. monetary donations, prayers, etc. *total # over the course of days/weeks/months that event occurred **event is 1x only THEREFORE GO Do you remember during the Stewardship Campaign the message of the 3 “T”s of being a disciple of Jesus. Let's reflect on His message presented in John chapters 14 and 15 that talk about carrying out all of His commandments, not because you think you are able, but because you love Him. He chose us and appointed us so that we could go out to produce fruit; and our fruit could last so that we can love each other. HOW CAN YOU SERVE AS WE BEGIN THE NEW YEAR? We need the following team partners; ask your friends to join you or meet new ones. FINANCE Team: *Tellers on Sundays right after worship to count the morning offering. *Teams of 3 usually work once a month. *Duties include counting and totaling monies for deposit by the Captain, Carole Suzui. We also need Team Captains to give Carole a break. HOSPITALITY Team: *Individuals working in teams of 2 to serve refreshments right after morning worship. *Prepare goodies (homemade or bought) and fruit punch at least 20 minutes before morning worship so that it is ready to serve. *After serving, clear any leftovers, wash and put away any utensils and equipment used. Team Coordinator: Ann Tokumura PRAYER Team: *Be an instrument of God’s love and grace. *Listen and pray with individuals who come forward to the prayer station during communion or during the postlude in the morning worship service. We know that all things work together for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 As you reflect on your spiritual journey, and want to learn more about the opportunities presented, please contact Sachi Taketa or leave a message at the Church Office 536-9602. SPIRITUAL FORMATION MINISTRY

Everything we do at Harris UMC is about spiritual formation as we we “Make Disciples For The Transformation of The World”. The newly formed Spiritual Formation Ministries Team includes education and outreach ministries, primarily to Central Middle School and Kauluwela ELementary School and related partners. Our team includes Rene Ohta, Phuong Matsuura, Andrea Imazeki-Miyahara, Innocenta Sound-Kikku, Jan Yuen, Cheryl Yamamoto and Diane Matsuura. We are in the early stages of defining our goals as we Reach (stretch beyond what we already know), Open (our hearts, our minds, our eyes to see beyond ourselves to others in need), and Touch (others as we build relationships and make connections).

Our education ministries include Sunday School for all ages (children’s choir, youth praise band, youth fellowship), children’s Japanese class, ukulele class, and seasonal studies (sign up for “We Make The Road By Walking” by Brian D. McLaren~see next page).

Working with the After School All Stars program at Central Middle School, we offer students a Hip Hop Dance class in partnership with Diamond Head Theater. At Kauluwela Elementary School we have a Homework Club followed by a Hip Hop dance class. Students from both classes performed at our Christmas Party! Our goals for both programs as they learn dance, are to build confidence, commitment, leadership skills, and appreciation as we emphasize respect, responsibility and resilience. Our hope is that this will help the students grow to be successful learners and citizens in their community.

What signs of spiritual formation do you see? Recently, at the end of children’s choir, here are the prayers they shared: “for people who aren’t receiving paychecks because of the government shutdown, immigrants who are trying to come to the U.S. because they want a better life, children and families who are forcefully separated, sick relatives.” Not a single one talked about what new toy they got, where they were going on a trip or whose party they were going to. This is a huge sign of spiritual formation! Praise God for our children who are following Jesus and teaching us compassion and hope! Submitted by Diane Matsuura, Coordinator

All Are Welcome to a "quest for spiritual formation, reorientation and activation" using the book "We Make the Road by Walking" by Brian D. McLaren Cost of the book is $13.50. Reserve through the church office ( 536-9602) or email [email protected]

Dates are: Thursdays at 10:30 -12 noon in Komuro Lounge February 7, 14, and 28 March 7, 14 and 28 April 4, 11 and 25 May 2, 9, 23 and 30 HARRIS PRESCHOOL

Last month, we returned to school from our two-week Christmas vacation. We spent some time reviewing our classroom rules and routines and we had fun learning about opposites. We also began our Winter sessions of swimming lessons at the YMCA, MyGym classes and Soccer Shots classes. At the end of the month, we had a visit from the Honolulu Theatre for Youth for their production of Trash and Treasure. This month we are looking forward to celebrating Valentine's Day and Lunar New Year. We have a lot of fun activities planned like making valentines for our friends and making gau.




View on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Sj5hsubw74 MMB.. MEN MAKING BREAKFAST! MMB.. MEN MAKING BREAKFAST! MMB.. MEN MAKING BREAKFAST! ...From Dreaming to Doing

PROJECT HIEHIE was held on December 20th, plus, here are images on the start of the day ON THE THIRD THURSDAY OF JANUARY, 2019! Many are continuing to come to shower, but many also want clean clothing and food. ...From Dreaming to Doing

Footwear, and clothing~ women’s size medium, and men’s size medium and large~ seemed to be the most sought after sizes this time around. It’s hard to predict what sizes and types of clothing will be the most popular on any given day. We do know that they would like to wear clean, NEW underwear...wouldn’t you? ...From Dreaming to Doing

Again, MAHALO to our collaborators from the Institute for Human Services for the service providers, and St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, who provided not only lunch for our guests, but breakfast food too!! Our next opportunity to serve our guests will be on THURSDAY, February 21st. Help is needed to meet & greet our guests...talk story and get to know our neighbors. You can also assist to sort & prep the clothing for distribution, along with table and chair setup/break down. Can YOU be there to serve? Contact Chair Darlene Rodrigues to volunteer your time! [email protected] Ukulele Fellowship

Making melodies in my heart!

View on YouTube: https://youtu.be/yzdXvaCW6KA https://youtu.be/Z5WEpy17uwk https://youtu.be/eTn0Rr3U13I https://youtu.be/9Ng-RfuNGVs https://youtu.be/03izdAvLrpA https://youtu.be/L39SmH1NYyo https://youtu.be/XjFRLzlHdBk Tate Sakamoto https://youtu.be/wKyfYvyKlbw Trumpet solo

Heavenly Handbells http://bit.ly/HUMCAveMaria View THE WATER on YouTube: https://youtu.be/2zfdJd6HOTY View JANUARY on YouTube: https://youtu.be/J_-KZZVjcfA https://youtu.be/wKdKyZh_IG4 https://youtu.be/5hFXtU3ddio https://youtu.be/ySAYvOQdWlc

More DECEMBER WORSHIP on YouTube: https://youtu.be/704lNbzccoU https://youtu.be/CSTcx0djN20 https://youtu.be/lqR5ANQNXAc CHRISTMAS PARTY!

Harris hosted a gathering for the students from Kauluwela Elementary and Central Middle School After School All Star (ASAS) programs. This collaborative effort for these student participants involves Central Middle School ASAS Admin., Kauluwela Elementary Admin., Diamond Head Theater staff, volunteers from our Military, and Harris volunteers. We recognize that quality and consistent after school programs are crucial for student academic achievement, and for their social/emotional growth and well being. We are grateful and blessed to be “IN COMMUNITY” with our neighbors and friends.


View on YouTube: https://youtu.be/JtWZIg6yxAo https://youtu.be/m2IgsC2c1c4 https://youtu.be/R2JyattTYi4 https://youtu.be/2VAc4m-RADg More of PROGRAM AWARDS ! PARTY! OUR LAST THOUGHT…..

A church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. He wrote “I’ve gone for 30 years now, and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons, but for the life of me, I can’t remember a single one of them. So, I think I’m wasting my time, the preachers and priests are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all.” This started a real controversy in the “Letters to the Editor” column. Much to the delight of the Editor, it went on for some weeks until someone wrote this clincher: “I’ve been married for 30 years now. In that time, my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But, I do know this: They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!” When you are DOWN to nothing, God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and receives the impossible! Thank God for our physical and our spiritual nourishment! IF YOU CANNOT SEE GOD IN ALL, YOU CANNOT SEE GOD AT ALL! B.I.B.L.E. simply means Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth! Shared by Wally Wake

Remember, that Lent is around the corner!

Just Wanna Share...

CONGRATULATIONS to our newest United States citizen~ GEORGE NABEA!!!

 Pastor Cheol is expected to be either on vacation or continuing ed or both on the following dates: April 22- May 3; June 17-26; Oct. 15-24.

 Electronic Giving: If you are not yet signed up for e-giving and are interested, please contact Sachi Taketa for more information at 808.536.9602. You will no longer need to worry about carrying a check or cash to put in the offering plate or send through the mail.

 YOU are invited to become a member of Harris United Methodist Church! Please contact Pastor Cheol Kwak (808.536.9602) or Pastor Rona ([email protected] or 808.738.7727) if you are interested in joining

NEWSLETTER deadline is 15th of each month Submit to Cheryl Yamamoto: [email protected]

Sustainability Covenant "God calls us to be careful, humble stewards of this earth, and to protect and restore for its own sake and for the future use and enjoyment of the human


If you are receiving a hard copy version in the mail, please reconsider the sustainable alternative by reading it online from the church website. This will save our blessed & fragile environment and decrease postage & paper costs in the long term. Online versions are in color and will include all submitted photos/graphics; email and hard copy versions will be in black & white and text only. To receive your newsletter via email rather than by postage mail, CONTACT: [email protected] We thank you for practicing good stewardship!! Facebook: @HarrisUMC Website: www.harrisumc.org Instagram: aloha2harrisumc