Np^R -;8A^Kviaejst,:J.: :;; ¦Ffo HVBRPOOL-Every Sunday; and &S»1U

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Np^R -;8A^Kviaejst,:J.: :;; ¦Ffo HVBRPOOL-Every Sunday; and &S»1U si 1 ifTvi. 's^fWiW; !' ' :". i- .1 ¦:•: ¦ ' ' ¦ ; - - ' " ; ' • ' ¦ • ' ¦; i ; ! :: ; ¦ ' :' ^• ;- :- : - . >/- i |-; :r|:'^v;.\v;ivr;K^ ' h \. 1 • . i' :.!; i : ' . •'• .-ri ;- /, ,-i4:, v. ' ¦ r ^- ¦ .: ;: .DTTBLU icmL^MEE(^tANTST.ij; \v-. - 5Ia ' ' ¦ ; " |£©9¦ ot| JldvertiscTTiei\ts ; -- v '. ¦ ¦ • : . issoo iiraoNv f 'J :- : ' ¦S;- - " ;' : ' ' ' ¦ 1 .^; v^Q ONS»I»S -|. •¦¦ * ¦ " ' ¦ t^j|QiuaG^ i . l»w«. ' ¦¦j. ¦ ¦ ^OsJSipU¦ . ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : ' j ¦ . f ¦ ¦ - J J ^* •i¦ ' ' ' • ¦r; . -. •N.r . : . ¦ i ;- ... ¦. • • .' ; tor } . ' . v: !; : :. : ':- | i . ii ¦ l! TI TEMBEBS |of y-^be;- abovp' lAssbciA^ciB-;;• ' . ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦'¦ - •¦ i ¦ • ¦;: • *i-(' ' Si. ; . .! . a^e 'prtparW'to reeei*e applir .; .;: . 'H , HAL iVJ. jKrtf y -MEBtCAiL cations froni iir4?n|in king to • work; • r.\ ; .' ;: :: | ^WS^G'PF t IN • ¦ ¦ ' In tho casaj ]i'niea'.'resid;ingjat ' «-di»^i. .. .., L \.[, \vi;KJ;LMACTBOHlAg. i • : ¦ ' ' tance arrangejnents will be madpwr leattr ; • •; ' COMPANY^,,, ' ' ¦ ¦ ' :l ¦ SHIPPING ' .CLYDE : ,¦ ' : ¦ " • ¦ ¦ • ¦ * poosrily-. housing "tBerir? . '" . Vjj y !• . l ;- .i ¦ ¦ ' ' - : '¦ • ; ¦ ;¦ \-M' - [. -j ' :!' * ! 1 >. ^ 4 _ . : : : • Qf ' "'" Light. ;- ' , :m- -.p&.i., .' . :• Apply eather!personally by 'JettiBt t» [ - -j and Powerful Steamer.. Excelled Pawenger Accommodation. Elactrie , .v. : i^, '&X$t£&& . «•» . carried. /;, - . ; : ;. , ! . V ' "¦ ¦ :; 8ww»rd» nqd dwwsrdewc* . THE crry A D LOAN I GO mnTED, ;\-Vv.;$j8a r - jwi-TEaFOBt) -. : .; I^i J;'JOarrcil!:ahaM; all parts ol $ cowtSY .. £ .^fy , ./j . • • • i . ( . ~ v Cwt;'SruSi^wiat,^/^ OKST and CHEAPEST BOUTS i (ot i Cargo and Live Stock to and from ; ' I ;^SS««*t. 7 •ii:?- ¦ • ¦& ^:' ' " ' ' ' ' *' ¦ ' ' : ¦ ^^ %i ^Y^i W CORK. r^nbii-! ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ " •' ¦ ' "' '' " ¦ ' ¦ ; DUBLIN, , WATEBFOROj | \ i . ' ; V- ¦:. O'CONNEtri 8XPEBT ¦ ¦ pbn^o?- <Hor^ . OF IRELAND, ' ¦ ' ¦ la . P/. -r S«Hi^; xlxmi'fXulek' ' ' ' ^P^6i ! . and NOBTH l • D<mne |aa»cE » KNGLAND. SCOTLAND, : .: njr , r //{ ' • • ¦ ¦ ' . :¦ • ¦ • 1'¦ ¦ : ¦ '! ¦ t • ¦ . : . : - i . ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ I ' ' " ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : j!viUe 8tie«;VV: 1 !~i; " ¦ ' -i -. • Ji4; . .• i^f/^R ' v; , . j 4 . : . v ^ Y I Ftrmam, EbanSix& ^esf ¦ ¦ ¦ ] INTENDED SAILINGS ;TO 1U£« Cub ¦Adwinoo a -titHf to Ladi*3, G«nU«mca, r ; - $&,,' j -TSTENDED SAILINGS FROM :! ! ; ¦ ' ;' ' _ ' - ¦ _ •_ ' ¦ ¦ » ¦'; GuyrwnmcntOIBoia as, 4-nd ttll-respocriblo¦ • i- - ,! ;• . • ¦; Blower and; Mjd)t t tf G^ffip &i ' ^^ tj FOBD. i ¦" : ... '"" . PH - i - *#^a. - • j WATEB_ ; , " ¦ ": ¦ 1 - ^ . 1 A A( ,C ' I' . peteone, in any part : of Irehnai, ,oa JEATEBTTHING::KEP /JT, ill? THE; CITY r:|-! r ¦ WATERFORD. ; i ; . V T ¦: :! ;:- ' : • ' ¦ ' kUAIvb ' /^and'S^U-: - : ::' .!: ., . ¦ ' I ; v ¦ ¦ Approvod . ¦ Every !| Monday. ; PeraottaJ Soaarity- ^note^af ¦ , ¦ i. i .;! From LIVEBPOOL - : r HQySE BE CtegE^gEB!S.;;; t|^^j- , , ¦ I. ' ' ¦ pvbliniy. ; WIlXi CT ' ;! ! Morn- T , Wednesday,. and Friday (direct,. x*Ht\I ibilfADne ' B band alon*; ! end ; urithcrat ;6:;jrwia'. iBJ* <go^-|9; ^Unp^r -;8a^kviaejSt,:j.: :;; ¦ffo HVBRPOOL-Every Sunday; and &S»1U . UrWAKUOit | .E«3>aym«n*«oan homage bf iaataimenW -' ' :' ¦¦ Wednesday, and Friday (.direct). From GLASGOW—Every Monda* -lEr^raX^^i^xx^ritpal*"i jfxicjL'iWf . qiv EK ;T/iT.'JGchoit a&!opiivv ?;GTe^iB^**Jciii;!:. \. • ing, ; ; ,Thursday (direct) . ' ¦! ' ... ; 2 pr m. .'» i :i;tut,iOJCEBntmtacaiii'W<JiiiJiiriMcaa3«i3v t or ej may b» tlTfcnj^>d..Tho» ireqniiriD^ ; i ¦ Aronday (direct) . v ^: ¦ ; 5 ¦ " ; : l^ «o ¦GLASGQW-r-Evcrjp. ; ' tba tsst :.Vv! |?W 6ATO^-.'^Bpi0INE3. -V-^ :- ' r ;rl ";;.: • ' . = '; vr ' ; .•^{:.B^t-.^, ;\v^:- -via.Plymouth;.,! . (Ool. Bail to Greenoci. 6.S5 . Atx&pQt &tTfc dvMicea ; wiJl flnd'tiolebov^ '.«>d -fcic^.iTdUkbJe^arMlinrfart; . - ! rfiV^f ^XVJ-^V .;' ,'::< . ^|| ^ ^ ^ . ana .'Wednesdays. BBISTOL—Every ThnrsdnyJ cargo ¦tVWilnrfTi * <si -tvMrnnnal «w!ttrit»'t: CitHl ' *tr •ariia tea t&rthaindnurtimlliJ!*: trhicsi BBISTO^Every : Tuesday, (directs F^om ;¦:¦ .;¦ ¦ • - ¦ ¦' ¦¦ ¦ Co ¦ ¦ . •; ' .. • . 'will . bii furnaolied;; on! receipt. C^fii.^V^t^ett . • • -v.-^ff :» cargo only: • • . -•;.•- . ••!"'•- • ¦• ¦¦ v ¦ ¦ ¦¦ From^ABbtiFF-EVery^Friday. ! " _ l i l i : 'Epw; ' l'! ; •[ • ¦$¦: ¦ -?^; - i - " . ~:- : Tuesday, ;T; . - f -|j -^j-T->: J , To CARDIFF—Every i ' J W)ON- (8t_ Catharine Dock>- "' " ¦ LONDON. (St. Katharine. X>ockH^ From LO s;!N. BSbin8on . anf^OOyjCjii^\' [' • •, . '' Ca T Every Thursday and'Saturday.l. - . ; ; . \^ ' ¦ : Every Saturday (via Southampton; by all Teacastte, McCo«DSi ;and : iiGt»:!. - • : ' - • I Goods also carried from London X!o^-' :£tdJi . ¦ Newhaven, and Dover) : v .1. 4p.m. Liverpool and Bristol. : rBrunswdcleStfleteti,! '; : M : ' l j'r .! - • • ' Rood* also earned to London by;all I Sailings via v; ; ^;^: j ;j . - From DUBLIN—Every. Wednesday, as - .' McCokaic^V' j'Cfcl/i ¦¦ Ballings via Liverpool/ Bristol. ,nd Tedc¦ tle^ and Wiv .' • ¦ ¦ 1 (cargo only) _ ' 1! i IoaiiSo v:]Loaiis| ¦ vr^ ;[-;':| ' Southampton. • • j i .' [¦ Tut^day 1 .! DWier StreeW. \ .[;^;V- ^;:; i: . Wednesday (direct). From Belfast—Every ' *d Plymouth—Every ¦ : I.-- P-m > Wallace Bros!, Ltd , Westmorelatai.8treet. i : Southampton — Every Satur- j ! . (cargo only) ; 7. to From Cork—Every Friday, (direct;-^ !-k ir - -Ky ,.>: . -|W :!i:i ...! ... -4 P-w. ¦ day (direct) ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ » • ¦ ¦ : ' • I cargo only) , J-- P^- TEE WATEEFOm. EOM( •; I'' ' ¦ • :i:- V- . -: p.m. ; ; ¦!:) I to Newhaven—Every Saturday ... i pOIfflEV^ ] 4 p.m. From Plymouth—Every Sattirday : < ffo Dover—Every Saturday ! ..; ¦• ' 4i RILL GAELip llj.EAGU&f LANj&tiAtrE So Belfast—Every Saturday (dv , : ' (direct). ' 8, JOHN STREET, WATERFORD,/; • - ¦ • From Southampton—Every Friday, via j j . .. ; . COLLECTION. 1^131. j '|;i: .;,•'[- - ¦: rect;.cargo only) ... 1 p.m. ¦ ' Thursday (direct ; ; ' Plymouth. Aro prepared to treat, tritb the c«at«at coofldenoo and eocsooy, all oppHcatioai To Cork—Every From Newhavon—Every Monday ' (cargo from £3 UPWABDS. to all pjessonsoa th«dr OWN APPROVED PEESONAL! ¦ cargo only) - : ' , •••• 2 P'm> Eotabiichcd .; : , Dlstlllerjf : •. \ (via : i eE(XTOTY do .*ny psrt ot Jrcland. 1., ;; ., . .; 1< I%*-&.\&at?mstmnd . 11 Rev. J. -Nugent, ttCJ/ 'Kill- - " . - - j|j U |^5- O Co Dublin—Every Saturday Prom Dover—Evoxy Tuendny <cargo only). ' ' ¦ : Belfast : careo only) ... 1 pan. ; ¦ ^ : S T. B. FoleyJ Boifafaahon ' ':. j! !;.. i 6 O Bcdcc=» carried on in o moct rtraiclxtloTwwd eo4 exact maancx./., 1825.¦ ¦ ' DandonL Co. Cork '( | | .^! ' ¦ ¦ ¦ Phffip Power; Oawoa'*C!fTO3 I' -: !... 3 a . - < ¦ .' i M; • .- '¦ Fire., and other informaUon. "PP* *> Nichelaa jnt^enM^* .&. CTij ! L.v 9 6 For Bate, of Freight. : Passenger Apply—THE MANAGER] 8, John ! Streoil: Waterford. ¦« , PatricE iChimminsi,rKiUv .;•-: :,!r.;l^; 2 .G Custom Houuo Quay. Waterford i » CLYDE SHIPPING CO.. LTD.. Thomas MoopeyHtKnj?ckafrat ;.|j |;..;i-8 < M ; ' ' ¦ j ¦: T.lei»apUo Adresfl--' OnuB*A*. ! ', ______: : 2s. ^ch;-r«eoffr ^r-^nnmirtel (Kill; ¦ ¦ Jsme3.Ha7es;iD.CL;OsmesiWala Ji; ip.ft ; - -1 ^ i ] Johrr .iCGonnftafl DnnabraUoA;!V ^olm rtQA TO C5.000 LOANS granted by "Muiphy : ow (iU post.' Money lent without socurity, , Bfllinlot gh; .M. oQeafl*, Crea- O01ITE GYnft L1DE. IJRISH CIVIL SEKYICE WK -nm;' Thomsi Hayes, ; Kildwarl^E;, -Ppw«Ii. COTA&D_ UHE Ladies or Gentlemen can have their ovra iKilmurrinvX/'ilorBcseiy; Cajntlgpeq ' 1 acceptances discounted - or - post-dates' ? '%?- C^BGEST^SSEL^THE WORLD chequps cashed without any securities, ¦ ; ; Hall«y, Ballynsteen; - M. Lenftanj llr. BUILDING SOCIETY * , ; V/hoIesale and Seta!!; bfQy §? I IcoiwiF© Faddin, 'iKjtfj.| i 4.-: (:_ , .;_. ¦^r iiJVr BOSTON! sureties, or interview. ' . H j r ¦ Hra VORK NEW YORK & LIVERPOOL TO AUSTRALIA. ^ is. 6d;—Jaines"i owier,: Camgteadys ^ ' Clergymen, Merchants, Medical Practii _E? !sSV Oam.G, Poultry j !. 113 own> Pqbllc), ' ! M ii <£™lce <Vb C"" **** (Open io tho Goncial tioncrs. Farmers, Shopkeepers, and all ;: l and Ico Storoo, ls. Each.—bav}d Cnmrnin,s Kill; Jonrt Ci WE3TMOEELANI) flTEEET. Besponeiblo Persons. No Pees or Before- BY GETTING BID OF Donovan, , iBallyvilderi; Thomas¦ DninftT. Camgeen;- J&me^tt'cri^eT, w. : Ti iSoeaay* Town (South Africa) DUBLIN. hand Charges BTO made, and no ¦ Eailwa¦ y ' s=fesi Calling at Capo Fares. ' ; ' ' • i . f UmSTREET , P. Alyward, Can^grsady; Sergeant <tout, ;siff s -: for mails only: . • . ^B •Calling off Queenstown ¦' K ' :Su?k,- X^™*eoV» Tb*taaB>}-Hiclte]r» permitting. All passengers jom AFBIC ... 11,943 tons ... Oct. 3 Borrowers dealing With-'bth&r flraa can WATERFOR0. ' weather Ectablliied I2C1. iBoonwxratcd 1674 jl j ^fpy^j Ooros Georgestowvj'JS^nJ Keoian.i-Carrigefen; havo their Loana paid of!-or increased.* ¦ ' Liverpool. SUEVIC ... 12,531 tons ... Oct. 23 ¦ : ' ' A. Hurwan,,T* ,iPoWer; DunabratUjn ot and those who are about to borrow should : ' ' 1* • ' M M M . ;fCfon- tVia Queenstown. W4 1ohs ... Nov: 13 ¦ — alanle FogartfeiK U-i Mrs. M^GMtn];BaI- PEBSIC ... li, ¦: write for full intimation to • \ : #f : :;B . ¦ PANADA. .;. Dec. 18 II Gooda of the Choicest ;1A . TTLE ¦pjF ' - - -' " ' . iymurrin; Constai le 'TwonieyiJP,J '•P?ter| » TO CEBAMIC ... 18,481 tons LOANS GRANTED ON THE MOST THE STANDARD'PRIVATE FINiOTB |; IA 6 ; " . .\\ Boatetfand ; John ^Uooney. ; 'Ktociown; QUEENSTOWN TO QUEBEC AND JENABL" " : ! ,M. WalBh;-Dun ^ <¦ ¦ fitted , FAVOURABLE TEBM8 TO CO. OP IBELA10; LTD.? i ;-:.V.t QuaUty. : : ai<ratlon; JohltlOnllinkn. MONTREAL;. ; ' Thesa Steftmcrs are twin-screw PEB80NS TO BUILD OB PUBOHAS: j ^ Caheruan;" ifonA] J; - . <tepnej;i'-^iM:f4. with bilge keels, and have been specially
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