
1 ifTvi. 's^fWiW; !' ' :". i- .1

¦:•: ¦ ' ' ¦ ; - - ' " ; ' • ' ¦ • ' ¦; i ; ! :: ; ¦ ' :' ^• ;- :- : - . >/- i |-; :r|:'^v;.\v;ivr;K^ ' h \. 1 • . i' :.!; i : ' . •'• .-ri ;- /, ,-i4:, v. ' ¦ r ^- ¦ .: ;: .DTTBLU icmL^MEE(^tANTST.ij; \v-. . - 5Ia ' ' ¦ ; " |£©9¦ ot| JldvertiscTTiei\ts ; -- v '. ¦ ¦ • : . issoo iiraoNv f 'J :- : ' ¦S;- - " ;' : ' ' ' ¦ 1 .^; v^Q ONS»I»S -|. •¦¦ * ¦ " ' ¦ t^j|QiuaG^ i . l»w«. ' ¦¦j. ¦ ¦ ^OsJSipU¦ . ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : ' j ¦ . f ¦ ¦ - J J ^* •i¦ ' ' ' • ¦r; . -. •N.r . : . . ¦ i ;- ... ¦. • • .' ; tor } . ' . v: !; : :. : ':- | i . . . ii ¦ l! TI TEMBEBS |of y-^be;- abovp' lAssbciA^ciB-;;• ' . ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦'¦ - •¦ i ¦ • ¦;: • *i-(' ' Si. . ; . . .! . . a^e 'prtparW'to reeei*e applir .; .;: . 'H , HAL iVJ. . jKrtf y -MEBtCAiL cations froni iir4?n|in king to • work; • r.\ ; .' ;: :: | ^WS^G'PF t IN • ¦ ¦ ' In tho casaj ]i'niea'.'resid;ingjat ' «-di»^i...... , L \.[, \vi;KJ;LMACTBOHlAg. i • : ¦ ' ' tance arrangejnents will be madpwr leattr ; • •; ' COMPANY^,,, ' ' ¦ ¦ ' :l ¦ SHIPPING ' .CLYDE : ,¦ ' : ¦ " • ¦ ¦ • ¦ * poosrily-. housing "tBerir? . '" . Vjj y !• . l ;- .i ¦ ¦ ' ' - : '¦ • ; ¦ ;¦ \-M' - [. -j ' :!' * ! 1 >. ^ 4 _ . : : : • Qf ' "'" Light. ;- ' , :m- -.p&.i., .' . . . :• Apply eather!personally by 'JettiBt t» [ - -j and Powerful Steamer.. Excelled Pawenger Accommodation. Elactrie , .v. : i^, '&X$t£&& . . «•» . carried. /;, - . ; : ;. , ! . V ' "¦ ¦ :; 8ww»rd» nqd dwwsrdewc* . . THE crry A D LOAN I GO mnTED, ;\-Vv.;$j8a r - jwi-TEaFOBt) -. : .; I^i J;'JOarrcil!:ahaM; all parts ol $ cowtSY .. £ .^fy , ./j . • • • i . ( . ~ v Cwt;'SruSi^wiat,^/^ OKST and CHEAPEST BOUTS i (ot i Cargo and Live Stock to and from ; ' I ;^SS««*t. . 7 •ii:?- ¦ • ¦& ^:' ' " ' ' ' ' *' ¦ ' ' : ¦ ^^ %i ^Y^i W CORK. r^nbii-! ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ " •' ¦ ' "' '' " ¦ ' ¦ ; DUBLIN, , WATEBFOROj | \ i . ' ; V- ¦:. O'CONNEtri 8XPEBT ¦ ¦ pbn^o?- aym«n*«oan homage bf iaataimenW -' ' :' ¦¦ Wednesday, and Friday (.direct). From GLASGOW—Every Monda* -lEr^raX^^i^xx^ritpal*"i jfxicjL'iWf . qiv EK ;T/iT.'JGchoit a&!opiivv ?;GTe^iB^**Jciii;!:. . \. • ing, ; ; ,Thursday (direct) . ' ¦! ' ... ; 2 pr m. .'» i :i;tut,iOJCEBntmtacaiii'Wd..Tho» ireqniiriD^ ; i ¦ Aronday (direct) . v ^: ¦ ; 5 ¦ " ; : l^ «o ¦GLASGQW-r-Evcrjp. ; ' tba tsst :.Vv! |?W 6ATO^-.'^Bpi0INE3. -V-^ :- ' r ;rl ";;.: • ' . = '; vr ' ; .•^{:.B^t-.^, ;\v^:- -via.Plymouth;.,! . . (Ool. Bail to Greenoci. 6.S5 . Atx&pQt &tTfc dvMicea ; wiJl flnd'tiolebov^ '.«>d -fcic^.iTdUkbJe^arMlinrfart; . - ! rfiV^f ^XVJ-^V .;' ,'::< . ^|| ^ ^ ^ . ana .'Wednesdays. BBISTOL—Every ThnrsdnyJ cargo ¦tVWilnrfTi * : J , To CARDIFF—Every i ' J W)ON- (8t_ Catharine Dock>- "' " ¦ LONDON. (St. Katharine. X>ockH^ From LO s;!N. BSbin8on . anf^OOyjCjii^\' [' • •, . '' Ca T Every Thursday and'Saturday.l. - . ; ; . \^ ' ¦ : Every Saturday (via Southampton; by all Teacastte, McCo«DSi ;and : iiGt»:!. - • : ' - • I Goods also carried from London X!o^-' :£tdJi . ¦ Newhaven, and Dover) : v .1. 4p.m. Liverpool and Bristol. . . : rBrunswdcleStfleteti,! '; : M : ' l j'r .! - • • ' Rood* also earned to London by;all I Sailings via v; ; ^;^: j ;j . . - From DUBLIN—Every. Wednesday, as - .' McCokaic^V' j'Cfcl/i ¦¦ Ballings via Liverpool/ Bristol. ,nd Tedc¦ tle^ and Wiv .' • ¦ ¦ 1 (cargo only) _ ' 1! i IoaiiSo v:]Loaiis| ¦ vr^ ;[-;':| ' Southampton. • • j i .' [¦ Tut^day 1 .! DWier StreeW. \ .[;^;V- ^;:; i: . Wednesday (direct). From Belfast—Every ' *d Plymouth—Every ¦ : I.-- P-m > Wallace Bros!, Ltd , Westmorelatai.8treet. i : Southampton — Every Satur- j ! . (cargo only) ; 7. to From Cork—Every Friday, (direct;-^ !-k ir - -Ky ,.>: . -|W :!i:i ...! ... -4 P-w. ¦ day (direct) ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ » • ¦ ¦ : ' • I cargo only) , J-- P^- TEE WATEEFOm. EOM( •; I'' ' ¦ • :i:- V- . -: p.m. ; ; ¦!:) I to Newhaven—Every Saturday ... i pOIfflEV^ ] 4 p.m. From Plymouth—Every Sattirday : < ffo Dover—Every Saturday ! ..; ¦• ' 4i RILL GAELip llj.EAGU&f LANj&tiAtrE So Belfast—Every Saturday (dv , : ' (direct). ' 8, JOHN STREET, WATERFORD,/; • - ¦ • From Southampton—Every Friday, via j j . . .. ; . COLLECTION. 1^131. j '|;i: .;,•'[- - ¦: rect;.cargo only) ... 1 p.m. ¦ ' Thursday (direct ; ; ' Plymouth. Aro prepared to treat, tritb the c«at«at coofldenoo and eocsooy, all oppHcatioai To Cork—Every From Newhavon—Every Monday ' (cargo from £3 UPWABDS. to all pjessonsoa th«dr OWN APPROVED PEESONAL! ¦ cargo only) - : ' , •••• 2 P'm> Eotabiichcd .; : , Dlstlllerjf : •. \ (via : i eE(XTOTY do .*ny psrt ot Jrcland. 1., ;; ., . .; 1< I%*-&.\&at?mstmnd . 11 Rev. J. -Nugent, ttCJ/ 'Kill- - " . - - j|j U |^5- O Co Dublin—Every Saturday Prom Dover—Evoxy Tuendny Nichelaa jnt^enM^* .&. CTij ! L.v 9 6 For Bate, of Freight. : Passenger Apply—THE MANAGER] 8, John ! Streoil: Waterford. ¦« , PatricE iChimminsi,rKiUv .;•-: :,!r.;l^; 2 .G Custom Houuo Quay. Waterford i » CLYDE SHIPPING CO.. LTD.. Thomas MoopeyHtKnj?ckafrat ;.|j |;..;i-8 < M ; ' ' ¦ j ¦: T.lei»apUo Adresfl--' OnuB*A*. ! ', ______: : 2s. ^ch;-r«eoffr ^r-^nnmirtel (Kill; ¦ ¦ Jsme3.Ha7es;iD.CL;OsmesiWala Ji; ip.ft ; - -1 ^ i ] Johrr .iCGonnftafl DnnabraUoA;!V ^olm rtQA TO C5.000 LOANS granted by "Muiphy : ow (iU post.' Money lent without socurity, , Bfllinlot gh; .M. oQeafl*, Crea- O01ITE GYnft L1DE. IJRISH CIVIL SEKYICE WK -nm;' Thomsi Hayes, ; Kildwarl^E;, -Ppw«Ii. COTA&D_ UHE Ladies or Gentlemen can have their ovra iKilmurrinvX/'ilorBcseiy; Cajntlgpeq ' 1 acceptances discounted - or - post-dates' ? '%?- C^BGEST^SSEL^THE WORLD chequps cashed without any securities, ¦ ; ; Hall«y, Ballynsteen; - M. Lenftanj llr. BUILDING SOCIETY * , ; V/hoIesale and Seta!!; bfQy §? I IcoiwiF© Faddin, 'iKjtfj.| i 4.-: (:_ , .;_. ¦^r iiJVr BOSTON! sureties, or interview. ' . H j r ¦ Hra VORK NEW YORK & LIVERPOOL TO AUSTRALIA. ^ is. 6d;—Jaines"i owier,: Camgteadys ^ ' Clergymen, Merchants, Medical Practii _E? !sSV Oam.G, Poultry j !. 113 own> Pqbllc), ' ! M ii <£™lce }-Hiclte]r» permitting. All passengers jom AFBIC ... 11,943 tons ... Oct. 3 Borrowers dealing With-'bth&r flraa can WATERFOR0. ' weather Ectablliied I2C1. iBoonwxratcd 1674 jl j ^fpy^j Ooros Georgestowvj'JS^nJ Keoian.i-Carrigefen; havo their Loana paid of!-or increased.* ¦ ' Liverpool. SUEVIC ... 12,531 tons ... Oct. 23 ¦ : ' ' A. Hurwan,,T* ,iPoWer; DunabratUjn ot and those who are about to borrow should : ' ' 1* • ' M M M . ;fCfon- tVia Queenstown. W4 1ohs ... Nov: 13 ¦ — alanle FogartfeiK U-i Mrs. M^GMtn];BaI- PEBSIC ... li, ¦: write for full intimation to • \ : #f : :;B . ¦ PANADA. .;. Dec. 18 II Gooda of the Choicest ;1A . TTLE ¦pjF ' - - -' " ' . iymurrin; Constai le 'TwonieyiJP,J '•P?ter| » TO CEBAMIC ... 18,481 tons LOANS GRANTED ON THE MOST THE STANDARD'PRIVATE FINiOTB |; IA 6 ; " . .\\ Boatetfand ; John ^Uooney. ; 'Ktociown; QUEENSTOWN TO QUEBEC AND JENABL" " : ! ,M. WalBh;-Dun ^ <¦ ¦ fitted , FAVOURABLE TEBM8 TO CO. OP IBELA10; LTD.? i ;-:.V.t QuaUty. : : ai PAIN !' ' ' "'- Apply—The . . Income, a Quarter of a Uffiioa ¦TCepbfea 107. . h i 1 .Qp : , 6d;!:EachC-E.t ';< TKeeffe, Ca1[ieikna:iP. gate London, E.C., and 8 and 12 Water E21 to £32; to Cape Town, £15 ISs. Dd. to ' ' ' ¦:' !¦ • ' ' " . 53. Electric Light throughout. etorJinj. BOTTLES, lB., ; from the following :- . | . ; _ \" /;;: Ci :;' "^ . '. 'I \f Flynn, do.; Mrk| P.!F. a»ow«, KiO; K. Street. Liverpool; or to their AgenUj JE24 R. SMULLJAN, Financier. ] ¦¦ Son, Wi- Buttevant—J. Flanagan, M.P.8.I; 'Ferjnoyj-J. Brpd«rfck;Mip/.8;I.i : ' ¦ .•{'?'! 'Byrna, DuBahrattari;iRobm iPoyne,* Ward Brothers and Harveyiand HESERVE FUND, C20.000 Rathanny; WJ Dttyk; M. Bolger, Ballyduft; I : Apply to Local Agents as In advertise- Clonmel—D.!W. Parke, M.P.S.I. j Gorey-^Cooke'a Medical Hall; : i Knocknrie^J.[Mox>- teribrd: Miss LINE, Dopociis reocdvod ci toe iaHcrtriaa , i rissey, :Grena»;i Miss- M;- BranI, fijB; Michael Foley and P. Evans; Duugarvan;; ment above, or to WHITE STAB r.soMtiY ADVA?;CCO( Clonmel—F. Woods and Co. Lismonf-F. C. Gueat, L.P^;I. :, j I ; James Liverpool; 1 Cockspur street, ! 8.W., and rates of interest:— ] OE Dungarvan-^-W. J. Nolan, Ltd, i Tramore—F. W. 8pinks, l L.H8J.J I Mis^i B- Kearneyj do>; P. <3ummin», Sa- Michael F. Walsh, Cappoquin ivagfestown; ", '1 Geary, Iiamore S James S3 Leadenhall street. E.C, London. At Call 2} Per Cent, per Annum From CI Upwards to all erspectabl^ " ! Ph. Chemistn Waterford—H. J. Gormaii, MJ.SJtT pP- Power, Kiltatrrrinr]P: Ahearne or Jos. MLE. ; ! Wlielan, Caheru^i;< M, Joyces, idot:iB. MeGrath, Carrick-on-Suir. '. : i For Ono crTtroYcaro 8 M „ i^l f Enniscorthy-rP. E. Kelly, M.P.8.I.; Weiford—W. J. Cooper,'M.P^X [ J For Tiree Year* CJ , „ Persons on thoir own Approved BccirritT. IfYtfNS.-liSeyaral good Double and Enniscorthy-pT. Taylor—L.P.8.I. . '• ,' Yougha)r-A. N. Cole, •M.PdWL/.". : Mansfield. iKflbeg! John Morrissey.iDna- JVJT, iSingle-barnel, 'Breechloadersby lead- i urawan,. r. MW itrij James Address^- ; B ! M : ,' ' ', . 5 ¦ ¦ ; Power]\QS5b* > Ocncnt Acooaota Opened, and intarc3t OR BY POgT, Is. Id., from THEIDISCOVEBE , ; Vj ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ing w«j£em. ¦ Also Hamnerlessi and Duck miinin. . : > -¦ 1' -I' ' • ¦ • \ |i .j. • . :] |: ciloTred on the minimum monthly bal- <3uniJ . • .}¦ ' ! •! . ¦ ¦ OTBTE STAR UHE XHSRIOAN Liras- ance. 1 , : -E. MAC SWEENY. Ph.$., 91,f Patrick St, CORK, i • Coilectors 4-1 Ja pea . Hayes,: i i D.Cr^! X • B. SMULLIAN, Financier, I f-. ttABSESS.—A few Bets «ach' bf Horse, j Walsh. D.O. ;! J. 1 trrt>hy,'.M> O'Danovaa, ROYAL MAIL TRIPLE-SCREW For Procpcctca and cJl lnfaroution STEAMER , >CV>b;jJPqay: and Donkey HarneM, Nlckle —r- "~*~ — T Irish! Teacher;;T, ' * Liverpool—Philadeplhia Seryicq. 5 PAHNELL BTBEET (Noar Town Hall)' | ¦ *; only to ¦!' jfiatj. 'Brass-mounted, Patent and Brown ¦:¦:¦ tons). , !; . . OLYMPIC (46,359 Liverpool to Philadelphia—Wednesdays, iLantnOT^ Bunting fladdlea ¦ ALFRED H. 1EEBCSE, CocreUrr. ' WATEHFOED. , and IBridles, : " - LABGE8T BRITISH STEAMER. ; 1 Calling at. Quoenstown on Thursday. ;.7;i ; v-;V i|:!v^ '-. .-i:V-^. ^- -- , .-jT i : ¦ COUNTY CQU1K HAOE : ! era : landtid at ' ¦ ' WATEftFOKDiN QUEENSTOWN" -Goods ' ¦ I Passengers and ¦'¦ ; ' ' ' | , i j^Al&feR BAGS. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : •!' -A big selection ol ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ " ¦' ' ihe.Peqnflyl- i . . . ¦ . .•! , :. . •;. ] so' - ifSw. roRi.-*¦ . < .:, : * «> ««*>*-. ;* j Piiilwlelphi** Wharf oi /Ilcflfltone, Kit and'Brief Bags, Tin, Amer- ¦^- • -) ¦ ~ ' ' vanU-Biilroad; -yhieh lias tho :fib- -^-4 >¦¦ :0^m ^^m& VAmiac Thon. Sepf «j 1 ?CjTBrtetVcJUScri. »« ; £i20 ca.-q?,oe6jfia&A|r:a:^ ^i!f«j ^^ Owl^a-^rrnt4sLj . - . .. .-,. *• - ahd-Most Direct Bouto to all places in tho .By Private Lender on Bimpla . • v 7 " siijSwG M.t«Uc Ihwtv Ocl . » 1 ?A«W« Wed, M» v \ Western States. ' ¦• ;;. .; , 1 - ; • : ' ¦ U9AJE aUGS^WaWrproor' ond Plild¦ P y^ t>lilc FrL Oct !• "AnUc: Wed- Ucc. j; Promiuory ' Notd. , : ' Etapa j Loin ,Cbyarsr HoJsa ,Shei}ts, etc; ' . • i Apply to American lino, ! Liverpool, Jeweflery,^ 'H!ardware;*Furriitiir«. , Cloli- and regularly thereafter. , . ; ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ of to ' ' ; No Bilk of Sale take.,, nad absolute ! T ( i- \. fng, iBicycl«s, Sewing Machinejs. . " " Carrry one CUM Csblo (znd class) :NiTWNAlJ¦jH9aI^:-^aU^Ar^^M^ !' . ' *"JUablc" *od -Cymric , privacy guaranteed. First letter of ap- IN 8TBIPTE8T PBIVAOY '' '"¦''" " and yic bs» rnasin onJy Waterford—Harvoy and Son 13 Gladstone plication . Prices Sight, . ! 'i , streot. . , < receives prompt attention, and Farmers 1 \&rtm®M mu "^ Cnsurpassed Accommodation for First, intending borrowers are waited upon bj *o , Shopkeeper*, Publicans, •il^V:; n| ^itl!p|< ?: ¦ Class Passengers at Waterford—Ward Bros., 2 B&rronstrand Merchants, Clergymen, and all other ' ^jp ' ; Second, and Third ; ¦ ' a representative, who is empowered to i |- OTICE -; " ; 1 Bates. ' ' : ' ' ¦ street. complete transaction on private LodioB and Gentlemen/ with- lCIGAlR'eTfEilJj. 4.iie1*y]:kT^'^|iiiae :3^- - !Lo*r . terms mutually " v > berctUogisOanrniHeeof,tie'C St eetj dhrngaryan, fcimiil' . ; 01 CXCHEQUEn.OT., DUCLIN. KITCHEN COMFORT HI : doff , Co. Watorford ; Mr. T, Geary, Lisj- New Boss—Patrick Hunt, 15 Quay, . and Tto Britiab Private Beck . • I2J0 jpjn: poUKk.pinL, . i- " - :j ! : \V. (i. William*. ^ : i more, Co. Waterford ; James McGratty Heed Odea : Corridor Chambers, Leicester, LISMOREr-Triur^Uyk; at'the (Poor, iWij Shipping Agent, Carrick-on-Suir; to Jemcs Tallow—Timothy O'Leary, National School - • ' i ;' .-SDBTO ¦ I . Dispensarj , • .Qhapil fltree;t/-O •t>»j|! Scotf and Co., Queenstown; E. Daly; Thomistown—M. Wcsterman, Church-st. B(R' - : ' more, fron la ' noon^SO dodtl' I 'Bonane, Kenmare ;JT. C. Smith, Kilmea- Wexford—WJ Timpson, CAN BE SECUUED BYj USING A ¦v;. r X- : \:- : - ! 1 deo ; Michael F. Walsn, Cappoquin ; or 19 South Main-st. I ;v:-t».m. ; ?^;v:-?'[ir-H- - 'r."Iv; j Wilmacthomas-i-w. O'Donoghue. | ' 1 WATERH)&)~S( tuTday9. at]No 4\-.ttot White Star line, Liverpool!. 1 Cockspur Kifmeaden—John C. Smith. ' -street, S.W., and 63 LeadenbaU gireetj ] GAS COOKEK .: •: K MaiU^1^!rio;rd,.;^on»-U^30ipW».i ¦ ' ' ' ^ ¦ ¦ Queenstown—J as. Scott and CoL . a > ¦ '¦ .' ¦[ ' W.t . e-ikS piin,,::. : -;- ;ipRv-| London, E.C. • • i , ^NDiA , ;: ,!:, . ;•;. i-^ j |;l^ | i ' . • I :: , ' ityrthe advice t id ^atmefltlbt tpe^Mpsj; Gas Heated Clrcnlatlng-Boller whef tnay be l^enng-irom ^bfarcnWBfai' i disease tbef- servicfes of; the'.tf^WwitibJBli}! Offiter, -will belavjM aWe -for inwired,, poN ; ; sons,' their ; depei dents;¦. and^awriijnrtcl ; ; FOR THE LAUrJDr.V Yowr Sucyimer ; ¦ v ¦ BELFAST TO CArJflOfl. Holiday GiAS COOKING TO THE CHEAPEST persons:¦ ¦ :' "' i i'- :' ''- i..'". .: ''-. : . •r^ :l!i:c:i-f - ! ! ' THE WATERFORD NEWS AND MOST HYGIENIC METHOD ¦ •!.• '¦ .! Service of Large ' I ; i : - :>;¦ ;<8ign>d).' mOMaS^tLB ^t . Direct Fortnightly . ' ¦ ' ' OF COOKING ; AND WITH A GAB ^=Z^=» ©^=3 KIR.^;i; ':;j - . :6 m ^ : -tf» ; ¦ ¦!'¦ ' ' ; : ; : ?Magnificent Twin-Screw Steamers. • ' ! iS iTHE i • • -r ¦:1 i . ::-:: -8ec^taal> i FREE OOOKEB YOU DONT COOK THE 1 - • ¦ : ¦ ¦• ¦] ¦ , " Empress " Boyal I -r - .;- ;¦ -; I- -: :-> -i • County Offifces , Wmgarvan, f \ i ' {• i From LIVEBPOOL JiPflUfil :* ¦ .i|: '; : Steamers. ' ¦ .;. : i • • ¦ ¦47UiI¦ Se^eniberrl9W.| - 4; ' 'Mail - • ! dfl I |Si INSURANCE BurrJar' a Opportune; " ; "¦ • ¦: ' FAST 6EKVICE TO CANADA., ; I • i. 'l • Tl :#¦ ^{\m -: ti:. \ UNDERTAKEN BY THE flltLEGiAS BOILER Will eupply a con- ¦ ' : FROM BELJAST. I FROllo l LIVEBPOOL j ¦ • ¦¦ ' ¦ ' ' , ,_|Empm» BriUin Sept iq X stant : and ample amount of HOT j. : ¦ :\ ! ::• J ':--;;-fi; i r :;!: | i|! . m/ 1, 1. K I ' ' ¦ 1 ; > Liile Uanlioba Sept.^ 191 j^np^M o< ittUnd O« ; j THEREFORE IMSURtl WATER. Hot Water |for Baths, for ;¦ ¦ ' . - ; , V:WATEMpBiJ'tnripJ|.:! - :;-> Emprmof Urtuiii Oct 17 Ocean Accident and ; ¦ ! ¦ :;o ^ ; ; : j! I Lit* llinitoba Oct JJ I ¦i Washing-up, or other domestic pur- ,,. ':!; ^:NdWi r ;;j ;:^ from Belfast embark by AGAINST.THE BI8K8 OF bosei ii thus -obtainable without ! Passengers ¦ : ' ' ' ; $n& Donegal! Quay on Guarantee Corporation • ¦ • - li '¦ i trouble ; . j iSeay^cw Private Hotel Restaurant ; '^ rnHJS Board of Guardians• 'wilij tr» to^i i Tender at 10 a.m. from QUICK—EASY—RELIABLE LT0 and at little ezponss. • morning of sailing. . | . ; (Empowered br Specul Adof PolUmenl) , nd. Next door (o Weatoo ± the Jurai of 11, o*dock/afr -.llSeetnur!! DURGLARY. One Minute ' from 'Railway Station and I 8tr' ! ¦ ¦ ; ' Unsurpassed accommodation. 1 ' N . ' " - ¦Marine HoteL V . " ; ; . "j . . : ; ;-j. ' to be held on, the! 3rtfi inst.; ^eSvSIR Principal 0Ulc« : , By using Gas yon save all labour involved I. . !- : ; . . . i ; ; ' plications fnnn d »nn>6tent> aid -jeHffWaii Cheap Through Hcknts to all inland i; TABLETS—2d, 2\i., 3d 3jd. In laying and preparing the fire; removing : ; destinations in Canada and United S, tatej. ^ 36 to U , Moorrate^t., London, EX. ; HOUSESREAKING Ashes; cto.i land cleaning tip afterwards. persons . to. Take Jtoekrof- 'Proviaoa»,! > i Pamphlets, information; etc., free from 1 and in Cfirtoot everywtere. : Necessaries, Clotlsng ; i-Beddlngvj {;FWi*4. ;C.P.B., 41 & 43 Victoria-St., or P. Nugent E RCEI Y ' - - . " tute , Utensilsj, Ft -m ilrnpKmcntsS,« F«i»i > Tbls Coapoa Iasnraace*Tkket mail | :- . . ¦ ¦ : ' .Pw ueeV ,l J«V tfteT O'Connell street,' Clonmel ; i • ! MBS. B. 8. KENT (Doran' 1 Watarford), has plei lirare :-id >tc; tWorkhbtjfefjlSwS'!! and Son, 75 ' ^ s. 110, Quay, J I Margaret Manning, High ! street, i Kil- > not be detsebci. 1 announcing that she has opened above , Premises as a Hiflh-Cloas Reatan- and THjEFTiylth- ' and P»iv8t« ' ' •.keany; John Simkin and Coi, Emigration i ' j: . . iant. Conffl(itioriery^ HoteE ;! , !|, . r;;. . Tie roaoner!in wh^c4'^-'Sjiw'iW|»&; iA/ininV111 tw! laid by THB ¦ ^ ' iAsents, Ypnghal; Htavey :and Son; 12, o c EAN ACCI DENT ¦ • Visitors to Tranjore will Jfihdi I Establishment mosf oonvenlen» and be! t ikeni .H prescribed; by.theliWat.flBf^' , IIU fl HIUM lthe f enjmeni Board1 ai d' :fc'aTC«d'ir3BK: < Gladstone street Waterford ; Patrick DUBLIN. ¦ ! r T iJ AND ODARtNrtE , 1 • ! i " (JlflH ' up-to-date, and can rely upon havinirth^r jwants . attended to promptly c*h^. iSealy, Kilkenny; Ward Bros., 2 Bjjrroo-i 5fn H nlllU CORPORATION, Limited, i ' ' ¦ ' , ';:¦ ¦ •• ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ QM) UKJ\i/Princi pal Offlot , No«. j«to . . i ; | . and at moderate icharges,) \< .(. ; _. • ,¦[¦. ' ! sUand street. Waterford. I i. •; ! i , - Appli^ts tolatite^e '^roVne^oaiiJM i iu Moor(a(eStneet,Londoi>. whicin they will -vi dertake, ti«;duty;( "i" E.C- to thelef al pa wallrcprcwnUllrt ol tin be— f! if Adt itiitxof ttl< Coupoo-Inianuicw-TKlKtU Ull ; ffiy'Orderf ^ . -^.-& & Wdct «titllbl tiUtd or faUIlj ln)nr«d bj«n accldcot Acddont and Guarkntoo ¦I | ' Jr!fK:; ¦" wlthlB UM Uolted ElDjdoml to taj Riilmj &>m- IT- .. - ,, ¦ ' ;i , ' !• ¦ ^ f JotewlMACKBYi. ; pia7«t>MW0f«boMTh»t*«Uh rM«ilt w1tMn tUrty that Vbs bo!4«r iLill. pd«l«'Un LOMDOPJ, >:6 ¦ ' - >; '¦ ¦ ¦ E.C.' \y. Baf Wnstrandt A W • • i : RESOLVE ;: rro-J.H?i-^ : ji^iiBSSippi";; . £rM«iH. I>»r«wrtlUiiM« (or hw> »«uJ i(pr»lnt» : - -:. . - .!' .!¦!. ;v:!- - J ; ^>f? la lak in the ipitf* protidad nadcroaitii: (c) ttu) v . \ ri . . .;i; ^ ' , DoUce ot tkc acdikDt tx flna tolu Canoralla * l» I I "ST. AWTflOWY OF PADUA" V i at lU PrUxMpalO&ot la Condoa xitbin foortcta mi i ' din »ftw IH oocurmc * t (fl Uut medial certt. ; ' : ficua tod OUICT Woruuycob « fMSltiud : 1 ¦ br : i v BY SUBSCBIBUfG'¦¦ Td¦ THE¦ GOOD[WOBK. i ¦' Uu a- • iSJie. - ¦ ¦•¦ ¦. •:. - ¦»'<¦ ¦ • • •!' : . !¦ r , !¦;!. i . . .. . [^ . f pcnoa cblmfaif aBoa raitwat for llw tanM priM I . solicit your practical ! *ympaihy in the t, - Corporation ; aixl («; (Jut this Intwanc*a ppllel ' FOTM0THJ - - ceiv«|.Ter4c MAY wo great;effort* now being made .; euly to penoo> ma tw food lot lb« [ ASSUl^NCE :' v ! Withoat your help, we ire helplessj j Yqii must- currentweak of law* only. ' ' ! m ¦ •" : am; ,., :*; come to our rescue. '' for uur e. OOLLEQB GisBEN. DUBLCJ. ;;j;iBQiEt^'^' - - ' people U18 poorest oltiui boor,' Our »vcrage Weekly . TkU Jntur>uc«coOtus tbi bolder to UM bcocU ¦ ¦ ; ;; i ndbil] *r« Collection is only .10/-. ' ¦ .;¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ffTa ing paTticulari!c* j o( aod ii iabj«ct u>. tba coiHllUorw or Uw . ! How cni^d with tie ' ' ; ' ' ' >! ¦ ¦ ' ¦ "Ocean • : : . ; ! :. . i.- i ' • - . • . .. • • : ~TT had in »n ; The little Teinporarj CKvrrch isinowj t small. I Many anxfous to ihdar ! the Accident and Guarantee Company, Lttt., O 'U 'H TI BE p p j B 1 tflori truths ot Our HolyiBeligioti u«| turned a»»y Act, di-f." Kl>ki No& a ft j wtm tiny an u>( | o O . on* 8unday by Bundair, eiinirfy loconpabbM with tit •pedal eoadlUoai abort ttstcd. ' for the want ol room. Can you, dear Bender, allow this to go on withoul at least ¦ . ": ' iBt Tb« iMliii of UUa !: . . , ,'7o«od«d 1710). ; supply the remedyf: The remedy; U in your tiun Coapoo-ln«tir«ic».Tkktt ; : . helping to power. True, it may mean b •dmlttedto b. tie parmeat of a pttmlum sodtr JPEJR CfCMJIQS I • Uttle sacrifice OH yo. ui; part; rsjt a»suredL God wiU reward you. We b«vTNo Section ]} of-UxAct. A Print of UwAct CM U »«a atUw Prlactsal OeJce of the UerporaUoa i i JFDilDjS nr:HAlQ~ S3,2BC,037 ¦ POSE 1 ! Bich Benefactors; «is simply '.' thi i-oorl helping the poor. . ¦ ' ¦ : '' |; ; ; ¦ ' [ ;' "!" ! w« hi« mvii the Head, already M (a >>, .L' i i : ; t HpTPEL, ;-|; i ; - i iOTrcwap ix JOHH'8 bifiBBf sENTIBBIT :^f and tha < H « half yean no less than 106. Converts.have been received into the Bosom oi Holy !¦ • ¦ ¦ ' - risk*:— ' • ' 'i '. INN'S QUAY* lOUBfilN. ' - FKOM iHOMB-OI : ¦ ! ' i> !ui;'..ii :;v u . •(.' :.-.-r:,i .>^->"Wf i: Church, end.many more;«re under Instructions. Catholics could cily Plr» (inclndlnff resulUnt ' 1 Mother JIf | ¦ ¦ losa of B«nl¦ ¦AMTXX jANb COMWrBClAt, -%a realise tori thenrtelves the, f,acts relaUncio, ih}» Struggling iMJssion.' both '^t •what i and Proflti); ". -ij; , .•: . • . , - , and. what conld be dnne, and. what U not FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. 1013 ¦ U being done; dofle, it Is cer^In tfiey ;Employer»' . Liability and Workmen' loOlB«droomafrom 2/« rir'NJjni, more alive the: real W utftent necce»Hy,of helpteg tis to i bn«d a s ' ^^ 1 ¦ ! would Be t* of Bl [ Oomi>»n«aUpa (Itteludlng Accident ti r^s». O0»f»H J^Oll^/ . ' ' ¦ ParmanfflirChnrch/wherein,the' .ifiMenj Go^ 4b« essed Bacrtment will dSoll 01 1 . : and too; the UvJhg lUith; of P ?^.0!.8*!™*1*}' T«rspnkl Ac**- i contt^onili where, , • Jaithfol OatKollc; peojW etyll ' '' : ^ant. Sickness W D!sea««, Pfdelity Restil^rant---Poi)aiir PTWL u i «iniatet to Him and worship and pram; • , : i ! (nsnrnncea with ' . ;;i - ; , Ouarant<» * ' Aroa P*In|kaiainona 1 SAY8 '^~ , Bt»rgl^r>.ttid Plato Olass Spttli'l L«w>tjriH for Boj^SMa. CathoUc! ¦ ' ' ' ¦ "I ¦ Is oievory j THE BISHOP i p»lnt*d iafcfcl. HBAB W3AT ¦ ' • ' ¦ ttamia,D ?BIija ' ; All Oompanlds ! " ¦ ' ¦:• ' - 'M aaqnpti and Ciati DiiiMrt for ^ty °^" ' ' ' l . I piBBCTOBBiYj b iW*d i - ¦ "'TtaBianop laid great ein»i ba\tiui^ act that when \u» had opened this Uttle !¦• ' ^ jr«W» he had iFHANK PlTZCiEiKAXl), Esq. ; ' ' BpccJfi 'Aocommo^Utioatpti ~ ' W«ddtu oreir threei intentionally madea rery ¦ . ag<> larne ' Chowkinrt , "1 Umporart ! and Lloyds. ' . -rj.;'- :; .-Baitoa,-;, , ^-^H p K ( , v i fiunTot the Cross at the b«ainning|Ofhis ^ sermon, and than looked around to'4ca iWIIXIAM J. GBpdHEaAN 'Ew. ^ ,^T ^. . ' / x eongreealion ' ' ' V ..* ' wtolladBlade the 8i«iatof we.CrpM amongithe then preMmi end 40HN MOONEY, li<*:m iking the Sign pi Salvation/, u » they pWNOB DONH. . Hf M 1L i ¦ difeliiiiii ^®|ATO 0 WOJDLY; ' ¦ 1 -¦¦ the E*| (Managin, ¦••' ^Jkmm 'toF1»«*« «Nrr3»»nboni^ UtaT&iFWOW jeongregatiow waTbile- ««•»*«»;• ' ;. .v: fl»*«»Ti So*eWy , < QVA T, WATBBFOtlD " ' ' ' ^^^m^HmM*w*»« ^ i i££ ^U^to\\h»Chur&, Sd that al^ew Obniefafwu impenti^e., The 42, -; p ¦JrVnXUM-^OOT? ' md he be ¦ - • : ¦ ; ¦ " •' • • • ' i^i1 (WanagW »t rjnr^n), i ll toon come . . ' : - . ¦> ; r w©rk«b>**baabe ia•IttwSa'W^ub i hoped would againhto 1 > l- .^r ':; : m : com* toward-and help tl»«Ihar*froMafi »0 •nwetiePriestol the MiWon.'' v'^ . 1 CHIMNEY CLKAffMfO/ : •>.*;,; iSiSi v^sTme^a^loq ^lSuia p^:« 1B jrk beingdone in Fak«nhamjcanV * sa ;¦ E. PHEtAN 27 - i.j ' ¦ . JdSjffiWPR¦ Ti : - r ¦ ¦ [ W(.M : Iri-V ifeiistaii V t : ' ¦ -a! ;::i- • , . ,;wATEBF JMli^ , ; » i • f ' .;M ™ !;;- 4 Ji' "Thd N»tional,rt ii :i« iP^ib *i i6iu ;;T*'*''' '^At Rjrtt oriTe Notioato hli Frtend» and die ':*> ^«v Chiinn» gwoina bfii- ; r'&'J 'FJ **'f tSf aS' < ?•• "• iMftit:«rM • | ^ ^. oiktt Loc^/.TtOctriaobW• , *itf jgttnrtiri* • *^ '»irt!ji V t=d.). : ¦ i i*»|ati\U» UU jVlnvent Hown Is!now : -* of »U !***tbr»ir)ftatllo SISS^; f**£ 4ot«wt1ffl t'V^lviwWortiW^'^ a J he.PMroi«ri*n4jadjMnini €amito«.,5tta *W«;JU»iittrarit.'i > t'Hn<•'¦&' K-->-?y * i i Ipf^Skah^aa^|;wMK!»»w^^m- llfj i^iiilS^lft'^v* ^ HAHOS, Maaa np wx^kldwHoC I "* « •* .i ii rs -' ¦: r- - . . ¦f. .>i- -:¦•;• '--ii .:T.i ]!, .' .fi-i.'J-^f ! 1 ; ' ' 1 ' ¦ :< '¦ ' : ' ' ' Sate ti-stis.-tt v >»,-;?-. ':... ! n-; i' f-i .'!: " - ¦• j: - ' :¦ .. . l ij i :: - ¦ ;iV Kr- - - ' J -Ji- -i $1 !>' !l !

¦/ : ' ¦ ' JMJiiB^iiB^ iwi$&Zc\^ £ .1 ' w SfVfi v< .( ->;..^ ! i . c • ' • : - 7 ANI > LARKINISM [fxiOie8tin)g ..'ofji^^pritaeiiesfced ih\jthe ¦ RI)T j o^:: .Vr?. - ¦ l l - . WM- . - V- ^^ ¦ Url' *-' -» ^''iTv' CATHOLICS »ti^|ioi;;8i.j&Biiri^r-club' in. the^cityr IRF the' nuns wereHdolng both ; lor < the rate- Mr: Riordan—Yes; and'they ,cari man- \ |/f#^i ' i ONION ask who age it betwetsa them.- Pno man may-be iwili; ¦&£zH/ft&\4tt$MQn&ify. " nlghtl; ¦next at mi :^V 6 - payers and thalptfor. Now you ' ¦ o'cldcS. IB the masUr. ! ;Xhe master of the house short and tho other, may; havfe a supply ; ;-BSi $'*j-ftMfciaplt«toetj'!-itf .6 ^ i¦ ¦ tafE niNn-is'to-. dei^He; : ;; ' pot OVer, ' : • . ;, : , / iThi- bustieis>i Qffij <>tij 0$.cftiyif ti. b« elecltedv is master of certain things,' but het is man.".;iH«> ii\ told QiatjprpBi; ari j ]i fer itus ee'a- 1 Jl' am ' a Mr t M Power—Tho¦ ¦ Iwhole -country is 'tbii;woikiny; and; piJgements teiferallyi the master ol tha hospital. . ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' "¦ ¦ nmori—a!«onditiorl ; ¦ ¦ tlf'Jrhe I weekly meeting : of the Waterford : |; I : . 3oyghs oo!ds ,erty mnsV beiheld in'co eon i^waer^i. '; ' -V " ' ' ' \" ¦ ' co'untryman who UTO far away from here; short now. ' .rBiii» j|acl ^or : ronitnnpbon. SCOf IS in' iny. :y ^ L- - •' ••i| ; -jj| - * .. , \r\ ' . $&<3ttardianB -was held on Wednesday. Mr. WhitUo—That is: right. ' ;,; if tjegleele. ¦\;K\ Hbe- City - Polic*Co iirt oaWednesday % • Messrs. "W. Jones. T.O.;j John Dunphy, is. the ¦\vorat l b& «sfablish^d itiiel'wo] ker and itneridLer^ at th i meeting of above on Mour: befc re ¦ ipdetmaiK.W4ifd, fotir cases were Patk. pital. Is not-that right, Mr; Mackey? i ¦ . Mr. Power—I think 'this. teemed to do me gox>dj j^eYta ^ drunkard, tbefde- presideii ' : ¦rK Maurice Power. Michael Riordan. i ' ¦ ' year I ever knew. ' j compfctery the sober man. and th< day, \vfcen th other] meihbers| present disf osfid! of.^'TWc* 'womeh- of tho urifor- - ; Shortia and Bichard 1 Hearne, Drumrusk. . Clerk—Quite:;corred. ' ; how SCOTTS Emuluon, I ain very mncK tetter and my cold has «iently-cbhducted man' , indthe blackguard, Pool? and-James, turAte jqlass named-.I-Mary Field . jandL. ¦ Mr. 'Riordanif-SO, ' Mr. Jones, you ; see Mr. Dunphy—I don't jindcrstand -if ; [There were:—Councillors Mrs. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦"' •: , •, -' ' • -- The Clerk, and other officials were jn any guardian can stand up here and take vaiusKed.VUl^plWay. jV .A^Pru^RoaiJ, Snrbuon, :29/^/!2. would be".all on the . same level. ¦' .;- • . ;j . ¦) . - . ;- !, - -: " iBrijg etf (Brien/ jweiferiniiiustody.- charge* ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' you would wani to hi here a little longer \ incitement -to" labour. • The Hackett. ' .. attendance. - .. . i I 1 . i ' , . . ' contractor, and shortage ¦ would be no ' from Xhe Superioress witli hiving^Sri ionMiloitering-oaTuw- - take the bull by the horn s the part of a i. . A letter:was. read before you can,, ^ edict of the .Alroightyj when / i THE HOUSE. and go to the: Local Government- Board . might , take place now/ but there is milk inexorable of the Sacred Heart Convent,.Fefrybank dayj •. |Titey-|>otB-Bad badj-recoriis, jand STATE OP in County Waterford. It cannot be Bhort he -banished Adam frim Eden wo^ld be and |iV was decided to- they ,-werei sent-, to -fall ifar ;a mohtiL i Jn The Clerk submitted 'a weekly return What I am surprised at is that it: was m would ...speis.diljr '" .pro-, re water supj ily, ;: 1 ¦ , contractors have ignored. • • Socialis . Adviser for his¦ re-.. ihei}:othei;-casesu ' me defendants - were- the house to 'be aa not teelgram, you s|ent them. . We are all round,! and if the send same to the'LaW ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' " showing the state "Of * revolutiontha ji th^ levp^ ' •: ¦ [¦ ¦ ¦ .[ ' - :| I .' ' ' ¦ country, not sufficient milk themselves they could duce a bloodier port: - . . /: dia^gedi I'with ( '"fimpl^' ' drunkienhsssL"" follows:—In the workhouso ; last board- looking for Hnn hv D«onle. livdnc,in.civilized com- per pair, and Messrs: ' ' '" ' ' ¦ decrease of 10; admitted -during the week, i Mr. Jone3—Do you mean by your argu- avail ol , 'Laikin policy Is e^en an for turncocks, at 17g 1 als< a-Wank od -Monday. 'j '. j : Cost of pro- ment that I favour of Home if they were not able fo supply it. munities^ The Deevy's tende r for uniforin's for :same, at 90; discharged, 85; died; 4J you to to aware of abuse advance onSocialism, for- it clatnouri.for ;... ;.: ,;¦¦ } IN visions consumed during the week, £06 Kul^P I would like ¦ stick the Mr. Riordun—I am! hatred £2 Oa 6d each be-accepted.U ' DOpTOjB^'MJSETiNG -WATBRPORi).i : " ¦ ' ' ' "¦ ; ' being given to contractors from time to¦ "involution" and inci ea to insaVe 1 , hat130 tons of, crushed - Ma.' io The Press) Via., as against £110 10s. for the corre- point. ! !|. : ¦ . ;: i ; - ;!' i : It was orde red t .. riieetinclXnuj botifle^ ; of out- Mr. Riordan—We pelieve we jean man- time. ; ' . . andi bloo'dthirstinesa. be- bought fromjMr.] George Nolan ¦of the South-Eastern irireland) Branch of, : sponding woek of last yearh Cost nover heard of it. . Mri Jamfes Larkin dejclared at Liver- s'and the , " , great in- Mr. Dunphy—I "* ¦ ¦ " " ' ¦ ; ¦ in connection ^ith Xfpper thejB.M.A-.,'JieId'in' iWaterfoird Septem-i door relief during the week, £34 17s.. as age our own affairs :and it iB a i ['" ' ¦[! ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ' } 'i " ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ; td' a Socialist to be used ¦ on' ' : Mr.; Riordun—And I .bcjlieve, that raised . :: • : 'I jf pool that- it was-possible .be' iply extension^. , . " :'< ' •gainst £36 Is. last year, i j sult to this bdard that any man Ehould should'-'like |to ; a8k Yellow: road prater suj : ber 3rd4 we aii$.informe'd that the follow-¦ '.! inet reduction oi go behind their backs to the L.G.B. I tho ' price of the milk too. The ' Master and' a Ca/Aolic. We ' It Was decided tbi' lecommend the-f ing reddlutionsfwere:,passed:— • ' • [ ¦! ;i Clerk—That means a i whether .when one contractor I not th« tamo curtlivo powtn ks any ilrieh Catholic wnether he would.pre- ¦ 10-inch' i that heading :for the week. am afraid the:!L.G.B.j is not paying much could see : «^Vaa tp the supply of atilk.¦ Refef- union which ; At last meeting:it appears that Vvm tenj uijsconhtable remisspe^ ss up to ahel. pre- of the guardians, I forwarded to the The nieetinK adjourned. : nlahced judgment^ bnd the personal !bia4 being mislaid1 » mir^ricau c-pn- fused admission ttf the j ¦ virtue of his office ajj such any other tiioo I now," he 'accepted, but after the meeting had s-tierable operiiitye sikrl] ¦AT IT. A O Q " onl 1\ ^\T I o ¦ i / m AT T n rvs>h Totteii;- and 'insanitary. '.'Anil brief aqd' unfeV was ' . in the freafmtnt. replies as follows:— | ! ; w i^ A^ ^v t^i ol on« dressed in. a (little Sanitary Authority , continued , f'l oonv; to theko beautiful may-lead. JIn-SByirig'thls' adjourned the officials discovered the sej- thereof!was exKibited to the meeting,! iin—"I re* cation of the f-cant support , -which. Socia!- fid. for- keeping the ble opinion the; -Rprkingmen ot iDublin cens;* K at the hospital on August 20th and asked and if ycu had the experreuco rret- I an unable to attend m'eetiDC to- which' oxe syn- land, with, a quarter of a million ]««¦ pop- urged' t ' adopt a policy! an d Ouihlnn.-Mk D. O'HanlonV.T.C. and Mt pkijenfs to ifiiibliu;' and in noopialist to see a-patient. He was told it was not a that oven 1 have you would be tlTe last iBin| Twd-Mile-Bridge. | : of; ' ; morrow , 17th inst. I anralso r^oihfr abroad rionymous—may expect i in (Waterford.t It ulation, they were only pay g methods which,' if followed, • will :irievi_t- Thomas Fljrnn, : cMes likfi thoM-j the eye p.nd: e»r to visiting day, and asked had he any spe- man to want;to change that law. If one b\isi^-?js which will keep probi the.£. The man who donnett .the coat of , to;economic A 'letter was read ,'from Messj ®. Thorn- other cities; the technical skill of- sWjfori cial reason for the!visit. He said he had guardian claims :th 3 richt , there are 83 on Government was the most unenthusiaslic:meeting ab'.y l«ad?1o social disaster ~ of Mrs y ' me away for five or sijc months. Please ever been held 6n bally- the R.I.O.,i became a JiP.,| or accepted niiii. and:to the eejtting up of a ' tyianny ton and Bons,' BolicitorB,-on behalf I not one whit mone advanced than in " none whatsoever," although in his let- others, and if, thoy ' ull choose to say they ¦ ' ¦ ¦ libjiy that has the Governrticnt had !ost Stafford; and another from Messrs Dobbyp •the city of Waterford:" • ¦ ¦ ! I -¦ ; ¦ ' : note. I bncken—-a statement which' can be borne uny office under which will be as palling as the worstform . ! ter to tha L.G.B. he states that he and hsd the rifrh t I dor 't see how you could waA all *hame. and was a disetaee, to his despotikm ' whicli " hasleursed nnd McCoy, the Board's solicitors, oh the. f Proposer's j arid seconder's namis jnoft his friends were in much anxiety as re- carry on the,busings. "G K. H. BARRETT HAMILTON." j oi(t by any difciniereslod peHonJwhp: of political ¦ ¦ two ¦ single jqua- country. The ignorance of th¦ ! ¦ : matter. Afi er discussing ^hese conj - s^.plied.3 |H - :: ' - ;; r gards the patient. '. Th6 patient, a girl of ]ij !e«ent—and there was ;not-a . Dublin. I i Committee decided not J[j_ . i | - Mr. Whittle said he was often deterred The Mil>-sanitary officer nt New Ross tnp cheer during the pioc^edingH., &'t hr.d been pjroved in the coiinB of Dealing with Lai kin's, declaration that muhlcatioha1 , the ¦ 12 years, was already |six weeks in hos- from going tii the hospitpor<«-jd to haw done dni lantr which'.two persons ¦jvere injured, ooeurreq JA¦ 'r^thet serioiis|raotor smash occurre *' in. a: porof and trap pjonmel, wa« being ; Home Rule, ing the cros;-channel steamer.s, nnd found; When th« meeting was d !" nn-leQt. " "I nn out for resolution. were com,ms home; 1 flriven to the station , see any, to ; justify ; us • In breaking but if Mr. Riordan 'knew him the health of the 'crowja good, tlipw being- Hayes there was ! a very small pering, outside, BDd one o{ ; them said ' -im- a drive. ' When passing:by Geprfee and ; at:tbe' .turning into the station : the through the hospital regulations on this better he would not make that statement. George f "The- man ' who! fells you Hint it is , atte* no nuisanc? aboard ; any of them. i crowd presinit, and it <>ould not be called; "Oive every ,one of these | eJJows a' -nrntinjnt Board MTW tnt- larpe at any 1 is • a liar." .Wai, I tell;yqiil. took' triphjt the ne I say fuKlier that the Catholic; Who. with .of.ihe .tra p oij to Jh'e _road. ; Mr,. Beatty Tifougli the; failiiigj i taking nway somo tha part ofithenuna.*' 'This is a. solitary ; : ¦ ' Local Government jBoard for Irclanfl to J brins:—¦ irtp yet. In conclusion,' Wei said that' the his hlted Orartfremen hi the traitor £o the tar cient fox \yliich "his having escaped ;with!a ¦ sliakingrJ »Jl tonj . Thf i cicciji anis of the car ti their unvoryTri? courtesy towards ; tunate,• -r-, -7-7» • • . hap- us at in discharging temporarily the duties of Ldrd.Aberdeen North, could tell . them to arm, and to pet ' r V-^— '- - i! - . - .I I ¦ and for the wihtdrawal of fathers bled. , . , ] ¦ ¦ iuly es1 caped¦ iwith ii shaking; ' ¦ all times.—Yours ^faithfully. port medical officer in the Waterford and ' themwlv^s sur>plind with rifles. Hf > . the J " ¦) ¦ ' ¦ " r i »- ; i i it '. - ' nnd the aoolition of Dublin pastJe rule "Is Hie ' nian who. u&es lan/uage >sucn A £16J0O PIPE. -- -i ! 1 .;. i^THE HEAT) KURSK , Mr. James McGr ith. B.O., wroto apply- New Ros* Port sanitary district." , further, we rrtedfje sup- «>n of an Irish labourer, w'ab jiiftified in ns that used in Manchester on Subdny n ' The unostentatious inannar in whicl- And stating in Ireland; and not 1 ' '' ' ' ¦ ! that thatiwpon might ing for an increase of salary, Mr. St. J. Considine ntlendcd at the Port, morally and flnanoiallvj toj th? tolling hid countrymen-did want to I aimthem in their saf-e leadw to whom our Catholic)pe«p!e the Waterworks-ComnaiKee (consisting of i« iiriLEa i\jxi 'Hqijii. - ""i ' A • ¦' • Mr. Jones Kara that ho had been ijve years in the service .Dublin irivwieir d^f^nce. He to cret .Monday be all right. The head nurse stated Uiat Town Hall on Wednesday and completed locked-out workers of may entrust tlrem selves for -guidance? Is three Oouiicillors) announced .on 3f. ,Giii)ini;r. thH famous iTsr-jlijtance case where a guardian of the guardians and wished, to be put on t^o auHit. of the accounts to 31st March . fljsht for'ihe riclit to ioin any'trades union ffun?, bu' to fftf. hurlevs (or bato"« the ho ono to whom ;hey may confidently their deeifeion to recommend ihe Corpora - ¦lirinai) 'Tiiesil ir . Mtiw from .Savigny-fiir- it waa an ' isolated the auae footing las his predecessor, the ' ' " sarr.? nc the police, and the po'ip'e at- on down 1 the;right to see a pati- 1913. His report will be submitted in of tlveir own' choice." ! j , . ; i iff look for light , aTid leading? j say dis- tion to sp end £16^00 layiup jan Braw> t<> Piris. eAHrine nbbut 110 JV.'.^ S had been refused late Mr. Roche, And his colleague, Mr. tpmptcd in any way to u*? brutality on ent; she also stated that he had no par- ' duo cource. Mr O'Neill seconded the jresolutioT), tinctly and ernph itically that ;h e [i s ,not. nuxiliary waterpipfe from XnockaderryRO1 ih fifty minutes, j He thus travelled at see the Dclahunty.! He pqintcd out that his pre- the Deon'e, then let 'h& popple use it on' And I i>ay it as;a riest. I quoted jor you If! "there i was a suf)i ticular . reason for wanting¦ to taking into And snid that the weather wee again^i p Tycor is retreshin*. 1 the] appni s¦ hins: speed of neaKv 1' unfortunate sura doul >aes8 mide ¦"4 cine. -i- . . -3 vi'"i'.i j-: - ' : :¦ ¦ - • ' !¦ . : ; tor ' SPEECH. tlie rep^y 1o ' W)iftf« in Uie ^air?.' " the fi-nd ourselves to^t ay;— "Religion.ItcrtcheF .or&.dttmb-^j' -,, -j .:^¦ :> :•:;• •--,-. ij- - ' ..,. ... .- ,- f, , ' l said he had noireason. whatsoever ', quorum, which is a large number for such. MR. LARKIX'S ¦meeting : , I • ' r . ; !ar&.,d»pnp^i. :>j -•..],. •< -vr .-L-.i- .f. .j*, >fa.-y-•'n '"-| - " r' "• " "V- . - ! ~ - would SANCTIONED. ¦ • •• -¦• ¦: •«¦ " ~\ KfSZY'i brdke up.. tl>fe Malrouring' miin' .and ' the lartJian ' to '-In' 'the . i imcaal report of (her^' iWatefwbp^r' "j |7"' granting to see the patient, but he a small iBoard. ' In the case 6! tftt ¦ 1 ' ask any honest-minded gentleman there Board of Guardians ,, where -there arc 83 i Mr . Peto Larkin then addressed the? carry out honesOy and fairly ali Suitable Comniiftea meotinp the £1B.500 item €>« ji- EABOUH W>tMitE AND -T>RA>T!C / - stand , by that?| When a man The L-G-B-jwrote aancuoning payment meeting. He said that ha was proud to agreements freeiyj entered mta; never to pied the same space in.: print as an itk rn I ' VIA WATERFORD. .: i • could she Cd members, three is sufficient¦ to mrfko & a vital injure the property, nor to outrage the .xiniforma ' Jfeft a meeting ahd- Walked down to the of rcmunoration at tbe rale -of £2 12s quorum. ' . be called on to address ithenij on Mr. Peter larkla lri V/aterford of; two. p lira of boots and - If^r I TVo larg^ consighmentsi of GuTnnnsi'ft noepital to see a patient, ana was reiusea, a week to \I)i. Ford for discharging the fju«?stion . In the dark days oj yore theij person, -of »n employer;: nevci to!er^rage turncocks. The piragraph aliout the pro- port-err arrived ;her«j iTuesday and Wednee- for it. To duties of Dt. Jackman, M.O. of the work- were prepared! to face the gal- in riot or disorder - and. to have hotlmtjr posed . expenditure of| : the :/ 16.500 f ts i^iv fri>m- DubTjnf hi-. there must be .6ome ' reason V/ATERFOI?D EARCOUR lorefaihere ' ihe 'ireat S'niifi*ru show that he had a reason for wanting to house," dx»ing his absence on vacation lows or the brutalit y !of ^ho English gai4 to do with men Jof evil prinqiplnhW nU the tri wirr )v>d }« situation to a period -of tint wers!own, near . Da n niore. he wrote to the L.G.B. Irom himself cases in the lover hospital, anode and George Nolan.! J.P. spitters and lick tho «ol<;8 . -Icl.i he would hove been at observation ward,! 1. ' attendance. I v' , n and to their children. Any Cheap Jack ; could muster ponder : over 'thenr. . | j ' ' ;; ' Wednesday and' ' an insult ti> their ^yorov AS 'gathering ¦¦ was.dispOsfd frf 'byjauciion ' Weditesd.iy a!i He got all tile information ii ; : : I . The minutes of the last meeting of the manhood, iHe then referred -j io-th* Ptess big a if be -vfas ,to stand on To public men{ we- Would reRoectfuMy . -| ' ' '-: _.' I ¦' ; that meeting. .;, i HOLIDAYS. ; .. , the'Bull Post and shout, : :: >IR . B.. H. JBPHSOK. , ¦ . . i jthjs 'saleTOCiiiS;of Messrs T. \V,i!«!> ' -'.inc( he could, from Mr. Maekey ; and his rea- ¦ Board and of the {meetings of the Quay, of this country,' which he s«od .was '''nih j urge-.that an alliance with Liirkiriism in Hie manyii friend R will ' he pleased ' -toi Son; i;auctionwr i'"! the Hall. .I Bsddin^ was to know }' ;; ' r i C Pilot, Finance, and Jetty Extension Com- by ji slimy :gang bfi fio- ' Mr. Hayes, the local !Secretary of any shnpe should be avoided ' by every ; h who . . ' BOO for writing ;to the Xi-G.B. Cosgrave, land-steward, and domineered ' tenxn that MT EJ H. .Teph-sp . C^., ; througlioirli WBB brisk, and" the llnre^s nU who waa maBter. He would like to know Mr. PafiicV mittees held during the month were read called philanthropic adherents,; wKd tho Firemen's Union, - presided at this honest;Irishman; and those who perhaps sustained .severe injuries in ia. motor cycle: wrote applying for a fortnight's': leave of nre coquettiiig : tendance 'of [ farii crs:and others who wi re was Mri Cosgrave master, or the nuns. and signed. ! would do anything for the working .class " monster meeting," and 'there was also ^nly -with!ft should {remem- collision , recently, is;|nov-i almost doiii- mfesent eviriojd K««n interesViri th 1 permission from Mr. abscn cc—Urca tecL " i Thfe Rame- rr. 8h«ehan,l Leriar.4 did not;see how any lady coold refuse ¦ no dredging work: has been carried outJ ' lin. Whv was that? ( J3ocauRe;Dublin wa« authority on newspaper circulations. Mr ¦ ¦ right to Tbe Clerk !ri»a Uvj following:— ¦ man; Waterford Peter Larkin spoke about)tho brutality • town, to £335| MnuKfrwan, : Waterford, to any member or any. person the ;. , 15th Sept., 1913. The cost of repairs! 6t hulks nnd stages for organised and solid j io a LARCENY EX ?vfh!ually.Messrs. Daniel him first that he Baflipdud tho past, ** ' was partly orgjinised ; and of the Dublin police and!ho. called for ALLEGE^ OF ' j ¦ ¦ DunS- see a patient. I She told Dear Mr. Mackfy—Please .cocrey to the month wan £0G Gs 3d. was not; Cork ¦ i Durinf the -week ended Saturday Ta str ford and - Cd.}: Eolfcitor*. were i declared could not see the child as it was not visit- Captsfn FarrellJ Ha rbour Master, re-, 'Wexford wa's composed of men who defied the withdrawal of Lord Aberdeen- He 1 '' 2J3&5 ca' Ue. 2.63Q sheep, 316 Rwinej 214: Jj iirchasera ati ' , when he went members of;the! Board of Guardians my ported:— fof 'six months also advised his audience to arm them- I MONET - 420 teuineas. I I ing day, and afterwards acknBwl<>dgment d their vote of " I beg to report that the buoys,! the nias!nrs; of tho country \ \ horses and l-:ass,j making -a [total of q.433 ; Jlr. V. k; Mufehy; sollcitori ' din- grateful lighta selves with hurlevs or batons. He failed from ! ' ' 1 /had car- down, she saidthat'the child was at of my lnother. I . And moorings above Checkpoint and twentyl days. IJo- wanted them ed by iheir 'kind and pood cut-; workers of I \o G.r-at B ritain . -; -| • ' ' i '1 He thought this was a very high-handed ter during the month and found her work-' The men hi Wexford got topetlier in ono People here havo something else to do Tuesday morhing. iOwinp to tho striWat the ' North. Wrill ¦ with the generously ¦expressed sympathy. ! an dalso the right to besides baying attention Ito foolish talk.; On wheh thh office staff ' {¦ action,.and he! was hot satisfied gracious words of: regret.— ing satisfactorily, j The boll buoy "has been: solid phalanx, demandinp had resumed business at ilia »i;-dby 41vi GJW.RJ | iA. ; - • , ! ' EOBEIH"WALSH. thftt ! tlve women I street .;it was fou id that a ' sum of; money ' .TefernhPt) «||; j fe/w.- days " ago- to hhii who was master, of the house. ol Mr. Dunphy, the cutter moorings, some of which had to be' ers in Cork , and *aid, ing the meeting was t6 ascertain the; which >-a3 left ii -a ' drawer fteamerf to Fishiuard;! Most of the Irish! town of Dmi>»3iWn Mr. Dunphy—I move' that we atcept On tlw proposition replaced." i ; th«re were sweated and forced to go upon strength! of Larkinism. fn Waterford. Now in the .office ; last, : reminds si- corres- lnt<»r w«.( rinfcnvl to bn mm»rtod on tho were on the previou s _ evening at locjdng-up horses fent to the Dpr.caster fales ¦ pondent of .' ..thai *fCork Examiner" (that the explanation of the head nurse as ¦ There wns no other business to -dispose' tho slrccU j tp get briead.l.Thi^iP the that its strength has been measured it is, time wad week wtnt by this' roijfe.. j - " : ' ] that borough satisfactory, and, ! furthermore, I think minutes. i ![ ' ; of. , i Stanleys and Harringtons.||[ They, bm- to be hoped that the apistles of red-hot extract ed. A o>rrft|l search of {wi» represented: in! the JrUh these ladies, thd riunB, are the respon- -ha]f-tinie»>- Jitt-l'e girls Revolution and anti-Nationalism the premises was made but no indication Parliament i6i iibWarda of two centuries, ' NDBSES' EXAJX. ; p.'oyed doffers and r and anti-> was forthcoming as to hop ah en(ry was TALEVRT) nVUG.VaVAS!YOD XG ; (during w-liibh' sible parties with regard to who will go three days ft. week and'went Catholicism will not I be- ¦ ¦ ¦ time}a number of menibers who worked ¦ in a effected the. : U .0Y. i .- '|j.; r :i.. • . " ¦! . into that hospital and who won't, and I CITY a|nd thiey re- hurry - to expose • weakness! . None «f goods in st^>ck ;hni< ! • .of! the old'-Wite| family-.ivere 1 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. to school ihe other| three, tSiiir apparently been •embred.] Thje' drawer iii i Amoni: the Jfsl of Intemwdlate students 5c3ectcd;<. 4-and three who Idis tinfruiahed themselves at lthii Stafford ^ , Fitzfteialds, Jlouchicrs, JSotryij, the I : St. Patrick' week. Girls working fall time got -43.i6d- commoasense of Waterfo^d bulk pounds) was. left 3ad a' p3ter|t|!ock^affixed ?-icar's e: camtnations j fei'tbatiof Mips Marj Qatcnrs^t/ihilf itKcbf ards.. M. put back myself on one occasion when I . ! ' '¦: SepL' 171U, 1913. Powers To Be Obtained. per week of 60 hours; nnd I if they lost of those in whose alleged interest the ' ¦ i'ne; Vhion f report 1 which could be - opened without being Slattery ' Dominican CoUece, vKociesJ St.j jtlie niirirberj -ofiij eh*ers! ' for the' boriugr* went to see a neighbour of mine in the Gcntlcniea—We «re plca«ed to thneo minuies on a Monday morning oioy meeting was organised feave Mr. i Peter •broken. The police have ' bee^i Dublin. : Miss Slattery won a £20 exhibij [wBS^redncpd. jfroj aj j- two to one^ hospital. The nun told me that I IPB M. Canty taid Miss ' !6d. ' In Larkin iand his local associates a wide . communi- ' - jbut until that M ; Hannah were fined ilP. Od. wt ot .Hii^8. ; ¦ cated with and. ijre making enquiries but tion anc I a £3 prjzo* for JruCa compositior) jl&Hi'H ' ':/ ^epxesohted principally should ; not go down, and , I Mary Elton Cahill have very successfully Guy 's printinp works wli«n iirls wenfl in berth. . / . , ) ¦ • ¦! . .| c : W3^ • , by , as it was tor Tho following letter has been addrconod ¦ J no •arrest has yetiheen made.; | . - in fbe 3(rid'r and patriot, was T <>- MABGT. WALSH. . Sir—H[ ceived la. !par week ifor| the, he rnai| who paid his Idraymen Ms.: a Caoetown, South Africa, v/hpre he Iliac ed for ^ on ..and l think Mr.lJones should be satis- -be;; to inform you nhst in oori- monilis. Afterwards the: most they; could ' ftuni -|lhe :|PH BorouKh.'-which Iw I ] ¦i Nurse Ijistnictrcs?. formity with thij requiivments of the i week, and It was out to protect the prop- hold an! important important in Abe ? discontent in Ireland andfin in. Ihevretired^^and sticceeUed by lAshlejr : made Ity the Board oil Trade thereunder, : The attack upon our paper, and the lie A formal reniand was gr8ntfcd on Wed- MrSi 6!fit(iery,' who now: resides^ J>»nr ;Cpoper»\whojheldi the .waUfo!r_ j 'fireen who hap been here for years and years, 1 : ' i i 1 Dublin, ''the F«at of'Vrar. " jTliese, Qien, about bur .- attitude .tovj otds "property, nesday at a speej al court .; before Aid; "arvanJis, a member of: a hieUy . - and whom I never ;knew. to give a wrong " H special mcetinsr of the Council of the were . the - Irish-)! industries j Iwhicli W. re^peVted imoxths,.' aiJi : was , iucceeded ; l-bj? Johjx s }THE MLK SUPPLY.; CorpoMt;on tf AValcrtord will he held on ; owners/' does not very niuch concern \)Bt R. \V«rd, J.P.; \tjhen . a youns jman named WeSt-Waterford familyj ' W,e .¦cotKJrat^^ Fxancis "MiGHiterthe famous jC<>>ta..i«n. opinion yet. : : they sho\ild not rnJn. Oh-. hoj they shonki We nrj s not " out '; protect -the Houlihan W88; charged with the larceny:of Aliss 61 jttery :on, tnwh if brilliant display Mr. Jones—I never found fault wifi Tuesday. the BIst day of .October , 1913. at "become ., pervile SI BWO. iHe referred i*o \U> He .TTa s follojwea In MSSa-by Chwles R,. The L.G.B. wi *to as follows: i- 12 o'ekrok noon, in the Coulicil interestR of any pMriculsir individual, but ft brass cock and a quantity, .sfackey? • Bir—Wiil^ reference the entry the Witl that. 43iepe werei theimenj 'whqm .Wirir fair to jMr.. Haeketi to a lie to ho' evidence was d iuced. v < i. work ii the insiiruetioih ,oj ' > \0 ' purppM of into conslderattpn , *0ow ' ¦ ¦ p ¦¦ " ¦ i ' '¦ .fli«ir p'up- •*• 1 as.Lord 'Lla , s-t|or.^ Hin Cleric—yd. . ' . ; lakin?] jrrandfather*lined the dilchci for an bider p' -:• ' I- - ' : - ; ' :¦' . ; ,; ldHff J ''He was o workhouse niaet >r 'a report contained : in rint«d about him and ibis busineiis in .. • . . - -i i : :• t 'l ¦ . . 5H * : Mr. Dunphy—You did by writing fo the (be j Board of and; it approved, »id<>ptin? and passing to force an' EnpIislugaTTison iind »n- aifen our patter without iakina ::¦¦:¦ . - ¦ • ¦ 6Tie:Sectfet uuiicy i- 8.*.v>he Confjttvyives. 1 minutes 6f,proc !eding« of the . following resolution:— • ! ¦ WillJam the earliest <\xX .{.: ,:iU y^ . .., I . (• ,;;:¦ '$&¦£ ' AVJjjrti i ili^ jet yI.«y Local Government¦ Board behind his Gufcrdiank oi Wi tertord Union on the 3rd \ \\ Partintiwnt to free j U»l land. portunuvW oontradfctiftfr itlie He. We T : [, iHSSrt '^'AT 'B^i^iOrlioK:-; p ¦ , ] : •• ¦> T" '¦ - " ' '. ':! "That application be mado to the ' wltotn the 'IDaily Mail" ¦> ' i\ odriRtifncrtM'pJj 'thd .first . member *iJete6T: ; back. relfilirtg tp the shortage in the < i>:MisaJ6i< at Tli\\y\ apkfj • : inst., Board of (Trad© -and the necessary pro- re-chi'isi^nied called; "William i Murder * ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦p: in so emnlv : i^ ithe:caplt»|,-y n^-Joseph 'Dou^ln j Vyni; ¦ ¦ j proposedJjubstitjtionof .othor articles of rn it iwaa '* , downricW i?. The bulk of " ' ¦ ' ' ' blessujjrj Shi .' Mr. Dunpby then moved ihe CVrrporation ot iWatnrford of "toa Pr*- in the f iiht himxelf. was inveigling- f i\ ¦ '[ ¦¦ ¦ ') ' ¦ - 1 11 fisherman and wtip» i -myrfer -Jii lj r disnppoarAl- vhi'p . that the lex- diet in liiu thtr of . I am directed by -*e them Iiia. mep axe paid £1. a week - and over- ' . . ' "!- ' theix: boats l and neU*l- I Sv f " p?»nation be considered satisfactory.1 ! Uie vision(»l-Order - c^iliblin^ coif^ the employers ot-D«iblinito lock out their time, and many of ;; ; ; :-^' Called t ie nobility of'their profession! erossihs the- Iriifh! Channe) on.his ' way L.G.B. fiir Urelimd to reoueat that ftore supply No +beir faminp to 2^>8. an< Mr; ]jlie*tian—-I second fhat. I liave ' will 'consider the question, of stnicl works and tC iproduce man, bqt.j,tli«y ofwould fhowMhem wl^! a week^ njan is.empWM by him \^¦ the; mil aqle 'at'tioiiSea ofi.GaliJcc.'ij TlJ i horde:: OniWthlFtbTuary.'ilPaJl .the iOar^ guardimif and Mil electricity i1i-r o!I public amUprf- thev we^j tnnde |>efor« -tlw>y we^re done. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ at Train x asbes. Thi-b „ flilcj thirty years* experience of the bo'ise;', and making provision for an adequate supply Us. a week. " ' • . I ' ' - ' ' ' ¦ ¦ p^lh eoreraoay was, ah jmpyessive¦ one , :a :ii h?^ vi"js: Xvi ;lie ¦<:ectioni cf llr!¦ Af.Jrcrl it is the first time that I' ever heard a be com- vate purposes within the City or Bor- WiTTiam' Martrn Mtrrphjr had forc«J thi» ¦ ; ' 6Boces8l on. -headed ;;by . n. I Crossing Gatcjs ; -V -¦; _ ¦s iWaiiii . . ; ; j ' complaint of this tort. : : ; pelled to'supply the full quantity of milk oush¦ ¦ of W«terford,''| . ; i fight. Hei told.the trarowajr m« that Dcra/icogue* of th« larkin type don't byrnns, befnjr.fornwd; landjtill- tho" ''ftlh'cri j' 1 am. etc., 1 . j they should join the ijniou i vbjrii Iio' oare a tor tho truth ' ' ' : ' ' Mr. .Tones—Were vou eVer refused being contracted for, and if this is not sufficient 1 !J J . Mie flg i nfj they were tied folk, in «sne*tivo of¦ «feed, gafliercd f aix1 * liock-wExti-.coiinEGEi 'c-'sip..' : .! :. allowed to nee a Tiatient]rourself? : . ; should be entered into. . JA'M'ES 3. PEELY. Town Clerk! would t_' »' j ; ' ""¦ - : ' - • '";" ? T" ") v . K^rrcAaHK?,:!;: . i- i-r- {. .: X'V it ¦ further contract linionj they ' i liked. Tlie express rain from Mr. Riordin—I was not. —I am, eve., would ioin whatever would pe pone. They Hvd only by lyitig "t Cork tc Ross- . 'In^thiBiyear'ti; liierraediatei Rix-tHv.-ll, Mr. Punnfiy—I was.' , ¦;: Mr. 'WlUipTn Martiji Mkrpiiy began ,Uue nnd evtl-doinff. As-Mr. Joiws lArkin lare dashed ! tl rough 'the g« tes" a|t ;the >.X B £<\' Premiei; Count,y:crtlWge , i-Tieadsl ; fi r .: f. .i , >l A. R. BARLAS, Sec. iaa he , L. ; tae Mr. Whittle—Did yoi< ;often go to the present crisis by lU's Cross oh Wednesday THE'D R. GEOFFREY; KfiATilKG ^ ! the thiid^ear ini wiccelVwii. coiicc « ¦ was 'thinking they would write night: : ' : " ¦;' - ¦' " ¦}..: ' ^ ' ' hospital? ;¦ •: ' ¦ ! , ¦ Clerk—1 in the "Independent" Oflioei -which.. lie " a divine mission" . to g?t; everyone !fn ¦ . - : j ¦ . . . ,; JipiourSL- . -My TI'-;-;-:-; ) -; .:! of Ireland pnj Ih'o i 'xhibifion lis . sccfit^rin f? ] that letter. ; | . ' n SPLEfJOBO 0FFEK , ¦jf'evtry rxMy ijot thfcir Irvland by,the • -The*;night: iwi i9 : rather fog t "VFe ?i nderetonrt' fJiaV tb^- un^eilira oi Mr. RioMon—WJjene owned but which. ; ear. Irel ir|d cannotiaffdrd ?y" a id tha eleVeuTj f ih^iseiisJ iei-inost'Trilj^ble In- . rer: I hnd occasion Mr. Dilnpiiy-J-rl don't luideratand why , ' " riglitd and;: th<-ir diies. fihoutd 'be owned to be set ty ithe ears, ard I it is 'high time driver did not jiotice theired light on the the . me noriai:W the !irrea,tJ Irish pa' ripE ttrmediatyj ili«tip(«on»," and the ' fcevere for "If.!: •'If the nnnn are allowed to'be be any shortage this time : , . : !fii0 M ' ! .. ; gate, ¦ it ¦ there shduld ' ' tH ' lf& by the workmen ofj thU coxirttrv, but' jt that the employees as w< 11; a* the employ- until the : train , was too c ose to prresi! And ' hisf.qr5an , f I>r. Geoffrey JKcat tSt; pi a^fettritofholarahip:- j:Tb&tw - bullied ,by any. man——j ; of year. ] In winter you woiildimake an t^SGiVtSBt tlitex VUAi i was swindled out jnf the luindo of jr» 't «ee WaSTEtlHi ! |HUbTnALIi^ . driv* nf the ac- .< f t K ¦ ¦ Mr.'Jones—I object (ojtliat expression: aHowanc«. ibW 5n summer I don . . workmeh by the'B)tn t ry|jranitifl/iileT 'W'ni. ¦ish> aid Socialism'out of ; this Island of cident . On not cine that thd' gates were ij 8th inst. The.arran|jew*iit>.are jo jtht ^riioJtrA^^ M»;Middle! Gradli; h : ,' ;. - • Mr. Biordap7-j[ (making ' whv there .should be any ahortage. , ... ' The Agent-GVn^raj for Western Auitra- Stijrphy. Wslli»>n M(ir)3ni Murrihv ours.' The - bandslfcf a veni S" .. am it a broad ! Mortjn citi&cn* of Wi-!erford. should hot • open. i hohvc irer; he . immediately. ap. , capable committeejan^ mWhetaat?Fa};{rk;rJoao'*la»sid:l:'-:nrfd~ n i' r ' qnestton. I kip:not referring io you or ^ ClerkHl jramt nay. I don't Understand ji» ha« taken iba yhole of the acconimo- locked oUt -ihe rnsn jin the: "Irjdcpendent" take note of. tbe publi< i men 'bare ' who plied Tthe brakei which , eoroeWhat¦'¦lessen- a roaaii ifkent; demonstratiolv' may bS et th«JjunipSrMife Kra? rncth>n; o'Jtcafrii i ?:;iv :< .any «UwifJto«iii{biut fuktifi they^U mdo not u Ket the contmetdrH: They deliberately nend i dntion on the 8.S, "Zealandis" (sailing! Office.' and*Eaeon.ltiie -Salvationist nnd tdentify thernB'-l*-o peeled.'] :.v;y. <[- -,h -- ' ; * ^^¦ IThe (sailing pet. a wi» i Larionl&ro. and ed . thV Impetu!. The i train,' however,' ^'>\j . /A ' r^l t?- " J > wn^ecifaii^frsrpJtrle bereitbe in a t«m df to,!;(upply a minimuni quant) October.4), 6J5.' "Aimadale" importer of immoral literature. *M luktd who allow their feU >w-citiicnB' to be dashed Tight !tr rough the gates arid the K^MI^PP^ ^'^M - ' ! w';^ %f ' ; * ho«nitml will'ffrv'.frnn> >>iv? +A uim •• tf tuy per |«w^ ard the minute the winter, J3),; to convey fatri ers, farm hands (arid to refuse ito handle Hision wa» Ifelt by the M.f;^ -3 ***^^ rwSTMthejmri^ - ladle*nuns ist«r<« ih i|»;4lt;|fWl abort.' . , ,v • .:- . "domestic senranli \$o . WeWem and "Herald/* ard! he jaidT^AH'Ttjrht,]I happen to bjo "outT fox niischief. !¦' , - '¦ ¦• ; pasMfcgersrrliwluding - 'many ''¦ . 4ipftm^YJHOTOi>S^C^^i -fy ¦^^^i^feH^hol ^lyv^fhJcVXSt m^iv'i*'««? «»• who come hera Mr. Dtlnphy~ There is no excuse. at the folIowinR exceptionally cheap ak- won't handle it," but v-foor hour* ¦ .EmU'K -'.'¦r ^SUiraiRO; . J -- v:rU'V; s;; (p. 'tes^ W U« all i burring tths tx- ' gbine.toi ¦was fHiUed i .Up^'. fhe' ^aniiou! na»iiepf(e^ ;i c.15&85iM^^i{^*ffi?9r!^i-^ i ?¦ f :%= sv : /to spend Uute fiv# in (th* ttrrlce of lh* Mr. M iiiWJj *.Thejr'«re Very.particular '.who have had iairninp expciicncfe, are! constabWI »nd fcap". HrKl tn' ow-wa'a |no pscape destruction. ¦;• Wei hayi*,*. ttriUng ¦w * ¦ ; fc wrd» tb« and they demon itratoon of the ciii-ae ere tre-assmpd by ths feti*Tl and Oieir -wJSj^f^^IW'^^^itt-fiiiiiorl; i or M | I5^::;,K 1 ' rict teh ineinwhitei^i:*. pricel igrantsd pagsajei fjtom £6. A nap may aliemalf ^ci for thejjTraji*4)ort Union bnt ; ¦ tot Larfctaiftm iear*j aWeyiatedl,; An:;e3ff jnit ' ii'toSwS^j ?*ui? "* ^ d i-Wfitt UiStoijs ostaiet;.- ,. 7*k<> l!A»wife with him for aft extra cKarJe to dV>fend ''their meb. Ho attain' rqferred near, a; fcand in the ci »'fo< ' TOexford ^^f ivdhr- i ;'! '> i .j i ?¦ • ^ ?5S» J siff'T ' for children town. And does any 1 id that the «nfi ne or cjirriifes were bot .^- .>%>% **? a M?i\?*fj j 3' -'fiMri W6Mfe4U is noMiairfmltlRtaiey:-n» £8.' wblleNo tli ei fft^e es UMT I fo Mr. Mltrph y a»id hUiVkepf! vpew«. iBane man vbo ftta yery iTOuch ,' ' ' ^ cannot i p taWirh alp'll, ^ ^0». othejrj «harp <-xeept do- papfjg »li« w lfar«€ilni / .pifl" A^oi itt W^; iMg Jm*feS| *r|b«fet»lfe£j Si i " ' • '^¦Th«^ idrr J«aU1 Mf«1fe4« ¦ ;4 mper *. J Morpliy 4oJd ttem n lifo ceeded to Water ford where .a iurthipr arid y$'*t ^tf3'i '- |i| -; X* . bfeBdnJi wj (tM« iilaicfi, >:l)icauw ' . - v.H?l- ' ; i landanp n- that tl ie prewnt terrib e ¦ ¦ ¦ ianV U tba-cigM dfjit. . ,f' {>J* -' ::WT%k\\¦* &'£& pe t b*t .oneyL re- puh'slimep w^iild irfye 'them ij o tondijUpiL.' 61 •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ that the E cxamlrtation • •;. &' : y 1 : ¦ )¦ •aflairn " abdul" BTOjre ^ejirchlng' '^w»^HWidiB4 . * •! vi ' J -i-¦i . Wk*H y' ?»•»< ln**n ¦/If ^k f -in>« tb* v Cterfc-fWtymd they iii^rUkaiM^ii-jjuniHl linmcdifrtelv on irdval. . : A'A »ta«i»ti«nc«i but be ^onrtfwdr howjhe lilted Jtowht ii .'jDt©u bUn^ -M^ :>#• **;> :;?!^& ».'i,i^»|rf»feirk m ttU>iricaM-befoA not 8IinWANT8,-SJntle!< irii vip.i ' Javies Ln tkin J^talcwU ^ft benefit the •The^ frnmik tbJH'.«ide qf anneiof th» 15 ^ BA f you *§« JS >h $&,£* «^;W>Jfl^4 1i)i:\lX>MISTICi. . the MiTpe . hundred .j ai tr». ' ni ..'wlio . ife- iaalj |pfoi;!|i: ^ ding i%t feidiriSpf; s|.;jr-»W * ^*"*;]«»*IUJ* had'a • Mr-W Ihfc^f ' Pher. X *nmMef om$lf cimio!J!ISi>K«-) offered angled passagci for, ftiK>d i-o handle -Jncobjs -sdlff in ; J/iyjrr- 'Injh 'vorker? Publl6:lntn In! Ireland! rj i.brr;. ¥v&'' ¦¦WUWO1M».-WTIO t $41tW l food.iatld :' hi- 1 - I ¦ ¦ 'l: ^^-A{.b»riChAr|!8. whatever. l must nake ! a- deferminM stand against > th* thlnf*. ; -/^Hi: l'*^i^v last' !i •' pool';) .Thi» Rttht wi4 ivnt jimn? ito fin|»h b-suiyijnrawi it nd tonnawi y in « somQ .• :Cl«tS4lri .hiU .been *¦ o£g :pnfllfc fe^^ for!tri J "•ith *hi settiementj pf. t ie sfri kej iii iDiib- J,arkin:«njJl U K?Jtetiief a BBT«-thtJr piflfi ' ^¦M ah-^. o ro'inlt r.>Vte Itippcrt ,«p for yeari '-j^ l _ • • . '• i^ife ^i-'^ 8evly. iwpli(7« ¦ :w jr*"i<:'l>%» mA ret>r» to lhp>;W»ii:;Par ij a* "Bedmond f ii@m.$ tjj-*; r^^ {.^?^?l?l*!?f!* '¦ ' anfa are .ar-1 ^Ss;preir," ;»nd wJiMMeordlB^totwl "ftk ^ yjia ' > . - ^^4ti"'^Sj '^'*»»5 cm tphwi .-iivn flip v«jf k«4'Mvni (WHP '?oW» W -] - * ':-- ffh"^paM eniijt iVlyJ^Widf ]CT«rk-m>»t'| all I* tfilnk..vBltWr Ulai" arr«va* *jr G<*«TTiment! representaUve*. and th»linin on rlwff b»ftlq«i »«^ tfth- teint* ' rei yakItm*vp &*6% *-M ^eOfMe; twif steps a^lwmii^atW ! i* n , «ur|6rt:cf' j^eilin ^iiaixHtv;w .** cpmpe them fct Iwep totUwir-jto^ 'witH^Tce¦¦',daysr ' ^ ber»^vWiri«.^-'MaWirV'- ' HTfliP^' M^tP -'v^f'*4. fftitract bi iutl -n U>* *dveiil& f or po^*M T [woliltli#I .Wiii ¦were {'very Dii*a• ¦¦iBeVjfe)j Iteh wa ti viai .. ' i i ",. , T.BooKUfa and fulfllnformatSon free fro n' of any. perWi wriolh>d i lrir WMtem Ansfralii' not to hnv^ the "R«eii5n|lt» KiiW",!ot we T/Uhnian pwafi.a* '»; 1 ratWivaUrt'rtnN' «ie ^ok ^ikm im-A ^m 5l*» #ffll* ¦4*ftT # k M rt^totorjj f Stre. t,!flTf«1anJnster fiien^ of Hlif w^jbe^rwiM'^xttJMHrdl niM the '5it«»/*n;¦ pj infr-f i»t:*Jl.iw*i <*f *tf^$J$?§. ; . : ^ , ' ' • ¦ ^:i ii' :; .i1$:vvi-| ' : :1[j ;;:i :- : - - ¦: :-A - :^: Wti MmiS,ft f;-l 'i; v^ - ¦ ^ "\ ¦' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ :\ . -i ¦ ¦• ¦ -¦ ^ • I . I . . i I . . : r .1 - . -,.. ' . . i. i ... i,i (;-o J 'J. < - JJ:rt;|-H.>;-.iJ; 'if. \ v:M:vm:-m - * WM $:. .v:,; i ¦ ' ¦! i ; ! : | ¦ : : i i ' : ^SJHfRliffi;| iiiEiPEIR-19, !M3 m0BM - ~' ¦ - ¦ ¦ " - - i¦]¦¦ -¦- - •' - -:¦: t < -- ¦' • ¦ '¦ ; ¦ • ' . v. i . ! , -;: .. - .) - , - - . - ¦' :-¦ - |. - . ' ijvj ^, -- ::-! ;A}if - . ¦: ¦ I:;iiiv- v-'- . .-; v:::.. : . >: .!', :^:r:-/?|'- . ' - --{' ¦v i-^ ¦!¦¦;¦ -! - '.- - ?:!•-"!'¦< ;' '•h"^j ^i ' r -- CUB HUNTING : .'•! -^Q^^G^j ^^^^ELitJ ^y ^S^^ ; ¦ ¦ ' ; ;: ;{ ' ^ ix" i _iJ"i - U. \. o^itf iii!tt^^;T-1v ': Jr -^^ ; ^ffim&ymM ^ ' Cub-hnhtjng has already stared with ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦' ¦ "¦ "': " ¦> i' the Tipperary Hounds! A contributor to . -! - ;! ' • ¦ " .'! -/' ; HKJ^ABiHAB SESSIONS, ^ 1*18. - ! :- ;¦: ?. - - {- -'id -it jui ¦ ¦ " ie v - ¦ ' ' ' ' * a eontempor^ry-'writesai picturesqi ac- • -V :¦ ;¦; i '¦ - ¦ " >Sk^>,->- ; ¦ : - count of, his first day's-teub-huhting s—|..^. • ' [.v '¦ ; : ' ! Sunlight striking through a dense [white ilTirofld of'enveloping ienBattojilbTOrlinmal Injnrlei in b pastures -clothed with: the ;lush, y. vidly Ob: , t«» be at tt a;Tne»ce qotiat^^^r^.Cforatfl ^ '^WttJJ^BMs Vf ^ ¦ ' " r ¦ ! ihoir Cpwa p^ljj ^ ^ O«mn:ana Peaoeto ^5aOoTOty, tted . . • •; NOTES^i?]K>M:j : : Mamm^tto fCattlfe v ; THE HARVEST umerald grass of an abundant aftemath: be hdawWat*rfo)raon toe J4a-d»yo't ' j * ^s| the inellow .xiya .glmt - on a million Septe^ ^''ii 'i: *- , Qualltieo, v "¦ TBE FiUlMERSi ^ZBTTE. ; ' In hot weather mammitSs, or i lflamma- Wo! c ijbbk none but jthe . Prlmest sparkling, dewdrops, ?cinfillatirig- with ' ihe 1 white dazzle' of d veritable; i ea' of Name aad Addresses Natnr©ot; lBjory com laoewhertlrijoryls Amoi«tj>«f ffi*v ¦ ¦' ¦ tion of the udderj U unusually [rife, not p«n^u eiiinaaj . ' ." —-""¦" [ > ' -.i following is tho report on the har- ' ' : I of ApDBoant».» : I otaHredorT iid to haVe ooenrred i in milk,' but in virgin The diamonds. YellowiDgi leaves from the ' ¦ alone Among eowq ¦ - - ¦ ¦ - -- '¦ "¦ ¦ - . - .. . •!• .. . - ; .!¦;.; -1 : relates to the Ku- THE ] . , r|' ); , . ¦;:] i _ .;. vest for 1013, BO far as Ifij^r^BE^¦ jKirs. ¦ turning - trees si- \ - -giva ¦ first that-flutter softly, in-calf cows and grass-fattening . ivhiL! ' ¦ heifers, , ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦l ' ^' ' 1 ' • ' ! ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ • - ¦ ¦ ¦ "Kindly know and Portlaw districts f-r _ ¦ ! ¦ i i . - ¦ 'i. -:- ' i . . - ' 'Q' Land Surveying.— let! me macthomas . . . .. r , : . ' ; lently down when at last a gentle: breeze li Jarmea Powerj of Oft;Weaoe«aay, 9wh MarchMani, As •W^Jsiitf B j'i£il60| . fe. ; stock. Cows on the point pi calving are ¦ . • ,oi up the off- Kilmacthomas.—Wheat, none I grown* ¦ ¦ = —-¦ , ' "¦';: ' '* " : p; 'the proper method. ,'making , generally the worat sufferer?.;The disease 1 i . stirs them, || . . ! _ • ' I ' ; BaaiybrlckeB, ia tbe l9ISrDlas.imaU ttppsisroses ma- toe PaHsn of Trinity ;\y. K \ .; .fiets of a field when surveyed.j Are the Oats, average crop, but snort straw. i Bar- .. . :. yj . .^^, !, .,, ,>! , , .. . - aijid.Cify'W ,r; \\ - 13 difficult td ^ope with. : Tile best remedy _ ; . i Of such is tha radiant September morn- City of- Waterfora , Uoioosly pnll** downjwn anasnfl TWithia. -\\^\. , off-sets of each side added separately and we know is to bring thi »ilinfe animal ley and fiax, houo grown. Potatoes, no | pnbllcra. V i < demoUahed ana theh'e floorsdoors Wftterforfl; ¦; : ' " ;!. .: :.| : .; ; ing, and- its measage to the heart , of'the ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' . ' ' then multiplied by the;length of the sid£ 1 up-to the average in foliage, Out stiH - >;- \ ¦" • • - : !::: " -! into a well-ventilated loosje i box land give ' . .!. . .. and!fixtures thereofA nnlawnnlaw-- ¦ . -d-}-¦¦ •|: .;U : • true fox-hurjrter-needs no interpretation, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' " " ' ' ¦ ' ¦ - ' ¦ ¦ ' • ' - : ¦ proper a fair crop for Oc- - : ' ' !¦ • . >¦ ¦ ; •¦;¦ :.i ¦ .iroin which Uiey are taken?——Jfhe I2~to Of Epsom growing and may be : • folly taken ' ;• .; ¦ ' -: I' it a dose of from 18 ojuhees for it conveyB a plain and irresistiblb call : ' • ¦ - . timy.\\;'• '. ¦ ' '¦ ' ' , ' ' ¦ ' '¦ ' ' ' ¦ '•: /•: : is to go along each chain line and' tober Turnips, promised well at start 1 ;¦¦ " ¦ .- ' -]' ; • ¦ :-,¦ .- . : ¦;< : ::• - | ' : '|.: • method or Glauber salts in three -pints of . thin (o boot and saddle—a summons for horse I j , > T - . , i- !; . y. j ! J the plan. greatly • retarded owing to tho ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' take the distances one by one on gruel, to which may be added 2 ounces of but are and hmind. . , • - - ' . . . - <. ' the'late cold nnd wot : : ' . ' : '!' - i' ; !' ' I" -' -! : <: - "'iir 1 2 his check tweed shooting coat has. tbe sir ¦ aiea oSthe trapwoid next to the triangle The teats should .bnly bej drbwiji twice aca year in Bpita of ( in tho City of Water- &»#¦ metUeioasiy broken.>roken.- ' Pi X'd\ and; .City :?.\\: '¦> ¦ ' \- •' . . ' stock were fairly f i being an old friend: his brown leathers ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ; Proceed thus to the end of the chain line, daily , as too frequent pulling would cause spring. Prices for all ««« ¦ ¦ -i- - ; ¦ ¦II L II - -. " -¦:•:- rd.i : - ' '; i : : ' record for and black boots are of an immaculate fit. \ v- • " - i - -- . '|i" ^¦ - •f\ Vft 'i i i - l and add up the total areas «> obtained.! preventive, <^on\ This has been a ytar. '¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ irritation; As a smearing tha jcdrd ;- ' I'-t. ;¦;•;. • !!¦ •¦ ;¦ '^ : : -p ii-S" the area of the saving hay ; we could not nave li Daaiy Dispersion of Major Chavaspe a } iffiliSH [TKADE IN 1912. J The girl is | wearing! a grey \ whi -]- - - --I- . „. ! < ; i. • . . • 'Y>Mv -hl !- You will then get double udder with treacle| has befen recdmmend- ¦ ' ¦ ~ ' ' - : ' whole off-set portion.- If you then divide, saved -even, if wo tried. > I .; •: ' ¦:- . ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ habit that , has; seen potter days but i .is ¦<\; 2axytottereaa,ot OiiBoaaay r »l»o 3!3PtbOtb flavday At ;0H-'.4i k-in.tte -lAllO; j0r ; 0:V, . ed, as it runs down and collects at tho .] Oats, . Ksoorthorn s vr^k-'. .! faultlessly cut, 'showing six-ischeB' - " ¦' by two you will get the eiact area. ( In a lopen end of tho teat and i ieols' itj 'against Portlaw.—Wheat, nono grown. cf the ¦tiu SSam; -!'to-Athi olTjrniie^ BJ3i ^ [[dwelling PaMili-Sp ismire . ' Np;T:,-]:' ca3e where insets occur you will , bf course; veryi short. Baxley, almost nil.- ; Flax, left - riding: boot "in the busiqess-like ab- County of Wfltflrtora,bo rooantffflen ttiire.thereln the admittance of the gerr ia which enter quality very 'good • stiort- ' ' ¦ '' have to deduct those areas that are in-, ¦ none grown} Potatoes, the is The ' fact - that many arid Exports. breviation of Midlandsifashion. B,e hat TrtttoWi-;'.-" •'., . < ¦ ; maficlouuriy. :di»»troyed by : tho udder and produce the dlseaBb. of Increase iia Import^ ¦ ' ¦' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ w-¦ - :. V ! off-set good and free from blight so far. i j Tmr- horn3 are reared in Ireland; wrthy 8its :Tigh't!.ao.wn ' bn her:h6ad, tboi as if it "• -v-T • - ¦ : i[!v.r-|' vi::ii :|:i: : side the chain line, adding the Independent of |the losn in condition ¦T-¦ : i - . . . :. :. .l .: .j; ..-l^.:, ;.: " ¦ ' ' - l;^^- ¦ ' ¦ ; Kingdom ' meant 'Staying - ¦ ¦!- " • ' "' •:¦' • L::- : are poor generally-. Mangels, , much places in tha best herds in the " there, and the -only differ- .:. : :- - - ^¦ -¦!. •; - areas to . the areas of the large ; triangles; , nips, ¦ ' ' ' ;. . . ; -| |. • ¦V| - - which the beast undergoes therei is ano- ¦ !¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦' , .i; ; -r:* r.| ; Catch crops, not grown. rapidly becoming recognieedj .tho.prices ' ¦ • : ence in her'kitldue to the date's De mi»- | and deducting the inset areas: ' : ; \ ther loss , to tho owner through ; {he ' new nndor; nvcrage, is •! -< [ ^ -I ; Hay an aveTago crop and all Baved in realised at the.|Boyal Dublin 1 Show, 1 last ' and export fcr ade at siblc laxity is the heat turn-down c ollar 5. Eata. Boe&oU it iPatrfettJSbiet;In ' ;!v- : 3 !* Profit from Milk.—'Which is the more regulations respecting tut erculosis, be- 1 The ' total import ; . , j of On Friday; tha 8th day of ' ' ¦ ^ a; magnificent 'condition. Pastures are . bare spring being good evidence of this. Jlne Insn ports-iu 1912; sayi the annual is- to match her striped shirt and knitted red. Is]andtanney» , Tta-Angnst, 1»13( a plaw glass .the ^ariKh ' ot- Ba, ¦:'f ; -. : profitable: to sell 22 gals: new milk daily cause the port inspectors e| apt to reject ' .Herd, ! ; tie in lieu ' ' animals affected by- mainmitiB. ¦ Kow, ns and parched owing to drought.;:'The dispersion of Major ChavasBe s fine port, liust issued; ' • is! estimated at . of tHo stiff stock of .Nove¦ nber¦ more ln'j tha Connty winfloir maUclonelybrofi en. ^Stepoen's;! Wfthln , -;i ; \\ . : j at 8d. per gal., and ipay a boy 6SJ. per _ crops Court, near Waterford, ! ;drthodoxy. ¦ - ';. ;: '. -• ¦ - , : ¦ ' : ' of donkey ana tliis is a very common diseise it ' is « cry- spring was cold and wet so that ; bred at Whltflola £140.7.637. as compaiedjwith £191,931^09 |. ot WaterJotd, ¦wWow. - ' . - ;- .. ' . i" ' ¦ .' < " ;and' CUy;pf.Wotei- .T |' - . - H - |. , ¦week , and wear and teiir i put into badly preparec owing to hb leaving the neighbourhood , ,Tho ¦tord.;- ' ;XjV:. ;.; ¦ . cart for delivering iante .' -tho farm bciits I RIT crievince that it 6hould not be distin- were late and in-'.WU an A»c»ea4© . of £8^13^28. :j The Iwp tuni into the -woodj Jand the 4 - \\^\.\-ii " ^ cUy. ^Early mangels came in for almost and retirinji from farming,.will be an¦ 'rti.amounied; U>« total of £73,139,119, 'man's eh$stn»it] snatches at- his bridle guished from tuberculous udder, and if imto as ' ' ' ¦ nbout one mile out of- the town: or to v ;¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ - ¦ ' ' ¦ , al- , ' -| - - . I- • • • . ¦¦:- ¦ i . - . ¦ ¦ ¦ - - - ¦ three weeks' i cold.rain in April and , May, event-of'CohsidbwiBlo importarico <1 and'tKa-exporfs' tofa totil of .£67 Ha dances along, jumping aside at ejvery ; - • ;i- - . jr. - '", " '¦ • -' -i make buffer ujid have customers for 30 the port inspector, j to save himBalf from .^^18/ • '/* " nnd are consequently very poor. ; Tur-. though it is a mottar of regret that a herd : Th# increase, in the - estimated value of •rabbit that scurries away, every; ttwig' IJatodthlsOth'day or 8epUsmbar, -l9l3.j: 1' lbs. at' : l*. l>er lb. (in the nun»n>er), i »nd blsme by tho authorities, should indis- togcthei1 ' ' j ¦ 1 price, criminately condemn , a cowj because, nips that were , in from May arid the midr which has evidently been got : tpe: tnide m I«i2ias compare'J with 1911 , iiiat crackles.'"'His ride* puts one glbved : ¦ ¦ sell thq! remainder at the market 1 , that : and managed -with'Jtuqb;; VIIIJJLAM JL .iftiiiftvfcS. ii 1 , through, an ordinary nttack; of• inflamma- die of June are all right. Thoso lifter with much cnre, hdk'i taken place - boOt; in BmpaK s and ex-> 'ijund on his neck BB . he pulls him u>; it ¦ ¦ -tb^Cr^wn-afld which varies from 9d. to 101d; iri summer have had judgment) should-bo given up.; It. • ' - ' Cleri of -Peace^^ I make tion , she should lose tho tiBoi of a teat or aro only coming up now. We sound 1 portisi- th« iacrease in imports amou-iting ,is sleek and hdrd as 'iron ; he feels'.- [him :¦ . ¦ ¦• -r; . •¦! ¦T-::-: .Vr-i ?¦; •¦ \- ' rCouhVy/.ol .We.tfirl ! :. ;¦ ¦: .\ 1 two , the right of appeal at least should hardly any rain since 9th or 10th of ; to £8,414,121, and in exports to £2,399,707. ;tense and taut-under him, all wire arid ¦ .; .. ' it--!. (; ¦:• '. -: ~b -i-i- y-l ' butter I can dispense with the boy and ! Ireland, land • ; : - but I muft pay a woman '2s. be granted to the owner of i tho 'animal. Julv has been the driest for years. some of the best breeders in •Tlie, value of j imports have shown an in- ¦whipcord; long,' careful conditioning has - :!- .- ;; !- donkey cart, several excellent -animals of j first-class. ^liirn fit already] . r:: l^:.: i Mi . : Whether a cow's ' "is . icjreKse'|each year since 1904, with the ex- The igirl has like ma ¦ Cd: per week for looking after the butter udder i iflamed ¦ - ' ¦ - ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ - ¦:•:¦-¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ !- ¦: . Scotch blood were obtained from Mr. Geo. I : . ! • . ; .;. . - . - 'I - ¦ ¦ - ¦! . .. Utensils.—\Vo should think that by all from ordinary I mmnnltis )r»r , the with.— lOngiishiBoard of very handsome yhite cow ; she is a deep, ing,1 'hawevex, ; tbc;iuirea&es or decwasea undergrowth ; something swift and - mpensation for ' Criminal Injuries received imo /« nt 8d. would be 14s. 8d. per day. or £5 'A). 1 Isu of September, of the . square, massivo'!animal of gTeat style, , fa rly AiPPMOATIOH for Co . *y ( 8d. weekly. Deduct the cost of boy, 1 631, " Jrish Homestead. ' ; Agriculture , states that the dry weather in (rade it should]be boriie in mind that heavy, for twigs crack : and ' the ' 'lent • O.T Cleric of the Crown and Peace for' ! 'said Connty, tb bo tried at too next County and on Bbort legs- Her roan daughter, Shejrise- or fall in; the total val"iie is to a bracken swishes j then Ja strange ber, I913,| and say i<)s. for donkey nnd cart pet of August has; been very favourable to Kora 3rd , joyioiis Coort Sltttngs; to be |held at) Dnngarvian on; the 20tU day o^ Beptetn. ; j: ;| :•; ! li-nve a bal- harvestinp operations throughout Eng- , lot 24, by. Keis Goldfindor, a considorable extent due to tho rise or fall note, like no other in Nature's symphc ny, week , total 16s. Tins will very fine sire,- ' )B a lengthy, ance for gross profit of £-1 Gs. Sd. weekly. land and Wales, and much imp:oved tho well-ribbed in the pric63 ; of commodities.VInre cent as an old hounds opens. '* DRY SPRAYING POTATOES yearling, with a ' straight top, and duo in has icl ' t ¦In regard to the manufacture of butter 22 ¦ condition of thq wheat nnd barley. Wfc^>- .r ii •f| 'i¦ disease . attracts considerable nttention. bull AstronomerJ There are two sisters and resonant, stirs , of On Thursday,!'the Mth, At!Klln>acomma, ln . •; . ¦]. ¦;; ; !' . ils. and the remaining - 19 !1>.J . may b^ as a whole, it will probablv prove below 1003,' rose again in 11906land 1907, then the echoes too; Ithen comes the entranc- yicholatf Connors ¦ . JKor years, writes a co-respondent, spray- to the white cow . above mentioned—viz.. , , ¦: jKUmacomma, In the or! Friday, tbe 15th day of the Pans& ot Inlah- ] j. i : - ; taken at lOd. This will produce £2 5?. the average. Barley is al?o somewhat Kora 4th, lot 25, id fell in J1903 and iniiieased again¦ in 1910 ing twang of the horn ; a' rushing of many j ins with liquid solutions ol ceppex su)- better than a mbnth ago, but oats aTe' massive grand heifer, 1011 >:and 913. j- - I • i I • • • : : Connjy or Water- Angrist, 1913, two^^masonry Wnnaghl and;Conoty ;.! 'i. 1 :^ ;: 10d. for hutter alone. You will also have - ¦ . lh« wide and thick, and Kora Cth . ; bodies through the jungle of a prolific , left nearly 150 gallons of either skim-rnilk : priate and liiiw, Die ordinir j Bordeaux worst of the ithj-ee certain, ard estimates , a neat, -Accordingly] 'although the Iptal value ' 1 ford, farmer, i . piers and ail fron gate were of Wacenonl. r*' j«|v inisiure or somo variation of it , hus b?en good yearling by l Caledon Model. •'! summer s growth ; a thudding of m¦ dny or butter-milk, and this may be taken as , of their vield have rath*r been reduced of the 'import and export trade of Ireland horses' hoofs. . ¦ ¦; : ¦ malleiously Injured iused with marked success jn . preventing than otherwise. The Charlotte Cordays- are- represented hasincreased in a most satisfactory man- being worth Id. per gallon for : feeding Straw is generally by Lisnakill ' Charlotte A whipper-in has appeared pigs and calves, or a total of 12s.1 6d. per, the disease. It is i rather j more than rather short. The potato crop in Corday, lot 15J. a Hor fcince 1904J rthe increase in the volume out of the ¦ •¦ ¦ very led four-year-old igroenwood as dramatically ; • ' ¦ - l - ' -n ;•:¦ ¦- 'ik! k\y: week. The gross total , therefore, :for but- twenty yeare since dressing Ty ith copper h-anlthy, but .thi? tubers are very small, by Keir Goldfinder; a of th« trade has not been! so gr<-at. Tins and mysteri- sulphate mixtures enme inio.' use. Both level-fleshed, ' handsome young cow, with ¦ously as tha knight in a> fairy story. His ter and skim-milk will be Ki IPs. 4d., and owinc .to want of ,rain. VeTy few reports latter increase may be measured by, as- ' Dato'd tjifs 'fitb day ot September 1913. ; a most'promising red h red coat makesj B i ' ' , liquid and powdered mixtures wrre em- ,eifer calf at foot priceB. havej «mained . a splendid pi ash of • ' ' ¦ " ¦ of disease have i been received. sumjflg, ^hat ^ther . i ¦ -' ' ' from this must be deducted tho wagc o of ! ! • *! bv- Leix Majestic, ' co against the background <\ . . -WILtLik -Al •DOBB'trii. :':' ! I- ; , , , you have ployed in the first, instance, but in a sli orj Both turnips and manpel?. liave that has left h uumber same in each succeeding year us in 19W. jour of endless !'; the dairymaid which we think suff- of very bonny calves. gradations ' of greens- and browns; Clerk>f, tbe ^ Crown-and^iPeaj*. ; put at an exceedingly low ; estimate - when time the liquid form ousted thf powdervd. ered badly from want of rain, especially Lot 18 is a good If prices had remained the samv as in he ' '' " ' ¦ " "' ' ¦•! . County - of iWateirford. : During the last yehr or t^YO, however , three-year-old of j tho samo: tribe, and'lot ' beats a tattoo with his crop against the ¦ . ¦! i' - '! ¦ ¦ H ; - < ' ' » you mejition 2s. 6d. per week , as we the former. Turnips, according fo ap- 1904 j the increase in the total values of ' . . . . I I- . : ;!- 1- . • , v.ri- .|.;.t' : there has been a reversion to the pow- pearances 1st 23, a roan yearling, straight on the top/ imports and nap of his Baddle, every now and then, «hould think that even if you pay her on ti^-e September, look and with good . .exports in 1912 over the pro ; dered drvsfio?, as \-ery sQecessful re- like onlv beinc lines throughout , is un- coding yeaxB would hvae been:— . pausing to admonish in raucous accents only that amount in actual cash you will sults were obtained ., ' four-fifthn. of an ntvrcje doubtedly one of the plums.' a'puppy that comes GOOD ' fARJMin6i;, have to -pay for.her board also/ ch and in all probabil- crop. The rain On !th» lust two days She has idly to the fringe of ; tii«^;:rqk\ wh i ity it will bo largely dev^lcpcd in the of twice been a winner /at the Waterford over[l90* £14,748.160 instead of £86;520,«95 the thicket and waves his stern1 would cost you probably another 103. per : the month, however, wi31 .be of great ben- over|190o £11,925, j ingrati- near fiitinv. !.- : ¦ Shows. ' Two of the favourite Orphans 738 instead of £33,224^3 atingly, as lf.lnjapology for eniiui conse- - - .• : CtjIpED ' ¦ week. But, estimating that the cost of a efit to the roots. Mangels are a joor fj-op overiK08' £8,»40^^ri»Btead of £26,661,789 !. - ,-- . . :CALyE8 ON -im 8^?. The modern rcetjvod of ' preorpitating and also are included, jModel Orphan, lot 22, being quent upon not having quite grasped tlie ->iwiCiB- - i:-£ - We are glad: to- kay the enormous!losses dairymaid would not b• .- 'ii J-TT • ¦!;¦! ' that each horse will have an equal pull. (jognteed find any unworthy live stock, huntsman, red-laced with his hot struggle. ^J, in a reason bf discaso apd small Winter " : of the attention of tpe amounting in 1912 to a total estimated " Where?" r L/arrou, jnooncom, j\ o juiseouy, o»yu: Uonlhs. j he cries, ' —If your idea is to-have a singla swiug arid taking in the ' ' yields of breeders. The : ¦ ' cured the unsprayed crops that what- size and wealth of tho ani- ¦ ¦ '.' The-YeterineJCoirflial; Powde^ jmy ValUri of £12,326,891, a decrease of • ;¦ ¦ ¦:: '3 j over situation before half-a-dozen- . • ; - . !; tree for three horses abreast we cannot ever objection there has been ;to the u« mals is most noticeable, they have (freat i£ 1 eager infor- ! . calf in one:do se-rfa fact on. the spot 'ajfter . - . I,00i ,000 . as compared ?rith the export mants have confirmed the whip, I am prepared ' to : pay Higher Fries ^ recommend the plan. For harnessing <)f pre\ entive methods will be largely re- bono and substance, and the young'Btock 'of 13 II , touches giving- it." : | ThDUsandp of Jjottlea! sold. three horses abreast you should obtain a and a decrease of over, £3,00,000 his horn, giving; a quick, staccato call ; : than ! arjy other Fizm'. ' ; ; j moved. The potato grower ! has become are so promising that it is evident the as co npared with ¦ j Thousands of icahfeBicured. JSe.ia. Bottle complete set of swing-trees for three : The above is the title of an cxeoedinsly lerd would the export of 1910. The twice or thrice jn rapid succession. Nos !; ' - | - i i . ' ^he when disease ha? been rife and ventions that will help Jones being probably tho first breeder in great drought . pack—flinging forward like the Kilkenny, aays^,'T have every confldenc* t»o horses harnessed abreast and, if long is spread rapidly. Morpowrjili him to farm his he South of which prevailed in the sum- cjrest of a sweeping EDWAHD W/iUJH, Thomas StxeiW ' quid solu- land in the .bestj possible manner ard1 .to Irelalnd to obtain bulls from mer of 1911. . i. , ,¦ . • wave—stooping now to recommerjding ' Cureox, .which I £av» enough, give it two or three twns'rouhd tions axe not so effective WlMn :iplied SiUyton. Thd hMfera for to a warm Hcent.l They go pelting ¦ found not pifly prcrvehtive:bat curej for obtain the best possible otitput. from- his ,gale are. froro down :• ¦ , -. . WAEEKFOBD. ' . ;! ' ¦ > * the main swing, and make fast with aq S while the liaulm is saturated 'with wet, as .holding., he most prolific ! families in ' the' herd; X The! total value af the exports of cattle t^ie sloping: grourid where:the wood falls : j . the. very; fatal ;disiaee 61¦ curd IA 'U4fl bto- hook. This chain comes between the- two they may The eitonsion in. recent years hoy have all in 19t2 isj estimated at £8,288 736 aa cdm- away abruptly '-¦ 1 - - > ¦ be when disoasm is Spreading of land purchase throughout almort; tho been grass-fed, and neVfer . . . beyond the. main ridoj i and nach of -y^ung.ealves. '.? .>~ r:-. -j '.. |: f. ; •: horses harnessed abreast 'and terminates quickly, for when th« foliage is ^heady housed since they: were calves. - ,.. pared] with £9,666,393 in " 1011 , and marvellous BOW is their i cry, -each deep- "' •' : ' in a single swing-tree dripp whole of Ireland has naturally (riven ihe 1 £11 , Telegrams; "W«ilah, ; Tlhatnns Street to whi^h a horfe ing wet. more|water or solution farmer a greater! The- sale will be held on 'Thursday, ,453 673 in 1910: Tlie total number throated note echoing till the air is! vibrant " . ¦ " • ' - U'. -y . ' > ', could be harnessed. The onjv difficulty added to it increase interest than herctoforo September 25th 'of cattle, shipped in 1912 amounted to only *ith-that. ' *atdriord. . V\- . 1 ..-) Ihe drip, so that in tho land that has now passed from tho , df the Waterford Show passionate chdrus'of the "dog- ] in this case u the driving of-( his leading lltt:.?- protective- substhnoe may be left on ground, St. Patrick's Park 555,321, Which is the lOweBt figure on re- pack ihat is, like no other sound on earth Ftraxn hmJp,?d£cntfc&t * dMtes kia htmt! ' alien landlord <6 th?: descendants of Mie , about two ; 1 horse, but he could easily belled by ' a :he plants. It was probablyion account miles from Waterford. The cattle will cord Biace 1878, when the published re- lh its soul-stirring potency. The little of this dispoKcd and Ion? despised Gael. Farm- be turns , small boy. It is seldom that a potato lhat in fomeiinstance* the pow- removed from Whitfield Court to the ' pf the exoorte of animals from Ire- Knot of followers have drawn roin by the I flereere [more effective dur- show ground on Monday, 22nd land jvere first issued. The shipments ot cbntral cross-rides, because the belly of In tbo fiio& o^ i i ^>M> ' - ¦ durjnsr the winter month* with profit for the and lambs, to , ^f^ i&et smdrit s- ' .'Winter Wheat.—I'lea^e give tome in- me the post season. |Moder:V methods of convenience of purchasers. ' The Irian feheop^ i amounting only the , ravine N has; | temporarily swallowed netcu^ ilo t> goo-«l tWn nr pmbcl. : applying the should procure Mr. Husscy De Burgh's 618,075 in , fell below, hounds from sight i*-ic*! structions as to ;.he sowing nnd cultiva- powder tre very similar in book and learn th^refjom how to erwt bhortnorn Breeders Association's sals 1912 those of any ¦ , though their music principle to those practised at will take year since ' 1889. . The number: of swine rnftrkn them: • i . ' tion of winter wheat .on land which has when potato- little cost silos for tbe mnkin? of rnsil- place in Dublin on Wednesday, HOLLOWAYS PJLLS Do ML ,»j l8/r, 221*, f' itiam bi OS Fwtbs) | pete«C2e«tIebMma«p£i,' ; tt a. good cleaning. Th«n plough about Ail drewing has been done with the aim -btn. A leaflet showing the routes 6n record; '' : : I ntarrow path that 1 ' ; ¦;¦ of ellnpe-makine. Mr. De Burvh ha? sc\'wal , train leads them down into akJartpow' txfaHryiliobtliiMlyoaUu. ¦la^ as'ihey arak- U'\ ¦ '• -: } !.i'l ".;-|7 - i: 4 ins. deep, and harrow down to obtai n a Tcnchine the underside, iberause tlio years" services, hotels, and other arrangements After examining I carefully ' the quanti- the bottom and t ien- up , sporcvof the di sease experience of farming in Canada. for thiB the rise on the Vnq f^t ttoi'& Earl d Bcotemtti &* '&>» i §ood tilth. Drill in the seed wheat sit tta? more readily estab^ It was then- he saw interesting series of sales can bs ties of goods shipped across thei Channel ipoBite side. " - . - I UVBR AND &OWEL8. j FM -Mi la (h» Wxlofort h'sh tlKims*lve3 there , the prvat advantages obtained ' Shoir f«r 0» B«J !- cot* of two to throe bushe'.s of t«eed per ,. to bo derived from for on application to tho auctioneers. into ana from Ireland,-and as a result of Eatia(&tai >IMoa aell1-LacCle^ r-.;|.-..':i • •• j There are now wla^e the , winter For two or thre ) miles Sstretch the out- tad statute aer<- , the uminl quantity in tn« several wolU-onstTuctwl feeding of cattle, nnd on tnkins over th' •John Thornton and Co.. 7 Princes street, Inquiries made:amtmg traders, it ia!esti- ing woodlands, a natural gorge (hstal: THWij wgttSBj manS\. machine.1 capable of dreRsing :five armor« e ionovcr sguaro , cutting H. BELL^62 , Quay, Watertarfi > oountry hcrng three bushc!-. It. is un- " fami!y plhce ' at Dromkeen he <-rected London. By attendin? mated that : not more than one-fifth oi Jem in twain. It extends as far ' ¦ . row? dmultancously. and thes« auctions as the JC(taWU¦ Md4ST<*4 : ¦ Sol« Mrtirftrf nwr-• necessary to roll down the ground af! farm, procured ; breeders from this Jiida Irish exports goes to Colonial and foreign ' • ' r ' ¦ ' . :- - , - - :l- -' i ' -IA '; ; ; ' - ' :•] • ¦ -I extensively used this 'season. wagpons for would have 1 eye can reach, till the blue haze; of dis- { p HO HOUSEHOLD f i . j, - ^- i^vi V . . n srds. October would be * good month ca-rryin;.* rrass to tlio pilo?. end ihiis not only a most enjoyable ,, countries, the other four-Cftha remaining tance blurs the edge of perspective. Al- ;- mt in all probability a jn ' ; :.C -' ' ' fi-t sow in?. \ worked tlio plow since with grvat profli. very profitable, Great1 Britain; pnd whilo it; is much ready the changed season has woven i |. pj ^E .T4: ./|-i . • ' - -/iMPOBtANT •PO/MOtaB»i l{'. -| ! ' If he Ivad not carried tour — "-Vive Stock Journal/' ' more, 'difficult to ascertain ¦what propor- ! : Krcry moUw-wbonlae> Uw Hultt'ttd qinifllnni Staw for Cows.—Milk S»e ling.—^1) out en«il»M he threads of , russet I and amber into the %. "WITHOyT \'\ j u( snvs lie would tion'of importsiintb Ireland aw of Colo- sibtl : her Child thoBjima KABBISO.-« -;8HUAflLB«O '; Kindly say what in the best way to feed ! LIVE STOCK TKADJ7 have had to sell out the y-blended colour-scheme of Nature'? - . , " NOKSEBT t-OklDB.^ Oas.'taiOaiia^tiUU Mta. Htraw to dairy cattle. • I have a quantity old p!aoe. and would nv-v-»r hnve bo>?n nial or foreign- origin, it _seemsiprobable fabric. The affectionate • trails of "old V $' ,THEH. ' ft; -} :• tod Voirim.-bnoiBtxxp l tbxnwxot.U MjHitf.Tli able to carry on with profit, and . that at least one-third are articles of such Irian's beard, " caress wherever they can HaM ,M *a*yH- MM. , OEO. W. HARRUOM. of pood oats which I. intend threshinj "ocurity NEW CATTLE LAIREGE FOR Chrtntw, ; » rest »vek. and as there w no sale for TJK- demand for the best ' caltW and winter dair>-ing. He gives fnil instni c- origin, ,the remaining two-thirds, being the throw a veil of grey and'silver: and al- Rcattifi So<4 br Ql» nitu. i A«atf lor produce r straw About here I thought of u*in(j it Up >!icep showed an impruvement-at the com- tion regarding the construction of the GIREENOCK of Great Britain. - : ways for background there is the soft BBLL. f aOtay ; j K POOLB aT^, - :> :-; i.! l-l in £he churn. The churn is , orre of thoie yt markets have ;bren more 25 feet in diameter was built by himlfor cattle are spruce Far I RHEUMATISM, GO JT - ¦ ¦ ; ' I ' ' ¦ -; varied , in somo flOO. shipped from ihis; A FARMERS' UNION FOR f . - . .; .- . . - . t |^ i -;.. . . >.;: ji -i i-.j ¦;' . imeil churns on a stand, with a handle owing |cases to increased and holds over 300 tons of crass. port to the Clyde ii beyond and ;below. this smudge of wood- 60UTICA AND UJM SAQO, isijpplieR, and 1o the larger nuiiiber lof un- He strongly should be of interest to Waterford shi lands lie flat lands ¦ ¦ BATS, MICE MOIjES^COCKBi)ACHB8^ • which your turn. The milk if. Saturday advocate? the using of Wag- p^- of a' rich grazing j' ¦' ' ¦night 's niilkinj: . and Sunday mornings finished cattle offered. For btore stock gons instead of carts. "An enormous pcrs to know that in order !t© meet the ; EVERY] GOUNTY ccjuntry, stretchhig away mile after mile -. rr CURES ; ; ;• ;¦ ^ ;. . 'AND;:BE$TU3'.4| ! ' ' ' . ^vjjjv trade continues very quiet. v requirements of ' " ' ' ' ¦ the cr^>cks, churned on Tue.-day. Tho'compUsling numbor »i86tt'8T"Ee1ia'D)erEai i o{ tlie harvest l>a* kept farmers busy, and H^stroyed every year by nvParts Agriculture and Fislierios in the matter lejctable pasturage—divided up by trim when it js just ripe, at a tenip?rature of year of raits. Poison. Cats'; and dogB wfll not. touch-it; ¦ ;ai compared with las^ H *i number The wn(?c-on hor.=e boida up hj.« of observing a 'combined quarantine amj : ', i flying fences: into chess-board squares. . .: IVTTH AMAZlNQ RAPIDITY. C3 dep. F., but when we l>ec:n to churn head arid Vermin dry up and Heave no sniell'Pni de* ^ it seems ro fill with gas . and ireia very lot cattle imported from Ireland¦ ha3nearly his good act«>in. The mu.«cie5 of '.hf.i rest period for ; cat.t!e, sheep, goats, and IMMEDIATE AN . - and ' doubled for tlie eea8oni ¦ ' bark ore as nature swine landed from Tlio tho Editor "Waterford New;." 6dv, Is., 2s. '3d., and ;3s: 8d. i iPosj^t-^a. .j ji^ht swells;' sometimes it ROCS down ! want. th»m -to r-» : h> Ireland at ports iri LASTING REUE ' G. W. . ¦At ihe Metropolitan l market the triide walks tn^i and has a «. Greenock, on the .Clyde: , e;»tabl-iaheaii»oently to encourage cloeor ': '• \r-rfJ Btreet; BELL; 62, Quay. .Carriokion-Buir churn. The'dairy, a Jarjre airy one, fs < just behind The site is ad; like infantry |attacking; pushing valiantly -r3: T. TTIBNEKjr 17 Main StretiJlylthm-: ; up to 6s. Ad. per etoue of 8 lbs as com- ihe shoulders are wasted or de*troyi?d rairably adapted for.its purpo>e,having on and niore!effective!co-operation ; between , ; scrupulously cJean , as ore also the chums 1 by through the choking -.undergrowth. They garrari—D.'.JJ NuQENT/~Bridgi»!:HTeet;: ; «nd all belongingf. .1 .^hajl be ?lad ;ftfr I pared .with 6s. 6d. last year. An av*iage the' pressing of tho Baddfo. The ort. H>no side Prince's Pier on to which vessels tho vaiions fannere* association8;warking have stuck'to the same cub, : driving him your advice.—<5ood oat straw makes an Isijpply of cattle tci * iB.rken-h'.'ad laJrugr.'ji horse hs3 a bad mouth, bwwse he is ]eid discharge the animals, and on the other for tho betterment 6f agrjculture in vari- here from the starting-point and giving JAMES BAB^feW^WI ! t-x-'ollent food for dairy and'otlirr cattl|. found a laTger number of buyure. Trade when loaded; h>> perierally becomes ia ne railway loading : bank from . which ous Iopol?de3 through&ut Ireland, I ask him a rare rattling in the procses; now he SUPPORT HOME I n)USTRT ^ I? can be uted in two way?, in a long Va» steady at a slight .advaiite in prices. borer and s-tumb'cr—an unde»irablf> criri- they are trucked for conveyance by rail[ , t)ie hospitality of your columns, for the is wearing' down , and to: knowing ears Beef made from 5d. •td ^d. pcrilU.; cattlo, pie. Other instance. ' ¦purpose of bringing under hhe notice of , o:.ate and : chauptd or chaffed. Uy cbafT- * are piwn of the ad- There is thu3 the minimum of driving they are obviously running for blood. I ' ; 8d. to «J7». 4d. per cwt. li«i weight. vanlages of the Ii-iah farmera the supreme importance qf ¦ ' '( 'i- ' " •ncr in a *haff-cuttcr to a )en«th of from US*. woecon over the cart for required before entering and jafter leaving ; ' The master, silent, watchful, and aloof,¦ v'^ 1 ' - - . -¦ ¦ ' ¦^'^¦ i: : At' Stanley market, Liverpool, ! the de- farm purposes= . H« quotes f,v, . joining -with: tharifellow-farmdrs in equip- ' v lr . , J'in. to 1 in. the straw will mix readily at to m we j^ the lairaee. TherCare five separate tedj / has-already i commonced to wriggle his The O ldest Established and most tTp-to-' •with pulped roots and suoh. bran, rniind for cattle was e^ow Aid. 6Jd. known authorities on the edvsntnuc tion B or divisions in the building, w .piug every; county-w irj Ireland -vpUi a.n as- : " rif '^1 ill:bp managed by wiiy down the declivity by a bit of rougher . . Daio Firm¦ in! the T ade. :i :. meals, etc., and this.d a capita! way f>er Jb. • Business was slower at unaltered ?raw over root? and cake for tha feeding acoommodation; in the aggregate for sbciatibn ^hich farm- ' ¦ ¦ " " ^f 1 ' going than anyone else deems it worth ¦ . ' • : • . /•; ¦ '}¦' • •• -- ,- ¦ - ¦- - ; L - -I" ¦URi ng. it, [but if fed - in^ 1-hc long Btat^, prices at Newcastle and Salford. Unfin- of citt'.e.j and crives wveral iriFtiinc*? < f about (fifteen htincl red cattle. A slaughtexJ ers for farmers, and |bp able^o $peak and -while to face in ' i . *. . - j. . : ca- the falfe att with Aiithoritv rinihehul f of ?1H rrn>n> hii order to get to hounda eiiher by itself or half and half wrthfc'ay, ished .tl« made 20a. to 30a. "less at iVonomy -?f winter feedimr house, provender ' , other peces-j ¦ : : LAEQEST STOCK! IN EB ELAND. ; . on the ptore >nd foit a finish; \be morning is wearing oin. - ¦¦¦ - - • ¦ were iillpsje pvpJcm bers . - - s: ,: i I" - , j- - , •:. , •>, the catt.V will eat it readily. (2) In :all Ltjicenter, but prime ^attlo active aided by th»> various cakis sary accommodation have also been pro-j wpenn enoiig(i jilihough there was an incrtfaje in the me ""'"rut cror. of the FOJI. and mav 'bo best known principles from plans pre- conwious ol tlie i hitlicrto (hoee lqt^er. for! Sale or Hire. Band-mac » from Best ' ¦wlabbiihed ¦ fact.'lhat shikes himself: at tho : relief. '/The ' girl i/vl complaint, Try heating tho . milk ! or pumb.'r <-f (iheep offered at the jfetropol- and mnintal ittd at IPM" pared bjr the Company's Enyineer -and engaged in] agriculture have not displayed ' Twilled Canvas; Price list 1 nd¦ 8amtJ«s , - K:. .^ «ENS'|'MX^^|PtH . .[ & 0() jtan market, ih« demand wns firm at nerje than any nth^r feed *^ shades her eyes with her hand and peers ia application. ,' !.- .-', : ,;,'.- ;' -:/ , :¦; f-" ;|. . V ;- : . ..:-';'H^i^iH- - ^J;H:rte4|,; ;:.T- : cr.-am up to. suy . dee. to 100 deg.j F. produce Uie approved of by (the: Board of Agricul«cre, as keep an appreciation of I the value of acioss the gully; sittingAt feasq, her knee . .' ]; ' ; hr placing in hot water th<' tin -can coo- former. r»ie^.-Th» highest qiitjtrttion was Jnnd can j.produce. . The cmss. r,Te I ! ^ lifted-over.,tho pommol and her foot out ;.1 SACKS JorJBaie'- OT .'Hrre'.'^' . test lto«lity tsinintr it-. Tlien oool down-»he churr^ng Gs. Sd. .pt-r stone of 8 lb., t,hii» being 2d. -meat products, and • igi h oi the reception of-stock. i: - : • • - • - •¦! liJrer *tdj 4hBnkinff ,fttnrrierB !.will at -onoe above In^t yeaf. Lambs were in Unproved °TeaW factor, in of of (the. Htirnirifox the sakd of a stretch/ New, aid Spooodbaadj. Corn and' ftftarto '-.I: iv> quickly a* ' possible to .. fho'ut' SO dej. • 11,* maintimatv^ Wo admit that M ever need exteSed foV- get- ' OveUe\Etoic«»|oin"firttf ia"!Nov«ntiet,'-{BM :;?. retuHst and »IM>: adysDced ,'.WT etone, •Hw liTf stork industry of ¦ Tor them cotsea- ah 1 intoxicant volume] of Sadcs jilways iniQtoesi-'.Bpec1 at "Terns-to•theylaw2dos»n:-p^iwednra^ igj3foT6n>: ;. ;:: F, If it occurs npnin, heat Up tho churn- ^ ttOnfirecoun- ting tofeethler .. it; ia • ot prtwnt;. Every sound—now a, -paeari"df" joy-', and • triumph, ' hireo' large- Utf, «f:, , , and cool down rupjdlv: to LlKibc«1 matin? up to Cs. Od . ¦ ' uinst 6s. trv than all other fec .ist of -a- A Irlsh Mij} Trade Threatened J . anon all discord, yetMiweetest harmony; n Grt deg. 'F.^ und cdntinue chiirninp. The?* 4 - ., ,y :j . . . . i. .;, ' ; . -; ¦ plexed 'silenci. then forth cally dressed Cpnvas,i . -arid BtfsV India f ]o *- - vj- Employers ?d. Wr lb. for the former and 7}d. to jiroj. »nd wacon? for enn-yine the cra?»ofi. has- } > ¦ '" ' •; • break^ anew 1 j Can you >ll m> who is respon suble under . The Irish Pig, Dealers'-Association Wish farmers.-^. : i .;. ', : : .; ; with redoubled vigour, - and swells to.a Rubber: Covering, :i- -; ar* injured nt hay-drawing or threshing At 8»lford the fpreheep comins winter riuiuld vicinity , pig I . Ktprted] in each county.that'does not' al- thejEignificant brief' silence'preceding tho lng>>u«, etc:, ilent on hire. ' -r-^; .Ujj, ¦ , -¦ *upp\y. demand procur* Mr. Hiu.Rey TA' TiAbadaa nnW« f rtAat^' ; i no uveuc i spic« oo, Newi r} ' . ' oporationsf AVith u* it is iiniint for neJph- Di that town . in futuTe l onJ caeh' Thursday; n^v ' firvma tfVmniiA* '-' who-whoop that rings its message!of : Pure 'Mianilla BinderiTwine, Cord,"Yarn , . i was i!ow, but prkes ior ilaiabs wero Burgh%« book and study if carefully.] the month. \ " l>rtnrs to tend .their meni from ins WpVIn . . \\ , ; The Association ' auggesta to i-- the Urban " ! " ¦ ¦ ¦ * other for thrtsliinj, etc. In such a cme ¦! For Wore stock the demand; continues tlhct organisations working in, close tooch roiling »pa obtain ctaoeMiohft for their mem- ¦ ' ¦ ¦' •¦' ' :! - - l '¦ ' ¦' ' ' were jraall iall the animals oflwd being of Sheep gen tleman. ; j ' i , . - ; . - ;1 > ,. " .• • • » : ; . ' .i -::- liV ii - . .i .' . -p ".' '; ' K . scab i fairs.' It was Urged th« Ume ^- hftfl ' . . j . . . ; . -n . .) ca~e of accident? \Y1 > would be respon- l, rjsli. \Theie was little or no t prices ««* be|r» sopd ifully. ,JuitHy lha..[effort .whtth l; if the man in charge of Ihe mill or ra4*» come when ^the 10-hDura' diteption pfl"«J their publishment and wjll . 1 he man iri the - check coal glances at sible rangkid from J£7. io £17 10s; i per bead, maintenance ^' and : 0. CE^<3EBt!8T.' ca«e of a hired Mr, D. & Prentice, chief veterinary in- across-Channel should be .dropped. The call ;for, but | added strength) and interest hie watch. V Forty roinutesf-and ifg past '¦ ¦ : fliere vJyere fe»-«r etore Bbeep, Wt\ supply spector ten -they'll, go home,": he A \:- - ;iUn«). DDBijiNj '$& [-$i\ '¦ j«>t heiD<: u=i>d? (2) When cattle-are iri- consisting of the Department of Agriculture1, Secretary . was instructed fo-write to tha nrie deilv&i Uom active and organistd fcays nonchal- JTrtHBt- NEW -<'lwlE ft ^i^HOtl I feiSp ?: &^"5 chieflj of ; Uf .headi' Store in straight, puts ' L - : ' " : -' tiooiVrH . ¦ -¦i: \ j.;| the Jand?; <3) What would. ;. be- Ca^ fair - incr^a*a the. number-of outbreaks!of on pips booked through ns jn force before localities ; hv approaching and 'dealing [her bright knee over the ui- . f" -v S- .C^fP?«* ' i %: . pif i weri In firm demand. Supplies were sheep ¦ - maters; porbmol again and her left; foot into the ' : 1; charge per . Irwli ««• for cuUing cor^i m6dera4e at! Leicester, j enb, and of sheep ' ut'acked wiUt the roccnt embargo Dp, live stock y . . - . with of . rodre than Jocalsignifi- " iroleira ?hii jiddresa;'' eairoloi bi.Ihibluj'. ' mcTj Trado fo* grazing this diieade: Th» cance. |.Indeed, most ! of ', -the ¦• stimip ; - they turn : their horses' head*.' •¦ : with A rear>cr and binder, 1»o beir* mounbiinous district! giieTanoes ¦ \-¦ .\- . -: ^/TWephwM'Wfc^i-r^- lp' «tikk wais . flat, bat dairy A special! meetiig of the : As»ocl«tioa ch fa ' ' "' ¦*¦ • ' ' :¦(. * ? ¦ » • -> < ¦•¦ . ' *¦ > ' " f animajfi ad- As ithey pass pack into the depths »f w. • .r . ; . r • - . . * .rjj•(:*. . -%^•. ' r * ; nerit with- the. "machine and . the hor»*» ; of JreJand appear iq be .largely aceouht* ' dop itation coneiiting of and : difficulties undier/Vb^ rmarB dim •Slil Miw iii vahced aKi per bead. ^ j; ' • appointed a supplied by lntrien «nd the Colonlfiji Air» . laktni? 8hc«p!belon«iAjr 4o vsrioqi Treasurer; j, JEdfraid' Brown-, John J: affects Ihe interests ;of one nfsy ger>era]ly 1 ; if liable who pays the ge 1 owneM «rra7/> in -cairirnan'on OQany cf ibi Jv>t taken as afTecUng, UTO terorests of ••if. of he horn aa the ihuntsnjsn blows his the person, or firm ^s: number*' of high-e]a«R cattle,'aheep Byrne, «enr., and IJ pofhn Heneberf/, to I vhy * ; irnges; that is, the I man wop wounfftios, and, the aifficultfoa of collect- wait on'tho'man^g ira the various Dub-I Hfnce 4tx^ rea«on • '. ifolation among flm I call for Shis strayto hounds / before man hi* and piga bom the united Kingdom fo^ i! t^mifor »ny: purpose ftre wet ding his-way ba^k ktanels.1 • " i may be injured.. (2) .Te3 ; *h? rwiKTr vnir the improvementof their gioci. I in- 5? c^uidMrl lin sshippinghipping compcornp ihiainlea to a^lcc them toto; *»««&oc!«tieH««¦ »i»Is i as -«idanangerouseerous; njis . iwi»Upnisolation . \ '" ffbe able. Tlrefe sheep, da rulo, * .-;¦ • • \ ally mentiona "fire and".lightnin(r. J\.f mase in U» exports thi*year is remark- * are taldont Uketake aA share of l!th)!D#A\piigir traffictraffi c and wno rere-1^ ^njong |ndividual8, ,( . ;V : :.(• -Jj :., - we»Qje(t»i;»wr,i'#avJon-e, «qd . \ ' \ *im«r«;.:ami, sliould; ahcep scab «pp*M ' rty:ah4 than. amongst any ' trade, by the strike ion, thq¦li.'ianil :N. -W4 nopto ^>a non-sccurian 6rgani3aii(n, ; both shbjjld'.be included in! 'the policyi of them the opportuniUe* Railway. This 8te|)|wSs taken b^cauBe it ;which sewrai * ! : fArmirs assoclations'ire ¦ (3) II yoa *re l^ttrrtf out U)o (nivchirst »od was pointed out Tby the ' President, Mr. ! already] affiliaied; is Anxious to give ill ' "^": !; ' " " 1 ¦? i «re -rety !favputahf^. -*he ". ' in -• ' ' ' :;- ' -ir- " ' '" ' • men yourself you n>ifrhi,*bacm» io8. n clsjr ; very.trifling Patrick McKenni, hat, tho Irish livfi-pig ! ^4 «kf : jits ppwfcr I to any district'or ' '1 ^> f tbe infchitMt And; 8iO day eajj SjgiS| giftraws •whci«!bgaj trndc wiu:.threaten id Mth extincjtion un-1 ,oo^ity whith-iit»re«ent laiks j the menfiyou haw to Uke! tl«i ri»k!o p^oceeUinRa .-ire^tnl le«'raetWhg, *iM Idone at '<»« iofprp- :n^br(taiupeajf«*inerV «>sociitJ6n ', ion fiie tnu 4pat^\wi*li offlbjd^laT.toithe. ynlon. -n/, r 'i stitutod a«atnjt;owjier»:bf f r , A rrftngemeni«>ire ibeirYg^ade'for;puty ,« I injury, »oi tbftl thi» dwrfei ,* -aoV t<>' »heen offorf Sli tedlf lnd lQitif St. I Vka tfJfiMfp ^ f ntp! Hmi t>t hose *hicT» «n> flolnj nwt awJal m-mi- ^i«rety\UoofD &»'|1 ¦urn;jo.: ftpart (1 ttfe.;-^jB(«ri<» ' tlm [ forth, an i< ifdMr to wjaipjovery oounty ' i: much., la we«tber- ?ucJj, n*.?O)U,[ -will eck . 1903 of the erpoH oNlvo pig* w«Vbe?6ra : * «6|rlP lii OaitoUei- DtWta;' MeatK Wl- ' Wi->. -. ^lii^^iattaaaSL wt teirotB [ liRht- .corn; standing .well, and thu»!fit;t( hJm; and he found hat it read1 a» follows r Tt'tiny. Carl(jw, • . Trpperftry, wit i at least bOQifararidi of tho Uftion, - J ^ ^ Limeri k, ant i every;a^ls^ancbw; lU'be «rVBnj , proohii iBd MODdJy« kUM ' cut air roiwd. ynii\ MKhiltfrdo rfx- lrjul —1903: MXWDi 1D04. . -fiOOJOOO; 1905,; '.^< «ora, KJnJs'B Oonnty, etc , «tc: - ,r , ; .iiirt Btres.per!d»y. Forinuk-hjnfit nd ''¦ ¦ L '. ' ¦Hit ' ; °j 46 ***mjit .jn thorefore.^ tbe .chanre wooM he ZsiX ' adm 4o-#nr opnTOOeoM ^»bich miiht : itif iCpi ra ekht ai drop of > | tafttlnv ulsi imm. i »hP52nB] je»» »n beHe*«* 'tbalt fin lers w U beTfoS tit - l!F Cbfisldewble prrf ;pTactJc»Uy «8,t)0O nig*.* M tWa tsUte of <^» i^BviT^ Me».'»/b*insr made:in tfitkrenb mrbi nr . : .flu rt «nih!>iWMtlc».;«od;** .»«« •ffairt continue*; It ^rouia 'Be$&€ia*y : rnc?etttetl ' r;i«kSh jDf^a^S^ K5«J?{inl*J r . */-f< *fl iuthorrtie* Tiwjri' fiiSeiilnltr^Ittrei Jwd »M Diie«M» .ter . of * few. year* i-?$en;t>fe fajbgigj , pn>«:;&irW4 tn-mpet,-Unit. ;objSrt of AniWiln! Art Uri d«*ftr« . pt thfo I ittlet ff» tcfttnrtte «V )f ypnr 1* had to train( _ thel n vJote to ; WiUrfoj rd,. i fqr^rirjjti flwjf ibefM&i&ietwtWi Tnrolitt * 1 **• «w*PW different i(nrn^;tsi&&tpr Mto t> ni, f^j^mmiEw^nm ¦ courw."*ddltlonal expenso and ponsiaeji ami •drtoe'da; m pfp^ss^^rpg ; • -.v.-i to tha etewi lo b^JUfc'tb m ¦'¦ *¦¦ ' ' " '¦ ' ¦ ^Vr ' .-'^l- . • I' '!". • • ;- • !¦] !H' - ¦ {¦ ¦ 1 > : : ¦ ' '' "¦ ' ¦ t: ¦:! ' i\f '' ^ - . \:/ :¦' .. .< - . ; I / - . i s : ;1M!' :i' il-F H i;| ¦ ¦ ] ¦ ¦ j , ; ( ^ "}>¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: : : ' ¦I " "p ' ; 1 1 ' : Vrr ; " ;; :; !- , ! ri : -; r 1' ; ' ;[; . .I li - i :- : ,| \ -r v • • ; H I ¦ v-fe-:-iV ] '' ^W0 ; mm, ft fefc^:'!' :^- " !- \+ " < ii . i f ; i:i r m^m^m ' " ^- ' ' :H- •: ¦: |.v- ; !- - v - ' : t-: :i - > \ :i i a . :.;. . .i .vi i Wi - ¥^k\^3^0Mi^MkW^ W lv-;: "^l- 'fefeM^^i mm^f kki iffidH i .

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' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ • ; , .) I I- : 1 "!, - - M-^S ' K # ¦ ¦ ; 'V ¦ ' ;. ¦ ..«. . ;. ! :.w¦ -b;- v DISPLAY ' ' ^. ' ! • ¦ •; -¦ ^¦ ¦;: ¦ s-N\ H— -'• . . / ^AGNifFJ^ENT : . -! ;.;. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' '' ¦ " ' ' ' - ¦ ¦ 4':: ;' ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ .[¦: , \ -:'OB; , ,;¦ ,.. .;• . ' : - v .;. : .. . : . . U/rH:1 i- i '— ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ^ I' u 1 1 ; ;:¦ , ^-: !;¦;. :/{ii&W^Utiinin i-;. -v - ;f :. ^ .Tv ^ , ¦ -V3(i¦ liK:- H; ; ¦¦ - •' y¦ ' : - '!>-: -. :--.L-! .i!':;ai3::! ^L- r> •' •" '• ' • ; at a Bis Discount off usual . . . . , •• -¦- . i -. |'\.\ - ^. -'\ ' jiiaiu ' ^ Special Lots wcrei.lpurchascd ' 2^ The jolUSwing Very ¦ BpQh ¦ ' ' ' . i ^f i-@ ' • . f rptt ' I- . . . Bargains to dear:— ; ; . ¦ .;. I- - • . ¦ : therefore are offering Wonderjul , " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ prices, akd we ¦ ¦ ' v ' - • ¦ - ¦ ¦ ! • . ' each. , i . •; 'J i . . . . ¦ ¦ ' Horringrxine Sergo (cloth finishdd) , 8a lid SHOWN-IK A :¦ , i . : 150 Costume Lengths, Navy ! : ' ! EXAOI PI»DUCT«iN8 AS 'WEEK. ' ]¦ :i ! 12s Cd, 14s Cd to ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ' ' • ' >"i ,^bl/3NXON;L^OT ;; ' . ': j, Black Sorge Shawls, 7s Gd, 8s Cd, 10a Gd, ^ ; ¦ ¦ ! :• PAEI8 A Splendid Variety ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ; • 25s GJ each. ' . ! . .f^n^ ¦ ¦ : ' ¦ ARE:— ¦ . ¦• \-f ' ! ¦: ' ¦" : ' ; :: : ' : ' ¦ ¦ j : 1 : THE SEASON'S NB^f COLOURS ¦ • ¦ ]^ir© - - ' ¦ ¦ ' ! : : l^ie ; ->' • ' ; ' ' ¦ " ¦ ' : and cannol be repeated . . ! ; i- 1 ' : : J • ¦ - . TOIL jBLBE, {. : [ ( \ \ \ ~: .\:. \ These undoubtedly are Excellent Value ¦ j - ' ' ' ¦: ' ¦ ' ' : " ' ' .'-, >i - :. . : " ' . BRONZES. ;' \ ! i i f- - ' - \ .' ; • ': ( { ¦ ' i ' ' ¦ ' ¦ '¦ ' ' I' - :¦¦ • — TOBPjBLlJEGRAYS. i -' . ^l . 1 ' KHMCOW. . - ¦ 1 AND ' " ' WATERFORD' ' ' ¦ ¦' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' f '' " ci¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i|s: - |iii ¦ • ¦ ' :; ¦' ' • : ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ • ; /^• ;• " "'I- ¦ '" ¦ ' * [¦ . ¦ • - . - /* if;! . ' - -i - ,> ¦ -¦ ' .; • : L ...... i > : . ' AND i ; i . U: ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ -:| ; ; 1 . . >' • /: GaOPLllETANS. . ; - ' CO.,, ' ' ' ' ' ; ¦ ' Ltd;, ' ' ' S • : ' , i 'i ¦ ¦ - - / ¦ • "! ¦ : ¦ ¦¦ • ^j- !. ; : JRER0USON . .. . j ROBERTSON,! LEDLIE •: ;. . : -H- j ' ! !| ; WA TERFQRD ^

¦' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' '¦ ' " ' ¦ " ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ :¦ . . ' . . • ; UMITED, AND- ilEfl 1 . - •I . . p: ; aLSo i CABINET, BlEcinsrma.i ¦ i ' - i " - : . r . . WATBRFORD. ¦ •: SHOWEB BATHS.;A i I » iJJiciiafli Straot, [ , .rr ; ; - i¦ - :¦ ; • • ; .j;q :v ;i- -^r^] i: :j .;, . v; D ' ¦' ¦ ' GENTLEMEN'S PREPAI . • - ¦tADIES'iiANp ¦ ; ; ; ; PEN! ¦' WATBRRQRD i '| :!'X.BATHS^iD; j i;: ; ADVEBTISEME3STS ' w'sBKiPAYS-^ii^'^o^« ) p-roi rnCFAID ADVEBTI8EMENT BOALB.

* ¦ ¦ ' ; ' On» , Con*ociiUv« ¦ ' ¦¦;- ¦ " • : ¦ I: ¦ Ca, of Word*. SHOWS • !• , :-: - -ti :?r ¦ •: ; ,!¦ I ' ^-y; ; • • ;.;! '!¦!: ¦«-! J^• ; Insertion . Insertions. SPECIAL . . ^vl . , \ r EVEilYi DAY OF ' Oi W ... 2d ' IS ' ¦ 1» Od ' " ¦ 6d ¦ : ... ¦ -¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 18 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦)• - =:-# : -["K ¦ ¦¦ ( • ¦ ¦] ¦ ¦{ <:¦ - Is £d :¦ • . I „ 4d . M " uea ro 6d 1 iioN'Ti-LOSE Tti0\ ANTf MONEY VELVETEENS ARE NOW BEOOMINol, VERY FASHIONAdLEj FOR LADI ES I ... 7d 2» 0d " .; • T^VEmNG| ^Y;i^N- . , <3 OF ! <3 ... 8d , 2» miles travelled. ; ; , ¦:'. ;. I ' : ¦ - , * 'f. i." •* 1 • . ARTICLES FOR GALE 1 ®tT¥ « : -g. 8 "iiAvj; ' oJ : ; • 1 ; |: ; !^ARAGE, LL I . Cp«y!^'S Sugat P^Gt® Draperb -artd OuWJttGro, - , BISCUIT, Bweet, Flour, Tea and : Bags, in all siies, at "News" Print- 47 Tho Quay, V/atcrford PP!©©. 3/S p©'ir «jospni ing Works. Moderate Prices.. Organ for 8aje;l ; two ptatJRCH , \J Manuals and Pedal Organ; 30 Stop* 1 FatjnMSr I Aperient . > including coupler*; now standing in Bal- TUrriefs Church, Waterford. Must be Antlbnij iu^;!Pills.- j. | lybricken instru- : i^or sold 1o make room for large -new particulars apply , to Alex. ment. For FOR (JIDDINESSJ' '^ICK-JHEADA'CHB]' Chestnutt, C-rgan Works, Waterfoid. ST' OMACH : AND LIVER! COMPLAINT; try J. U. : COSTIVE- COAL—If you wani the beit. INDIGESTION, 'jH^EftflML Traroore. ; | , : '.]¦¦ ¦ : ; LodfM. 12, Glac3otono Street, WatortorcO' , i . l\. NEsijjETc •;, ,| TO ORDE R SMITH'S P\ ' Rehder, by FarreU, oi These ' PiH^^re nbwjperfeetedj by sugar-; FOE Sale, Tea being ts ^newr one NeW Dray CM, ' ' coatingj thus preventing |the drugs BriBtol; : , ¦ AfegiMTS - • e3REAb TO-P^Y. ! D and;plea- Foley, ¦ i^tAN .!' em easy S. HOUSE • and . rendering!Ih' Apply ' ¦' . and horse- 15 hands. : ' -.. i tasted, \a fit i. : . ! neither 3trangmiHs. ' . .• • ! ¦ ' Beat ati d Ic aKyayo of eaint -to; ta'kq ;' thelt itialitifes • are Life It lo impaired byj time JoiTj dirninished by. from 7.30 to yff^gjga^& ?*? the latest Tea you li > , ' - ' Cturrlck«on-Sulr, 10.30. Good orchestra. AIT It's quite different to any Perl lib r on Deposit of 3 por cent ! Vianc—City and DIotrleiL Agontbat No.v8^i !i i i Excellent floor: Every, HOUSE—Np.2 Eaton Terraee,|Tran;ore, Cosh Received , ?3>)^hpne ! :jM!; ;v j i dance music. ' ' repayable (practically) . on demand. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Ladies and Gents, 5d. ever tried "before. furnished or unfurnished;'2 BiUfngrpoms. ¦ ¦ 1- ¦ ¦ * . «- . .. j' . ,;¦ „ thing up-to-date. ,\ ' and AmericanMoney Cashed. •, - «-: ¦. • , " . . ..•¦• .,- .,. . .j-^- V -'t ._ ;¦ tj . y.j- v _ ¦ L r. Coupons , . | 3d. : I I ! 1 » • 6, bodrooms, bath Q and^.)! . j_ each; Spectators. • • \ ¦ -¦ ' ¦ • I . ' 1 : ' : ¦ OICVCLCS Af tO MOTORS, j .r -iv.' -B%r£iy ?i i \: \ ¦ : ¦ ¦!¦ ¦ fo^ & toco ; 'M : M- : ! ¦/: 8ale, SJ b.p. F.N. Mitor Cycle, ii ,| HowiAkD i :| ! i . Hi FE Also 2} h.p >^. PIANOFORTE & MUSIC WAREHOUSE, ' ¥^k)pflfiiyiD order; a bargain. * Practical Coachbpildcr. : good • :: :j : _. . . 1 "Phono 133 ,, i|^ : PUS AT.-S Motor Cyela; French make.l What oilers: ¦ ' ; : ' Motor Gar «¦ QUAY.,WATERFORr). ¦ : !fhbcien,-| Waieiji?brd. ' \ Oaa be seen at W. Douglas¦ * 3 &!4;!Broad Street, WATERFORDl WSm ,V ' ! |-l [ ¦ ¦ u : ¦ ¦ V : 6treet- ¦ ' :¦ ¦ Berestoxd i • , ¦¦ : ii MUSICAL/ : : j | EVERYTHINQ - ¦ I ¦ ¦ CJ9 • WMlfi' f ' B - F I = ' ¦ ' ¦-: i : : : : ^ ^ i GOM tm$ WI JL; • ' 9 ' ' - - ¦ !¦-! ' -: " ¦ rf-) - !- : -i : ' ¦ i-: ' ¦ 'I- - i : ¦ • i .>: r . ¦ ¦ ' 1 . H— I . - . ;ALL JKEO)S OF CARRIAGES, CARS.. - :: week to; extinguish a fire in one of our . ' . . DOOKO, ac. I , I,t U>ok a ecore of men more than, half a : ' ' . ; Large Stock ol Pianos, Violins Mando- whatever ^iat our Cool ' .|ETC.;-MADE AifD|;EfEPAIRED. . . got ignited. [We have! now no doubt . j Melodeons, Gramophodco, ond Ro- beips; of Coal once it ¦ ACCURACY, Taste, and fcfeatnaes ch»- lines. ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ "¦ ; . all the Printing! turned out land Accwwoiies for oil wijlburh. ' j N i| ¦: ¦¦ ¦ -\• j j . racterise ' ! ' 1 > ; wrdu Flutes, Etc., < ; ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . i. j I : , Water- ..•¦ - . L- i RUBBEti-:TYRni( 0N THB.; •t the "News" Printing Works , | p GJ ¦ • • " l ' ! • ' Musical Instruments. ¦ ;¦:-' ¦-, .; ¦ i j ford • - . . '. ! . - .:: J.j . ;-PBJE!MISES, i EADT1FULLY printed i Art fiourenir ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' Presentation ' ! 1 r Y^yMA^l •! : ! •of the Centenary ol Oa j COPY REPORT : ; Agent for Collordand Collard;AlliBon e, tilM3lf.i® sale at te©0y!lLlL^01nl s € ENEBAL SMITHWOBK , Oarrick-on-fiuir, now on s Convent 1 Ltd.; Estoy Organ Go's Instruments, and ;:;; ' : : Printers , "News" Printing Works, ' •;¦ ¦ftnoyivj;WlitetfOf4 .i- . ¦/• -> <:/ -Lk_iL.T: i|; tee ' . . ¦ , 2 9 ; ¦ .;. ' sg ¦¦ ' ¦ ^ post 7|d. Cad CelebratedAuto. Pianos, which ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' .]¦ ! I ' @^ ¦ . ¦ ¦ by! KastnerV : or g©@dl • , : ! i ': . , ¦i :. ^' - CHlTkt.TiR. : I fpHE "News", Penny^ Railway and Ship- I' f?-% ©3, QUAY . ,J; ;. ,- : n6w on ffl . ' ' ' ' ¦H-f% X pin*. Guide (or September ' : • ' ¦¦ ' • ! ' K 'i . 1 : ; i : rale at ail Booksellersand)N ewsagents,j I I ' ; ' , '' .' I, : « .J " EA3pn. : " EMPLOYMENT WAttTCD. I PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS—Continued p. -! .. :/• HUMTINtjl. ;^ ; ' aHd; Faf rtiiarfl t : - : "M •!.1 .. ; ¦ j j j J- -]l--M—- -:; -TrT-n-rj ::!.; OITUATIOFJO VACAWT. M1^^ ' /"I ARDENEK desires Employment, daily r.nccaLLAr:2OU0 FDR : ' ' ' ' HUNllNGTTUNllNG BO6T8 j *Q*6 ORDERORDER;; $<& VT or weekly; well up;in All branches I I pLEASi ^0iE ;THil!c V * T/S1M' 1" HfA*BTM FLVwiij, • • :¦/: . A ii. (Bottle «t tho and well cared fox; must be well able to - will reeeivo a Special 2s. ' GARDEN, PARM. CIO. Hai*Toaio Wrile; small «alary to cdmmence with. ii£raip§) MttlTARY-BdO liiAl^ER)!83 , QUAY«¦ BruBh F«w, 'at Bell's, OS and 69, : :: ' ' " ¦ : ' Bait ' " Apply /7 L«rv ' iV Cell ; r^SSwi ' rf MBGEB tOOK07 A Waahinff Qlove Fxoe at £• \ DISABLED HOBSES AND CATTLE POTATOES.—Goodnewi fijrlthe housed eei«« BAR.—YouiigLady wishik to near of a J^ Pays HIGHEST PRICES fo/ DEAD AND IODEBATE CHARGES. ! y ?^ /W ; : vacancy to above; «ood sppeaToncc; L CHARGE3. keeper. An abundant crop and Oift-Every purchaser of a MTB / tVAIcfej, ret aoqable disti ace iron 1 ^aterlord. ;]WJiiJe you hsTOJiIrislirnento . Suppqrt> excellent io be had at 6d. per PBEE hiehest testunpniala. Address 481S, | J Same removed from nny place within a quality A,' Tube of Bixall ToothPaste wJU 7* ' ¦ ' ' stoae, in iom etono bags, I at R. F. C3, "ETCning News" Oniee. I ; - QUICK DESPATCH. " ' 'on Receipt|otTel egiamst '; V : • ceirtj Tooth J3rJih.FTCQ at Bell a, S DESPATCH- j ^^ ^ ^ , ;, AU,animalsimmediately remond 1 Phelan's, 49; Quay. i i * ' : ' ¦ J^r ^^J^LLtRY^/HALL, OTFIOB ' ) 69. Qaay. ¦; -1| ' | | . RES3MAKEES,—W«ntbd immediately ^^^^ ; PA! ^^\ ^B ^^in ^^8 |iE;te.' i. 2 First^olftss Oo»t Makers and 3 ¦:$ : ¦' ¦ QSVERAL daltoas Pure New MUk ro i> Glass can be Ve- , if^^^^TI^ SHOP CWkJKB. 's,' Gracedieu, • j ;. • OABit§^(XNiBuiB,v ? /; Milk Depot, Water; A BCOKEN *ne of Bodioa Makers; good wagrts«nd. porman- A|fD K^©fe ^s^' rford' ^ VJ- |; j ^ KJ quireddaily. Bhwi notice by H. Bell. ^ ! v ' J - ! ' ¦ '• ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ; il, plaood «t ¦• tot employment. Jlcaxno¦ ' aDd Co.. Ltd. AT CO , i ,. . . .; /::• • th7 TELEPHONENo. 69J ] . : ;< v/ ' : ,' Quay;, : ¦;. • . . . .. , r . ! J ^ VBJCES 6urr ALL ' . 9 ] ^ . - . • i i\ i Qiaos Warehou^o.^13 1 53, Quay. , * ! <>J ^ ;^v J . cpTn GHT TO A ! ^ ^v ' HIGHESTS PRICES ?AI^:FOB , iutVE HOBflE^B! OU OTJE W0B68. ¦^¦JH OTSB 3 Iron Tonic.PilU cure [DEaJVEBY;;: : jSfcma ^eiia^lftwiliijf; FOn j OALS. Dtt. BLAUD' T>EQUIRED« General iBemnt-; mili AND;CASH PAID iFQB 8AMB BY bUB BIANA&SR ON KOUOCO j Anaemia; ie*»ly taken; perfectly V " I ^ containing '12 dozen Is. XV one cow; wash ; >usa»l housework. ¦ ' ^«^]To»l ^^t^^Qmiik^i?8t ai> tastole»; bottles Apply to 4813, office of thla paper. . ; 1 ¦ : ' " ¦ ' ¦ QEVEN-DAY ^Lieensedi Fremitcs ioi White «nd Sons. Ltd-. ChcmicU, ' • r I i part of city. For p4r Gearge ¦ ¦: O' Sale; central WaUrtard. : i' j: : . ' . i ^4 Paya , HJghwt j Prioea for , all «ias»» tiealua »PPlj to Daniel ' Dunfon}' ft&d STABLE Lftd wanted; must be highly O'Kiefe's pay Micr Pric& tbao any oiber .Finn. -i " ' * ' W«ferforo%. j , | tha Tocommeoded. and able to rido. Ap- \ I ¦ ¦! • • i Dad Street, - -H J • 'I I ¦ • *- W ? 'Xt ?* ¦ li- . -;:,¦ .1 this office. ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - . : J . J*? ' ' ' ; ¦ ' . ' |,, No free plftcesJ; ,j| !¦ i *" i *Waterford.. " " ' ' ' " ' " " " ¦ ¦ ' ^ - - ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ V • !? ' : - . : , . ; your '-feet Warm and Dry by KBEP ' Insoles: WAOTED te Gnto:iod«i/ jratrftitj KOC0B8.VCHICLCO , HARNS^O.^ko using G, (While and Son* . i* i 1 Q. Wliito «n«ll totnTly;' able- to *nd f - " 4a.. and 6dt per ftftir. - .: i:t M. Street, nri™t*lk /end^ ntake.*am«caf|igener«Uy^ uso ¦ ' BOOM. Ud O^Ctopjafllf . | ¦Ml ;• !r i^^M3Miiic^:*;';v.-]y-: -. - TVOHKEnCBTr »p'*ad^ Rarbcefors Saic; ^ Appl, i ii l i i : 3J periact order. , AbtHy!. «I3k thi» JFelt for Eoof Covering, Sftl-W A3?" . . " V J M -VM;M- :: • - • T EATHKtttTfi ['yr :^^M ;-^ .; - ¦ ¦- ¦; ^- i- ^y ^^ ¦ ¦ • ¦ -!¦ ¦ . N :;- , :j cheapness. '^ : <« > , •:¦ : , ; j, . ; JLJ combinesj durabttity:and Pamphlet *nd "sjun- ; MBtW «. :aWd ^jana= f ilwiiMlbajfe. BMurefr^Juisi- , : B*ieirf1 trap; : rubber Irlab. Winte fpsxla U; oMer;;«niGeneral Smith mrt. Sale, Ageats-jQcorge ¦ i ¦¦ "POB Ibb; ¦ ' ; ' ¦:: • ¦ •• * > pieatree to>m OCHOOUO ACACEMICO !:-:¦ ¦ " > .- y.- - f - -; U - : i .. . ("Apply (his ¦ ¦ I' - . &ol 6piiNi p 1 ; ' . . . -LJ "P JC' tyred; paxtl neit; ¦ 49W, -• y-i- Waterford. ". x IM4 :li^l'i Sons; ' ¦ : and ' * . • : r :¦•;. .[¦ . ..;. .-.•> -r ; " . , r;i Mi r.i 1 , ; -ofllcc. . ;- - ' ;.,. j 1 . 1 - < Stoven al iVEB ?i 8E^ETi..^ATEBFOBl>. NBWi Lamps, Lanterns and ! ENTLEMAN ha« (or!«(«. Smart Slab' . Georgo WlHte and Sons, Ltd., (Wa- nONVENTS and Schoo » ara invited to \ ¦ 1 ' r ^aaples 6f[pur ' 24¦ ¦ , Broa¦ tly ExereUe At ¦ : promp v •'¦ berntylW fialli Txap, to fit 14-16 Repairs of all kinds :-;!¦ . ' ; ¦ ; . •: vi be »i terford.: j o i. "i ; . •:!' . j. .|. " ; se«n ' ; ] ¦ Books. Pcncils^ ,j. and oth«r Bchool Requl- , ^ |li i |t | || ^c| | band*. Cai^ iDtjbbya s Tard. attended to. ; ; ¦: : i sitei. New."¦ PrinUn¦¦ feWork» . Wafer- [orq, i • [;[¦ i . | | | i i3" TjaOTOGEAjPHY.—OFor Perlect Podnj. |feiii»!:i^A' Finish *nd Moderate LOOT AND fOUWD. I. Baautiful ' PriceB try A.' iHj' PooJe and Co., Artists SINGIUG and Elocution. - Miss E. Mali Waterford. Burne, L.BJk.M., pupils in TAIUIXEB 'of TooW>«ig lost off motor and Photographer*, «, . w*eWe» A , 233- : aboTe.gubjocts. Terms oni.ppircaljon at The '. ' X • cycle either between Woodstown and Tclephona iio ; ¦ e* 29, South. Parade, WatertmL ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ". ' .•;¦.>. ; Waterford • .. • cSo*aBw te»ldo trouble;no meu^ . _ 6idid. I azaarCo. te&t and tww. «£, -Ui|;9fr.i »».,««.. post 3d- OMPETITI mult ot «D) 1 '. v ? ¦'¦ Hmrky,<3be*l*t»i .Berth. A«enU-H. tj ACTNO Re«»!U;—Tha PRO!: *t!.!>. . '.) ¦ ¦ ftu»y. W»tcrford; J. JLv race'Wegraphedto I any •ddrm oo " - : ^^——»——¦"¦p-f-i—»——¦"-n r J | i i Ly JI il_IlL_____ B«n Cbemist;wr 1 ¦ * r* * ¦ ' ¦ ' '' 5- 'f; . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ » * :>h-;-^ . "!:A[^i:; ; ©sP'tW'** I 1 " ¦ " ' * " ; - ' ' . * ' L . « ' *¦ I .' . ". ! ' * * / ! ' i , ' J - r * ¦ ' 1 ' ' ' * V 1 * ¦If. . - ' Cbemui.C*rricfc«n-8oir. recaipt of liS-^WKerfw^ Wen." ' , . , • V . 1 ' , ' tijf. :. :i.?ai tRie Turner.i •' ¦ :! 1 ¦•D^Oi TO^'AKW>URaB/^EM.t - X SgQ^OESSponge*)i S pon^as; wubdrwto ' .;¦ ¦;¦ , ui^vfe;;: ; £>j ADDRESSiWlT? THBiJk m («iMleU^S6te,ltt Cfeotra«b«e md ' 'fiEBil/ ::n .|^|k nmpM Md ; ToQet and AND HAS ipVBE Q Sons', Ltd, Special ralue forin \ TAAMOKBl HOyiKS ;: a Mb apo^e*! Sponge* (Stabtaand ; ¦ ' ' ' ': : ' ^¦: '|- -- <»l|)i8IBTUi& ¦l'r }' '- - ,&iikrij um: - - .; . ' : ARNES ¦ <3*^^ i« ' ' ¦?- ;¦ ¦ :}¦ 'jttWlW«.1WWf » ; V . iiSi «i!{rith «r without itttfncamiri|: mad*;U kd X. wdjrt. iwird cWiHow*; (to^ijwoktag ¦ N th' i . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ttwwj . : - " . il*b«r w iv* ¦ -> ¦ ¦ * - 1 ? . 1 ¦ ¦ .¦ ¦ ^- *1 ¦ ¦ - ' * - - n 1 . i! i j - , I lj>pljr^« 8pB. ¦I' ;¦¦*' uI U :*¦. ;• *. '.- ._ •*J< ''* ' 1 I i J . i . i ¦ tpodcnrM,; ^ ' " ; ' • «ndanoe;t *rp>» ¦ ¦ ' : ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' "• <-:!i/-¦:>\». &M< ' '-¦ ¦! "•¦ ' ¦ '¦ - ¦ '¦ • ¦" . i '/• ¦; ,-., ¦ . . -P.:--1*v P ¦ itih- -'-V-f' ;. '\ -:jc: H i. l^ ¦¦¦¦ • ' ¦-i 5- : ; ' ;¦ ! - •i ; " - -v^ V¦ ¦¦i--JAt> iir vv .=!ji;; -iV1 "; >S - j- " ';i i . .. |. ,ts - . !;v-'-:- ,'»- ..:. J -U;A'. . . & ; .'!t; v.'-..-il . . 4-^» iMnHRni. ' !i^^r^f. r»t Siinayatfe, ^ r.+'Badzooint&i i mmmm,ifepj i aw ¦¦?¦-? - ":- Wm Ili ;!: . v ^i . .s;:;t;l. . .'! -:i iii^T- II iff:** ? mmm ¦ mm •¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ '¦;¦' •¦ ' ' • • • " > ;*. ' " ¦ ¦ <{¦ >»',''¦ >¦?<¦- ¦{' mzi /' . . , . . i . :. / i i s ii ii i immm lViCP. . ;,*-,- il^iWiaiilil ¦ j t <;¦ . -¦ ii mm ¦¦¦ - PE^ • r ¦ , .< v. r AND WESTETO 8ALE^-^ : ;' F j L GREAT SOUTtiiERN^ ¦ QALeO BY JOHN ; MURPH :P^ ; - :|: ^y ^: CA^CKMASiA6CbiiRSING JUIGEv j ' ¦ ' '& • ¦!¦ ¦ RAILWAY. : ; .. . :;; ' 1 ^ _ . i . . AND 8ON. . , : \ :¦ . . .;. : . Jfessrt.Johnj Murphy and 8pn;willhojd ll ^ I -r;- -i-1: ^ an TKJifldn of newly-built Jcity house pro- The,many friends of' Mr., Maurio.F. WATERPORD SOUTH STATION COLD~ porty on- fhe 3rd October, Fqll parOcrj- Davin, Carrickbeg, Carrick-on-8uir, whu p wnaniiConcesBio ; DUNGARVAN STATION). is so .well known : in icoursing 1 ;• ¦¦: ;¦ ¦• ¦ Mi.iip^voe^iipTJiiagAf ^d : lard;; /are given .to ovir ; , advertising circles !p: ; ;:,; > ' -¦ ¦ ' '¦ f ' ¦ ; - ¦ ' ;. ¦ throughout' Ireland ; jSicfx^inte i ' ¦ ' -hy-VtS$:1ri}';V; ¦ ' :-V|:v ' CITrOF WATERFORD. • col»jnnsk . '- .. [ ¦: ' , ::¦,• :. : . :-i .--!;;. • - . •;• , will be glad to ham' ' !' ~': ¦ ' Aldem.a«; . Wa>d^;:iii\t ^\-.v. # if; M trOOD AND GALVANIZED DISUSED: ' : ;i ' ¦ ' ' ' -' - ¦ " * '. -i ' . ' +¦ '¦: > ' ¦ ' • ' that bis abilities^ and impirtiaUty ir hU V 'M?. - ' ' :?' -v ¦¦;¦>',; ¦ | ^ J : : . ¦ . ?-^ . . Vv^'J'&affiKft 3Wt|!/BiBWBBC(6BJP.S'0PM!: .H'V.; ! BUILDINGS FOR'SALE. : ¦ , v' ' j ;j ! BALX-YiBRICKEN AND LOWER • i ; ¦WAJmtROKD .i INemUJfjBNTAL ¦ ¦ '• •! profession! have! juBt received,s igna re-! L-Tha fprinig^itlf nieetiti na^"aui)im6n|^d> t n oiu i ¦V.j ^ - ¦- :¦: • - . • ¦ cognition :by his' appointment as -judge: aiyiiSFBlsb^cit vm*&- 1? TO'BE SOLD BY : i ' ¦ : YELLOy? ROAD, | eOCIETy, ;:^;- : .; •;;]. , -^ OommitteQ was held to-da; wpmab^aii e#V$^;ff>Isb£f;o-Walfe£ms w^j ' '¦ ¦ ¦¦' iL I * " for the great coursing -meeting to be; held Offlcar i City.Hall; .-rTbei Bhaiimpdrtito'lSfight-^; ^trh#rf^'JtfayMr fJijB' wal 17001 -: ¦: > REPAIRS- ] . •: Tlie annual igeneral «^etinjT : of the ' f . 1 . ay^B . 7^- !ALL BRANCHES OF 1 MPORTANT AUOTIDN OF ! next month iat Powerstown, Cobanel. PowW. J.P.) ^presided; : U^ * I ' JabolyeiSociely Js fixed for Monday next, The voting; for- the appointment . j iak in 1 , - s 'jF ike^' 5XECUTED AUCTION I | VALUABLE; ,. j . - niember* t>resenjv - ye ^i^arirllh1 ON THE >*T^X 1 ! ih6\Sbxd: instant. On-.this occasion, the the Handsof the nominators .for .the !roeet-J Hackett^ Power '¦ ^ssi^ ns^-iTes.'- '-vl'rv!; f <-:: ' ;-• w >r"° /VVLPKEMlflES l ^ On WEDNESDAY, 1st OCTOBER, 1013; committee-have issued inyitations to all , aid Dqni "Cb;nstAble%iggW ns^*BS^, .&^m'& -f ^l * r EXP£RIBNCEDJ t6tV 1 I ¦ At U. o'clock, " |: . y, NEWLY BUILT LEASEHOLD ing; and Mr. Davin received 32 votesj out; dais, fart attendance/ weri . K^per ; brRecprdsrdsrr^iTheje "Are;^*e; 150^J Ppr«rW: >*^. ' '¦ ' ¦( ' tha| *ub4crlbing, ' •;¦ : At the old iDungaxvan Station, Waterford, * ' UnA#i*i*«fn«t : . '. as well as the playing of the 41 to be recorded, the other nine - rinB> J.P., Executive'Sard '.convietioris aaggainVtftinst'-hetiie^'-. ':• • ¦ | 1 ..:.: i!!| :. ' cienibera. The selection of mosic, dates ' viou^ ; I . ; PROPERTY 1 1 ^ roing to. "Mr. P. J.ijMurphy, : ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' • - ¦ ¦ ' Bomb-in- Kennedy, ' ' »asa$. 'rdejred>jtodered¦ -Jto .bebe in> by directions of the G.B. and WJ Rail- ¦ i ' ; I- . -- ¦ M.S.O.H.i and - The defen lant! y.. ¦ I , . '!. ' of ooneexts; etc:, -are well looked after' bv Si ; ' ; ' : ' ¦ " way. Co., the following-Sheda, most suitf 1 (Ossory. At'the meeting of the comto ttee prisoned fo¥ fin ontonth-V,/-. ; •; ':• \j.;rm- . ::¦!¦; , .! . .- ij:: SOIiD BY XUCTION, IN ONE thejoonnnittee, 'assisted by Mri Malcolm, at which the irestilt able for Farmers And others : — '• " i ; I • ' BE ¦ 1 of the -election was ¦ ARliJE OFAiHORSEAOFfAiHOBSBA-ii- TO r -I - - . -i LOT, ¦; • ;. . • -I : : thelahle conductor of the Society. Among {announced the ; DRUNKIJiCHARliJE LOT l.-aid ' 3al:jal: summonedl (Mhcbicl , ¦ On FRIDAY^ the Ord day OCTOBER, thejnon-playing menibers.jhowever, there warm tributes^to : Mr. Davin's .ability- as Oob'stabl*' M/Gjc ^mmo^e^JMjcbicl 27 feet wide. 15 feet Ji%h. I I' ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ ' 1 Cirliravantrrantryy', ;:fb:forT ibenjbco gprjiaKp T\R&: ' ; , : : ' 'j .• are | many who were at eome time n as penlnoner; ind hb admitted itM> o^a<^ LOT 4.-,Wood Shed, 45 feet loAg, J2 and: ikcautionf. r- ¦ P¦ fert wide. ' .1 ' I ; ¦1.—Tho DWellinghouse.i Yard, posiibje alter ] the date W the general CANADIAN. CUNARDERS AND . (was let; off .T^jtli . i meeting, ¦ 1 ' -¦¦'¦ ¦ LOT 5. and Premised situate at Lower the practices wjll commenced .. •! QUEENSTOWN. •',...... j . ASSAULT pASE.?.; , P -1 —Wood¦ ; Shod, 50 feot lortg, ' 1( . ry I feet wide. ¦ Ydlow Road; in the City oi Wai- ahd| pny•Instrumentalist may, be assured At a sot-off against the'abandonme o! cM^a • NocnjuaUsubimoned] A ..Jk ;aiigaret • : ! '¦¦ - ' LOT 6.—S!ore with Gulvanized terford,; )et to Mary Couifield ; M^some very pleasant njusical evenings Queenstown as a port of , call for the [New Dwy«r foi agsaulti '(', . '. '; : :i;j "¦ '['- '' 'J ! Ro6f. ' me, 27 faet lonff, J3 feet wide. ; ¦] : under sub-lease ; for 60 years^ .. - [ ! by joining n-~w. , Along 4?itH getting in York'liners, it is announced by the| Cu- ;¦ The case-hid: been:adjourned, « ic^Jast' ¦ ' " . new mern6eTs:we are ' sureithe iooromittee oard Company that v court day; ' ' :¦ ¦'' ¦ ' ' ¦¦¦.' :' ) ¦.' ' ¦ Each ' Lot will bo at tho purchaser's from 1st. May, 1912, at. the . . < i k from the beginnuigof ta -v read th& 1 ¦; .. I r I • : : :. I [J' risk, and must be removed within ond yearly lent oi ; : ..'. £2 10 . 0 wouldv welcome any of " the old playing October all west-bound Canadian liners ,B:I: Ragg-faid ihaS . in this- ba* iiiijr e: month from dav vt Sale. \ ; 2.—Dwellinghonse, Yardi and . . )' inenjbfsjsi who- are¦ still irfsiderit in the tvil Icall at Queenstownl . The- Ascjania was.! a"serious1 ' assault. commiitjed [by MO, " ' : city]. ' -. \! ?¦: • -.,¦ . "' ; ' • . ' ¦ - : THOMAS WALSH 4 SON, , ¦ \ Premises situate at Ballybrii. ! . = . which-sails from Southampton on -Tnurs- ours . oi. me complainant ^dn fteHbther. womic;ii: wno ; Auotioneets, The Mall , Waterford. :i ¦ ken, in the Oily , of Watenord : day,: October 2nd, will be ithe first of tiese inn nst;re Dana and rubii lealth' was: at present) in hospital, and iW'ctai-! > ; ' Cpm- let as a weekly .tenancy at 8s. ; GOOiST TO THE iMiIiL. liners to touch at an Irish port -' mittee'B'> termd.i I am: direct' to, state niy plainant had- ja ' rfosft-summdnsj I Owing; per week, producing per annum 20 16 0 ¦ The strike :in Dublin hai had the effect to the!seriousness off the assaiilt |an | Mre- i comnittee Varst nob j satisfii with same ~ ! ' ' ¦ ¦ ID .of bringing; 1 the | otter The tenant;of No. 1 pays all . I ; grist to the mill of! the Great - and. wish;to hear no more t the £20.T4- Dwyer: the police ia* to tekef rates and taxes, but the tenant ' . • j Wejjtam iRailway, Waterjord j to Fish- Yours truly, " I-: ' . .!;. :• . iip; I Th^ wojnftn.pwj'er would prdbaiilyj STEAIJD ST.; THAMORE. ' : ' 'd | of No. 2 doe8]not.i ' It is free of . guar; service. -.iSpecial train . -'.loads of NTERESTINO MARRIAGE. , j ' ¦l- 'l- --:' i:.- . i-iT; McGRATI be able to atteh t e jswrin' sT foWnifrSi's! rates and taaeei. wlu'eh arc del- I GuinrieEsfs stoul have 'been , arriving from On September 10th the marriags took ¦Jni i&m&i'' and-lif l|sugjeai6d that : Mrs .' po-i : ¦ ' . . . at Bt. terms pfoposed .bv ' : \X: U^¦3lBSER\'ED AUCTION OF HOUSE- frayed by the landlord. .. ! !.. i Dublin for the ipast couple d : days and lac^ Margaret's Episcopal Church, were that thejband should nan's x»se should » iadjefcond naite Wednesday . onV:.tlie. •cetSeRi.'"': I' .: •. - . • ; i:\t '!> ¦ f . hi ¦ ' ! " ' Caso ; PLATED AVABB; CHINA.retc1. and Yellow Road, in tho City of.. . | . the ¦iGiW.R., which brought, the porter «on '. of. LleutehanKTolonel «ndt • fcsi. Btrend • street;,! and- iBallj-fc : This:was'agrfeed ;icU ; ; - C j ; :j!:J / 11:- ' TO BE SOLD - Waterford» th^ interior.of,%hicli...... ". to Fish ' Villiers-Stuott of Castiane^ CarricI MJBL 1 ¦ BY UNRESERVEDr. ¦i| , guard from wbe-nee, it .was. dis- ^ - dentlfr tlifr bsjiA we^e.-.. nai : ' ' ' ¦¦ ' ' .is unfiniihedJ This house, copj- . , .,' '. tr3)U|ed al^ over. England, : ¦ ¦ Suir ' -and.Miss "Joan Lascelles*She jiley^ carryj ' ; ^!|' - iXANGERC tTSf:-!HOJiraE^t.:> ;! , . ¦ ¦ j ., ! ; out the^e^eims;, : tains Shop- fscing-j Bajlybriokert . , < • ' Shepley, Troqwhain,Bo lmaclellan;!ard-at - : Tri«- \jotii4titioL> J8Uuuiwiiid|!i}i*?*r:'- i ¦ 1 •¦ : ¦ ' " '¦'' - iintt - 'Sbn :.Olaastonft ;!iiii'deji,vrf6?. AUGTION! ' and Yellow Rd.^Kitchen, Brfaki- . . ; PBEQK«*ATaOK.TO'MR. ife J TORRlEi Torfciniton . CBesbire-- , 11. . ' .- , . ;.- . •; - • I".:BXTENSIO» GRA! S«*ejt . « ! On WEDNESDAY, ;3fth SEPT.; liaa .; i' " ¦ • ¦ ' . - ¦; :;¦ 'fi«THt!'t*:eonratv^ vTdL'tt,'tdui«»:'.iequ'-nn^- f or the AU tumrs ' . fast and DinirigJloonuDraTrjng i ':{ M'fer Rotjerf . Torrie,•!wtri'.f)f . /JIf .A:: F. 1 : "1 •;:4 -'i, ::-n-. i-.' - -\- : Mac made hlo second vlbli At laa). o'clock, by room, rf Bedrooins end Large : ' ; XoroJ; whose, ¦ :A:' ftwn- ¦tpBm >.to ta ^ uoWnjor, iiuti'uiuif.ieJ - SKO- directions of ! Mr. ^ . \, marriage Will} take place on ¦ ^tt*R :Vak.rea Season to London thlo woett The Michaelmas. Quarter Sessions ¦>liciaeJ.Stre6ti/wJiic^j&-ati>reain> Aj. ii. Dublin), the ENOTRE HOU8EFOLD-! vatory tiiat .:ini»;-:npij)sei case, by the Robert Piano Co., London ; . situate flflrAlt'prn sr i>£ IitCie 'M-iciuil 5V : naseago leading from BallybrK'- j ' oomp'ijaiy's tranches. The presentation ojpen . in Waterford on Monday next. The ' Walnut S deboard with bevelled plaie ' ' civil:business for the Waterford Qui rter ' and i 'Spring¦"¦Cfdrd*riijUI«y;,and the! , £c- glAf.s buck , , ken, and a sppcious Yard. nn'a- ; .was^Oade'byart -'Mr. ,B: O.'vShea who in the RENT . COLI^ECTOR'S 1 Dininjr Table with KparB suring in length about 70 feet | -speech Sessions will be heavy, but the 1 criminal r-uugn' Survey or i,wpul(T certify that jiti wso; leaves, Diningrooih 8liite ; Loo, Side, and cours^c^ appropriate referred and in breadth about 24 feet. In thr friendly business is light, ; as usual; there beipr no Mr. Li^ke McEedmond, r dangerous' to fpa& rslby and' tdfthe 'teff- . Occasional Tables; Plated Tea and Coffee ! jto' , relations which existed * .n' this yard is another Lava'ory i between the heads oi the Company and case, from the city and only two from!the wrote stating that during tH ants'- of itie adjoii ing [houses by|irepsb Depart:ment Service; Liquer SUnd, Fruit and Flowbr ad, They . : Tho wonderfu l oucceOG o? fhlo with -water supply, and a sub- j their!sUff, and on his own bchulf and on eiunty. One of these is a case in:which one. house at Presentation i of the roof being l ; Stands, Massive ' Marblo Clock aiid ' Jbhh Lonergan and Michael ' ' ration) now, ;aaked . fqr -an order-to jaac ¦Figures, stantfsl -Lofted Outhouse, eiiit- | bohaHof the other subscribers to- the pre- Kirwan ]wDl Sion avenue, arjid one at .Ale giving- and Barometer3, Gloss and Old ble for Stnb' be indicted for arson in the Kilmacthojmas down.' said Tojoflanji put the house jn!/^:' Is due to the value wo aro , China, Sporting Prints, Cuckoo Clock , .ing or HarnwB nc- \ servtation¦ ," wished Mr. Tprria many years had become vacant and wei commodation. It would not re- : if happinness ' district, and in the other, ThomasS KJiely at onc^e.- |A range at Mr. Moi safe ;condition. - Mrf [.Fleming - ha;d toxl . Iron Bedsteads, [Mattresses , Oak Bed- ' on his m.irricd life. Mr ¦wfill ; that|'-tio : with tho quire a large sum to compleia Tcrrie 8uit.ii:y replied hnd eaid that he be indicted for assault : (causing Btreetl. and another kt . Jarri him Bince he- cam i ntb court being In ouch conotant touch room Suile, Dressing Tables and Glasses, bbdily harm) near Leamybrien. • addi- roof iwas now being taken dowa'.by ;Me£**-"8>. [Basin Stands with the interior erf these premiws, would value the gift not for its in- -In - ' ¦ ' '¦ marble slabs. Cant, «nd to mako 'tliem suitoble for tion to tho usual civil bill cases, his 'Honor Harvey.and 8on. ?:: ! . - ii, .;|! -|. ; , the firnt of and Beulwood ChairA, Chests Drawt-rti .: trinsic value alone bullbecruise 'it wits a (! I »v (Leading IVlakoro wo co4 letting and habi t ation.. Thii > mark, ;oi their kindly feelings and ' good will also have before him an unuBi Mr^Fleming BoT07igh.. Surveyor>rp , . Kitchen and CulinaTy Re<|uwitef , e'c. House. Shop a^id Yard . etc.. jura Idrge : number of applications for com , APJPliCATioNS TO 8ELL it at '10JO thi4 momujgi ' and'tlia ioof atid : wishes towards him. . i ' . ' fir?-* i ¦ ¦ : Terms—Cash. sation : ¦ ' ' -' . '¦ ; . ' ' taken down. : .; 1:: |i ! • Everything Wow estimated to Command easily a | . ! for rnnliciqus injury (particula 8 of ' -: one wall is THOiMAO WALOH £c CON yearly rent of ' which we gave in: these ; columns l8g« Michael Ryaa. Kitmurry.J s Mri Murphy-i-Ia ii:dangerous , to tie .. 30 0 C ' ¦ ¦ j Auctioneern, YOUTHS' ADVENTURE. ! week) and some applications under Shortjs, FerrybanK,. appliet! it . be publio-n'ow'? i. ' '!' • ¦(.'. ¦ : •¦;;.':: .!. j . - the 1 j ¦ ¦ 1 An 'exciting incideiit occurred the otlif.r Workmen' ' ggg, tered for[the s|ale of miiS, and Borough 8ury«y6r^-|No, it is not. ' A Vlclt VJIII be Appreciated XX3 THE MALL, WATERFOBD. TOIAI Estimated Ren^a. ...£i3 6 jp ¦ ' : s Compensation Act. The ' j it w< .( :; F)ednct 6' ' everjinjrinear the Brick Fajjjoryi . It ap-; sion8 will be continued dered that same be 1 referred., to M Ut t l«elson-p-Ii ¦ 9 Jnot- dangerous »o^ G rouhd Rent £12 0 I . • ' on 'Tuesday and : A ; : Estimated rates und . ¦• : pears that about a. half-dozen young lads Wednesday. ^ the former 'being C01 Dobbyn, iV.S. ; ; \? ho says, so alliight. .- i; 'j| - l 'j trt anliadventUTCus ' spirit 'who were piny. 1 jses.nav jjet CITY OF \VATERJ\)RD Liuccit priyable by Crown day and the latter City Crown < ^ Mr: Murphy—Ho e beian -tit^, the landlord 4 10 8 I ing; aboiit:boarded . an old lighter which I ' M 4 ' J into -the. habit, of: ifslling lately, jus \y in! the matter of imported : gas managers. defeddahts irilTesp^ct Houses ; > mo ;• Sir-|With reference to y ur -letter of : ¦ 4- On the Premiccs, For further particularw nnp-'y 1o bourhood. Mr. Robert Hearne,' who: hap- Iii the current issue we fin'd therfollotfifig 6 and No. 7, S.tephW -Street. - \\ ' \\ .] ; ] : pened! to -be on the scene, ;rowed out 'to paragraph H-" The e 24{th bit, relative 'to the period of re-' < -In:thiscase] Mr: iljurphy said, that;;tic 8FB On FRIDAY, the 3rd day of OCTOBER, Ntessrs. M. J. KORG.AN & RONS. iWaterford Gas C om- lyment :of the loan Tenuired in ronnec- ' , 1013, Solicitors for Vendors. 50. oiid-ktrcam in a punt and Drought tho pany has imported; yet another . English :two houses wereice tified by.tlte iBoroipgh . old hulk back to her moorings. Thecrew manager. We understand, Snrvf yor. pe t-bje -:in aj Ruinous';, state, J8nd;. At 12 o'clock noon. South Mall . Cork ; that a cortarje- : Watarfoi rdl o vteri.C onsiderably frightened by their ex- teht Irishman, he also happened -.were^'dangerous, to _hfe:p^bUeindj|toi t!M> j. 87 & 8B9 Qu&s?9 By diroction of Mr. Peter O'Connor, Sol r., Or , tb i ' ' ; ' who recently purchased a larger JOHN MURPHY & SON. perience and are not anxious to sign On Catholic,. was an spplicaat'^for the text*at8>inr fh 4''«d]oiijJiip.'Iioape3 .'Jiy; rei9'.. - tor Imjother voyage. . ' " ¦ bit of course he. did not get it. «on of the -superstn otnie! being jn^-rjidirr-: ! residence. Auctioneers and Valuers. II . O'ConneJl . i ! r ' , - The ' ' The Interest in ; the nicely-situated Street. Waterford. industry in Ireland appears -to-bo jra otts- Matef-'AndJ .the; r.: wanted."an: o)!der'jo- ¦', DweUinchoueQ known as "Sweet Brinr AERLpHEACHirAT FENOR art antx-Irish and. ponyCutholic comb have!fie* fcousfa'to :eir', down. 'os.jpjivvtnto : .•I ASt eacht'.will be.iheld at Fcnor Bat it- Jras noi. enough" a. safe-.canditioni • 1- :j ., ',. ':'• • •(. ;H- .' ;• • •) •! i Cottage, ' lately occupied by Wm, held keridJi for! the Water 13 'onifililnday.'Serjrieniber eBtli,: commencing G«*-C&mt>any to fjoport a: new mana : . J1LC* JkW^/>v*4—-trx. tui 1 'ivx^uitlAl" w uu; under lease for a texm oi l:* y«ars. from - ¦' ; v - , MPORTAXT AUCTJON of , at 3 p.m. The member* bf- 'the Fenor this directors j;ave a blowvout andFfc BU~ 3oiieBV. - v •_}'.•'• '- H -^!«Hil|?K''^Hi ';f ^i:f}• •:¦ T IH1E WATERFOKID AKCuiiS IHlOfEL the 25th 'March 1C20. at the yearly ap- [ VALUABIJ: ' ' rities:l0T:i8yen|thVlargeRt BC lemes are 60 ' portioned rent of £15 ; Poor Law Valua- 1 COMPACT . ' ©ranch Gaelic League are, making ar- mfcnial :to the impcrtatkm who- was :I aT for and 80 y< ars for \ Bpwigh fiurwycSJ^TOe/.rcofs'EVwli-De-; ing them foif 7 y^*r» buOdihgs land, taken oa, and|som«j of the walJaia^e bwl. j tion. £15. rangements to provide an interesting and South- America. Of-cou J®» . which periods imay. if fount /convenient, ¦ ' •Corner of Oolbeck Gtrtoot and Tho Mall, pleasant entertainment as possible, ¦ and wd suppose when the director?" started Mr! Murphy i- :ITrie8e| aro [tehenfeot ; The Dfrel.inghouse, which is two- FEE SIMPLE [ tn« beieo^atcd. I| ara 'toiadd tl at the Trea- " .- ¦' storied, standing on a Jorge wafted-in , FARM several well-known priie winners at local testimonial the unfortunate members noiisesf-Tcs. :-| A ^\\- .^;¦ -!);.TT"f pro- tlib staff af the , °i sury have fixed the lowest riaximuni ne- 1 -Mr}- Jacob, of ;tb4 defendant, company, VVATERFORD. garden, contains on Hie Ground FJOOT Feisanna will contribute to the , . Gas Works did not 661 nods v nder the Act for loans from public ' ' ' For Mis* iEllen Rurke . gramme which will consist of Irish songs¦ inl a position to stand out. It is a Y on faid that be cpuld- pdt':oBer ony- reajj dte- \ Drawing Room and Dining Koom, Pantry, -: ¦ -¦ ¦ - funds. i I ; • . i . . were laiffe Kitchen, and Servants' Bedroom ; AT ASHTOWN , NEA R PII.TOWN . i and donees, etc. ' • *: dei the arrival of the new imported ir fence in thia case: ^TBey. injVppne-: otu agjor was spondence. wttb ,thi landlord,' vihp lived and on the First Floor 3 Bedrooms. COUNTY 'KILKENNY. i notj celebrated with a tofcbJi ' ¦ ¦i Bathroom, with h. and c. water , W.O., On THURSDAY. 2nd OCTOBER, I CONTAGIOUS DISEASES OF ANIMALS nrDCGBsion." : ; in San Francisco. Iliey jhad ndifunds ip hands to enable tt era; to carry;|out this} etc. The i Outoffieea consist of Bervattte' At 12 noon , ' ACT. of i ¦ , Statute Measure , Ai^ieeting the Contagious Diseases A (DESERVING OBJECT. ifl mans ior me connn? nousinc scneme work ! and- they wei e-%rv{nc to arrango 'a: W.O., large Coal House, 8table and 72a. lr. 18p.. of Prime, ill be extended, will'be ; : Sound LaniJ, all in Grass Land Commis ol Animals. Act Committee yas held yes- The annual collection in aid which, a grea| surrender to "t&9i h< lad ilandlord^ -Ha-idid. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO HOTEL KEEPERS* Workshop, measuring together 34 feet by r of jon to the local authority. ! ! sion Annuity. £16 14 R . 10d. ; Valuation, terday; The Mayor presided, and there unds for the support of the Sisters . j . not consider pfflrsonayy' ithat the .bouses I 9 feet 6 inche9; and a new Hay Shed and 01 1111 dangexons £29. Good Residence and Offices: Ex ' were also present :—Aid. Maurice Quin- Charity will be made on Sunday . next ' : r**™*"mmmmma^^ mm—^* ¦*» 1 r • wereiin V ** ! atatie; j. I . Car House, measuring 28 feet by . 11 feet; j ¦ long (would it |{ake to: all OutofEcea having Cemented Floors. cellent Fenc«a and Water Supply. lan^ J.P., and Councillors T. Fitzgerald the doors of the several churches in Mr! Nelson-j-How i 'eood. repairp .. . - ,- ' .;i! > The Grounds on. wh ich (he DweJJing- Full particulars from ana J tunes Hackett. The application of city. The educational work carried ¦ nut tBera 'in ' -H- I ' ' byj tho Sisters ; ¦ ¦ : Botoagh Surftieyw —Thaioof is, ip. a vr~y 'hou&i stands measure- in front to Lower HENRY D. (KKA.VE, Mr.. A'., . Dobbyn, V.S., for remuneration of Charity in Waterf< ¦ ; : - j Solo of Valuable Lcacehold Intoroot In tho abovo ; work under the Contagious. Dis- nnM the great amount of charity ^ liikra ^:!. - bad 'state, miy; :ollapse - at: pay Newtown 108 feet and in. d«pth 13S feeti or for extra. wh ¦ ' ¦ ' •' ' ¦+ ¦ 1 ., Solicitor, Waterford : 'Animals Act was referred to the hey dispense from year to year is timeJ • .' ' thereabouts. There is a nieo Grass Lawn •Or •- •'- " - ¦ " -- -M caws if . ¦ ¦ too i Old-Ectabllnhodi Hlchly Rcopcctablo and Dcolr- • • '• ' • known to the people to ; Mi. Nelson- Wel :. yajiposin¦ giwefpfp; in front, ond the ramainder of the Garden Coiincil for theiVconsiddratl^rr. require any ltof r - " • : JOHN MURPHY & SON , L themi-a. month ito.4 a-5tP...... - ;! . -I ' :l is well Blocked with excellent Fruit erifed reference here. Sufficient; "then, ¦;¦ ; ~ abl© Hotel, with 7-Day Licence. Auctioneers. O'Connoll Street, Wat-crford ! THE CASE FOR THE WORKING exjprcs*: the . iwjsh that the citizen^ Mrl- ^fnrphy^WisllBiff any%nff-:«apr; , n^ Trees. Vegetables and Flowe r Shrubs. ' rrea-nt;rn^tlfe' blamp^ili B j, ¦;!.. CLASSES. . - - . ;' > corno forward and, -.with the usual ge peoHiin fha . ' $ We desire to spocially cull tho atten- 1 rosity, btf.tKa Bencb-.' Weib^f«; .tfoneiqbr ¦doflr-r ' ;: ; ^on of thoso who require a mott comfort- " The Workers War ""is !amongst the stibscribo to: the fund so as IP ' able, 'the good Sisters to we hive . brought -to ie^caBb . befoie.'yirb :-\.'- r. j able home with such a laTjro pardon , in DIED. . ! most noteworthy features in the Uctober carry o& tl ' ¦ -n ' " cni- , ; ¦; " P»ll Mall Magazine," al- admirable w,ork. Donations from th .Tho dsfendanta' . Bra/jgiVaaa -^^)* the hoart of the City. TO THIS SALE. number of tho The railway men's Executiie met ! at: '.luVre'.'liM 1 =• BY AUCTION PHELAN—At Victoria Hotel ready in sale at the principal booksellers. who cannot attend at Chu which to JPFS^^'P^" ^ '%> ' TO BE SOLD As a BUILDING. SITE it is nlso valuable, , Queen St., ' 1 Unity Houes, London; to^dayl to consider safe" condition. V. " ¦ ! 1 there being space to spare for three more Tramore. on Thursday, 18th i»st, Mrs. This article 'states- clearly the case for onj Sunday will . be thanfulyy ; !.> :•& :, * ; i;vf;.!;:i Vi:; (If not previously disposed of by Private Treaty), ceived by - tho Moat Rev.: : . Cashin, Wickldw, a s - trustee of-the . I^oJy ! -2S Socialism. " ' ¦ '¦ 5 " : ; ¦ .:. - vefit, Lady Lane; ; : " : OKI TUESDAY, irc3- SEPT. 5 19HS cluding Stablinc, ot?. £40 0 0 ¦i Tli9 Pre^' Association's ;CreweH oorre- Ghost Hospital, jfo r-BUUBR- Hl.| WlUtf.J - Deduct Head Rent 15 0 0 ¦ ' ' 'ipKe AT 12 O'CLOCK,: SHIPPING.;- " . -j - ; ¦ : ¦ spondqnt teJeCTapha' jthat UQO .ra.ljway with. !an order req liringrthem .toi j THE ^8CARCITY OF PIGS. , i . the gapersAipQ- MIQM VJATZn TO-MOnROtVt felt'locally. The following arrived during the reiik: goods men jstruckat work ther : this rhorn- dowa tb*> roof, and..;>arl of ; AT OUH 8ALEBOOM8. THE MALL, WATERFOBD, Estimated Profit Bent £25 0 0 Tho Scarcity of pigs is being ng. T^ie menI the Londoi and North- {«re of a hou « oi thie ' jQuay'.. :aaJoiWBfe ; ' A writer In a Dublin .paper; seeks to ac- 8» Netta. from Garston, with coal for M^ in *n InJsaio. By direetione of the Vendor, All xents and Tates clearcl by Vendor F Murphy, Western goodai sheds ;declrn: 'liuujuielves tieher, light; from Cork, to.load timber men were suspended by tbe officials.' All ! -Mr] Murphy.[said the purchaser. 8.22 8.37 7 -(0 8.f tricts f/wiay-will-not trouble . : the nkn held a meeting; and o' go againetithe trust ;e> of Ithe hospital j as] as thcjl aidf> generation ago,! to. feed pigs. Kg. Mount Charles,! from Newport, I-with ecided .to "THE WATERFORD ARRIS MOTEL , For farther particulars api>ly to coil; ss. Alette; come out on 'strike at- once. ! " ! i i j they-idfd'riot.rietjruehi but of tiielhopse. : " Mccsrs. DAN IEL DUNFORD A CO. "If. !«' tnptnlioahln." adds' this -writer. from Garston, with coil; MK-r UQMTJrca-ttP TIPC ana ss. Adam Fisher, from Swansea ; Th« irade of tha port of Jlf anchester 3s ! Thi Bench-lqijojeedH thAV to&a^ business has beea 'successfiilly carried on by the late Mr. N. Mi Allen Solicitors, Watorfotrd ; " that Jojiedpiers-: of .; Jand do,not breed Iss. to. all intents and purposed -work cat ledrbirftrithiH ;tl r*>: In which the ' Lctty, from Garston, with paralysed. have the- . ¦: • swine in,large numbers; . Thpy are sa ex- coal, all for ; I - ¦¦ " , -T; ;. •;- ;;• |.!.. ,.""• .' !•;] and roombers of his^anuly iorthe past jhajf century. j Or to . Sahiuet ' ; 6,000 men are idle. j , j weeks. ,.' :'] . ? . p , To-night , ... 7.7 traordinarily ' prolific, theyi- mature > BO Morris; s4.;Ophir, from Partjhg-i | FLOOR—Shop, Bar Large Store, Out-houses and THOMAS WALSH1 & SON ori. with coal for; Nearly 200 men employed at Si. Mary's : Tb^ Cbrporat-;x>n ; urfbet sujnnibi ed) Ufo It contain* on GROUND Auctioneers. Waterford. . . , qyicklv, and are so cheaply fed that they pionmel' Gas Cot: is. n« :Tw -B. ;Hainil ,': aB. rapaioro, iimw ; Yards, Coffee Booms, Three Parlours, Kitchen with Range, Sculleries, etc.| | ' Vli;h, from Saundersfort* to order of M.: Rev.*- -iH. B. '**mmon : j . are by! many times the most profitable Lloyd Hutchii soii ',juid;"Sagar;- Cli inw>tt> - ; Billiard Room, fitted with Two]First- stock that can be raised." ^ai-rell and Son; ss-. Ramsay, from Pom- : On FIRST AND OTHER FLOORS—Large my, with part cargo R; h8 agenfs. .fori .failuig(to;corhpl r-.V.t. 1a; ] Class Tables, Lavatory, Bathroom (H. and C. jW.). Two Drawingrooras, Fourteen for and H. Hill, '.t h »rni l 'fake - .dqwn (pi : Ltd.; as. Ethelbrytha, from . River notice x(wnWng ^tof Bedrooms, Box Rooms, and Attic Rooms. | . . . ; HONOURING THE FATHER OF, IRISH Plate/ rnakeTsafe the hou« i Kb; -U,; High fStr »r» ! [ ¦ HISTORY. ' v with maize for ditto. In addition to the LONDON BDSMEN'S STRIKE . The Premises are in thorough repair, a large sum of money bating been recently IMPORTANT SALE OF J. ab6veaoove, thetne regular which i«(at--pifeseirl'«!aa4geri to:pjas6(ii>--i ¦ ¦At thfl unveiling on the 28th inst. of the cross-Channel¦ ¦ stea&- eain- ' coniaj»ott emended on them. . . . i erd arrived'Andarrived'And sailed. . ¦• i - • ' ' . • ; ' At meetingsi of London ' 1»u»men jieid by-by. reason ot »t» ruhnoas j . i Geoffrey1 Keating monument at Tubrid, ¦ ¦ . ¦ C3aitaj>-' PURE-BRED SHORTHOnri FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1913. our ¦'] 1 ¦ at Lewi&kam.I Camborwcll, [Leyton . and : 'The; BoroUghlSun ey<>r>8aid Mtf j Co. Ti^pcrary, referred to b^ Gaelic ; •] ¦! i<' [ - • :: ; ; ' hat Sia;'iad ,igot e rtl- ; ! A Small House adjoining (past oi the property) la Lot. ; ! \ Bat terse* earW this morniog resolutions «tt informed-him ! League''correspondent, speeches (will b« ¦ ¦ • ' doinir th« ndcessarfjwork.;i ; . under Lease expiring on;the 2Dth September, l^iO. on which date tho CATTLE . 'T . l i . . - were /passed riot to mesumef work tmtil mate$ for /i; , -i All are held delivered by RevJ Dr. Henebjry, Professor was ¦ ¦ } TWee . .ivws»-( w€*e:mwn>-; *a/ .wn{ca /to j, ! reverts to the Waterford Corporation, from Hhom t Lease can bo obtained , . A NEWSPAPER FOR GAELS. foil re<)ogniii^4 granted ) ' ! , . property ¦ i ot Irish at University College, Coik, and i have tbe n«ce.4iaty' worki Mi-rried'oiait^ - ' • : . "! touch reduced rent : ' ' At tfe Batteriea meeting nhe General ' ' ; ' ¦ ¦ •t a very • ' J ' I! Rev. Dr. Power, UniversityfQpllege, Cork. The | official organ ; of the .Gaelic Leapjue '¦ ;. :-. ' ¦{¦¦ : • 'Jj I {S- ;ii |J ( • . . -1 WATERFORD,. I RELAND. ; )mnibua Co.-'s) men were lnkructed not ¦- ?'¦ ' ' ¦ The present adjusted Rent is ^23 3 6 LAST EBISIQB3 During] .the op«n-aie- Hign Maas. which will, within a few Weeks, imake itaj flrtt ' - :. : . iJiRCENY OF I BAD. '-!l ) } • w>• , ¦: . .' , appearance' ' fo take the, 'buBe* out ion Saturday. - •¦ Hess Landlord's proportion of Taxes £3 0 2 j i starts At 12; o'clock, Rev. Dr. Sheehan inia new guise—as a Gaelic i i A young ma* natied| iTl omai Hoo !^ i - JOHN THORNTON & CO. will SELL by weekly illustrated newspaper. It This morning ibe strike of Messrs. larajuy ^laynbalh College, will breath a [sermon Will Tilling a .'bus ' was in custody! cha gedt With the . Rent received from adjoining Houee A 2 0, i appropriate to trie occasion, in aaawon contain, effectively land attractively dis-' drivers I and cpodoctors is feet >f I pipuw -aw compels, not! one of their 150 'buses beine :Of- about five J3 B 3 3LOCAL M W Ui%e ] JocaJ. , branches of the Gaelic ployed, all the week's hews which ia]o"f bra&rj watern- ¦4n '+ /itM *f fio. .. .1 . - . ' 1 , SEPXEAIBER 25, * * : . , i ii £20; 1 4 On THURSDAY ivfcned by »' profuse display of sap* rb ! i T\ lT; D!»M nfAiinm 'A ':. ^-U 19.45 >.n>., GOSiffi¦ ' WSS3KS- ¦ ' Ih stratlons dealing The Fixtures Fittings Billiard Tables, and eoine of tbe Furniture can be hed ' ! " DUBLIN SCHOOLBOYS' STRIKE. with^Tfl^events of MW HT - .Elle'h iTrbV | iV- : . . IN THE SHOW\GROUND. ; i ! HAVE PREVENTED *PW« jWflT*^*' valuation. ; * : Tho passion, for strikirig haa'dleplayed the week and with qvery notable inade tit <' -Pbelan' emfloytte; »i : «t a fair , j j AT ST. PATRICK 'S PARK, ^- ¦}• iMw. * v f»4j«0Pv0*t;i itfel* in Dublin in an extraordifaary way. n which intelligent! Irishmen might w ^r '^sQiti -wsA¦ istEHi : '.{' nidsj evening, tb« aV September,',fl*'! ' 2 Mile* from Waterford 8tation. i PILGRIMS RETURN FROM L^UDES. interested. Gaelic , . '»' -. - ' 1 |, - , . - • I ¦ - ': - ^ ' * ; The Premises are situated in a FirBtclelss BusiAess Poaitiop, beinsj cJ< so \o the : AVumber of hoys attending jthe Cathoho ¦ ! Leaguers who; ire ' - - .tT Hocked up - the -hous (.- afc K »- Alley!La tuv- ; ! ' ' THE ENTIRE HERD w Jin Park and Courthouse grounds. j ; es : arrived! beare- Uivsj Schools in Rutland Square " struck read: (The. ^ater-taV ^^ i# ^ . about ; five jfcoi.: tribes. Til., "the Korns and Charlotjfl evening and entrained to Fishguard onj , the *ra n stopped. JSy i dodhg so b«. ni^[h.t l Worker^ have a quarrel, lirkin, we are ' " ; •of .leaagohe. aidit jw rto Cordays, of which thcJ**4re.a--aun)ber. o)i trta i return jonnwy last night. En- 1 RHW8I0N SESSIONS : ¦ : • ' • ¦•:! have p revent the aocidenty ; : ' -^ told, ,1s the hero ol these youths, and they ' fc ¦ :&e ground. ,T »;bw [K ,teji«poti.p8j_ a ° ' good animals. Ax well as some.of tho quiries made at tho resldcrw*s oi several (Mr. iThomaa Henry Maxwell, K .C.L li- : i- ' : ' ¦ ' ':¦¦ ' 3 ' • . ; ; '&- 'Son celeb-rated Orphans from which so mans elicited the In- aria all fascinated with the cause of " The ;. T^jii'VERDICT ' . ] : \'- jnew one. :••; • . . .;. : TBiiomas .\jfifalsj fo , \ of the pilgrims to-day vising BarriEler, sat in the! County Coi^rt ; ^ I , Patrick Lani tan :.8« ' winncrj at the; Royal Dublin Show have ¦ T , their long ! journey E«d Hand." TWB may jbp Very Billr, or The j ury, after, retiring foi* times, iie- osei;:tn4t]bJ9^«is ¦ ' AUCTIONEERS THE MALL, WATERFoW. formation U»t *U* yesterday and commenced'tne revision , «prun&. ' ; ! and the work accomplished I jLourdeS very amusing, but it is a sign orths times turned a final verdict of accidental death. *t j whicn bodes no good for Ireland. ! of (the Voters' list* for the polling I £ Tha firkttTerdij^: , The cows and Kalcra 'are of preat eioi i; SHO&fully ti> n itheir lives. : Revd. T. : F. Furlong.i last three weeks, and the local morchanta t ;|^ M .*i»| vory , making John MoOarthy/RsieCoDector r. il>ei iff • hibrJtd at the; Koynl¦ Dublin, Cork.and Adm, ' the - Cathedral, under whose guid-; are being kept busy. I On l)& '¦Ai^c ekin^iUa^edy- ADAMSTOWa • VJiLUABLE •'! ,] ' ' \ ' -. : , ' 'I- ' Inquiries at one of the principal etorea we fn JatJ4ridance;. flDbpre were ^o ;objftf is.! Was di«|e- AlbanjjfRotd, oundUic^Ma .Dod-ilestot GRBAT CLBARANCE SALE OF Mr. J. H. Jow». of Mullinabro. Thry The revd. gentleman.didinot ; - tof i« not as gow a«.w»a expected. • • ' Mr.rWrifrani.ptHirt-.iiajLhia ' ' JB W | . . PROPERTY ! retuni ' ' been 'haiveateibefore. it waa mAf t»l public, i Oti Monday .nexi 11* *i;e. , Th* are bred from Urn.,rood old tribes ot* WaVrford with-liis care, as be . ie'taking wHIwiU ba ravisediiincvisediia-t-if t ¦ ,„J ! homevuntfl the end of tliis iuoni"' ' '2 MACHINERY, r " '' uuxiu]( IUO iovn uajta LUB« O Cb inty Court. On T«e*dky, the tnaie-'ift-yiJi FARM ' IMPLEMENTS, i - 'I/shoiuJd ¦jiew.,3weei-itr^et-MW,.,-n»s compared . , 1 Mv%e^;TOwatfert*rjocOsoM immmmmi in the Lands, by directions of «nd rione masons and their tjroployers :—! with the last few years, the unfavourable Idl er. Thorp:wjll be ovenlng aittirigs.¦ 1 with"A CbiStrrBeider.'r l^ftfcF&e Interest On MONDAY, 22nd SEPTEM ER, 1913, ' .' ; ¦ •;¦¦ Charasse, who U leaving, tha In- < i i ' " Kindly allow a small space 'in your weather daring tba Rowing season having th< :t^r*-Ia»t- rnentioned days. j \] :¦ picture i are a- w« «nd bea'«tltnlw»l |tc-: Major At 1 o clock. i Uorj.: b -iroliaiy :j -i ' in Ws McJel Farm a» follows:+ ;Br directions extensive columns for a few tan-ds in re- caused failures in Bbnw placet, . Prices iV-V)i&M «rv ^EoT I.-WWtfield ,North.j containing M (Intlerest in the .Valuable Houpe PTO- ference to the dispute in |0ur city xe thej triis .year are about Is. per barrel A GOVERNMENT APPOINTMENT, £ ! * •Bnildwfrs thereon T hhildcrs ' period of last It ia stated; that Major'Barrett-HM j could:tejput-.ft5thO'H*fuK'de rtnictifcdj pt W Acres. 8t»tute, with . perty k;nown a« "AUantic Vi« w ' Tra- and bifck \ and Btone imasons. tndse1 for the corresponding , -; JA subject to £30 183. iDjspufes do ' - . "present- price' Is Da. " 3d."-per iad, Kilmanock House;. Wilt shortly lee B our]f ti «es. MJ HUi ) *¦| i»e :«» 'W^Jl*&t L in Waimnte. * raoTe. held in Fee-Simple happen even in jthe;be»V fair, Tne ¦ ¦¦ T ' , cotiait Jn«r of r<^ - • • - ¦ : .: wooded countri ia' -in Knrni.e.r. nd. iMrafM to the Iriah Land OomroM- S Bub*Untialiy-buQi 9 CH3E JPER ; grulated famiHe«y and ihat 'Wing ' fcj^i;}; . - : r- - .I-/ ;¦- ;.' ' . ; ' for)the Falkland;Islands to , take up Sd- pay*bl« Storied 0>ineUing ; | so it in, ; /; . ' ' Son; and Board of Work*^ firms TllIBUTE TO WATEHFQBI ; c v ¦ ¦ ^ B Acrea, lirg« ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ " ¦ cotrjmls»ion./-v . '- .]. ; ' ¦;. ,' ' s ara Quickly vanishing. I Mno^hal'^-; Lof 9^-Wiitfield , contalninT tao^ern. conyenienee; ftablin? «Hd . XKJK h»T« i * Quantity on tinds^at •ate. eonierned, 'What-Ivwrrii foi sav, Jn? ;i ' ¦ SCULPTOR ,¦(¦<¦:¦: . • '-> « :.;¦ . n>l|ing , . • . .• , : . "¦ BnUdW 0af- ! ,. ; Statate, with Valuable Oattfc «ge,.8ianding«n high ground is i a healthy T* present, both| N«w And Seoondt connection:withr the present* dispnte^'1£ .;. The j{;Jjburt»al da-Ia,(jr6tt0«fl*. Lourdea "; Fee^Imple,;«bject tc-X4Jte- J5dJ locality, and command uni Ja .rtry humble opinioaJit- b' r held in itcmnted Wflutdi'be' ei^ £> bluh'ea, »n; «nth«Kiartie*ocoopV?' ¦ ;j*e Tlfe WATEaic^BafiMslHOTEL.i ; LOT 3L — AdamaWn,, containing W yi»w« of the Bay and Tenni* 1 tentt*. «r,ior all ponoKmad Wti, tfw^iUriio-bead! •; ' ThomaSfWaJjaib;nd Son dir : tr \a rim **v eMj^-^jit^jsMBjiei; .• ; m% - Mettrs. 1 Aere«.USt»tnt«, irith DweUlUjhouM *nf : Tha House* »re a.lw»y»in demand and OUR /,!. | but . ftot .to! break.r !• wpuWfiikigfrert IK , roomal,"; f aZ&foik m^motk:^ att^Hon to the sale of " The Wat«rf< ° ' SHOWROOMS' : " ' ¦ ffv ¦ • • ' ' " ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ •¦• ; ; pMrtke tMtTTrcr M ¦ ¦ »a orTt ¦ ¦'• •>«• ¦:¦ «*65 Fee-8iniP{e • - ¦! ' • ; , • held ia . the - i-tooked for bj . . Building* thereon, eafcerir viaftcrji i rnriug- tha ! .r. gr lii, wfth digtjlflei Artni" - The interest io 'fhia old*#5 l« Into the 1 oJtiitV*niro»t ^, , h^;i^renir^^«re p^W^or^rirj; •abject 1» .£54 tti. 9* aiked to st^ bTeAchUhd'lKifa iti blloHln^tfr I5» most WauUf5r««v»-a.UtMtrKMet.«W b*.*ut- uji to autftlM n^eui- Irish Lksd Coainiaaloa. Th« Own Crop; i Etiimtted t?y ptodoeetrir iutl: KTMS •*:an ^Aitr«tk>lr» cioart, and for the »*?«] -;downJt;^al)fa^ivT8^;.th*5^ p«>myin«, and villb « girejo.M £9Q0: oi 4ril^ «et . -p , «ae taort imuSTol h«ld id FW-8i DD^e.ffree¦ O=p0NNiXL THOMAS'S (HILL nj! justice ; ^ enUy 'Ktaatod. bdng withW 6 mfle«; j- Ik addiaon to ihe public w it»Ti ehdlding U devotien to the Holjr 4* C*waw,^ViWW«l4d ^^t-fiwei ; «U ef Which most he cliarid, >»«j 'A; : it« ord, has Wrw a«urtd anotb**po« CTMd of Daity «nd *# ^£mm ia ritS?diate ¦ ! : at Cut* i Igg ' THEAT^ ^ BOyit.-.i .nr.ii - . l " to tbfa Sale¦¦ , as a ufer iovvftr " : . | - down price*. , ; . .. j ;r of a similar kln^TiHth-O^PwfeH » wfedfc be .Md. .• ,•: M - - . .i j - .i ;fo ild, E^.i^Th?Wand , V %UsSt$$l :¦ <¦ ¦ fv .!-^i;«i;tfefc>J«t:y6|fc>}^| ¦ [t ¦ ^SssSSS^^Si iXwrml* in thm vH«frLU . r .' ¦ ¦ ¦ : < w& 1 ¦ -• .,.: v aep, mi.' -jtmn V OUinKJ, • - . , ¦> • H> ' *8 ^ ¦ •;i-Pa4n«»'w''¥ Canio/: CjQfJb/ UM IZH PEO;t;Mwlt $t tXX?§.ff i i*;; ! ^ , :% ./, ^ , 1 :• :V:ii. ,: ;. ¦ 3 ' '-,'1 tolifc7&i4ifc«misi.:jfri< v>'jcai8 ^ *J l~ ¦ > •'..¦•; ; '\' -- ' jp v%* f X v ' . J : ', ' , ^ " rnttni*S ^^jfiWa&K*:$ *mm&£ l« J 4OM td pfM tTMafl*l»»iqb ptjt CITY:ME)M94EiLf~th; . 'J i . ^H/ ' »tj i 4N leNd JfoVlW ffwiSnUtlMi'OldnVirtl ur Kp iteivmA ' . Jond*C^^rtotar hM"nof b*irif&ted ^*» mmm liliili for the Brat* 8«l«;ma]nlng rabii Wfea* Aoctlo^S^H^St?,^^ «HTI tS^iki^uSSzmi^ff lm y *loi» *eg*powr ji WwUrford.-preMbed ^^, m nvi an4 Jo^nh.fDavlln.' ..Tfce L iMriflc h* *\mm Wmmm >*&rM ; !. - *£ivj^i.-vv -, ; ' "V' rVi^'-fi^fyf.' ,-• . j ! : ; ¦ ¦ - ' " ' ' ¦; ¦ ¦ ' !' J ; ' ; \' ::¦ ' ' A ;/ " " ' ¦ ¦ . '¦' ¦ ; - '\ i . [.. - i' :¦ :- .1'; ;/^7)] ' ¦MBip : ¦ ' !;- •:.w ¦ - ' '!¦ .T ¦ '] - ¦ ¦ ' i ~Ai •;¦ ¦ ; -^'¦ ¦ I¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ' ¦I- ¦'' ' ' i: ' . ; <¦ >•*¦ ' ' ¦ ¦; ; ¦ •r-; ;. -Vl H -' "^' ¦ ¦ . ¦ '¦ ' ' . ' ' ¦• • .! 'Ji - ¦ "--I • • 1 i'- : ¦ !' ' 'V ' i 1' ;- !; ¦ •¦ " ' ¦ ' - - ¦ ¦ , t -. 5 <¦ • ¦) ¦ - • iV'tUj V* .- i;;-p .-':i¦> ¦ " .- ' . - • ' ' ¦" ¦• " i - -ii 7 i . : I . i •; . . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' : ' " ' ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ¦ ' ' : ' •" ¦ • ¦ ; ' i' ¦ " ¦ " ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ; - -V' " ¦ xi ¦ ¦ ¦ :¦ . ¦!: ; '>- - -:¦ . '"j '- 'f ; i; ; : ' V ;: ; ¦ ; !' • ¦ i. - ¦¦!¦; '! ¦ ¦; 'i: ¦ • ! • [¦ l, -l .:- ' - ; . r: . •:. ;:' . |;;/- . v - /ii ' : '|; ;• ; . ' ; ; . ..; . T .!i -¦q - i\ 'W : J ¦ ¦ ¦ tt. i ¦ ; ¦ ¦ 1 ¦ ' ' '• :; . ; ^ Wi/Z + lx PZ-iYi" * . . - - { '¦ ¦ - ¦ ' " " ; " ' . :^' 1 i :; ¦ : ¦;. ¦; . . . 'v-- f- - ; i - : • •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦. • i - 1 -!' ' * '!: ' •¦ ¦ : - -j ' ' :; ¦¦ ¦' ¦ • , . .j .; .. ¦[ , : . .; .: , ,; !^. v,: i'/i- : ' , '. . • : :- . ¦ ' ; ^ w . ;-;;-'^ T;]';: ; 'ip i _ / fV I ! ¦ v ' • -;¦; ;¦ ' ¦$& ¦^¦ "¦V' ' /](j. . ? -| ;^-; . ; y{^ \ b^jj 'h ;; '; T' ildil-fiv-^'.v ^¦ • •"' M H'. . ;}r-|i ii jt -^s -tfi ^w ^ fi " . 'l i .."- ;. ',.- ' 1 - 1 » .,.; '. ¦ ^"-.s-rWi-i'l'tv?'-';"''' '' ^^ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ •;¦ ¦ ¦; • ¦ ; • - ¦ • ¦ v* . - ¦ : ¦ " i ; r . ii . : ¦ ' .. ' ' i ¦ . . ,, : ,| _. _ . , . Ml ; • ' soloinri procession to this Grotto i(tf,-AWr ' ¦ THE ¦ PaGRIMAGE.' ¦ ¦ : A LADY'S GOSSIP ¦' .;¦ .: :¦ •¦ ' - r : • ; . ;; _ i_ . .ri W , . . :AfteT " thU:'ln - -tioV:^di;oXi« g*«t M : strikingly, solemn' . deWotistraiipnjon ^al.; ;-...;.:...., . Trrrr '.v; :,: : .^..:: There was in Monday^ 'VlHsh Jridepen- Oh)sS ;N|-;); ; ,p ; pt . tne vary Hill, the mi®ijflcent ^Celtte>. ; ^ dent " a most interesting ttccouiit by, :to,,J»iU)*nv B^yiyA^iNWQOLwoRB;,, ; t L«u desIgriWd and Executed ,^ ' ; journey of 'the Irish P«ST^»m 4 . ,™S Watorford. the beattittuliyartiriB' ^ SANDEMAN'S tho Gaflney. and ot the proceeding s io tha Tofn ol copied OF 1 i Berlin wopl work.of passages?— . .. and traceries oo it being; 'tt ^ . A return to, th \ old Grotto. We quote some OB anaAntlpiDfft in B IB almost a craie just mmM [.:¦;;¦ was be- suggested by those aq our grahdmothe . GittBOTf Y The night journey rfromj ParwV of IMaynoota College, teas >fi the' work'in old manor S ' for the; cemetery now.-and ^ftuch , i i i ifc l i l i : ' ' ¦ < amid choerB, and . carried on The:/erpss. ' , freauently . ; A , : - 1 - guri unveiled by.Cardinal, Logue.l and oquntry ho isei, . Which ¦ ' : 'I ¦ BT M amid' the deep, un- * fl9B hk ?¦ " ^ ' "? * - ' ^ • I i ¦' ¦ ' dvt ' foaguea and le*gues aV Lourdeb. as ' a wealth of' old-time fabrics and ' and is to stand for. giJnerationa contain ¦ ceasing drone of pilgrims , hymns devotion ijot th? Irish furniture,:is beingf edpied by expert I ari ',aml't-OI .1ipini»n:."^"'l*t*'- •'rTt r; stop-a | Vays'de a memorial o£ tfie . j LEAGUER prayers; At out first people to . the Immaculate j /Mother j- ol needlowomen' arid employed'as covenngs GAELIC held up i toi allow ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ! station where we were . !" - ¦ ' ¦ ;' ¦ - • ¦ (!¦ i ¦; • , The {work is- ' Goof. . . -; . i i ,. -J_J v! for chairbacks and; seats ; ¦ : * ; i TOUBNAMENT : FALLS ! ua-Father ! Thomas, "¦ .• -I ' ¦; • -: . ' ' ' ' " ¦ • •¦' - ' ! *i ' " I.. ' ; ; CITY an express M pass At the unveiling ceremonyjall the Irish simple enough ih execution, 'but its eSect lJ ! f , : . ¦ ¦ camo to. ( my i <»mpaiteient. ' ; ¦ ¦::!; ! O.9.F.C., Walk Pilgriins wre'; present,, accofopanjedj by depends on . the design, and the I colours : ; . ,i. ^L::^-^; .r-!. -: and B TK(B . KEATING MEMORIAL. j . L . • j THROUGH. ; . . ' j' " Come with me," ha whispered. >ilgnmsi used. A demand for it arose some three olfthSrt^itiolicJ "JW™»!i It: ,woum manyUhousandsiof the forefgn : UB piB offi ' to'th? auietly along the-:plfltform. UIUCU » ' steadily]increas- THAT EACH LA I thJ?i*-eiititely ^ue. . political life which -was billed for Appropriate ana: aeepiy, ; V vears ago, and has-been ¦SE? ffaan^^Bd In the turmoil of Irish , . The tournament da Wl hfart to , 8ee it." : We.walked ^ estab-; '¦ succissiinrof ;«markable ' - disappointments,, and ' FWd Sun y tW<»W»> ?aise%r as we dresses were doliyered by Cardinal Logue ing, sufflcientlyl so to warrant the : ¦ :' SKdiriwF ' with ita troubles, thi Sports] after carnage : - •^¦¦' . ~ d»o- ^ in: carriage ' -v;nsi^NAT in along- Divotibnal exclu- ' ' pre- Loufdes.j; liBhment of! workshops that deal ' i ' :ffl&i%ed which • " ; tiave and Uie Bishop of : ¦ ¦ i ' "' .^ downpour ¦ ' ¦' • -- ; SSSSTSS? forget the heavy; ' ¦ - ' ' : ' VI -V • . heartburnings, we are prone to owing to the sayuig their beada ¦ > ¦ , - : . and withh .an Ferrooy. ond passed we , saw peoplo and re^chpedjamongst sively With it. ; The work was wrmerly i ffise : T-'say Biis deliberately great services rendered to Nationalist Ire- vailed. Aispecial) ran from, : . hymns—tbe_ Avo Iri8h |airs echoed . Uireateniag appearance of or - softly chanting-v tha surrounding , mountains,) ana, amidst called' petit-point and gros-poihtJ which land by the eminent historians and an spite of tie " and " I'll Sing a Hymn to .Hary. - y ailiag at;, varwlus who sustained was! pretty veil patronised. Maria again, tumultuous enthusiasm the Cardinal ;P;ri« ineans a little stitch and a big stitch. An 9 . Ixmampas^p ii writers of the past-^nien the morning, .of Heaven," ; and. ' : but 80 ! Uora rTaI "Hail Queen mate of Ireland : sent a knesfeagelof horn--: exhibition was |held; a short time ago in ¦: " " • ¦ ' Hb% ui' pur own- city,|¦ a' H 'i patriotism in the -hearts of . a A nice crowd cahie Du?ea ,iJ° , \* T ' - ¦\ /^--. - : :. 'H'T ¦ : :;. wofM the fire of and iiundreds " Hail, Ulorious St. Patrick. the-Irish Pilgiims^ to his Holi- a well-known studio , in tho Wost . End, Jc*Lto[tho Pf3fc '•«& . to. the . people who. through centuries' of oppres- cheer the !camogie rteam, age from ¦ te* time to time ¦ ' ' ' lroin ¦ the which was crowdod with faahlonable ' ¦ Wa at I '| - ' , - ¦ cel'wbieb |: : ' patrpmsmg- ;he : |i wo^ ' ¦ infhie Pope. : ¦ ness - ¦• - reduced to the Icity LiUontfed ¦ • ¦:¦ • and misgovemment/were from ;¦!¦ . ! " ' , ; . / j . : thevbulwarks sion tho ladies. The An acknowledgment o£ his great joy on men, who were yery interested inlthe'aofa MkA hWto th^der a more or less abject state ^slavery. It events in iompjiirrent to again, at Poitiers, I went to from , the m:ghfy away in tha iunitxr event between the Meoghers at Later on receipt of this message' has been! recqiyed . cushions, bags, and chair-backs displayed oTou;' faith{like wSves! was the thinking men hidden camo the coach of the invalids. A i£e.ttt P04^ : ! - —all worked in Berlin wool. These ar- -l [ ' ' ' !!¦ passes; writing their inri +h« V«innb>erH ^Kilkenny) ofl. . T^ lamps fr»m ( the Holy Father aal foHowei— ; . . o6eari of Jiumanity: !! M. - . rocks and mountain Tlw ful silonce in this coach. deeply rhoyed by: ticles were not ,, of course, in-the old pic- I To Latare6i my;raad«rs!ilt .ns necessary treatises and histories, that i stimulated but the display was disappointing. . dim light I could | i The Holy Fathier, a good-fight at times, were shaded. In tho ' their filial homage and¦!prayers^ , !ear*. torial'style, representing scenes Irom the &T««S»jbore tirtni! a; 'gfneral refeTecoe , the intellect of the country, roused ; the homesters 'put up figurna huddled , in ¦corners, Uie ^Waterford I nnd preserved but, the Volunteer^ were Easily superior; pick out chairs, : ne9tly thanks and blesses frpW'the O]d and New Testaments ,but , itv modem to .the^pbli/qualities.Jo! . people from their lethargy ' stretched on scats, reclining on . " j bishops and original patterns that came {from the f whatever remains of our own true and and ran but winners by a big^margin. ^ou have i bottom of his i heart the . ¦ priestiooa:; in :^-^6 i aoa and prone on stretchers.: !; If children of, brush of an exponent of the English post- EtLMOGAKNY AND- BLACKBCIG hareigone bver our heads.i^^ SufficeSS efficient civilisation. Our ( ancestors The rain :was nftw iaUUng heaVily . ward when all is i priests/ and thfe faithful ¦ whicf brin^uig off the ever been in a hospital i the first Irish National Pilgrimage,to impressionist 'school . . • : - " : i COURSING CLUB; ; Moi say! ¦&' Cardinal «ibb0ns an . his made enormous sacrifices to retain their tfrere was!no chance of you may comprehend it ^ tefcti- " , nor the much-lookcd-for- deep in quietude ! Lourdes, as well as the AssoclateB ¦ ¦ : The 1 above meeting- will \bi hel< on booki on tlTi^ martyrs. IpVes ampTe; old customs and traditions-j-tb save their ladies contest this scene in our invalids coach • ' ' ' - - W! tie zeal :. - . • . iasd' rilHnj* tributa*o.tih«*rvour of all their temporal possessions And patient- date , when the whisper-^SodM, a ' nurso, a Sister ' T I . That , to soo the ekilli with' which our • lady raaUe , irelegraphing on Tuesday 'irom LoutdeS, • This Baine schooi;¦ having securfed a foot- .(Che! Eogenrt-own Stakea.Ior J8j all - ages iriesfs 'and ^opfe ^ae-pocie * ly endured persecution! for Ijustice s pake. ; Mercy—a ' glass of.watot'to « poon-po- ' ing—precarious; world' r Mayor ..of. 1 *r-wor>dkness friends can hau&e' the ash. ' of more the Special correspondent - there- of the perhaps-tin -the) of 4hat ieyer-got Jnore- -than, JE8 out . o: any . •Tho Eight -Wprahipful it * ¦ his-spirit-«l "trugt and 6tlu We are now living in happier and ihore tient a change* of position to .one of ' dress, in Beeking new fields for the ex- - !| ' i , Aid ifman j&yan, Eeq^. having, 'b'pthjitower and cot] an peaceful times and it is only right 'that word or—m " Irikh Independent" saysji^-Ejrtraordin- one. stake, atjfll 15sl . ; Waterford .stUV ffistlnjrtuahes . not , ease and comfort, a grateful ary and unprecedented scenes ot en- ploitation of its decorative art, hlas turned 1 1 i pupp es at ini a letter oil i iie Vtn jpst., .accessed to '^ flncieiit diocese ]it needs a discern- simple (The! Rossenarra .Stake for¦¦ ' thi ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ our great men, distinguished for wisdom, of the dumb atricken-r-a ' ' ' ¦ ' - ¦ ' ' • ' Ofc-dward ' ' ¦ ' " ' ' -A thte caso morning at its attention to furniture and flirniehing ¦J0U6S . - - ; ' . - . ¦: . ; Right Hon.' Lord parence . -K> see^, -. •!• . r . "/: : ] bravery, and virtue) should receive Borne ¦ cheerful - Oood- thusiasm were witnessed this ; ;| the ' inp;eye [' AT-DUNGARVAN. ' gesturo of gratitude, -a tho departurb of the Irish pilgrim on fabrics, and-the result will certainly as.] iff maidens i-«get, CiB-, lirsf Seoietttry/ to-the . Ad- ¦Kin* coming , to irepent; times , one finds tribute of respect which their noble deeds SUKDAY . And so * Tho Kilmojjanny ¦ nieht "—end again deep silence - ' , tonish alLBober-mihded Britons]who still ' ' " '¦ ' ¦' '¦ ¦ ' l out:thoiadvantage»which 'Te :«r, And An- their.homeward journey. . j. | . .j at £a- 5s. r $ -v • . ; i-V- fciralty.pointe L that modern condition^ a ir ; fever pitch, naltcQ thus) been incapacitated from working at' result to the uninitiated was grdtesque in Parkinson at jfteat. may, be .dirwted^to-proceed leient quaiiiies of taiin^ that learned and distinguished archaeolo- event will be "a fight to u finish.; When rintr tho tea .welcome minutes• wo. jtracie. . bath this mdjmihg the extreme. iThe Iega, baek slhU, :raiU; lagb, 1 and each iwtre.iidden "by J vfatman. : |terford,;J am [commanded W mj Lotd.n ; !pirie3tlyim\"ill field the best men of place aux daniea, and the Father Kcaman of Killenfiold—have WAIST BELTS AND COLLAR S. in the 'Mulhuddert ; Handicap. \ i,letter to their Lordships' as follows :->- notisHendiBchool ibejr can ottend public : ; and Clonmel will participate in the cele- them the privilege. ' Could you .Fjriman WB3 well supported. at their di?pos;il, aad every one of ingly seized on furnished instances to-day;of the rhSracu- daughter of ¦ i "Mayor 's Office, W^.to^rford , September meetings it which ; dJmagojucs will jtor- bration. Subscriptions .to defrav the cost from their ' ' ' ¦: ¦;• " ¦ ' 1 ; will be at ttve top of form. Under whs imagine ladins rushing out Tho shapelessness of the fashionable , i : •••'•• ].; . ¦! aokncwledge fe- to thought- an-d fiequently of the memorial will be Newbridge, loiis healing powe r of the i fanious Bhrino j 12th , 18S3.—Sir,—I be^ : ture their mindsi thankfully re- circumstances wo are certain of as great carriages, eny\ at a place like nt Lourdes. Father Lynch " Waist demands a break in tlje straight hadiajgood tjme at of the 10th inst.. and TJppn th« mind of th«!poor ceived and acknowledged by the Editor wash-up at , who was for Backers rauat have i ceipt of yourpetter , to di&ccintant. i a game las evdr took place under the having a good soap-and-water mariy years very, deaf as! the[j' estflt' line that extends from ghouldtjr to knee ^» ifive first favourite were 1 oh reading over its contents'I reepeetfully mail, thud rendered more sensitive, I tho of the " Waterford News,'? Rev. B. Mock- last pump, and then a vigorous of the -meetins; ¦ Association. Cprk fe*l that they lost the station Chronic inflammation of the l)ttlo. cavity and. as the waist belt supplies^ it, much suecfessful. 1 ' , ; ¦ i abk attention to mine'bf th^ , 7th, in which- 'only *Rdftehin, inMyarious |parts; of th s diocese, j on Monday last a communication was read Toomevaira selec- cheeriest family that ever came out of parish' of mine," Dr. Corby, one m the leather shows from St. Justinian. I* . i by from the Dublin is nothing to hold ; nhe Iribh doctors with geometrical designs. Suede water..and good' and jsafe-ianohorage^for "have rerldpred themselves corsp^uoiis ] Woodworkers calling at- Cork they expect the closest. Ireland. the pilgrimage! to!d is extensively used ; some . . _ . .... : ; - ': icharity ¦ they dis- : tention to. the fact that they; (Js licensees tion. From me this morning, "Formerly one had to belts of ,this j _ .... 1 ; ships'bf the largest -type-pa! request' which the faihdrly love .l and run, and their preparations for Sunday kid .are very deep and fall as inuch as six Prince ' Palatine left Wantage for I have ytron? h^oes jn»v b*> nc«dfri«sts Witfrford of the public. "We a echoed with the cheers and salutations of frcm intricate, vety £^ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' 'Xraiui will xiia. from oil parts, and father K?ariian had also suffered . little time would be re- '' • - ' ' but that- on, > or -moTJa of ( her Majesty' s atithe;^:i of ,; dutr> .-tint . that tlieji are might point out that the 'Kilkenny Wood- Irish and the Belgian. As their train : - .«! • •[• • • i : I huge crowd is .-certain. Mr. Dan (FYiilier, the deafness and a constant ljuzzinp in the quired to malce-n sot of three br four. shios -nrieht be <«nt to W-iVrford for^fie ready to^uffer/atjUie liands-of defrplctor;s workers turn out some Isplendid speci- the Bteamed out . the IriBh choir assembled Walker, of thb Irish] Road Club, mens wita his will-known energy, haa put; cara for thirteen years, i After an oper- U. winter. I am commanded!bv rov Lords, initheir liibours to relieve distress. There j of office furniture ; the the ¦ ¦ ^nd local ' , and thq ar- on the iplatform , and the last thing ation Dr. Wood, of DubUn, warned Mm Q has cycled -335 rnilesiin 24 hours, beating " : : wh4se name figured rri thei Borough Insurance Committee purchased field into perfect condition the loud, joyful 0 0 , Comnxi8sior/e)r3 of the! Admiralty to was aipf!est . rangements for the public are perfect . Belgians henrd was tlj&t the nerve had been injured and.that the previous Irish record; by 20, miles. Tegret clher will dfiCyery. lichr Catholic who died . in toe entire office equipment from the Kil- . f Ave ! Ave !" from the liO3ts of their acquaint yoii that they! ar/T thear-j kenny factory. ; :Wheu Kilkenny; and Tipperary met at the buzzing and the deafness wou(d coil- BASQUED BLOUSES AND A JNEW Tanp^rnent* have be^nimarlp. y this diootse, until' the}mi8ybodies -besan , j Dungari-on in the Croke Memorial final Irish co-relifjionlsts. tinue. To-day when I saw , hira :at his are ifvftreforfl nnaMe to complv with your j to ; whisper ]amo'nff themselves that |here ¦ ¦ hpure later; we elorrly de- The famous brood mnre Lily Agnes was . . i About tn-o . 1 j tlie turnstile*, and I hotel he assured me thati fin^e yesy»Ed, ay CORSAGE. ; ' was a: rain who,'found if> paid to sit at the crowd left £H0 at Lourdes. At the given by the late Sir Tattoh Bykes to request.—I ..t m, etc., jWi -• " : jovial i m ml a : brilliant jaoonbeur, and ' i Italians, Bel- sold her to the Duke of Westminster f * "j -1; . . ;, : :.; : ' ¦ . i . Irish, English, French, An interesting scene occurred yesterday wear have fascinating basque*, !whieh are , for popular iiit eocial -Ratherings. When he CONFEBENCB. : available. - eians. and Americans—to meet us and to *hora she!bred ' the mighty. . ; f toi ¦when a little Belgian girl named Jeanne sometimes long enough to ble I described Thej Corporation, under! the adv'ce of ; obeyed tiae|last !<:"B11 land went to his re- ¦ gTeet U3. who has recovered: her! a,nd . t • • « ! ! . busybodiesj^ontinued The All-Ireland Industrial Conference Bodet, Rpee^h, as tunics Jn other instanctRl they may . ; • ; the Mayor, is now wideriinp Philip Streets ward, jth^ whit^ THE NEW COO'TY the Iri?h girl whose tubercular kljeo. haa with correctness be termed (Street to the Yellow , 'per among tbenjaelycs, "Now :w?j phnll wili be held in Limerick Ion the 22nd and MEETING OF . ; (frills. A leflding from Morctan 23rd miraculously bettered, left , ; the official novel corsage that falls limp and straight Some interesting matches are to be run Road, a wort which was long.required in :8ee .wJ»a<|a flDe fortune Father Blank cot October, when ' several important ! This day (Friday) at Lourdes" cannot be at Newmarket in Cesarewitch week. Mr. 1 matters bearing on BOARD. medical bureau in the presence of tlie and bears a striking rePemblhnce to a that, populous locality. I The Council has; .together,']' iWhatj was their chserin When] the development of jdescribed. I defy any pen picture to do , thousands, con- Ernest Tanner has - matched Cahndtia home industries will be considered. at least a dozen Jrish bishop3 and doctors jersey, for it fastens with jdwelled but- ! ordered the j removal (of the sideways of: ; it became knowp that:he; left no wilH j • This The first m«tLng of the new County jit justice. There are gratulating, kissing, and! praying /§r' the tons on the left over five furlongs against Mr. J. B. Joel's ' Here iwak new ; matfer for speculation,1 important . annual event has been held Hall , , all engaged in the task shoulder; is niade of lace; the Manor and Mayor s; Walk (wn this last Waterford, which appears to affiliation and' entrance to chumpionslup the story of this day. They j struggle on While there have been startling Utter. Mr. Tanner has -also matched intd the affaiTS-of jhi who had be outside the pale of [industrial ¦ : , they lete cures of unmistakable organic fashioned deep lace veils of hither more Grepn—very] necessary/ ^especially oh ^peep m heen enter- fees .must be received. The draws will from patre to page , but, like myself comp than i» Car'ftneho against Ambassador over six , ; ¦tli'e ' ' jjajh-er- prise for some years. , Some " ' WB have disease during the Irish pilgrimage, I hundred years ago, wh i ch are Btill market and ! fair davsi aiwJ . one on tha life flnd^spulj.kt ipariy a farai.y public- be mode 6n -the sanra day, and the : first are dazzlod, dazed, bewildered. in the possession of furlongs for J3S5O' a Bide. ; . <[} & ' ipackets. The ;inor. After somei tirnij interest in! his spinted individuals cannot see the 'seen this day a little country girl'hobblo have been greatly gtruck by the large some fortunate folk', narade iiearj ; steam! necessity round of the championship will start on j would answer Admirably if ujsed for this Town; Hn'3 i« being newly: renovated and affairs wined, anjt it jvas aU> timjj (when for a branch of the Irfsh Indus- so¦ ¦}¦•¦ ¦! >¦ V- ^-h)8 :, . a;Te ; ;,. pozzlo. il. xnet lative of h:? sole: start any : ;., :;| I J new industry and work i» mn. one club. Tlvere Is now ;a chance for the :firm tread and unaided ! •Tf l/mrdes. i . ! havo signed 'a - five, . ' i American methods! .;' . ' . -. . 3 •> ¦; ;!-,i • •: ;: >' -.. .:'!¦ ' ; relative-::ian ^ .a. maa wiknoj>.'n',,«i 3,\>ter-;; W«tort6rd O G © ¦ .. r fa a city , , Berlin, i ¦ • ¦ Paris ¦ ; " " of peUy Journalists from London JtUoney, ¦' ¦¦ ¦ ob- knee of Grace -i . >' - grevneat tcami for under the system Tlie tubercular ' w^th Atriai.Ci.^CraiiuJeio, ( - : <( . ¦) . ., . ' mop hen yep,ra contract ; '- TordrNrho toldljme ihftt'*ver\- f-jeariv.b«4| . | ; . ?' f . , . 0 aJ>4 *>? suggestion is clubs Rome, Brussels—they'don't want to men- liirtb of M.iehsel Downey,,g\a ' ' ' '" ' ' ' madeSS** about)!!^ adding taining: in the [county the first-club* the helplcs? THE SEASON'S WRAP-COA I". . . one of the best all-round American ath- - The Wnt^rford Agricultufal Society to the stock of local are put into ivclaas of their own. There tion the word miracle—they fight shy ol lost speech and hearing; of litt'p- Jeanne to prepare their > industries the captains of industry 1 letes, in the late nineties, held thjir nnnual show'injthe Courthouse had bften Jd*voted byi • -Father ^Blank toi are up is no 'longer l&ny, danger' that, a newly- it. They have been striving all day to Bodet were shown by .thq medical records , Athletes for the Olympic Games. Kraenz; th» of the: ' "i arma against it.;7est, i perhaps, it,may accounting for this sud- The wrap-coat in velour-de aine or, as grounds yesterday. ; ;The' ,Bhow i of stock rel'ef . noot in his owii and poaubly formed fifteen: Will bo called upon to face find somd way of to have been of years' •! duration, The it \» more usually called, teddy-bear lein will have complete charge o^ the Gerr was rather smaller -hi quantity than usual. otber^districts.j.iHej Ieft: no will amply; interfere with their trade. It or any den and undoubted cure. They cannot , of tTie- ;patients who 1 does not follow that Rathgormac, Ii&raone, Dungarvan, le.'e«Rant things abouf him; the tricts for the Junior competition is also write round it. hlive distinctly improved since their ar- red, and mulberry are onl 4 few of the salary, it is said, will be £2,000 a year. very good] oonfent 9aly if by his! geniality and same line Would not be | req«ired. , This y 1 The weather was fine; and a pop^ an important] advantage , for teams are rival are too numerous¦ to mention. shades in which these fnscifiatin? gar- favoured ;the show ularity l)e couldi wfn i more unconscious narrow-minded attitude of .so-called cap- ¦ attendance ua hand8 . were marshalled under their own banner. striking or novel results. | The latest •••••• - ' place: at . t-hej To^vn Hall 5 o clock , -aiidj ended was won : by Billinwilling. models fasten -close up to the neck slightly was supoliwi by. Mr .Tohn Pow>r of the: mans; arid lour 'leather Vau?hnn» ih- :Wai AH the pilgrims wore their badges— The Russiin Greyhound ! importations, ' t«rforil.| I , as a littlej Ichild; green roseHe3 and medals. At the head From the current issufe of '' Tho Catho- on the left. The neck is finished with a Club 'and ArfelDhi 'Hafc?J. The Rijtht Hon.! fremeinb^r CARDINA 1 ¦ on Chekan and Chinnar (the forraeTl winner thp E»rl «f! Hurninffflhn (wimied WjhsmDilrw:niJ3 wa8 all the rage, ! Jisten- L LOGUE 0* IRISH was bome the Nationol Banner, with a lic Record" (published la«. vijeek) we take fur collar. and cuffs ar^ejar the - V.P-.i a!P»; i (ileevea. For theatre wear these coats are of the Waterloo Cup-at Perohiino in June), the yhatr. afnd .there -were iaisbipresent-r- in? tox^nany lectiireiand' many |a ser- * ' OAELIC pano. life-size painting of SU Patrick. Then the tallowing exiructs from on article on 1 ' DANCES. . . . | : . followed the pilgrims! of every Irish dio- well worthyi of [the yerjl serviceable. Long coktd of black haye beeii in England for ;sume toonths. Mr. R. T. Carew; fl.L';; Captain Cftrew , mpn by-rai distiiJsrriisl J ed ' c>rc, np\v- no- ¦ ¦ ! Home Bule which is as ~ . Macroii de eated Youghal at Ct.:k on pilk and velvet will be as popSil^r ev«r. Their perjod til detention ends; on OcU> Mr. JRuw*ll'j • O;; jV-lsciunt :-Hastingl3. more,-i wno jmadcj-j t his metier to raeot the In 1 of- cess, from Armagh to [Killala—3 ,700 in all attention of lovers of this country. The ' : the course a .very interesting ad- Sunday by- t; points tu i. Maciuooi, '" , ,i ;¦ . These show much variety inlshiipe. The iber 1st, and they are t . obe; tx-iniecr by Rov. !M: Kicker, Cd!oneJ Ttobcrts. Capt. self-oonfldent drawfngrooni philosophers dellV U)e of —marching four deep. I 1 noticed Sir John Writer, •'J.K., says :— j j , f own¦¦ r *\ Openirie the re- Yougnal and terinoy nave bet-n running Commissioner, bear- | policy,onl the r>oot of tweed anrV?erpo is also very much Fear at Ash Hampstead, near Beading! Armstronc, I Mr. C.,-|Ni Boltonj . Colocel of j thatllday .oh:ithe:j; cround. !Hi^ ^fp On ^Me ith Lynch. Chief Land It was undoubtedly a wise ' ; ' "niith6d||«fi deallrig[-"-wUh S^t/e's , Cardinal Logue rt very clcx>e thi s Scajou, aud a teuih pickeu intj aloft the Dublin jbanner, and Mr. Nationalist loaders fcji cbnfenifate in evidenrv. for it i; too useful jto be dis- Chinnar is expected to ?nake an appear- .Fisher, Mrl W. ' Dcspfird. - J.Pj; iMr. O^ th« youtfifut 'erred to the relative -merit* from ti.em, tnii a Jinu> aid iron) tme part of pensed with., ance in , the Eye Gold Cup in, Decejnher, , , !: Mr. : NJ gehiujfef. '^ftb IfJouT'Shed in ' thos^ dayn of Irish Jeremiah Howard, Chairman Cork County oh Home Rule. Until that fivaa . secured, : I 1 Redmond Mr. H. Armstrong'' dancing and to tho many -attractive tea Lees and CU nafcilty, is bound to miiKe * ¦but Cliefcan is to fly at'|high . game, and Roberts. • -%&•:'.T. Ca)-r6H,i- " M.< P. PowerJ Was gjm aio, '«ndj effltaqiousJ • He did no' ft re Of his nationaI of Council, carrying the] Cork ;banner. every effort at improving tha condition of argue w. : I Pastime the things hot fo • Kerry—tnat is, .should'the ' Irishmen noted in loughing Ufe sands. Mr Horttce Groom, who has absolute'con- Prospsot-: Mr. J.-Pirkerj Qnay;. Mr. R. th their|'r; Hej asked them! a few r Hef ^He Hundred n of eminent Ireland WBB simply p ' !Jld:- " You1 have had intr£ latter get tin ough Tipperary on the 6tli , politics, and/letters were here, energies were ahackled trol of the two, hopes to! secure a| Water- •Butler, .junJ; • Mr., BjinbuJy,' Mr. NoonanJ IjjWinpJ questions [about flic paritculnr ducedH., !i into. the country 1 ' commerce All our national ' . Apcetlt " rwho!n»;. ' dances of »n £. October. i ' : and hundreds of Irishwomen, too, whose lish fetters. No jmatter how loo Cup nomination for!hi3 owner. . He Mr. .Frazer. steward »t:Currayhmore; MrJ they ! were «nahioured by Eng is ; an exceptionally handsome : deg, and •Denholm. C urxashnji >re ; Mr."Maher. MrJ ofi and uwaysimad'e thein ffoncder epr*- names are household! Svords in circles of grievous our burdens, or how clearly we Will give us the, power to control the 1 Louth and tVt.xiord will meet at JoneVis ,, ¦were j scales 721b. : . . 1 j| . j ! P. .flL RejdJMeMrc./TKom' aa M'Grath, it.l rfouBly ;4nd nwjye that thejKdid riot know charity, benevolence , and Christian work . were determined on our remedies we ' "' jsnasssslBS&fss political business of our o vn country ; ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - thf salientjipoints Roud on bui.aky tlie Leuister wnior , • - . Breeh, I. Finn. M.|tHowlett. "W. iQuanJ rao^- in. the phDosophy p.. And their -voices, joined in hymn and to docido da tnjf course I , liave simply powerless and, surely> when we remember how we • ••• of i theirt Javounte ' football liual.i 1'hfc Wexlord men prayer, made open prbfeBsioti of the faith for ourselves; we had'always to ;waty on James Murohy. E. Power- J. Dunphy. !WJ jp^Ran. This priest's Saiifw (>een doing v ell tins exiason, and shuuid ' have been j hampered and; {thwarted by 'It is expected tliit the e3?e of the Ad- Walnh. T. Harty. N.IShanahan, J. Hal'.yJ unu8oally vlu<;id melhod of expression ^Ta^S within them. ' tho will of pur English masters; who -were foreign control in this respect, ' no one !ir be able to «i^ e the cnampioiu a good run. ¦ stock Manor breeder,; Mr.j C. M Prior^ N. .Hally, J Firtw, J. iFlt»ming,i P. 'ForanJ was Bufflcient ,hjmi a'way i to • attract a little Hundreds of priesU. too, assembled to- generally unsympathetic, and"always too jwill think that there is any- need to versus Major "Eustace Loder,' wh( se stud • i his gether from the several diocese , their dwn, affairs j ¦ J. FranHenr , M; Carioll.-IT;-Stone;U^BJ ^^'WO'icd witha.. draw.i6nrooTn. much preoccupied with] their nxageerate or disguiBe' the nature of . the is 1 at Newbridge, County Kildar*. will " ¦^ kept^liehtud 1 hear n ciimogie team is about bein}; numbers bning augmented by Irish clergy- to study our problems pr understand our wysc.; .1 *. : u. Koxrbrs. J. OT^wyer,' WJ bfilliarit 'S^rs&k^d^,satrtcd in Tc ureueona. . This will be tl* At benefit. We have shown zeal and self- come before, the . Courts! about Diiceirrbcr Lambert. J; Washington1. J;- Mahon, -TJ salliea and 0ns jc'.eKr ekpoaitjon i of the men at present on foreign missions. demands. As a result, our interests were sacrifice enough in the struggle, to .secure , third in tin; ci>anty, and other dihtrk-td procession walked his Emi- next. . Mr". Prior is claiming dam iges for Shet^pard. « tc: Th? |nobl^ Chnirman, ihfi vastest i ppinfs. ;] With : this eajreri e'relje land the dancers " the rere of the neglected, our 1 own . views j counted . - for thm power ' ot control, but unless we arc ' loss of valuable 'mares, caused, it is about Wraj, it hava .to use t Li feet are likely \o tall inio liae soon. . nence Cardinal Loguo;, surrounded by we weije persistently put off with tlie cloth being! removed-, cave . "Tho QueerM ;was his pleasure to draip ;***' nothing, prepared to take the trouble iond face the *•£' Perfect * . * ; i ! alleged, through infe-ption of sept: c pneu- God iBless Her", (tirfe? times three). his-antigonist' On Jtojubferian nUsirrditr g?.* ^ control' over eight Prinrcs of the Church. what was decided for us) by ! English • responsibility of exercising the control ' Tb^ c of 9 <°reign dances are On Sunday the committee of the Croan The procession slowly wended its way; English I political parties; monia introduced tojhii stud by one of Cbairrnan then pavtf '(Thie-Health-of, the. "J^J^&W^ >hHs' .of .. laughter iand merelyln« i a fiasco« , and^ Ministers and J ;when wa get it, it must be confessed that Major L'oder'i maresL:r understand (s-iys eff, eclSuai:yl humbled ¦ there is neither erace tournament vtill hold their fixture at the around tha Esplanade i to the continuous , who secretly contemned us '[ and-my -»n< rbent tlia; jaubiecI 61. ft sermon.roperty of with three times lSiijniti^s j thej: j irolta^oDist.frevivta. to a large final , the Le liter football final , and the sion , and »3 the maefeijl contingents camo subjects only, {or- 'coercion laws. Roberia ^drank throe) fh Iffe extent on the Muinteoiri Tais- ible, fit " i class in the country, but bj| the 'country Mr. Arthur Collins. ; used Co berts responded and thankee a.t^ndedJJia ser nous; and found aUHe ail : they have to bear CIster footba II ifmel, all of which will be to a halt around the mustered invalids his The will of the people was supposed to be. Colonel - Roj the brunt of the ; i itself , as a whole, with every free, citizen stand at this stud uritil the trouble Arose the Company for Ih? yery; waTtn maorwi iJdjnUa, t rbieh ita I ipuizled him were n< t «ork in the Irish revival cause, played on Sunday. Eminence ascended /the pulpit. It was all-powerful in Englahd; in: Ireland,that by v and their i sharing the right ¦ of determining its which is'to be the ' subject of the liti- in which tlj^. toast waa received them °ffl'. :cli *&?> ?Mt iwaro niade the!| meafi 3 me is in truth a strenuous one. plain to see that our revered Prelate Va« tho people wanted anything iwaa the most ¦ ¦ , : into We are ; The Dungai van seniors geom now deier- . policy.policy . i . • . . -I I • ffrftion. iMr. F. E, Smith. K.C.; M.P., has Encrland was indobtcd,' for her rorition tt of tneulJf«Ung ir^w; ardour tlvi ia-ith- pleased to announce that the Carirck-on- deeply moved by the| spectacle of that potent reasori why they, should npt get it. ' ¦bie' ful. |wth; Beminary. (students thiH huir Gaelic mined to go seriously to work , and there morning. In tones that carried far out to If anyone imagines thai this is a i» retained-for Mr. Prior, and 'Sir :E. her army Mid navy, ajnd !a'ff toiihewirininBidebaWr Miceal has been one o{ the most success- thusiasm for such a cause. ; The ordinary ¦ ' ' ¦ | j ¦ , . ' ;. and ;ast year, and a match be- Faith. He «poko -in. grandly simple ' iiare- campaign in the .of independence for hii country; hej'vfas Maiden Erlejdi is to run to tl« Jockey ; ' '¦ ft gniseij.-ts iween aififtcoji from each place would ico words. Nnver in. its; chequered history, of directors, or amongst our pr ;sent repre- ¦• : ;|': " ¦ ']- ¦;•«;»;¦ ' ' - ¦ ' , Sal fashthe authoTltadi-w^nti Carraig-na-Siujre district will be fraught Toady enough, to join iri that Btn ggW; it <¦ • « » -I-:: r the sides wee t on equal terms. ' sentatives on County C*unti s. ! And-so Chib -Curi, victory in' which jTace wjll -en- , • ¦¦s -;>'- " " -: ! :/ , ' - 1. " t ": - " ; ' ' ha said, did Ireland hoed more, the pray- |( tir. Vj- ' .T- ! '' with ¦ -r -v - - V"^ good results, ¦ ¦ Miceal O3)onnabhain. , i :•••••« .was , even a relief to ,him (o be assured ' : tail a penalty for, the CRinbridge^hiTe. ;• | | era of her children than now ; never was far from bping in any. way j n erejy theo- ' . . The roceipt of C10 is ackntfv); n^^/wi.lfhJlkfpl hun ; from- tfie hon- the popular Co. Waterfprd Muinteoir. will ' . ihat ite was rendering the best ei rvide: in . . thankfully resume ;it has ' n»t yet Cben definitely iettled time more fitting than: now for invoking retical or fanciful, what I have described ¦ ¦ | !' ledged 'ftow H«nry pPagB Turner iBarron 0\ irs]«iat^£nally lalltto tuch a min, Oit his labours in jthe Kill and New- his power to his country in Buch 11 simple is pnlv an t ; > M i i »!:l' ' - ' ;;. i 'fc:fcaU jMiB winttr' town district in a whctlmr, Kllr issanty and Fews will have the'aid of 'Holy.Immaculate Mary against trouble- attempi to sej lorth in definite, .4- -' - ^' l 'h'- «eo4 «ecH*A»vr::tct'hfeifBitaniairi- . 'JUajes'.y' *(v t. 8 «v£hinhand « pie en- short time. ' Go n-Eirrid manner,.and4o be spaied jOie| W intelligible language tho ' iMr. J. ?C. GauUtaun;haV.expoirted: to *i8( into An t-Adh Libb. - j ' eejtzr*le (ear is. The refusal of Uie Co. tlie .dangers of ialte 'doctrines -preached trying to nrtdsretandor t»ke part in tppre J forb ol govern- toj he ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦' j j old • the useful two year , ^rffknateW ¦: India Ardrshan ;tjonl«f.^ ! i meht we h»v« been 11 wntmu- pot. i Board to all ov Fews to be classed ns by infidels. , The sermon wag Tirief-and , ' . . !, - ' and'*r«lst i.,oe^tbW»M.«t«i?i*iiohn." ?2! ^i ^ ? Kil- , Appropriate.];. It made onst xompljcated policies.;. . ,. . -:. l \^^-iy «Uy led tolexpect. For, Has rjot true, ¦which he! purchape'd froin Mr. J.'J. PaT- €l>utch, 1 1vft.XxeaBrttierifthe i Waterfoft 1 his junior* SF th< y;play,members of the gravely ¦ i $?^^3?&i^ Siacthoipas t run has made . matters diffi- ashamed of-mean thoughts. - -. '. - . J ? But in the vBrj? simrllicity whjch gavB What'is the meaning of gpaal ing Of pur kinscn, the Maddenstovrn Lodge!trainer- ««rtholic Yi luiii MeiV'i 8*6iety thankfully , land tlie chances are th«t «o much directness and strength to-the freedom under Home "Rule * II is all very ¦ ¦ a«knowledi es Jte frbni!Hei«yPage . I, UmM » if ' U'} Bidfplunped the pupef cult for them : ' ' - " ' '¦ ¦ Turn* ' ¦ Home Bule movement there lurked a grave , '| . {;' • • •;•:».«*; / "'; twpet4e-;bMb' . the fire to they./wl))-no ir;throw in , .their 16t ¦witty well to talk vaguely of freedom but where t Barron.' Es o-. • kljb Wighfy-teree rvolnme -ZA U if efift , . ¦; : danger that Home Jtulg itself! should ;be r . tJu9, ;eaijdl|IM*ing :the Kilrossanty. Ax : ' - . The procession at night was a dream] ' does ,the freedom come in unleis the body :John ' Thoilipjo^,! of | Madd eristown of books to be added to (He library of the he^r . half scene. It was a xccnd'in which you saw fnisnnaorilobd' and its! consequences ig- of the people of the country ¦ bare in its - ' Catholic . X inn«"Meh'g ;Sodety.; 'Beresfora ''?fiO^p'n'A [%«Cbefore fc'ft " "'tUe Lodge, Co. . Kildare, Ireland, . • formerly • ;:•¦ • ¦ ¦¦ ¦ orn, fc lajsiefc i dai ; kneeling girls in whitadn a soft blaze pi nored. When people were taught to fight government? Or, to put it in j another the , leading jockey in ^Ireland, heading ¦fitr«*t ?,, - J >.|.^:.i.: . !;;-r^ J; :; C , , . •^."labourer. Sim -^ at for Home Rule alone they eatflyijeame to '¦ ' - ' ; - , ! ; : : : Death' candle light—the ligh^of least 20.0CK ¦ form, if the trovernment Of Ireland i» not •the winning list of . jockeys ;Jn Ireland . . . :' . v«. i , J"4'«i , -/ ' " -- ' - "^ -":- :- ^fciH?'-^ »1- *' s aooft-a!.kJa candles. They look like angels. In thii imagine that if HomA . Rule \ were won to be committed to the Irish p lople thorn- , iterature !| 'As ' from 1001-17 inclijsiv^, and iroroj 1910C2 Sir,—It a ppearj to me the chcapes! and procession aux flambeaux there are no everything - would bei secure : a solves, to whom is it to be •ommitted? left estate of the value of S&JXa. . ' m&?JEJ PH SHT.? * °S i8"V0ne.r!«Vuig !» 1 ' ' ¦ ' " \ ' ¦ beet mode of (ju.iy'. ' matter of fact, we know that at the time . . ¦ - s61Vini?| tl»f difSiciu.ty IS BANISHED ' Irish , pilgrims only—great hoais havt , Are we to/ sot up a new r\ili g class in 1 : ;' . i headache U dispersed—constipa- come: from Belgium, jirittnny, wheri the Home Bule campaign was most Ireland? Surely we have not striven so is to «TMt Upng pirttianbnt.platformB on W' Picked^ft i|b." j " The Leader." i . | Germany, pile* over he rnnd lwnkj/Bj*.tbe8e JIlS^t iPW*4 aril tion is ewed—asd pther dyspeptfo Spain, and Italy. 4'btt hear the Lourdos Vigorous and active, . HonJe- Rule ! itself hard and endured so rnuib merely to , Wr. Joe Widtrer's Mr.! Julia Wst threo ineanS was looked forward to as the actual 'solu- (be Vessels wii bo'ijioolwf'out to''ASio disorder * disappear after a ahort ; Mr. Joseph ' P O'Kane, of BallycK?tle hymn, " Ave ! Ave !"l : crashing over the exchange English for Irish jmi stere. We oppononti easily . in the; Lough Ennel . ¦ , tion , of all our country's ills'. -' It; had are not noW going to subinu (> 1 - wateir, wW ;h place'[can,;if-rtekittiary,: be course; of ! Beecha!m,'a l*ill»—th« commences tr) th» week's Dublin Esplanade and rolling; in huge billows of be ruled Plate at Mullincar on Monday. . , rirecV^d-cl «e OR i unfailing remedy for all irregu- sound through the Square. Your eyes pome to bo regarded as an end rather {than by landlords or employers, and east ot all, , tt> >lha -jiettfcs ' wiUibuS "Leader" a short series of articles on 1 ¦ ' : ., ' -I ' " i fcariof the quays^allfnjfl TB« " larities of the difestiva fyttoin. wander to the fiorgecjus colouring of the a means. Few. thought of Inquiring how if we ar •:• • .• - -.:' . ' " . ' . mud te« VThe Churcli and Liberty.". Mr. O'Kane 1 ' ,'GuHaripus' (3yrs), Ballyaheb (2yrs), Orb the qaay c in then'-w; leiiwus/be rembvert hag myriads ol lamps on jthe Rosary Church, it would cure our ills, or howl we should It is to the point here toj m >tej that in : made a UAOit for himfr>!f all over use it after we had secured it. In the '-fe' b^tieir M^Mm^mm nnd the spire of the Basilica , and your J one respect Hpme Eule will pi ica us in a Ireland by pif !elear and vigoroiiti writ- .mind there ,wss no question (of Irom B.' Cfoker.'s e3tablishinent In to rhovft t prt th,^:^8^ai]fa"irtter;cjfe ;f>b ::;. 4- /:- -BY-. :^ i" fng» on eiiell imagination paints theso colours into the popular ¦ position differing vastly fron What we Mr* ' for mini this world-famed medicine- Hubjects. Mr. Carl Harden , " using it at ell; it waji apparently sup- Ireland to ,be"lroined. by P.| H,ai tigan At tixet. Whio » ;is:wjtde;ewbn^h '-ign'timt » beck dea!« with "Iriah, Traditional iMusic glorious song of praybr. j ; : j .j were in before the passing 6f hi Union; ' 1 ' ? periodically, people who*« dlgart- ! ' siUnce ! Not'K murmur rises frdm posed to contain some imaglc pofwer that Ogbournq.' . .:• . - , -I . ;: .{j-;- - - } :- : . :- ^ v- : i fi our trade.; h«n towyj*«> bpnirtfienljSokr Kl ?&$&mm ^Woi Mercy. ' " ' " Then Aa was well said , in THB B ic6tto last ¦- a^B tni,Bonst. Thfl ^'Leader spedol corr ¦ •:¦ ¦ " " ' ' .:¦ to 4» t)ua '« at;;fli*t lig^TofpnlliM '^Kj ii vnoriiaiare at all senaltiv*miy * the asKembled hosts,!iTIie "Ayes "; that would set everything right Independently .!" : " : ' -.• -'> r> > . ?;•, i- ; ; . ¦); respondent ol Lpurdes contributes , » jrrar, • month, "Even Grattan'a.Paa-li iment—the I . »ll?J WottME i«tabbed your heart a{ every passionate of anything on our part. . ; . [¦ >. j . r : :i ;. ; ^ ¦' • ' (Bombardier Wells la again to meet .4< Abt l>o4«tt ^*pl« fe phioarticte and Mr. T. Galloway Kigg ¦ : ¦ Old ¦:House in: College Or* n-j-was : • |ils periasnent . «*«?;'thkn;(to-:duWRtftiTw* ^hout have ended, i - i 1 ". :< ' : ! ' It is ope of, tho mosVlhop^fui e rmptdtns lAscendanoy." •• T lie wbrld has Georges) pa^pentler.: ;^toce j nexpe^t* 'pVMtn^u^tf ifT^tJlQXP. CtffAGtjft* ' discusses ih« brcsent political situation Bureau ot quaya;wjH I rprppi « jlimbeTr<»X^#"1lh1? F(>f under (he of the Dresent time that no «u :h wide^ moved far since. - Even if' re wanted , ed defeat by the iFrencn youth it Ghent : hiaaing "Ualonkt Conit«rn»- ' \ Jt .io eve wHIJ nil a ifcineap>?» to tfe*w*«jt wr t «ion." Othe 1 articles and uote» dn the pprBftd delusion mry lppgerTexistt. Few which,, of course,..we do not, wi could not Well*;hae been, aatiou^ irrtr, - his 1 ilSis^Mi^M: "be1 ' ' '• cominctBu* ei^^eerf^al^iW^HM;1 i • Jnterpri« of the hnt Innt'oe to'^y"Wat only;Mf>«teS ier i' S ofMrJIaw. ' began on Some Bule is th« be-all and, end- ill of our religion,, of wealth, or of c ass- ; - The National ^porting ClubjCanrmiU<«-hew 11 . h^. ^^ESh takan axi from a shottly bjpiir^rdedhl»!wl sV'-iA ri taH t- tfy &^ flt)toiter fo^i r.fl9wWJ»W»*tl w bodilyhMtlUi . . whiqb far from ' C^Mifflla#Mfi i :¦* T«rfy and V ailiun o^Btienj: : : of; the Holy: Sacrifice of the M,ass. . This nay be ^observed :re- privileged fclasa; it ;muit.; I an eitored to fn? held [at /the club : articles we e «ign id , M aowdlUatotf •ovadnew and ¦ j it aaked oonlmually: . .- ; ' '- -to ' ¦ ' ' :: ' ' ¦ :' •-as followed br, the hearing of confe«sioni issuringi We hear the-nHfioB w . . .:.^-p. ^.v.v ^W\'» for the miwl -Vfcbsjc -;tif entjr- to inda : it • .: - .[tT—— *¦ ; ; : , j! ' kVhat will Hiydo-wlt Bttif olr i&iatjafter headquarters,on Mondiiy; Decciiber St 1. 'SSSSll^SSHHtt! from A aJU. . - From this hour onwards;;-at ' Tin Cft tfiikli ' i LMk -ijumewius ¦ Masifls,' thore were: coni 3omo JRule f , ,Now, sufb aja kifituqe I on for £300 'aside and -the fchib' 5ur*e :; >f thV ¦ ¦ * f ' tinuous' . streams of Communicants , ap> he part of th. e people tf large gi res cause ¦ ¦ A • >y . f> V-i Mss^ i ¦ifii W-:r \ 'Virij i * • ' ' , serious; mligrving*.i If the bnllc of , • f %i?. VV-TO^phZ Habi EWIFE|!;:V ffl' ' l i " :-i 'Mmv : ' k: or ¦ ' 1 i i : itl^J^i proachirlg the altar •jrafils. ; .;. - .; ; f • . '; ' ' ¦¦ ' ' ¦ - : ' ¦ '- ' ¦ '¦ ' ¦ ' " " ¦:, . . i'i' s<--:h '. :'., . • "• ' - . : '' '1-'\' . • • l.i!. ' ; . j; . Av i**-^!» - fv^ . p ' iiiliiili lP '^fiir-i^k'^S»«ue 6f'*TuBch"t ocrotaiii* he people—{.«., of. 4h^r .ordinar y . people i.l . J; il High Mass -followed ' by: the recltatior) 1 ¦\-- -haxi-;yi^k! lipok : i- {••rioonhile» Ih «f with the att«fnpt;to in- . in tho Tho posiess votes—are (content *<' look*for for makng her OPudlUnga aiu if asU^.'biiiiys We gtiail Uftir ^ -»SoiTfl the; C mrin ,Pftrty;politic*;*ftc t of'the BoKary, etini*irrf i ":S ' * f hat «W , ¦ , ¦m/Berlifrty *« *' o/thej Kng of tSa HeV silica at noon, ' his ' Eminence Cardinal will do for th6m wff cenxiot ex, >ect that pin«. : ready for u»e. fcoea nr hflr; »w«t I &i>e4$**^apitqitte h taaidj 4ttrd. ' Wd 1 Bi»horig being presentw ^" \*fmvrf \ m t&^#f"AiMrdcW tfaj^ Lotue land seven , ¦ ft will be anythlnK" ntrt evil. 11 nlesa; yre nnd whole»on»e: your groc >r *1» tt-Ip- ¦ [ K An Woquont and 'bq*«nul t aermoa . 'Waa ' 'irefus >•: m. jfHtuted 1 Pontyfract--6eptenT(b<• 9 (0j A ra ,^Stf i : ¦flSTR Mrl MSir - ' ¦ v: realise that IV Is not theft put. We; ^ur- aW upon ATOBA*. s r ^$ ¦ Siahopi ol Derry. .The " . ; >> ; ;:; i;!' V- QBthf *jk BfllieiftUe-o! :' 'telM • <#&£••''StTlfcnrt flreached^br thu wlveg. the ; whqle Irish! peotrteY t [tat must b«nds.'--- - .i . - .| : ! -!: > - ;;, Tfewbuiy-^epiBmbet ^th >. .. I l^mm9Si of.the BS W«u;Tendered id* a -q;y ;. -' ! ' ; ¦>;;v* ; vL«rier*eWei j Euleis ,v». *\ : -z . .; \- : ^.i.. :?- i- . - y ''. ^:, : ;;'->;ji- \-'iti-t 't ' tjv b?tjifd-' v 'r/; aeenlfi d«TOtional anlrit; the vast 'eongre- ¦ ii6t,fikeljr-to|.dO;U8 any godd. , ¦:.•* f t} v>'i J ; ' (Stii' iftifewrt s*tHo«r« . R&W CotiMr^e.gatKm beloi: deeply Jjnoved Ijy¦ both i«er;- : oa^wlil^J liraw^ ; •; ¦ Kfactfntdsh'* ¦ ¦ " : TbelpetiUoni ¦'¦ <: ¦ ¦;; '. ¦ "•' -\ J l'i\- ' ¦th;*^%>rfte6, , 'H :f j? . i^- ;V. F.. the^PilgTittuiieAs »ooiafe»were carried Some- Kufefwfflf •eontjr W,&M Wit SutrimBir HWeet; . ^?^? '^ l «>th«¦ ^¦ !«l «k'«n¦ ^te«te». -'/.^.'P'r i^i WW |f -V-A- X :.:;' »V. ' .' •; -.! ' •¦ ¦ , .- -: ¦*^ > - .l'.j- . Sff»» . ..hl . t . , .!. I : ¦ ; -¦ ¦ ;¦ ¦ ¦ >- ' ..• ¦: , - .; . iv-ir i -f - . c WM ! , . . . i^mmm mm9t m ¦ • ' ' ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦: ¦¦ ¦ ¦• - i- -3 . .: 1 • . 1 • . i . ;.;¦¦ :'. : ¦;¦ ¦ ; :;!" :¦¦ •;. : .1 ; „ «is^i^t mm irn^mm : iVMY !.:^ :- ; i; ;k ;.-;ii :v] ' .; , ; JHJ;;! ¦ . ».,- r-i .e:- •: . . -: J i>v:-v:: ,, - . •• -_ f: ! ;' -' - "'.v-i; tv;i^.t-[ " . - ..rf.i;Ti'fi'ii: i. ^^>;SI(-!?5p3!l? ' S!| ' ¦ ¦ : ' :y " -!-'y ¦ '-.!¦ v ' 'v - i:| y - - . !; i - i : :v; ^; "[A ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ r ' :- : 1 ¦ ¦ ' ¦:¦; " • ¦:: :- -: -t:-r - :J:.U: J:.;- • ,^ !.. .- ; i ' : •: 1 ill * . , K y : - \ + ' :i\ti ; '-:A&t --U ,~. f ch ' ft'W HAilNESS MAKERS SUDDE$ *f v -*H<~ ' ^ i that?heri^hiWyF_aitta.-w tf^ffshegjf : CARRieK-pN-SUIR PETT^T ¦ J ' ' ' ; ' ' , , ,_ =—ir, -l :J- 7T7-7T^ : spiles •: ! ' itionH:+In tshcM,-: Mr. Michael Quirke. 'Bolc.- whd appear- " MliLlSTITE learned with ' a 3hock by his friends in 1 ^ among'intimates pretty.- -. ] ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ it is known,; ^that; srtid the Waa : : 'i . ' --- 'l. - • :¦ \< •(' ¦ ' 1 ! ed for the cdmplainaut, caBp the (city. I , i . ' - ' JBirthOTessL-- 1 3fte ^y^Ujjg«fst - ¦ : > Ir^— is &A an application to bind defendant to the ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ';yonng to: have ' [At his; trade j Mr. .Walfih was reeogniBed ' ;- -:¦ ¦ 'daughter is; iof a6urse,;itpp , ' j c=a . . 4 . > . N peaco. Whenever : Mr. Kirby goes' to " EMPIRE aa abi - exoellent . man^ aiid in-sooml Hie ostablishedi'V «!p!utatio,n' for.tanythin'g in Olonmcl'to ithe market' tho detendant his' joviality, and kindness made him a partfeulary it '-"we; fe'iceptjthat -flhel . plays ; abuses him; ' The' Clonmel magiBtratcs general favourite.- ' . - \ : . :! the' 1 biano iwithhremarKable 'Dronilse.'. 'is . 1 recently warned her ,-that if she| ' was "CLYDE ' - |: - freqifently'; :fir6t ! in .he^ blass- .atii(Spnlsreni \\ brought before them again they would ; . (for '.my friend' is' dpen-minded ieveoi'te ¦ . .;, HE .1W9UE8T. . , _ ; . \ send her to gaol... • . V | :' j ; ; - . M T the - extent- ]6f jjjattonjSing ia' l iCatndlid 30th ' j : v August : Mr Kirbyideposed that on ' :; ¦ " " ' ¦those- . ' REGENT ¦ beitep ^ ' • !¦¦ ' school if h(3 thinks ;it: j than • : - i^t:;,Mrs.[ M'adigan' licerieed premises he went to Carrick Station to sco a gentle- . s , i ¦ ! conducted byi Pr6testants)|flnd;j(i{nsin aU: man with whom be was to travel on Mahijr-street, lost - .Tuesday, . Dr. Georgo ¦ sorts of gatoW witli blfin '^esf! TJft'^iaeri business to Waterford. Defendant was qualiti I.|Macke'9y^ J.P., Deputy-Oordner, and a , .uus J er/ eti :^^&2^>&Feh)an)i held on inquest touching the M i ,¦ \. -i ;: ;; :{- -\ry ,j ::&i%mm found in- -WaterfoTa she started abusing him. Her language which place them far above all 5 ' ' ¦ ¦. ;Sold in Plete 2 tor tii-kioxaliA , m&tk of the jeleet !), -jarid!'visit'London!JD'! was very bad. Witness had to got tiie ' death,of Mr. George .Walsh.i- > g ^}- ' -!. - . ;. - :• ¦¦ * and-7i* 'r , ±. ^BBM : 1 ' ' f ^M: :.:. ';' ,.;,.. : -i ; . : . - . - .¦ aad^LARGE 8^J Tia»; > :- : . "h-;;, . ii "-;.- - J| ^a ¦the theatre-sfeas<|ii ,.;;. ;)i I- ' ! ^H .-; •[.- -j; it isn t . there —it isn't Spillers;-r-|that perfect Stationmaster to get him and bis friend other Sportingr Ammunition— i Hebd .Constable.O'Corinor and Sergeant There ia hbthing renxarkablej ypui.Villi! IF ! Piper, Manor ¦Btreet¦ , represented the 1 into another carriage. I ' ' - ¦ ¦' say, in .' th i ?haractcr ' 'tliia iPrti'festant; police ! ;! - . ; • : . / . ;¦ •;. . ! I, £ ¦ ¦ ' '< ¦] ¦ ¦ ' • jiNTERMEt^ATE;- ltS^ilT§;5OF ,tics. they have snfBcleht influ enoi'jtoj'pl)-!. iii 1 , Clonmel. i : : . . back !frpmjme,,.bufl did not regard his illness 3^^* : —no blow , . J taia\s.£ui8c^^^!for:'{'a|i''t^mi]blea^de son., ' Defendant said , Mr. Kirby was not 1 at lo jbe so serious as to need a doctor. -He; -; was quite Without epttraordihary-.1 influence , \ -I Bey |: the 2.40 trauLit all, the one at which:he —and they hit very hard conscious the time of his have beeni-eriabley said she had abused him. She and Mr. aeath i and did not : complain of being ; 1 ; -by dint of aril endbw-j: ¦ ,; , (Specially Contribpted.) ; :; ' -I ; ment reservea ,toiraerhhers of.theiri creccl,| ' ! L . ! . Bcriously|ill. I had no idea' [ Mooht SUJri Successes... | ;f ' ' ¦ ' ' . j . ¦ Kirby are in the Bame trade and of course that deotb. ' ' " " ; 1 -}¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' -.;¦; ¦ :¦ ' ; • ¦ :•- ::¦/. . ¦ _i. . -. . .;¦ v . .; SlKirire . one ; JBOn ia/nniyersitx;:edn fatfoh.f Guaranteedby ' . was so near, : ! .! . : . i . • ; _ j . :] : . when people !are in.the s*me tradejtbey nor had he himselL: Mrhus-^ [ an'J.'by. a-eonierw-hat , , Manufactured only by j ; bnnd.: always-had::good hecl I'Thej long-expected, list.. of xhihiiions, -similar process ;-tai are always having little difficulties . .th>.and,had ^ * '¦ ' ¦ ' : ' ¦ ¦ - - ' ¦ • : Dw.TBnovhcaf.jirit • SPILLERS & , Ltd., v • - V . ' .> ;- . ;¦- . - . . v q SnndKiirst.. . .Briefjylthyj- BAKERS CARDIFF (laughter). She was nt onn time. -an agent not bcenlijl for years. I have-Been-;.he laexhilsand pijoca awarded .by the Intel: . ; ' ' ^ tbj litile»bUV«ad cazed ,«. judicious »Jse; of- the;. Spea'atopjiortiini- ! for Mr. Kirby and he.goid he would keep NOBJ L< , LTi) boay ;ving ai; 87 Manor street and identify, mediate 'Boarf.on thn «zaminatlons of; |-.;;ribod tiptpe iu>oniai ; Don't be misled by;any misleading substitute " iki'Losive^m ¦ iarreijtr year -were- published 'yesterday;in I •ai-a- fair pi-MjjectVav» Wiiie, rHe,r. .*hoE0 ¦tifie offered them beeause-.thejijnrei.descfen- !- her out'of Carrick. He thinks because it.asrtbat of my Iqte husband: He was^n ;.the 1 saddler by rade •iiuu.jiu. -i'ae. oirtfrtaiiaia^-leatuxe ;ot \iait • large)* curves -wound;.far-:a1,voy.. lintil !lhe 'lante!of Prr(tA3tanti: C.cqnquetl'fe'Hof j he 'is an " Urban County Councillor" ;he GLASGOW . & . LONDON f , and aged about H yeare. W(iterfor'd,,tHey"lj(?ve : ' , ]»Coij>ne|'—-Wa? he a; soberl steedy man? list is! that the amount' of money -diftrj' shied bfTiU Water was . like a tiny jilvei " Te(iched a qivet alti- of.n do what he likes and he said he has tnde ' of; - proBpcfrittjr ?jjiid poer,; of. the i han, J.P; \V. Power, li. O'Brien, P. I discuspion it was peaco for twelve mortths, herself in £20 « SESSIONS ! . sympathy on the death of L Fit* [ j After some further yonr husband. : . . : ' I The (Irish Christian Brotherg easily lead view jwiis. made mystical by a sunset of 1 luvcewiiiia wr;Bi inp.qiiaini jaeaiinavtney gerald (Raheen), P. Fitzgerald (Bally suggested to ask Mr. McDonnel l to give and two sureties of £10 «ach, or go to . belong to', thisj tiny; -wedge I gaol for n nionth. , :' j A Jjuror—I know the man. He wns like Uie van. : Their pupils secured 61 of jtho pale splendour such .as is iwrt rare;ini,Ire-. of civilisation garrett), R. Power , P. Quinlan, R{ Hoi Ian estimate for the introduction of the h lantb. ! . 20a exhibitions awarded; and have taken l&nd (when summer is on ^he wanei:arid; 'vhich has Dimhe'f ;ifo-yrpy into the fbar- den, M. J. Shanahan, J. Power, 'J. J. I water and for one bath and one lavatory hnric life of ,t|ho- " . ASSAULT CASES. ' ! The usual fortnightly Petty Session? I Another Juror—He wag a very pood o£f a very; Jarge percentage of the medals the October mists are labouring up from: ?opnl j Iri?H. 7There arc Quinlan. M. Bowers, M. V. Power, J.P.; and postpone the other matters in the •were held oa 9a*urday , Mr. William Orr. ' ' rind pnres. The citizens -of Woierford sea and lake and bogland.'i Gr^en fields even Bomn, l : |e<> , powerful ¦for6oea?s, Fined J-s. siid costs. whnt ;T have seen and henrd. -I hm of | spire, !the belflries of pHd ed the following extract* from the report Mr. J. J. Quinlan—That is ircally what Patrick Sheehan,' the complainant, !was t _ l Franc:* L. Walone qualified tall , old houses giving an appearannvisfa'1ors'6fTth'ej'DS5t'' sequent upon his recent inspection of the I !Mr. J. Dunphy proposed , and Mr. E. iju yopo arising from fatty degeneration¦ noocoYinfr ; that John McNamara, tho defendant, is his pnssptajion , suffering from pnrasitic pf tbe iheart. . : : Uking Ifourth place in the science course overlooking a|l., -It was impossible to;re- ' . like thfi>n( the most coveted workhouse:—Cleanliness is duly ob- O'Brien seconded, that the whole matter his nephew. On the evening of Septem- ahd Beyenth place in the ' 'fecling ; pf'jpride fningled . with johs. »he fhe'cfi houses and ihs most mapge. He had not reported same to the I TheiJinry returno'l n verdict in accord- modern liter- strain ' a an served in the workhouse but the bathing be adjourned for twelve inonthB. ber 4th witness was in the publichouse nt " ary course. He took teni h place in Irish affection in lopkingj at this grey, stubborn ^-n«v-V.t nil without ounce 01 that ; arrangements are not satisfactory: There , pol i ce as he was obliged to do by Act d: ance >Hth the medical ividence. : n I LAfter some further discussion Mr. Faugheen with two other men. Defend- Parliament. I (ftJ per cent.) in his grade. In addition old city set so resohitefy Inj its fram'e of •27»«>8.r»ne . M Hproted .arrosahcelwhich is no systematic bathing of the inmates Dunphy withdrew his proposition, and it , . - ,.H ,. -. , . : ir-inslied ant came in and asked for a drink. ' He Sergeant Triitnn gave evidence that tiiie hfe wart awarded gold medal for] having noble imounta n| aiia swelling river. And ^? ; ;beir predecessor* anioffice. nnd baths are given only when ab- !was decided to ask Mr. McDonnell to did not get the drink and he went out. poured the highest marks in all Ireland us, these , feeli lgs stole upon me I recol- . Oixi .j- lof H not find jin|ererv citv of |'the solutely necessary. The difficulty in pro- taking in the water matter had not been reported to the TIPPERARY BANK CLERK'S rcArlH suoli - i feiye an estimate for In a few minutes he came again looking police. j in chemistry and drawing in junior pradei Iected|lectedi with 1 curious eemeenijatlonauon of|ofliap-;ap- (j MwfulTw; ptP^erved .relic of curing hot water accounts in a great and erecting one closet and one bath- for drink but did not get it. He fominr might as Uien Mr. O'Keefle innded in a VettrinaiJ I ORDEAL J Patrick Dalton was awarded a 'seco&d- propruteness, that I 'stood ip the garden ¦ ; the N Profes¦ totits!-vbl¦ y, measure for this state Of things. Theite room. " i went outsido and started beating a " '" .WaterfordWaterford . ; • . - ; ' : . i ;¦: •¦ 11 i [-\~ horse Inspector's certificate. : class exhibition r value £10 in science pf I a ;Protestai ,t friend. • j ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ j * is proper lavatory accommodation in the STOCKTAKING. ; ¦ ' - - ¦; ¦: ' : that was outside belonging to one of. the group, jand aualifled for another second- ' i roomy old ¦ - ;- . , ! : DULwdoD. The son of ihe defendnnt said his The garden belonged to j ¦7 ¦' ' infirmary but not in the body of the C ASS !¦ ¦ " • ' ' ¦ ' men in the publichouse. .Witness went I' exhibition value £10. in the modern hill ¦ * -I - - father thought . it was no harnj. At "a special court held in Tipperary " ; ¦ ¦ mansion buil upon .the. brb\v<56f a j . - ¦li - v ' H" i - house. Baths without a hot water sup- ; The Clerk submitted two tenders for ou>> on tho road and defendant ce6se« j i:,:eraryj course.;- •? £¦ . ' ; 7| :; ¦ in the v . Fined E3. Cd. and cost?. I Monday by Major Colley, R.M., a young marJciiig the ^outh-wpsfern boundary! of • . .- . ., ., , - : vJT-'!.-j' ' .T- -~~r[\- ¦{ ply are practically useless. The guard- ,the taking of the half-yearly atock beating the horse. . He returned to tho |Michnel O'Brien- wa^ awarded a second- side lay lhe o(>en . \: ians have decided to erect closets and workhouse, the hospital and' fever' hos- The Chairman paid xhat this wa9 t American "was charged on remand with theTcity. Upon the one publichouse, and after a few minutes presenting! loaded firearms at Thomas cliiss exhibition value' £10, .and ijualified country, uporj- the other the city which i - .DEATH;-^^A^MQUS;- . baths in the fever hospital. The water pital. Mr. J. McGrath tendered to do they heard a cry " mind the pitchfork," seritus matter artd if any other case rti for first-lass prize value ¦ ¦ this nature was found the magistrate!1 Reynolds, Munster and Leinster Hank, ' ¦ £2 iir the science niyf r|end's ancestors! had cqriquered: |and ;¦ ' 'i connection should bo made with the the work for £1 17s. 6d.. and Mr. T. J. Mr. Fleming closed . the publichouse door cdiirse. - - i • -. ' . ,.\ -\ . . :¦ v-^BlACKL^'^vl^i- baths in both the mala and femalo would impose a heavy penalty. It would demanding money by menace to the sum 1 ovtrawed" and! held in fee ¦for three . cen- ¦ ¦ i Taafe for £3 lOs.Cd. and immedintely nfterward n the door woe [Richard BaTron secured marks sufficient j ! so ;. . . ' .; ; ' j" - -. ' . i.- - '- ,V !- '' ' lunatic wards. Tho male i lunatics are Mr. McGrath's tender being the lowest ' be very serioua if.this disease spread. I of £200. He refused to givo his; name or turies The fine mansion, situated i ... .: . . - ;:, c- t:'j l struck outside with the pitchfork with nhy. account of himself. fojran exhibition, but owirijr to anonialies magnificently, was a symbol of what- Ero- ' ' not regularly bathed. The Visiting Com- was accepted. , , such violence ' that , William Bereiford summoned Michael ' ; -James: - FaxUy, ! the ^amous^ ' strifci- the prongs stuck in ' peculiar to the Intermediate rules, hedid testantism has come -tO'Tnei a'in Water- jn ; mittee should submit their reports in ttio door. Defendant continued waiting Comvay tor the t respass of his donkey rei- Mr.' George Tobin, Accountant at tho not nunhfv for exhibition. !¦ breaker; lite died¦ ^ew- 'York of tiibtr- He was fourth! ford^-fease, '< power, cultare, 1 ' ind . ' wealth;. - - - : - " : - - ' ;<• i -!i, "'' writing. TUBERCULOSIS. . outside the door, stating be would kill peatwlly on hL$ land. Defendant's goat Munster and Leinster Bonk, Tipperary, ire all Iceland in arithmetic ;cu3osi5. -. .| ! : • i' - . > '< A' .} - '.^..j had also trespass<-d. and algebra J JXhe8e-;faihiltieS-mr|}it;seeni to indicatevan Parley was "a mitsteriy' - Mr. Terry—That man is well paid and witness with the fork. j deposed that lie was in the office at about }Ismes Pht-lan met with similar, treat* "[ ' / ' oiganiserv tOrii- he must write something for his salary.! ' The defendant was directed to pay 4s. l£.J&' on the -1th jnst- He , was at hi» arislocfratic eiiperiority; to had better inally. a menibec. iof a>trade < unicJn, i {it Cross-examined by : Mr. - Stephenpon— rocnt, thouph he- ;qualifts¦ d,-for. va:Eecoa \ and afterwards said he added to. the crown of minded Protestants iro far f om beinc so "• "-When-'I came;.' ELECTION OF NURSE. ; could not. Witness denied fendant did not pay him. to tjief market yard, and afterward^ to' this splendid educational establishment. : • <>ttf,'f- He . used to say. 9 . that Me- rare ^s might be , expected and - their :'.' ! was- an anti-Tmidh' 'man thrcug 1 aoti ' McNamara was i knocked down outside •Decree for 53. and costa. Church street, where accused was arrested frequently fin sly-t«mpered The Clerk submitted two applications The following tenders for half-yearly by' Constable O'Connell. characters -are! •thxoujrb,' andih'av^ reWined ' tjvfc- lies were accepted :—Edward Mc- the publichouse ' .and struck . and lojvable. Bucb ^wa's that joif-ray .-friend since." for the position of nurse to take charge supp Mr. Stephenson—Have ROXAYXE v DANIEL. I Gradually I i -bje . -:i] developed Jhis Grath, New-street, Carrick-on-Suir. white you summoned Prisoner, on being asked by Mr. Eng- who possessed;the house on I be hill over- activities. Hd' |.tHat there wa» rnoney of the female idiots and chronic patients. per Edward Mr. Fleming, the publican, as a witness. Dr. Williams, »t>:r., appeured (or de- land, C.P.S., if he had any questions to WEXFORD H0MOURIST ¦ ' *aW The applicants were Miss Alice Walsh, bread at ^d. -lib loaf; Dow- looking VVaterford. j - ! lo be made by ia pian'-who cpdld prgan- -per Complainantr-No, but I summoned the fendant. ask , ' said the witness could not possibly Tullyhee, South Lodge, : Carrick-on-Suir. ley and Sons, flour (Irish) at Us. 8d. John Ronayne deposed he boupht ft ON SYNDICAtISM ; He is best known' in'his family,ai whejjin- iEC an industrial, artriy whteh would|cpuij- lls. 7d.per cwt; man who took the pitchfork from Mc- have heard what he said in the bank, as his good q\ialjtie3 nave been ' and Miss Margaret O'Gorroan , a wardi- l*)lbs; oatmeal (Irish) at Namara. • calf from the defendant on the Square at herit ^ll d teract the powier! of unipnTlabour,, alnd: i© , 17a. per sack. ¦' ' he had not spoken loud enough to be anything t erogator*to ;wfent into the maid in Carrick-on-Suir district hospital. .Indian meal iFurther cross-examined by £2, and when be was payfng for the calf The C, ounty .Wexford Mr. Dooley who. taught to check ']business> *g another Vniglit- , Thomas McGrath and Co.—Lentils, 13a Mr. Stcp- heard except by the other clerk (Mr. Rey- wi ites for the "Enniscorthy Echo" under the family's good repute. There are three go in for: greeI>. Sheehan W03 recalled by Mr. Step- defendant strike the complainnni with his ; Lower I Egypt, ahd .writes home at lfcast always wins." ¦ :Hei boasted that' jinl three 30a henson who asked him if he had a re- head in the chest. ' i Prisoner did not cross-examine. OiConnor knows about: the way the pulse cation for this position as we advertised bone, 60s. per cwt.; beef (prime Cuts), ivl Nationalist Ireland bates. It's Syndic- pnee A year; (the latter he; a lucrative years he had! broken. moVe thaii-i:n«pty per cwt.; mutton (including loin chops), putation of being'a bruiser. To Dr. Williams—Tho three of theni Mr. {founders , another official of the : , and -wifites -Etrikes. ' jh' 5 for a qualified nurse, and we can enter- serioiis alism here and Syndicalism there. I' position in 6 >utb ! America - 'He : jras j cordially atefi ] by tain only an application ' from a qualified 7d. per lb; dripping, 5d. per ! lb. Witness—I can defend myself. •were very excited. It wa3 not a b'i^ilc', having corroborated Ithe , prevfouB frequently abo it successful 6c ttun.qi ejior- unipnists- in- consequence).' • But! be - waH Mr. Stephcnson-rWere you in gaol for assault. j , the accused, whd declined to ailed Martin Shigins an'; he goin' past nurse. Miss Walsh is the only qualified I Robert Power—Irish bacon, lid. per eyidenie erfe yesterday wid tho papr in his hand mopa Hants and bnakes and other insects careful rto disclaim ;hoetility to; Ijibbiir nurse applying. I lb; : : beating a man and bound to the peace for Patrick Daniel deposed he heard from dake any statement, was remanded to which] render the life • of o ' professional ' as «dclL iHe I always ; dec aretl . assaulting the p'ol ieo ? ht the call ' art' the reins draggin' , tbe -road at;the Several guardians expressed the agree- I Michael Power—Sugar, 15s. 10d. pc' his brother that Ronayne boug the Clonmel Sessions, to be held on the roan in the tropics ' one of constant re- jthafr inicases| where : inein ' \f oj6 '-:it\: th* 20s. per doten ; soda Witness—Thati was a silly thing and it and afterwards he heard that Ronayne 22nd of next month: ¦ : bick iv, the mare's hind lee*; ye know ' ment with Mr. Morrissey. | cwt.; port wine, thlo way - Martin goes on 'bout the land Eourdefulness iind activity. The sedond jright he never interferid || !• His^triu^nphjs On the proposition of Mr. J. J. Quin- jwater, lOd. per dozen ; Iemona3e, lOd. pe: is a long time a?o. would not 'pay , for the cali. He went to ' son was for a! long time u sourcfc of included some famous; industrial staiji- Idoren. ' Mr. Stephenson—The complainant j hae Ronnyne and isked him to pay for the wir. Ye want to know what's Syndical- Ian. seconded by Mr. Norris, Miss ism ' says . ' Mr. Martin, says he. Well, anxiety to his' parents. Hi t disposition g]«. Within A few. hours ;of the.oiitbreak Wa's'i wns unanimously elected to th' e j Patrick McGrath, New-streeir-Whiskey, kept from defendant. I ask you to ad- calf and Ronayne would not pay until . was buoyant, (ind his! ambit|on appeued of a railway, strike -in N«w York; laeHbad ' journ the case to next Court day tho summons. saiy8 he; yv'd Syndicalism jn Ireland 'lore position. ! 3s. 2d. per bottto. so that they -were taking out ! JAMES LARKIN AND JACK , says to be to shine among gay comrades.Ta her damped "700 xesoJuW "'blacklegs';; upon ' B. M. Fox and Co.—Starch (Irish), 2id we can produce Mr. Fleming. To Comjilainat—Witness thought he the landlords got ther backs broke 1 ' of "ariny, GRAZING MONEJ. hc\ Do ye 'uaw tolconvey to me, Martin, than dmong the industrious battalions fHe city. andHhe was rapidly JreiBr por lb; Guinness's stout. Is. id. per doz. Mr. Grubb—The Bench do not see their had a whip in his hand. CADE those seeking to :divert the.golden, stream. jfoiccd from . aB t>aHs,,,of:'^he:'(»uWrj(. |. j way to adjourn the case. We have and League was Syndic- ¦ Mr. J. P. Kennedy, Auctioneer, Car- Thomas Carroll and Co.—Petroleum de- The case was dismissed. ' landlords were Syndic- However, I airi glad to' see that all anxiety 1 He connne^iJftis' ioperatipns jto;ijt^eet ' (Royal Daylight), 7d. per callon. cided to bind John McNamara to the nifam. or that the has.emi- ¦rjiilwftv troiihWi_ 'unfl-iti 1\\K Armanisafo^vW rick-on-Suir, wrote enclosing a cheque MOOXEY v. FLYNN. alists? saya I. Hand me ,np that ttins, about IMaster ?- is! over [He for £25, half-year's rent of grazing of > Six tenders were received (or the tea paace himself in £10 and two sureties of - •• ; A Historical Parallel * grated—or, I [should , eay, he bas,^ohe jwere incl-ndedfbarbers "aiui «oofes to Iniio- supply. It was decided to stini on the £5 each. saV* be; i;wbuldn't lose me time talkin ¦ workhouse field to September Cth, J913. ¦ , , says he. ,He hit itho pony a belt abroad for a few yearST-to reUirn. Iiynder- the fleed37of'his)irieni irhen cit- samples to Dublin to be tested. ifr. Rynn , so"r. ( for plaintiff. Manchester on Sunday Mr. wid ye . Btand, to fill a {public post in ]Wat«rtprfl'to Jcuinetances-made- «wtside1assi stance Idiffi- j iSpcaking at of| tlie reins wheriiil put fl. in his hand ' " BOYS AT CHRISTIAN BROTHERS : A HAPPY FAMILY GROUP. The summons server said that the dcr JaniedlLaikinsaid that in his veins ran nnd droye away most as wild as tbe quare which Freemasons have been nominated ^olt tp.get'-;-:| . :; ! i -j. 'i i X- - - - y V:\ f-1 CARRICK NO. 2 RURA L DISTRICT KxigingB and he had diffi- centuries generation after! generation. | This post ¦ Nobody kne)yihiw ' milch" n^crwyj 1 IN: SCHOOLS. j fendant was on Roybi iblodd- For hundreds; of Dil. whacbed 'lonjj thb road on Sunday. 1 1 ' The Clerk submitted the letter 'from culty in serving 1he eummons as the de: $aid ' that Jifej Mepi V COUNCIL. ; Mary Cunningham v. Nora Ryan.— fendant was ill in bed under the care 0! did not give flhy dates, and Mine little difficulty,!about [ the retiring number of crack troUing.hbises at Plaiits- Rev. Bro. Hughes, ' Christian Schools, j ¦: Ireland. He ari' he puttin' a botitom in'a eweet 'ean of Complainant deposed that Nora Ryan Dr. O'Neill. ' : ' I students of, Jrish history who do not pur- pensiojn of the present holder has Been ;bur/r. For his worli during -a'Strjltel. in Carrick-on-Suir, read at the previous ¦ : Mag Leary'8, an" he tould' roe Syndical- : i , meeting requesting the guardians to pay came to her house and struck her with a Mr. -Ryan said that he was applying to ptta thieir ptivdi^a farther back than iho ism all right do long as it was " kept overcome—a matter that will be settled iSari Francisco!he laJketl^iESOOO'a rejemth ¦ A meeting of Carriek-on-Buir No 2 stone. "If I got it," said : complainant, boxmd 1o the peace as lie ,il difficult wa* 1 when the neW Government j comes into for. Jiimself- alone. i : Asia jmattcr -of jfic^, an annual contribution in respect of: the have Flynii tune ot Portholan will find athin the sort Iv people 'twas- intended " -: ' ' i boys from the workhouse attending 'the Rural District Council was hetd after the "in the right place I'd bo a dead wo- committed ' a most brutal assault on MrJ. to identify; tho royal lino ot Larkin with he, for lads like office. -. ' . i j . j. - - . - . ]•;: his mere appearance Ion thisjmccaeSon Sheehan, 'Twos ," to -the foi. H-> all ri(rh1,[8ays ended the trodbleJand ha jhad local Christian Brothers ' Schools. The puaidiang meeting, Mr. John man. for nothing at all sho ad- Mooney. : ' I ony Iri^h monarchs known faculty. Carnegie to be Syndics, 'eayB he, . for ^whin It is very p}easant ;to write about ithe ^before Col- J.P., Chairman, presiding. A: good deal ded, " only over a bit of chaff." CoiJ* : Cade, who daughters- of my friend. ¦ Tbey are. all lected *he money jhe -was called i to. (Can- Clerk explained that the matter was ad- The case wa» adjourned. j It ds eurmiscd that Jock thfey make a corner in a thing an'.make '; " journed from the last meeting for a of correspondence of a routine nature tinuing witness said the whole family Constnble Patterson charged a man flourished in the' early part of the loCh iv- 'jt know how to three, beautiful i girls/ and they arenas ada for moreibf, the! ianij; -work; :\X. \ . was dealt with at the meeting.: ; joined in the attack . Nora Kyan's mother a I million out they [ good-natured : as they are hanjdsome. {The ! -Beaidea hig feei for actual 1 ' worfc b$ larger attendance of the guardians. ; ! : named Curran with drunkenness. century, was an Irishman; some have it spiend it on a library or somtthin' that Mx. J. J. Quinlan—That is a very rea- Arising out of correspondence re the encouraged Nora to fire tho stone. Wit- "Fined 2. .! Gdi Bnd costs. that he waa, a native of Waterford, arid 'ihe poor man, eldest! is an-exceptionally fine creature, idrew retainers, from half a hundred tranV transferring of . the old graveyard at ness produced the remnants of a tea pot ' could be of forae jase to tall aid with the carriage of a princess. :way.eompanie?, justiaiaiconsxilting{soli-. sonable application indeed. ; Joseph HegaTty . -was» fined 33. Gd. and the son of a plasterer. • 8bakc! sa^s he, but what tho right has , Chairman—I agree that it is but they yond doubt that Oade thrived on creating wirkmen; to go playing at Syndicalism, and stupid princess in her character her OF '' : ' : ¦ • there are still parties who allow their Defendant, in reply to tho Bench, said a\SE—YOUNG LADS I - ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' motltep having indoctrinated her . ^-ith jpitoSE^OM tVirtnir. :¦, -l i r "-!| . •;' waited a long time without making it. | A L.VRCENY amongst , the masses in England that says he. . ¦:. : ' •¦ ¦ ' [ ' Mr Terry—They should get something. asses to graze in the graveyard desecrating her daughter is married to complainant's "diving spirit bf discontent" - which ' very proper ideas about cultivating', the ; 1 'Most Rev. Dr. Browne >ed himeelf Governniettt. He's invested wid differen,t . m ' ;ten o'clock on • Kernes—possibly 1 these . useful-qualities; one is often nirr :vpws, ana *wb Jay- Sixers i'^reiftjyedl/UjV. 'i Mr. P. Quinlan seconded.' I : 1 ¦ tween half-past nine and •galDat aj troop of pavers bf different countries. In .France prised hahit. An «J6 . . 1 - ! house at the Christian .Brothers Schools i : . tells a fitory." ¦; W3iy. ! ' WM good. Up to recently not only did and such epithets figured . i be va'.ue for « 17». Od. About 15s. 6d: rascal';* and "a monBtrous rebel"; in fact, they appoint.a few; Syndics from 'mong Defendant—They are all one gang. iho:brooches recovered fie Duke, -when he is referjing to Cadej ' make "em the boy* get their education tree but they : was the value of . as he was thie members.iv thei-SenaW an were . also supplied with I school re- Don't mind them. and 10». worth" missing. ' ; . 'I 8peak^: almost U a modern do> certain. busiaee« and iframe certain quisites. •¦ I ! • : ! Complainant said defendnnt smashed Mr. William* said.that he represented Clhaariuan iof Tramway Companies. : laWs, an' make -certain selections, the the two jups and the tea pot she gave her boyg, Kiely and McCarthy} I When the men' of Kent accepted Jack sub-committee that selected Mr, Bowe—I think we should make it |; vo of the , sain as! the £1 a head on the average attendance and boy when he married (laughter). ! , He did not ireprcsent Kavanagh. .;, .1 R!S ijlieir leader he informed them that thb county football; team :to play Louth Mr. Grubb—Are , you married, Nord 1 i] royal blood flowed Uirouph.1 his .veins—i* - Tnaka it £6 a year to include school ; re- ¦ ¦ : ¦¦ To Mr. i\Vllham!f—These ,were.the reta. infthe finals I don't know whether nt' I'm her*,' but: I know; all Scrgaant Hayes said when the polico ' that yoii ¦ ¦ : , ' 1 .. Jwould-bo1 de- £& s year for the boys; : . ! ! much difference. - : ' - ' - • , ' - i : ' • •, :' " den hilot* of: iKeirt. their ys'Oan do! fa! to orowi whin,yex hot «atls- came on U10 scene of the row Nora Bynu v\ young lad named Kiely deposed U»« liverer tells them that itherp shaU be in C9d ; but iv.\I*rkln»!tr:U-8vndiealism aH FEVER HOSPITAL BE! >AIR8. : | had the appearance of drink on her. I Mr, & ' McCarthy' IJnRland eqven halfpenny loaves sold—not iv iit is -t& get td- he was near Folcy s and *; 1 yd've tip. do to qH n& ; Cunningham is a hard working woman K avannph wer»'. there. Witness islol'cnl mind you—for a- pdnny. . Jt will ccstl»M" a few hundred picked ;tnen iy- JPeeri*- ' ' Ktely and IU MU -utc [ 1 . irkable CM^!;^|'^fin^]|M 8 .The Clerk said at the previbua meeting snd tho police have nothing flgainst bef. and had a. bo n fclony to drink- small j beer; ' all'Iho . un u.1^: 1 binn^ O« MI >Mt ^ iRi^in was sub- saw a brooch U'ith Kavanagh'He Cliilure ' * ^4 "a specification and estimate htr. Grubb—There is another case-j- inside hift coat offered them Tcnlrn 'will . bo held in common : and there owery man theyrmwtv Then send ov^r mitted from Mr. G. P. McDonnell re the Aftirgsret Powpr V. ^\fary Cunninghanj. nuti«b^r evidently ¦ to wiine.-s's birwher and witness -would «)iall [bo no money. (He had foV ialf ¦* " dozen Ennliiihj SocialUts aii' ¦ ; ¦¦¦ watersupp ly to the lavatories and baths We will hear that first before wo will de- Me- about , the penny :for the sevon the barracks j «n* ¦¦«¦€*' «!¦ j ^osi ^^K-; < " ;: ¦ ¦- ,j ¦ not take them.: Then . forgot^n ieHV th4 polis to sUy in I ¦•• I' wi«*- i» .- «bibplji^W^'in;. f^:atoM^e^. . Eroposed to be introduced into the lever cide thq first case. ; i road and loaves..) ¦ I - - i ' ' "I .. ' ..;:• ail the linin that wouldn't !touch thp local ospital and the repairs ; required to be M^rpiret Power 'deposed Csrthy threw -them around the that. Mrs Cxin- tbehi up \ : ' ! li ii close tipoji -five lmndrad y*arB( /ip>: Syndics iwid lorty-foot fill break thei r han«}swen eripp|ed,« KSnotMhr B*W«id:.7;-; carried out in the buildings there. The julighoru' was always riJiculin^ her about Kavanagh liicJicd. * ; ¦ ^ ^^ 1VTa J ^^ d^^^ . Kkiy, 'brother nl . last T»tjca», Jock Cnde: raised -upi "divine- bands! wid thev.toieion guardians decided that u. only a i few the, furniture ' rhe giiyc her son when lie .Thomas -we have' -way ol showin';lU ¦ ¦ ¦-¦ .v !: / i; guardians Wero present I at the last meet- depc?ed he iwa» brother alEO of one of de- t-i"-rJi i -v *%»')fc»^Bl:' " got married. IWitness gavo her back the brooches with ADOSUPS ,ofi DUcontent as busy a» they* average ! Irish worltmnn,.: (hat .enly i f< r lrtni-; ing they did not care to decide a matter furniture, and then whatever Mrs. Cun- fendant*. Witness saw the ! , i»Tho«i"Tho« I eomncomme^ncadnci taWnt 4 kj ,;.^^^^M ||i [At'.j ¦i.v^fMiW-t^i'S'l'.^ »nd Kavanagh about Hve wore fire i centuries ago. :. Th« gullibility EhglaWd Jifi couldii't hone; to live. - It a a B^ ^#iMt?i involving such a large , expenditure ! and ningham told her son thn latter nearly >olh McCarthy large-EeaitonB of Iho cortimunrfy M B» iv cliokin' 11M( breath ont'iv ^ matter for consideration : 'clock ttiat cteninpr. Witness asked for of lc v*ly way ¦ adjourned the killed witness and her child. 'I o it w> patent now it; wng in thj) days of .that I Uh nationally. SyndicAlisio be damhe^ I. to the next meeting. (Detail* of Mr. Mc- i- a br.vvh and ; he pot it. ; He gave a* j iOR, c/feis#BLtp Mrs. Cunningham—That's right, Toll ' gayo oxt.riwVrdlnary. Watcrfordmftn who riiook Tieriv-. I All tbere thinim cjnme to nptbr > ^ MBM Iw iiiii Donnell's estimates were given in our re- ' Jils fither. ami witness s father .ft ; is. 1 DO THE 8TAJB8 SEEM LdNG WHEN ill the lie.1 you can. I'll have all of you : ¦ tjhei throne- of England. .Verily, tlwro :I$ifnish rrile. • Ireland had the best soci tl port of the- guardians meeting held on in court' n,«t: ' ' ¦' ¦:! ¦ • to Serjeant Hannon. ; , ' {¦ : ¦ , : Penal;Lav e ' ¦' TOVR BACK! 'IS BAD? ARE YOU day. Inspector said that his uotihinsf pew unflor the sun. . , • « '«»en: on earth .'fore the , ¦¦« September 6th)- , 1 ¦!' . ' M , : There was another case of Mary ,Cun- The District, < fi rced Iris!im?nito send tber BOPI out ¦ Chairman—The total\ sum in the I esti- DROP8ICAL OB RHEUMATIC? ! PER- instructions.wera not correct and . .Ije ¦ ¦ HAPS TOV HAVE KIDNEY TROUBLE. nin?hsm v. Mary Bobinspn for assaijlt ,.TaWeU tl»-Wo^ could bo done for £30. 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ !' ' ' J : .' Sergeant . Hannon deposed ithat , «>R the procession that was arranged * I f . [ with backache,dragging patn ain tha loins/ co>ts, and ordered her¦ fo , find socurHien »tv^lw «»W' SihidAy h oly ior thft.richi! We've teyererice^: . Mr, MorriBsey—We ttonght that what in keen' the :peac4. ' They slso ordered matter was'ieporfed to them lotaHfe/plsce ih CariickHptf-Sniriin honour p 've looked abroacl , javer he;. «4ae.J% ;for i he swellings ot dropsy, andTthia atlffiiMi " llads. J McCarthy aijd i-er riotince. .^We (Caral>daa» ^, T , M^UMS was at fitst suggested could b« done ^ary Robinson to' be bound to tlie peace layout . tb:d w be post- e c^e. ideas.: They wcalttyjhaye-iev sr I Crisrvaady of aeventy. i sri ^^M)^ . : V¦'¦¦^¦: ' ' ; ind achesof rheumatism, ana who do not ' :Kav«nagh . befp^: ^Ut H»e:i>reiini»«». »rt?akby / n Upwn Bo«d. Hill* KoadV- i ;_t$at«it&p1 ; Mr. Bowe—The work has . been . over- ^ ""7" Power v. Mary Cunningham. ' ' ¦ : he arrested, them , "to,Vdet jsome ,?f . . hrocejssion ¦« beinff ontanised by iRevi ,! an'ithey-pretend- to inderrtand whaA makes i 'Imm ' ¦]'¦ ¦:'' ' ;• ' • .1 ' ' ¦ ttnttlai id ( thbr wtt jjptaS | ' : ¦ ' ' " ¦ \F$hu- 1 oirie, v i '15^5i Sei^jwwwftirM^s on • the question : of bHttrinfc the water notice that the water is cloiwjj and bad, cahjr with drunkenness¦ and disorderly and compensatum. ¦ . 7 • • : ' i (QnaV, Publin. who .'travelled! Catrick- capital labou-r vn- ' ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ' ;¦ • ¦ ¦ " ' - t?\ ,i 0 w*r between iuid rim,mimm wiie*tm;, * mM-Y ^f m "hospitaL ; I propoM| that jr the urinary srrtem does tiot act regu- conduct. - / .' • '[¦ :| ; : : '] >\ . : ' . . . . connection ; ' |nto the fever | ] ¦ 'ort-SuirTgpecfally to preach/in < W; the clan:gyetem therq.waa no Sypd. c- ¦ we make a beginningb r instructing MrJ larly, you oartainlyneed ai kidney and Pef#naby« ' { |' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ! i lisxn In"thim dayf IN , im 'tw W**mm$ ms *. Wmmmk Cooney AjAHVAN»VAIf UNION.uw>""" • ^pV?nt n ^ran« I or; it virald K^ve, in pb to .feed - llthe «i if, . Jay on the water to the imi hospital $n4j {from the purest ingredient*^which orer» serve, pe had Jjken' th« pledge ipd . . v; ; ; . dtwflh Church, Carrickbw to«,Terjr|ar)» , ! :re?*W ?fji'i^»^e^::tp>^fevi(n^*!B >H , *¦ •; can '*> the other. thla»rb>degree*.; | feme weaknesspt the kidney* aiid urinary would keep It. Th« trouble arose nter Th« • r»-mtt«rs " ¦ Dresent at 'the weekly ?cni^e«tinn. {Father viF Ugerald'ioValt. : ind»: stand that »ht'« re»pln(j- the frn U " ent waste :{water from 1$ ' t, " - Mr. ii !J*. Qolnlaa—3 tSp »oT-b«.-^ny| jmtem 'and 'prev hi» wife whd abuseshe ishim and forcea¦ h?^ m;»,inS o< ihwgarVan s-Baiid ilof *MS .1*4iW«tott.of LouroV add'ita, taiio/ • 'r#f.^i}nd»;!S*«^ --^ir^^]i*rt W i a». '1 rwfet&^t iM. - I M hA'UiM ant' I -TrMan/1 .ii< All rl " > gqod to'introduce the^ ii ita if mi «b pm ¦aUying too long ln the sy»t*m. This jo 1**ve anyj^b . • v tf S» n^iL? w^MCsir«i F.' Btuart. Blessed tiffin,- nai th6 ' medicine' is of!highest Taliile o men as anHHayea said J-W. - ^Perae defendant-is'H 'iid'.nh. MkhMliByrne.'Michacl t irrea l>, dtfm n/pl th« biff».;p*dplttO «Jtf-tt*; ¦eSj > «i!w th»iWitta«.^tih\)(iainVo& « •w*ll aa Women,l and la MU Wr iTflrybodr, harmleMtkirjd of tar man. but wlven.!JM ." ¦ wrote' aanptitoonjn do fcthoiiip- Mol ^]or0od( T»peciaUy ifl dftWc^' wn. ti '-;W« 'le^niftA-!okM ery noUr wpre 'Th* L:Q-8i dytr . ] fc^i ncUo . jm ^^.; ibi^iis evefi'fer ehlldniiwtth bUdd r: Maknoaa^ ^» diintJj« « . Th«re mintm«>t)foiiK(irfee Cawy, tot r>{ ' Hand Jhai ;h«v« nol Miflcred from(¦ ¦ nrpc.piHc wt«vfr, jgn«-qwwfc aR»fa ty Mi in w&tip&jMT ^i^&Wbox. thnw .MTiYictionn.a, gainst him in tw«Iv« V 4eav« ;of I »b» ffie Wiglit!ot AJngHcUatoii: '.Vv.:;jtf . -.¦% ¦; >»*»'.•. jhw J»e«$«w>btrodri;3(i;jrn!wi»fi & * ¦ urM , Meaney 'durin¦ ¦rf.her ' " i^orcb !<>T. «i!*toort*.ttWrfHetwuk * (looee; Of Hwnyia for drnnkennes*. -¦ . : 1 i'l: ecnw ' '¦ - ~\- Wi\ '' ' ', ' '?' V- -ti-\Yi?. : ' ! -: 1 d la^ral Wi} W& AT^e4if^H:adr*nt^^fr^niin n rhn:.w* WM w,:paP*ta^j*tiVietmni(xiiKi!SrtHww-',ii<&fls UsatiM mm ^ ! pf Mae HWatar;, fiupDlyy QarricJt-fi!U>wu >* ¦; hpj'ioralfhoiild: ret th0 GjHa' OrWpi AYi ' imM'mmw mmxxm3 *mm.wm *m ;] - *? Baldwai. arid Jan)^« F1t««erald. ^ • p t ,tj0 . :i- -f -^ .!} ;»i-, ;::;• I- .J-. - b' '^eV i A{\ (n«f jliV'jJpp^rijHja teniiht njf;;'hois -Afir ! ^ ' ' |or« , l& nra1 IribW >t ajl .hour* ot lay ol'-jil tht - 'it l &m *** ': *?*fe- .i:Cto«W^;llw*«! :- V ;fi.rthw 'b i*incss>;c.W^ ¦ ¦ : ¦^aw >.eienb(^;t»row^to^ ; UMli%j.t.;:: A M : ;>\ .[- •; la mpinent'r notice. - '';;: ' "}-f ^ , ttf- {'I ;^^ t '. \ ^\' ,£ | ! i^- • ¦ ' " ¦¦ ' \^ '¦ ' r : ¦ i| If . ." ' ¦' .: . •• . - . . < ' ' ' t -ijZZtii&V ¦ I ' ¦ ' " '¦' r •!¦ ¦ ' v • ¦- ¦ ;« (¦ . :¦ ¦: ? ' ¦¦: : }- - ¦; :¦ L ^ j*Tjj ^.$l. ' . ' . ¦ i t i ; t f '' . ' .-; r- Tl - k :-h': -u u^- '-^ llSC^i) i ii i ilii i iil » i I ¦ I ¦ ¦ j; . -:.¦ ' •. ¦ . v-:..> ^; . . , =: .;. !- ¦ . "- . . 7 ¦ ¦¦ ' " ¦iLiif- ¦ 4.1. *!' f iWM^^F^WF^f ^ l^f iiilil^^ ' si5,8eOTbn|8!,of Honey.for CleuwS2—Be i 'tj'.-! TBIjpleljoe, Owning, DDNGARVAN QUARTER qnateurs.only -1^ : ' i Mount J^n I^tepaied^te^ : ind vMbs>pu i$t&}^»^iwoinr ^T.1»;ci* fffPI 11hi Wro iiaa^irtT ^Hi!iTkf*ATORACIINCI Sncceaoes, 'W#\Ti^ :!¦ ;• , - 'i . : i- i- ^ ; | ¦ ' bii >\Cl^ili^-^ef;C^Ji'pffi^by.Cowite88 • ; . T Thursday Evening ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' '¦: ' - ¦ ¦ ' ' 6^'jki rmm ht^l- collection of six ¦ '• - ]' ' ¦ -;¦ • . .. Ayr*. . • . -I HriH'E'RAILWAY'&'^ANiEi ihat .TjimKDmm^iM thei 3f i^sgWrowglvlorfbeijit :: • : i:: • • . Vv-; S i i • In a previous li)3,ue we'idrew the atfen« oq\>ari fromJ jAOTJABy- -.tlrt " stoww,j !i.tnMe dessert H:ifeM*en^;HJsi^!aiiisii>8i;:Ortw^ ais ; ' !» ^rly LETTEK. ; , : ' ¦ '. • . • ' CUP. ." ¦ ' " . ' i the splendid i Tho Dungarvab'Quarter| S(Sa3l^nj - were X • miaeraTgdedWrAbyttiveN ^tic^ d . >, 'iS^l' Viarieti^s of JameB-' mH5a|» :ers LORD LOREBUBN'S THE djjLD . . ; . tion of our readers to; ! .conveyance by PassecgeflTrain of ! the : undermantioned. rsffics Will! and eojftting^'isViiRJiI'alton; 'ja0i <*IB jot tte' B|s is of the'.pupils bf Mount Bion cfpehed At • the J Cwrthfn^-iaS[v;Meven. Bates for " 'Walsh,'' Kil- ¦X.\ ptfiM) ^i0s Monday, 6th letter still agitating 1 achievements ¦ Sown • landjVMrt. Johknna I ¦?¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' comuienc*'on Lord ioreburn'^ HANDI- Exaiainaticins. im '-i Thursday^ !by '. Hi Ho'h6r ' : ¦$¦¦ ; ; ¦ *¦ oil 'Merc^wiU a .30—BUCHANAN! SELLING at the recent Intermediate a cloi/k. ft ;f8rdi*A'i.G^BpWer8i! . . clooi,Jarid will continue the political world. , MV. Xloyd Georga 103 sova. .mile ' yrith a County Court Judge •'"David F tig^a!*!1 '; i ^ ^an (of October W 7.1$ d' and ' holiday, ' CAP PLATA ^f. —One¦ \ye now supplement bur article " • " Classf &4^-B*st diBK PearsVlst.'JU' ; Tue8diy8^ Thursdays haa abandoned his TJontine&taj v«nd . 'a -quarter.;! , . • •' '¦•' : i . list of; the Honours and Passes, as I .The-'Dungarvan Guardiajis wereiVantJ : EXCESS LUGOAGE t Q Caiatletowii; cm'| Modda^, ti ' ¦ KeBnedy. full' ' ' ¦ ¦ ilas. ¦ : : ' ¦ " , 1 ' ' ¦ ' Daltoni 2nd to ~ ¦ sunimoned - ¦ ¦ : and is said to' have been - Dyke , se- Kiely for £d J3s; ¦ ¦ • i • _-;v " ; . , a ed a decree against John f^ • DeTil' appoinitmonta ; , ; Sarpedon (J. Ledson), 1; Well as the Railway ; «; Piltdwi».{ j.>:• ' vAii'Oppori lity Scotland to consult with Mr, Asouith. 3.' . the ' year just of maintenance of a; ch Id m"' the 3rd,"Jonn Po» ' ¦'^ :.0M^e& r^iriJl|Aw>2xl (Ori*p), 2; Girl Scout (Longhurat). . cured by the pupils during ' ¦ ¦ 6i>ii ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ; AppWs-lst, : B. Dal- t^^ katy till .G-irTawho 'l avo and Mr. ¦ ' '¦ : " ' ¦ ¦> - : ' ¦ - ; . ¦ ]¦ . ¦ ¦ '. ¦: i.. ClatiJBS-^UB^exi toff iik^'Xih& Lord Lansdowne, jLord Curzon, oaughter . past:— : ' ' ton, » JAmestofn • • j 2nd*j J!*Aylward>'¦ '-their studiee ior Arthur Baltour have been jvvsiting Bal- IJ> .H. (W Burton), Mar- , value £15, Mo» fThe case was i undelendcjd. i V ' ' liitli v left sclioiu;to' ^oniinoe ' hi. (A; Milbume), Firet-Class Exhibition i ii^ akelly. tau ; ! town ; 3rd; TJ O'DonheUf Unn 'of -flid Ssubjects : moral, and it is said that Lord Loreburn " ' coarse—Francis L. Malone. \ iMr. J. F. AVilliains, solrj lor, the tuard- ap^eioifie'fi/'iirf : : : his dale (W. Prince i. ! „ . . „ dern Literary ' 1 -¦ 1 ,|! Class 56—Dessert AVples - (Beauty ol 1 - ' 'sHll- t>B-J»> felut yill now be summoned to; discuss Sarpedon, 6 to 2 Exhibitlonj value £15, fc ns- ¦ ' • ' j' ' ' ¦¦; i ; . H " ' •' i : Jas; ;!l^:. .iCl«W8 ' King.1 | Mr. T. P. ¦Betting-Ja to 1 >«gs> ! First-Class * . . i . ?I?ilkT'-' ; .i ; :L.i BathHlst, TJ TalbotJ Owning; 2nd] t&a wsjuireinenfaof tie pupLb; and (will Sroposal -with the Daughter of th« Regirnent, 3 to 1 Devil s couriie—Francis L. -Malone.- ¦ ' ^lii;i ' ( ; Dalton. ' Newspaper ") Science ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' iDunne; Ballyhenebery¦ ; 3rd, B. ' 'Connor (in " Beynolda s others. , value £10, ¦!' ' QUlRkE v. BUkXE. /"> ; v i ¦ ; : y/' ¦[ '¦ ~,. | iDyke, 6 to 1 G: rl! Scout, 100 to 8 . fino^nd-Class Exhibition . iestbwn, ; - .:' , i ¦' ' - . EngUsh, : ii th- does not believe that the Prime Minister a length ; two courso—Michael O'Brien ¦ 1/an j T^-^Iiteraify ifaltiecia} suggestion Won . by tniei«part6 of Modern Literary ¦¦ : • ¦ ¦ i ' Class67—DisiertAppleri (Lady 8pdel'ey) will pay any attention to the between, second and third, ' Patrick J. Dalton. ! ,' . 1 ' -- i ; 2nd Bd J Conference about Horn Rule in «>n- •lengths and .£10. - T^l Ki. jrt-lBt-,.' Jf. Coghlan, Jamestown; ^ ilL-pomes^c'.Ecdrioiny/ Subjects; Coot- of a i Second-Class,. Exhibition, Walue ¦¦¦ •• ,iM,r. Ryan,: solr-, for; plainti£f; Mr. ^vil- Jamestown; ,;3rd,"xMrs.- Johanna ' 1 Hbusewjffry. nection with Ulster. It is fvery difficult ' Dalton. ' • ' I! ; '' : ; •Daltonl. 1 ' ¦' ' erV'inaiLtfundryi'Pygiene. ¦&S cffl5fe3l^ THSEE YEAR Bcience cOurne—Patrick J. V»mS; solr.; for dafeiidanfi.' J ll tii ll i .||| |f : i;is:i KilmEahan. ¦}¦ '¦ .' ;¦ :.[ . - ' "i . ' . . j Typewn^ng, to know what is happening, - !but a Con- PLATE of X60 sova Prize, i Science . courso-r i iMr. Ryan said : that his civil bin was iWalsh; i Commerdal ij Subjects — ¦ : . .: , OIiD HANMCAP i. First-Class : 68—Dessert Apples : (Worcester Shorthand.;. ¦ ¦ " ¦ ference on. the lines suggested by Lord ¦ '• • ' ' | • danfages' for ' ' ' ¦' "¦ I C1M$1 ^ob^eping. t ' :' '. .. ^ One.mile. .]' ' . • . .' ,Y , Michael O'Brien. served first claiming i injury ¦ . Per llj. Peril. : Per 111 , Jamestown J «wU be Iproductive of Chemistry ¦ ' ' ¦ ' •¦ • ¦ ¦ iPearmain)—lit, N.' Coghlan TNeedleTrorkJ-Plain;,a nd Advanced Loreburn found- , ¦ j ¦ ¦ ^ ,. James Iunne. t: - -l - ' ':¦. . • . ;¦:' :¦ • • . - - ¦ '¦, 3rd. ' f nrtntsj (AlsoEl octLtton¦ , Choral DriJll and Mr. T. P. O'Connor in second «lnd third. ilENIOR GRADE. ations of their house which had mud .. ( ...... mnles s . • . unless. \ j unless "Apples Gro* ' ¦:/ ' cal cards will see tween : - ¦ ¦ • ' ¦/ClasB fllrrCooking (Lord "D4nein#- -Cla0£e8v . -[¦ /: i - .- , ' . .- . '.- :¦ :. lace ol ol F. Cahill.—Pass: English "Com- jncntor ' i ' ' ' ¦ ;.:¦ ., .. .. . - . . . •/ . amountin g ampmifcirig- amotmting office of Home Secretary, in p (Tra'ned by Armstron?). Robert walla and was damaged. 7 ., , , '¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ T/e'Dbrlnelff5 ad¦ ,-B; DaltonV ^ the and ¦ ; - ¦ ¦ ' ¦;¦¦ ' Venorpist; ¦ ' '!¦ ¦ 8c!uk>)i~open&'-ebch:-.' evening . ai 7.1& for the (handica;p)¦ 550 Literature, : , History i THii HonorT-ilt is a 'qu'o'ition ol title) . \\" ¦ ; - -\. .- ¦ to ed. or • , to .iESd. .-ir : ; to( 3d, ior ' ' • < >'<¦¦- •¦ •Xi¦ •;¦• : \ ¦ Mr. MacKenna. The iMember 2J56-¦ ¦: ¦ ¦¦ ¦ i' Dublin—and l Also —.Wjrafck (D. iMrv : ¦will ' '8;(Grenadier)-r j u . . •;¦ i ¦ . . ¦{ • established in r*n ¦ ¦' ! ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' 6uch area taecharges be carrespOTidinslyincreas ed, i • 1 ¦aais"63-jnghur3t), graphy, iQuirkc, itho complainant, ' dep<>sed . no ; j Kennedy,. CAstletown ; V-- prd, i T- Talbot,- V.p i Mtlburn), Physical and. Commercial Geo- ' ' , Od. per pockaje. ¦ ¦ -¦ : • ¦ ¦ (P. Jones), Txiplo Alliance (A. Algebra, ' : • ; oaine from Tippecary and purchased in Owning. ; I ' .. ' , ' j;-. .; , .- ;. :: .. ' SLUMP. Ktaadrick). Eager Simon (J graphy (4th year). - i * - , ^: 1807 a .small ; holding 4t Ballinfccourty. : any.other yai i' -Hf^: - .. - - ' 'I. - - : THE RUBBER Punctual (A. ' ¦ Composi? 1 BULLION AND 8PE 3IE:- I Class 64^-Cooking AjjplesI ' if?^:-:' iaf (C; Rin^stead). \ John Kirby.—Pass -. English When possession of tbo fold- • ;• :- : Ordinary Pardels iRates, plus;35 per cent. -;j : . . • ' .' ;. ' , : XfastletoWn ; riBtv—1st. lias. Kennedy. i 1 ' iLedson), Lilli^lf . ' ' INSTEPS" ' ' OFfCHAMTi ! ' ¦ ¦ ' and Geo- '!¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' -•¦ • ¦ : ¦ History ¦ '}¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ : - with a , . :¦ - • . ¦ Literature ¦] : Annandale . is italling I/>rd tion and f The price ol Rubber Betting—7 to ;2 ^aesV ing the space between Mrs Burk«\s gable " ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' J .Silyerspring; .3rd, «i ¦ •¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ 2nd!'A. G. powers. ¦ ' selling for AppTen- , French, . Arithmetic and Was , i ¦ I ¦ . - - ¦ '[ ¦ ¦ f jv : ; ¦:' . .- ¦:; l ' ' rush. A few years ago it was and BorTO-w, Gltdjl Wrack, 7 to 1 graphy, Iri»h . and his was not used. The^e a.pig- — JH. OUPF SMART . Daltoh; Jamfestown. • ¦ ' . : '•; ' ' . , ,i(" will~be ni'ade . - .: ¦ [ i' i i; in Rubber ' ¦ , to , Geometry, Physical and Com- ' ;-:^ - Vis. 6d. a pound ; speculators •tjce &nd Araldoi '8 to 1 Lespedcsa JO 'Algebra : gery there. *"When the Burljes! wanted to Railway¦ Clearing iHouse, Seymour Street '• • • 1 ¦ ' ¦ ' •• ¦ " ¦' ¦ ¦ ' ' . HQMEINPUBTRIES. .. o were coining money ; and it wa3 and Triple Alliahce, 100' to 6 mercial Geography (4th ; year). thatch their house he i • ¦' . • r London , N-W. • /¦• V Share* J Ardi^on ¦ —Pass : English nev.erj interfered - ;Th«f f his,' garden. T ildren's class, :ior i.plnafore- : for i rubber in 1903 Geography, .Irish, French. Arithmetic ' In. the ch :' bottom price obtained ' second and third. and .He did not damage her ihousi. : ':"£Ke msKing,' tfar liug.oid - stockings, etc., Majr- :;¦ | ;||v- :' ;-|j-^r^.^^;. !f! , ! was 2a. 9d.: now it is selling at 2s. In byi Joyner) . nnd Algebra, Geometry,, Physical 'nearest drill wta two: I feet «way r m ' Carrigeeu, ' :.- '¦['At; the Doorai b 4hei Boveriil /Catholici ullyliouniaiu, j( ' ? 1910 some £40,000.000 ot British capital 0J30—COKreftttHAN • \S-BLTEB HANDI- Conimerciat Geography!(4th.year).. Burke's hou>eT ' Mrs. 'fetbphensin, ilie CommifiorohGro of PuJMif W.orUb ' ;41dry( 8heeb.anj - ' PfU, ' The ex* one Wotlco by Tho | . o0, Kilkenny, afld zef • " : 'ChurihiV'in ' ' , : investments. i -v\.bout -M-!: - ' the cky. ! I " went into rubber sovs. landlad COTOO ; and askqdj,witnes jviiinerB Mary- • :. ' ' ' ¦ \ ' ' v '" " ¦ i CAP PL.ynE o 103 y, . .ther? s iown; were irrsvp^j ; > ; ' • - ''" ' • - ¦¦' ¦ ' ¦ '¦¦ ' MIDDLE GRADE. ! -^ 'j- ¦ • • ¦ • ¦ ¦' ¦ •[ ¦ • ¦ present alarming slump ' ' ' ' j r . | . •; planation of the Bailey.—Honours : English Cora- for peace-;sake to give | Burk?sj|H pptch Falconer, : Toberaabrone, - -and Agnea ;' , of courso, the old story bf supply ex- (Capt. Beatty) ,1* Autocle.3 John J. 1 four feet wide. 'Witness agreed \{q jt persona namdd in this Schedule* hav.e'' applied for Losna under, tbe Land , is .M arcellirius , History and Geo- do rpHE ; Power, ' Brenor; PiitoWn; aecona-¦ puia; wlio cannot \leak !Rubber Com- ' position nnd Literature : fwith : reasons) ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ . Donations frob thpi attend ceeding demand. The 2; Flyhip Aexo (Gunter), 3. but .tH e Burkes. wantedjeight feit. Tiat J. Law (Jreland) i\ct,".-18ai , tyc. 31.: Dissents or Objections . ' . • ,- , "?- • • :• • j to the wall. wood Beck and evening they levelled more! ot bis drills. must be transmitted to the Commissioners on or before 16tb Octot er, 1913.¦ i garden 'classes (kitchen garden) will ; be .thankfully Received by lhh\ Most for lifting the Algebra, TrigonometryJ ' Physical 1 —: .— : L— — In ihe One ingenious suggestion Stainmore, Attor , Aerial Mail , Storio. year), and When she had the drills levelled that __ ! ¦ ¦— \ Edward buggau Owning, got 1st priie ; R^vplir. Sheehan, Lord Bishop of jWaier- active demand for 1 to 1 Commercial Geography (3rd of Amount Lands ¦ to • \ i . price and creating an BeHing—O %aA on iMarcelliuus, 4 Geometry. evening she said now that she had her Name Wm.: Brow6e, 'tiddown, iaidi' Mrs. .Dug' 1 ' it should be used—while Flying Aero Chemistry. Pass : Memorialist^ ; £ b« Charged/. iBarony. , • . (jounty. ¦ fprd and Lismorg, and!>the Cle/gy:of the rubber 13 that Bjtst C'.osewcHJd ;Beck, 6 to l Baldwin.—Pass : English Com- passage ehe would briiig out . 4he band No. gab, 'Fanniigstowri, 3rd. : • • ', - . v |- 1 it is cheap—for paving streets whore the .to 1 others. John C. (laughter). 1' r at th^ Consent, Xoot/' Lan^ •;¦ nnd Aoitoclea; 10' position and Literature, History and i . . |. ' Middlethird Watertord . j _ in tho flower garden class MrB. Brenri^n , f noise of traffic is particularly nerve-wear- Won by four lengths;' a,short head be- Mr. Ryan—There is a fife and drum 32813 David Be»sf-Jrd 80 Wobdstown , excellent Geography, Irish, French, Algebra, Geo- i 120 BaH boy ; Decies Witho it Drum dp. ! Bsllynacror)ey, got 1st ; MI. mcuratn, cai- TJOYAX VETvERINARY COLLEGE OK ing. It seems that it mates tween semiiit and third. band in (Ballmaeourty jand the^ . came 33239 Davrd Powex. y ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 3rd. beyond metry, Trigonometry, Physical and Com- Kilcloher I do. , do. I line, 2nd; and Mrs. Tector, Sandpits, XV 1 1REIiANDi 1 B ALLSBRn)GE, i paving, and at 2s. per;lb. it is not 4.0—LAND OF BURNS NUiBSBRY HAN out on very iittJe provocation. / 332S3 John Wall 40 , 1 for men's socks, ¦¦ ¦ loy it for this mercial Geography (3rd year). Honours: , Dublin, H. WILUAJ1 S. Secretary. I .In the adult Classes I- !';! DtJBiQf. . - . ' r-i . , , the economic limits to emp DIC.VP of 200 sovs.—Six furlongs. , To Mr. Williams—Witness objected to Office of Public Works bread-making, etc., the principal prire- purpose. .' 1; Miscount Chemistry 18th September, 1913. i ¦ useful Renaissance filly (Maher), Francis J. Callnnan.—Pass: English' the concrete platform, S5> feet *i the gable win tiers we re Mrs. Keeffe, Bessborp'ugh ; I Pririodpal-OPiof. A. i E . Mettam, SJBc.. (Ledsou), 2; Flirty colt, (Ywing) 3 end. Six or eight inches wide was en- 1 Tobernabrone; Miss'Diiriphy, The ' _ ; Composition and Litornturc. History and ' Mrs. Butlei . M-R^C.V.S. l^tlji, Session- . will com- A J UTE PANIC. Also ran—Proud Kate , Colleotor^ , Arithmetic and Al- ough to secure the wall. The digging Bawngariftj Mrs. Maher, Portarabo Cbtr ' Tasty Geography, French, mence : oh-730th IBeptember, 1913, A pre- slump in rub- Stormvillo, Chird-on colt , Hornby, gebra, Physical and Commercial Geog that he did could'¦ not Suttrrfere . with the ton,'Jamestown—Bonnie Lassie ;' 2nd and tagej Carriik-on-Suir; second prizes: Sirs' : Kminuryv'Ezainlnation will be held, on Hand in hand with the ' : i ; ¦ . ber is the scarcity of jute. It is estimate ¦Bits. | raphy, and Chemistry. gable. IVERK SHCJW r. (2), {Patrick 0^*11 , Dunfimaggin-^ Kerwick, [Waterford ; road; . . Carri.ckbeg ; Septeiiber. 4th, i 6th and 6th, 1913. Por Betting:—Kl; to 8 apst Hornby, 7 to 2 h Connolly.—Pass : English Lite- To Mr. Ryan—Witness tilled-that plot Tommy a^id Neddie; 5rl, James .DunneJ *Mrs.: Comerford, Tobernabrone; SJiss Dun- ' ' that the present season's crop will be 6 to 1 Josep ¦ ! • ' jirospdctus and ]lall particulars of course inadequate to meet the require- Qiirdon , D to 3 Renaissance filly, rr.turc, History and Geography, French, last year. : i Piltown-MJolden Spire. | -. ! . ! phyj BaWgariSv Mrs.- Dwy^r, Ballytla- appyr:tb George, jE. jHpnes, The Registrar. totally Stormville, 5 t-Q 1 Mifcount, 10 to 1 olhexs Physical and Patrick Power deposed he wab a lines- ' Cias3 13—iFor the best Pony at 14.2 and croney ; and Wm. Ciiddihy, Ballygowfri; ~ ments of the Dundee market. Short time Irish , Algebra, Geometry, . "" tJBLIir .AND-i SOUTH - EASTERN said for the jute Won by two: lengths; a length and a Commercinl Geography (3rd year). Hon- man on the raiWay a!nd lived! in this Lfirrje and Brilliant Gathering under, arid most suitable for harness pur^ tbird T>rizes:-Wm; Cuddihy, Ballygown : : is inevitable, it is 1 D,i ;;- - . ', • . IAILWAY. ." , - j ^ jute trade half between second and thiTd. ours: Chemistry . house for nine years! up to .teyenteen poses—1st, Miss Hilda Hanrahan, MiW Mrs! Slahor, Portarabo Cottage ; Mrs. ' IS workers of Dundee, and as the 103 sovs : |KecrI enterpris- •U30—THE C.UUUOK PL.\TE of James .Corcoran.—Pass: English Com- years ago. The Burkes ntver intpriered Tree, Clonmel—Daisy; 2nd, Jphn Kerwiek, Waterford road; and Miss Dun-¦ is the staple commodity in that ¦ ¦ " ! • .:¦ ¦ • • " .. : ¦ ¦ —One mile. , History and Geo- with him, and he considered thie plot i Piltown—Dandy; h.c, John |CongreveJ phy* Bawnkiariff.'' .; . • ; j . ing Scottish town, it is feared that con- position and Literature ' ' The 'B7th annual show under the ¦^^A^-fE^CURiSIpNS. . felt in labour Spcan FSriflcccs (Wheatley), j; Benbain graphy, French , Algebra, Geometry. Phy- was all his garden. i , ' Bpciety wasi. Waterford—Chestnut;.!* , Jamis JFarrell; ; ^ siderable distress "will be auspices of Iverk Farming : , j I | [ THE:jpMPIjfG. . [" : GOREY {for Courtowt during the coming winter. (Jellif), 2. sical and Commercial Geography (3rd To Sir. William)?—WJtness naver tilled at Bessboro igh' demesne, Kilmacow—Velotta. • . 125 At the jumping in the afternoon • the.' TO: jV^EXFORDl, ), Circled there Spoan Bridge. held yesterday 10—For the best) Pony ^t and BetUriff—O to 1 on year). this passapo botween the two places. and was most successful. The weather Class grand . stared was comfortably filled, And jWOODENiBRIDGE, AVOGA AND Won by two lengths. A. Dowling.—Pass: English Witness had a piggery there but there tike attendance: under, and most suitable for Jiarnesjs pur* ¦ ^ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' LABOUR UNREST. Thomas was beautifully fine and ' mel-rrGrey the , different jumping events . wj^re : '\' ' i: ; RviTkbRTJM ' - . - : - , • Composition and Litoraturo, History and was still a space there. . large, 'particularly] in I the after-•. poses-rlst. .P. Siokeaj: Cion watched with keen':interest. In Clsssj A. : strike of Messrs. Til- , Geo- lace was very , J. W. Brojn, PHtown^-Jett ' ¦ «ti! JULY, - The threatened Geography , *Irisli . French, Algebra To Mr»'Ryan—'Witness used this p , when quite a largo number, availing¦; mare; 2nd tlie/o-wereI thirteen Competitors, but most, . i; ; 8UNDA^ 1913. . . . .\ ling's busmen has been obviated. Messrs Physical and . Commercial Geo- as a little yard. I , noon Black ; h.c. JanKa , Roeb>, t Pilt6wn-{- ' : metry, i - of the weely half-holiday, niadej the show of: the'anLnials, however, gave a very poor And mXACH SUNDAY until the end of Tillings raised an objection tt^ their em- graphy (3rd year). Honours : Chemistry. lA jnan named Hogan deposed he saw ¦ Bobby;, r., Mrs. P- XJanUgan^JCilniacow- ' display««nd refused : " union badge, but to- ROYAL BOROUGH ILVXDICAP ¦ ¦ their venne. I ' ( ' . : ;• ! - .' , : the fences, particu- -ij i }; : - .;¦ Sir^en>ber. ..l9li. : ' . r ployees' wearing-a James J. O'Forrell.—Pass: English iMra. Burke levelling the drills belonging The entries showed an jall-tound in-• Grey. | larly the r ouble bank.1 From . the . first: . | | day they abandoned this high-handed at- , History and Geography. to Quirko. ; . Class M ot very civii class animals werei —Clouph (Baronet; 2nd , Nicholas grace, loyers to raise any diffi- •HANDICAP of In the three-year-old Jameetown—iEver Ready of ^Moyf Clo^heen, was an easy¦ winner, llie¦ returning froml that- station ot 720 p.ia. the part of emp longA, •stnight. . ; Physical ;md Commercial Geography (3rd (laughter). : which won prizei at Dublin,, ' lan< . following ire the details <— . . :: : \ culties, especially difficulties of a senti- de- exhibited glare; 3rd," Richard DuJ ine, . Cdttrelstowal, . Return' Faresrf To Gorey, 'AIK I OTW , Psrvis rH1a__Ti oni T> . X> n^lKK i 1 Proas is warning the British workman other Treasurer -iya were I bred.—1st. P. Kehnodv Carrick-oh-Suirj 3d.;,.i3rd 'CIaB's,i.. 8s. -id.- ' : : ' Geometry, Physical arid Commercial Geo- years of ace. This kpaee was . ftl^. keen interest in the different sections. Caotlegrace, Cloghetn, Tommy, bay (Miss that, in his own interest; he must r.oi in- used for 'tiie thatching if her hdiis&. 2nd, E. DA'ggan, Bellinet r., V. 1. Mackey, ? Plant). Cissy Brown (Bou cliton); Step- graphy (3rd year). | Thp following house party were enter- ¦' [ ; •.. ' : ' ¦ ] Gnibb), li Mr. P. ,h Beary s Charlie [Mr . :-JM>WNi. vfiAlJL) | TIPPERARV. ; ' dulge in frivolous or unjust quarrels with Lilydale colt (A. Michael J. McGrath.—Pass : English Quirke dug up to the g»b!e-ehd of hej Bessborough House by the Earl Carrick . . j • . T. Murphf), 2; Mr. Responsible labour leaders are dancer (E. Calder), tained at Class 16 (prizes given) by Co|. Kilkenny. D. Crotty, Ballin-j employers. Stokes) , Le Farfadet (Cooper) . Coperni- Literature, History and Geography, Irish, house and put irianura there under the and Countess of Bessbdrough ^—Lady clough. Aglish (Mr.! Crotty), 3.! Also cpm-i also warning the worker against indulg- , Algebra, Geo- •window and the wall ) was damp.' -, ,She Duncannon. Committee of Agriculture)—Best Cow in cus (Dickens),: Star of Slane (Shanahani French, Arithmetic and Maria Ponsonby, Viscount Henneberry, CJon;- peted :-Mr. %. • C.j Power, KUmanock ' ing in ill-considered strikes. It seems Buona geld- Physical and Cominorcial Geo- had to bul'd this efernent, .protection there. Viscountess Duiicannon, Lord milk—1st, Mrs. Mary Clonmel when ebtne great man Master Wliuicup (Gardner), metry, M.P., arid Maurice £hea, Jamestown; . Lota ; Mr. James Gough, Gort^ as if this is a time ing (J. Morris). U-?iiy.i3 (A. Duller) , graphy (3rd year), and Chemistry, j ' To iMr. Ryan—Her room was , not damp Oranmore and Browne, Captain the Hon. coney ; ^nd, ardee, Po:-tlaw, Go Again; , Mr. George should intervene and endeavour to make no 3rd, Ja9. Dunne, Ballyh enebery; h.c, Jas Scotch ¦ Miue £lly. (Wins). Militant (H. John Power.—Pass: English Literature. aM the summer because [thero was Myles and Mrs. Ponsonby), the 'Hon. 1 Persse, ii ullinahorie, i Ragtime; lirsj P. ' ' a truce between employers land employees. Irish, vi-hctl the rain came Carroll, Fiddown; i c, J as. iiizpatrick, ism French, r^in (laufrhter\ . 'But and ' snow and Geography, the Hon. Wyndham ;f| ; genuinely Clialoner) . : : History Bertie Ponsonby^ Benot House. : I Boeanqiiet , PortlaW. l Brownie; Mr. Jatnes The other day I heard a. man. Pretty Dark, 3 to Arithmetic and Algebra, Geometry, Phy- she Tvaa sure it would'be damp. Gweneth-Baring, Colonel and Mrs. Raheen ; r., E. A. Powei . Gough s Lburdes; Mr R. labour question exclaim : Bcttins—0" to 2 ags: Lady : Class 17—Best Cow provisionally ojr J.Crotty, Trampre, SIXj TH ANljnJALlj sHOW OF ,; interested in the 11 Amoureuse, 8 to 1 Stepping Stone, 10 sical and Commercial Geography (3rd A man named Terry deposed ,lw waa Longfleld. Major Trocke. Quicksilver^ Mr. t P.i Power,.,Brebor, F^UIT "O for one hour of Cardinal Manning!" and Chemistry. over soventy years of ace and 'this pass- the above J the following finally selected for regi stration! under the Piltown, tJ9;Heid 6n ' ' 'iM , racing that his Michael Shannon.—Pass: English Lit- house after coinp into; the passage. art, the Ladies Blanche and] K. Beres- Class 18 (open to farmjers whqee years old and-under,- catch weights, . .."|j: . in the Turf is dictated more by tradition second and iliird. mason valuation is £30 and under)—Best Cow far ^>ver (Trained by iloreton). erature, History and Geography, Irish John Whelan deposed • he was ford, Hon. Mrs:'de la Poer ' endj Miss de la [ary 1 ditch and bank, stone wall, double .bank, than.inclination ; but it was nevertheless Geometry, Physical nnd 'concrete at Mrs. dairy purposes—1st,. Mrs; Hene WEDNESDAY] OCTOBER ici sporting so- 2^0-FALSTAFF SBLL rNG HANDICAP French, Alpebra. and put down sorne Poer, Sir Hugh And Lndi' McCalmont. ^ ^ ^ water aoi hurdle.j-There were aix com- a disappointment to northern . Commercial Geography (3rd year), and Burke's gafolerond. The . foundations of , M.F.Hi; Captain and berry, Clonconey-;^ 2nd, _ Mafirice. Shea, i: thiB . , ciety that his Majesty did: not attend the of ISO SOTS.—One mile. Mr. D. McCalmont Jamestown; 3rd, J. Wi: Brown, Raheen ; petitors 'cJass, but'the jumping Templeman), 1; The G elt Chemistry. the house were holed iright through;;The Mra 'iThorton, Major ond Mins Connellan, was agair i jipor display.- jSliss Grobb'jB race meeting.! ;\Ve «U like the MBrtinei „ ! • - ' ' il }¦' ' hunting, and it is mainly Edgar (Winter). Prince Sterling (L Sher- 1 P'ltown. Pear Not. if ,: Mr. K. C. Power. nothing about e) (K. French, Arithmetic |and Algebra, Geo- claim to this land. iHe ' would ; give A de- Right Hon. th6 Earl ol Heifer most suitable fdr dairyj purposeST- KHnamaok ENTRiES CLOSE; SEPTEMBER 20th. to check the middle-aged tendency to put "wood), Mye^bar (Sco:ir; , Matador Book-keepinjj. Pfesident^-The James Dunne,, Ballyhenebery ; t., , Clonmel, >Xota, 2; Miss Joan - !¦ • • Blue Light metry, Science (1st year), cree against her for £j d.tnisges, and C.B.I Hon. Vice- lst., ¦ ; Griibb,. Castlegrace, Clogheeri, Mary, 3, ¦% j, - .. ! ?[. ' \ •; ;;; ;. ., , :,.: on weight that he takes the early morn- Watson), Btidal (E. Huxley), —Honours : English Bessborough, C.V.O., Jas. Dunne. ' , i , ¦)¦ ¦! : ; I i-li " : . . (Gardner), Vales • PrTde (Dickens), Beet- Richard Barron. would dismiss her counter oetion with president;- Lieut.-Cjpl. ViJliers Stuart. Also competed :^-Mri R. Crotty'a Onlcksil- ing , constitutional. Golf has no interest Composition and Literature, French, costs. I Class '19—Best two iear old Heifer : in ! Admission4-fl p.m. to<5 p.m.. Is.; 6p.m. (or and the only outdoor game he is root (R. Swkea). Mangonel (A. Duller). D.L., J.P. Vive-President4-J. Congreve, 2nd, ver; Mr. J. F. Davis, Graigue. Kils'hee- to 9:i.m.. 6d;i'n • :;. /¦; ¦! him. to Irish, Arithmetic and Algebra, Science Wyndhara-Quin, D.L., calf or in milk—let > James Dunne; ¦ lan Naughty Betty1 iand . ;| ; ; - r ;.u fond of ,. both for its. awn sake and as Bottinp-^ 2 ajtst Msrlijit-t, 11 to 4 History and D.LJ, J.P.; Col. E. A. Power, Brenor House. i >' , '¦ \. . ,; Mr F. J. Mac- 1 Pride, 10 (2nd year). Pass: Geometry, ¦ Committee—James Dunn, ' Thomas. key, Carrjck-on-Sinr, Molly. | healthy, exercise, is tennis. That might •Prince Sterhh?, 7 to 1 Va!es History and Historical , Geo- J.P,. : A Silver Cup (presented by the Piltown . ¦ ¦ '''' .; ' : game, ; =mv between William Brady.—Pass: Btephenson, E. Pprcell, D.C ; ciety, Ltd.) for the ' Class C —Lady Gwenetb Baring's prizes 1 at all for card games, while his musical Won by two !on£rtli. Arithmetic and Algebra, Mr. J. F. Williams] solr., for plaiptifl; Btokes, E. J. Heifer in calf and auj: able for dairy, pur- f ; ¦• SilTerspririg, ilponciin. . second »nt)| ihird. French. Irish. James Farrell, D.C ; JolihJ He, arne, Patk. for the bast turned-out pony and trap, for i Ui - , - ii' ]< tastes incline 1 more to a topical character Geometry, History arid Geography, Phy- Dr. WHliams, solr., for defendant.' ' ' Dal- poses—1st, James Dunne; r., JT. A. Power. ponies ur.der 13 hands—Miss £. M. Clib- than a liking for grand opera. His Ma- (TrainCKl by F. Hunt). Hon- 1 O'CorroIl , Thos. O'Donnell, Richard ifer—1st ^ HANDI- sical and Commercial Geography. William Hallaran, plaintiff^ deposed E. !A, [Power , Jas. . Class 20—Best Year ing Hei , E- bom, 8ilverspring^ Clonmel, - Evening fiffi A^^rjTH0RN^AND ;vjSfiiik jesty finds real pleasure : in his various 3.0-THE ROYAL BOROUGH lish Composition and Litera- owner of {norlands tori, J. Hopkins (Bee). Diiggan; Belline; 2nd, D. McCarthy, Ra- jF-¦ •/ ':¦ -; '^ CAP <>! 000 w>vs.—One mile and a ours : Eng he "was the purchased! , Edward Duggan.j A.IG J Bowers, Star, 1; Mrs. i\ Carrigan, Tinlough,! Kil- VJ . ij . -BAlEWAY. ,; - : . . : ? | agricultural interests, but, apart from , Hiiitory and Historical Geography. of Prospect Hall, about i 35 acres, His Coghlan heen; 3rd, James Du nne; [h.c., James his halt. I : ture J.P. ; Daniel Sheehan, Captjaitv W. R. Pen- ¦; macow, 2; Mr. Mf Kenny, Piltown, |Val- that and shooting arid State ' affairs, James B. Coogan.—Pass: English brother was tie tenant, sod wivne^s pur- , Esq., Dunne ;; r., N. Coghlari, Jameptown. I \»b, 3. Also competed :—Mr. H. Lynch, i LrMEiRiltfK l RACES :' t'f ' (Cheshire), I; Warmint (E. rose J.P. Treasurer—G. j Morris 1 vr A I J \¦ main objective in life is the study and \Vork?irii History and Geography, chased it about seven ago. . , Mjss , Class 21 (open to fai mers whose Pi;V. . : *v;«i. '.^_-i >,' £/*QU1'# . ecwmrnrn mil- 3. Literature, years Surgeons--A.' Dobbyn, Piltown, Jack ; Mr. ;Jas..Gough', Gortarda, ^AlltU. -¦O UU¦ OfiJTXJ^ilLDXilV, 1P1U- I furthering of the welfare of his family. Piper) , 2; Aurette (Kci>«rt?ftn), ' J.P. Veterinary i ;.I .¦ ; r- : - ' 1 ' :i St. Arithmetic and Algebra. Ceometry, O'Gorman w_ aa :a pTimiig tenant . before and Chris. is £30 and "unJerH-B sst Yearling Heifer Piltown Killowen'; : Master Jcak Hanra-' ;.) '['ii ; L' - . M' :, ' ; : I I Also T.ih—AspaTaoa (Whalley), ^ ¦ Esq., M.R .C.V.8., Waterfdrd .i Raheen ; 2nd : E. ' ' Scarlet Runner Science (2nd year). •witness or his brother. 8he Ihicl ft ,coal M.R.C.V.S., Clonmel . Auc- —1st, Denis McCarth ', , hah, MU< tree, Clohmel. Skipper; and Mr".; : i<3ii abow ;aat4 ^heap iicWi wbi^ be Columb (Waiter Gri?t?«), Eng- yard adjoihing the Ipropenyi and Ren, Esq., Moore, :Rathcurby, iM5oncbinl ; 3rd,1 ;M. ¦ from j arid ' (Gardtipr). ;Journcyman (A Duller), Sycn- Patrick J. J. Dalton.—Honours prhe tioneer—Mr. A. F. Quirke. ' j Cnrrick-on- James Skelton,; waterford. . . I - ' : • issu^ .Waterford. iintermediate (R. lish Composition and Literature, Irish, made two openikips into; the L>wn. u'!3he Brenoan, Kilmacow; 1 .c, P. Rafter, Own- ; StatipnU Special more (Greaninp'), Di^eution Sioke;). Buir. Secretary—John Hopkibs, Piltown, ¦ (' Class.11.—For. the best-.turned-out porijr . to ^Llmericlcihy ¦ - Train; GAELIC PASTIES IN THE : ' French , Arithmetic and Algebra, History then railed in s| portion in a .seiiji.-cjfcJe. ins: r.,;Jos, !Fitzpa(ri( k, Rahfeen J . | and trap, .over 13: hands, and- not exteed-i Leaving* \Vaffejfojdjat19.10 ¦£v£ "i- . ¦¦ ¦ j Sandbum (Dic-kensi, (iaston ' Bocird Class; 22—Best Calf born n lBlS^lst, - j Chalk Stro An (Wing), For- nnd Geography, Chemistry (2nd year). There was a lot of trespass on the laud .Tut"X imrmiis i ing 14}.-Miss Hilda Hanrahan, Clonmal, ! (^ickota .available! for rehrrn QI» either CITY ! (Shestlier) Geography. Pass : and there 'was a lot of 'ducks and bens ' " "T' Jas. Coghlan, Piltowr ; 2nd, |Jas; Dtmne, ': ' tune (H. Clisloner). and Spoilt Tom (P History and Historical j HOR8E8 ! Daisy, 1; Rev. WJ A.iRichardson's Gipsy, dale 'by 8pecial¦ [Train leaving Limerick Geometry. trespassing there. i . . ''. Kilkenny Ballyhenebery; h.cJ, Jas. Fiti patrick. Ha- ai 4.W' $&:¦:{; '¦} ; ¦'} | ' . ' , ' ¦ ." - -. '• : Alldenj. | " Class \ i(prizcs of County1 , 2;jMr. Jihh Congreve. DJ..,- Mount j Con- 1 . j;f' j fl " 1 John Donnelly.—Honours; English To Dr. Williams—awhile she was a Agriculture)—Best Mares, heen ; c. Jas. Kinsella, Clogija; r., E. A. greve, 3. Also pompeted:—Miss Doherty,! l -For further particulars see Pesters ' or To the Editor "Waterlord News. Bet'tiiK'-'-ll to 4 a?Ft Aure.tte , 3 to Coinmittoe of i ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦! Composition and Literature, History nnd grazing tenant those:,doprs were opened. breed- Power, .Bronor House . - \ I i i - app f at Stations.;! - [ ' -. ¦ - \ ;i i September' . 1H13. Wannint.t to 1 Work«irl , 10 to 1 Aspara- 6 years old or under. Buyable 'for Mooncoii , Bregaun-Boy, iand Mr, . 'f. \ : ¦ : Book-keeping, Irish Witness could not swear as to the exact 'Class 23—Best Weakling ijeifer Cal<— ' ' ¦ '! j' • V - ' |T. I jB. '^.; ' ¦:! Dear SiT—I hope you will be kind en- gus, S*.. Coluinb, Scarlet Runner, Dis- Geography. Pass: ing-purposes—1st , Michael Duggan, Bal- O'Grady i Prince.) |' , ' ¦ I ¦ . ¦ : .HBALfi. M French, Arithmetic! and Algebra , Geo- thnc the doors •jvere opened. |He did not instown—iFanuy 2nd. -R. 1st, Jas. Coghlan, Pi town ; 2nd, .Tan>s ; :' j. • •' ..':: ]" . "!¦ General M(»nas*r. ough to publish in th«? • '" Waterford seiition »i(d :' (ririon Booard , 100 to 7 ; linleskin, Hugg ; Fitzpatrick, Rabeeh: 3rd, P. : Ca ll, I' - ¦ ¦: ¦; ¦ metry. Chemistry (2nd year). ¦know anytJuns; about iti Witness could Jamestown^Gay Girl ; 3rd, P; , rrq 1 GYMKHANA RACES.: ... Kingabridge) Station ' .! ' ' i\ - News" this note which places before the others. j ' railing | was up or Dalton, Saridpitsi h.c. D. .Mc Cartbv, Raheen; r., ¦» public the grievances tnat followers of Won l a;length; three- 1 ! i twenty i linUtes. i There were thirtee Gaelic pastimes in i Waterfnrd are asked Ienptlt between second and third. Bay ; 4th, Oeorge Daniet, Class' 24—Best Weanling; Heifer Calf— ¦ n fti REAT gOUTHERN AND ,• WJiSTUR-Nt Geography, Book-keeping, Irish, French , Thomas Bipgs, •C.B., deposed that- tie- Kilmoganny—Dolly III. lilo.. Thomas competitors, and 'for pach a bottle of Y.; to iuffer. It is often, announced that (Trnnedl b>* P. Har'icain. Geometry Physi- the ! maps submitted to the ^ lst.-J. :W, Brown. Piltown ; {2nd, .Tames .UlR/ - .^rrBAlLWA : -" ;j . - . i; - . big matches are to be i played in the 3J3O-TIIEI PA1RK TWO YiEuVR OLD Arithmetic and Algebra, , had made O'Shea, Beatin, Pillown—[Silver .Grey ; r., lemonade was placed on. a table opposite . ; | cal and Commercial . Geography (3rd Bench.t>encn. . •: ;' ;. i, I:i: Dunne. Ballyhenobery; 3rd, E. A. Power; gran : WaterfoTd 8portsfieM. : Well, of course, SELLljN'G PLATE of 103 sovs.—Five J BIIK?? Tobln, BLrchwood, Carirck-on-Suit the i Btand. ; The first competitor to .i - ' i - ll -OLbVMEiL : ;RA.CJ5 R ' ' ' : ; year) . 'Ellen O'Gorman, •the ' ; defefidanl. de- I Brenor House. , ; i reach th i table Was ihanded by a l^dy' a ' : lovers of Gaelic pastimes flock to thund of the course. On reaching- Also ran—'Lx^diana HiBtory and Historical Geography, Che- railing. &he went "tliere in 1391 and-that culated to produce weig gan, Belline; ' 2nd; E. A. Power, Brenor the- gran d stand again' Stations to'.'dpnbel by: Special, Trairi¦ Binfield _ l each had ,to 'dia-| ' miles to see the so-called "big matches." Irish Gill ?en oolt Fulness colt, 1 ' c io , nun . . — - T „ , - —„_, opdn to tenants oa leAvln? • • ' . mistry (2nd year). door ,wa& there , thenj ! i .-. -. ers, with foal ut foot ; Housexiouse ; r., A. G.u. Bowco^vtc rs., 6Hvonver< irspnng.pring. |:| mount and turn Jus coat inside ¦I Watflrford it 11.25 i.m. -:! !| This slate of thinps |is) going on since Grove, WV11 No*-, Keep Going. ' the 'Bessborough estate' land those who , Class 28—Best . Ban Lamb pi any breed oui and ,Tipkof«;av ajlablel for Tatufn . oft.dal e of , 5 to Charles McLoughlin.—Honours : Ens? To His . Honor—She didas not claim the owners : make another round. The first iql.waa 1 the Sporsfield was parted and no sign ol Bettins--7 to 4 agst Dreamy colt lisli Composition and Literature, History Iter3. Were such previous to becoming —let, John Heorn, 1 oondigna; 2ndJ Jas. Mr T. . JIurphy, issii(> oaly by SpecialTrain leaving-Clorif in improvement in the ' matter. Lafl Hiph i5i?pper 0 to. 1 Double A filly, 7 land within the railing^ purehnde.-rlst. Michael Dunne Ballyhenoberr; h.c , Waterfordj ,'who;ro<» Mr . fl ^ ¦ and Geography. Passes ; French, Arith- To Dr. Williams—The iroiJing w^» ibere of their farms by , , IT.¦ Colemfn P. J. Bdsry's: Cnarlie, ancl arrived l>with" 8unday there • were to %& '.wo classical to 1 Well] Now, 10 to 1 others. ¦ .Duggan, BaUinteslvin—Fanny; 1st Re- Bawngarig; r., John learn. ,- i I; _ .' Fdr'furtferfpdrticttlars ,see .Posters oi metic and Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry sinco she had the gr.izipg. plenty o: ' time toispare.¦ Mr P. J. Power! i ¦ ¦ •matches and one ! Camopio, so a fair head; tpo.lengths be- , Jfameetown—Gay : Class 29—Bfest threi Breeding Ewes—1st ¦ ¦ ' ;¦ ¦ ' ¦' ¦apffc'i .at.-StiationS.I;-j!, ' ' • -i !•: ¦;¦• " Won by a ishort (2nd year) . opening »{rom served). Richard Dalton was second. . • .t j- , ' •} . v 1 !r I To Dr. Williams-rThe ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦.-. j ; ' '' ' ' ' Nicholas Coghlan, 1 - ¦ • '¦ ¦ - ' : - • ¦ • '¦ .i'!, i r .. - - ' '- crowd wont to the field , What did thej| tween second and third. ' (reserved), James < Dunne; 2nd, ! Z. Diiggan; h.c. 1 A. ¦!- . - : ¦ :¦'I : -7l.' . : ;:j6.iA.' NEAliE, . ' ! John J. McRedmond.—Honours : Eng- ¦the in;189a, . Girl ; 2nd ¦ , . \ , . . . .. ¦«¦ •¦ f. i. Meap)K>i6 I., Meag- QUEEN ANNE'S WELTER coal yard was made fiha G. Bowers; r., James Dunne. , ' ; r | ; ¦ .I .: .. f- l '- .• - ( | " .see? A selection of 4.0—THE lish Composition and Literature, History toolt the grazing in 1895.' , iv-Vr- Januvitoffu-i-tKitty. I 'I ¦\ '< • ' DONKEY; CLASSY ' ; ' il--General: Maiiap^r. : hers II., and Callnphine Rovers playing 'HAXI ICAP of 1U3 eovs'.—Six fur- ' ' ,3 .(Iverk Farming Society>-;For Class 30—Best. thr « Ewe| Lambs—1st. --J ; j'.;K: nwbridge. Stafion/ ' ! : ,; " • ' , • ; v:v; ¦! and Geography, Ffench, Arithmetic and fMr. Williams—I am | 6ure! you, were Class upinion ;Lady J[reno Congreve ga^e-a prize '.o< :, '. ' . -Dublin-: .!¦' r ' j the Volunteers, with the res-ult of a win longs, straight. ! Geo- the best Sxood Mare which in the John Hearn; 2nd; E Duggan ; h.c.j Jas. £1 for ;¦ - - ¦ ¦¦ ;¦ .4 ;i- .-' - - .; 1 :I- y \' - '^. ¦! Algebra, History and Historical somewhat annoyed jvhqn this manof co took to pro- : ¦ n \- tho best donkey, trap; and harness; ;:n. . . ¦ : . r' -l. -^-i:- : ' - ' • " ; ' by the Volunteers.! I was unlucky on Neville Holt (Piper), 1; Bugler (Win- graphy. Passes: Irish, Geometry, Chem- . T^iereJwai k lot rres- of the judges is beet calculated Dunne: r.. A. G. Bovers. which'was. 'won byJMr. l-j - -;: .| the grazing. ¦ , vrith loal ¦ ' Jamea WSIRVI I Sunday because I missed this "flapper ter) . 3; Menedarva (Whulley), 3. istry (2nd year). , : ¦' paper, ¦ ¦ - duce weight-carrying huhters ¦ ¦ Cldgga, hrilh " ] " 6d] to te»? the remaining , Zebre, Maechan- ! i pondence ' on the j MJcbftel Duiggan, iBallintes- •; • : . - . - SWINE. ; I : - Mr\ ^ohn!¦ ¦ pomerford,] KillJ jp&EATEE i!dYAt. WAT£BFOBD maitch. I paid Also ran—^Mediator Wi tness—Well it wasja fairly friendly at foot-J-lst," . ¦' ,; ¦ znashie. (reserved^- ; •> - ' ' ' ¦ ^ Whimsey, Fraiicis L. MalDne.—Honours: English CogQlati, Jamestown ' ¦ ¦ ' j. . •: • '- [. two matches. Did ; I see them? Not I. ter, Amslierdam, Oversisht, ¦fi : and the best inan cot ! it. l;don't kin—Fanny ; Sad, N. i -1 IThe. Carriek-oniSulr Memorial ' Daylipht Town Coun- Composition and Literature, History and ght iLai(kin, Beskin, Class 31—Bure-bwd White Boar—1st Brass I . ,"| .•;' - -WATsdNs : PICTURES ' ,: ! The day was too inciement to have the Fraiae, Bkrnins , Ibear the man any ill-will, fl 1 would not -—Kitty:: 3rd, Laurence . and Roed Band discoursed progri !P. i- i poor creatures turn! out to play. , , Rilrock Grey Prince, Geography, French, Irish, Arithmetic and h-c., TEdwurd Walsh, R. Rockett, Old Grange; 2nd, J. Walsh, ;a mmo jVPeofc cbmineyclpg! MONDAY, J ISS It tcilloT R eclame . Algebra, History and Historical Geo- injure a blade of liia gtass. , j Clonmelf-Fanny ; anny :¦ : of music! during itie'rarv - ] '- •" :• ' f. .!• JS^JPT wasn't too inclement for those respon- Billsticker. : : Churchtown, Catriek-on-^uir—'F ; t., Crehana South, i . j ! I: iTaken . i : graphy, Chemistry (2nd year). , Pass; (His Honor decreed the defendant . for Class 'all ronnd.jth| Shonf was Ih^ biat; ¦AfO WAT/d. ^SftA*.A^WEp sible to take the tanners from the pub- O3ettin? -0 to 2 iipst Menedvrvsr ^nd ¦ ; lain- Frank Qui£ey, Ballynev?n4Chestnut. 32-^Best.Sow suitable tor freeding held at SBcssbo^oushi 'for ll^jWii 7 to 1 Geometry. • : Is., ond said 4hat if ij ny of! the •p . i_FA, the best IFivlc-year-old or purposes^-lst nearly tyenty;' I. '! 'And Mitmce oii: We4n«8d;ay. lic who went into the field to aland out Whrmsey, 6 to 1 Neville Holt, ¦r.i^c« , V: C oghlan, Jamestown j ' ¦ : ; • ¦ . '!• Francis Matthews—Pass : Book-keeping; tiff 's-cattle interfered with .her ;sbe-had years.>Many of (those-present,(jxptessed; !. ;"t •;¦ " -' I- ". ; . '¦'. - -. ..V-it ¦: • ' • in lh'«/ rail and -cold ' far over an hour! Amstardaihi , 8 to 1 Reclime, 10 to 1 Zebre. ! ' Gelding, suitable for 2nd. W. P. Daniel, lfaheena Tin ; 3rd Hi >' T 1 . ^ !• .' I French, Irish, Arithmetic and Algebra her ttanedy. ' . " .: . ; ' • j v. . - , : . under, ;Mnre or . surprise • at the hi(jh: quality ot the an ' j and then be coply .informed that "theid Macchant T ahd Bupler, V» 4o 8 FraiBe , ¦hunters or remounts, to] carry 13 st; to p. Bowers, Graigue. • ., i : ; ')' "'¦ ' ' :¦ !* ¦. ijyPREOEDENXED ATTRApTIOJl. ¦ Geometry, Chemistry (2nd year). Hon-i ¦ ' ; [ mala on.exHibit.'.j The pittte were i ., Se'«tr«a.- «ril i be DO other . nialcb to-day." J live ¦and Mediktor. 100 to 0 .->th?rt. ¦¦ - lbs-! to be jidderif wifb, bridle and ¦ ' 1 a^ofld if, at.j Gseat Eip^nsc.,;, ; ;- " ours : English Composition tod Litera- - i' ' •] ¦ ' - ' : v . v . --: 13 »t.'7 , ' ¦ '¦ - ' : ' ¦ ' practjea' .agriculture icaftlei a' ,might ¦ ; jn the country and T think it j$ very un- iVVon bj{ a' ; iiead : s length and a hali i . saddle-rlst J. :A. Dowleyi .Tinyaner-r . // ¦I \ . ' . POUJ IBY , ¦• ; ! . } ^ a- l>5 ; ! :¦ ture, History and: Geography. t • . , : ' 1 ^. met at 4ny Show in the'eonntry; atid.'iri --;fTi»^offioi'-;tte-|-p6r5eca' ' fair ta me and to my, fellow men to be between Epmad and thidr. : ¦ MITCHELL¦ v. RONAiNE.¦ Edmond-Heii«raari, Cbcleach : ¦ Class•53-Bc jJal: ' ' . tjdn- of ;-th . Joseph. Matthews/—Pass: English Lit- " ' - 'T - ::. • • •. . ¦' : Agliijh j 2nd, aV of Cl» ckchs j frlom thK thra*. yew oldiclass for.!howeri ; treated by those who profess A» b« IrisTi' mVHRSDALE " THREE • I I .1 -S \r. I . . Boy;- Hejiry¦)Hntchinson, ' ' thi ChlistiBrrSfertfltBifrcjm. lheiGrji*ffisrion >Hei«ndmiU < ':-; ¦x ' +<'' ' the]qU»lity imd condition of st .tbe Sports&ald.i I ¦ , . .. - i ¦ raile.. : .. . ' ; . ' . ¦ W4Hiam»; solr.J Sot Kilinog«ntiyf-T^e,Presjdei«. JRaheei*; 3rd, tfn; £, A.:;Ponyer* i \\ : metry. Chemistry, (tod.yearjj •• . I: ', - Iri' . 1011 John Hfrwe; Brexftfr; the JmlrtialZ Muci]dredlt .la dn? to the , 1 tore: not. • «&• ¦ ¦ - T ritjikJ* (Rickaby), 1: Aldcgor.d . Dr. . Williajris .VsUted i .thAt' ;G (Baron De N*i£fH*eV priieV-^A vj».c..i Mrs. B. iDugj an; j ri Mrs. -KJ I hope dc«(r Mr.- Zddw. Liffht ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : ¦ Michael • Morriaaey.—Passes : ' 'Book- Claaa A. Executlfe Conimjtt«; fof {he : ¦ ¦• ¦ : .• : Michael Ronayna ibek 43 oete* rof liind for tho best ' ¦; ' great att c4 .^rlC^WHI^p^'KJOEST^THOXf?'')' croached^too much i oa.souT kindness or (Piper) i a ;>. ' . • . \ >pieco of! plate or .£10 in «a»l> Powers . . -I *|. . > • ¦]•• , ' . '.;•' i cess which ¦ -! : keeping, English- Literature, History and lion) Mr, Mitchell ;' and! paid £200 ' and or Filly, | attended!th6:3IioW/ - . - - ].-:• !¦ ! Brigade. ¦ ' Iflcluding oa the oi ypuT •valuable paper but • ¦BettinnMJ! to 1 «n Light ¦ Four-year-old Gelding CJasa 35—Besfi Cocl and Hen any pure th? BpJendJd S! ' ' ' the ' xoslter on which II' write, but 1 am . Martin J. Mullooly.—Honours: English hunter j i bred by exhibitor—l$t, Dr. M. tage ; 2nd, Miss, Jbo (Power, Brenor i; 3rd, Stadium. . Ne>6 with hls;favodi?te ? ylsif*> scholar &itd therefore unable io of- an acre north of ihe Bricky River was , h—ICfatry ; ' . 1st (re- tbyj' Vestal -'!VirRihB.';(Nero « poor. ' - CompoKiiion and 'Literature, History und ' ¦ ¦¦' ¦ ¦ P." CoRlflan, Newrat T. Coleman, Bavgdga iff; v.i: .c., Mi«a Joe burnad'Rome, in ¦ dispute. I • ! : . . ' i; ' ' ' ;: ¦ composeany mom.; Hoping the ''Sports- > . . . . . * i v i ¦' [ . ] : i Gerald Nugent, jGrlenane, Clftri- Powe;j r., Jfrs Duggan "¦ ¦'V ^ ¦ ¦ ¦¦' ¦ no£ "the . ;C1 :irjiti«iHi SlartyrtlHra;bit . CORRESPOND BNC S Geography. Passes::Boo'k-ke' epinO served).! , Balline. j | r \' :! ';•: ^• • ¦ ;• ¦ • °(- : '! - Si . reheli. O'Heaii, ^ ; DOTES; !•!/ . Stephen.,. fie^d":wiji bo In -the fame place when I Irian, Arithmetic: and Algebra, Geometry . ' His,Honor—WfcatUs iTie action for?. mel—'Bay; 2nd preserved), Wm. Class 33—Best Dra te and Duck of; any ¦' .While'Botoe burnsiiireTD:ling » see it again which wilt bo in a feSv years ¦ [Dr. !t)respass to ¦ ithiB Windgan—Statlipht: breed—1st, Miss A: Dunne, ' j Sopt. J3-i31 firBn'8/8Q8 to 106s. ' !¦ I« plred'.' balladB.' JSero , too,-,ooWwdljy : and ChemiBlry (2nd year) . . i I ; Williams—For KiUras?y, Ballyheno- ¦ t , \p time, not sooner l end Viung the Meagr- the brit Three-year-old : ¦ |ept - K-® ^r i808tol08s ¦ '" ¦ ':: : kill . M! land which wd never tave ito Ronayrie. .a«s i6-^For bery ; 2nd,iditto; | - . \: .- I - . j 1 i ^ ' - - ¦¦ - hi^s^iiniflqiWj lBS jSlaTeflijtj'WIte h>s James Murphy,—Pass: English Litera- j C' CfcgUan, - Newrath j ( 8ept.JS-12, S Brldij8 ! ¦: ^, hers I. will by thai lime be able to field Nailed ture. History ond. Geography, French, It is at thej other eJdojof the road froiu Colt or [Filly—1 st, Dr. Class 37-l~Be8t Ttirl :oy Cock and Hen— , 8ps.ilo 108s; .- their fifteen.—d ami «r.: y^'rs truly. Another Larkln Lie (he river. ¦ /,, ; '; 2nd. Gerald Nugent, Gre«nane 1st, Mrs. Duggttn," , j Number^,firkin? 'correspoodlng ¦ Irish, Arithmetic and Algebra the larm and north lot —Garry E aflin9Vf2nd¦ A|J G. weejj , Geometry, Windgap— 1 ¦ ' ¦[. :¦¦ ¦ -I ¦' ¦ '¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " " ' ! j "A DISGUSTED MAN." ; j i! ' i : Mr. ! WlMwmA-And sbouti three-rfo 1i 'a)a-'to ii28. ":!L : ! !! \ .^n^h^GKW|Masterpfiw;:)f6r\5.%' 0 Chemistry (2nd ypaf). , Morriesey. CaTrick- !- i -ii i ;, - : ;'i' ' ¦ '.;!¦¦ lth$ laxity of inBny of the clubs hat Thomas F. Nolan.—Pass: English Com- ter* of a mile rromjMi.jcheliyfafln. .;» . Starlight :- li.e.i M. J, ;Class . 38--Besi Gan der and Goose^lst. GjENPSiaJu, PRODTJOBJ - ' romWn1nf three njghta : probably exerted its untoward , influence wiiBn»0BD yxwi. correspodence which on-Sufr—8pank«r; c. <3)J G«r.vld Puxcell A. G. Bowers;2nd, Us. E. A. Power ; h.c., j Hay, ber ton ke- t Oaten etr*Wi 80a io 40». !: ": :. ic- i ' s; •:r!.^•Jcesremaiii' k;tist(ali btit|in' ordter io , 1913. Irish. Arithmetic and Algebra, , History and ' 'Subscjription Chul- i Whea sheaf, " ; ; ¦ ;' w»mm purlin iRjririDoqr* *t " Chemistry A ..Two-year-old Colt or 1 Potatoes 1 ' :> Us to I be feared that I the arrangements ). ¦ 7 ¦ • : : ; iMr.. Mitchell i deposed liH Wd^.the &%*• lonire <3up>—For John Green, New Lit e Colt) ge; 2nd, Mrs , ¦ , ,4id to MA per atone. >- i Xi. v 'JSl ? 5 1 '^>13^ Jy<] Dear S: .-^Our attention ha» been called (2nd year n'dapled : for hunting ¦! ' ¦ ¦ ¦ • '¦ ' ' r : ' sr- ^? ^Li?'2K^*. 'i^!T were yor«e-—Ed. 1^. : paper of tho : 15th Michael O'Brion:—Honour*: English band ot thej pliiintiB nad had negotiated Filly 41w is bc*t Keoffei, Bessborough. j : , i fl ! ' ' ''^t- i' " • ¦j ' - PPwt.raY - :;-:-' ^- '::M". to- the re port ni your with Konayne ;TInt. in f tnnnvni' ', Tlonnvne irenl J?itz6ertid..V tAltoiord— Corncrake. Claaa 40—Best i^i-^K^ajp/tOB iriElOODNTY. ,' ' ployew. This is rot correct. What hap- Historical Geography, and 'Chemistry best six; Swede TurnJpSf 1st. py &t*. • ' i-i^-AX 'SLimM ¦ Quww ;8e«jion»' Wednes- (2nd yoar). Pass: ' 'in and ^PFifiplEo liJ ScbaJl ^i*- : j*"*»-t 1' 4i i# 10th August,' After an Interview.with ¦ - ¦' > V '¦})}.¦ ' ¦ ' Laj«s: 2nd a,|J. Morrisaey. ' peTtb.j bw^lOdJilcpd W$Mi 8f«//s,{i ^''l»t9n»Swsni : LSsolwei Nationalist, was rkjn, informed ptirsUfl *at Chemistry (2nd year). English . Literature -not:t£ go -oh 4l»e pla<;e , . • , -^Mountain . 1 Claaa 41—Best rii; J^angilds--letjT' T. WfeWJ iffl,'iiakVFa?na- *iwti»1* i ¦ James La ^ '' ' To Mr-l WHIiiro^rlt ira»of wrtnesa'i iln- Carrick^n-8uirr-8t*rDcl ise ; 3rd, Patrick Tfalbot j 2nd, Jaa; Bib paWd:;: 3rd, Mirter : ;'«»«-Ww-Jor,the they -W0U Id i not be «»lMd to 1i«ndle the History arid ¦wife Ki u e5*l;Ven»ncy. Corncrake; i. c,V P.; S ikis, C!onmel— —lsV( Jas.-FitroBtric ¦¦&: [^ll^rnk^^i^imi : .) " handle Jt by othej GoogTDphy; Ffencfti Irish, Algebra, Goo* whan be g^lher °' ¦ ; ¦ iVx liSd, -Wfyeri t \- ftj* paper ot> Bile, vr '' - ¦¦¦ • ¦ ' ¦ . - ¦;¦ promise, and motry. Chemistry (2nd J^ear). . !., > in the ?«Dds . .|:. -ft . . . :. \\ . . .r.\ < . C|^t. ( -V ; iL , .- . Ballynawomr Worth; '3ra,*T. Talboli if mearw. ' f?e>HirHed out Ihi* ; ¦:' in ih« '¦ ' tJi« f; ' UM men rorked «s usual.; But jfhe paper; Patrick ' J.' Rowaii;—Passes: ' English (Mrs. Mitieliell dopoise 1 »b-»MooV ¦IClass;l^F6r b**t Year^WColtor Stt ^ i*i. '•£.' W" -JAM ^VutJJ j >/ $M'. t: yrow. Composition, and 'Literature, History |»nd «ai y«yaoce! ot the ilat^. |.Thon)aB, - 8pratt •FillV-ri«t', .R. Dalton; Ja i^ltown—iBonnie • ClMs tf-nBert thire. neatu oi t-aMji g»~ S itx vtNQipel ¦Mrfc. ; -wi» put o n iale *\ our booksUlle u ¦ * ' Ut .^Dama; tern ^i-mmmmi ^& 's;S> lip*, ,fheUn, pro- to.unaer- Goofnphr; ' Irisb, t' French. Arithmetic which Ml out Uie acre&go¦ at «¦ acres to XMml 2nd, J.¦vP.',-O« rfni Cftrrkk-on- . d4it ng;itoj, t. Hjsi r»e, Mr. Lark a theniealled npoo us ' :¦¦ ' ¦ I ¦'• ¦ . .; %. ' ¦ »nd Aigettrt All, . W»U»rO». | - "-) ]V . j! ; 8»' ' t»k^«6» o I Al:k> \6opf of, «J« niodepeairf; . G¦ (*jntelryT¦' an3 . Chemfrtiy : . 1 , >'- ': •! I -;w h3choocorted; Jhxnt wj, ^fttf •* "ihart oQnTply (2nd'y«ar)j ¦' . 'jj '• .. ¦- . •¦ : : . • ; ,j. (Michael I Bon»vju» . deposed HK«t he J>iinna|nairpn -r Tomniy l ili.c.; 'Edward .V:C;«!: «nV'; »ny*li6f«. We tehjaed to ¦ i^- .rillitoit4iiSBfaj- tW» ' rw [uest. *nd ha at oitKM 'caUed! .Tatnos Phelnnf. .*- Honour*; ' Freniin. bmiebi. thU holding {joro Mr. Mitchejl ¦Waldi' , Cardck-on-8nir- •Iuyal Helmet; ' Clate 49-Best:rih Iridh .Arithnjotfd jqWO. • |IWitii«|4 th ught :th«« .were r.. Janieii DurtB*. PllUn n-4GoWena-4acJden Bpir«.Bpi». , Hewje. DdwHtfef ita Kitrf- 't?» ni(Jnibmfcrakf k1'«linaW«i-i- >S : therel were Jortyrllire^ ' • acres be: i f lUyJnthe ia 4Shrmt?4* ]wi3i i ;p2i*rf m^im^einJs Hlh:, C^moostUoji and Literature, Oe>- Mid. th»* : ; : ^Cjj .0 "boBi'Mdlfor.' ber ;| V rhetrr. Physical tad Commercfal nnd^aiwilfi .v 'i f- 'i' i- i 'r'! i /;' ' - 'U ' ." uhltedlOl»i>i>e%W v a Knd :Edi-jJ5< ««n;;: ¦ 1 H !Mto*dnf ^rector. • Geo- 'vf ^ ! i l^¦: ' r" "l ¦' : ' 1'' ' " : ; " L " " " ; : 'Mo Owj \ift S|tf, :fT We rf rtra*«tbjt, wOI b« : < .!• • " !. -: i': ;::: '- . . ' .'> ' ' ' . -J ' " " graptir (3rd year), • .History and (Hi.vHOiMfr aald- W he| 4W rH bfelfev* jfVKftUt' iWln*«ap-- mtel¦ q ta>»;. Uti ' ; UWljh^i ; ¦¦ ¦ fteb*¦ '¦ I l?"hfciV«mf»Trt«I Jto jr»*phf> ' -I ui' - ' ¦ ' ' •' " '¦'• • '' the drfendantV) sisUmeni. i iThe detia}- on j ^vmUtwn-*. _ cim tfHt^mm a.rrot*« ' "¦ :; ' " ' ¦ H&i: '¦' ¦ ' ' ' ¦*' ! * ¦gHoix.c C*s»VtliH- \': -jv; -' . ij. \S \> '. ' ' ¦ ^' •" • ' ' - ' ! - John rmver.—iPil?*: TlarfcAaf irAnif: , in; Ills opinMmv l«J;ito getrWfc «opnl«| .f*««Je1: «pa. ;jl!i^M«i tf Qu^n:,. ,: I ;Ql«*g fil~B*it*fei Oniaatl 9SHI i ipriMtpr ?,;Offl(ey •iyX... ,f rl 3-Tflr. and Cu^toratrsi h *i*h *U If iiribf,: Fi*neft, Mth, Geometry.!' ] fo. 5ii«. ;;HeTwould,(riU! » deiqrfeeilor\&, the >nii»^:; X^k*nny. 8!& 't}»Kf 2&$(«i •lUie.M fc'Ji- | | |rt jlamUf f bnrUl tcSfttriQj fKtoJofeo?rto*»¦ to Kpri;joW Otiw r\ A*Wime«l c '«nd Afger.r»; Hii to: y^ famoqnt'jclfinjctl iod thle AwftH jOl-vW : ' - - r¦1 i* ' . vit•/;-:¦•?= ;;v ?i- "V- '^'' : I"-* wd Hlitorfc¦ ¦ aiG^s^prajnceBail^ jtrr. YewliagColt er FUly- I \ F- " ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦" ¦ ** *^. * •¦ ¦ • • •"' ¦*¦ " ¦ ••• v>¦¦"' • ¦ I - ¦ - • • . . ' > . .? , • " ¦;¦ • • - ¦ • • fe^iiW^l!' • . i n- ; mm r;:;4:. i>- i;- 'i; |:;: 'i- {'l!'K» -t* > 'it^, \