RE-SETUP WINDOWS XP sp 2 – 31/05/2009 Personal/Corporate) ver. 5.1.2600.2180 – 040803.2158 7. Explorer  right click My Document  Properties  Move (F5=system, F8=select boot) 8. Outlook Express (OE)  Tools  Options  General :  When starting, go directly to Inbox A. BACKUP  Send :  Automatically put people …. 1. Data, Pasword, Program Data by manual or program  Maintenance : Store Folder = change  OK  Yes 2. Doc.Set.\username\Appl.Data\\Templates 9. Regedit 3. Doc.Set.\username\ Favorites  HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control : 4. Doc.Set.\username\Loc.Set.\Appl.Data\ Microsoft\Outlook WaitToKillServiceTimeout < 2000 (200 is OK) 5. Doc.Set.\username\Loc.Set.\Appl.Data\Identities\  HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SM\MM\PP : {37462A10……}\Microsoft\Outlook Express EnablePrefetcher=3 6. Hasil dari backup E.6.  HKLM\\Microsoft\Windows\CV\Explorer\RC\NS : B. PARTITION Delete {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} C:\15GB\FAT32\Win98SE (HQ6K2-QPC42-3HWDM-BF4KJ-W4XWJ)  HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop : MenuShowDelay=0 D:\50GB\FAT32\TEMPORARY (dibuat setelah Virtual Memory)  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced 1. Temp : win (TWF, Recent, Program), int (TIF, Cache, Cookies, History) buat DWORD dgn nama EnableBallonTips=0 2. Backup  HKCU&HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer 3. ProgramData buat DWORD dgn nama NoDriveTypeAutorun=ff 4. Draft : Project, Exercise  HKCU(&HKLM?)\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ E:\65GB\FAT32\DATA Explorer\ShellFolders&UserShellFolders Documents (Corporate, Personal, Program), Masterbox (Setup, FlashDisk),  HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameter Multimedia, Reference (buat DWORD untuk IRPStackSize = 11~50 (decimal)  HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall C. PARTITION HIDING (delete folder u/ ngilangin nama program di Add/Remove, export dulu) 1. Reboot to AOSS (H69PC-3ENDT-ED644-XCP2D-4243C)  HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ 2. Tools  Setup  view (F5) Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL (kalau Show Hidden Folder ga bisa) 3. Select Operating System, not configuration, to be hidden  Enter 10. Gpedit.msc (untuk Home Edition pake software Microsoft GPEdit-for-XP-Home) 4. Partition  specify  Computer Configuration  Administrative Templates  Network  QoS Packet D. INSTALLATION FROM WINDOWS 98  Limit Reservable Bandwidth  Enable : Bandwidth limit = 0% 1. Start  Run : setup Win XP  New Installation  Computer & User Configuration  Administrative Templates  System  Turn 2. Serial Number = CRTGH-B68P2-XB6JC-44GCD-X9JHM off Autoplay: Enable = All drives (NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 255, decimal) 3. Adv. Option : I want to choose … = Y, Lang = English  skip update  process G. HARDWARE 4 AOSS : Install a new one  WinXP installation setup  Enter  format drive: 1. Mainboard CD installation 5. Regional & Language Option = customize  Name = Administrators  Time Zone 2. CP  System  Hardware CP  Device Manager : CDR/RW (autorun), Display = GMT+7  Metric Adapter, Modem (volume), Monitor, Multimedia (C-Media u/ home, terus pilih 6. Processing 45 minutes Control Panel  Sound & Audio  Audio  pilih C-Media untuk Sound Playback 7. Adjust Display  Name = ADMINISTRATORS & Sound Recording), Communication, Printer HPDJ 400 (Win98 fr driver, WinXp 8. Format D: E:  data to DATA internal, option/preference/properties/setting), scanner, ethernet, modem, router 9. Change Drive Letter (Accessories  AdmTools  Comp.Manag (follow instruction), TV  Defrag  Disk Management 3. CP  Display  Customize Desktop  uncheck Run Desktop Cleaning 60 days 9. Defrag DRIVE:  Restart to AOSS 3. Printer Canon from driver  option/preference/properties/setting 4. Bluetooth WIDCOMM from driver (Bluetooth service: automatic) E. REMOVAL 5. CP  Sound and Audio 1. Control Panel (CP)  Add/Remove Program  Windows Comp. 6. Color Management for each Multimedia Device  Accs. & Util. : Calc., CM, CV, DT, Paint  Indexing Services   IIS H. FIX-PATCH-UPDATE-CUSTOMIZE  Management & Monitoring  Message Queing 1. Taskbar & Start Menu setting & properties  Network Services  Outlook Express Access.(+drwatson+dxdiag+filemanager+msconfig+sfc+sysedit),, Instrument  (Antivirus, DiskFile, Productivity, Recovery, System ), Multimedia (Design, 2. CP  Fonts : remove Estede, Frank Goth, Gaut, Gil Sans, Lath, Mang, Mv Boli, Entertainment), Network (Intranet, Internet), Peripheral Palatino, Parchment, Shrut, Sylf, Tung, Vrinda Pin to Start Menu: Excel, Word, Activefax, Calculator, Copernic/dTSearch, DOpus, 3. Uninstall Windows Messenger & MSN Evidence E., NetworkShareBrowser, JetAudio/, YM/Trillian Run: RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir 2. Windows Explorer : details, status, customize toolbar, apply to all, shutdown %\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove or Offline Files Ren C:\Program Files\Messener to C:\Program Files\MessengerOFF 3. CP  User Account : Change the way to log on/off (?) 5. Uninstall Windows Media Player 4 . CP  Fonts : Install = AMTL, ATBT, Arts, Benq, Bertr, Call, Candy, Chau, Clo, RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\wmp.inf,Uninstall.NT Cur, Dipl, Dis, Dom, Ecl, Era, Fit, Frak, GSMTS, Grad, Grap, Jes, Kid, Mariah, 6. Delete : \Windows\$Nt*.*, \Windows\Temp\*.*, Mas, Mis, Officina, Onyx, Part, Rahi, Rans, Rav, Signet, Steamer, Tru, Umb \Doc.Set\username\Loc.Set\Temp&TIF\*.* 5. Patch Microsoft Update, Java (setting Misc. di C. Panel), Adobe Flash \Prog Files\Common Files\Adobe\Help\[nonEnglish] 6. Defrag yg dibackup sebelumnya C:\Windows\SystemDistribution\Download\*.* 7. Eaz-Fix : settings, defrag, snap [Be4 Software] C:\Windows\System32\dllcache\*.* Lihat oversize file/folder dgn space explorer, baca: I. SOFTWARE Program to \Program Files\Application\[Class: AntiVirus, Content, create_space_space.html DiskFile, Multimedia, Network, Peripheral, Privacy, Productivity, Recovery, Security, Support, System]\Software Shorcut (SC) be \ Software+version 1. Microsoft Office (2007: KGFVY-7733B-8WCK9-KTG64-BC7D8) F. SYSTEM SETTING - alternative input + Visio + setting : language bar=off, Excel, Word (toolbar, 1. Security Setting measurement, file location, page setup), Outlook (ToolEmail Acc 2. CP  Power Option : Hybernate = off (+Run : powercfg -h off), APM = on View/Change Deliver no email to ??: New Outlook Data File; 3. CP  Internet Option ToolOptionMail SetupData FilesRemove Personal Folder; Add Acc)  General : HP = blank, History Clear, TIF = delete, TIF Setting + SyncPst for Outlook + 1Click Duplicate Delete for Outlook  Content : Autocomplete = off Set Shortcut  Clean  Defrag  Connection :  Never dial a connection 2. Adobe Acrobat (- Distiler, SVG, Accs.), Photoshop (- Image Ready),  Advanced : setting matikan automatically update, Flash Player 4. Defragment D: 3. Macromedia Freehand, Flash 5. CP  System  Computer Name 4. Corel GraphicsSuite  Advanced  Performance : 5. Apdf Password Security + doPdf + Foxit Phantom + pdfCompressor Visual Effect = Best Performance Desktop + SmartDraw + UltraEdit Virtual Memory = TEMPORARY (2.5xRAM)  Rstrt 6. AIDA + CNET TechTracker / SUMo + DriverMax + SiSoft Sandra / VeeSee  Buat Folder-Folder Temporary 7. Avast/AVG/Avira/Kaspersky + SMADAV + PCMAV + AVI + Ad-Aware +  Environment Variables & Error Reporting Bazooka + Malwarebyte + Online Armor + Spybot + SpySweeper + WinPatrol change user & system variable for TEMP + SpyMeTools (default user: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp Set Shortcut  Clean  Defrag  WinRescue = default system: C:\Windows\Temp) WRXPDesignDDMMYY  Startup & Recovery 8. TrueImage (diconfig.sys: untick TrueImage&Timeounter Monitor) / setting -> add " /noguiboot" right after "/fastdetect" DriveImageXML : setting, make boot disc, backup + WinRescueME/XP : setting,  System Failure backup, description  Automatically reboot (diuncheck) 9. Sandboxie / BufferZone + / Deep Unfreezer / ShadowUser /  Remote Assistant, AutoUpdates, SysRestore = off Shadow Defender w/ Exclusion List (yg perlu update & perlu ngelist : antivirus, 6. Install Folder Lock / TrueCrypt di Drive Data (nama folder diganti ke activefax, firefox, printer – windows\system32\spool, c:users\all users – nonaktifkan protected system dulu) 1. BACKUP SYSTEM 10. Ace Utilities / BoostSpeed / Ccleaner / TuneUp Utiltities / Systweak ASO : setting 1. ShadowUser / Shadow Defender w/ Exclusion List (yg perlu update & perlu ngelist + AmpWinOff + Force Shutdown + Unlocker : antivirus, activefax, printer – windows\system32\spool) -> Restart 11. JV16 Power Tools / Reg Organizer : setting, search “jwgkvsq.vmx” 3. Instalasi & setting printer dan activefax 12. HideTools ChildControl / Intouch Lock + 1st Security / TweakXP / X-Setup 4. Update index Copernic Set Shortcut  Defrag  WinRescue = WRXPoptimaDDMMYY  5. Microsoft Office disable recovery & Excel automatic calculation System Restore 6. Delete Master, Recycle Bin, Recent Docs 13. 1-4a Rename + Agent Ransack + AntiTwin + Attribute Manager + DropIt + 7. Defrag Document Drive Dir. Opus / FreeCommander / UltraExplorer + FastDuplicate FileFinder + 8. Delete Oversize Fonts PrintFolders + RichCopy + WinRar 9. Nawala DNS:, 14. ActiveFax / Symantec Winfax Pro (set Program+Ext.PhB+Macros+Cover) + (or melalui modem – admin : 1n.....) Alcohol / ImgBurn + Nero 10. ABBYY shortcut 15. Copernic / DTSearch / X1 + doOrganizer / WinOrganizer + Currency 11. Folder Options -> Automatically Search Shared Folder & Printer Converter + Master Converter / Unit Conversion Tool + JABP/Quicken/MS 12. Delete Shortcut: 1st Security, Process Explorer, X-Setup Money + PowerToy Calculator + ReportCD + UltraRecall/ KnowledgeWorkshop 16. ABBYY/OmniPage + AdvancedJPEGCompressor + FastStone Capture+PhotoResizer + CaptureText / CAD + HandySnap / Super Screen Note: Tools sebagai alat bantu, Utility untuk pencegahan&perbaikan Ref: 1. Capture / SnagIt 2. 17. JetAudio5&6 / WinAmp + Easy RealConverter / ratDVD / Total Video Converter / 3. Xilisoft + VideoLAN 4. 18. 3DworldMap/Amiglobe/GoogleEarthPro + B2B + HumanBody + JakartaMap 5. 19. Dictionary Organizer + Free/Stedman/Xterm Medical Dict. (delete 6. : ””) + Oxford + Rekso/TransTool/TranslatorXP/Google 7. Set Shortcut  Clean  Defrag  WinRescue = WRXPToolDDMMYY IP wireless BUR : 20. Anyplace Control/ Remote Adm./RPC/ TeamViewer/VNC + Bysoft NSB + IP : Subnet : GFILanGuard + LANexplorer + LANtalk + Look@LAN + MessagePopUp + Gateway : NetView + NetCut + StayAlivePro DNS : or / 208.18 21. Alibaba + Auto Hide IP + AvantBrowser / Maxthon + DAP / FlashGet / IDM / Passwd: SAMURAIX NetLeech + Firefox (+ add ons + MozBackup , no chace, about:config, run firefox.exe –p) / Opera / Chrome / Safari + Kazaa/Torrent + mIRC + Offline Explorer / WebZip + Trillian + YM + YPops 22. BadCopyPro /IsoBuster + Easy Recovery + GenieBackup/SyncBack + HDD Regenerator + Photo Recovery Genius + XPRecovery CDMaker 23. Cyberscrub / Evidence Eliminator / Heidi / Track Eraser : setting Set Shortcut  Clean  Defrag  WinRescue = WRXPUtilityDDMMYY START MENU 24. Color Management Setting for Application 25. Set indexing service drive & make catalog to D:\Program Data Pin : Opera/Firefox, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Activefax, Calculator, 26. Mobile Phone Tools/Nokia Suite/Blackberry + jabp Copernic DS, Directory Opus / Free Commander, dTSearch, File & Folder Protector, Handy 27. BlackViper tweak, msconfig (incl. boot.ini) Snap, Medical Dictionary, Network Browser, Syncback, Translate Client, Trillian, Ultra Recall, Unit Conversion Tool, Winamp, Windows Explorer, Yahoo Messenger Run : Services.Msc (Automatic : Base Filtering, Bluetooth, COM+Event, Crypto.S, DCOM SPL, DHCP, Diag PS, DNS, EL, Group PC, Multim CS, Network LA, Multimedia : ABBYY, Adobe, Corel, Handy Snap, Foxit Reader, MS Office, Winamp Network SIS, NLS, NMSAcc, Plug&P, Power, Print S., Pro.S, Rem.PC, RPC EM, Sec. AM, Server, Shell HD, Superfetch, Sys.EN, Task S., TCP/IP, User Pro, Network : Firefox, LAN-Explorer, Look@LAN, myLan Viewer, Network Browser, Opera, YM Win.A, Win AEB, Win EL, Win.MI, Workstation) 28. Test : MPM,,, YM, mIRC, JetAudio, printer Peripheral : Activefax, AMPWinOff, doPdf, Everest, ImgBurn, Nero, Nokia, Vee See 29. Defrag  Restart  Eazfix Snapshot & Defrag Snapshot Utilitiy : 30. System clean by Disk Cleanup, software No. 7, 8, 9, msconfig & HijackThis AntiVirus : AVG, AVI, Avira, Malwarebytes, Online Armor, PCMAV, SMADAV, Spybot 31. Acronis Backup, jalanin dulu service schedulenya DiskFile : 1-4a Rename, Acronis, Auslogics Disk Defrag, DOpus, Easy Recovery, Examdiff Pro, 32. Defrag  Restart  Eazfix Snapshot [Be4 Freeze&LAN] & Defrag Snapshot Free Commander, Smart Defrag, Winrar 33. Online conficker test Privacy : Cyberscrub, Eraser, Evidence Eliminator Productivity : Copernic DS, Easy Currency Converter, Free Medical Dict, Jakarta Map, Master 34. Converter, Oxford, Rekso Translator, Stedman, Translate Client, Unit Convertion, Xterm Software Lain: System : Ace Utilities, CCleaner, Font Fitting RD, Hijack This, jV16, Process Explorer, Process 1. Alcohol 120% Monitor, Reg Organizer, Shadow Defender 2. Font Fitting Room Deluxe Restriction : Bandwidth Controller, HidePrograms, Hidetools, Netlimiter 3. Y!MultiMessenger Support: 4. K-Lite Codec Multimedia 5. Aesculap 6. Shadow Defender Exclusion List: 7. Application Data Local Setting\Application Data AntiVirus Tambahan Keperluan Kantor (LAN off) : Child Control Program spool 1. Matikan autorun dan automatic update semua program, incl. Acorbat 2. Instalasi program-program *_OFFC, Uninstall DOpus 3. Force Shutdown AMPWinOff 4. ProgramData\Microsoft 5. Internet Download Manager set kb max -> hapus uninstall, pake Hide Program 6. C:\TEMP 7. Syncback -> Set -> Exclusion Shadow Defender -> Backup ProgramData AntiVirus (folder \Program Files\@AntiVirus) 1. Avast\AVG/Avira update Schedule & Advanced Setting 2. Search & Delete Tanatos, Sality, Downadup/Conficker dan “jwgkvsq.vmx”, 3. Check WisePixel, GPSoft, PCMedia 4. update AV lokal, smadextc dieject dari settingan SMADAV, klik kanan explorer Restriction (folder \Windows\Restriction; shortcut di Accessories) 1. Instalasi & setting Bandwidth Manager/Controller, Netlimiter/Net Balancer, HideTools (block set di file, excluded from SD),Xteq, HideProgram, Firefox Adds-On & No Cache 2. Taskbar Properties\Notification Area\ setting 3. HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, bikin NoTrayContextMenu = 1 (DWORD) -> Log Off 4. HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall Program target di panel kiri, panel kanan: DisplayName -> QuietDisplayName LAN 1. Share folder in advanced: name@Ref, nameDraft, nameBuffer, namePD, nameSD, nameUSB 2. Buat folder Contoh & NewReference Privacy 1. Install & setting Evidence Eliminator, Heidi, Cyberscrub 2. Run All Clener Program Others