Taxi and Limousine Commission Meeting June 23, 2016 1 1 NEW YORK CITY 2 TAXI & LIMOUSINE COMMISSION 3 PUBLIC HEARING 4 5 June 23, 2016 10:10 a.m. 6 7 33 Beaver Street New York, New York 8 9 B E F O R E: 10 MEERA JOSHI, Chair and Chief Executive Officer 11 CHARLES WILSON, General Counsel 12 13 Board of Commissioners: 14 BILL AGUADO EDWARD GONZALES 15 LAUVIENSKA POLANCO NORA C. MARINO 16 FRANK V. CARONE JACQUES JIHA 17 18 19 Reported By: Nicole Ellis 20 21 22 STENO-KATH REPORTING SERVICES, LTD. 23 139 MAMARONECK AVENUE MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 24 (212) 95-DEPOS (953-3767) or (914) 381-2061 FACSIMILE: (914) 722-0816 25 Email:
[email protected] Taxi and Limousine Commission Meeting June 23, 2016 2 1 SPEAKERS: 2 Keith Kerman, DCAS 3 Anna Caffarelli, DOHMH 4 Inspector Scott Hanover, NYPD 5 Juan Martinez, DOT 6 William Paholak 7 Steven Shanker, Livery Roundtable 8 Tejinder Singh 9 Nat Goldbetter, LOMTO 10 Placida Robinson, Independent Medallion Drivers Association 11 12 Nino Herbids 13 Gladys Barrera 14 Sergio Cabrera 15 Gladys Tahada 16 Carolyn Protz 17 Jean Pierra Nixon 18 Surjit Singh Gill 19 Michael O'Laughlin, Cab Riders United 20 Avik Kabessa, Carmel 21 Adalgiesa Sanchez, Driver 22 Julia Kite, Transportation Alternatives 23 David Beier, President & Counsel - Committee for Taxi Safety 24 25 (Speakers continued on following page.) Taxi and Limousine Commission Meeting June 23, 2016 3 1 SPEAKERS: (Continued) 2 James Rahming, Driver 3 Frank Osei-Bonsu, Driver 4 Peter M. Mazer, MTBOT 5 Mohamed Boukerche 6 Osman Chowdhury, United Taxi Drivers Association 7 Fernando Garcia Asotiny 8 Jose R.