Virtual 2020 Annual Convention of The Society of America Event Schedule Wed, Nov 11, 2020


A Year of Firsts  8:50am - 8:55am, Nov 11

Meeting/Reception Oberlin Track 1 Track 2


Jason Starkie Cameo  8:55am - 9:00am, Nov 11

Meeting/Reception Oberlin Track 1 Track 2


Digital Amati: Software for Francois Denis' Traite de Lutherie; a tutorial by Harry Mairson  9:00am - 4:00pm, Nov 11

Track 1

This online workshop, to run for the better part of a day, is devoted to understanding the basic ideas of Euclidean, geometric drawing of stringed instrument forms, inspired by François Denis’s remarkable book, Traité de Lutherie: the Violin and the Art of Measurement. Denis’s book contains drawing directions for seven canonical models. These directions comprise an informal kind of computer code, which I’ve formalized as real code. This enables makers to render, adjust, and re-render variations of design, using a computer. Course participants will get an introduction to how to use the software I’ve put together (a kind of domain-specific programming language) to do these kinds of drawings. Zoom Password: 928605

 Speaker

Harry Mairson

Thu, Nov 12, 2020


Can't Wait to Set The Stage  8:50am - 8:55am, Nov 12

Meeting/Reception Oberlin Track 1 Track 2


Oberlin Workshop: Jim Woodhouse: The state of the art in violin acoustics (Sponsored by D'Addario)  9:30am - 10:30am, Nov 12


Zoom link: The talk will present a brief survey of the three main areas of violin acoustics: behaviour of the instrument body, the mechanics of bowing a string leading to questions of playability, and psychoacoustical investigations into the perception of violin and quality by players and listeners. All three areas have deep roots back into the 19th century, but all have seen significant developments in recent years.

 Speaker

Jim Woodhouse Professor, University of Cambridge


Broad Intro for Acoustics  10:40am - 10:45am, Nov 12


Oberlin Acoustics Workshop: Sam Zygmuntowicz - Snapshots of sound (Sponsored by D'Addario)  10:45am - 11:45am, Nov 12


Zoom Link:

Alternate analysis of real played notes, to explore , dynamics and transients.

 Speaker

Sam Zygmuntowicz VSA


Oberlin Acoustics Workshop: Joseph Curtin: The search for an objective definition of violin quality (Sponsored by D'Addario)  12:00pm - 1:00pm, Nov 12


Zoom link:

A long-held dream of violin research is to find a measurement capable of separating “good” from “bad.” All kinds of researchers have made all sorts of measurements – and drawn all manner of conclusions. And yet the goal has proven remarkably elusive. This presentation considers what we’ve learned along the way, describes a recent paradigm shift in the field, and asks whether the whole enterprise may be quixotic.

 Speaker

Joseph Curtin Joseph Curtin Studios 1:00pm

International Greetings! Cameo check-in  1:00pm - 1:05pm, Nov 12

Meeting/Reception Oberlin Track 1 Track 2


Oberlin Acoustics Workshop: Claudia Fritz: Some results of a series of listening tests about projection (Sponsored by D'Addario)  1:15pm - 2:15pm, Nov 12


Zoom link:

Though our now well known Paris and New-York experiments have shown that new violins can be as good (and even better) as Old Italians in terms of projection, projection still remains an intriguing concept, perceptually as well as acoustically. A series of listening tests (which mainly took place during the Oberlin Acoustics workshop) have been designed to explore further what projection is, and its relationships with other perceptual attributes like richness, brightness and loudness.

 Speaker

Claudia Fritz Researcher, Sorbonne University

Fri, Nov 13, 2020


Oberlin Acoustics Workshop: Colin Gough: From free plates to assembled violin (Sponsored by D'Addario)  9:00am - 10:00am, Nov 13


Zoom link:

We trace the behavior and evolution of the violin free plate modes as we gradually add additional elements such as the back, ribs, f-holes, soundpost, bass-bar, and . We pay particular attention to how the modes of the violin body without the soundpost and , which we call the basis modes, contribute to the modes of the complete assembled violin, and the role of the bass bar and offset . We also make some observations on the effects of archings on the free plate and assembled violin modes.

 Speaker

Colin Gough 178, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham

1 Subsessions

 Pablo Alfaro Introduction  9:00am - 9:05am, Nov 13 10:15am

Oberlin Acoustics Workshop: George Stoppani: Exploring violin plates as 3 region systems (Sponsored by D'Addario)  10:15am - 11:15am, Nov 13


Zoom link:

We are all familiar with plate tuning and some of the modes where the plate is freely suspended. However, when the edges are constrained, more like for an assembled instrument, we see a different set of modes and behaviours that were not previously known. The sensitivities to thinning of the regions raises questions about graduation strategies that we have perhaps taken for granted.

 Speaker

George Stoppani

1 Subsessions

 Wyatt is kickin' it in Chicago  10:15am - 10:20am, Nov 13


VSA Virtual Luncheon Event: Marilyn Wallin  11:30am - 12:15pm, Nov 13


Zoom link:

 Speaker

Marilyn Wallin Owner, Marilyn Wallin, violin maker


Oberlin Acoustics Workshop: Thomas Nania: Archtop Guitar Dynamics (Sponsored by D'Addario)  12:30pm - 1:30pm, Nov 13


Zoom link:

An overview of the history of the archtop guitar and in-depth discussion on the eigenmodes and corresponding eigenfrequencies of the archtop guitar. This body of work depicts the vibratory behavior of the archtop guitar top-plate and corpus throughout its build process.

 Speaker Thomas Nania House of Luthiery

1 Subsessions

 Sarah Peck Checking in!  12:30pm - 12:35pm, Nov 13


Oberlin Acoustics Workshop: Evan Davis: What about the ? (Sponsored by D'Addario)  1:45pm - 2:45pm, Nov 13


Zoom link:

The cello is not a large violin. However, the study of the cello has been heavily influenced the tools, methods and language developed in the study of the violin for better or worse. Come along on a guided tour of the investigations of the acoustics of the cello being done at the Oberlin Violin Acoustics Workshop.

 Speaker

Evan Davis

Sat, Nov 14, 2020


Joe Joyner Video!  7:00am - 7:00am, Nov 14

Meeting/Reception Oberlin Track 1 Track 2


Holly Piccoli!  8:00am - 8:00am, Nov 14

Meeting/Reception Oberlin Track 1 Track 2


Rob Juzek: Metropolitan Music History and Lessons Learned  10:30am - 11:00am, Nov 14

Track 1

 Speaker

Rob Juzek Lori Kirr: International Violin History and Lessons Learned  10:30am - 11:00am, Nov 14

Track 2

 Speaker

Lori Kirr International Violin Company


Carlo Chiesa - Milanese Making, 1650-1850  11:15am - 11:45am, Nov 14

Track 1

While in Cremona the best violin makers flourished, a little distance away, in Milano, some skilled luthiers were also at work. But they never reached the success of the most illustrious workshops, and are often still considered of the second class. We’ll explore the history of violin makers in Milano from the Grancinos to Giacomo Rivolta, pointing our attention to some enlightening or curious stories.

 Speaker

Carlo Chiesa violin maker

1 Subsessions

 Pablo Alfaro, wrong Conference Cameo!  11:15am - 11:20am, Nov 14

Matt Wehling - The Impact of Voirin  11:15am - 11:45am, Nov 14

Track 2

Award winning bowmaker Matt Wehling will discuss the large role the somewhat overlooked master FN Voirin (1833-1885) played in altering the bow to fit modernizing clients’ needs in the 1870’s, and how those modifications are still in use today through the enormous popularity of Sartory’s bows. To show how Voirin changed the bow, Matt will first briefly describe what the earlier bows of Tourte and Peccatte were like, the changes made by Voirin, then the effects of these changes on the subsequent bows of Lamy and Sartory. Variations in aesthetics, tone, graduations, camber and playability will be discussed. This lecture is aimed not just at the bow aficionado, but also people who are violin enthusiasts looking for a good first lecture on how the bow progressed by looking at the work of these 5 makers (though the emphasis will be on Voirin).

 Speaker Matt Wehling VSA

1 Subsessions

 Introduction with Matt Wehling  11:15am - 11:25am, Nov 14


Members Luncheon, Board Election and Omo LIVE!  11:45am - 1:00pm, Nov 14


 Speaker

Marilyn Wallin Owner, Marilyn Wallin, violin maker

1 Subsessions

 Greetings from International! Be sure to check vendor room and thanks to our sponsors!  11:45am - 11:50am, Nov 14


Ahhh, working from home with Ryan McLaughlin  12:00pm - 12:05pm, Nov 14

Meeting/Reception Oberlin Track 1 Track 2


Bettina Hoffmann and Timothy G. Johnson - A Conversation About the - It's History, Making and Place in Contemporary Culture  1:00pm - 1:30pm, Nov 14

Track 1

 Speakers

Bettina Hoffmann

Timothy Johnson

1 Subsessions

 Pablo is here to introduce our next presentation  1:00pm - 1:00pm, Nov 14

Joshua Beyer and Jean-Philippe Echard - The Stradavari La Clapisson Pochette  1:00pm - 1:30pm, Nov 14

Track 2

Since 1861, in the French National Collection of Musical Instruments, there has been a one-of-a-kind small violin-type specimen built by Antonio Stradivari, known as the 'Clapisson'. In this presentation we will examine its current condition, sharing thoughts on its construction and subsequent restoration efforts. We will also discuss its provenance and possible place in musical history.

 Speakers

Josh Beyer Beyer Lutherie

Jean-Philippe Échard musée de la Musique, Paris, France

1 Subsessions

 It's Never Safe to work... with Ryan McLaughlin  1:00pm - 1:05pm, Nov 14


Alex Weidner - Howard Core History and Lessons Learned  2:00pm - 2:30pm, Nov 14

Track 1

 Speaker

Alex Weidner President , Howard Core Company

Regional Associations Panel  2:00pm - 2:30pm, Nov 14

Track 2

 Speakers

David Chandler Southern Violin Association Peter Lynch Peter Lynh Violins

Maya Smith Luthier, Strait Music Company

Pablo Alfaro President , Alfaro Violins, LLC

Joseph Curtin Joseph Curtin Studios


Gregg Alf - Recent Research on the Stradivari Messiah  3:00pm - 3:30pm, Nov 14

Track 1

 Speaker

Gregg Alf Alf Studios

1 Subsessions

 International Violin Company Baltimore checking in!  3:00pm - 3:05pm, Nov 14


Dee from GEWA! Checking in!!  4:00pm - 4:00pm, Nov 14

Meeting/Reception Oberlin Track 1 Track 2

The New National Music Museum - An Update on Facilities and Future Exhibits  4:00pm - 4:00pm, Nov 14

A live tour of the National Music Museum.

 Speaker

Arian Sheets National Music Museum Sun, Nov 15, 2020


Jake Connolly: Connolly History and Lessons Learned  9:30am - 10:00am, Nov 15

Track 1

 Speaker

Jake Connolly Connolly Music

Xia Jin: GEWA History and Lessons Learned  9:30am - 10:00am, Nov 15

Track 2

 Speaker

Xia Jin

1 Subsessions

 Dee hey, hey, hey! A few notes from Dee  9:30am - 9:35am, Nov 15


Lutherie in the Age of Covid: What Other Economic Hard Times Tell Us Luthiers and Archetiers Might Expect  10:30am - 11:30am, Nov 15

Track 1

 Speaker

Philip Kass

1 Subsessions

 Sandrin Lhermenier Archetière checking in from Canada!  10:30am - 10:35am, Nov 15

11:15am Benjamin Hebbert - Northern European Violin Makers in the Time of the Amatis (Sponsored by Connolly Music)  11:15am - 11:45am, Nov 15

Track 1

Please use this link to read Part 1 of this presentation: part-1/

 Speaker

Ben Hebbert Il Maestro, Benjamin Hebbert Violins

John Alberti - Innovation in Tool Design  11:15am - 11:45am, Nov 15

Track 2

 Speaker

John Alberti Alberti Design

1 Subsessions

 Sandrin Lhermenier Archetière checking in!  11:15am - 11:15am, Nov 15


Fine Instruments Exhibit: Past and Future –A Conversation with Bruno Price and Colin Maki  11:45am - 1:00pm, Nov 15

Track 1

 Speakers

Bruno Price 213, Rare Violins of New York

Colin Maki 290, Colin Maki, Inc.


Jerry Lynn - The Use of CNC in Restoration  1:00pm - 1:30pm, Nov 15

Track 1

 Speaker

Jerry Lynn Owner/ Bench Monkey, JHL Violins, LLC

Pre-recorded Presentation only with: Daniel Jobe and Alan Friedman, FKCO - Essential Tools for String Businesses  1:00pm - 1:30pm, Nov 15

Track 2

 Speakers

Daniel Jobe FKCO - Friedman Kannenberg and Company

Alan Friedman FKCO - Friedman Kannenberg and Company


Constructing the Future: Alternative Material Development and Implementation in Violin and Bow Making Panel  2:00pm - 2:30pm, Nov 15

Track 1

 Speakers

Rodney Mohr owner, learning Trade Secrets

Boris Haug Wilhelm Geigenbau

Pascal Henzi Neo-Ebene Sarl

John-Eric Traelnes Neo-Ebene Sarl Robert McIntosh - Setting A Bass Neck Using A , A Router and A Table Saw  2:00pm - 2:30pm, Nov 15

Track 2

 Speaker

Robert McIntosh


Edwin Halloran - Using Photography to Reproduce F-holes  3:00pm - 3:30pm, Nov 15

Track 1

 Speaker

Edwin Halloran


Closing Party: Gathertown! Sponsored by Merrill Lynch Wealth Management  5:00pm - 6:00pm, Nov 15


Here's the party link:

Grab a drink and an avatar and come hang out with your fellow maker!


OMO Event!  7:00pm - 7:00pm, Nov 15

Track 1

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