GIS Business ISSN: 1430-3663 Vol-15-Issue-5-May -2020 An investigation Study on the level of factors influences among the cyclist participation in Ethiopia Kesatie Legessea1, S.Hasrani2, Mulay Gebretensay3 Mathivanan4 Shiferaw Tekelehaimanot5 1Associate professor, Department of Sports science, Mekelle University, Ethiopia 2Professor, Department of Sports science, Mekelle University, Ethiopia 3 &4Assistant Professor, Department of Sports science, Mekelle University, Ethiopia Corresponding Author: Kesatie Legessea, Department of Sports science, Mekelle University, Ethiopia. Email:
[email protected] Abstract: Cycling has been a sport, leisure, and transport pursuit in many countries since the invention of the bicycle in the nineteenth century. Historically it is believed that, cycling was introduced to many African nations by the then colonist. In the view of its historical background cycling sport in Ethiopia was introduced at early period of 20th centuries, many Ethiopians had passion to use bicycle as modern transportations. However, the use of cycling as a choice of transport is being replaced with motorbike and vehicles. There could be different reasons for the declining in the use of cycling as a choice of transport. However, this decline is happening against the backdrop of two important opportunities that should have encouraged the use of cycling. The first one is the nationwide adoption of emission free green economy, which should logically have encouraged cycling for transport instead of motor bikes and vehicles. The second one is the increase in the distribution and coverage of tarmac roads all over the country. The primary data were taken from Federation leaders, administrators, coaches, trainers, senior and junior cyclists, government and non-government bodies, club and association managers, benchmark observations within and outside Ethiopia; and the secondary data were collected from different sources.