Art & Science 1631-1140 2101-0323 19Th-Century Music 0148-2076

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Art & Science 1631-1140 2101-0323 19Th-Century Music 0148-2076 Titre ISSN ESSN @GRH 2034-9130 [plastik] art & science 1631-1140 2101-0323 19th-Century Music 0148-2076 1533-8606 2.0.1. Revue de recherche sur l'art du XXe au XXIe siècle 1968-6293 20/21 siècles. Cahiers du Centre Pierre Francastel 1775-2809 20/27 20th-Century Music 1478-5722 1478-5730 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 1619-4500 50° nord revue d'art contemporain A. Pedone Paris : A. Pedone A.N.A.E. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant 0999-792X AAC: Augmentative and A’lternative Communication 0743-4618 Aarbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie 0084-585X Ab imperio 5894231108 ABA journal Abacus: A Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business Studies 0001-3072 Abhâth (al-) 0002-3973 Abhigyan 0970-2385 ABITARE Abstracta Iranica (suppl. annuel de Studia Iranica) 0240-8910 1961-960X Abuja Law Reports Academic Medicine 1040-2446 Academic Psychiatry 1042-9670 Academy of Management Annals 1941-6520 Academy of Management Journal 0001-4273 Academy of Management Learning and Education 1537-260X Academy of Management Perspectives 1558-9080 Academy of Management Review 0363-7425 Accident Analysis and Prevention 0001-4575 Accordia Research Papers 0968-1116 Accounting and Business Research 0001-4788 Accounting and Finance 0810-5391 Accounting Education 0963-9284 Accounting Forum 0155-9982 Accounting Historians Journal 0148-4184 Accounting History 1032-3732 Accounting History Review (ex Accounting, Business and Financial History) 2155-2851 Accounting Horizons 0888-7993 Accounting in Europe 1744-9480 Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 0951-3574 Accounting, Business & Financial History 0958-5206 Accounting, Organization and Society 0361-3682 Achttiende eeuw (De) 0929-9890 ACM Computing Surveys 0360-0300 ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 1544-3558 ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 1073-0516 ACM Transactions on Database Systems 0362-5915 ACM Transactions on Graphics 0730-0301 ACM Transactions on Information Systems 1046-8188 Acme. Annali della facoltà di Lettere et Filosofia dell'Università Statale di Milano 0001-494X ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 1492-9732 Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia 0065-0900 Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 0001-5172 Acta Analytica 0353-5150 Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 0044-5975 1588-2543 Acta Archaeologica 0065-101X 1600-0390 Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae 1588-2551 Acta Archaeologica Carpathica 0001-5229 Acta cardiologica 0001-5385 Acta Colombiana de Psicología 0123-9155 Acta Comeniana 0231-5955 Acta Comportamentalia 0188-8145 Acta dermato-venereologica 0001-5555 Acta Ethologica 0873-9749 Acta gastro-enterologica Belgica 0001-5644 Acta historica Leopoldina 0001-5857 Acta Historica Tallinnensia 1406-2925 Acta Histriae 1318-0185 Acta juridica Acta Musicologica 0001-6241 Acta Neophilologica 0567-784X Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 0065-1400 Acta neurochirurgica 0001-6268 Acta Neurologica Belgica 0300-9009 Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 0001-6314 Acta Neuropathologica 0001-6322 Acta Neuropsychiatrica 0924-2708 Acta Neuropsychologica 1730-7503 Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 0001-6349 Acta odontologica Scandinavica 0001-6357 Acta oncologica (Stockholm Sweden) 0284-186X Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 0001-6446 Acta orthopaedica 1745-3674 Acta Paediatrica 0803-5253 Acta philosophica Fennica 0355-1792 Acta Physiologica 1748-1708 1748-1716 Acta Politica 0001-6810 Acta Poloniae Historica 0001-6829 Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 0341-1184 Acta Psiquiátrica y Psicológica de América Latina 0001-6896 Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 0001-690X Acta Psychologica 0001-6918 Acta Psychologica Sinica 0439-755X Acta Sociologica 0001-6993 Acta Sumerologica 0387-8082 Acta Theologica 1015-8758 Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philosophica et Historica 0567-8293 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Philologica. Slavica Pragensia 0323-0813 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Studia Territorialia. 1213-4999 Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría 1139-9287 Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales 0155-9982 Actes du théâtre Actes Pratiques et ingénierie sociétaire (Revue LexisNexis JurisClasseur) Actes Pratiques et stratégie patrimoniale (Revue LexisNexis JurisClasseur) Action juridique & sociale : Edition française Action juridique CFDT Action Learning: Research & Practice 1476-7333 Action Research 1476-7503 Active Learning in Higher Education 1469-7874 Activitas Nervosa Superior 1802-9698 Activités 1765-2723 Activities Adaptation & Aging 0192-4788 Actualité de la scénographie Actualité juridique droit immobilier, Dalloz Actualité juridique famille Actualité juridique. Pénal Actualités jurisanté : l'information juridique au service des professionnels de la santé Paris : CNEH Actualités sociales hebdomadaires (ASH), Wolters Kluwer Acupuncture & electro-therapeutics research 0360-1293 Adamantius (Notizario del gruppo Italiano di ricerca su 'Origene e la tradizione 1126-6244 Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 0736-5829 Adaptive Behavior 1059-7123 Addiction 0965-2140 Addiction Biology 1355-6215 Addiction Research & Theory 1606-6359 Addictive Behaviors 0306-4603 Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment 1531-5754 ADE (Teatro revista de la asociaciõn de directores de escena de España) Adicciones 0214-4840 Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health 0894-587X Administration and Society 0095-3997 Administration in Social Work 0364-3107 Administration publique mensuel Administration publique. trimestriel Administrative law review Administrative Science Quarterly 0001-8392 Administrative science quarterly Administrer : droit immobilier Admiranda ADOLESCENCE 0001-8449 Adoption Quarterly 1092-6755 Adult Education and Development 0342-7633 Adult Education Quarterly 0741-7136 Adult Learning 1045-1595 Advances in cancer research 0065-230X Advances in Child Development and Behavior 0065-2407 Advances in chronic kidney disease 1548-5595 Advances in Cognitive Psychology 1895-1171 Advances in Cognitive Science 1561-4174 Advances in Complex Systems 0219-5259 Advances in Developing Human Resources 1523-4223 Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 0065-2601 Advances in Health Sciences Education 1382-4996 Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 1687-5907 Advances in Insect Physiology 0065-2806 Advances in International Accounting 0897-3660 Advances in Mental Health 1837-4905 Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities 2044-1282 Advances in Nursing Science 0161-9268 Advances in parasitology 0065-308X Advances in School Mental Health Promotion 1754-730X Advances in Strategic Management 0742-3322 Advances in the study of behavior 0065-3454 Aegaeum 0776-3808 Aegean Archaeology 1234-4621 Aegyptus, Rivista italiana di egittologia e papirologia 1827-7888 Aetas 0237-7934 Aethiopica 1430-1938 Aevum antiquum 1121-8932 Aevum. Rassegna di scienze storiche, linguistiche e filologiche 1827-787X 0001-9593 Afer (formerly: African Ecclesiatical Review) 0250-4650 Affilia: Journal of Women & Social Work 0886-1099 Africa Theological Journal 0856-0048 Africa: Journal of the International African Institute 0001-9720 1750-0184 Africa: Journal of the International African Institute African Affairs 0001-9909 1468-2621 African and Asian Studies 1569-2094 African and Black diaspora 1752-8631 African Archaeological Review 0263-0338 African Christian Studies 1013-171X African Development Review 1017-6772 African diaspora 1872-5457 African Economic History 0145-2258 African Journal of AIDS Research 1608-5906 African Journal of Psychiatry 1994-8220 African journal of reproductive health 1118-4841 African population studies = Etude de la population africaine African Studies (Johannesburg) African Studies Review 0002-0206 Africana Studia Afriche e Orienti Afrika Spectrum Áfro-Ásia Age 0161-9152 Age and Ageing 0002-0729 Ageing & Society 0144-686X Ageing International 0163-5158 Ageing research reviews 1568-1637 Aggression and Violent Behavior 1359-1789 Aggressive Behavior 0096-140X Aging & Mental Health 1360-7863 Aging clinical and experimental research 1594-0667 Aging Neuropsychology and Cognition 1382-5585 Agôn. Revue électronique consacrée aux arts de la scène. Agora 1258-5666 Agora Débats/Jeunesses 1268-5666 Ágora: Estudos em Teoria Psicanalítica 1516-1498 Agrar- und Umweltrecht : Zeitschrift für das gesamte Recht der Landwirtschaft, der Agrarmärkte und des ländlichen Raumes Agrartörteneti Szemle 0002-1105 Agri centuriati 1724-904X Agribusiness 0742-4477 Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 1068-2805 Agricultural Economics 0169-5150 Agricultural History 0002-1482 Agricultural History Review 0002-1490 AI Communications 0921-7126 AIDA INFORMAZIONI, Rivista di Scienze dell’informazione 1121-0095 1594-2201 AIDS 0269-9370 AIDS and Behavior 1090-7165 AIDS Care 0954-0121 AIDS Education and Prevention 0899-9546 AIDS Patient Care and STDs 1087-2914 AIDS research and human retroviruses 0889-2229 AIDS reviews 1139-6121 Aikuiskasvatus 0358-6197 Air & space law Air Power History 1044-016X Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico 2035-8466 Ajalooline Ajakiri. The Estonian Historical Journal 1406-3859 Ajatus. Suomen Filosofisen yhdistyksen vuosikirja 0355-1725 AJDI : l'actualité juridique, droit immobilier Akkadica 1378-5087 Alabama law review Alambique: Didactica de las ciencias experimentales 1133-9837 Alba Regia 0324-542X Alberta Journal of Educational Research 0002-4805 Alcohol 0741-8329 Alcohol and Alcoholism 0735-0414 Alcohol Research & Health 1535-7414 Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly
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