

McClure’s Magazine 1. Famous magazine

Sherman Antitrust Act 2. The act, which prohibited trusts and other businesses from limiting competition. Thomas Nast 3. Political cartoonist who showed Boss Tweed in a bad light. 4. Newspaper reporters who exposed the problems of society. Upton Sinclair 5. Person who in 1906, exposing the problems of the meatpacking industry in Chicago. Roughly 1900-1914 6. Period of years known as the Progressive Era. Public interest 7. What Progressives believed should guide government actions. Bob La Follette 8. Governor of Wisconsin, one of the leading Progressives. Wisconsin Idea 9. Model of progressivism that many states copied. 10. Reform . Later became president where he made a number of reforms. 11. The idea that all people should have an equal opportunity to succeed. Pure Food and Drug Act 12. Act which made food and drug makers list all the 1906 ingredients on packages and ended the use of impure ingredients. 13. President who attacked trusts but who Progressives felt had betrayed them. Bull Moose 14. The party of Roosevelt when he tried to become President for a second time. Woodrow Wilson 15. Progressive President after William Howard Taft. New Freedom 16. Woodrow Wilson’s program designed to break up trusts even more. Federal Reserve Act of 17. Act designed to regulate banking. 1913 Federal Trade 18. Commission designed to investigate companies to Commission stop them from using unfair business activities. 19 th Amendment 19. Amendment, which gave women suffrage or the right to vote. 18 th Amendment 20. Amendment which made it illegal to sell in the United States. Gentlemen’s Agreement 21. Agreement where Japan agreed to limit the number of workers coming to the United States.