Revista Informatica Economică nr.2(46)/2008 75 Intrusion Detection using Open Source Tools Jack TIMOFTE
[email protected] We have witnessed in the recent years that open source tools have gained popularity among all types of users, from individuals or small businesses to large organizations and en- terprises. In this paper we will present three open source IDS tools: OSSEC, Prelude and SNORT. Keywords: Network security, IDS, IPS, intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, open source. ntroduction OSSEC ( is an open source I The traditional form of securing the net- host-based intrusion detection system work, the firewall proved to be insufficient. (HIDS). Given the nature and the complexity of the According to their own website, "OSSEC is a attacks, new ways of protecting the network scalable, multi-platform, open source Host- had to be developed. Intrusion Detection Sys- based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS). It tems, or shortly IDS are tools to monitor the has a powerful correlation and analysis en- events occurring in a computer system or gine, integrating log analysis, file integrity network and detect signs of possible inci- checking, Windows registry monitoring, cen- dents, such as violation of computer security tralized policy enforcement, rootkit detection, policies, acceptable use policies or standard real-time alerting and active response. It security practices. An Intrusion Prevention runs on most operating systems, including System, or IPS in addition to detecting inci- Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, MacOS, Solaris dents, can play an active role by attempting and Windows." to stop the possible incidents which are de- In the recent years, OSSEC has received sev- tected.