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To: All Trustees of the Parish Halls and Chequer Mead Charities Council Offices (Other distribution for information only) East Court College Lane RH19 3LT Tel: (01342) 323636 Fax: (01342) 327823

9 June 2009

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your attendance is requested at a meeting of the CHARITIES COMMITTEE to be held in the Council Chamber, East Court on THURSDAY, 18th June 2009, immediately following conclusion of the Amenities & Tourism Committee meeting.

Yours faithfully, C J ROLLEY, Clerk to the Trustees A G E N D A

1 Public Question Time

2 To commence not later than 15 minutes after commencement of public questions - Apologies for absence.

3 To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 19th March 2009 (attached).

4 To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interest.

5 To elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Charities Committee for 2009/2010 year. (Min 212 19.6.08)

6 Appointment of Clerk to the Trustees for 2009/2010 year (Min 213 19.06.08).

’ 7 To receive a schedule of Trustee s attendances at meetings of the Charities Committee during 2008/2009 year (Min 214 19.06.08).

8 Appointment of Chequer Mead Planning & Review Group for 2009/2010.

– 9 Chequer Mead Minutes of Planning and Review Group Meeting, 2 June 2009 (Min 243 19.03.09).

– ’ 10 Chequer Mead Chief Executive Officer s Report (Min 244 19.3.09).

– 11 Parish Halls Audit of Accounts 2008/2009 (Min 224 18.09.08)

12 Parish Halls Development (Min 250 19.03.09)

– 13 Parish Halls Financial Report and Performance Indicators: 2008/2009 Financial Year (Min 247 19.03.09).

14 Any Other Urgent Business

The next meeting will be held at East Court on Thursday 17th September 2009 following the Amenities & Tourism Committee meeting. id115434937 pdfMachine by Broadgun Software - a great PDF writer! - a great PDF creator! -


To: All Trustees of the Parish Halls and Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre Charities (18.6.09) (Other distribution for information only)


Trustees are requested to appoint a Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Charities Committee for the civic year 2009/2010. Councillors Joyce-Nelson and Mrs Waddingham have, respectively, filled those roles in 2008/2009.

Agenda Item 6: APPOINTMENT OF CLERK TO THE TRUSTEES FOR 2009/2010 YEAR (Min 213 19.06.08)

There is a constitutional requirement for Trustees to affirm on an annual basis their Clerk for both the Parish Halls Trust and Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre. Accordingly Trustees are requested to resolve the continuing appointment of Mr C J Rolley, Town Clerk in such positions for 2009/2010.


Trustees are advised as to their attendances at meetings of the Charities Committee during 2008/2009 civic year, per the following schedule. All attendances are out of a maximum possible of four, with the exception of Councillor Quinn who was only eligible for three meetings. The overall attendance rate was 69%, compared with 77% in 2007/2008.

Councillor Attendances Baldwin 4 Banks 3 Barnett 3 Mrs Bennett 1 Mrs Brunsdon 3 Mrs Collins 1 Dixon 3 Gillbard 3 Johnson 4 Joyce-Nelson 3 Mainstone 4 Mrs Mainstone 4 Marmara 4 Musk 3 Quinn 1 Reed 2 Starmer 2 Mrs Waddingham 1 TOTAL 49

In addition to the above there were four meetings of the Chequer Mead Planning and Review Group. Attendances for the seven Trustees serving on this were: Councillor Gillbard, – – – Chairman 4; Councillor Mrs Mainstone, Vice Chairman 3; Councillor Dixon 2; – – – Councillor Johnson 4; Councillor Musk 1; Councillor Joyce-Nelson (ex-officio) 3;

1 – Councillor Mrs Waddingham (ex-officio) 3. Trustees are asked to note.


Trustees are requested to appoint the Chequer Mead Planning and Review Group for 2009/2010. In the year gone the Group comprised Councillors Dixon, Gillbard and Johnson, the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Amenities and Tourism Committee (Councillors Musk and Mrs Mainstone) and the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Charities Committee – (ex-officio) Councillors Joyce-Nelson and Mrs Waddingham. In addition two external appointments are made on behalf of the Friends of Chequer Mead and East Grinstead War Memorial Company Ltd, currently Mr David Bridle and Mr Dennis Jeffries respectively.

’s instructions are requested. Trustee


The minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2009 are attached as Appendix A for the consideration of Trustees

– ’S REPORT (Min 2 Agenda Item 10: CHEQUER MEAD CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 44 19.03.09).

The report of the Chief Executive Officer is attached, as Appendix B. Mr Durrant will be present to speak to the report if required and answer any questions

Agenda Item 11: PARISH HALLS AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS 2008/2009 (Min 224 18.09.08)

A copy of the Parish Halls accounts for 2008/2009 financial year is attached, as Appendix C, hereto for Trustee information. The Independent Examiner engaged to report on the accounts, Mr Paul Hartley, ACIB, MIPD, Cert in Local Policy, concluded his examination on 3 June 2009.

Mr Hartley has confirmed that the accounting records have been kept in accordance with Section 41 of the Charities Act and that the accounts accord with the accounting records and complies with the accounting requirements of the Act. He has emphasised that as Examiner he does not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts. There are no matters to which he has drawn Trustees attention. Mr Male will lodge the audited accounts with the Charity Commissioners. Trustees are asked to note.

Agenda Item 12: PARISH HALLS DEVELOPMENT (Min 250 19.03.09)

Trustees will be aware of previous decisions in relation to the Parish Halls and specifically that all work in relation to a partial rebuilding of the complex and redevelopment of the remainder has been abandoned on financial grounds in the current economic climate.

Notwithstanding this your Officers have been looking at other opportunities for the complex, possibly looking at solutions with other similar charities and have been taking advice from ’s Architects, Cowans, have been assisting with certain the Solicitors, asb Law. The Council design options all funded from within existing budgets. It is clear that substantive works are required to the Parish Halls, as previously advised, and a cost effective solution, which protects the objectives of the Charity, is required. Trustees will be kept fully apprised of progress and it will, at some time during the summer, be necessary to reconvene the Parish Halls Scrutiny Group.

2 ’s fire assessor has expressed an opinion that the On a more mundane matter, the Council fire exit from the upstairs hall, leading over the first floor roof to steps at the front of the building, may not be suitable for the number of people potentially using that area. A detailed risk assessment is being undertaken and it may be that limitation of usage will need to be imposed in order to conform to appropriate standards. Members will be kept apprised on this.

Members are asked to note and approve the report.


£43,931 against budget of Income for the Parish Halls during 2008/2009 financial year was £30,000. Expenditure for the same period was £39,244 a £39,330. The net gainst budget of £4,687 was £14,017 greater than the budget expectation, based on a straight surplus of -line profile. The original budget had assumed income would tail off approximately nine months through the year to enable redevelopment to take place. In the event Trustees put those plans on hold. However even taking that into account the Halls experienced excellent £22,327 compared income during the year. The general fund balance at 31 March 2009 was £17,640 the previous year. Paris with h Hall bookings for March 2009, and for the whole of 2008/2009 financial year (April 2008 - March 2009) were as follows with the figures for the previous comparative period shown in brackets alongside. Also shown is the % usage figure based upon total available sessions.

Month Regular Casual Total % Usage % Usage (Large Hall) (Small Hall) March 2009 106 (117) 11 (11) 117 (128) 60% (66%) 71% (67%) 2008/2009 1038 (1212) 97 (98) 1135 (1310) - -


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Present: Councillor Bernard Gillbard (Chair) Councillor Mrs Christine Mainstone (Vice-Chair) Councillor Jim Joyce-Nelson (ex-officio) Councillor Mrs Ginnie Waddingham (ex-officio) Councillor Paul Johnson Mr John Denny - Chequer Mead Friends Mr John Durrant - Chief Executive Officer Miss Hannah Kester - Deputy Chief Executive Officer

The Chair, Councillor Bernard Gillbard, welcomed Mr John Denny representing Chequer Mead Friends to the meeting.

231 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Ian Dixon, Councillor Rob Musk and Mr David Bridle - Chequer Mead Friends.

232. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 24 FEBRUARY 2009 The minutes of the meeting held on 24 February 2009 had been circulated to all Trustees of the Charities Committee for their meeting on 19 March 2009.

The minutes of 24 February 2009 were approved by those present as a true record of that meeting, and signed by Councillor Bernard Gillbard as Chair of the Planning and Review Group.

233. MATTERS ARISING 233.1. Friends of Chequer Mead - Seat Naming Scheme Mr John Denny representing Chequer Mead Friends updated the meeting on the progress of the scheme, and reported that the scheme had been advertised in the latest Friends newsletter, which had resulted in one application to date. Mr Denny reported that this scheme was still being progressed by Mr David Bridle. Action: David Bridle

Hannah Kester, Deputy Chief Executive Officer informed the meeting that Mr David Bridle – Chequer Mead Friends and herself were devising an advertisement to promote the seat scheme which would feature in the September to December 2009 “What’s On” brochure. Action: David Bridle/Deputy CEO

The Chair, Councillor Bernard Gillbard, re-confirmed to the meeting the Trustees decision made at the Charities Committee that there would not be a Sponsors Board placed in the Centre.

233.2. Lottery Funding In the absence of Mr Dennis Jeffries – East Grinstead War Memorial Limited there was no report on the progress of this matter. Action: Dennis Jeffries


233.2.1 Lottery Funding Plaques Councillor Mrs Ginnie Waddingham requested information regarding the Arts Council England /Lottery Funding plaque. The Chief Executive informed the meeting that he had been contacted by Arts Council to confirm that, as part of the funding contract agreement between the Arts Council England and East Grinstead Town Council when the Centre was built, that these plaques were still being displayed in the Centre as part of the condition of funding. New versions had been received from Arts Council England for display in the Centre.

It was suggested by Councillor Mrs Ginnie Waddingham that the Foyer plaque be re- sited as it suggests that the Centre is still receiving Lottery funding, which as confirmed by the Chief Executive Officer, as a hire only venue, it is not. Councillor Bernard Gillard and the Chief Executive Officer would look at this. Action: Councillor Bernard Gillbard/CEO

233.3. Staff Handbook- Revised Version The Chief Executive Officer reported that a revised draft had been received from Peninsula Business Services as the Trusts appointed Human Resources specialists, which included updates on current employment legislation. Councillor Bernard Gillbard on behalf of Trustees had reviewed this document.

The Chair, Councillor Bernard Gillbard requested the Chief Executive Officer to action minor amendments to be carried out to the text by Peninsula Business Services prior to issue by the Clerk to the Trustees to all Chequer Mead Staff, once the final version was received. Action: CEO

233.4. Corporate Strategy/Sponsorship for Chequer Mead - Working Party Report Hannah Kester, Deputy Chief Executive Officer updated the meeting on her meeting with Mr David Bridle – Chequer Mead Friends on progress made to date. This was currently being progressed. A further report will be made at the next meeting of the Planning and Review Group. Action: Mr David Bridle/Deputy CEO

Hannah Kester, Deputy Chief Executive Officer informed the meeting that because of the current economic climate that she was not keen to pursue the Corporate Strategy side at the present time, and would be working on other areas of sponsorship. Action: Deputy CEO

Councillor Mrs Ginnie Waddingham suggested that consideration be given by Hannah Kester, Deputy Chief Executive Officer in approaching Masonic Lodges and Rotary Clubs as possible contact organisations for sponsorship at Chequer Mead. Action: Deputy CEO

233.5. Patrons with Disabilities - Brochure Copy The Chief Executive Officer confirmed that the wording as agreed by the Planning and Review Group on 24 February 2009 had been inserted in the May - August 2009 “What’s On” brochure.


234. PROFIT AND LOSS – FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 234.1. Chequer Mead Financial Year 2008/2009 ending 31 March 2009 The Chief Executive Officer reported on the Centres financial statements for the financial years 2008/2009 ended 31 March 2009, circulated by East Grinstead Town Council, and answered questions raised by Trustees. The meeting was advised by the Chief Executive Officer that the audit by Mazars LLP as the Trusts appointed auditors would commence week commencing 29 June 2009.

It was also noted that there were some additional monies to be paid to the Trust by Chequer Mead Trading Company Limited, and adjustments for these will be made in the final Report and Accounts by Mazars LLP.

Councillor Jim Joyce Nelson commented on the income contribution made to Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre by the Costume Store since it started its operations at the Centre.

A fuller report will be made to the Charities Committee in his operational report for the Charities Committee meeting on 18 June 2009. Action: CEO

234.2. Profit and Loss Financial Statements for years 2009/2010 The Chief Executive Officer reported on the Centres financial statements circulated in advance to all Trustees by East Grinstead Town Council on the April 2009 results, and answered questions raised by Trustees.

The Chief Executive officer advised those present that trading conditions for 2009 will continue to be very challenging, due to ongoing pressures on consumer spend and business confidence.

The Centre was also seeing that due to the current economic climate patrons are booking tickets for shows much later to the performance dates, and are being more selective on the shows that they are attending.

The Chief Executive Officer advised the meeting that increased Mid District Council car parking charges introduced in April 2009 were having a marked effect on patrons using the Centre during the day.

A fuller report will be made to the Charities Committee in his operational report for the Charities Committee meeting on 18 June 2009. Action: CEO

235. PROGRAMMING 2009/2010 FINANCIAL YEARS The Chief Executive Officer reported on current and future programming at the Centre. Those present noted these.

A fuller report will be made to the Charities Committee in his operational report for the Charities Committee meeting on 18 June 2009. Action: CEO

236. GREENSTEDE GALLERY HIRES 2009/2010 FINANCIAL YEARS The Chief Executive Officer reported on Greensteede Gallery Hires, and of bookings for 2009/2010 financial years.

3 A fuller report will be made to the Charities Committee in his operational report for the Charities Committee meeting on 18 June 2009. Action: CEO 237. MAINTENANCE ISSUES 237.1. Window Double Glazing for Centre The Chief Executive Officer spoke to his paper circulated in advance on the competitive quotations received for the replacement of windows at the Centre. Those present noted this.

The Chief Executive Officer reported that following discussions with Councillor Bernard Gillbard, Chair of the Planning and Review Group, who had also consulted with other members of the Planning and Review Group, that a meeting had taken place with Provincial Windows, and that they would be carrying out final survey work for this project to be undertaken during the Summer months. Action: CEO

It was agreed by those present that the project should be undertaken, and be funded from the Rolling Renewals Fund. Action: CEO

237.2. Retaining Wall - College Lane The Chief Executive Officer spoke to his paper circulated in advance of the meeting, and confirmed that the tree works had been carried out by Holly Tree Surgeons, and that the brick wall repairs were being carried out by East Grinstead Town Council appointed contractors. Those present noted this. Action: CEO

237.3. Theatre Dimmer Racks The Chief Executive Officer spoke to his paper circulated in advance regarding the Theatre Dimmer Racks, and reported that a competitive quotation and report on the system had been received from Kave Theatre Services, and then invited Hannah Kester, Deputy Chief Executive to update Trustees on the technical aspects of the Theatre Lighting system.

Hannah Kester, Deputy Chief Executive Officer informed the meeting on the technical aspects of the work that needed to be undertaken. Following discussion it was agreed by Trustees present that one dimmer rack is replaced at a cost of £3,000, and the Chief Executive Officer was requested to action this work with the Centres Technical Manager. Action: CEO

It was agreed by those present that the project should be funded from the Rolling Renewals Fund when completed. Action: CEO

Hannah Kester, Deputy Chief Executive also informed the meeting that any spares that could be salvaged from the old dimmer unit could be installed with a couple of lighting bars by Chequer Mead Technical staffs that would give a simple lighting system that would enhance the flexibility of the Studio space potentially making it more hireable as a small drama studio space. The Deputy Chief Executive Officer informed the meeting that she was looking at funding for such a project. Action: Deputy CEO

The Chair, Councillor Bernard Gillbard suggested that Hannah Kester as Deputy Chief Executive Officer contact both County Council and Mid Sussex District Council regarding possible grants towards this project. Action: Deputy CEO


237.3.1. Mid Sussex District Council – Visit by MSDC Cabinet Members. The Chair, Councillor Bernard Gillbard suggested to the meeting that he invite new Cabinet Members of Mid Sussex District Council to visit Chequer Mead as this may assist in future funding bids. Those present agreed this. Action: Councillor Bernard Gillbard

238. VOLUNTEERS The Chief Executive Officer up-dated the meeting on volunteers at the Centre. Contact remains by the Chief Executive Officer with area Volunteer Bureaus, East Grinstead Council for Voluntary Service, and Mid Sussex District Council Outset Team regarding Volunteers.

A fuller report will be made to the Charities Committee in his operational report for the Charities Committee meeting on 18 June 2009. Action: CEO

239. ROOM HIRES The Chief Executive Officer spoke to his paper relating to Room Hires in the current economic climate that had been circulated to members of the Planning and Review Group in advance of the meeting. Those present noted these.

Following discussion by those present it was recommended that a 15% discount be given off the room rate hire for Community Groups hiring the Meeting Room, Rehearsal Room and the Alfred Wagg Studio during periods 09.00- 15.00 only to try and encourage more day hires at the Centre, and that this would be trialled for six months.

RECOMMENDED for approval by the Charities Committee at its meeting to be held on 18 June 2009.

240 STAFF 240.1. Centre Safety – Duty Managers The Chief Executive Officer spoke to his paper relating to safety of staff acting as Duty Managers at the Centre that had been circulated to members of the Planning and Review Group in advance of the meeting. Those present noted this, and a full discussion took place by those present.

The Chief Executive Officer informed the meeting of his meetings with Sussex Police on street patrols pass the Centre, together with the assistance of Councillor Mrs Ginnie Waddingham, who had contacted Councillor Mrs Margaret Collins as a West Sussex County Councillor, it has been agreed by West Sussex County Council to upgrade the street lanterns situated in De La Warr Road in order to provide better illumination as it is considered poor.

The Chief Executive Officer informed the meeting that this improved lighting should in the future enhance any images picked up by the Sussex Police CCTV camera, and that Details are awaited from West Sussex County Council of their installation date.

Hannah Kester, Deputy Chief Executive Officer informed the meeting of her discussions with Knox Security in supplying an additional CCTV camera, together with improving the lighting at the front of the building, in the staff car park, and by the

5 Portakabin areas. The cost of this project was £3,500. Hannah Kester also informed the meeting of her discussions with Councillor Margaret Collins on grants available for installation of security lighting, which had resulted in her putting in a grant bid on 2 June 2009. The results of this bid will be known in 6-8 weeks. Action: Deputy CEO.

It was agreed by those present that the Deputy Chief Executive keep the Trustees updated on funding bids for this project prior to work commencing. Action: Deputy CEO

Mr. John Denny representing Chequer Mead Friends informed the meeting that the Friends Committee had indicated that they would look at a possible donation towards this work. Action: Deputy CEO

In response to a question raised by the Chair, Councillor Bernard Gillbard, the Chief Executive Officer confirmed that all staff employed by the Trust at Chequer Mead, in their signed Contracts of Employment agree to act as Centre Duty Managers on a rota basis.

241. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 241.1. Clerk to the Planning and Review Group The meeting agreed that the Chief Executive Officer would act as Clerk to the Planning and Review Group for the financial years 2009 – 2010 which would involve the preparation of all agendas, briefing papers, and minutes of meetings in agreement with the Chair of the Planning and Review Group.

242. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 25 August 2009 at 7.30 pm at Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.32 pm.

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Charities Committee - 18 June 2009

Chief Executive Officer Report

1. FINANCIAL MATTERS 1.1. 2008 - 2009 Financial Years All Trustees will have received copies of the end of year figures for 2008 - 2009 as at 31 March 2009, which I believe is another satisfactory year for the Trust against budget.

In addition to the report figure sent to Trustees I am advised by the Directors of Chequer Mead Trading Company Limited, that there are additional monies to be passed over to the Trust for the 2008 - 2009 financial years from trading activities at the Centre. Mazars LLP in their work during the audit will make the necessary adjustments after consultation with the Trading Company.

The part time Financial Administrator is producing reports of all income and expenditure figures as at year-end for the annual audit which will be conducted by Mazars LLP, as the Trusts appointed auditors, at the Centre week commencing 29 June 2009, and this will last approximately one week on site. Part of their work will involve examination of the minutes of the meetings of both the Charities Committee and the Planning and Review Group.

I will also be meeting with the auditors on 29 June 2009 to update them on Centre activities over the past year, as this will form part of the Report and Accounts to all Trustees later this year.

The Report and Accounts once finalised will be then be sent to all Trustees prior to signature on their behalf by the Chair of the Trust prior to filing with the Charity Commission.

1.2. Financial Statements 1.2.1. 2009 - 2010 Financial Years All Trustees will have received financial statements for Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre year to date in advance of this meeting from East Grinstead Town Council.

As reported to the Planning and Review Group we expect trading conditions for 2009 to continue to be very challenging, due to ongoing pressures on consumer spend and business confidence. We are also seeing that due to the current economic climate patrons are booking tickets for shows much later to the performance dates, and are being more selective on the shows that they are attending.

Trustees are requested to note that the increased Mid Sussex District Council car parking charges introduced in April 2009 are having a

1 marked effect on patrons and business customers using the Centre during the day.

2.THEATRE PROGRAMME – 2009 For Trustees information additional shows/events booked into Chequer Mead in the Theatre in 2009 include:

 Reed Business Information (Conference and Staff Awards)  The Menagerie (Youth bands)  Star for a Night (Paul Mewse)  Pericles Theatre Company  It’s D’Lovely (Karen Ludmer)  Elvis Tribute (Mark Summers Management)  Blackwell Primary School (School play)  Run for Your Wife (Company of Friends)  The Orpheus Male Voice Choir  “Dr Faustus” - Saltmine Theatre Company  Floral Art Demonstration (Maggie Temple)  Tony Strudwick Big Band (Tony Strudwick)  Fashion Show (Private Collection)  He’s Behind You! (Harry Denford)  The Debras (Charity fund raising evening)  “Voulez Vous” - Abba Tribute  Clare Martin (Acoustic Sussex)  Sussex Rock School - Christmas Concert  Chequer Mead Youth Theatre - “City Tales”  Mercury (Queen Tribute)  Guinea Pig Club (show of new film material)  Tony Strudwick Big Band  Fortitude Academy (Martial Art Demonstration)  Spires Hairdressing Show (Karen Dandy)

3. THEATRE PROGRAMME – 2010 Theatre Bookings are being made by promoters for 2010, and details on these show bookings will be made to Trustees in my CEO report later this year.

4. EAST GRINSTEAD MUSIC AND ARTS FESTIVAL 2010 Following discussions, the organising committee of the East Grinstead Music and Arts Festival have booked their 2010 dates at the Centre in March, April and May in both the Theatre and the Alfred Wagg Studio.

5. THEATRE REPORTS 5.1. Chequer Mead Youth Theatre – “The Hip Deep Family Plot” Chequer Mead Youth Theatre presented “The Hip Deep Family Plot” on Wednesday 25 March 2009. The works of Heinrich Hoffman and Edward Gorey inspired the play created by Pete Allen and Richard Cullen.

Hannah Kester, Deputy Chief Executive Officer has received the following from Pete Allen and Sue Palmer - Jones of Whirly Gig Arts Group who run the Chequer Mead

2 Youth Theatre at the Centre:

“We wanted to write on behalf of the Chequer Mead Youth Theatre to say a big, big thanks to you and everyone at Chequer Mead for making our first “big” show, “The Hip Deep Family Plot”, such a success, especially Thom Jenkins, who lit the show fantastically.

It is such a treat to be able to use and perform in a fully equipped theatre and everyone at Chequer Mead makes it such a pleasant and welcoming environment to be in, whether we are rehearsing or performing”.

5.2. Chequer Mead Youth Theatre - Next Production The Chequer Mead Youth Theatres next presentation is “Cluedunnit! Or Who Killed Lord Black” on Wednesday 15th July 2009.

5.3. Old Tyme Music Hall - Company of Friends “Company of Friends marked their 25th anniversary with a rip- roaring Gala production of Old Tyme Music Hall at Chequer Mead last week (19 - 21 March 2009) under their multi-talented Master of Ceremonies Kevin Gauntlett.

Kevin combines an absolute mastery of comic timing with a feigned innocence, which renders even the rudest of his double entendres fit for the ears of a maiden aunt.

On this occasion his usual fine tenor was complemented with an astonishingly good falsetto in a duet from the Pirates of Penzance in which he sang both parts and brought the house down.

Kevin’s 13-year-old daughter also gave a remarkably poised performance of the tongue twister “She Sells Sea Shells”. The Company’s perfectly judged mélange of ancient jokes and sight gags had the audience howling with laughter and yet there were moments too of real poignancy, not least with Ian Foster’s aching rendition of “The Road to Mandalay” which sent shivers down the spine.

Bob Wilson was simply terrific as the Pirate King, and few who witnessed the marrow song will be able to expunge his performance from their memories - however hard they try. Robin Shergold and the Company reprised “I’m Getting Married in the Morning” and the Ascot scene from their recent production of “My Fair Lady” in two lovely set pieces; Derek Blackall performed the Galloping Major with gusto and it was good to see new young talent emerging with James Brown in “Long Long Trail Awinding” and Francesca Templeman in “Take Me in a Taxi Joe”.

The whole Company can take huge credit for a marvellous

3 anniversary show particularly pianist Michael Burbidge. But if there was a single star it was six-year-old Jake Tuesley who hoofed and sang like a trouper long past his bedtime”.

Annabelle Adams

5.4. “The Wind in the Willows” - Ariel Theatre Company “At Ariel we pride ourselves in giving our students the platform to exhibit their work in a very professional arena, and believe they should get as much technical support for all there shows as our adults, at Chequer Mead we can do this with ease.

It is so important our students feel pride in their work and are truly applauded for high quality productions.

We work very hard for all our shows, and the last production took 8 months to plan, from writing the script, and casting. To some workshops productions are there for corners to be cut, but we believe all our shows should be given equal status and dedication.

The students get a real sense of ownership and pride for their production and the teamwork they learn is in my option invaluable as life skills for later life.

All our students support each other, our older students work backstage, front of house, make up, lighting and sound; it really is a great team effort, that reflects in the energy of the production and their sense of pride.

We had two students in “Wind in the Willows” who are home taught due to autism and Ariel is the only establishment the students attend on a weekly basis, so for them to do a full weeks workshop, with all it entails, is a credit to them, but also a credit to our dedicated tutors.

Many thanks to all at Chequer Mead for all the work they do to ensure all our productions with them run so smoothly and are so well received”.

Nicci Hopson Director - Ariel Theatre Company

5.5. Vienna Festival Ballet Company - “Coppelia” “Six young people from East Grinstead's Redhurst School of Dance had the time of their lives when they appeared on the Chequer Mead stage with the professional dancers of the Vienna Festival Ballet. Their mothers said they have never seen their offspring standing still for so long as when they were toys in the workshop for 'Coppelia'!

4 The dynamic young Festival Ballet Company wanted to give local dancers the opportunity to experience the thrill of working with them in a professional performance, and a very proud Redhurst principal, Kay Ball, was thrilled with her students, all of whom have been with the school since they were very small. The experience at Chequer Mead has left all the youngsters wanting a professional dance career”.

East Grinstead Courier and Observer

5.6 Acoustic Sussex Presentations 5.6.1. Cara Dillon Irish singer Cara Dillon appeared at Chequer Mead on Thursday 21 May 2009 with the show being seen by 286 patrons. Cara Dillon has been nominated in the "Best Female Vocalist" category in the Ireland Music Awards for 2009.

Past awards have included BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards for “Best Traditional Track” and “Horizon Award”', “Best Traditional Act at Big Buzz and Hot Press Magazines and Irish Tatler’s “Woman of the Year”.

Press comments on her show performances include:

“Cara Dillon, is without exaggeration, amongst the very finest to be heard today”… fRoots

“What may be the world’s most beautiful female voice”. …Mojo

“Dillon’s crystalline, angelic voice is an instrument of rare beauty capable of melting the sternest of hearts”….BBC

5.6.2. Show of Hands Show of Hands due to appear on 19 June 2009 at Chequer Mead is sold out with a Box Office waiting list for any ticket returns.

Show of Hands is an English acoustic roots and folk duo comprising singer-songwriter Steve Knightley and multi - instrumentalist Phil Beer. Their appeal is based on the combined power of Steve Knightley’s original songs, the quality of their vocals and harmonies, and their multi-instrumental virtuosity.

5.7. West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service - Road Safety Campaign West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service hired the Theatre on 26 March 2009 to present their acclaimed production of “Safe Drive - Stay Alive” as part of their campaign to reduce serious road crashes.

The presentation is a mixture of film and talks from people who have seen roadside deaths at first hand.

5 700 students aged 16 - 18 attended the production. The students who attended this year were from Sackville School, , , and St. Paul’s Catholic College.

The aim of the show is to make young people safer drivers, as statistics prove that 1 in 5 of newly qualified drivers will have a crash within twelve months of passing their test.

West Sussex County Councillor Phillip Coote attended on the day.

Following discussions, the West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service have again booked the Theatre in March 2010 for a further presentation of their road safety campaign to local schools.

5.8. Lunchtime Classical Concert Series As part of the Centres involvement with the Community we continue to promote and support live music and musicians in the East Grinstead area with our lunchtime classical concert series, and these continue to be well supported.

The concert on Tuesday 26 May 2009 featured pianists Hilary Needham and Janet Gillbard with flautist Ivor Humphreys in a recital in the theatre which was very well received by the 100 patrons attending.

The following performers have been booked from June to November 2009:

 Tuesday 30 June 2009 - Laura Snowden - Classical Guitar  Tuesday 28 July 2009 - Paul Cott - French Horn  Tuesday 29 September 2009 - Al Kamandjati Camerata with Peter Sulski - Violin/Viola  Tuesday 20 October 2009: Ashley Hands - Classical guitar  Tuesday 24 November 2009: The Myriad Ensemble - featuring Julie Groves - Flute, Jenni Briton - Oboe, Nadia Wilson - Clarinet, Susana Dias - Bassoon and Paul Cott - French horn

Details of these concerts appear in the Centres “What’s on” brochure and on the Chequer Mead website

Details of these concerts also featured in the Guardian newspaper supplement.

5.9. East Grinstead Music & Arts Festival 2009 During March, April and May 2009 the East Grinstead Music and Arts Festival, now in its 42nd year, was held at Chequer Mead. The Centre saw over 1,000 competitors in competitions for Dancing, Singing, Speech and Drama using both the Theatre and the Alfred Wagg Studio.

An exhibition of painting and art was also held from 1 - 12 May 2009 in the Garden Gallery at the Centre as part of this year’s festival.

6 This year adjudicators appointed by the Festival Committee were: Chris Hocking (Dancing Section), Yvonne Patrick (Singing), Cally Foster (Speech & Drama) and Bill Lazard (Painting and Art).

The East Grinstead Music and Arts Festival is affiliated to The British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance and Speech.

Reports and photographs from the Festival appeared in the East Grinstead Courier and Observer.

5.10. The Young Enterprise Programme Mid Sussex Area Finals and Sussex County Finals The Centre in April saw the Mid Sussex Area finals in which 10 teams competed to represent the County of Sussex in the finals.

In the Sussex County finals saw teams competing from the finalists of the heats held in Mid Sussex, South Downs, North Sussex, Arun and Chichester, Brighton and Hove, and Hastings and Rother. All school team presentations for both finals were held in the Theatre.

The Young Enterprise programme delivers an exciting, practical, hands-on business experience for young people. Employers and educational establishments value the experience gained through Young Enterprise when considering applicants.

There are four programmes in use by Young Enterprise:

1. Company Programme: Providing practical business experience and personal development for 15 - 19 year olds through running a real company for one year.

2. Team Enterprise: Meeting the special needs of students with learning difficulties for 15-19+ year olds through a practical business experience with a flexible time - scale.

3. Primary Programme: Develops, in a sympathetic way, the creative potential of the youngest members of society by building their knowledge and key skills. In such a way it is hoped that young people develop positive attitudes towards becoming educated, attending school and indeed being good citizens. There are six modules, designed for specific year groups, from the Reception Year to Year Six (ages 4 to 11). The groups are:

4. Project Business: Presented in-curriculum by a volunteer business partner(s) and supported by a teacher partner, Project Business is designed to give 14 -15 year old students a practical, activity-based insight into economic and business life.

Keynote speakers at these events were Rob Biss and Ben Stringer of the Sussex Academy of Music at the Mid Sussex finals and at the

7 Sussex County final, Ian Lucas, Sussex Entrepreneur of the Year 2009 and Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Redseven.

The County winner progresses through to the Regional Final to represent Sussex and competes against six other counties for a place in the National Final at the Savoy Hotel, London in July. The winner of the National Final represents the UK at the international event in August. Over 3,000 schools will competed for this ultimate accolade.

This year’s Sussex County winners were Davidson’s (Church of England) High School for Girls from Worthing

In addition the 1,000 students who have taken part across the counties schools and colleges have had the opportunity through the Company Programme to obtain OCR level 1 & 2 Certification (Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations) which will provide formal testimony of their business experience. The practical nature of the learning is unique and is therefore an enhancement to GCSE’s and GVNQ’s in Business.

Councillor Mrs Ginnie Waddingham as Mayor attended both events, and Councillor Lee Marmara as the then Deputy Mayor attended the Mid Sussex Area Final.

Discussions are currently being held with representatives of Young Enterprise for both finals again to be held at Chequer Mead in 2010.

5.11. RBI Staff Conference and Awards RBI based in East Grinstead used the Theatre on Thursday 11 June 2009 for a conference and staff awards presentation to 250 members of staff.

6. ROOM HIRE Room hire at the Centre continues with regular hirers and classes during the day and evening periods. For Trustees information both Dorking Academy of Performing Arts and Stagecoach Theatre School have both reduced their class hire times at the Centre.

We have also seen the loss of room hires of the Jennie Lewis Textile Group due to a combination of increased Centre hire charges, and the increased Mid Sussex District Council day car parking costs, and the Extreme Exercise Group who are ceasing to operate classes in the East Grinstead area from May 2009.

The Centre has seen ad hoc room bookings from local companies/organisations. These have included:

 The Conservative Association for Hon. Nicholas Soames MP  East Grinstead CVS  Music Studio Singers  Cat Publications  Sackville School  ACE Theatre

8  East Grinstead War Memorial Limited  East Grinstead Business Association  Greenstede Quilters  Cardinus  Sussex Oakleaf  Chequer Mead Friends Annual General Meeting  NIA Dance Class  Company of Friends  Quilters Guild of Great Britain  Marion Schuster Singing Group  Mid Sussex District Council for European and County Council Elections  Antiques Road Show Valuation  Leslie Morgan Textile Workshop  Mason Beer Solicitors

The Planning and Review Group discussed room hires at their meeting held on 2 June 2009 regarding morning usage by Community Groups.

The Chair of that group, Councillor Bernard Gillbard will be reporting back to Trustees on those discussions.

7. CENTRE PUBLICITY AND PUBLIC RELATIONS 7.1. Events Brochure – May to August 2009 This was despatched to patrons on our mailing list who have purchased theatre tickets within the past 2 years.

Thanks are due to our volunteers together with Councillor Mrs Ginnie Waddingham in assisting Chequer Mead staff in despatching these brochures to patrons.

Brochures have also been distributed through other outlets including local Tourist Information offices.

7.2. Press Press coverage of forthcoming shows at the Centre continues in local and West Sussex newspapers, County magazines, and Mid Sussex Matters.

The Centres part-time marketing staffs continue to make regular contact with the editorial staff of local and county newspapers and magazines, and with hirers and promoters using the theatre regarding press coverage for their shows. All editorial press coverage of forthcoming shows at the Centre is at the discretion of the editor

Press releases continue to be prepared on a weekly basis on forthcoming shows and events at the Centre based on information supplied by promoters and hirers.

9 7.3. Chequer Mead Press Cuttings Chequer Mead press cuttings on shows and other Centre activities are maintained by Mrs Barbara Stoveld.

Current cuttings are filed in the Administration Office at the Centre for Trustees to view, and past press cuttings on Chequer Mead since its formation are now filed at the East Grinstead Museum.

7.4. Centre and Town Advertising Boards As part of promoting forthcoming shows at Chequer Mead use continues of the advertising boards located around East Grinstead, together with the display boards in the Centre. One of our long serving volunteers Mrs. Beryl Brown maintains the external boards on behalf of the Centre.

Chequer Mead staffs continue to maintain the Centres internal advertising boards and display cabinets, many of which are produced on behalf of hirers and promoters by Mrs Leigh Wheatley, part time - administrator who has a design background from her previous career.

7.5. Chequer Mead Blog The Chequer Mead Blog is up-dated on a regular basis by the part-time marketing staff to include news on show, exhibitions, show reviews, and any last minute offers from promoters. This can be viewed on - News and Blog.

7.6. Web Sites The web site features details of our current of our current Theatre programme and Greenstede Gallery Exhibitions, and can be viewed on

Chequer Mead show events are uploaded onto the East Sussex County Council, West Sussex County Council, BBC Southern Counties, Mid Sussex events listings, Best of East Grinstead, and Arts in Sussex websites.

We continue in the current economic climate to encourage all show promoters using the Centre for their productions to link their own show details to the Chequer Mead web site to encourage additional ticket sales.

7.7. Radio Interviews Radio interviews were conducted with:

7.7.1. Cheryl Baker who starred in Bullfrog Productions of Disney’s “The AristoCats Kids” and “The Jungle Book” at Chequer Mead on 8 and 9 April 2009 was interviewed on local radio stations in Kent and Surrey about the production.

7.7.2. Cara Dillon who appeared at Chequer Mead on 21 May 2009 was interviewed on BBC Southern Counties.

10 8. GREENSTEDE GALLERY Details of the Centres current 2009 exhibitions continue to be sent to local and national press for their arts columns, and are details of all exhibitions are listed in the Centres “What’s On” brochure, and on the Chequer Mead website

The Greenstede Gallery has built up a strong reputation for hosting a rich and varied exhibition programme. Exhibitions staged in the Gallery have included photography, print, oil, acrylic and silk painting, sculpture, woodcarving, ceramics, embroidery, quilting, wall hangings, drawings, paper, water colours, stitch and textiles.

Local schools exhibitions held during the year has featured work of the students at various stages of their academic studies from ages 3 - 18 as part of their National Curriculum studies. Student’s exhibitions from Brambletye School, and Sackville School have used different materials and processes as part of their exhibition work.

Artists and other hirers using the Greenstede Gallery have commented very favourably to Chequer Mead staff on the new lighting scheme. The Centre is now starting to take bookings for the Gallery in 2011.

8.1. Society of Graphic Fine Art Exhibition - 10 - 22 April 2009 E- Mail message to Councillor Bob Mainstone

“On behalf of the Council and Members of the Society of Graphic Fine Art, I wish to thank you for attending and opening our exhibition recently. As you know, this was our first time at your excellent Greenstede Gallery for a South East regional exhibition and we were pleased with the eventual sales of paintings, cards and attendance figures.

It was backed up by good individual publicity for our 18 S.E.Member participants and, of course, good publicity for Chequer Mead as well. Your Director of Tourism for East Grinstead was very complimentary! We even had a visit and photo opportunity with the original "Darth Vader" [David Prouse] from "Star Wars" films who attended later with his wife and for which publicity was sent to your local press.

So we thank you once again and hope this will be the start of further exhibitions, both personal and collective, at the venue”.

Roger Lewis President, SGFA

9. CENTRE CATERING The Cuisine Studio continues to be busy with patrons using the Centre for lunch, and also in providing pre-show meals for shows listed in the current programme of events at the Centre, together with other business hiring events taking place at the Centre, although as previously mentioned in my report, the increased MSDC car parking

11 charges are having an effect on catering sales during the morning and early afternoon periods.

Jazz Café events continue to very well supported by patrons. The evening function on Friday 24 April 2009 was sold out. These events feature jazz artists and bands from around the Sussex area.

9.1. Jazz Café Future Dates - June - December 2009  Wednesday 24 June 2009  Friday 17 July 2009  Sunday 13 September 2009  Wednesday 23 September 2009  Sunday 11 October 2009  Tuesday 20 October 2009  Sunday 15 November 2009  Wednesday 25 November 2009  Sunday 13 November 2009

10. PLANNING AND REVIEW GROUP MEETING Members of the Planning and Review Group met on 2 June 2009, and the Clerk to the Trustees has circulated minutes of that meeting to all Trustees.

Councillor Bernard Gillbard, as Chair of that Group, will be reporting back to Trustees at this meeting of the Charities Committee.

11. CHEQUER MEAD ART GROUP Hannah Kester, Deputy Chief Executive Officer has submitted the following for Trustees information on the work of the Chequer Mead Art Group.

Local artists Lesley Ormrod and Linda Crockett in collaboration with staff at Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre set up the Chequer Mead Art Group in June 2008. Since then, classes have been held every Monday in the Studio at Chequer Mead from 11 – 1pm. Artists are able to drop in without booking to an informal class where they are able to develop their work from the life models, of which two are often provided.

The project has been very well received and numbers regularly range up to 25 people attending each week, and the class is now a regular fixture at Chequer Mead. By April 2009, 65 different students have attended the classes.

Fees for attending pay for workshop leaders, models and their expenses, marketing costs and materials, with any remaining profit going to Chequer Mead.

A successful funding bid was made by Hannah Kester, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, to purchase 10 high quality ‘A’ Frame easels for the art group as previously artists have had to make do with boards, tables and chairs, which is difficult with large paper, creating a problem with reach and perspective.

12 Additionally, sharing work surfaces with fellow artists was proving impractical. The easels have proved to be of great value to the group as they enable greater creativity by being able to create a wider range of work.

Each session is affordable, with students being charged just £10 for two hours. The result has been the development of a diverse group of artists who are able to develop their artistic potential by sharing ideas and interacting with likeminded people. The demographic of the class is largely older retired people with a number of younger students attending as part of their studies. A number also attend the group as an extension of their art therapy courses.

The result has been the encouragement and development of a diverse group of people who are able to develop their artistic potential by interacting with likeminded people.

12. CHEQUER MEAD STAFFING 12.1. Training Courses for Staff Hannah Kester, Deputy Chief Executive Officer attended a training course organised by East Grinstead CVS on 12 May 2009 at Chequer Mead on “How to write a policy people want to read”.

As Chief Executive Officer I attended a West Sussex County Council Course on “Child Protection” on 2 June 2009.

Both of these courses were free of charge.

13. VOLUNTEERS 13.1. Centre Stewarding and Bar Our volunteers continue to give valuable support to the Centre in stewarding, operating the bar and box office on show nights at the Centre in support of Chequer Mead Staffs who act as Duty Managers in addition to their contracted hours at the Centre.

During the 2008/2009 financial years volunteers at the Centre gave over 7,000 hours of their time in stewarding shows, operating the bar and box office duties.

Chequer Mead also provides volunteer stewards to assist at the East Grinstead Music and Arts Festival held at the Centre.

As Trustees are aware from the Annual Report and Financial Statements use of volunteers enables longer opening hours of the Theatre and Arts Centre and much lower staffing costs.

13.2. Volunteer Meetings Centre Volunteer Coffee Mornings continue to be held on a regular basis at the Centre. All Volunteers Coffee Mornings held at the Centre are open to Trustees to attend to meet with our Volunteers.

13 Thanks to those Trustees who have attended our recent coffee mornings, our volunteers appreciate your attendance and have the opportunity to meet with you.

Michelle Blackall in our Marketing Section prepares a regular newsletter, which is distributed to all our Volunteers keeping them updated on Centre staff and activities, copies of which are circulated to all Trustees.

13.3. Meetings on Volunteer Activities and Recruitment I continue to meet with Loral Bennett of East Grinstead Community Voluntary Service, Caroline Halpin, Assistant Development Officer, of Outset Youth Action, and Lynn Parkinson of Mid Sussex District Council on Volunteer activities and recruitment. I also attend meetings of the Executive Committee of the East Grinstead Community Voluntary Service as this organisation supplies volunteers to the Centre, and use the Centre for some of their training courses.

Several new adult volunteers have now been recruited to the Centre.

Caroline Halpin of the Outset Youth Action programme is seeking to obtain younger volunteers to assist at the Centre. The programme that she runs encourages older students at local schools to offer their time in serving the community.

14. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION FOR TRUSTEES Literature received at the Centre relating to current employment legislation is circulated to all Trustees as the staffs’ employers, in order to keep them updated on current legislation as it effects employment.

15. WORK EXPERIENCE FOR STUDENTS The Centre is again giving work experience to students of local schools in both the Administration Office, and on the technical side in the Theatre in June and July 2009.

Work experience students from previous years continue to be involved with the Centre on the technical side of shows assisting our technicians during technical set ups for shows and on show performance nights.

16. CENTRE MAINTENANCE 16.1. Retaining Brick Wall - College Lane Trustees are requested to note that a sycamore tree in the grounds of the Centre has had to be professionally removed by Holly Tree Surgeons on Tuesday 12 May 2009 due to the tree pushing out the retaining brick wall facing the road in College Lane. Several saplings were also removed which were affecting the brick wall facing Beeching Way.

Repair works are being carried out by East Grinstead Town Council contractors to the wall facing College Lane.

The cost of this work will be £575 plus VAT.

14 16.2. Theatre Lighting Control Racks For Trustees information, and as reported to the Planning and Review Group, the company who manufactured the lighting dimmer control racks in the theatre, Strand Lighting ceased trading in the UK through financial difficulties, and were taken over by Glenlyte an American Company who have now been taken over by Phillips.

In the restructuring that resulted Phillips have greatly reduced the products they now produce and have dropped support for most, if not all the older products, this includes the LD90 dimmers and the 300 range control desk in use at Chequer Mead, and so spares held by theatre lighting companies for our existing lighting control racks are now all but obsolete.

Recently, one of the lighting control racks has been malfunctioning and has been repaired by Kave Theatre Services with the last spare part available. Discussions have taken place regarding replacing one of the racks, at an estimated cost of around £3000 and use the original rack as spares for the other units as they need repair. We would then in due course have to replace the other racks. We are waiting the project engineers report on the current equipment.

For Trustees information the current dimming installation consists of five Strand Lighting LD90 type dimmers, and these dimmers feed individual circuits in the theatre space both at high level and at floor level as well as the theatres house lighting circuits.

These dimmers have been in operation from the opening of the centre and are now suffering control gear failure causing flickering and failure of lighting circuits.

This subject will discussed by the Planning and Review Group at its 2 June 2009 meeting, and any recommendations will made to the Charities Committee at this meeting.

16.3. Centre Fire Fighting Equipment County Fire Protection under Health & Safety at Work tested all fire extinguishers and fire blankets at the Centre on 8 May 2009 as part of the Theatre Licence issued by Mid Sussex District Council.

16.4. Centre Boilers and Air Handling Unit Comfort Air Conditioning Limited carried out maintenance work in May 2009 on the Centre boilers and air handling system. Due to the age of both systems installed when the Centre was built several parts have had to be replaced.

It was also found during maintenance that there is water leaking from the pitched roof area where the boiler flues are located into the boiler rooms. An inspection is being undertaken as to what repair works need to be carried out to rectify this fault.

15 17. TICKETS.COM - CHIP & PIN INSTALLATION - BOX OFFICE Tickets.Com on Thursday 14 May 2009 carried out the upgrade to the Centre ticket booking system on both the main server, together with the installation of the new Chip & Pin system and Pro Venue Databox on the three PC’s in the Administration Office that can sell tickets.

The banks and clearing houses now require these upgrades for the added protection of patron’s credit and debit cards when booking tickets in person or on the telephone, and to assist in the prevention of fraud from any possible stolen credit or debit cards at outlets where credit or debit cards are accepted.

During the day whilst the technical upgrade was taking tickets there was a short period of time when the Centre was unable to sell tickets to patrons whilst administration staffs were trained by personnel on the usage of the new chip and pin system.

The cost of this installation was £3,450 including VAT.

18. WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL Environmental Health Visit to Chequer Mead For Trustees information, West Sussex County Council Environmental Health paid an unannounced visit to Chequer Mead during March 2009 to check areas of the Centre under the Food Safety Act 1990, both in the Cuisine Studio, kitchen and bar areas.

The Centre received a good report from the Environmental Health Officer following full checks made under the Act.

19. CENTRE VANDALISM 19.1. Greenstede Gallery Window For Trustees information vandalism occurred at the Centre on Tuesday 8 April 2009 when a metal pole was thrown through a Gallery window whilst the Centre was open to the public. East Grinstead Glassworks carried out repair works at a cost of £75.00 plus VAT.

Due to the poor street lighting in De La Warr Road, Sussex Police were unable to identify any culprits from their CCTV camera located on the corner of Church Lane and De La Warr Road.

As Trustees are aware from previous reports this is not the first incident of vandalism to occur to the Greenstede Gallery and Foyer Room windows at the Centre over the past few months.

Sussex Police have visited the Centre following this incident for discussions on what actions they are now taking as part of their beat patrols.

19. 2. Centre Entrance - Entrance Hand Rails Vandalism occurred on Sunday 10 May 2009 where the handrails at the entrance to the Centre where both handrails were bent and pulled out of the main steel framework to the front entrance canopy.

16 We are currently waiting for competitive quotations regarding carrying out repair work. Sussex Police were advised of this incident.

19.3. Street Lighting - De La Warr Road For Trustees information thanks to the assistance of Councillor Mrs Ginnie Waddingham and Councillor Mrs Margaret Collins it has been agreed by West Sussex County Council to upgrade the street lanterns situated in De La Warr Road in order to provide better illumination as it is considered poor.

This improved lighting should in the future enhance any images picked up by the Sussex Police CCTV camera.

We are currently awaiting details from West Sussex County Council of the installation date.

20. EAST GRINSTEAD PUB WATCH As the Centre Licence holder at Chequer Mead I attend the meetings of East Grinstead Pub Watch, where local Licence holders meet with representatives of and including Mid Sussex District Council Licensing and Sussex Police regarding matters relating to licensed premises in the East Grinstead area.

John Durrant 2 June 2009

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Appendix C



Statement of Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2009

Contents Page No.

Annual Report 2

Independent Examiners Report 3

Receipts & Payments Account and Balance Sheet 4

Statement of Assets and Liabilities 5


Annual Report for the year to 31st March 2009

The Parish Hall Charity, De La Warr Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex PH19 3BS was constituted by Deed of Trust on 22nd November 1899 and registered with the Charity Commissioners (no. 206371) on 18th June 1971.

’s Charities Committee, all the The Charity is administered by the Town Council councillors of which are trustees, comprising:

Chairman: Mr J Joyce-Nelson, Committee Trustees: Mr J Baldwin, Mr D Banks, Mr S Barnett, Mrs L Bennett, Mrs H Brunsdon, Mrs M Collins, Mr I Dixon, Mr B Gillbard, Mr P Johnson, Mr B Mainstone, Mrs C Mainstone, Mr L Marmara, Mr R Musk , Mr L Quinn, Mr P Reed, Mr B Starmer, Mrs V Waddingham.

The Town Clerk acts as Clerk to the Trustees.

The object of the charity is to maintain The Parish Halls for the communal benefit of the inhabitants of East Grinstead and its surrounds. The trustees aim to provide first class hall facilities at an affordable cost to voluntary and other organisations serving the community. The Charity employs part time caretakers to look after the Halls.

During the year 21 local organisations used the halls on a total of 1,135 occasions £ (2007/08 1,310) generating income of 43,332 which represented an increase of 7.6% £ £ on the previous year. Expenditure at 39,245 decreased by 9,767 largely due to a decrease in building repairs and maintenance.

The future of the Parish Halls is still under review by a Scrutiny Group set up for this ’s solicitors have engaged in preliminary discussions with the sole purpose. The Trust Charity Commissioners. Previous proposals for a partnership project in corporation with Age Concern East Grinstead have been abandoned in the light of the new economic climate and on grounds of affordability. In the meantime a holding budget ’s trading has been set by the Trust similar to the current year ees for 2009/10.

The accounts have been prepared in accordance with section 42(3) of the Charities Act 1990 on an accrual basis.


For and on behalf of the Trustees

J Joyce-Nelson, Chairman C J Rolley, Clerk to the Trustees


I report on the accounts of the Parish Halls for the year ended 31st March 2009, which are set out on pages 5 & 6.

Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner

’s trustees you are responsible for the preparation of the accounts; yo As the Charity u consider that the audit requirement of section 43(2) of the Charities Act 1993 (the Act) does not apply.

It is my responsibility to state, on the basis of procedures specified in the General directions given by the Charity Commissioners under section 43(7)(b) of the Act, whether particular matters have come to my attention.

’ Basis of independent examiner s report

My examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by the Charity Commissioners. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from you as trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently I do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts.

Independent examiners statement

In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention:

(1) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements to keep accounting records in accordance with section 41 of the Act, and to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with the accounting requirements of the Act have not been met, or that the Statement of Account does not comply with any requirements of regulations III of the Charity (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 1995, except the requirements specified in paragraph I of part III of Schedule I to those Regulations, or

(2) to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached.

2009 ………………………………….

Mr P Hartley 6 Pine Dean Bookham KT23 4BT


Accounts for the Year to 31st March 2009

[ 1] Receipts & Payments Account (General Purposes Fund)

RECEIPTS 2007/2008 2008/2009 £ £

Hall Lettings 40,260.09 43,331.96 Grant Income 15,000.00 - Bank Interest 495.73 599.37 55,755.82 43,931.33

£ £ PAYMENTS Service charge 999.96 999.96 Wages 23,862.50 20,156.28 Employers NI & Pensions 3,576.69 4,096.44 Gas 3,384.48 5,093.57 Electricity 1,053.30 1,085.07 Water & Sewerage 800.38 549.84 Telephones 443.26 459.54 Insurance 1,200.00 849.64 Repairs & Maintenance 13,040.51 4,552.33 Cleaning Materials 207.22 1,100.13 Bank Charges - 195.29 Miscellaneous 443.70 106.53 49,012.00 39,244.62

Surplus/(Deficit) transferred to General Fund 6,743.82 4,686.71

[ 2] Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2008


Debtors & Prepayments 5,962.47 5,874.26

Creditors & Accruals (16,401.24) (5,489.61)

Bank Balances 28,079.53 21,942.82

TOTAL NET ASSETS 17,640.76 22,327.47

Represented by :

GENERAL FUND Balance at 1st April 2008 10,896.94 17,640.76 Net Receipts and Payments for year 6,743.82 4,686.71 Balance at 31st March 2009 17,640.76 22,327.47

TOTAL FUNDS 17,640.76 22,327.47


[3] Statement of Assets and Liabilities at 31st March 2009

Monetary Assets 2007/2008 2008/2009 £ £

Bank Balances Bank Current & Business Reserve Accounts 28,079.53 21,942.82

Other General Purposes Fund monetary assets

Debtors : Amounts due for Hall hire 5,962.47 5,825.26 Prepayment: Equipment Rental - 49.00 Creditors : Gas & Electricity (1,530.00) (2496.00) Water & Sewerage (374.00) (207.00) Advance Deposits (183.50) (300.00) East Grinstead Town Council (14,313.74) (2,486.61)

Total for General Purposes Fund 17,640.76 22,327.47

Non Monetary Assets

Permanent Endowment

£ Land & Buildings used by the Charity : The Parish Halls ( insured for 1,179,382)

Other Assets (non-endowed) £2 Held for functional use by the charity (insured for 3,085) Furniture and equipment in halls as per inventory Piano, tables, chairs, kitchen equipment etc.

J Joyce-Nelson, Chairman C J Rolley For and on behalf of the Trustees Clerk to the Trustees 2009 2009