TWSG News No. 15, December 2006 ABOUT THE GROUP The Threatened Waterfowl Specialist Group (formerly Threatened Waterfowl Research Group) was established in October 1990 and is coordinated from the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) at Slimbridge, UK, as part of the IUCN-SSC/Wetlands International Waterbird Network. The TWSG and its bulletin aim to identify Anatidae taxa that are threatened with extinction, to gather and exchange information on these taxa, and to promote their conservation. Membership is worldwide and includes 923 organisations, groups and individuals who are active or interested in threatened waterfowl research and conservation. Addresses of TWSG members, further information about the TWSG, this bulletin, and/or membership can be obtained from Baz Hughes at the address below. TWSG NEWS Chair Regional Chair for North America Dr. Baz Hughes Dr. Tom Rothe Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game The bulletin Slimbridge 333 Raspberry Road of the Glos. GL2 7BT, UK Anchorage Tel: +44 1453 891 172 Alaska 99518-1599, USA Fax: +44 1453 890 827 Tel: +1 907 267 2206 THREATENED WATERFOWL SPECIALIST GROUP
[email protected] Fax: +1 907 267 2433
[email protected] Regional Chair for Africa, Regional Assistant Chair for Eurasia, Middle-East Oceania Dr. Andy Green Dr. Murray Williams Estación Biológica de Doñana School of Biological Sciences Avenida María Luisa s/n Victoria University of Wellington Pabellón del Perú P.O Box 600 41013 Sevilla, Spain Wellington, New Zealand Tel: +34 5 4232340 Tel: +64 4 463 7432 Fax: +34 5 4621125 Fax: +64 4 463 5331
[email protected] [email protected] TWSG-Forum: list-server of the Threatened Waterfowl Specialist Group The TWSG-Forum list-server, maintained by the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust from Slimbridge, UK, provides a vehicle for the on-line exchange of information about globally threatened or near threatened Anseriformes (ducks, geese, swans and screamers).