Application Form for the European Green Leaf Award 2019

z Section A

City Introduction & Context

Use this section to provide an overview of the city and provide context to the items that are addressed in Sections B and C.

Give an overview of your city including its population, surface area, population density, geographical location, some historical and economic background (e.g. GDP, €/capita), notable features and any other factors which have influenced or will influence the environment of the city and its surrounding area.

What are the key environmental challenges the city faces (or has addressed in the recent past)? Make reference to the city’s infrastructure (transport, water and drainage, buildings, parks etc.). If appropriate, mention any significant legal proceedings on environmental issues.

Please describe the services provided by the municipality relevant to the Topic Areas in Section B. The aim of this section is to assist in understanding the responsibilities of the city, its controls and the ability of the city to act and effect change.

Please include an up to date map of the city and a maximum of one additional image i.e. a maximum of two images in total including the map. The map should show the layout of urban areas, geographical and other features, across the city.

(max. 600 words and two graphics or images)

The municipality of (hereafter: HadM) is situated in the south of the , in the northern part of the Province of . The municipality covers a total surface of 19.192 ha, of which 18.871 ha is land and 320 ha is water. HadM counts 42.183 citizens in 2017 and the population density is 221 per km2. HadM is the biggest municipality considering surface of the Province of Limburg. In 2001, the three municipalities Broekhuizen, Horst and Grubbenvorst joined together. From 2001 onwards, the name of the municipality was changed to Horst aan de Maas, since the municipality adjoined the river the Maas. In 2010 the municipality enlarged again, when the municipality and the villages Meerlo, Tienray and Swolgen joined. As of today, the relatively new municipality consists of sixteen different urban cores.

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Overview of the municipality of HadM with its urban cores One could perhaps conclude that since the merge of HadM with neighbouring municipalities, HadM is a divided community. However, nothing could be further from the truth, since this merge with other municipalities only made the mutual bond stronger. The identity of every urban core is harboured and embraced, which has resulted into a unified yet diverse community. HadM can be described as a very enterprising, active and united municipality. Within HadM, Initiatives are often derived from the citizens and the municipality supports them in any way possible. It is therefore that the slogan of HadM is ‘enterprising by nature’. Moreover, the municipality aspires to become the Healthiest Region of 2025, which also arose from a citizens’ initiative. The strong collaboration between urban cores has been passed on from previous centuries, during which the inhabitants of the agricultural villages needed to work together to survive. Moreover,

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the agricultural mindset causes that it is considered normal to reuse materials, leading to a well- functioning circular economy. HadM is often described as a very trustworthy and stable municipality, one that always attempts to keep its promises towards its people. When it comes to sustainability projects, the municipality is developing itself more rapidly than surrounding municipalities. The involvement of schools and higher education in these projects is essential, in order to make future entrepreneurs more aware of their surroundings and how to take care of their environment.

Schooltrip in the nature: educating children in HadM

Additionally, the municipality is thriving economically as well, this can be seen from various statistics. An example for the latter is the fact that less than 4% of the inhabitants is unemployed, which is the lowest rate in the Province of Limburg. Agriculture is the main economic sector in HadM, a few examples to illustrate: 33% of all mushrooms, 80% of all roses and 50 % of all blueberries produced in the Netherlands originate from the municipality. The municipality participated in the Floriade in 2012, which is the biggest horticulture exposition in the world. The event attracted 22.000 visitors each day for six months, making it a huge success. The municipality is supporting and realising a great deal of projects and initiatives related to sustainability, which will all be explained in detail in section B. The Dutch government recognises the successes of HadM, by acknowledging that HadM was amongst the fastest rising municipalities with regards to sustainability. Furthermore, the municipality was awarded the Waste Separation Award three times in the past five years by Nedvang, which is an institution that monitors waste separation

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and consults organisations thereof. The municipality does not simply opt for the cheapest and easiest approach to complete a project, but opts for Green Public Procurement, which is best for its citizens and environment.

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Section B: Topic areas

. Please note you must complete ALL topic areas in this Section. . Section B is used in the evaluation/ranking process.

Topic Area 1: Climate Change and Energy Performance

Note: Your answers to sub-sections 1a and b together must not exceed a total of 600 and 300 words respectively (i.e. 600 word limit for section a and 300 word limit for section b). A total of six graphics, images or tables may be included in Topic Area 1.

Note: It is important to address Climate Change and Energy Performance equally in the response.

1a – Current Situation and Strategic Approach

Please outline the present situation, e.g. the relevant infrastructure and systems that are in place. The aim of this section is to show how the present situation has been achieved and what kind of measures or programmes have been implemented so far. You may include information on any relevant disadvantages or constraints resulting from historical, geographical and/or socio-economic factors. Please describe evolutions that have taken place over the last five to ten years. Comment on which measures have been most effective.

Please add relevant background information, performance statistics, dedicated budgets or innovative forms of financing and key outcomes (e.g. greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation to climate change, renewable energy, energy efficiency etc.). Highlight the need for the project/measure/initiative and any achieved or expected benefits from its implementation.

Please also state clearly what year the data provided relates to.

If data or figures are not available at a local level please state this in the application.

Please outline your city’s overall approach to improve Climate Change and Energy Performance.

Please include:

. Principles that have governed the development of the plan/programme; . Key Objectives and Targets (e.g. estimated reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; measures to increase resilience to the impacts of climate change); . If available, please compare the specified targets of greenhouse gas emissions or renewable and energy efficiency for e.g. 2020 with past trends.

Where plans/programmes have been developed at a level above the city level i.e. regional, national etc. it is important to provide information on the plans/programmes and how they impact on the city and/or are implemented at the city level.

Word Limit - 600 Words

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Regarding climate change and energy performance, the municipality currently works on a number of advanced and promising projects. The most prominent sector in Horst aan de Maas is the glass-horticulture sector. In 2014, the companies in this sector covered 42% of the energy consumption and therefore, during the past few years, HadM has put a strong focus on pursuing the sustainability of these companies, which has led to the unique initiative of geothermics. Since 2013, the glass-horticulture area called Californië cooperates with the local company Wijnen Square Crops. This is the first location in The Netherlands where geothermics has been applied successfully to the glass-horticulture. Additionally, this has led to a 95% decrease of CO2-emission for the pepper cultivation, which consequently means that this sector hardly depends on fossil fuels anymore. Moreover, Wijnen Square Crops already meets the 2050 EU CO2- requirements, and can be seen as a perfect example for similar companies. The latter clearly shows how the municipality aims at taking advantages of opportunities which HadM possesses. This system can be regarded as a substitution of the EU-ETS systems, which are recommended by the European Union. As the

CO2 -emission in HadM comes for a large part from the glass-horticulture sector, the current measures taken by the municipality are more likely to be successful in comparison to the EU-ETS systems. Additionally, the municipality is constantly working on increasing the benefits of the system, for example by using the geothermic water for cooling the fruit and vegetables auction ZON.

A drilling platform next to greenhouses

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Farmers with vegetables to be auctioned at ZON

For HadM, the CO2-reduction in kilograms per inhabitant was 264 in 2014, whereas the rest of the

Netherlands in a comparable class of high-rise buildings had a CO2-reduction of 151. This notable difference is mainly due to the low amount of residual waste burnt within the municipality compared to the rest of The Netherlands.

Construction of the earth heat distribution system

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Since HadM aims to decrease the CO2-emission over the coming years, the following plans and programs are set in action to realise this. Firstly, the municipality has signed the climate agreement Klimaatverbond Nederland, which is a partner of the Climate Alliance. This agreement entails a call for a decisive, local, national and global climate policy. HadM is currently collaborating with neighboring municipalities in order to create the regional energy vision, which will be established in 2018. Next to this, the local Masterplan Energie will be set in 2018. This plan is a local branch of the provincial business plan of Limburg (POL), which explains the goals and visions of the province. The Masterplan Energie will be a translation of the POL, which enables the municipality to personalise and localise these goals and visions. The company Reindonk Energie & Co. focuses on the development of sustainable, local energy for inhabitants and companies in HadM. Their goal is to generate local, collective, green energy generated by the company itself against competitive prices. An example of a project the company is currently working on is the windmill park in Greenport .

Realisation of the windmill park

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Renewable energy total Biofuel Renewable heat Renewable electricity

Renewable energy

The graph above clearly shows how the total amount of renewable energy has gone up immensely over the past years. This is mainly due to the 261 % increase in renewable heat (geothermics) and the 388 % increase in renewable electricity between 2011 and 2015. Numbers for the past two years would show further increases, but are not available. Lastly, an important development is the rise of the water level and the river Maas. Many measures are taken in order to adapt to the climate change. Examples are the building of extra dikes and the widening of the river.

1b – Citizen Participation and Public Awareness

Please mention any public awareness, citizen engagement or stakeholder participation undertaken in your city in the areas of Climate Change and Energy Performance.

Focus on campaigns, events or activities such as:

(a) Public awareness: awareness raising activities including advertising and media, campaigns and events; (b) Stakeholder/citizen participation: public consultation, school education, open dialogue, stakeholder groups/forums, working groups, implementation partnerships, joint ventures with local businesses,

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Where possible show the connection between this section and the previous section i.e. 1b and 1a.

Please identify the target audience and any achieved or expected benefits.

Word Limit 300 Words

An important citizens’ initiative for the future is Energiek Kronenberg. The goal of Energiek Kronenberg is to make Kronenberg the first energy-neutral urban core in the Netherlands before 2030. Houses to be constructed in the future must be independent of natural gas and are obliged to have sustainable isolation systems. Even though the solution to the problem of fossil fuels is hard to find, the municipality, companies such as Enexis and inhabitants show much involvement and dedication. HadM provides its citizens with a perfect example of sustainable energy initiatives by running the city hall for 50% on solar energy, obtained from solar panels on the roof.

Air view of the solar panels on the city hall

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Another organisation via which citizens contribute to sustainability is through the collaboration Zamen. Local, sustainable companies aim to increase the sustainability of the existing buildings located in the municipality. Zamen aims at starters on the housing market. Those interested receive free, personalised advice and may receive subsidies. In this way, awareness and participation is stimulated amongst inhabitants and local companies. Additionally, HadM participates in the national sustainable house track, which aims to stimulate people to share their knowledge and sustainable experiences with others. During this week, people can exhibit their houses or visit houses of others. Last year, the municipality provided five houses, which were well-visited. Lastly, Buurkracht is a social initiative in the urban core America, focusing on saving energy by combining powers of local inhabitants (already 78 participants), the municipality, national, local and regional companies and universities through formal and informal collaborations. Through Buurkracht,

3 America saves 76.740 kWH energy, 28.205 m natural gas and €35.983 per year. Additionally, the CO2- emission of 19,2 households is compensated through the actions of Buurkracht.

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Topic Area 2: Sustainable Urban Mobility

Note: Your answers to sub-sections 2a and 2b together must not exceed a total of 600 and 300 words respectively (i.e. 600 word limit for section a and 300 word limit for section b). A total of six graphics, images or tables may be included in Topic Area 2.

2a – Current Situation and Strategic Approach

Please outline the current situation, e.g. existing infrastructure and the measures that have been put in place to implement your city’s Mobility Plans and Programmes. The aim of this section is to make clear how the present situation has been achieved. You may include information on any relevant disadvantages or constraints resulting from historical, geographical and/or socio-economic factors. Please describe evolutions that have taken place over the last five to ten years. Comment on which measures have been most effective.

Please mention relevant background information, performance statistics, dedicated budgets or innovative forms of financing and key outcomes. Highlight why the measures were needed and any achievements and expected benefits from their implementation.

Please also state clearly what year the data provided relates to.

If data or figures are not available at a local level please state this in the application.

Please outline your city’s overall approach to Mobility.

Please include:

. Background (include principles that have governed the development of the plan/programme); . Key objectives and targets (e.g. % increase cycling, % reduction city automobile congestion etc.).

Where plans/programmes have been developed at a level above the city level i.e. regional, national etc. it is important to provide information on the plans/programmes and how they impact on the city and/or are implemented at the city level.

Word Limit - 600 Words

Horst aan de Maas has 85 kilometres of bike paths that are safe and well maintained. However, this is only the beginning of its strategy towards bicycles. Aiming to motivate its inhabitants to use their bikes instead of their cars more often, Trendsportal, an initiative allowing interested inhabitants and professionals to discuss its future regarding mobility, was developed.

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Beweeg mee naar de toekomst! (Move towards the future!)

The figure above illustrates how Trendsportal allows HadM to develop its mobility strategies. The municipality is moving from A, a traditional area with a lot of cars and industry, towards B, a modern and sustainable community. Inhabitants are motivated to make suggestions and in cooperation with HadM they will reach its sustainable future. Together with seven other municipalities six sub-topics were created: innovative mobility, bicycle traffic promotion, safety in traffic, air quality improvement, changing community, and shared travelling. Importantly, a total of €450.000 is budgeted for development and the launch of several projects. In February 2016 the creation of a regional mobility vision was launched. For this mobility plan a general vision for 2018-2040 was created, highlighting values and goals translated into measurable indicators and milestones for 2022 and 2040. Also, a strategic agenda for 2018-2028 and a multi-annual agenda were created to connect projects to specific targets of Trendsportal. Currently, information from all stakeholders is being gathered to present this new mobility vision at the end of 2017. While Trendsportal is still being developed, HadM already implemented several improvements

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to increase local sustainable mobility. Firstly, in the beginning of 2017 five bikes (of which three are e- bikes) were donated to the city hall for civil servants to cycle to daily meetings, leading to decreased car usage. The donation was a pilot; frequent usage led to conversations with other employers in the area to discuss possibilities for more bike donations in other businesses or organisations. Secondly, in the bike rack next to the city hall charge points for e-bikes were installed, which have been increasingly used.

Donation of bikes to the city hall and installment of chargers for e-bikes

Thirdly, the municipality installed public charging locations for electric cars in 2016. Citizens were asked where the chargers were needed most, soon after the first six charging points were created; outnumbering other municipalities in the area. Currently, new locations for chargers are being discussed and in the near future additional chargers will be installed.

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Two public charging points for electric cars

Also, research is conducted for a project with shared e-cars in Hof te Berkel. During the day, employees of Wonen Limburg can use the cars, and in the evening, residents of Hof te Berkel could use them. Another key project is Greenport Venlo, an industrial area close to the municipality where many people go to work every day. HadM opened the first bicycle highways in 2015 (Greenport Bikeway): bike paths without obstacles, traffic lights or speed bumps. In the figure below these highways are displayed (blue = existing, orange = currently being built, green = aspired). Ideally, in the future the bike paths are extended to reach from to Düsseldorf. HadM again showed its dedication by immediately constructing the bikeways in this municipality, being a great example for its neighbouring municipalities to do the same.

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Greenport Bikeways

Importantly, HadM is part of an extensive public transportation network on local, regional and national levels, as visualised in the image below. During the past years, the decision was made to focus on the most popularly used transportation methods as well as the time periods with the most travellers, to avoid empty buses. Therefore, underused bus routes were cancelled and instead, projects were started concerning public transport with smaller buses on request. It is possible to use public transportation bicycles (shared bikes) as well.

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Public transportation network in HadM

2b – Citizen Participation and Public Awareness

Please mention any public awareness, citizen engagement or stakeholder participation undertaken in your city in the area of Mobility.

Focus on campaigns, events or activities such as:

(a) Public Awareness: awareness raising activities including advertising and media, campaigns and events; (b) Stakeholder/Citizens Participation and engagement: public consultation, school education, open dialogue, stakeholder groups/forums, working groups, implementation partnerships,

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joint ventures with local businesses etc.

Please identify the target audience and any achieved or expected benefits.

Where possible show the connection between this section and the previous section i.e. 2b and 2a.

Word Limit 300 Words

Regarding sustainable urban mobility, HadM has been actively involving its citizens in many operations. First of all, Trendsportal was built in cooperation with the municipality, professionals and interested citizens. Initially, information sessions were organised to create the mission and vision for Trendsportal. Overall, these information sessions were aimed at highlighting innovations and advancements in the future instead of focusing on problem solving. Also, several primary schools in HadM implemented the national ANWB streetwise programme into its curriculum. This programme includes teaching about different sounds in traffic, recognition of several situations, crossing roads, understanding of seat belts, rules in traffic, and how to safely ride a bike. This broad range of topics creates awareness regarding mobility in general and enables children to safely cycle to school.

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ANWB Streetwise programme in primary schools

Other examples of citizen participation are: - Children were present when opening the first bicycle highway and they were the first ones to use it. - When donating bikes to the city hall, two children’s bikes were donated as well, to teach children about the benefits of bike usage at a young age. - HadM is in conversation with its citizens to discuss the possibility of e-car sharing systems where multiple households share one car. - Inhabitants raised the idea to present bicycle travel allowance to motivate citizens to cycle to work instead of using cars. This idea is now being discussed within the municipality.

With all these projects, HadM succeeds in involving its citizens with decision-making processes regarding sustainable mobility. Also, from an early age children learn about bikes and safe traveling, normalising the use of bikes over cars, and enabling children to cycle to school with confidence.

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Topic Area 3: Nature, Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use

Note: Your answers to sub-sections 3a and 3b together must not exceed a total of 600 and 300 words respectively (i.e. 600 word limit for section a and 300 word limit for section b). A total of six graphics, images or tables may be included in Topic Area 3.

Note: It is important to address Nature, Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use equally in the response.

3a – Current Situation and Strategic Approach

Please outline the present situation, e.g. the relevant projects, infrastructure and systems that are put in place to implement your city’s Nature, Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use Plans and Programmes. The aim of this section is also to make clear how the present situation has been achieved. You may include information on any relevant disadvantages or constraints resulting from historical, geographical and/or socio-economic factors. Please describe evolutions that have taken place over the last five to ten years. Comment on which measures have been most effective.

Please mention any relevant background information, performance statistics, dedicated budgets or innovative forms of financing and known outcomes. Highlight why the project/measure/initiative is needed and any achieved or expected benefits from its implementation.

If data or figures are not available at a local level please state this in the application.

Please outline your city’s overall approach to Nature, Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use.

Please include:

. Background (include principles that have governed the development of the plan/programme); . Key Objectives and Targets (these may include: green infrastructure, increase of parkland, green areas, designation of sites of special interest for biodiversity, new water areas, connectivity of green and blue areas, integrated planning, managing city expansion and growth, dealing with contaminated land etc.); . Where possible, please mention the percentage of the population living within 300 metres of a green area open to the public and percentage of green areas open to the public in the city.

Where plans/programmes have been developed at a level above the city level i.e. regional, national etc. it is important to provide information on the plans/programmes and how they impact on the city and/or are implemented at the city level.

Word Limit - 600 Words

Horst aan de Maas is known for its diverse green structure and the preservation of green areas throughout the municipality. 81% of the inhabitants has access to a green public space within 300 meters from their living area, which promotes the quality of life and health of the inhabitants of HadM.

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There are large natural sites to be found which are protected and improved through several projects undertaken by the municipality.

Overview of natural sites in the municipality

One of these projects is the improvement of the nature reserve the Maasgaard. The aim is to develop and strengthen the climate-robust ecological structure in the area as well as the recreation possibilities and liveability in the municipality. HadM wants to accomplish this through thirteen different projects with its own objectives, which have to be achieved before 2020. An amount of 18 million euro will be contributed to these projects. Since the Maasgaard is currently not being used to its full potential, these projects aim at improving the sustainable land use of the region as well.

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Europe investing in her countryside: partners of the thirteen projects in the Maasgaard

Furthermore, there is a project dedicated to preserving and improving the biggest Natura 2000 site (1.400 ha) in the municipality, called Mariapeel. This area is protected because of its moorland, which is highly endangered because of the extraction of peat. Today, only a few areas with peat moor can be found worldwide. As a consequence of an extreme lack of mineral salts, high acidity and permanent saturation of water, there is a high diversity of unique and specialised flora and fauna to be found in Mariapeel. Most of these species are endangered and need to be protected from any further reduction of peat moor in the area. This project is in line with the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020.

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Moorland in Mariapeel

Besides nature, biodiversity is an important topic for HadM. There are more than 60 red-listed species living in the region, and the municipality is protecting these through the provincial Action Plan Endangered Species. One of the bigger projects for biodiversity is called Limburgers bijeen voor Bijen (Inhabitants of Limburg together for bees). The municipality of HadM works together with the water board Limburg and the municipality of . Together they aim to improve the health and the growth of the population of bees in the municipalities. Bees are very important for the pollination of crops, and studies have shown that on a worldwide scale the bee population is reducing. This is a major concern and the municipality is trying to be a frontrunner in protecting the bee population. In 2012, HadM organised the first Bee Symposium, and in 2018 HadM will be organising a second symposium to address certain issues and to discuss further strategies and plans concerning the bee population. Thus, HadM is an ambassador for biodiversity and bees.

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Invitation for the second bee symposium in 2018

The municipality also supports a company called Brightbox, a frontrunner on producing food without actual farmland or daylight. This innovation is important, because in the future there will not be enough farmland left to use for food production for the rising population. Furthermore the project Teelt Ondersteunende Voorzieningen (Cultivation Support Services) is initiated by the municipality. Cultivation is becoming an innovative and rapidly developing sector and therefore the farmers need financial support from the municipality to make progress in a sustainable way. HadM works together with farmers to research how to produce sustainably and how to withstand any effects of climate change on production. Lastly, the municipality has made a landscape analysis to determine what valuable soil areas need to be protected and how they can be used to their full capacity.

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Landscape Analysis HadM

3b – Citizen Participation and Public Awareness

Please mention any public awareness, citizen engagement or stakeholder participation campaigns undertaken in your city in the areas of Nature, Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use.

Focus on campaigns, events or activities such as:

(a) Public awareness: awareness-raising activities including advertising and media, campaigns and events. (b) Stakeholder/citizens participation: public consultation, school education, open dialogue, stakeholder groups/forums, working groups, implementation partnerships, joint ventures with local businesses etc.

Where possible show the connection between this section and the previous section i.e. 3b and 3a.

Please identify the target audience and any achieved or expected benefits.

Word Limit 300 Words

Landschap Horst aan de Maas (Landscape Horst aan de Maas) is an organisation founded by citizens that unites several stakeholders, including the municipality, companies, interest groups and other

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citizens. The aim is to improve the nature and landscape within HadM. One of the projects is Erfbeplanting, which is the planting of traditional flora onto private estates. Since 1997, 650 estates have been re-planted in the municipality. The municipality delivers the appropriate plant material free of charge, thus participating in this project will be easier and cheaper for citizens. As this will improve biodiversity, national subsidies are awarded to citizens who are willing to participate.

The land is prepared for planting by citizens of HadM

Additionally, the organisation finds it highly important to educate citizens about nature and therefore created nature education areas all over the municipality, which are used by schools for open air biology classes. Every year, many primary schools in HadM participate in the Tree Planting Day to reduce CO2- concentrations. The children first receive information from the municipality about trees and why they are important, and afterwards they do the planting themselves. In conclusion, from an early age, children are taught to respect nature. The municipality is working on setting up a website called Groen Bezig (being green) to give citizens more information on the current sustainability projects. One can click on various subjects after

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which it is shown what has been done and what the plans are for the future. This website can be a helpful tool to keep citizens updated about green initiatives. Lastly, HadM is working on an interactive map for biodiversity which will show all red-listed species and where they can be found in the area. The goal of this interactive map is to increase the awareness of the citizens and professionals regarding the endangered species living in HadM.

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Topic Area 4: Air Quality and Noise

Note: Your answers to sub-sections 4a and 4b together must not exceed a total of 600 and 300 words respectively (i.e. 600 word limit for section a and 300 word limit for section b). A total of six graphics, images or tables may be included in Topic Area 4.

Note: It is important to address Air Quality and Noise equally in the response.

4a – Current Situation and Strategic Approach

Please outline the current situation regarding Air Quality and Noise and mention related measures, projects and initiatives put in place. Information on any relevant disadvantages or constraints resulting from historical, geographical and/or socio-economic factors may be included. Please describe evolutions that have taken place over the last five to ten years. Comment on which measures have been most effective.

Please support information by providing relevant background information, including any performance statistics, dedicated budgets or innovative forms of financing and key outcomes. Highlight why the project/measure/initiative is needed and any achieved or expected benefits from its implementation.

Specific measures such as air pollution reducing actions and noise management tools such as noise maps, acoustic zoning, noise exposure data, management of quiet areas etc. are of interest.

If data or figures are not available at a local level please state this in the application.

Describe the short and long term objectives for Air Quality and Noise and the proposed approach for their achievement. Emphasise to what extent plans are supported by commitments, budget allocations, and monitoring and performance evaluation schemes.

Please include:

. Background (include principles that have governed the development of the plan/programme);

. Key objectives and targets (e.g. city's contribution towards reducing NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations, noise action plans, foreseen reduction in the share of population exposed to noise, actions to maintain, extend, or improve urban quiet areas etc.); . Information on the air quality in relation to the EU air quality standards (e.g. days /per year) and EU noise exposure standards.

Where plans/programmes have been developed at a level above the city level i.e. regional, national etc. it is important to provide information on the plans/programmes and how they impact on the city and/or are implemented at the city level.

Word Limit - 600 Words

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Air quality Because of the intensive livestock industry, Horst aan de Maas puts a lot of effort in maintaining and improving air quality. In 2011, HadM requested an additional air quality monitoring station, where PM10 and PM2.5, air pressure and outside temperature are measured. The maximum days of exceeding the limit for PM10 was not reached in the last six years. Also, measurements show improved air quality: the average PM10 in 2012 was 22 μg/m3, whereas in 2016 this was 17 μg/m3. The average PM2.5 also decreased from 16 μg/m3 in 2012 to 13 μg/m3 in 2017.

PM10 PM2.5 Exceeded daily average of 50 μg /m3

Concen- tration (μg /m3)


The 24-hour PM10 and PM2.5 concentration in Horst aan de Maas from 2011 to 2017

The most important sources of PM are traffic and the intensive livestock farming. Therefore, in 2010, the municipality started remediating intensive livestock farming and greenhouses. On eleven different locations companies were remediated, meaning that 25.259 m2 of industrial buildings has been dismantled and a total of 27.034 m2 of asbestos was removed. Furthermore, the livestock was decreased by 2.335 cows, 9.571 meat pigs, 9.606 piglets and 63.000 broiler chickens. The PM has been decreasing 4.201.660 grams per year. The municipality has spent €1,6 million and many building quotas to cover this remediation. Almost all destinations of these remediated farms have been changed into agricultural soil and the houses that belonged to these farms have been changed into civilian houses.

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This map shows the intensive livestock farms and greenhouses which have been remunerated in HadM

In July 2017 the municipality started a research into air quality and intensive livestock farms and their exact health effects by measuring the endotoxin concentration near these farms. The results of this investigation are expected in 2018. Trendsportal is another project via which HadM tries to improve air quality. This initiative of eight municipalities focuses on sustainable mobility: one of its sub-topics is improving air quality and reducing

CO2 emissions. The ambitions of this project include all public transport to be electric by 2020 and a 50% reduction of CO2 emissions by 2030. Trendsportal also strives for zero-emission vehicles both on the road and on the water.

Noise In 2013, the municipality studied noise levels caused by the traffic intensity on the A73 (a highway near Horst). According to this research, the measured noise stayed below the legal limit value of 65dB. Another acoustic research was done on noise levels in houses near the Eindhoven-Venlo railway line by ProRail (railway company). This research concluded that the measured noise is higher than 65dB in 105 houses.

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Cluster Research area

Railway Munacipality border

Streets of the 105 houses (near the railway) where noise-reducing measures will be taken

Therefore, appropriate measures will be taken by ProRail, but the municipality is also involved. Another research initiated by HadM showed that for 23 houses near the rail terminal the proposed measures by ProRail will be insufficient. Therefore, HadM proposes isolation for these houses and is willing to pay for this. HadM has been active in assessing and managing environmental noise. Firstly, sound meters are

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located in the centre of the municipality. The measured sound can be viewed by the pub-owners and police officers, who can take appropriate measures. Secondly, HadM has a so-called Zoned Industrial Area. This means that if an industrial company wants to settle into this area, it first has to conduct an acoustic research in order to determine whether the appropriate noise levels are not exceeded. Thirdly, there are two official quiet areas called Tienrayse en Swolgenderheide and Mariapeel-Griendtsveen-Grauwveen. Although the maintenance of these areas is the official responsibility of the province, HadM still takes measures to maintain these areas, for example by remunerating a cattle farm right across Tienrayse en Swolgenderheide.

The Tienrayse en Swolgenderheide where Scottish Highlanders are held

4b – Citizen Participation and Public Awareness

Please mention any public awareness campaigns, citizen engagement or stakeholder participation undertaken in your city related to Air Quality and Noise.

Focus on campaigns events or activities such as:

(a) Public awareness: awareness raising activities including advertising and media, campaigns and events; (b) Stakeholder/citizens participation: public consultation, school education, open dialogue,

32 Application Form for the European Green Leaf Award 2019

stakeholder groups/forums, working groups, implementation partnerships, joint ventures with local businesses etc.

Where possible show the connection between this section and the previous section i.e. 4b and 4a.

Please mention the target audience and any achieved or expected benefits.

Word Limit 300 Words

In 2017, the project Samen meten aan Luchtkwaliteit (together we measure air quality) was organised by a residents’ organisation. This project involves inhabitants having a PM meter in their garden to measure and monitor air quality. This project provides a network of air measurements in HadM and it offers the opportunity that residents can participate in the monitoring of air quality. The municipality has been asked to sponsor the costs of the sensor kits and to monitor the operation of the filter systems of the emissions.

An example of a sensor kit to measure Particulate Matter

Another initiative started by three entrepreneurs is the Nieuw Gemengd Bedrijf (new mixed company, hereafter NGB). They aim to develop a sustainable and responsible agricultural sector and to become the first agro-eco park with intensive livestock farming. Although, HadM has been very active in

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remediating intensive livestock farms, it does not want to prevent economical development, nor does it want to limit the locations of where this type of farm is possible. HadM wants to focus on the quality of the living environment and sustainability. The NGB is a combination of companies where keeping pigs and poultry goes hand in hand with manure- and energy generation. They want to process residues into raw materials. The result is that this project will be 100% emission-free.

An impression of what the NGB is going to look like

As mentioned, the measures undertaken against the noise caused by the railway will mainly be done by ProRail. However, the municipality will give its vision on these measures. Therefore, the municipality organised information sessions for the inhabitants of these 105 houses to explain its vision on this project. During these sessions, the inhabitants of these houses were allowed to voice their opinion and questions. All their recommendations will be taken into account when the vision document is adopted by the City Council in November 2017.

34 Application Form for the European Green Leaf Award 2019

Topic Area 5: Waste and Circular Economy

Note: Your answers to sub-sections 5a and 5b together must not exceed a total of 600 and 300 words respectively (i.e. 600 word limit for section a and 300 word limit for section b). A total of six graphics, images or tables may be included in Topic Area 5.

Note: It is important to address Waste Management and Circular Economy within the response.

5a – Current Situation and Strategic Approach

a) Outline your city’s current waste management system describing the collection and treatment infrastructure in place. In your response include a brief statement on the evolution of the system focusing on progress in the areas of collection, recycling and diverting waste away from landfill. Include details of any measures currently being implemented which are supporting the transition to a circular economy such as material reuse, repair, green public procurement or industrial symbiosis. Data which demonstrates and supports the progress made should be included in the response.

b) Briefly describe your city’s strategy or plan for the management of waste and the transition to a circular economy providing information on the key objectives and targets. Include details of how your waste plan/strategy interacts with other city plans/programme.

If data or figures are not available at a local level please state this in the application.

Where plans/programmes have been developed at a level above the city level i.e. regional, national etc. it is important to provide information on the plans/programmes and how they impact on the city and/or are implemented at the city level.

Word Limit - 600 Words

In 2012, Horst aan de Maas implemented a new system for the collection of household waste. Even though the rest of The Netherlands continued following a standard, recommended system for the collection of waste, HadM believed in the existence of more sustainable and efficient possibilities. By means of a pilot version and a good amount of shared insights and knowledge among contributors, the municipality implemented an innovative, more sustainable and more efficient waste system. From the year of implementation onwards, HadM has been declared the Dutch champion of waste separation three times. The National Bureau of Statistics (CBS) confirms year after year that HadM produces the lowest amount of residual waste per person.

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The third Recycle Award for HadM

Before this implementation, the amount of residual waste comprised 170 kilograms per inhabitant. By the year of 2015, this amount decreased to 21,5 kilograms per inhabitant. Additionally, the change in system has led to an increase in waste recycling from 69% in 2012 to 96% in 2015. According to a Dutch Benchmark research by Rijkswaterstaat (national water management), in municipalities in the same category as HadM, the average of residual waste per inhabitant was 167 kilograms and the average waste separation was 55% of the total waste. Thus, HadM scores high above average for waste collection as well as waste recycling.

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Similar Similar HadM HadM municipalities municipalities

Total amount of residual waste (kg/inhabitant) Waste separation in % of total

Within HadM, there are 17.000 locations from which waste is collected by the municipality. Vegetable and fruit waste is separated from garden waste, because the two types of waste are processed differently. Therefore, it is cheaper to separate the waste before it is processed. Vegetable and fruit waste is collected twice a week in small bins, after which it gets fermented and turned into compost. Garden waste is collected in special tuinkorven, which are large bins for garden waste. Inhabitants collect their garden waste in these tuinkorven themselves, after which they are emptied once a week by the municipality. Within the urban area, one can find a tuinkorf every 100 metres; outside the urban area, this radius is 200 meters. HadM continuously strives for optimisation of the system. In 2016, 250 tuinkorven were replaced by a more ergonomic model.

An example of a so-called ‘Tuinkorf’

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Drink cartons, plastic, and metal packages are collected through means of a container, which is emptied once every two weeks. Residual waste is collected at the same time in special bags, which inhabitants can buy for €1,20 per bag. Waste paper is collected by local associations, run by citizens. Glass, diapers, and textile are brought to special containers. Glass is recycled and textile is sorted and reused. In 2018, diapers will be recycled in an innovative new diaper-recyclingplant, that is currently upscaling its pilotplant to a larger facility. Other forms of waste are collected by the municipality for free. Only demolition waste, asbestos and rocky debris is collected at a fee.

Garden waste Kitchen waste Cartons, plastic, and metal Residual waste Waste separation in HadM

Additionally, the municipality practices a policy based on green public procurement. An example is the current accommodation policy, where presently existing buildings owned by the municipality are evaluated on whether they should become more sustainable or whether they should be destroyed. This project is executed in collaboration with organisations run by inhabitants. An important target for HadM is to pass on the knowledge and insights of the waste system gained from 2012 onwards. Currently, much information can be found on the internet on how the municipality handles its waste. Next to this, through means of symposia for instance, HadM actively works on spreading the word.

5b – Citizen Participation and Public Awareness

Describe any public awareness, citizen engagement or stakeholder participation undertaken in your city, in the waste and circular economy area. Focus on:

(a) Public awareness activities including advertising and media, campaigns and events;

(b) Stakeholder activities including citizens participation: public consultation, school education, forums, working groups, engagements with local businesses etc.

Where possible show the connection between this section and the previous section i.e. 5b and 5a. Please mention the target audience and any achieved or expected benefits.

38 Application Form for the European Green Leaf Award 2019

Word Limit 300 Words

In HadM, working together by means of a circular economy started centuries ago. Since the municipality is built up as an agrarian community, a circular way of thinking and behaving comes naturally. For the community, it was of extreme importance to work together closely, to utilize everything that could be used and to fully recycle and reuse. These actions and thoughts have led to a circular economy out of practicality, which characterises the mindset of the inhabitants of HadM. A benchmark research among inhabitants indicated that citizens highly appreciate the way the current waste system works. Moreover, this research shows that the citizens are content with the high level of service and that they appreciate the ideal of separation of waste. Consequently, this leads to a high level of citizen participation. Since 90% of the waste is separated by the inhabitants themselves, one can clearly see that there is a high level of public awareness and civil participation. The municipality also ensures that children are educated about the importance of sustainable waste collection.

Project Trash-Art: Children collecting waste, which they turned into art

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Next to this, the municipality counts sixteen organisations for the collection of waste paper, which all run on the initiatives of the citizens. Hiring a company to collect the waste would be cheaper, but as has been demonstrated before, HadM opts for green public procurement. By leaving waste collection to the citizens, HadM aims to raise public awareness among them. A good example of how this creation of awareness leads to citizens’ initiatives, is the annual clean up day in Griendtsveen, Tienray and Sevenum. During this day, inhabitants of the municipality voluntarily clean up public places in order to remove waste from the streets. The amount of participating urban cores increases every year.

Citizens collecting waste paper by organisation Jong Nederland Sevenum (The Young Netherlands Sevenum)

40 Application Form for the European Green Leaf Award 2019

Topic Area 6: Water

Note: Your answers to sub-sections 6a and 6b together must not exceed a total of 600 and 300 words respectively (i.e. 600 word limit for section a and 300 word limit for section b). A total of six graphics, images or tables may be included in Topic Area 6.

Note: It is important to address Water and Wastewater Management equally in the response.

6a – Current Situation and Strategic Approach

Please outline the present situation, e.g. the relevant infrastructure and systems that are put in place to implement your city’s Water and Wastewater Management Plans and Programmes. The aim of this section is to make clear how the present situation has been achieved. You may include information on any relevant disadvantages or constraints resulting from historical, geographical and/or socio- economic factors. Please describe evolutions that have taken place over the last five to ten years. Comment on which measures have been most effective.

Please provide any relevant performance statistics useful to describe the present including:

. Urban and domestic water consumption per capita; . Proportion (%) of water losses from the distribution network; . Proportion (%) of urban drinking water supply subject to water metering; . Proportion (%) of population connected to the wastewater collecting system and wastewater treatment plants; . Ecological status of water bodies receiving the city effluent; . Water reuse and sludge management.

Please state the status of the city in relation to compliance with the requirements of the UWWTD. Highlight why the project/measure/initiative is needed and any achieved or expected benefits from its implementation.

If data or figures are not available at a local level please state this in the application.

Please mention any plans and/or programmes for improved Water and Wastewater Management.

Please include:

. Define the priorities in water and wastewater management plans; . Principles that have governed the development of the plan/programme; . Key objectives and targets (describe/specify measures to be implemented); . Where possible please outline the objectives and targets set/proposed and compare against the figures provided in section 6a describing the present situation (i.e. expected improvements in water consumption, water losses, etc.).

Where plans/programmes have been developed at a level above the city level i.e. regional, national etc., it is important to provide information on the plans/programmes and how they impact on the city and/or are implemented at the city level.

41 Application Form for the European Green Leaf Award 2019

Word Limit - 600 Words

In Horst aan de Maas, all houses are connected to drinking water. There is no data available on water consumption per capita, but on a national level this is 119 liters per day, which decreases annually. Although the information is not available on a municipality-level, all drinking water connections in HadM are provided with metering. A substantial part of drinking water in HadM comes from its own soil, namely from the catchment area Grubbenvorst. The rest of the drinking water is sanitised from the Maas river. HadM has 17.922 water connections and 506 kilometres of pipeline. In addition, the proportion of water losses from the distribution network is negligible. However, 5-7% of the water is not charged, since it is used as rinse water, for cleaning the system, or as extinguishing water. Any leaks that may originate in the system are also included in this percentage.


Wastewater Regarding wastewater, HadM also has high standards. All wastewater is treated: ten houses have their own system due to their remoteness, and all other houses are connected to the regional sewage system, leading to either the sewage treatment plant in Venray (RWZI Venray) or Venlo (RWZI Venlo). RWZI Venlo has been researching new ways of generating sustainable energy within its treatment plant for years. For example, a thermal pressure hydrolysis installation was installed, so sludge fermentation

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can produce biogas. Current studies are researching methods of recovering nitrogen, fosfor and cellulose. RWZI Venray was recently remodelled and is since then able to process more wastewater and uses less energy. Also, the regional water authority (WBL) is implementing projects aiming to sustainably generate 50% of its energy use in 2020. Eventually, the goal is to be completely energy neutral in 2025. Another progressive aspect of wastewater management in HadM is its dedication to disconnect rainwater from the sewer. This allows inhabitants to use rainwater instead of drinking water for their gardens. Consequently, less water is wasted, the sewer is less loaded, and the costs of water decrease. Since 2017, HadM offers a maximum subsidy of €1.800 for inhabitants to disconnect their water pipes from the sewer. Accordingly, in just six months, 6.000 m2 of rooftops have been disconnected from the sewage system.

Disconnecting rainwater from the sewage so it can be used efficiently

Climate change Over the past decades, climate change has caused water floodings in HadM. To prepare for the effects of climate change, HadM collaborates with other municipalities and regional water authorities.

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Heavy rainfall in Horst aan de Maas

A plan was created focusing on four themes: floods, drought, safety and stress caused by heat. Currently, consultancy firms are testing and making inventories of bottlenecks in fifteen municipalities at once; a unique situation in The Netherlands. HadM plays a leading role in this project. Currently, several other projects are being executed. With the national delta-programme water and rivers, the safety around the Maas and other rivers is magnified with regards to its increased water level. Next, the area Ooijen-Wanssum is being remodelled with extra dikes and the widening of the Maas, to decrease the water level 35 centimeters.

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Creating dikes and high tides in Ooijen-Wanssum

In Grubbenvorst, the Maas will also be widened and a central processing plant for sand is being built, which will be finished before 2030. Also, the Groote Moolenbeek is being remodeled and measures are taken to improve its water quality.

Groote Molenbeek

Importantly, all constructions are performed as sustainably as possible. What is noticeable about these projects is that HadM is not implementing them only to decrease risks in HadM, but the projects

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mainly benefit Venlo, a neighbouring city. This solidarity beautifully shows the attitude HadM has towards sustainability and cooperation.

6b – Citizen Participation and Public Awareness

Please mention any public awareness, citizen engagement or stakeholder participation undertaken in your city in the areas of Water and Wastewater Management.

Focus on campaigns, events or activities such as:

(a) Public awareness: awareness raising activities including advertising and media, campaigns and events; (b) Stakeholder/citizens participation: public consultation, school education, open dialogue, stakeholder groups/forums, working groups, implementation partnerships, joint ventures with local businesses etc.

Where possible show the connection between this section and the previous section i.e. 6b and 6a.

Please mention the target audience and any achieved or expected benefits.

Word Limit 300 Words

Regarding water, the citizens of HadM are involved in a couple of ways. First of all, concerning all area developments such as Ooijen-Wanssum and Grubbenvorst, information sessions were organised to inform inhabitants about all plans and strategies, and to give room for remarks and questions. Furthermore, all plans, initiatives, and operations are mentioned and explained on the local news website and in the local (sustainability) newspaper. Secondly, in 2011 the city hall of Horst aan de Maas hosted an exhibition called “Help! Het riool leeft!” (“Help! The sewer is alive!”), aimed at educating 10- to 12-year-old children about the sewer. For instance, the exhibition explained what can and cannot be flushed down the toilet, and what happens to water in the sewage treatment plants.

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Exhibition “Help! Het riool leeft!” in the city hall in 2011 Thirdly, the sewage treatment plants are open for excursions and visits to anyone interested in learning about treatment of waste water. Special excursions exist for schools. Fourth, with the innovations around the Maas in Grubbenvorst, a special element was added for the inhabitants of HadM. When remodelling the region with regards to the rising water level, a recreational area is being built where visitors can admire the beauty of the Maas in Grubbenvorst. A special team of experts and interested citizens was formed to efficiently remodel this area and incorporate various wishes from citizens. Water management in HadM requires some constructions that cannot be debated by citizens, because of the serious risks developing over time. Therefore, HadM has implemented an attitude focusing on providing information and creating understanding towards its inhabitants. Of course, wherever possible, citizens do have a strong say in plans and strategies. This is illustrated by the urban core Broekhuizen, where HadM collaborated with the inhabitants to install custom-made water cures in the gardens of the inhabitants.

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Section C

Good Practices

. Please note that the Good Practice section is not taken into consideration during the evaluation process. . This section is for additional information only and will help in the compilation of any European Green Leaf 2019 Good Practice Factsheets or Case Studies, as appropriate. . Please note that at least one good practice must be completed.

Note: The descriptions of your good practices must not exceed a total of 450 words and nine graphics, images or tables.

Please summarise up to three good practices that demonstrate how your city is improving its environmental record and is committed to generating new jobs linked with producing a better environment.

The Good Practices nominated should already be briefly mentioned in the corresponding topic areas in Section B of the application form. Please describe the proposed Good Practice in more detail here.

Please also explain why you have selected the good practice described.

Good Practice 1: the Maasgaard

Topic area: Nature, biodiversity and sustainable land use Word Limit 150 words & 3 graphics, tables etc

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The Maasgaard is a collaboration between Horst aan de Maas, Venray, the Province of Limburg and Waterschap Limburg (water management) consisting of thirteen projects.

In 2014, one of the thirteen projects ‘Lollebeek’ started to create a natural stream again.

The aim of this project is to develop and strengthen the climate-robust ecological structure of this area and to create more recreation possibilities. In order to realise this, a budget of €18 million has been made available. By 2020, all Maasgaard projects must be completed.

Recreation and nature goes hand in hand: theme park Toverland in HadM

Through the thirteen projects, jobs are created in the reconstruction phase and in the recreation sector

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when the projects are finished. By means of this project, HadM aims to create a smart network of recreational activities. This allows visitors to experience the diversity of the area and to connect the local economy to the tourist-recreational economy. Great examples of this are the equestrian centre De Peelbergen and theme park Toverland, which offer a lot of jobs.

Equestrian Centre De Peelbergen: a new hippic centre which will attract many visitors

Good Practice 2: Greenport Venlo Topic area: Sustainable Urban Mobility, Climate Change and Energy, Air quality and Noise This project is focusing on many aspects of sustainability at once, therefore, multiple topic areas have been chosen. Word Limit 150 words & 3 graphics, tables etc

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Greenport Venlo is a unique area which is being developed and maintained by Ontwikkelbedrijf Greenport Venlo of which HadM is an important shareholder and investor.

Greenport Venlo : businesses and nature go hand in hand A large part of the industrial area is not located in HadM, since research showed that the current location would be better from an economical perspective. However, the municipality is still much involved and responsible for this project.

Map of the area of GreenPort Venlo falling within Horst aan de Maas

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The ambition is to create so-called working landscapes by constructing about 400 ha of new business area, in combination with the creation and strengthening of 400 ha of nature, where adequate attention to detail is given to the flora and fauna of the area. Thus, it will become a sustainable business location, especially for the manufacturing industry, large scale logistics, trade and agribusiness. Over the years, Greenport Venlo is expected [TEXT DELETED]

The JobCenter in GreenPort Venlo Good Practice 3: Ooijen-Wanssum Topic area: Water Word Limit 150 words & 3 graphics, tables etc

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Ooijen-Wanssum is a project initiated by HadM, in collaboration with Venray, the Province of Limburg, Waterschap Limburg (water management) and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.

Initiators of project Ooijen-Wanssum with the mayor of HadM, Kees van Rooij, far right.

This project aims to improve water safety and to have a large water-reducing effect on a large part of the Maas. Furthermore, the project aims at developing more nature, increasing liveability, supporting new economic developments and increasing recreational activities.

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An impression of the project: more space for the Maas to manage high water levels.

In order to protect the area from high tide of the Maas, a former riverbed will be re-opened, quays will be removed and two waterways are to be dug which which will allow the river to expand. Furthermore, dykes will be constructed and upgraded to improve protection. This project will not only create jobs in the development stage, but also in the future many jobs can be expected in the recreation sector and at the improved harbour.

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Did you complete Section A?

Yes No

Did you complete Section B?

Yes No

Topic areas:

1. a and b? Yes No

2. a and b? Yes No

3. a and b? Yes No

4. a and b? Yes No

5. a and b? Yes No

6. a and b? Yes No

Did you complete Section C? Yes No

At least one good practice must be completed.

A response must be included for all of the above. If all of the items are not completed the application will be invalid.

Did you adhere to the word limit for all sections?

Yes No

Did you adhere to the image limit for all sections?

Yes No