Public Document Pack


Date: Wednesday 28th October, 2009 Time: 6.30 pm Venue: Goddard Hall, Stanley Road,


Ford Ward Ward Councillor Councillor Moncur (Chair), Labour D.Hardy (Vice-Chair), Labour Brady, Labour P.Hardy, Labour Cluskey, Labour Tweed, Labour

Advisory Group Members Mrs. J. Burnhill Mrs. L. Cluskey Mr. J. Kelly Mr. G. McNeight Mr. M. J. O'Brien Mr. B. Walsh

COMMITTEE OFFICER: Olaf Hansen Committee Clerk Telephone: 0151 934 2067 Fax: 0151 934 2034 E-mail: [email protected]

If you have any special needs that may require arrangements to facilitate your attendance at this meeting, please contact the Committee Officer named above, who will endeavour to assist.


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct.

3. Minutes (Pages 5 - 8) Minutes of the meeting held on 30 September, 2009.

4. Open Forum Members of the public are invited to ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues which are relevant to . The person asking a question will be allowed one supplementary question.

(If a response to a question is required which cannot be provided at the meeting or if the question is not reached within the 45 minute period, the Chair will either refer the matter to the appropriate Service Department for a written answer or to the appropriate Cabinet Member for further consideration).

Part “A”

These items are for general discussion. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion).

5. Police Issues Part “B”

These are formal decisions to be taken by Members of the Council. Only in exceptional cases will the Chair allow contributions from the public (Advisory Group Members may speak but not vote).

6. Proposed Disabled Persons Parking Places (Pages 9 - 14) Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director

7. Budget Monitoring (Pages 15 - 20) Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director

8. Progress and Action on Planning (S106) Agreements (Pages 21 - 26) Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director

9. Overview of Youth Provision Across Sefton (Pages 27 - 60) Minute of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services) and report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services

10. Correspondence Relating to Previous Agenda Items (Pages 61 - 66) The attached correspondence is for information only.

11. Date of next meeting 6 January, 2010 In accordance with the agreed programme of meetings for this Area Committee, the next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 6 January, 2010 at Cathy Roberts Memorial Hall, Osbourne Road, Litherland commencing at 18:30.

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 THE “CALL IN” PERIOD FOR THIS SET OF MINUTES ENDS AT 12 NOON ON TUESDAY 13 OCTOBER, 2009.



PRESENT: Councillor Moncur (in the Chair)

Councillors D.Hardy, Brady, Cluskey, P.Hardy and Tweed Local Advisory Group Members: Mrs.J.Burnhill, Mr.J.Kelly, Mr.M.J.O'Brien and Mr.B.Walsh


Apologies for absence were received from Advisory Group Members Mrs.Cluskey and Mr.McNeight.


No declarations of interest were received.



That the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 September 2009 be confirmed as a correct record.


During the Open Forum the following question / comment was submitted:

(a) Further to Minute No.28(b) of the meeting held on 2 September, Mr.G.McNeight expressed his concern at the reply he had received from Mr.D.Marrin, Traffic Services Manager regarding various parking and traffic issues around Marina Avenue, Sefton Street and Hawthorne Road Litherland.


That the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to respond to Mr.McNeight’s comments.



No representative of Police attended the meeting.


Further to Minute No.28(a) of the meeting held on 2 September 2009, the Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director, which sought approval for the provision of two dropped kerbs to be located on the footway at Richard Martin Road, Litherland. The proposed dropped kerbs would enable disabled residents to travel safely into Litherland town centre. Attached as an annexe to the report was map that detailed the locations where the proposed dropped kerbs would to be installed.

Members expressed their concern at the way this request / application had been handled: Residents had been given poor advice and instruction by Officers, which had caused confusion and delay; the protocols and procedures, established through the Neighbourhoods Team, had not been followed; Officers had wrongly advised residents to approach the Committee to fund footway improvements, the Committee stressed that its remit did not extend to supplementing highway improvement programmes; the report did not contain sufficient detail to enable the Committee to make an truly informed decision; and furthermore, there did not appear to be any clear identified criteria or coordinated strategy for installing dropped kerbs across the borough. A Councillor also commented that he had sought advice and clarification from the Legal Director on the types of projects/developments the Committee could fund, but he had not received an answer to his query.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned concerns Councillors agreed that Richard Martin Road, Litherland should have dropped kerbs and on this occasion the Committee would make a contribution of £1,000 towards their installation. However the Committee emphasised, in the strongest possible terms, this did not set a precedent for future budget allocations. All future budgetary requests must follow the due process and procedure, which was administered through the Neighbourhoods Team.


(1) an allocation of £1,000 be made from the Ford Ward budget for the installation of two dropped kerbs located at Richard Martin Road, Litherland;

(2) the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to disseminate information to appropriate Officers regarding the Committee’s budgetary arrangements;


(3) the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to advise Officers that the Committee’s budget is not a supplement to work programme / departmental budgets;

(4) the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to liaise with Finance and Information Services Director to ensure that information on the Council’s internet pages accurately reflect the procedures for the Committee’s budgetary administration;

(5) the concerns of the Committee be forwarded to the Legal Director for inclusion on the agenda of the next Joint Meeting of Party Leaders and Area Committee Chairs, scheduled for 5 November, 2009.


Further to Minute No.34 of the meeting held on 2 September 2009, the Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director that provided information on available resources for the Area Committee area and progress on those items approved at previous meetings.

Miss D.Edwards, Neighbourhood Team, informed the Committee that since the publication of the agenda, it had emerged that some streets required additional street name plates. Consequently Ford Ward would be requested to contribute an additional £280 and Litherland Ward would be requested to contribute an additional £385 to the initial request for £1,000 detailed within the report .


(1) the current financial position and progress to date on items previously agreed within the report be noted; and

(2) an allocation of £1,280 be made for Street Signs from the Ford Ward allocation; and

(3) an allocation of £1,385 be made for Street Signs from the Ford Ward allocation.


The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director that set the comments of the appropriate Officers on matters raised at previous meetings.


That the Progress Report be noted.




That in accordance with the agreed programme of meetings for this Area Committee, the next meeting would be held on Wednesday 28 October 2009, commencing at 18:30 at Goddard Hall, Stanley Road, Litherland.

Page23 8 Agenda Item 6


Date of Meeting : 28 OCTOBER, 2009


Report of : This report contains Yes No

Andy Wallis Director of Planning & Economic Regeneration

CONFIDENTIAL √ Information/ Contact Officer : EXEMPT information by virtue of paragraph(s)...... of Part 1 of Peter McCabe Schedule 12A to the Local √ (Telephone No.) 0151 934 4538 Government Act, 1972 (If information is marked exempt, the Public Interest Test must be applied and favour the exclusion of the information from the press and public). Is the decision on this report DELEGATED ?

Purpose of Report

To seek approval for the progression of Traffic Regulation Orders, the effect of which will provide disabled residents with a parking place directly outside their place of residency.


It is recommended that: -

(i) The Traffic Regulation Orders, as set out on the plans in Annex A, and as detailed in the report, be approved;

(ii) The necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council's intention to implement the Order, be approved.

Page 9 Agenda Item 6

Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact 1. Creating a Learning Community  2. Creating Safe Communities  3. Jobs and Prosperity  4. Improving Health and Well-Being  5. Environmental Sustainability  6. Creating Inclusive Communities  7. Improving the Quality of Council Services and  Strengthening local Democracy 8. Children and Young People 

Financial Implications

2006/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2007 2008 2009 2010 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE £ £ £ £ Gross Increase in Capital Expenditure Funded by: Sefton Capital Resources Specific Capital Resources REVENUE IMPLICATIONS Gross Increase in Revenue Expenditure Funded by: Sefton funded Resources 900 Funded from External Resources Does the External Funding have an expiry date? Y/N When? How will the service be funded post expiry?

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report

List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this Report

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1.1 Requests have been received from residents of Bowden Street, Tattersall Road and Lonsdale Road Litherland for a disabled person’s parking place outside their place of residency.

1.2 Site observations and information supplied by the resident’s general practitioner confirms that the usual level of parking leads to the applicant frequently being unable to secure a parking space within their mobility range and a reasonable distance of their home, leading to undue inconvenience and / or discomfort. It is proposed, therefore that a disabled parking place be provided.


2.1 It is proposed to introduce a disabled person’s parking place including the provision of a numbered permit to the applicant outside :

Centrally located outside No. 26 Bowden Street, Litherland

Centrally located outside No. 22 Tattersall Road, Litherland

Centrally located outside No. 6 Lonsdale Road, Litherland


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Agenda Item6

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Technical Services Director Date N

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Technical Services Director Date N



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Technical Services Director Date N

Agenda Item 7

Committee : LITHERLAND and FORD AREA COMMITTEE Date of Meeting : 28 TH OCTOBER 2009 Title of Report : BUDGET MONITORING

Report of : A Wallis Planning and Economic Regeneration Director

Contact Officer : S Prewett Assistant Director - Neighbourhoods Telephone No. 0151 934 3485

This report contains Yes No CONFIDENTIAL √ Information/ EXEMPT information by virtue of paragraph(s)...... of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local √ Government Act, 1972 (If information is marked exempt, the Public Interest Test must be applied and favour the exclusion of the information from the press and public). Is the decision on this report DELEGATED ? √

Purpose of Report

To update Litherland and Ford Area Committee on available resources for the Area Committee area and progress to date on those items approved at previous meetings.

To request confirmation from the Committee for any proposals made within the current bidding round for up to £250 from the respective ward budgets raised at the meeting.


That the Area Committee:

(i) note the current financial position and the progress to date on items previously agreed

(ii) agree any proposals made within the current bidding round for upto £250 from the respective ward budgets

Page 15 Agenda Item 7

Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact

1 Creating a Learning Community ü

2 Creating Safe Communities ü

3 Jobs and Prosperity ü

4 Improving Health and Well-Being ü

5 Environmental Sustainability ü

6 Creating Inclusive Communities ü

7 Improving the Quality of Council Services and ü Strengthening local Democracy

8 Children and Young People ü

Financial Implications

Any financial proposals contained within this report can be contained within the Area Committee’s delegated budget

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report

Finance FD 189 - The Finance Director has been consulted and has no comments on this report.

List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this report



1.1 In 2002/03 the Council allocated funds to Area Committees for expenditure on local priorities that would not otherwise be funded from Council budgets. Each Area Committee receives an amount each year and then decides how best to split it across the wards and whether or not to hold a central budget. This also includes an amount for litter bins.

Page 16 Agenda Item 7


1.2 Current Budget Position

1.2.1 The following sets out the latest position on the budget and the amounts available to spend in each area, as well as commitments made in this year. As requested the amount for street name plates has been incorporated within the report as a defined amount per ward.

Balance 2009/10 2009/10 2009/10 2009/10 2009/10 Balance b/f Budget Litterbins Street Signs Available Commitments Available £ £ £ £ £ £ £

Ward Ford 24,381.39 8,450.00 - - 32,831.39 28,831.39 4,000.00 Litherland 7,158.51 8,450.00 - - 15,608.51 11,608.51 4,000.00

Litterbins by Ward Ford - - 557.00 - 557.00 - 557.00 Litherland - - 557.00 - 557.00 - 557.00

Street Signs by Ward Ford - - - 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Litherland - - - 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1,000.00

Total 31,539.90 16,900.00 1,114.00 2,000.00 51,553.90 40,439.90 11,114.00

Neighbourhood’s Division Allocation agreed 1 st July 2009 to be used against ward priorities as defined through area management approaches Ford - 28,831.39 - - 28,831.39 2,126.00 26,705.39 Litherland - 11,608.51 - - 11,608.51 1,745.00 9,863.51

For information only – Area Committee quarterly bidding rounds for funding requests up to £250

No funding requests received to date

For information only - Neighbourhood’s Division allocations made during 2009/10:

Ford Ward

Date Cost Progress to 09/10 Commitments Approved £ Date 1 Alleygate – Moss Lane 01/07/09 846.00 Complete 2 Dropped Kerbs – Richard Martin Road 30/09/09 1,000.00 Ongoing 3 Additional Street Signs 30/09/09 280.00 Ongoing 2,126.00

Page 17 Agenda Item 7

Litherland Ward

Date Cost Progress to 09/10 Commitments Approved £ Date Street sign - Litherland (not in street name plate 1 01/07/09 130.00 Ongoing scheme) Street sign - Wellington Road (not in street name plate 2 01/07/09 130.00 Ongoing scheme) Cont. towards solar power Christmas tree lights - 3 17/09/09 1,100.00 Ongoing Linacre One 4 Additional Street Signs 30/09/09 385.00 Ongoing 1,745.00

Page 18 Agenda Item 7


That the Area Committee:

(i) note the current financial position and the progress to date on items previously agreed

(ii) agree any proposals made within the current bidding round for upto £250 from the respective ward budgets

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Page 20 Agenda Item 8

Committee: Litherland and Ford Area Committee

Date Of Meeting: 28 th October 2009

Title of Report: Progress and Action on Planning (S106) Agreements

Report of: Andy Wallis Planning and Economic Regeneration Director

Contact Officer: Jim Alford Tel 0151 934 3544 Mandy Biagetti Tel 0151 934 4313 Steph Prewett Tel 0151 934 3485

This report contains Yes No

Confidential information X

Exempt information by virtue of paragraph(s) ……… of Part 1 of Schedule X 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 X

Is the decision on this report DELEGATED?

Purpose of Report:

1. To update the Area Committee in respect of recent spending of monies received through planning agreements (Section 106 of the Planning Act)

2. To advise the Area Committee of forthcoming developments which will release Section 106 resources

3. To update the Area Committee on the proposals for developing an Investment Plan for the Linacre Bridge area of Litherland ward and how this will ensure best usage of Section 106 resources for that area.


That the Area Committee:

(i) Note the progress made to date in spending Section 106 monies

(ii) Provide any comments about forthcoming developments that will impact on their area and usage of Section 106 as a result

(iii) Agree to the development of an Investment Plan for the Linacre Bridge area of Litherland ward which would utilise Section 106 resources to best effect and within the conditions of the legal agreements

(iv) Agree to receive further reports on the usage of Section 106 within the area and to be given the opportunity to comment about the most appropriate usage of potential future resources to realise the best outcomes for the local community

Page 21 Agenda Item 8

Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Objective Impact Positive Neutral Negative 1 Creating A Learning Community X 2 Creating Safe Communities X 3 Jobs & Prosperity X 4 Improving Health & Well Being X 5 Environmental Sustainability X 6 Creating Inclusive Communities X 7 Improving The Quality Of Council Services & Strengthening X Local Democracy

Financial Implications

Monies have been received as per the report

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report

Leisure Services Finance

List of Background Papers relied upon in the preparation of this report


Page 22 Agenda Item 8


1.0 It has been agreed that Planning Committee will seek the views of Area Committee on spending the monies derived from legal agreements under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act. This process will take place once an agreement has been signed, a start on the development has been made and the monies have been paid to the Council

1.1 Reports were submitted to those Area Committees where there were relevant agreements in April/May 2009. No report was submitted to the Litherland and Ford meeting as issues raised at the November 2008 meeting had not been resolved.

1.2 However, there have been discussions on how monies might be spent in the Litherland Ward with the local ward members. They are very keen to ensure that the Section 106 resources can be looked at within the context of a wider Investment Plan for the area. Particular attention has been given to the Linacre Bridge area. This area has a large retail and business sector on Linacre Road which is a continuation from Stanley Road. This road and the surrounding area need significant investment to revitalise it.

1.3 A multi-agency steering group has been established which is looking at how partners and the local community and businesses can develop and implement an Investment Plan for the area. The Area Committee are asked to endorse this as an approach and to recognise the benefits of utilising Section 106 within the legal guidance in the most effective way.

1.4 There are currently eleven S106 commuted sums awaiting an agreement to recommend where they should be spent. Those S106’s can be seen in the table below at Annexe A

1.5 This includes the Tesco development at the Landstar site on Hawthorne Road (S/2008/0134). Members will note there are a number of elements in the commuted sum allocated to different types of works. The sums for air quality, signage, bus stop improvements and the Hawthorne Road improvements scheme are precisely referred to in the clauses of the S106 agreement. These are already allocated for implementation. However, there is a considerable sum for employment initiatives which will form part of the discussion around the Investment Plan outlined above.

1.6 A further series of recommendations will be prepared for the Planning Committee meeting in March 2010. This will detail the position on all outstanding agreements and the progress of spending for this Area Committee area.


2.1 At the Area Committee meeting in May 2008, members requested that

Page 23 Agenda Item 8

monies from the Mell Inn development should be dedicated to the HMRI areas within the Ford and Litherland Ward and that some monies should be given to the multi-games area in Mellanear . The money from that site has now been received and the above recommendation can be seen in the table of recommendations below.

2.2 Members will note that £27,861.00 for tree planting has been received in connection with the Lidl development at the junction of Bridge Road and Wellington Road. The location of where to plant trees was to be guided by the Seaforth and Litherland Action Plan. As this plan is now on hold until Spring 2010 members may wish to make suggestions as to where the planting should take place.


3.1 A report will be submitted to the April/May 2010 meeting on any relevant action or new payments which occur in the next 6 months. If members wish to query any specific schemes please contact [email protected]


That the Area Committee:

(i) Note the progress made to date in spending Section 106 monies

(ii) Provide any comments about forthcoming developments that will impact on their area and usage of Section 106 as a result

(iii) Agree to the development of an Investment Plan for the Linacre Bridge area of Litherland ward which would utilise Section 106 resources to best effect and within the conditions of the legal agreements

(iv) Agree to receive further reports on the usage of Section 106 within the area and to be given the opportunity to comment about the most appropriate usage of potential future resources to realise the best outcomes for the local community

Page 24 Agenda Item 8

Annexe A

Recommendations for spending of further monies agreed by Planning Committee

Application Amount to Recommendation to spend Address spend S/2003/1259 Sum : recreation ground and Ash Road/Beach £102,555.00 footpath connecting Ash Road/Beach Road Road, Litherland Trees : to the recreation ground. £33,178.00 Greenspace : £69,377.00 S/2004/1237 Sum : £64,279.00 is for the design and Former Toprain £122,449.00 implementation of the Highway Improvement site, Hawthorne Trees : Nil Scheme and £58,170.00 for the provison Road, Bootle Greenspace : and enhancement of greenspace within the £58,170.00 HMRI canalside corridor. Public Realm: £64,279.00 S/2004/1238 Sum: Litherland and Ford HMRI area. Mell Inn site, 511 £139,350.00 Hawthorne Road, Trees: Nil Bootle Greenspace: £58,170.00 Public Realm: £81,180.00 S/2005/0832 Sum: This commuted sum was on hold awaiting Land at Junction of £27,861.00 guidance from Seaforth and Litherland Bridge Trees: Action Plan. However, that action plan is Road/Wellington £27,861.00 now delayed until May 2010. The normal Road Greenspace: recommendation is that any tree planting Nil should take place in the vicinity of the development on roads of strategic importance and to make the widest benefit. Members may wish to offer suggestions on where to plant the trees. S/2005/1148 Sum: Hatton Hill Park Land at Ash £42,545.72 Road/Beach Road, Trees: Nil Litherland Greenspace: £42,545.72 S/2005/1255 Sum: Litherland and Ford HMRI area. Former Linacre £43,970.00 Grange, St Trees: Nil Andrews Road, Greenspace: Bootle £43,970.00 S/2006/0969 Sum: £3,915.00 Tree planting in the vicinity 4 Chelsea Road, Trees: Litherland £3,915.00 Greenspace: Nil S/2007/0520 Sum: Tree planting in the vicinity. Greenspace 74 Litherland Park, £13,395.00 money to Hatton Hill Park.

Page 25 Agenda Item 8

Litherland Trees: £5,220.00 Greenspace: £8,175.00

S/2008/0134 Sum: Air Quality, Bus Stop Improvements, Former Landstar Air Quality: Hawthorne Rd Corridor Improvements and Site, Hawthorne £15,000.00 Signage Contributions are all designated Road, Litherland Bus Stop spend. Improvement: Employment Initiative commuted sum under £23,980.00 consideration. Hawthorne Road Corridor: Members are asked to consider where to £122,897.00 allocate tree planting commuted sum. Off site tree planting: £140,091.75 Public Art Contribution: £23,750.00 Signage Contribution: £1,635.00 Employment Intiatives: £1,140,000.00 S/2006/0110 Sum: To be agreed 61 Hornby £35,970.00 Boulevard, Bootle Greenspace: £35,970.00 S/2008/0038/A Sum: This S106 contribution has to be spent by Sefton Works, £35,000.00 16.06.2013. Guidance is being sought by Field Lane, Affordable the HMRI team. Litherland Housing: £35,000.00

Page 26 Agenda Item 9



The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services, which provided information regarding the provision of youth opportunities for the young people of Sefton by geographical area. The report outlined the following:-

• Targeted Provision and Partnership Working; • Targeted Youth Support and Children and Young People aged 8-19; • Family Intervention Project; and • Parent Know How Directory.

Appendix One to the report set out an overview of Youth Provision Activity across Sefton.


That the report be accepted and referred to the Council’s Area Committees for discussion

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Page 28 Agenda Item 9

Meeting: Overview & Scrutiny

Date of Meeting : 22 nd September 2009

Title of Report: Overview of Youth Provision across Sefton

Report of : This report contains Yes No The Strategic Director of Children’s CONFIDENTIAL √ Services Information/ Contact Officer : EXEMPT information by virtue of Gill Mullen 0151 934 3334 paragraph(s)...... of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local √ Government Act, 1972 (If information is marked exempt, the Public Interest Test must be applied and favour the exclusion of the information from the press and public). Is the decision on this report √ DELEGATED ?

Purpose of Report

To provide information regarding the provision of youth opportunities for the young people of Sefton by geographical area.


That members note the contents of the report and comment as appropriate.

Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact 1. Creating a Learning Community ü 2. Creating Safe Communities ü 3. Jobs and Prosperity ü 4. Improving Health and Well-Being ü 5. Environmental Sustainability ü 6. Creating Inclusive Communities ü 7. Improving the Quality of Council Services and ü Strengthening local Democracy 8. Children and Young People ü

Page 29 Agenda Item 9

Financial Implications N/A

2006/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2007 2008 2009 2010 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE £ £ £ £ Gross Increase in Capital Expenditure Funded by: Sefton Capital Resources Specific Capital Resources REVENUE IMPLICATIONS Gross Increase in Revenue Expenditure Funded by: Sefton funded Resources Funded from External Resources Does the External Funding have an expiry date? Y/N When? How will the service be funded post expiry?

Links to ensuring integration

The Integrated Youth Support Strategy IYSS is for all young people according to their needs across Sefton. Sefton Children’s Services work with key partners to reconfigure and improve services to ensure universal access to good quality information, advice and guidance on education, training, employment, health issues, access to positive activities and personal development opportunities, alongside more targeted work and support for the most vulnerable and challenging young people.

Impact upon Children’s Services targets and priorities

Youth provision across Sefton supports; NI 110 Young people’s participation in positive activities; NI 111 First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10–17; NI 112 Under 18 conception rate; NI 115 Substance misuse by young people. It also supports indicators around anti-social behaviour and people's sense of satisfaction with their area. .

Page 30 Agenda Item 9

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report

Connexions Leisure Merseyside Fire and Safety Sefton Youth Service Sefton CVS

Page 31 Agenda Item 9


1.0 Overview of Youth Provision across Sefton

1.1 Appendix 1 Overview of Youth Provision across Sefton, forms the main body of this report.

It provides an outline of the universal and targeted provision that is available for the young people of Sefton by the area in which they live. This is not an exhaustive list but it contains the majority of provision within those areas. Youth opportunities from many private, profit-making sectors have not been included.

2.0 Targeted Provision

Targeted provision is part of the IYSS strategy and supports young people with an identified need, usually via an assessment. Targeted provision shows excellent examples of partnership working across service sectors. Targeted provision operates across Sefton and isn’t necessarily restricted by area, although many services can be largely dependent on grants.

2.1 The following gives an outline of targeted provision provided by the Fire & Rescue Service and by Merseyside Police.

2.1i The Police and Community Youth Encouragement Scheme (PAYES) delivered from Bootle Police Station links in with Youth Services and schools to identify young people who will benefit from this scheme. The scheme is provided through an independent registered charity managed by Bootle dedicated officers to target individual young people to build positive relationships between young people and the police. It forms part of a Neighbourhood Strategy to reduce anti-social behaviour. Young people attend a series of workshops and also benefit from a week’s residential trip where they participate in team building and confidence building programmes. Police officers who provide this service give of their time voluntarily. Young people selected are not necessarily those who are known to the criminal system, they are also young people where it is recognised that they live in challenging home circumstances and have had limited experiences to develop the life skills needed to make a full contribution to society.

2.1ii Merseyside Fire and Rescue’s Youth Engagement Team based at Bootle and Netherton Fire Station support targeted programmes for young people. Many other staff from the service also hold additional contracts to support youth activities, supported through external funding.

2.1iii Merseyside Fire and Rescue offer the complete Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme from Bootle and Netherton Fire Station in partnership with Sefton

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Youth Service. The delivery of this award is joint funded by the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and Sefton Youth Service.

2.1iv Merseyside Fire and Rescue deliver two targeted early intervention programmes for young people who are considered to be at risk of exclusion, of fire setting behaviour and anti social behaviour; the Beacon Project and LIFE Project. Referrals are made by services including Sefton’s Youth Offending Team. The programme focuses on building confidence and developing skills and provides a qualification on completion. In 2006, Merseyside Fire and Rescue became the first fire and rescue service in the country to receive two Beacon awards, namely Early Intervention (Children at Risk) and for its services for Older People.

2.1v Merseyside Fire and Rescue is the delivery partner for The Prince’s Trust 12 week fulltime programme for young people who are not in education, training or employment and would benefit from a course aimed at increasing confidence and developing key skills. This is delivered from their Training and Development Academy, Croxteth. Young people are referred mostly through Connexions. Once completed the young person has the option of repeating the course as a mentor. For some, this has led to employment within the Princes Trust organisation.

2.1vi Merseyside Fire and Rescue work with individual young people who display fire setting behaviour at home, in their school or within the community. The community Fire Safety Co-ordinator also works closely with Sefton Leisure Service, Sefton Youth Service, schools, and the community to support community events in parks, schools etc...

2.1vii Merseyside Fire and Rescue have three Fire Safety officers that can link in directly with senior schools. The Fire and Safety officers work directly in schools for one day a week, for up to a year, with disengaged young people, either individually or in small groups. This is externally funded through the schools themselves or through funding opportunities identified by the CVS funding portal.

3.0 Targeted Youth Support TYS for Children and Young People aged 8-19

3.1 Targeted Youth Support is a service to support young people with clearly identified unmet needs. A key aim of TYS is to help vulnerable young people early to address their difficulties as they emerge and prevent problems escalating, This will often mean working with young people who may not meet traditional thresholds for statutory or specialist services, but who, without assistance, are at risk of further problems such as substance misuse, offending, teenage pregnancy, anti social behaviour and homelessness. It may also mean working with young people who are coming to the end of their involvement with a specialist service.

3.2 The Targeted Youth Support Service contributes to the five Every Child Matters outcomes; be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, making a

Page 33 Agenda Item 9

positive contribution and achieving economic well-being. In addition, by offering support to vulnerable young people, TYS will contribute to strategic and corporate priorities and those of the Children and Young People’s Plan: community cohesion, narrowing the gap between disadvantaged and other areas of the borough, shift towards early identification and prevention and the development of three areas for delivery of children’s services,

3.3 It is important to recognise that TYS in Sefton is a service; it is not a Panel to meter services. TYS in Sefton will not duplicate any existing services rather it will plug service gaps and offer a service provision that is both flexible and at times immediate.

4.0 Family Intervention Project FIP

4.1 The Family Intervention Project is a new initiative to provide an intensive, high quality family support and intervention service for families that have stopped engaging with statutory services and whose anti social behaviour is putting their tenancies at risk or has already resulted in them becoming homeless. Positive outcomes will be achieved through persistent and timely interventions via a comprehensive needs assessment, support and effective partnership working. The children and young people of those families engaged with the FIP will receive the support of Targeted Youth Support via the CAF process or a Child in Need assessment.

4.2 FIP is funded via a new funding made available through the Youth Crime Action Plan (YCAP) which outlined a comprehensive package of measures to prevent and tackle youth crime. Funding has been provided for 2009-10 and 2010-11 to strengthen support for families at risk. Recruitment of FIP staff will begin in the summer.

5.0 Parent Know How- Information Repository for Children, Young People and their Families

5.1 Parent Know How is a £60 million programme from the Department for Children, Schools and Families, which seeks to transform the quality, choice, provision and awareness of parental information and support services, in order to help improve outcomes for children and young people. It is designed to improve provision to all parents, with a particular focus on meeting the needs of parents who are not as well served by current sources of help as they could be, including parents of disabled children, fathers from all backgrounds and parents of teenage children. Working with key third-sector organisations to deliver services, Parent Know How enables support for all those in parenting roles through: • telephone helplines – consisting of continued and increased support to existing helplines; enabling expanded capacity so more parents can get through to ask for help and advice

Page 34 Agenda Item 9

• new communications platforms – including text messaging, instant messaging, social networking tools and improved internet use

• a 'virtual magazine' – printed content that reaches parents who would prefer not to use telephone helplines or internet technologies to access information, advice and support.

• Parent Know How Directory - a comprehensive online directory of local and national childcare and families services available from the 7 th September 2009. Created for parents, carers and those that work with them, it will provide them with a single trusted source of information. The Directory will be available through DirectGov, local authority websites, and Children's Centres; plus other locations such as third and private sector websites.

5.2 The Parent Know How Directory will offer parents, and those working with them, the ability to search for information about childcare and families services in both their local community and nationally. The PKH Directory supports local authority (LA) delivery of their duty under section 12 of the Childcare Act 2006 to provide such service information to parents.

5.3 All Local Authorities are currently working on implementing systems that will communicate with the Directory for all information regarding services for children, young people and their families to be accessed through this central portal. Sefton has formed a steering group, comprising of representatives across many services for children, young people and their families to ensure that details of all service provision available for children, young people and their families in Sefton is entered into this system. This will replace all other information portals for children, young people and their families.

Page 35 Agenda Item9

Appendix One


September 2009 Lisa Howard Children’s Services Area Manager

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 4734 , MARSHSIDE & CHURCHTOWN WARD 1551, WARD 1095. 2088 CROSSENS Parks Youth Band Crossens Crossens Community Community Park Association Rufford Road Recreational Page 37 Grounds PR9 8HT Bank End Youth Club Preston New Crossens Road Community


Rufford Road Southport PR9 8HT MARSHSIDE Free & Active: Army Cadet Scouts Youth Group Stanley Youth Centre Dance Camp Stanley High Emmanuel HQ Marshside

Marshside Road Marshside School Sports Cedars Methodist Agenda Item9 Southport PR9 9TF School of College Garden Dance Fleetwood Centre . Marshside Rd, Centre for Duke of Chapel Lane, Road, 86-88 Radnor Southport PR9 9TL Edinburgh Award Banks, Southport PR9 Drive, 9RS PR9 8EY 9TF Boys’ Brigade Scouts & 10 th Southport Explorer Scout

1 Information reflects overview of Holiday provision for young people in Sefton, comprehensive list of activities are available on Sefton’s intranet 2 Information regarding church provision was obtained from well developed Church websites, therefore the information provided does not contain a comprehensive overview of Church offered youth provision

Agenda Item9

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Marshside Griffin Unit Methodist St. Patricks Church School Hall Marshside Rd, Radnor Drive Southport PR9 9RR PR9 9TL CHURCHTOWN Borough Parks: Boys Brigade Scouts Page 38 Botanic 4th Southport St. Cuthberts Gardens St Simon and St HQ Bankfield Hesketh Park Judes Lane Old Park Lane Gardens PR9 7BQ Scouts Floral Gardens Leyland Rd Methodist Sea Recreational Scouts Grounds Leyland Road Tarleton Road PR9 9JQ Salisbury Street Russell Road Scouts Holy Family Sea Scouts HQ Manning Rd PR8 6AT

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

2756 SOUTHPORT & KEW WARD 1690, WARD 1066 KEW Playground Air Cadets Scouts King George V Page 39 Youth Centre Meols Cop Youth Town Lane St. Peter’s Kew Woods College Meols Cop Road Centre School Primary School Scarisbrick Southport PR8 6JS Meols Cop Road Playing Field Air Training Corps Ovington Drive New Rd PR8 Southport PR8 Portland Street St Peter's School PR8 6JW 6LR 6JS Centre for Duke of Upper Aughton

Edinburgh Award Recreational Road PR8 5NH St. Peters Air Centre for Centre for

Ground Scouts HQ Duke of Duke of

Meols Park Boys Brigade Mosley St Edinburgh Edinburgh

st Award 1 Southport St Award St Philip & St Paul Peters School Meols Cop with Wesley Upper Aughton High School Church Road PR8 5NH Meols Cop

Scarisbrick New Agenda Item9 Road Road PR8 6PY PR8 6JS

Centre for Sea Cadets Duke of Meols Cop High Edinburgh Meols Cop Award Road

PR8 6JS SOUTHPORT Free & Active Free & Active Lakes St. John’s Scouts Arden College LEISURE CENTRE Friday Football Tennis Camp Marine Lake Ambulance Birkdale United Specialist Further Dunes Leisure Club Coaching Park 20 Scarisbrick Reformed Education The Esplanade Greenbank High Tennis Courts Parks Street, Church Hall 40 Road Southport PR8 1RX

Agenda Item9

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 School Hyde Park Southport PR9 Trafalgar Rd Southport PR9 0TZ Hastings Road Free & Active Princes Park 0TU PR8 2HH

PR8 2LT Dunes Splash Rotten Row Centre for

World Scouts Hip Hop Street Victoria Park Centre for Duke of Youth Only Zone Holy Trinity Dance The Esplanade Duke of Edinburgh Dunes Leisure Club Parish Centre Southport Arts Southport Gardens & Edinburgh The Esplanade Hoghton St Centre PR8 1RX Promenade Southport Many activities South Marine PR9 Lord Street PR8

Page 40 PR8 1RX including: Park Scouts Saturday Saturday Athletics Kings Gardens Lord St United Performing Arts Targeted Work Badminton Floral Hall Reformed Youth Club Club Young People Cricket Gardens Church Hall Southport YMCA Southport Arts with Football The Lord St West 81 Houghton Street Centre Disabilities Hockey Promenade, Southport PR90PR Lord Street PR8 Multi Sports PR8 2BH

Roller Disco Roller Blading Greenbank High Youth only Zone Southport YMCA Rugby Skate Park Scouts Hastings Rd Southport YMCA 81 Hoghton Street Swimming St James Southport, PR8 81 Hoghton Street PR90PR Table Tennis Church Hall 2LT PR90PR Friday Sefton Youth Tennis Lulworth Road Friday Theatre Volley Ball Birkdale, PR8 Southport Arts Taster Sessions: 2BQ Centre for Centre Dance Duke of

Lord Street PR8 Tae Kwon Do Edinburgh Tri Golf Awar d Street Games: Street Cheer Hyde Park , Youth Clubs x 2 Water Polo Southport Elim Christian Fun Games: Friday 6.30- 8.30 Centre It’s A Knock pm 80 Manchester Out Road, Southport, Lazer Quest PR9 9BJ

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

Page 41

3431 BIRKDALE, HILLSIDE, & WOODVALE BIRKDALE WARD 1978, AINSDALE 1453, BIRKDALE & HILLSIDE Free & Active Park s Boys’ Brigade Birkdale High Birkdale Youth Centre Birkdale High Bedford Park Girls’ Brigade School Windy Harbour Road School Compton Road 7th Southport Windy Harbour Southport PR8 3DT Windy Harbour Park Methodist Rd Rd Church Southport, Centre for Duke of Southport, Recreational Birkdale PR8 3DT Edinburgh Award PR8 3DT Grounds Merseyside Athletics Camp Carr Lane PR8 4PD Centre for Agenda Item9

Football Camp Road Duke of Waterloo Road Edinburgh Centre for Award Duke of Gardens Edinburgh Hartley Road Christ The King Award /Blundell Drive High School Gardens Stamford Rd Floral Gardens Southport PR8 4EX Common Birkdale Centre for Common Duke of Edinburgh Award

Agenda Item9

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

Southport Rugby Club Community Sesssions Waterloo Road,

Page 42 Hillside, Southport, PR8 4QW Wednesday

AINSDALE 1453 Street Games Green Boys Brigade Scouts Ainsdale Ainsdale 9th Southport 1st Division Recreational Village Green Methodist HQ Pinfold Centre (the old Church Lane Ainsdale Bods Gym) Recreational Ainsdale PR8 Wednesday Ground Liverpool Road 6.30pm – 8.30pm Liverpool Road Ainsdale Sandbrook PR8 3NQ Road Boys Brigade

14 th Southport Playground St Johns Parish Pinfold Lane Hall

629 Liverpool

Road Ainsdale Southport PR8 3N

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

WOODVALE Youth Club Woodvale Community Police Centre Meadow Lane Boxing Club Woodvale PR8 3RS Woodvale Community Centre Centre for Duke of

Page 43 Meadow Lane Edinburgh Award Woodvale PR8 3RS

3131 HARRINGTON 1659 1472

FORMBY Agenda Item9 Formby High Free & Active Parks Air Cadets Scouts Range High SWIMMING POOL Rd Football Camp Dukes Street RAF Woodvale Holy Trinity Stapleton Road Formb y Pool & Gym Formby L37 3HW Formby Park Formby L37 Church Formby L37 2YN Elbow Lane Football Club Redgate Park 7AD Rosemary Formby L37 4AB Altcar Road Smithy Green Lane Formby Army Cadet Centre for Centre for Duke of Formby L37 8DL Park L37 Formby Guild Duke of Edinburgh Award Free & Active Hall Edinburgh Playing Field Scouts Fencing Church Road Award Sefton Music Deansgate Our Lady's RC Raven Meols Formby L37 Centre King George V Formby Guild Community 3NG Formby Youth Centre Sefton Jazz Hall Centre Redgate Orchestra Recreational Church Road Friday Youth

Centre for Duke of Edinburgh Award

Agenda Item9

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Formby Redgate Formby Park Road L37 Ground Army Cadet Formby Formby Christian L37 4EW L37 3HG Cambridge Force L37 3NG Fellowship Road St. George’s 93 Church Rd, Free & Active Ravenmeols Centre Scouts Formby L37 3NB Formby Pool Lane Altcar Rifle The Scout Hut Elbow Lane Smithy Green Range L38 7JD Rosemary Friday Youth L37 4AB 13- 18 years old Lane Formby Formby Baptist Many activities L37 Church including: Page 44 1 Furness Avenue Athletics St. John’s Scouts Formby L37 3NP Climbing Walls Ambulance St. Lukes Tag Rugby Raven Meols Church Tuesday Youth Swimming Community Kirklake Road Group Centre Tennis Formby L37 Holy Trinity Taster Session: Park Road L37 Church and St. Tri Golf 3HG Scouts Lukes Church Swimming St. Peters Kirklake Road Church Hall Centre for Formby L37 Paradise Lane Duke of Formby L37 Our Lady of Edinburgh Compassion Award Scouts Youth Group United Formby Guild Reformed Hall Church Church Road

Church Road Formby L37 3NG Scouts Formby L37 ages 14+ Harrington Centre Dunes Drive Centre for Duke Formby L37 of Edinburgh

Award Youth Group/ Coffee Bar Dove’s Nest Formby Railway

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Station Kirklake Road Formby L37 2JF

Youth Theatre Formby Little Theatre Rosemary Lane Formby L37

Page 45

Agenda Item9

1902 HIGHTOWN, , THORNTON & 1902 3 HIGHTOWN & INCE BLUNDELL Parks Hightown Children’s Park

3 Population for the total number of young people aged 10-19 in Manor Ward

Agenda Item9

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

THORNTON & LUNT Detach Youth Work Parks Scouts Holy Family High Delivered from Holy Runnels Lane St. Fridewyde Virgin’s Lane Family School Park Water Street Thornton Thornton L23 L23 4UL Targeted Work 1TB Vulnerable Young

Page 46 Centre for Duke People of Edinburgh Award

Youth Group The Kings Church Drummond Road Thornton L23 9YP


4 This figure includes the total population for Church and Manor Ward

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

BLUNDELLSANDS Parks St. Michael’s Alexandra Park High Blundellsands St Michaels Road Park Crosby L23 7UL Hall Road Merrilocks Park Centre for Duke of Edinburgh Page 47 Award

Youth Choir St. Nicholas’ Church Bridge Road Blundellsands CROSBY Free & Active Parks Air Cadets Scouts St. Mary’s LEISURE CENTRE Crosby Crosby Leisure Coronation Cadet Hut Kilnyard Road College Private Leisure Centre Centre Park Manor Endbutt Lane Crosby L23 5UE School Mariners Road Mariners Road Park , Everest Road Crosby L23 6SX Scouts Crosby L23 6SX Moorside Park L23 0TT L23 5TW Scout Hut Agenda Item9 Activities All Saints include: Centre for Duke Forefield Lane Youth Club Athletics Gardens of Edinburgh Crosby Youth Centre Basket Ball Crosby L23 Adelaide Award 58 Coronation Road Climbing Wall Gardens Merchant Crosby L23 5QR Cricket Beach Lawn Taylors’ School Dodge Ball Crescent Scouts Boys & Girls Centre for Duke of Football Camp Gardens St. Luke’s Private Schools

Edinburgh Award Multi-Sport Marine Scout Hut Rounders Gardens Rotary Endbutt Lane Centre for Duke Soft Ball Gardens Crosby L23 of Edinburgh Swimming Seafront Awar d

Agenda Item9

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Tag Rugby Gardens Scouts Volleyball Methodist Crosby High Camps : Playing Fields Church Hall Special School Archery Camp Devilliers Estate Brompton Ave De Villiers Ju-Jitsu Playing Field Crosby L23 3BA Avenue Tennis Camp L23 2TH Taster Sessions: Boxercise Centre for Duke

Page 48 Dance of Edinburgh Health Award Promotion: Boot Camp Targeted Work Young People with Disabilities

Sacred Heart Catholic High Liverpool Road, Crosby, L23 5TF

Centre for Duke of Edinburgh

Blundellsands Archery Disabled Children’s Group Sacred Heart Catholic High Liverpool Road, Crosby, L23 5TF

Targeted Work Young People with Disabilities OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

WATERLOO Waterloo Detach Team Free & Active Gardens Police Cadets St. John’s Scouts Merseyside Sefton Voices South Sefton Detach Judo Potters Barn (16 -18) Ambulance Rear of Norma Accomodation Merseyside 3TC Workers Waterloo Judo Crosby Police Blundellsands Rd Waterloo Merseyside Centre (based in Linacre Mission Club Station Methodist (via Lyra Rd) Accomodation 16 Crosby Road

Page 49 Youth Club) Bath Street Parks Alexandra Road Church Mersey L22 Project Sefton North Thurs 7-9.30 p.m. Waterloo L22 Victoria Park Waterloo L22 road, Waterloo 16 Crosby Road Waterloo L22 ONY Scouts 5NZ 1RX L23 3AE St. Edmunds North Waterloo Taster Session: School Hall L22 ONY

Centre for Oxford Rd Targeted Work Duke of Waterloo L22 Vulnerable Edinburgh 8QF (homeless) Award Scouts Young People St Faiths Church Hall Milton Rd Waterloo L22

Scouts Agenda Item9 Waterloo United Free Church Crosby Rd North L22 4QQ

Agenda Item9

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

5032 , MELLING, & , & MELLING 1811, PARK 1537, 1684 AINTREE

Page 50 Sefton East Youth Club - 1811 Aintree Youth Centre Explorer Scout Harvest Oriel Drive Aintree L10 Old Roan Aintree Baptist 6NJ Methodist Church Long

Church, Lane Aintree L9 Centre for Duke of Aintree (LIVERPOOL) Edinburgh Award Youth Club – Junior & Senior Old Roan Methodist Church Altway L10

Youth Orchestra Old Roan Methodist Church Altway L10

Youth Club Holy Rosary Parish Hall Altway L10 2LG MELLING Melling Youth Club Parks Youth Club 12 Chestnut Walk Rainbow Park Melling Tithebarn Community & Melling L31 1LL Playing Fields Youth Centre

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Wheeler Drive Tithebarn Lane

Field Melling L31 1EE MAGHULL Street Games 5: Free & Active Parks Air Cadets Scouts St. Deyes High LEISURE CENTRE Glen Park, Deyes Lane Glen Park Moorhey Road James Church Deyes Lane - Currently Deyes Thursday 6.30pm – Swimming Pool (Parish Council) Maghull, L31 Green Lane Maghull L31 6DE Lane Swimming Pool 8.30pm Deyes High Maghull Old 5LF Maghull L31 Deyes High School Saturday 6.00pm – School Hall Site 8BW Deyes Lane Centre for 8.00pm Activities St. John’s Maghull L31 6DE Scouts & Duke of

Page 51 include: Open Space Ambulance - to be replaced by Sefton East Edinburgh Swimming Northway Maghull Town The Meadows Explorer Scout Award Football Camp Hall Hall Lane Public Open Unit Maricourt Multi-Sport Space Maghull L31 St. Andrew’s Catholic High Tennis 7BB Church Maghull Coffee Bar School Hall Lane Tag Rugby 22 Damfield Hall Lane L31 7BB Maghull L31 3DZ Dodge Ball Centre for Lane Maghull

Basket Ball Duke of L31 6DD Stafford Moreton Youth Rounders Edinburgh Centre for Scouts & Club Climbing Wall Award Duke of Explorer Scout Stafford Moreton Way Taster Session: Edinburgh Unit L31 2PJ Cheer Leading Award Street Cheer Rear of Agenda Item9 Free & Active Maghull Youth Group Centre for Duke of Methodist Amaze Maghull Aintree Golf Edinburgh Award Church Chapel Centre Liverpool Road 85Foxhouse Taster Session: North L31 2HP Lane, Maghull, Golf L31 Scouts

Northway Youth Group - County Rock Solid Primary School Maghull Baptist Dodds Lane Church Maghull L31 Hall Lane L31 9AA 3DY

Agenda Item9

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 LYDIATE Scouts & Sefton East Explorer Scout Unit Rear of Lydiate Parish Hall Southport Rd

Page 52 L31 5199 6 SEAFORTH, FORD & LITHERLAND CHURCH 1587, FORD 1851, LITHERLAND 1761 SEAFORTH Seaforth Detach Team SING Centre Parks Boys Brigade . (based in Linacre Cambridge Bowersdale 16 Mission Youth Club) Road Park Beaconsfield

Monday-Thursday Seaforth L21 Open Spaces Road, Seaforth 7.00pm - 9:30pm open access Seaforth L21 1DT provision Triangle

Playing Fields Chaffers Playing Field FORD Street Games Air Cadets Litherland Youth Centre Youth Club Stanley Estate Carr Meadow 41 Sefton Road Gorsey Lane The Backy, off Bark Hey, Ford L30 Litherland L21 9HD Youth Project and Daley Road, 2NZ 40-48 Carr Friday 6.30-8.30 Centre for Duke of Meadow Hey Centre for Edinburgh Award L30 2NZ Duke of Sefton Youth Inclusion Edinburgh Project Hornby Centre Award Sefton Estates

Targeted Work Vulnerable Young People

Centre for Duke of Edinburgh Award OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Sea Cadets 29 Field Lane, Litherland, L21 9LX

St. John Ambulance Marjorie McKay Centre

Page 53 Carr Meadow Hey L30 2NY

LITHERLAND Positive Futures Free & Active Parks Army Cadet Scouts LEISURE CENTRE Football Academy Litherland Scout Hut Litherland Sports Park Hatton Hill Park St. Phillips Litherland Sports Sports Park Kirkstone Park Church Hall Captains Lane Boundary Road. Park Litherland L21 7LA Boundary Litherland Church Road , Bootle L20 Wednesday Road. Sports Park Litherland L21 Scouts 3 sessions for Girls Litherland L21 Lonsdale Park 8NG St Elizabeth of only ,boys 12-14, 7LA Longfield Park Linacre Mission Youth Hungary RC

boys 15 - 18 Activities Melanear Park Boys Brigade Agenda Item9 Club Linacre Road Church Include: Linacre Litherland L21 8NS Pan Disability Webster St Athletics Playing Fields Methodist Football Academy Litherland, L21 Climbing Wall Brookvale Mission, Linacre Centre for Duke of - Litherland Sports 8JH Football Playing Fields Road, Edinburgh Award Park Multi- Sports Litherland St John’s Thursday ages 8-24 Roller Blading L21 8NS Ambulance Cadets Rounders Targeted Work Camps Centre for Goddard Hall Young People Summer Duke of 297 Knowsley with Disabilities Football Road L20 5DF Edinburgh Athletics Camp Sefton Rugby Award Cycling Camp Centre for Academy Duke of Edinburgh Award

Agenda Item9

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Litherland Sports Street Cheer Park Camp Tuesday Taster Sessions: Tri Golf

Page 54

3933 BOOTLE DERBY 1932, LINACRE 2001 BOOTLE Basket Ball Free & Active Borough Parks Youth Projects LEISURE CENTRE Army Cadet Scouts & Coaching Bootle Leisure Derby Park Police Ykids Bootle Leisure Centre Ash St. Baptist Venture Scout s St. George of Centre North Park St. John and St. Washington Parade Church YMCA Sports Washington South Park Police and James Bootle L20 5JJ Ash Street L20 Park Street Centre Parade Community Community 3HA Bootle L20 9AD Fernhill Road L20 5JJ Gardens Youth Centre Bootle Stadium Bootle L20 6AQ Activities Centenary Encouragement Boys Brigade Kirby Road Maguire Avenue include: Gardens Scheme (PAYES) Christ Church Bootle L20 6AR L20 9 Street Games Badminton Kings Gardens Bootle Police Youth and Leisure Facility Derby Park Dodge Ball Oxford Station Community Youth Group

Friday or Saturday Football Camp Gardens Marsh Lane Centre 8 Christ Church St. George of England Swimming St. Martyr L20 5HJ Oxford Rd Youth and Sports Centre Street Games: Multi-Sport Gardens Bootle, L20 Community Fernhill Road L20 6AQ North Park Cricket Targeted Work 9HW Centre Vulnerable Young People Centre for Duke of Edinburgh Award

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Leisure Facility Friday Tag Rugby 8 Oxford Rd 6.30pm – 8.30pm Basket Ball Parks Bootle L20 9HW Soft Ball Deepdale Park Media Training Community Athletics Hillside Park Young Men’s Football Session Group Rounders Menai Park North Park SPACE Climbing Wall Peel Road Friday 106 Marsh Lane L20 4JQ Camps: Poets Park Centre for 6.00 – 8.00 p.m. Rookie Duke of Edinburgh Youth Club Lifeguard Playing Fields 408 Project for Young Taster Sessions: Hawthorne Award Page 55 People Boxercise Road Field 408 Stanley Road Cheer Leading Marsh Lane Drama L20 5AB Street Cheer Estate Field Bootle YMCA

Tri Golf Stuart Road Park Street Youth Club L20 9AD Bootle YMCA It’s A Knock Playing Fields Park Street L20 9AD Youth Out Junior Youth Club Club Lazer Quest Queen’s Road Neighbourhood Centre Brunswick Youth Centre 40-42 Hertford Rd 104 Marsh Lane L20 4JQ Bootle, L20 7DH

Youth Club Young Person’s Agenda Item9 St . Leonards Church Hall Project 13-18 Peel Rd Bootle L20 4RW Queen’s Road Neighbourhood Centre Targeted Youth Support 40-42 Hertford Rd Service Bootle, L20 7DH 312-318 Stanley Road, Bootle L20 3ET Tuesday Targeted Youth Support &Thursday Club Vulnerable Young St. Joan of Arc People Presbytery Peel Road L20

Agenda Item9

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 4RW

Netball Brunswick Youth Centre 104 Marsh Lane L20 4JQ

Page 56

NETHERTON MANOR, NETHERTON & ORRELL 2050, ST. OSWALDS 1841 NETHERTON Street Games: Free & Active Gardens LEISURE CENTRE Army Cadet Scouts Youth Club Netherton Activity Netherton Marian Fire & Rescue Netherton Activity TA Centre Netherton Park Orrell Youth Centre Activity Centre Gardens Centre Pelham Drive Community Project Northfield Glovers Lane Glovers Lane Glovers Lane Bootle and L30 4XN Centre Chester Road, Bootle, L20 L30 3TL L30 3TL Greens Netherton L30 3TL Netherton Fire Ave Netherton 0AF

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Friday 6.00pm – Activities Netherton Station Army Cadet L30 9 Youth Club Youth Club 8.00pm include: Green Netherton L29 Cadet Hut SPARC Maritime Multi-Sports 1YB Browns Lane Scouts Orrell Mount Pavilion Christian Climbing Wall Parks Netherton L30 Netherton Orrell Road L20 6DX Ministries Taster Sessions: Abbeyfield Moss Primary Centre for Duke of Centre for 11 Worcester Boxersize Park Boys Brigade - School Edinburgh Award Duke of Road Bootle L20 Street Cheer Killen Green 6th Liverpool Swifts Lane Edinburgh 9AA Park St. Oswald's L303RU Youth Club Orrell Mount Beacon Project Church Office, Youth Room Gordon Youth Centre Park Bootle and Ronald Ross Page 57 Netherton Park Brecon Ave L30 1RQ Netherton Fire Avenue, L30 Pendle Park Community Pinfold Station 5RD Youth Club Centre, Chester Cottage Netherton L29 The Escape Ave Netherton Woodland Park 1YB Netherton Activity Centre L30 9 12 Week Glovers Lane Play Area Personal L30 3TL Acme Expressive Copy Lane Development Arts Wildlife and Programme Netherton Park Centre for Duke of Play Area 1 day per week Community Edinburgh Award Fernbank Play Centre, Chester Area Ave Netherton Parkdale Play L30 9 Area Agenda Item9

Sefton Amateur Playgrounds Boxing Club Ollery Green Targeted Work 1a Harrops Croft, Playground Vulnerable Netherton, L30

Young People 0PQ Playing Fields

Buckley Hill LIFE Project Gorsey Lane/ Morris Dancing Bootle and Edge Lane Marian’s Stars Netherton Fire Corner St. Oswald's Station Church Office, Netherton L29 Ronald Ross

Agenda Item9

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 1YB Avenue, L30 5RD

Targeted Work Vulnerable Young People

Prince’s Trust 12

Page 58 week programme for 16-18 year olds not in education, employment or training – delivered at TDA, Croxteth

Targeted Work Vulnerable Young People

1 to 1 School/Youth Club in put delivered at home or school or community community fire safety

Targeted Work


Young People

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

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Agenda Item9

Agenda Item9

SEFTON M.B.C. Page 60


MEMORANDUM FROM Deborah Edwards, Neighbourhood Engagement Co-ordinator– Neighbourhoods Division TO SEE DISTRIBUTION LIST BELOW Our Ref. ACA/LF Ext. 3488 Date 9 October 2009 Litherland and Ford Area Committee – 30 September 2009

Please find below a table indicating the action(s) required to be taken by various officers and I would be most grateful if you could implement the decision(s) of the Committee accordingly.

If you consider that the action does not fall within your remit, please contact me as soon as possible in order that the appropriate Officer can be alerted.

If you are requested to provide a written response to a Councillor or local resident, could you please supply me with a copy in order that I can report it to the members.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter and if you need any clarification please let me know.

As you know the deadline for reports to be with Olaf Hansen for the next Litherland and Ford Area Committee is 12 noon on 16 October 2009. Therefore, please can you provide me with appropriate responses to the action points and whether you will be in a position to do a report by 15 October 2009 at the latest.

Officer Minute Details/Summary of Action Required No. Dave Marrin 33 Additional parking surveys be carried out following the installation of parking restrictions on Field Lane and a further report be made to the 28 October meeting of the Committee.

Please ensure that the report is submitted by 12 noon 16 October 2009. Dave Marrin/ 40a Further to minute number 28(b) of the meeting held on 2 Steven Johnston September Mr G McNeight expressed his concern at the reply he Colin Taylor had received from Mr D Marrin, Traffic Services Manager regarding various parking and traffic issues around Marina Avenue, Sefton Street, and Hawthorne Road Litherland.

Please respond to Mr McNeight’s concerns as detailed in the attached public question. Deborah Edwards 42 (1) Work will begin on the dropped kerbstones in Richard Martin Road week commencing October 12 th 2009. Deborah Edwards 42 (2) (3) The Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to disseminate information to appropriate Officers regarding the Committee’s budgetary arrangements

The Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to advise Officers that the Committee’s budget is not a supplement Page 61 Agenda Item 10 Officer Minute Details/Summary of Action Required No. to work programme / departmental budgets;

The Neighbourhoods Division is informing SMBC Departments of the above, and is working towards a more formalised procedure.

A report is also going to Party Leaders and Area Committee Chairs regarding the Area Committee budgets. Deborah Edwards 42 (4) The Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to liaise with Finance and Information Services Director to ensure that information on the Council’s internet pages accurately reflect the procedures for the Committee’s budgetary administration.

Further update will be provided at the Area Committee Meeting.

Deborah Edwards Neighbourhood Engagement Co-ordinator

Distribution for Action Bill Millburn (For Information) Dave Marrin Steve Johnston Colin Taylor

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Page 64 Agenda Item 10 Planning & Economic Regeneration 4th Floor, Magdalen House 30 Trinity Road, Bootle, Merseyside, L20 3NJ

Mr G. McNeight Date: 15 th October 2009 Our Ref: TSU/TM/0010/CMT Your Ref:

Please contact: Mr Dave Marrin Contact Number: 0845 140 0845 Fax No: 0151 934 4234 e-mail [email protected]

Dear Mr McNeight,

Questions to Litherland & Ford Area Committee - September 2 nd and September 30 th 2009 Various parking & Traffic issues – Marina Avenue / Sefton Street / Hawthorne Road, Litherland

I refer to your question(s) addressed to the 2nd September meeting of the Litherland & Ford Area Committee on various traffic and parking issues in Marina Avenue, Sefton Street and Hawthorne Road, Litherland. I also refer to our response of the24th September and your further question to the Area Committee Meeting of the 30 th September.

I am sorry that you were dissatisfied with our response of the 24 th September. In it we were merely seeking your assistance to give us some additional information beyond that contained in your question of the 2 nd September, so that we could investigate and / or carry out some targetted enforcement action. It always much easier and a more efficient use of limited staff resources if we have an idea of when problems are at their worst.

I have now had the opportunity to check back through the minutes of the Area Committee for the past twelve months and can find no record of these matters having been raised before.

In view of the above I would be grateful if you could let us know in relation to your original questions:

Question 1 – In which roads the parking problems are occuring

Question 2 – Does the abuse of the disabled bays take place on particular days and at particular times, when is this at its worst.

With regard to Questions 3 & 4 we were merely informing you that Merseyside Police do not support the introduction of such bans without physical measures to make the banned turning manoeuvre impossible. We would agree with them that it is pointless to introduce such measures which would rely on enforcement and would be frequently ignored.

Andy Wallis Planning & Economic Regeneration Director

Minicom: 0151 934 4657 Page 65

Agenda Item 10 With regard to Question 5, we were again informing you that this is not something that Sefton MBC can enforce any enforcement action must be undertaken by the Police.

I look forward to hearing from you with responses to the queries raised on questions 1 & 2.

Yours sincerely,

Dave Marrin Traffic Services Manager

c.c. Olaf Hansen, Litherland & Ford Area Committee Clerk c.c. Deborah Edwards, Neighbourhood Engagement Co-ordinator

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