Public Document Pack LITHERLAND AND FORD AREA COMMITTEE Date: Wednesday 28th October, 2009 Time: 6.30 pm Venue: Goddard Hall, Stanley Road, Bootle AREA COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Ford Ward Litherland Ward Councillor Councillor Moncur (Chair), Labour D.Hardy (Vice-Chair), Labour Brady, Labour P.Hardy, Labour Cluskey, Labour Tweed, Labour Advisory Group Members Mrs. J. Burnhill Mrs. L. Cluskey Mr. J. Kelly Mr. G. McNeight Mr. M. J. O'Brien Mr. B. Walsh COMMITTEE OFFICER: Olaf Hansen Committee Clerk Telephone: 0151 934 2067 Fax: 0151 934 2034 E-mail: [email protected] If you have any special needs that may require arrangements to facilitate your attendance at this meeting, please contact the Committee Officer named above, who will endeavour to assist. A G E N D A 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct. 3. Minutes (Pages 5 - 8) Minutes of the meeting held on 30 September, 2009. 4. Open Forum Members of the public are invited to ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues which are relevant to Sefton Council. The person asking a question will be allowed one supplementary question. (If a response to a question is required which cannot be provided at the meeting or if the question is not reached within the 45 minute period, the Chair will either refer the matter to the appropriate Service Department for a written answer or to the appropriate Cabinet Member for further consideration). Part “A” These items are for general discussion. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion). 5. Police Issues Part “B” These are formal decisions to be taken by Members of the Council. Only in exceptional cases will the Chair allow contributions from the public (Advisory Group Members may speak but not vote). 6. Proposed Disabled Persons Parking Places (Pages 9 - 14) Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director 7. Budget Monitoring (Pages 15 - 20) Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director 8. Progress and Action on Planning (S106) Agreements (Pages 21 - 26) Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director 9. Overview of Youth Provision Across Sefton (Pages 27 - 60) Minute of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services) and report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services 10. Correspondence Relating to Previous Agenda Items (Pages 61 - 66) The attached correspondence is for information only. 11. Date of next meeting 6 January, 2010 In accordance with the agreed programme of meetings for this Area Committee, the next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 6 January, 2010 at Cathy Roberts Memorial Hall, Osbourne Road, Litherland commencing at 18:30. This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 THE “CALL IN” PERIOD FOR THIS SET OF MINUTES ENDS AT 12 NOON ON TUESDAY 13 OCTOBER, 2009. LITHERLAND AND FORD AREA COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT THE CATHY ROBERTS MEMORIAL HALL, OSBORNE ROAD, LITHERLAND ON WEDNESDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2009 PRESENT: Councillor Moncur (in the Chair) Councillors D.Hardy, Brady, Cluskey, P.Hardy and Tweed Local Advisory Group Members: Mrs.J.Burnhill, Mr.J.Kelly, Mr.M.J.O'Brien and Mr.B.Walsh 37. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Advisory Group Members Mrs.Cluskey and Mr.McNeight. 38. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest were received. 39. MINUTES RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 September 2009 be confirmed as a correct record. 40. OPEN FORUM During the Open Forum the following question / comment was submitted: (a) Further to Minute No.28(b) of the meeting held on 2 September, Mr.G.McNeight expressed his concern at the reply he had received from Mr.D.Marrin, Traffic Services Manager regarding various parking and traffic issues around Marina Avenue, Sefton Street and Hawthorne Road Litherland. RESOLVED: That the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to respond to Mr.McNeight’s comments. Page20 5 Agenda Item 3 LITHERLAND AND FORD AREA COMMITTEE- WEDNESDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2009 41. POLICE ISSUES No representative of Merseyside Police attended the meeting. 42. PROPOSED INTRODUCTION OF DROPPED KERBS - RICHARD MARTIN ROAD, LITHERLAND Further to Minute No.28(a) of the meeting held on 2 September 2009, the Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director, which sought approval for the provision of two dropped kerbs to be located on the footway at Richard Martin Road, Litherland. The proposed dropped kerbs would enable disabled residents to travel safely into Litherland town centre. Attached as an annexe to the report was map that detailed the locations where the proposed dropped kerbs would to be installed. Members expressed their concern at the way this request / application had been handled: Residents had been given poor advice and instruction by Officers, which had caused confusion and delay; the protocols and procedures, established through the Neighbourhoods Team, had not been followed; Officers had wrongly advised residents to approach the Committee to fund footway improvements, the Committee stressed that its remit did not extend to supplementing highway improvement programmes; the report did not contain sufficient detail to enable the Committee to make an truly informed decision; and furthermore, there did not appear to be any clear identified criteria or coordinated strategy for installing dropped kerbs across the borough. A Councillor also commented that he had sought advice and clarification from the Legal Director on the types of projects/developments the Committee could fund, but he had not received an answer to his query. Notwithstanding the aforementioned concerns Councillors agreed that Richard Martin Road, Litherland should have dropped kerbs and on this occasion the Committee would make a contribution of £1,000 towards their installation. However the Committee emphasised, in the strongest possible terms, this did not set a precedent for future budget allocations. All future budgetary requests must follow the due process and procedure, which was administered through the Neighbourhoods Team. RESOLVED: That (1) an allocation of £1,000 be made from the Ford Ward budget for the installation of two dropped kerbs located at Richard Martin Road, Litherland; (2) the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to disseminate information to appropriate Officers regarding the Committee’s budgetary arrangements; Page21 6 Agenda Item 3 LITHERLAND AND FORD AREA COMMITTEE- WEDNESDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2009 (3) the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to advise Officers that the Committee’s budget is not a supplement to work programme / departmental budgets; (4) the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to liaise with Finance and Information Services Director to ensure that information on the Council’s internet pages accurately reflect the procedures for the Committee’s budgetary administration; (5) the concerns of the Committee be forwarded to the Legal Director for inclusion on the agenda of the next Joint Meeting of Party Leaders and Area Committee Chairs, scheduled for 5 November, 2009. 43. BUDGET MONITORING Further to Minute No.34 of the meeting held on 2 September 2009, the Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director that provided information on available resources for the Area Committee area and progress on those items approved at previous meetings. Miss D.Edwards, Neighbourhood Team, informed the Committee that since the publication of the agenda, it had emerged that some streets required additional street name plates. Consequently Ford Ward would be requested to contribute an additional £280 and Litherland Ward would be requested to contribute an additional £385 to the initial request for £1,000 detailed within the report . RESOLVED: That (1) the current financial position and progress to date on items previously agreed within the report be noted; and (2) an allocation of £1,280 be made for Street Signs from the Ford Ward allocation; and (3) an allocation of £1,385 be made for Street Signs from the Ford Ward allocation. 44. PROGRESS REPORT The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director that set the comments of the appropriate Officers on matters raised at previous meetings. RESOLVED: That the Progress Report be noted. Page22 7 Agenda Item 3 LITHERLAND AND FORD AREA COMMITTEE- WEDNESDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2009 45. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 28 OCTOBER, 2009 RESOLVED: That in accordance with the agreed programme of meetings for this Area Committee, the next meeting would be held on Wednesday 28 October 2009, commencing at 18:30 at Goddard Hall, Stanley Road, Litherland. Page23 8 Agenda Item 6 Meeting: LITHERLAND AND FORD AREA COMMITTEE Date of Meeting : 28 OCTOBER, 2009 Title of Report: PROPOSED DISABLED PERSONS PARKING PLACES Report of : This report contains Yes No Andy Wallis Director of Planning & Economic Regeneration CONFIDENTIAL √ Information/ Contact Officer : EXEMPT information by virtue of paragraph(s)............of Part 1 of Peter McCabe Schedule 12A to the Local √ (Telephone No.) 0151 934 4538 Government Act, 1972 (If information is marked exempt, the Public Interest Test must be applied and favour the exclusion of the information from the press and public). Is the decision on this report DELEGATED ? Purpose of Report To seek approval for the progression of Traffic Regulation Orders, the effect of which will provide disabled residents with a parking place directly outside their place of residency. Recommendation(s) It is recommended that: - (i) The Traffic Regulation Orders, as set out on the plans in Annex A, and as detailed in the report, be approved; (ii) The necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council's intention to implement the Order, be approved.
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