Bumps in the Night!!!! October 2012 Issue Inside This Issue Happy !!!!!! Paranormal “U” Famous Haunts TnT Paranormal Happenings Tools of the Trade

Ask TnT Paranormal October is finally here!!! Can we get a woot, woot! Not only is October our favorite, but it is also our busiest month of the year. Halloween comes this month and so do a lot of Paranormal or Not? interesting events, investigations, etc. for us. Paranormal Fiction We are in the middle of the 2012 Fall Library Series. We will be at the following libraries in Ghostly Believe it… the upcoming weeks: Carol Stream, Franklin Park, Lockport, New Lenox, Oak Brook, Steger, and Three Rivers. We hope to see you there!

Upcoming Events On September 22nd we presented at the IL Paranormal Conference in Rockford on the subject of Provoking vs Trigger Objects. The event was a huge success. We met a lot of At TnT Paranormal great people and learned about the paranormal. Can’t wait for next years conference. Investigators LLC our primary mission is to help the client with their paranormal Additionally, this past month we have received a lot of case requests as well. We are concerns. We research the starting to book up into January now. This is exciting news for us. background of the property, gather data during an onsite The “Investigate with TnT Paranormal” event in Alton, IL (see page 5 ) is approaching quickly investigation, review that data (10/20) and is filling up fast. This is a perfect event for the novice paranormal investigator to determine if any paranormal who wants to be able to investigate but may not have the means to do it otherwise. Are you evidence was captured, and provide the client with a report brave enough to come along with us and see if Milton School is haunted? of our findings. We also use this time to educate our clients We have a lot of interesting articles in this months issue from Sleep Disorders to Pythian on the paranormal field and Castle to Data Loggers to Language of the Dead to Part II of “The Twist” paranormal story. If helping to ease their fears. you are a budding author, or even an experienced one and would love to have your article in

our newsletter, please let us know. We would love to assist you

with your paranormal needs. If you would like to know more We are always on the lookout for new cases and places to investigate, so please keep us in about our services, ask us mind if you hear of anything. That’s all for this issue but not all, by any means, for us and questions, or to request an what we are up to. To learn more go to our website (www.tntparanormal.com), check us out investigation please go to on FaceBook (https://www.facebook.com/#!/home.php?sk=group_146712678732927&ap=1), www.tntparanormal.com. or Twitter (@TnTParanormal). www.tntparanormal.com We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! October 2012 Issue Paranormal “U”

Understanding Sleeping Disorders

By Melissa Tanner, TnT Paranormal Investigators LLC

Over the years we have heard a lot of reports from clients on experiences that occur while they are sleeping that appear to be paranormal in nature. These experiences range from being awakened by hearing, seeing, or feeling someone in their room to feeling like someone is holding them down to a sensation of being touched to having something sit on the bed next to them. These experiences are very real to them as they occur. They can remember every detail of the experience. Sometimes these experiences happen over and over again and sometimes just the one time.

Some of these experiences may very well be paranormal in nature and would need an investigation to determine. However, another thing to consider is if these experiences are related to a sleeping disorder, or dyssomnia. Before jumping to the “boogie man” see if what you or your client is experiencing sounds like something described below. If from this information it appears a sleeping disorder is being experienced, seek assistance from a trained medical professional for a full and accurate diagnosis.

Some of the more common Sleeping Disorders are:

Hypnagogic Hallucinations A hypnagogic hallucination happens when a person is falling asleep. These dreamlike hallucinations can be heard, seen, felt, or all of the above. It is one of the four main symptoms of narcolepsy. These hallucinations can be associated with drug use, sleep deprivation, psychosis, neurological disorders, and delirium tremens (DTs).

Hypnopompic State/Hallucinations The opposite of an hypnagogic hallucination is an hypnopompic hallucination. This is an hallucination which occurs as the person is waking up. Since this occurs in the transition between being asleep and being awake the person will feel awake in their mind but be paralyzed in their body. Much like the hypnagogic hallucination the person can have sensations of hearing, seeing, and feeling things that are not there. A very common report is a feeling of falling, not being able to breathe, and/or seeing a frightening figure over them. These hallucinations happen in higher occurrence with people that work the night shift and/or people that are sleep deprived.

Narcolepsy Narcolepsy is when a person has excessive sleepiness and/or falls asleep, known as attacks, at inappropriate times. These people often experience disturbed nighttime sleep and an abnormal daytime sleep pattern. Narcolepsy is often confused with insomnia. Narcoleptics generally experience the REM stage of sleep within the first 5 minutes; whereas most people do not experience REM sleep until an hour or so later. Narcolepsy is a neurological sleep disorder and is not caused by mental illness or psychological problems. With Narcolepsy people can experience a sudden loss of muscle tone, known as Cataplexy, that leads to feelings of weakness and a loss of voluntary muscle control.

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Continued from Page 2

Understanding Sleeping Disorders

Insomnia Insomnia is when a person has difficulty falling asleep and/or maintaining sleep. This lack of sleep can impair daytime functions. Insomnia is very common and occurs in about 30 to 50% of the general population. Some of the common causes of insomnia are: jet lag, shift work, stressful life situations, drug or alcohol use, drug or alcohol withdrawal, cigarette smoking, caffeine intake, and certain medications. There are also other medical and psychiatric conditions that can cause Insomnia such as: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure, obesity, acid reflux, hyperthyroidism, urinary problems, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's disease, dementia, depression, psychosis, mania, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), menopause, pregnancy, and fever.

Parasomnia Parasomnias refers to a category of sleep disorders that involve movements, behaviors, emotions, perceptions, and dreams that are abnormal. The exception to this is sleep apnea. Parasomnia can occur in all sleeping states from falling asleep to actual sleep to between sleep stages to during arousal from sleep. Some examples of Parasomnias are sleep-related eating disorder, sleepwalking, night terrors, sleep paralysis, and sleep aggression.

Sleep Paralysis, aka Old Hag Syndrome Sleep paralysis is caused when our mind comes awake before our body does leaving our limbs and body paralyzed. Sleep paralysis is thought to be a result of a disruption in Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, where we normally have complete muscle weakness (atonia) that keeps us from acting out their dreams. This disruption occurs before the natural muscle weakness effect wears off, thus causing the person to feel held down by something and/or being completely paralyzed. Sleep paralysis is a temporary state and can happen when the person is either falling into and/or waking up from sleep. This is a similar experience that can occur when an arm or leg goes "to sleep", but the person will not have the associated numbness. Sufferers from this disorder have frequently reported have terrifying visions of someone in the room, in which they can’t react because of being paralyzed. Sleep paralysis has been linked to other health issues such as narcolepsy, migraines, anxiety disorders, and obstructive sleep apnea, but can occur by itself. Most symptoms are suffocations, hallucinations, and under-functioning of body parts. In severe cases it can lead to heart attack. In the paranormal field this phenomena is known as “Old Hag Syndrome”.

Additional information: Hypnagogic Hallucinations http://sleepdisorders.about.com/od/glossary/g/Hypnagogic.htm http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=10482 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallucination http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Hypnagogic+hallucinations

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Continued from Page 3

Understanding Sleeping Disorders

Additional information (continued): Hypnopompic State/Hallucinations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnopompia http://www.sleep.com/content/hypnopompic-hallucinations

Narcolepsy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcolepsy http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/narcolepsy/detail_narcolepsy.htm

Insomnia http://www.emedicinehealth.com/insomnia/article_em.htm http://www.medicinenet.com/insomnia/article.htm

Parasomnia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasomnia http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/guide/parasomnias http://www.sleepfoundation.org/article/ask-the-expert/sleep-and-parasomnias

Sleep Paralysis, aka Old Hag Syndrome http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/guide/sleep-paralysis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis http://sleepparalysissymptoms.com/

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REM_atonia#Physiology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REM_atonia http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/excessive-sleepiness-10/sleep-101

Atonia http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2579974/ http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=9811 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/atonia http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Atonia www.tntparanormal.com 4 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! October 2012 Issue Is Milton School Haunted??? You be the judge!

Join us for a night of hunting….if you dare!

Hosted by TnT Paranormal Investigators LLC

We are pleased to announce an Investigate with TnT Paranormal Event at Milton School in Alton, IL on Saturday, October 20th.

Information from the Milton School site: http://www.vivantproject.com/events/ Information for our site: http://www.tntparanormal.com/events.htm#881584471

When: October 20th at 8:30PM to ??? (times subject to change)

Where: Milton School, Alton, IL

Cost: $50 per person Hurry space is limited!!!

To Sign-up: Go to http://www.vivantproject.com/events/

If you have questions please contact TnT Paranormal Investigators LLC ([email protected]). www.tntparanormal.com 5 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! October 2012 Issue Famous Haunts

Pythian Castle (in Springfield, MO)

Website: www.pythiancastle.com

Pythian Castle, formally known as Pythian Home of Missouri, is located in Springfield, MO and was built in 1913. This beautiful, 39,000 square feet, limestone structure was built by the Knights of Pythian for use as orphanage and elderly home for its members and their families. During this time, silent movies would be shown and open to the public for the small price of 5 cents. The castle was also known for its dances, where the young ladies would come and meet their future husbands.

During World War II, the US military acquired Pythian Castle by "Order of Immediate Possession“ to use the property as a part of O'Reilly General Hospital . The US miltary used the location as administrative offices and service club for injured World War II vets. The castle’s theater stage was host to USO performers such as Bob Hope and Groucho Marx. Complete with an interrogation room and small cells the castle was also used to house German and Italian prisoners of war (POWs).

The US military owned Pythian Castle property until 1993, when most of it sold as surplus. The property was sold for $4,000.

In 2003, Pythian Castle was slotted for demolition but was saved from its fate when purchased by professional swing dancer, Tamara Finocchiaro. After years of renovation, Tamara and her mother M.J. Page enjoyed living in the castle hosting history tours, dinner shows, murder mystery dinners, ghost tale tours and overnight paranormal investigations. The castle is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

According to Paranormal Task Force and Ozark Paranormal Society, Pythian Castle has been deemed haunted. Claims of paranormal activity include things being moved, light anomalies, voices of both men and women being heard, hot and cold spots, doors closing when no one is in the vicinity and apparitions appearing in photographs. This location was featured on Discover Channels’ and part of a Sci-Fi miniseries, Children of the Grave. The castle has also been written about in books such as Missouri's Haunted Route 66 by Janice Tremeear and "Haunted Missouri: A Ghostly Guide to Missouri's Most Spirited Spot by Jason Offutt.

If you ever find yourself visiting Springfield, MO and looking for something to do, why not take a Ghost Tales Tour or perhaps and overnight investigation at Pythian Castle? For more information on this location, tour times and other fun events, check out their website www.pythiancastle.com.

To learn more about the Order of the Knights of Pythian go to: http://pythias.org/.

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Ghostly Believe it or Not

Haunted Provincetown, MA

By Melissa Tanner, TnT Paranormal Investigators LLC

In August of this year I went on vacation with my spouse to a little town on Cape Cod called Provincetown, MA. Provincetown was founded on Nov. 21, 1620 by the Pilgrims on their pilgrimage to America. Most people are told that Plymouth is where the Mayflower and the Pilgrims first landed but that is not true. The Pilgrims first landed in Provincetown but found that water was scarce and the farming conditions were not good due to all the sand. So after two weeks they reboarded the Mayflower and headed west to Plymouth. The Mayflower Compact was signed in Provincetown.

Provincetown first started as a small fishing village and operated that way for years. Then in the early 1900’s artists began to flock to the small village. Now the village is based on tourism and all that entails. The village has roughly 3000 locals but in the tourist season the population will bulge to 50 or 60 thousand.

While on this vacation we decided to take a local ghost tour and “see the sights”. The tour started at the center of town at promptly 9pm. Our host, Angela, led us by lantern light through the streets of Provincetown and told us of the local ghost stories and history. Our first stop on the tour was at the Provincetown Public Library which is home of a ¾ size replica of the schooner, Rose Dorethea, as well as the 1907 Lipton cup that she won. It is rumored that the library is also the home of the captain of the Rose Dorethea. There have been sightings of him at the library, as well as odd experiences such as all of the clocks laying on the floor when the librarians come to work in the morning.

The next stop on the tour was at a local inn called Carpe Diem. Guests that stay at this inn report seeing shadows, hearing footsteps, and having doors slammed in their faces. The tour guide reported that on several occasions people will take photos of her at this location and get the figure of a tall older woman standing right behind her.

The tour then took us to the local cemetery area of town that is home to 4 cemeteries. We were able to walk around amongst the stones and take photos and see if we could sense any spirits. The cemetery houses residents by the last name of Kemp, Cook, and Sparrow. There are even two captains with famous names buried there, Capt. Cook and Capt. Sparrow, but I’m sure they are not the famous ones we know. The interesting thing was that this was a very hot summer night and no breeze. However, when I was near the Capt. Cook tombstone I got goosebumps on my left leg…could this have been the ghost of Capt. Cook trying to communicate with me?

From the cemetery we wound around through the streets until we reached the base of the Pilgrim Monument where there is a white park bench sitting all alone. It is rumored that a local elderly woman, who was hit and killed by a rail car, is still sitting on this bench. Several people have reported taking pictures of the bench and finding her sitting on the bench waiting for someone to sit and talk to her.

The next stop on the tour took us to the location for the Mayflower Compact Memorial. At this site we learned of the William Bradford who lived in Provincetown and came to America on the Mayflower. Bradford’s first wife, Dorothy, died by falling overboard the ship…but is that true? It

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Ghostly Believe it or Not

Continued from Page 8

Haunted Provincetown

was rumored that she was having an affair with the captain of the ship, so maybe she was tossed overboard.

Several of the homes in this part of the village have been renovated which stirred up weird occurrences. One house was being converted to a bed and breakfast and needed to have its foundation repoured. During the prep tombstones were found and removed. After that, unusual occurrences started happening at the house. So much so the owners asked to have the bones returned to the original burial location. The activity stopped until a neighbor came by with the newspaper article that told the story of the long history of the location. The owner abandoned the project and sold the location.

From the monument we walked through the edge of the west end of town, passed shops, restaurants, and bars until we ended up at the Lancey Mansion. This was a house that Mr. Lancey built for his mother to resemble the browns, a house his mother grew up in. When his mother passed away, Mr. Lancey started acting bizarre and doing bizarre things, such as walking naked through town. It was at this location

that we saw several shadows while taking pictures in the alley across the street from the house. These shadows did not appear to be cast from any living person on the tour.

We ended the tour at the MacMillian Wharf and learned of a local legend of a woman, Goody Hewlett , who fell in love with a pirate by the name of Black Sam. Black Sam also loved her and went on a voyage to find the world’s riches for her since she was very poor. On his way back from this voyage his ship wrecked and he died. It was later discovered that she was pregnant and was then shunned by her community. The baby died at birth and left her alone, poor, and heartbroken. It is rumored that people still see them in Wellfleet (the town next to Provincetown). The treasure that Black Sam was carrying is kept at the MacMillian Wharf.

On the tour we experienced some chills and shadows but nothing we can show as proof of . We did learn a lot about the village and the local history, both paranormal and normal. This is a great tour and I would highly recommend it to anyone vacationing on “the Cape”. Go to http://www.provincetownghosttours.com/ to learn more.

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TnT Paranormal will be at this attraction in person on 10/5, 10/13, and 10/28 (tentative)….are you brave enough to come see us? www.tntparanormal.com 10 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! October 2012 Issue

Tools of the Trade

Data Loggers

By Melissa Tanner, TnT Paranormal Investigators LLC

A data logger is a device that can measure data electronically and record it at certain increments of time. You can later upload it into a PC to evaluate the data captured/gathered. There are data loggers for all sorts of data. For the purposes of this article we will discuss the data loggers that document temperature and humidity.

For decades it has been believed that temperature changes can be linked paranormal activity. The theory is that as a spirit tries to manifest to show itself and/or communicate with the leaving that it takes the energy from the air around it, therefore causing a drop in temperature. We are not talking a degree or two, but rather a ten plus degree change. That is why thermometers are used during a paranormal investigation.

Additionally it is believed that humidity at the site of the temperature change may also be affected. Therefore some groups are starting to document both at the same time to see if they can find a pattern.

Placing a data logger in a spot at a location where temperature drops are reported will allow the investigator track temperature and humidity changes during an investigation. This data can be tracked across the same case and see if it correlates to other possibly paranormal activity at the location during the investigation. As well as can be compared to future cases to track patterns.

How a data logger works is that it takes a reading (temperature and humidity) from the air surrounding the device and records it in the devices internal memory. For our investigations we set the device to take a reading every 2 seconds. So every 2 seconds the device takes a reading from the air and records it. Then at the end of the night we upload the data into a PC and review it using software. This software will usually chart the data points and show drops or spikes in the data gathered.

For a data logger to be an effective tool for a paranormal investigator it must have the ability to take a reading every second. Some have a minimum reading time of every 10 seconds, but since things can change so quickly on an investigation a reading every one to two seconds would be more useful.

We at TnT Paranormal have a couple of different makes and models of data loggers that we use. We like the Hobo Data Loggers by Onset (http://www.onsetcomp.com/products/hobo-data- loggers?utm_source=adcenter&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=hobo%2520onset&utm_campaign=msn) best. A lot of it revolves around the software they have developed to display the data gathered. The others are great at gathering data, but the software that comes with the device does not have as good of a reporting tool therefore harder to interept the data gathered.

If you don’t have a data logger, try one out. We think you’ll find it a useful tool for all of your cases. www.tntparanormal.com 11 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! October 2012 Issue

From the Paranormal Store

I Hunt

"I Hunt Ghosts" is a very real look at the field of paranormal research and investigation. Willy Adkins, George Hawrylenko and Mark Schwabe of the Illinois Ghost Hunters take you on two investigations into the unknown.

Starring: Willy Adkins, George Hawrylenko

Directed by: Dan Wilcox

Runtime: 35 minutes

Release year: 2010

Studio: Spook Show Entertainment

My Season 2

Synopsis: "My Ghost Story" features true and astonishing first person stories of the paranormal, told by the people who lived through them - and actually caught them on tape. From moving furniture to dark apparitions to violent , these harrowing eyewitness accounts of the unexplainable are transformed into more than just tales with terrifying visual evidence.

Season year: 2011

Network: A&E Television Networks


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Greetings Illinois ghost enthusiasts, legend trippers, and paranormal investigators! trueillinoishaunts.com is looking for your local ghost stories and paranormal news. Ever wanted to be a reporter, highlighting the strange and unusual in your town? Come aboard and submit your stories. Articles about local legends, haunted houses, personal encounters with ghosts, investigations, UFO and Bigfoot sightings, and even paranormal events in Illinois are all welcome!

Feel free to submit:

1. Articles about your local haunted places (photos welcome) 2. Personal experiences (photos welcome) 3. Investigation summaries (photos welcome) 4. Videos 5. Information about upcoming events

With 28,000 to 32,000 visits a month, our website is well respected for its creativity and interesting approach to the genre. Have your work read by thousands of people throughout Illinois and all over the United States. Articles should be between 500 and 800 words, using embedded links for citations. Please send all article submissions to [email protected] – make sure to include your full name, hometown, and phone number. Only your name and story will be shared with our audience. Pen names are acceptable as well.

Whether you live in , or Galena, or Cairo, our fans are waiting to hear from you! So what are you waiting for? Submit your articles now!

- Michael Kleen, author of the Legends and Lore of Illinois, and Haunting Illinois: A Tourist's Guide to the Weird and Wild Places of the Prairie State

PS. If you have never been to trueillinoishaunts.com, I suggest you check it out. We have top 10 lists, ghostly games, creepy quotes, paranormal 101, interviews with authors and paranormal researchers, and much more!

www.tntparanormal.com 13 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! October 2012 Issue Paranormal Talk with Rev. Kathy Paranormal or Not?

The Language of the Dead

Contributed By Rev. Kathy Houck, Independent Paranormal Investigations Research Consultant

One of the most common tools in any paranormal investigation is the digital recorder. It can capture and record voices, unheard most times to the human ear. More than a handful of people have been intrigued by an EVP or electronic voice phenomenon in not just the voice, but in the way often times the dead seem to be speaking directly to us from the other side and answering our questions.

The popularity in investigating historic homes and buildings doesn’t end in our primarily English-speaking continental United States though. Researchers and paranormal enthusiasts around the world The picture above was taken by a team member during an are engaging spirits in conversation via digital recorder. Incredibly, investigation. many investigators on foreign soil are finding that the EVP sessions they are conducting for the most part uncover responses in the Answer will be provided in next month’s issue. investigators native tongue, not the language necessarily to have been spoken in the structure or the area the buildings are located. Answer from the previous issue:

The possibilities on the breaking of the language barrier after death are endless. Maybe a spirit gains the knowledge we are all seeking upon death, including the ability to communicate to us in any language they may choose. If this is true however, does this mean if we do capture a voice speaking in it’s own language it isn’t really interacting with us meaning it’s a residual type of haunting instead of an intelligent one?

Even more confusing are the growls and grumbles caught on recording. Are those noises really so ominous after all, or could it be that the energy a spirit requires to form speech is so great that the vibrato is someone attempting to but unable to yet form effective communication? We are light years away from truly understanding the boundaries of communicating with the beyond. The answers just may exist in our own ability to open our minds and leave our fears The picture above was taken by team member Melissa one night in behind. Some truths, we will only know once we ourselves pass her backyard. This is really two things: 1) light coming from the porch through the thin veil that separates our worlds. light and 2) smoke coming from a fire pit. This is NOT paranormal.

www.tntparanormal.com 14 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! October 2012 Issue

Happy Halloween ! ! !

From the Ghosts and Goblins at TnT Paranormal Investigators LLC

Upcoming Paranormal Events

Events in Rockford, IL: Not so local events: (http://www.hauntedrockford.com/events.html ) • October 7 – USS Salem, Quincy, MA, • Every Saturday in October - Haunted Bus Tours with the http://idealeventmanage.com/ Rockford Public Library • October 20 - Hill View Manor, New Castle, PA, • October 12 - Paranormal Tour of The Rockford Register Star http://idealeventmanage.com/

• October 14 - Paranormal Evening at Briggs Mansion Events are being added all the time. Good sites to watch are: • October 26 - Paranormal Evening at Lucerne's Restaurant http://idealeventmanage.com • October 28 - Paranormal Investigation of the Veterans http://www.beyondrealityevents.com Memorial Hall http://darknessradio.com/

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Paranormal Fiction

The Twist

Part II (Part III coming in November’s issue) By Susan Haynes

Mike and Lola took out their digital recorders as they all settled down, then they switched them on. “Time is 9:20 pm, date is July 21st, 2011, location is mineshaft at Brushy Junction.” Lola spoke into the recorder, then Mike said “Is there anyone here who wishes to communicate with us?” After a long pause, they all asked other questions. Hailey jumped and shrieked after about 7 minutes, causing them all to jump in alarm. “What the hell? Are you okay? What happened?” “Someone whispered in my ear, and said my name!” Hailey, trembling like a leaf, said. “Awesome, hopefully we got it on the digi!” Mike said excitedly. “Well, let’s move on, folks, time’s running out.” They all got their gear together and moved on down the shaft. The adrenaline level was at its highest level of the evening so far.

As they reached the last junction, Lola took a reading with her ghostmeter. The levels were very low, so they didn’t read anything into that. Mike asked Hailey if she felt alright, and she nodded in the affirmative. He smiled and turned to lead them back to the surface. As he did so, he felt a shove in the middle of his back and fell to the ground. “Mike, oh my God, are you okay?” Lola shrieked. Mike rolled over and revealed a bloody nose. “Been better” “Let’s get you up and hurry back up to the base. We have to pack your nose.” The group was gravely quiet on the trip back up. As they reached the base, Jerry stood in alarm. “What happened?” As they explained, Lola took some cotton from the medical kit and had Mike stuff it in his nose to absorb the blood. As there were no readings on the ghostmeter, they were puzzled about the incident. “ I know for a fact that I was shoved”, Mike declared, “Look at my back, it’s burning.” He pulled up his shirt and showed them. There were three long scratches across his mid-back, and a red hand print between his shoulder blades. “Whatever is down there is dangerous. Nobody is going back down, except me and that’s just to retrieve the digi we left”, Jerry said. As he spoke, the other group arrived at the meeting site. As the incident was explained, Jerry prepared to descend the shaft. “Jerry, no way are you going in alone,” Bob asserted, “I’ll go with you. We’re safer in pairs.” Bob and Jerry went down and returned within 5 minutes. Nothing further had occurred.

The team decided to break camp rather than chance further injuries. Tomorrow they would tackle the ghost town itself. They broke down the equipment and packed it away. Since they were so far away from town, they all had brought camping equipment and decided to follow Hailey back to her family’s trailer at her invitation. It seemed safer to camp there than at the mine site. Plus, there was a shower available. After the long sweaty day, a shower would be most welcome.

The next morning, after showers and breakfast, the team readied themselves to investigate the town. An air of excitement infected the team, including Hailey. She was attached to the team, almost as a mascot, and they were very welcoming. They piled into the vehicles and drove the short distance to the ghost town, which shimmered in the morning sun. Since there were only three buildings safe enough to go into, they quickly finished the setup, and were ready to go by 3 p.m. Hailey volunteered to go grab them lunch at the little diner out on the highway, twenty miles

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Paranormal Fiction

Continued from Page 16

The Twist – Part II away. Lola offered to accompany her, and after taking orders and collecting money, off they went. The team relaxed or explored the area within walking distance, carrying walkie-talkies for safety. Jerry went over some of the audio evidence while he was waiting, hoping to figure out what had happened to Mike the previous evening. For the first twelve minutes there was nothing, then all of a sudden he heard a voice. He looked around him, because the voice clearly said his name, first and last. Eyes wide in disbelief, he played the sound again. “Jesus, help me, is this for real?” he murmured. He called over the nearest team member to listen and confirm what he was hearing. He gave no clues, but simply played the segment for Bob. “Holy heck! Are you kidding me?” Bob shouted. “It said my name!” Jerry was surprised, naturally. “No, it said my name, Bob.” Bob shook his head. One after another, each team member present listened and confirmed that their name was on the recorder. This was outside anyone’s experience and knowledge. Jerry asked Bob to try to research the phenomena on the internet, if he could get on it from his phone, given the spotty reception in the desert. What a mind-blowing experience! Jerry continued to listen to the digital evidence, and heard only one thing more, immediately before Mike was physically assaulted. “GET OUT”.

Ask TnT Paranormal

The following question(s) was/were submitted by our readers, by our online subscribers, or at events.

What is Dybbuk?

A Dybbuk, pronounced [ dih – buk ], is a Hebrew word meaning to cling or adhere. The word first appeared in Jewish folklore around the 17th century to describe an evil or malevolent spirit that attaches to someone or possess them until it accomplishes whatever it needs to finish.

-- Frank, TnT Paranormal Investigators LLC Sneak Peek

In the next issue of Bumps in the Night!!!:

We have TnT Paranormal t-shirts. Place • Paranormal “U” - Debunking Tips

your order today at: • Famous Haunts – Joplin Spook Light http://www.tntparanormal.com/apps/webs • Tools of the Trade – Laser Pen/Grid tore/ www.tntparanormal.com 17 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! October 2012 Issue

Upcoming TnT Paranormal Investigator Spotlight Events Tom Dziekan • October 2, 6:30PM, Three Rivers Library, Minooka (102) Investigator • October 4, 7PM, Oak Brook Library (102) Tom was raised in Norridge, IL and currently resides in Joliet. He • October 5, 7–11PM, Dream Reaper Haunted Attraction, lives in a historic 120 year old Queen Anne home with his wife, Melrose Park, IL Jina, and their two children, Owen and Emma. He is an IT • October 5, 7–10PM, Basement of the Dead Haunted manager for a management consulting company and spends his Attraction, Aurora, IL free time boating, fishing, camping, gardening, home repairs, and • October 5, 7–11PM, Statesville Haunted Prison (Haunted cooking. He has had a long interest in the paranormal and has Attraction), Crest Hill, IL had a few of his own personal experiences in his residence. He • October 11, 7PM – Franklin Park Public Library (101) has a passion for the paranormal and hopes to help and educate • October 13, 7–11PM, Dream Reaper Haunted Attraction as many people as possible on the topic. • October 13, 7–9PM, Frightmare , Burbank, IL • October 13, 7–11PM, Statesville Haunted Prison (Haunted Attraction), Crest Hill, IL • October 16, 7PM, Carol Stream Library (102) • October 18, 7PM, Steger Library (101) • October 18, 7–9PM, Statesville Haunted Prison (Haunted Attraction), Crest Hill, IL AMT Counseling Management • October 20, TBD, Milton School, Alton, IL (Ghost Hunt with…) • October 25, 7PM, Lockport Library (101) Services • October 25, 7–9PM, Statesville Haunted Prison (Haunted Ages 2 through Adulthood Attraction), Crest Hill, IL Services offered ADHD Anger Management • October 28, 7–9PM, Dream Reaper Haunted Attraction Anxiety Asperger's Syndrome • October 30, 6:30PM, New Lenox (102) Autism Depression Domestic Violence Family • November 3, 10AM, Tinley Park (101) Grief and Loss Marriage PTSD Sexual Abuse We are adding new events all the time, so check the updated And much more list often. We hope to see you at an event in your area soon. Contact us: http://www.tntparanormal.com/events.htm 815 N. Larkin Ave Suite 104B Joliet, IL 60435 Phone: 815-730-8900 Email: [email protected] www.tntparanormal.com 18 We never charge a client for an investigation!