II Publications, Presentations
II Publications, Presentations 1. Refereed Publications Bachelet, E., et al. including Fukui, A.: 2012, A brown dwarf orbiting an M-dwarf: MOA 2009-BLG-411L, A&A, 547, A55. Abramowski, A., et al. including Kino, M., Nagai, H.: 2012, The Bachelet, E., et al. including Fukui, A.: 2012, MOA 2010-BLG- 2010 Very High Energy γ-Ray Flare and 10 Years of Multi- 477Lb: Constraining the Mass of a Microlensing Planet from wavelength Observations of M 87, ApJ, 746, 151. Microlensing Parallax, Orbital Motion, and Detection of Abu-Zayyad, T., et al. Including Oshima, A.: 2012, Search Blended Light, ApJ, 754, 73. for Anisotropy of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays with the Bae, H., Woo, J., Yagi, M., Yoon, S., Yoshida, M.: 2012, A Keck/ Telescope Array Experiment, ApJ, 757, 26. LRIS Spatially Resolved Spectroscopic Study of a LINER Abu-Zayyad, T., et al. Including Oshima, A.: 2012, The surface Galaxy SDSS J091628.05+420818.7, ApJ, 753, 10. detector array of the Telescope Array Experiment, Nucl. Bally, J., Walawender, J., Reipurth, B.: 2012, Deep Imaging Instrum. Meth. A, 689, 87-97. Surveys of Star-forming Clouds. V. New Herbig-Haro Shocks Ackermann, M., et al. including Fukui, A.: 2013, Multiwavelength and Giant Outflows in Taurus, AJ, 144, 143. Observations of GRB 110731A: GeV Emission from Onset to Bekki, K., Shigeyama, T., Tsujimoto, T.: 2013, Feedback effects of Afterglow, ApJ, 763, 71. aspherical supernova explosions on galaxies, MNRAS, 428, L31-L35. Adams, J. H., et al. including Inoue, N., Kajino, T., Mizumoto, Bekki, K., Tsujimoto, T.: 2012, Chemical Evolution of the Large Y., Takami, H., Watanabe, J.: 2013, An Evaluation of the Magellanic Cloud, ApJ, 761, 180.
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