VOLUME 7, NUMBER 1 Publisher ISASI (Frank Del Gandio, President) Editorial Advisor Air Safety Through Investigation Richard B. Stone Editorial Staff Susan Fager Esperison Martinez Design William A. Ford Proceedings of the ISASI Proceedings (ISSN 1562-8914) is published annually by the International 34th Annual ISASI 2003 PROCEEDINGS Society of Air Safety Investigators. Opin- ions expressed by authors are not neces- sarily endorsed or represent official ISASI position or policy. International Seminar Editorial Offices: 107 E. Holly Ave., Suite 11, Sterling, VA 20164-5405 USA. Tele- phone (703) 430-9668. Fax: (703) 450- 1745. E-mail address:
[email protected]. ‘From the Wright Brothers to Internet website: http://www.isasi.org Notice: The Proceedings of the ISASI 34th the Right Solutions— Annual International Seminar held in Washington, D.C., features presentations 100 Years of Identifying Safety on safety issues of interest to the aviation community. The papers are presented Deficiencies and Solutions’ herein in the original editorial content sup- plied by the authors. August 26–28, 2003 • Washington, D.C., USA Copyright © 2004—International Soci- ety of Air Safety Investigators, all rights reserved. Publication in any form is pro- hibited without permission. Permission to reprint is available upon application to the editorial offices. Publisher’s Editorial Profile: ISASI Proceed- ings is printed in the United States and pub- lished for professional air safety investiga- tors who are members of the International Society of Air Safety Investigators. Content emphasizes accident investigation findings, investigative techniques and experiences, and industry accident-prevention develop- ments in concert with the seminar theme “From the Wright Brothers to the Right Solutions—100 Years of Identifying Safety Deficiencies and Solutions.” Subscriptions: Active members in good standing and corporate members may ac- quire, on a no-fee basis, a copy of these Proceedings by downloading the material from the appropriate section of the ISASI website at www.isasi.org.