Island's beauty put on display Life's liquid ... Page 2 See story and pictures on page 27 ar1anas• MICRONESIA'S LEADING NEWSPAPER SINCE 1972

Vol. 16, No. 47 Friday, February 26, 1988 , MP 25¢ AG offers deal for police radios ,,~ Castro says nothing improper done By DAVID T. HUGHES, editor Such "innovative" approaches were " and Nick Legaspi, staff reporter suggested long ago by a judge who was Copyright 1988 also a friend and mentor. That judge said The Commonwealth's highest that he was sick of monetary fines, and law enforcement officer, Attor­ other methods should be found in lieu of ney General Alexandro C. Cas­ money-especially if the accused was not tro, has confirmed that he "dis­ financially able to pay it. cussed" perhaps "taking care" of Volunteers go over the top Aleiandro C. Castro over 80 felony charges leveled A months-long effort by the Commonwealth Health Center against a local man if that man anything to do with the arrange­ apparently. to obtain enough funds to buy a mammiograh machine to would "consider buying police ment But, in two separate interviews detect breast cancer has paid off. A $15,000 donation from radios for the Department of By "taking care of the charges with different reporters, Castro's Patricia Millard (2nd from left) to Susan Schwarz, president Public safety in lieu of a high administratively," as he told two . story was a little different. How­ of the association, along with other gifts presented last fine." But, the man's lawyers tole! local attorneys, they understood ever, he denies attempting to go a reporter that they woulcln 'thavc Castro mean not going to trial, Continuees beginning on page 18 week did the trick. See page 14 for details. Acting gov. Variety goes twice-weekly critical of Tuesday: Better service Marianas Variety News and Views will be cross­ Younis said the new Tuesday issue is "testing the employees' ~· ing a new frontier, Tuesday. The Commonwealth's market" for even further expansion down line. "If this most-read newspaper will begin publishing twicc­ Tuesday issue is accepted by the readers and the ad- wcckly editions. vertisers ...who knows what will happen in the next working time habits Publisher Abed Younis said that he felt "it is time few years ... perhaps our own daily for Saipan!." to prot,rrcss further. Many times important news Editor David Hughes and staff writer Nick Legaspi By Nick Legaspi happens on Friday, the weekend, or early in the said they are looking forward lo getting the news out Staff reporter week that needs to be presented to the Saipan and faster. "Sometimes the news gets a little stale between Acting Governor Pedro A. Tenorio issued a stem reminder Commonwealth community. Our new Tuesday when it happens and when it printed on Fridays," Fch.18 that government employees must come to work and leave edition will be able to keep our readers better in­ Hughes said. on time. formed, as well a~ provide more opportunities for He also indicated there was going to be a little "ad­ "The Government annually advertisers lo tell about their bargains." Continues on page 43 The government oscs th and other government we're developing. It doesn't mean we're gonna stop until things gel offices should do the same. better." "All department and activity heads arc requested to remind Tenorio said there should be enough water for everybody in Saipan, day and night. He blamed consumers for not fixing leaks in household timekeepers to maintain accurate rerorting records and arc urged water pipes, which he said is a major reason for the current water to redouble their efforts to insure that all personnel under their shortage."Thc culprits arc the consumers," he said. surervision rut in a full and productive eight-hour day," Tenorio He said many people arc still careless and without sense of conser­ said. vation. "If people today would fix their leaks we'll have 24 hours of Pedro A. Tenorio Continues on fNlf:<' 15 NEWSPAPEJi ' . Stealing is still ·11 '. I i . stealing .. I I i I ;rJHpB_ I I Especially from the taxpa_vers

LINE' Mercy, I have opened Pandora's Box. A flood of calls crune into the **************************** 234-7578 Gripeline this past week, and I am glad to see it! I hope it just keeps up I also had a discussion with a friend in the federal government last because it allows many of you to get some things off your collective week. He was angry with me about ~wo stories I had written (not about AFIERSP.M. chests - plus we get some good lineage out of it. him ... ) Admittedly, he was right on one criticism, but off-base on A good many of you *********** another. called the Gripeline this One of the things that really grates on my soul is the practice many He told me that when I quoted an auditor as saying that he "didn't week, and the topics bureaucrats have of using official government stationary • and worse - want to be quoted as saying the Commonwealth's books were sloppy", Time to act NOW ranged from water to traf­ postage, to send their personal message and thoughts. In plain terms it that I erred. fic tickets to poker ma­ is just plain petty theft from the people - the taxpayers. To set the record straight and hopefully to stay in his good graces, that More and more, the people of Saipan are becom­ chines. A case in point was a letter I received from an assistant attorney quote came from a question I asked the man. My question was: ''Would I ing fed up with the problems of no water. For > One anonymous caller general last week. Who it was is really unimportant. The letter was you say that the Commonwealth's books were sloppy?" I will admit that many, the daily and CONTINUING lack of water is ·. said he he appreciated the addressed to me personally, and was not for publication. I should have placed that in the story. I apologize to the auditor for the beginning to surpass the anxiety of wondering editor's feelings about It was in reply to an "accidental" electronic letter I had sent IO this omission. and worrying about power loss. This newspaper admitting mistakes on person. By "accidental", I mean that I wrote it, changed my mind and HOWEVER, I was also told that the editorial we wrote which story jumps. then pushed the wrong button sending it to him. I will admit I was angry included an "off-the-record" comment of a CNMI official, was also not now joins the que of worried and angry tax payers Names have a But by far the most about some things and how I perceived his attitude towards me, and the right. I will disagree. "Off-the-Record" has many connotations. That of the island who demand an answer - not prom­ gripes this week was rights of the press and people. But, I cooled down and decided the letter particular comment could not be linked to anyone and was "fair game." ises from their elected officials. significance, too about the rapidly deterio­ was pretty stupid. There was no "record" if no one can be linked to the action. Most of the residents of Saipan are at a loss as rating water supplies on The point is I used electronic - or basically "free" means to send the But, an OTR comment made to a reporter by a particular person that to why the building boom is allowed to increase at the island. So many of letter. I would have had no qualms about his reply if it had come back could easily be identified is another matter. Those type of comments are Northern . Notice the word the same way, but it did not It was composed, typed and mailed on an unchecked. - if not escalating - pace while the you called and made such sacred, like a client talking to a lawyer or a doctor and patient. "Northern". I wonder who gave us the desig­ impassioned pleas for Commonwealth stationery, letterhead, and envelopes. I have no knowl­ If I agree in advance with a person that an attributable comment will water av~ilability dwindles with each passing nation "Northern." Other than its directional I help, we devoted this edge of how the stamps were purchased, but I have my own ideas. be "off-the-record" that means it will be - period. But, if a comment is I day. Why are these huge new commercial and purpose, it really is insignificant at best Or is week's editorial to the I am no hypocrite, and I will also admit to using my own company's made and then AFIER it is uttered they say it is "off the record," then I I garment factory buildings being allowed to be there such a thing as Southern Mariana Is­ topic. (See page 2) envelopes and letterhead from time-to-time, butl always try to buy my that changes things. It's then up to me - not the person - how it's used. lands? I One resident own stamps. However, there is a difference here. I don't work for the Yes, it's all very complicated. I value all of my sources on the island built when there is already not enough water to go I have yet to figure out what the actual around? called and said that when taxpayers - this person does. I feel anyone in the public trust who takes and elsewhere. I have over 20 years in this business and have a good Chamorro name is for the Mariana Islands he first moved into the as much as a pencil and converts it to private use is a crook - plain and record overall. Sometimes there is a misunderstanding of what will be Greed, a lack of planning, and a complete and before the first Spanish boat arrived here in the r right at all. Mariana Islands could do in the area two years ago "we simple. "on the record." Usually it is a breakdown in communications. total lack of foresight and organization by this 1500s. We were named after a Queen of interim. Like I said earlier, other than its direc­ had about six hours water By the way ... in my electronic reply to his personal letter, I expressed ***************************** Commonwealth's government. That's why! Spain. I despise it in that a review of history tional purpose, you can't find a Southern Mari­ every day. But, in a pe­ my displeasure at his cavalier attitude towards public property. Conti.nues on page 43 i I It's obvious to even the most naive person the reveals that not one conqueror had ever shown ana Islands in that anything south of is riod of two years our or given our great great grandparents the re­ Guam. Sure, you can use the term southern only p~ace these new hotels, stores, factories and spect that they deserve. water in now only an Saipan, etc., but southern Mariana Islands?...:__ average of two hours per apartment houses can get water is from the al­ I ask every CNMI descent to begin discuss­ '> No such thing_ Think about it and let us gradu­ day." ready over-taxed pre-war water lines which are ing among yourse\ves what should be the ally restore the integrity of our people and Within the past six The Bottom Line already in place. These leaky, too small, and name of these islands by the year 1996-the islands. 20th anniversary of our Constitutional Gov­ months that situation has corroded I ifelines are like the hardened arteries of ***** now gotten worse, the ernment. Would Islas De Marianitas serve as I purchased. car from a local car dealer some­ By far, the most people responding to the question an .old person. One day too much pressure is caller safci "after a period a good n.ame? Again, it should help us build a time last y~ar. The Operator's Manual says that about poker machines last week, both by letter and going to be put on them, and that will just be all of stronger self-government by discussing and the air filter should be changed during its first of six months it has phone call, indicated they would not now vote to keep it - no more water and the island will dehydrate subsequently deciding what should be the check-up. I brought my auto there only to find dropped to one hour per Quarters help send one poker poker machines. No one offered any good reasons why name of these islands ;vhen we celebrate the out that there isn't any air-filter on stock. day - is there going to be the poker machines should be kept. while the politicians point fingers and try to place no more water over here? 20th anniversary of our Constitutional Gov­ I brought in my car for another check-up machine fan kids to college We thank all of those who took the time to answer the blame on others. "What can govern­ ernment several months later. The dealership has yet to Dear Editor: poll, and we encourage others to participate in this week's How many hours a day to YOU have water? doesn't sound ment do about it? poll. Many of the businesses and homes in areas-such Continues on page 15 Another caller said he I am against Senate Bill No. 6-37. "A Bill foran Act to Ban Poker Machines in the Commonwealth. The question was sugested by someone who lives in as San Vincente, Garapan, Capitol Hill, and others appreciated last week's San Vincente and noticed that when a new apartment ~--==3:::=====~.....,. is in the hospital and will be there for several more days. cartoon about the water On the contrary, the poker machine industry has been very kind are now beginning to count their water times in and generous to me and my family. The money that I receive from house was constructed which had a pump, their home I was infuriated at this incident! What has supply problems. "It lost water a lot sooner. MINUTES instead of hours. Some have taken self­ society come too? I could not understand a person applies to us very well. my lease has allowed me to afford sending my two children off defense measures by putting pressure pumps to coming inside a church and doing such a thing as this. For the last three years island for higher education. Without this added income, I don't suck the last bit of water out of the pipes before -_-_-_-_-_- But the thing that prompted this letter was the our water supply has got­ believe that I could offer my children this educational advantage. they are shut off. This robs their neighbors down­ -. ---- events that happened after the attack and attempted ten worse and worse. It The educational advantage that my children are receiving will be stream of any hope of water. ---·- rape. I went to the police station on Monday to see what used to be that we had brought back to the Commonwealth and will be reinvested in the _____ they were going to charge this local individual with, progress of our government or private sectors. We feel the time has come for the CNMI govern­ some in the morning and ··--· only to learn that he had been released already. I was some in the afternoon. During the fall and spring semesters the poker machine industry ment - specifically the Tenorio Administration - to ~.....,. told by one of the Detectives that all they could do was Now on most days we are has been kind and sympathetic to our needs in advancing lease do something about these water shortages as to book him and finger print him and then release him down to one hour of wa­ payments to take care of the above immediate extra education they promised they would when the elections on orders from the Attorney General's office. I thanked ter from 5-6 in the morn­ expenses. were held a few years ago. But the only way we the Detective and told him that I was talking to the wrong ing and that's it for the Ifthe poker machine industry were to discontinue and my present lease were no longer in effect, my two young adult children most can get a handle on the water shortages is to Pastor questions person, I needed to see the Attorney General. whole day. I went straight to the Attorney General's office to "The exception to that likely would have to return to Saipan without this education FIRST STOP BUILDING! advantage that they have grown to appreciate. Concludes on page 4 local "justice .. " inquire why th~ person would be released after beating comes on weekends for and trying to rape this lady. I was told that the incident what might seem to be The poker machine industry has truly been a blessing to me and Dear Editor: would be looked into and they would call me later in the unexplainable reasons. my family. Sunday, February 21, at 5:30 in the morn­ day. I received a call from the Attorney General's office ing a Korean lady arrived at Saipan Commu­ ~t Saturday here in about4:30 p.m. Monday. They assured me that they knew Garapan we had water - Sincerely, nity Church to pray, as she usually does. As nothing about the incident. They said a mistake had been she entered the church and began to pray with good pressure - all made by an inexperienced police officer and that the man day. I think it is no coinci­ ls/Regina Crisostomo Kluge someone from behind her placed a hand over would be picked up again and formerly charged, appear dence that (name de­ Lessor her mouth and a arm around her throat and before a judge, bail set and if bail could be met he would began to drag her out of the church. After leted) brother was mar­ be released again. ried on Saturday. ·It has struggling with the man, he hit her repeatedly I told the person calling that I understood that, but at Letters to the editor are welcome on any subject. They should be and continued to drag her toward some trees been our observation least he would be charged and have to post bail. The thing over the years that any­ legible and ORIGINAL. Letters with photocopied signatures are not beside KSAI radio station, where he tried to that really makes me wonder about the SYSTEM is that allowed. rape her. She was able to get free from him time anyone who is in flu- Fetl l't.. to we mor• papM2 6442 C>571"7185 Let them you you are con­ cerned about the future! Page 6 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS --FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1988 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS - Page 7 College expansion helps Commonwealth too Over 1,400 students were enrolled in classes at Northern

Marianas College during the fall, spring, and summer . : Carmen Safewav-Meitets~Y sessions. Students were majoring in Business and Public i ' i i 1 Administration, Computer Science, Construction Trades, ; I ·r I Nursing, Criminal Justice, Education, Liberal Arts, and . ' '! ..? .. &fYJ&fJ!JJ@(jJ'{J fJl!Jrtll fJYf2U&&3 !l . . . General Studies. Courses offered in these areas covered a ~ wide variety of subjects including principles of econom­ I FEB. 26 - MAR. 3, 1988 ics, small business management, hospitality management, I , computer operations and programming, basic carpentry, masonry, plumbing, and wiring, nursing processes, anat­ omy and physiology, teaching methods, Chamorro or­ thography, college algebra, trigonometry, biology, sociol­ methods of sewing, use of lsx:al food products, more "new" classrooms for the College. This repair and Green Shampoo ogy, psychology, geography, English grammar and com­ nutritious methods of cooking, child rearing and parent­ renovation is the first step in what the College hopes position, and various other courses. 22om1. ing, and other kinds of instruction to help interested will be the conversion of the old hospital into a usable 9 8C In April the College was designated as a Land Grant, homemakers help their own families live healthier, hap­ campus for the College. Institution. Shortly thereafter, the Land Grant program pier lives. With financial support and contributions from sev­ Close Up Green Rinse undertook agricultural research programs on and In the summer of last year the College began a federally eral local businesses and from some local families and Toothpaste Rota. On Tinian thirteen varieties of sweet potatoes were funded Cooperative Education program. While attending 220ml. with the hard work of our Construction Trades stu­ 98~ 2.7oz. grown using both dry-land and drip-irrigation methods. the College, twenty-three students also worked part-time dents, who built bookshelves, laid tiling, scrubbed On Rota the Land Grant program undertook a very suc­ in tourism related jobs at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, the floors and painted walls, the College turned three Gee Shampoo 1.39 cessful research project on growing head lettuce on the Saipan Beach Hotel, the Diamond Hotel, the Hafa Adai classrooms into the Olympio T. Borja Memorial Li­ savanna farming area. Knowledge g~ined from both Hotel, and at the Marianas Visitors Bureau. In subsequent 6oz. brary which now gives students a place to do quiet 1.3 9 projects was shared with fanners in the Commonwealth. years the Cooperative Education program will be extended study and research. The College's Land Grant program also established a into the fields of agriculture and education as well. In cooperation with San Jose University the North­ Home Economics extension program which has spon­ After supertyphoon Kim the Colle~e's Construction ern Marianas College this year instituted a Master's Gee Conditioner 1 3 9 sored several workshops and classes for homemakers in Trades students renovated the old outpatient rooms and program, for CNMI teachers, which has a strong 6oz. • sewing, use of local food productions, more nutritious Doctors' offices in Dr. Torres Hospital to create nine emphasis on teaching reading skills to children. Pangelinan will lI, 1.98 be key speaker

Gee Conditioner PSS - School year 1987-1988 Education Week Keynote Speak­ 12oz. • U.S. 1 98 Carnation69~ ers have been named. Tom Pangelinan, Hopwood Junior 1988 CAMRY Milk " High School principal, will be the ~ Aloe Lanolin 1 Keynote Speaker during the j Soap 3. 75 oz. ·;l l 49C Education Fair, which will be • Our reliable affordable family sedan held on April 17 at Hopwood. • Responsive 2.0-liter twin cam 16-valve engine ~ And Representative Moses • Plenty of room Aloe Lanolin Maxwell ! Fejeran, former San Vicente Ele­ Soap 4. 75 oz. 69C Instant mentary School principal, will be for 5 adults ~"1:'11!!~ Coffee the Keynote Speaker at the Edu­ ' Hormel Vienna cation Day, which will be held on 1 I Safeguard 50g. Sausage 5 oz. April 22 at the same school Soap.5 oz. 69C; (Hopwood). Oleai Elementary School Prin­ 1.59 69C 1.39 cipal Tom Saures, Chairman of Jergen Soap the Education Week Executive 4.75 oz. 39C Planning Committee, which is LAUNDRY GOODS BABY GOODS. coordinating the Education Week activities, said the commit­ tee selected the two keynote 69C Tide speakers based on the following Family Size criteria: 15.98 - They must have lived in the Coast Soap CNMI most of their lives. 5 oz. Pampers Large - They must have shown per­ 79C sonal and professional dedication 12 ct. 9.98 in improving the quality of edu­ Jergen Lotion cation of the CNMI people. 15 oz. 2A9 5.98 - They must not have been named as keynote speakers in any Liquid Tide of the past Education Weeks. Extra Jergen 3 64 oz. Education Week for this school Lotion 15 oz. • year has been proclaimed by 69 Governor Pedro P. Tenorio to be held during the Week of April 17- Kao Shampoo 5.98 12, 1988. Camry .1. Door Dclux~ Sedan• 9 Pampers Medium 450 ml. Guest speakers at the Educa­ 2 3 18 ct. • tion Fair will include Governor Tenorio and Commissioner of Kao Shampoo Education Henry I. Sablan. Edu­ Liquid Era 6.50 220ml. cation Day guest speakers will Plus 64 oz. 1.39 include the Governor and Chair­ Pairere No.1 Colgate man of the Board of Education Toothpaste Luis M. Limes. 9.4 oz. 5.98 2.98 TOYOTA ~''''"n l'otlh ur11onal equipment 1 1 ~ for shopping at CARMEN SAFEWAY-MEITETSU SHOPPING CENTER 00 MICROL CORPORATION :.:·:.r.:.•.i.[•. •.l.. 1 •...... ~where you'll always find the best s~rvice,saving,quality and variety 14,1.·.i:.;=.:.:.,.•. .• .. 1.. .•.• ;·,.·,: •. P.O.BOX 2G7. SAN JOSE, SAIPAN, MP 96950 PHONE: 234-5911, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 ::·::::::;:;:::;::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::;::::::: t.:..'.,·~·~.1.r, ~,9.i.:.~.,.::.' ,:.,r·:·i·s.r.:.:,·::•.·~·'·~'~.l i'.·.r.i.~.:.: :.·~,.r,·.~ •;~·.:.•1,.i.,.: , I

. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26 1988 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS - Pac 9 ~~~~~g~Wi){~~l~~~~.~~~~I~~ Quichocho reminds oca p otograp er DINANA' NA LISAYON KOMPLl'ANOS Your Best Looi< I PARA I GUIYAYON NA SAINAN-MAMI uses local people ' I delegation of bills i j I Beauty Check List .;- I Tinian, MP - Tinian Mayor Ignacio K. Quichocho recently sent the in his picture artistry ' members of the Tinian Legislative Delegation a letter reminding them by J. GARY BRINN NOXZEMA SKIN CARE AS again of a proposed legislation that he said he had forwarded for of Catholic Socia! Services introduction in the Commonwealth Legislature. Thomas J. Camacho is an artist with an eye on preserving the unique COVER GIRL FACE The mayor says he submitted last August 24, 1987, to each member of traditions of the islands. At 27, Camacho is already one of the COVER GIRL EYES the Tinian Delegation a draft agricultural homestead bill requesting their Commonwealth's leading photographers. assistance to have the measure introduce in the Fifth Legislature. Camacho says has The draft legislation proposes that public lands on Tinian that may be always loved art, and suitable for agricultural purposes, which are not required for governmen­ began painting in tal use or reserved for other purposes by any other provision of law, shall high school. His be designated by I.he MPLC for homesteading purposes. commitment to the VICENTE IGLESIAS (TINDIN) ROSA CEPEDA (GOYO) Mayor Quichocho says I.hat Marianas Public Land Corporation has a created image, as LEON LEON GUERRERO GUER~ERO constitutional mandate to make available some portion of the public well as his desire to lands for a homesteading program, which they concentrate mostly on preserve island cul­ Hami ni famagu'on i difunto yan difunta Vicente village homesteads which is fine, but he feels that legislation may be tures, led Camacho Iglesias yan Rosa Cepeda Leon Guerrero, needed to require the agency to designate agricµltural homesteads which to take up photogra­ konrespetu in kembibida todu parientes yan atungo' he says are equally important so that "our people may be given the phy. Recently certi­ para i mina'singko yan mina'dies na lisayon opportunity to develop the lands into agricultural production. fied as a professional kompli'anos i guiyayon na tata yan nanan-mami, Quichocho said he had written a letter again on January 20, 1988, to photographer, bihu yan bihan-mami gi Huebes, Febreru 25, 1988; the Tinian Delegation, forwarding a copy of the draft legislation, Camacho is pursuing requesting for their assistance in the introduction of the bill in order to advanced study in asta Bietnes, Matso 4, 1988. Para u matucha' i give "our people the opportunity to develop all the available lands .. the field through the Makers of Noxzema.• CO'Jer Girl" and Hasnlree• Ptoducls \ lisayu kada puenge gi oran alas 8:00, guatu gi gima' i I .approximately 190 hectares ...for agricultural homestead purposes." New York Institute DISTRIBUTORS:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-::-:~:--~- l lahen-niha yan yetnan-niha as Joe yan Alice Leon "I am hoping that the members of the Delegation will seriously of Photography. I Guerrero giya , Saipan. _I misan linahyan consider the importance of such a legislation to our people by ensuring Last years Flame MICRQNESIAN SALES CO., INC. ! its enactment by the Sixth Legislature without further delay," concluded Tree Arts Festival para i Sabalu, Matso 5, 1988, gi oran alas sais gi GUOMCfFICE SAPANCfFCE ~a=R:E pupuenge gi Gima' Yu'os San Jose ya u tinattiyi ni Mayor Quichocho. provided Camacho MJCRCNESV\N SAi.ESCO. iNC. MICACtJESWl SAL.ESCO. MICOCtESWol SALES with an excellent P.0.80X7'£!3 (SAIPAN)l"oJC. (~l"oJC. sena gi gima' Joe yan Alice Leon Guerrero. TAM.NING, GL..W.196911 P.0.80XZJ9CHRB P.0. 00X 270 opportunity to expose his work to the publi~. "I wanted to expose ~Y 64692011 C5 ellX6270MSCO SAJPANCM~ MUJRO M\RSHAU.S IS. 96950 FIV< 646~ TEL 332·9728 MAJJROlEL 3a58 Oleai names top students work as an artist in photography c;reauvely, and, Camacho added t?, FAX322-3714 MMJAOTEl..EX?:ro941 PSS -Oleai Elementary School's January Students of the Month show the community how photographs can preserve our cultural arts. have been named. They were chosen for this honor because they Camacho was the only photographer to participate in last years festival, had earned high academic honors, shown interest in school by t>nd shared some of his techniques with the public. maintaining good attendance, and demonstrated exemplary behav- Camacho's plans for this years festival include a ?isplay o~large ~ri~~s You were Now ior in I.he classroom. covering a broader area of his wo~k, a~d an on-site po:trait studi?. I would like to go to I.he Pacific Festival m August, especially as a visual Generator SALE! Front: Juan Ogumoro the life the First Row; (L·R) Reyne artist. With all the different cultures represented, I'll be able to share ours Justo, Sabrinl Satur, Jacob and bring back others." The South Pacific Fes~v~l of Arts is he!~ every party's Taisacan, Elizabeth DLGuer­ four years, and will be in Townsville, Austral.tam .August of ~1s year. of the DAEWOO GENERATORS FOR YOUR BUSINESS rero, Marcus Taisacan. Camacho's long term goals include expandmg his commercial work, Second Row: (L·R) Joe Ra­ ·, ~. party. i I bauliman, JoAnn Aldan, Vivian over. and continuing to photograph the local culture. "I encourage amateurs to I. Pua, Kathrlna Weong, Norman 75 KVA ...... $15, 195 Raslang, Luna Litulumar, Tar­ shoot cuitural activities. It has a very rewarding outcome. Many of the lne Chipwelong. old photographs are going or are gone - what will be left?" . · . ..------~-....~~~~~~------, Camacho will be displaying with other visual and performmg artlSts ii ~ ! m[IJ r!J lJJ mf'= 50/52 KVA ...... $12,295 at this years Flame Tree Arts Festival, May.28 from l~a.~; to4 p.m. at I I L:I Civic Center Beach. Interested artists can pick up. apphcauons. from ~e ~~~i~~snwealth Arts Council or Northern Mananas Catholic Social ll~(f l1land Bu1lne11 ly1tem1&/upply 30/32 KVA ...... $10,995 '1). Tinian mayor says he ~ ""'"C.,D,TUNION•UICDING,GA•Ae•• '"D"""'~'" 15/16 KVA ...... $7 ,995 Commerce & Labor has GENERATORS ~~i·~~ CLEfiRfitlCE SfiLE le new regulations ready FOR YOUR HOME ;~'ltf,~~::.~ ~!~~go!:~~~i- ~ERB KQdak Mayor Ignacio K. Quichocho dents. In addition, said th~ adm1- CANON DAE HEUNG 2 6. KW for any public inspection about information contained in a ral, CNMI contractors will also FOR YOUR HOME copy of a letter he received from be eligible to compete for the The Director of Commerce and Labor, in accordance with Public Law Rear Admiral Thomas I.Johnson various REGULAR $2,595 Nos. 1-8 and 3-66, as amended, is hereby proposing to promulgate the (CommanderNavalForcesMari- grass cuttingsupportcontra~ts, and Jamtonal, ~uc~as TY pEW RI TE RS Nonresident Workers Rules and Regulations to set forth procedures and anas in Guam) to Governor Pedro which n;ay ~e require~ t? operate SALE $1,795 requirements regarding referral and placement of r~sident workers; P. Tenorio, responding to several and mamtam the fac1hty when TYPESTAR #6 initial and renewal applications for the hiring of nonresident workers; to questions the Mayor said he had construct~. . 5-15 TYPEWRITERS $800.00 OFF provide for a system of filing of complaints and petitions for hearing and presented as agenda items d~ring The admiral p01~ted out to appeal, and the issuance of notices; and to provide for a basic fofl!lat for the first Civil-Military Advisory Governor Ten?no, ;;h1c_h Mayor ! I applications and al.her documents and instruments necessary to imple­ Committee meeting held in Quichocho.s~1d h.e.mqmrcd du~- ; I DAE HEUNG 8 3. KW DAE HEUNG 8 1.8 KW ment the Nonresident Workers Act. Saipan last September 18, 1987. ing th~ C1vt1-M_ihtary Coun~1l FOR YOUR HOME FOR YOUR HOME A copy of the proposed rules and regulations may be obtained from the ~'-.:,' "I am glad that some of my Committee mcetmg held on T~n; i I Registrar of Corporations, Office of the Attorney general, 2nd Floor, concerns regarding the military ian in s>ctobe~ la?t .year, th~t .m- REGULAR $1,695 REGULAR $1,295 Administration Building, Capitol Hill, Saipan, MP 96950, or the same projcct, relocatable-over-the-ho- formauon o~ 1~d1v1~ual trru.~mg may be reviewed at the Office of the Director, Dcparun7nt of ~om~erce rizon radar (ROTH) project, are programs w1th.m the apprenuce­ '],;;:ii''., SALE $895.QQ SALE $695.QQ and Labor, First Floor, Administrntion Building, Capitol Hill, Saipan, being answered specifically ship program ~m Guam) cans~ MP96950. along the areas of training and each year. This m~ans thatapph- SALE PRICE ,_...~SALE PRICE $800.00 OFF $600.00 OFF The Office of the Directorof Commerce and Labor is soliciting views, hiring of local residents and par- cants are no~ reqmrcd to wait For opinions, fact and data for or against the proposed rules and regulations ticipation of CNMI contractors. the compleuon of an on-gomg $625.00 $46875 $525.00 $39375 from the general public. Admiral Johnson told Gover- training cycle before commenc- 2 PLANS ON PURCHASING Anyone interested in commenting on the proposed rules and regula­ nor Tenorio that the Pacific Di vi- ing the program, a~d Johns~n MOTORS=:=: tions may do so by submitting written commcn!S Lo the Director of sion of Naval Facilities Engineer- said the CNM_I can mcreas~ Its • OUTRIGHT PURCHASE • INSTALLMENT FOR 6 MONTHS Commerce and Labor, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, ing Command in Hawaii has as- participation simply be nommat- A DIVISION OF JONES & GUERRERO CO., INC. 234-7133 GARAPAN, BEACH ROAD First Floor, Administration Building, Capitol Hill, Saipan, MP 96950 sured him that contract provi- ing additional tramees for the within thirty (30) days from the date this notice is published in the sions will provide for the training program. Commonwealth Register. - 'I I· I I FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS - Page 11 Page 10- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988

I I Farmers in ! I • I ' College program offers new chances I CNMI will ' ' ' By Nick Legaspi i S1aff reporter have help An inmate, two handicappedpersons, and several school dropouts are cunently insttuction is 50 percent classroom lecture beneficial relationship between the college students who finished the first two-year CNS - Ranchers on Saipan, enrolled in a special course at the Northern and 50 percent on-the-job training. It will and the students. On-the-job training for course are now working in a housing proj­ Tinian and Rota will have an Marianas College that will provide them take the students two years to complete the the freshmen is provided by utilizing them ect of the Mariana Islands Housing Au­ opportunity to increase their the skills to be productive members of course. to repair and renovate the old Dr. Torres thority - and getting paid for it. Flores said knowledge of pasture manage­ society. Among those enrolled in the course is an Hospital buildings which the college in­ these students are now in their third year. ment with a series of workshops Hennan Arp, intructor in the vocational inmate at the Division of Corrections. Arp herited when the Commonwealth Health He said the college is planning to go into being planned for late this month education program, said in a recent inter­ and Flores said one of their students is Center opened in 1986. a full four-year course. Upon completion and early March. view that there are a total of 40 students hearing impaired and another limps. Oth­ · Arp and Flores said the students, while of the general two-year course students can George Love, Resources Con­ undttgoing training in the general con­ ers are dropouts from up to the eighth receiving on-the-job training, also receive specialize in a field of their choice during servationist, Soil Conservation sttuction course. grade. compensation in the form of stipend. the third and fourth years, like plumbing, Service and Dr. Burt Smith, Ex­ He and co-instructor Sonny Flores said The course has established a mutually The program started in 1985 and 12 electricity, masonry or carpentry. tension Specialist from the Uni­ versity of Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service will be con­ ducting the workshop designed for local ranching community. Major topics of the course to be covered during the workshops Available at $ include: setting ranch goals and (TENDAN FAMAGU ON) objectives, inventory, financial, Beach Rd. Garopan OFF forage and people management, LOLLIPOPS designing a grazing unit and .elec­ trical fencing. This is the second workshop on ranch and pasture management. The first one was held sever.ii ' years ago and was well attended 1988 SUBARUS on all three islands. This work­ shop will be followed by a work­ shop dealing exclusively with electric fencing and its relation­ iI ship to ranch management. The ! electric fencing workshop will be held on Rota and Tinian in tenta-. -·'-'- i/1 tively scheduled for mid-May. It I will be aimed particularly to­ NAU RU BUILDING'S ' ' wards participants in the electric fencing demonstration projects T1\It=>r,:1 \ 11 sponsored by the SWCDs and the CNMI Energy Office. "Door REVOLVING RESTAURANT The workshop are to be jointly Prize I j sponsored by the Luta, Tinian, Drawings" CORDIALLY INVITES I. I I Saipan and Northern Islands Soil "YOU" and Water Conservation Dis~ tricts, the U.S. Department of FOR THEIR Agriculture Soil Conservation "FOSTER'S EVENING" Service and the 'Department of + Naturai Resources. ONE FEBRUARY 26TH The workshop will begin on FRIDAY FROM Rota from Feb. 22 thru 24th, on Tinian from Feb. 25-29 and 4:30- PM - 10:00 PM .uur1. ( Jill ' ! t. Saipan from March 1-3. "FOSTER'S BEER" FREE 1\,f Alcohol's RIDE ~· DOLLAR problems EACH ,1 :.1, are tackled "IT'S YOUR - NIGHT" , ' ' 1 ' Guaha dos na otganisasion Please Come and Enjoy the para ayu i man interesao para uma Exotic Southern Scenery ayudan maisa siha pat haye gi Of Saipan From the familia pot este i probleman Taipei Revolving gumimen pat atkahot. Restaurant with Entertainment. I AI-Anon man da' dana gi oran }_ With todays expanding auto market, it's easy to find a car within your alas 8:00 - 9:30 gi kada puengen Lunes guato gi Maturana Youth I . \\ ~ DISTRIBUTOR budget, the trick is to get your moneys worth. At Subaru, every dollar Center gi . l J. r, \. , MICROL CORPORATION counts. Our 1988 Subarus are value packed with a long list of standard I Alcoholic Anonymous (AA)/ .t Con1merc1al Dcpdr tmcnt features you won't find on most new cars. Experience the Basta Bulacho man da'dana Liquor Section lokue gi mismo haane gi oran alas P.O. Box 267, Saipan, MP 96950 Subaru difference! One test drive tells it all. 6:30-7:30 gi pupuenge gi sagan EMMET KAY I: dinana guato gi Depattementun SALES SUPERVISOR pot Komunida yan Kuttura 't giya Tel.# 234-59'11-18 Lower Base. Come! ===rRIPLE Para mas infotmasion pot este siha nagurupu, aagang 234-5248 234-7133 GARAPAN, BEACH ROAD gi entalo alas 8:00 gi egaan yan alas 4:30 gi despues di taloani. Page 12-- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 13


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HOUSEHOLD & LAUNDRY . . . -- !cs. "Kao· Wonderful Morton Iodized Detergent L640C _Salt26oz. 49C 13.95 500gram 1.05 ICS. nde Detergent DELMONTE . Sunflower Mackerel '. 17oz. 1.40 In Natural Carnation Evaporated 12.00 [I Oil 15 oz. Milk5oz. I French Style I c&: Tide REg. Sliced Green Scent Detergent 1, Beans 16 oz. 59C 12.75 Family Size 9.45 White Crystal Takai Aji . Borden Cremora Ji Candle 15/ct. I Kimchee 30 grams Creamer 22 oz. 'Cs. doro)(~Uid 1.35 Bleach 16 oz. I Tomato Wedges 2.95 95C 1.55 Asst. Can 14.5 oz. ' Soft Drinks ~t White Start 24/12 oz. ll.50 75C Light Chunk Lion Bifi Stick YamasaSoy Tuna In Mosquito Coil Sauces eA. 'CS Claro)( Liquid Water 66.5 oz. 3/ct. 1.8 liter A-1 Steak 7.'!J 1.85 Sauces 5 oz. Hi-C Bleached 64 oz. Sweet Pickle 2.75 Drinks 27/8 oz. 1.65 Relish 22 oz. 1.49 ~ 8.!fi 1.85 DownyFab BAKING DEPT. Johnnie Walker Softener HORMEL Mclhlenny Tabasco Red Label 17oz. 1.09 Sauces 12 oz. 3.90 750ml. 9.95 1.75 · Duncan Hines Snuggle Fab Hormel Spam Softener 64 oz. Reg. 12 oz. Fudge Marble Cutty Sark Cake Mix Scotch Whisky 3.49 .. 18.25 oz. \, Smuckers Goober 750ml. ~. ~~ '.:.·1 Asparagus Spears 1.65 1.30 Strawberry 8.85 -~ .. ··---~;..- 15 oz. 18oz. . ~al-_-~ SoapDoveBam 4.75 oz. 1.05 1.15 2.29 J&B / 1.05 Hormel Vienna -R Scotch Whisky Sausage 5 oz. !~ IKingsford Fleischmann's 750ml. 9.95 Hamburger Relish Corn Starch Dry Yeast Black Flags ·-·"!"-·... 751a Mary Ellen 12 oz. 55C :~";i-~lJ 16 DZ. \' 3/pak '- Heinz White Ant& Roach 1.19 1.00 . · Vinegar 16 oz. Grape jelly Killer 151/2 oz. 1 65C 18oz. 1.59 2.!tl Hormel Chili -- with Beans -1-"~- -Cal-um-etB-akin-g Lime-A-Way French Ground 1502. 22oz. I ""' ..,,,, Cinnamon Heinz White Skippy Creamy Powder 7 oz. Delmonte Pineapple 310 ____1._39_• 1.19 105 313/4 oz. peanult Butter -~'~-~1-e . Vinegar 1/gal. Juice 48 oz. 1-· Del lnlatr ~ :' 1.79 18oz. 2.79 2.45 Evarydara 9" -· Ho1Chili 1.05 Paper Pate - · _· • - Pepper 7.75 oz. 95C Hormel Beef 40/ct. 1.55 Tamales 15 oz. • Heinz Tomato Tang Instant Na!Ural Country Ketchup 28 oz. Breakfast Drinks 75C Orange Juice Hug~Super 4 qt 46oz. Trim . Unpitted Light 1.00 2.60 Pampers 1B's Sweet Cherries 1.45 5.95 17 DZ. 1.50 Mary Kitchen Morinaga Choice Roast Beef Hash Biscuil 200 gram Van Camp Fleece Toilet 7.5 oz. Pork & Beans Heinz Tomato nssue 75C 1.85 1.05 15oz. · Juice 46 oz. 4/roll Pineapple Chunks 3.29 1.55 10# 2.95> Dimy Moore Beef Stew Darigold Ice Libby's Sockeye Cream FolHers Instant Hawaiian-Sun 1.29 7.5 oz. Red Salmon . -Co ee 8 oz. Fruit Cocktail _ 15112oz. Guava Juice 10# 69C 1.85 2.95 IH 46oz. 4.95 _;1 4.19 1.35 #533Crown Dinner Napkin 500/ct. 4.85 Hormel Chili Screaming Nutty Campbell Chicken >star's Choice Yellow Cling No Beans Zonkers Scoopy Ice cream Cones 12/ct. with Rice icaffeinated • Oranamin ·c· Peaches Halves Hot 15 oz. 4.25 DZ. Ideal Plastic 10# 4.30 1.19 Soup 10.75 DZ. >flee 4 oz. - Drinks120ml. Fork & Spoon 1.15 1.15 4.45 65C 24/ct. 49t

Thank You For Shopping At Herman's Food Basket We Accept NAP Food Coupons. We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. All Sales In Cash Prices. Page 14- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 1 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 15

Donations help volunteers over the top! Water woes Continues from page 1 EXCEPTIONALLY HYATT Mammiograph machine will be a rea/itv - it's ordered • • By Nick Legaspi water in a week," he said. wealth Utilities Corp. presented the family foundation's donation with daughter The mammograph machine is used· to detect breast j Slaff reporter Elizabeth, said. tumors in women before these developed into malignant or Tenorio said the 56 wells on the island pump six Tenorio said even the plan by the CUC to install i . The Commonwealth Health Center Volunteers Asso- cancerous lumps, allowing early treatment million gallons a day, which is enough to provide I 00 water meters and to raise water rates from 50 cents ; I ciation received $20,500 in cash donations Feb.18 to reach Schwan said the CHC, to which the machine would be Jesus Q. Guerrero represented the amusement associa­ gallons a day for each person in a population of to a dollar per 1,000 gallons would not be enough the $60,000 needed to buy a mammograph machine for the donated, was already in the process of ordering the ma­ tion in the donation ceremonies while John S. Tenorio 60,000. Saipan's population is estimated at about to discourage people from wasting watcr."It's the hospital. chine from a mainland supplier. She said the machine is represented the Saipan Bowling Center and the Rota 30,000, including tourists. At 100 gallons per person mentality we have here,"he said. Simple presentation ceremonies were held at the CHC to expected to arrive here in a few months. Resources Development Corp. per day, the system's output is almost double the Tenorio said strict conservation measures would complete the volunteers' fund drive for the much-needed demand. · start in government offices. He said he directed machine. The volwiteers led by President Susana Schwarz government agencies during the cabinet meeting in the morning of Feb.18 received $5,000 from the North­ . Tenorio said, however, that about three million Tuesday to fix the leaks in their offices. He said he ern Marianas Amusement Association, $500 from the ' Bill would gallons of water are also lost daily, mainly because of would personally inspect government offices to Saipan Bow ling Center and $200 from the Rota Resources > ·. leaks, which he sai

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Saturday & Sunday With a First Savings and Loan interest-bearing checking account, you get the advantage of: • Interest compounded daily ·No minimum balance to earn interest 9.99 • Unlimited check writing (no per check fee) .. AUSTRALIAN RICE . 'I: 5.75 .· When you open your chec~JQg account, we'll start you 1.-: Pringle's All Flavor 1.49 Folger's Instant Coffee Unisex Pants 8 oz. 4.99 Pampers 96 26.99 out with a whole stack of21'7i§§\checks! That's our way DM Cream Style Corn 17 oz. .65 DH Cake Mix 1.25 Pampers 32 14.50 3 of saying we're committed to you! Tabasco 2 oz. .75 LL. Milk Astr. 32 oz. .65 Pampers 18 5.75 Children's 20-40 OAK Luncheon Meat 1.29 Nestea Ice Tea Mix 53 oz. 6.35 Bounty Paper Towel 1.49 Summer Dresses Off OAK Luncheon Ham 3 lbs. 6.99 Kellogg's Corn Pops 10.9 oz. 2.45 Colortex Napkin 360 2.99 3 T.H. Luncheon Meat 1.49 Kellogg's Honey Smac!{ 13 oz. 2.45 Downy 17 oz. 1.10 Ladies Dresses 20-40 Garden Maid Oil 1g 4.99 Coco Mackerel 15 oz. .79 Dawn 32 oz. Off 2.49 First Mond•y thru Thurllday II AM to 4 PM Maxwell Instant Coffee 150g 4.79 Wonderful Detergent 500g .95 Crest Toothpaste 6.4 oz. 1.89 Savings and Loan Friday II AM to 8 PM Working Shirt 399 Association of America Dcdedo • Agana • Tamuning • Saipan When: every depoutor ii federally insured @f~] I OUAL t-!OUStlilC ""''-_,•119• 632.0331 472-6878 646-6171 234. 6617 10 $100,000 oPPOR TUtltlTY EVERYDAY, EVERYTHING, LOWEST PRICES!!! Ladies Blouses 3forf000 234·8581 ... -~!·. Page·'l8- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988

FRIDAY 1 FEBRUARY 26, 1988 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS - Page 19 Radio purchase would be in lieu of big fines number of radios that would be that" ...there is a possibility of not interested in such a deal was Continued from page 1 equal to the fine that they would disposing a case - a non-trial dis­ they had not had "that type of around the law or the judicial Coun Monday morning when on his decision, McKibbenz the conversation had that the at- attorney general himself wtiat be recommending, so that it will position - and what is the most sentencing in the past," he said. go to the Department of Public urgent need for the department?" "But it was not a sentence that system, but ·instead claims to Lizabeth McKibben1 lhc attorney Wiseman? Filial ~d Ta were in- torney general could find nothing went on." have been engaging in "innova- for two corporations headed by terviewedoutside the courtroom. wrong with such a suggestion." Both lawyers said they felt if Safety for the use of the DPS." The AG said the DPS director would be dealt with in the office, live bargaining ... innovative Kuy Bun Ta, told judge Jose All said they had been told that It was later learned that deputy the offer had been accepted that Asked if it was his idea or that told him that there was not it was a sentence that was a con­ pleas ...." DelaCruz that the offer proposed Castro would consider dismiss- attorney general Ray Buso was their client and his two corpora- goats to be. given to the ?iv1s10~ good standing_ so the chance of of DPS director Ed Manibusan, enough radios for the officers out dition that would have been pre­ of ~orrect10ns for the mmates going to jail is there but un- Castro initially said, "rio, no, that in the field, and hand-held radios The allegation of possible by the AG was made during a ing lhe charges of illegal manu- also present on at least one occa- lions charged after a November 1 sented to the court, and the court questionable actions by Castro series of meetings between her, facture, possession and use of sion when the police radio subject raid of two "shooting gallery1' Christmas P'.111>'· . . . likely," Castro said. would be DPS ..."Pressed for don't have enough power. would see if it was appropriate or cameoutinCommonwealthTrial David Wiseman _ an- weapons, plus other charges, if came up. He was also inter- sites, would have all charges . Castro said non-~al dispos1- "That's when the radio thing further clarification as to who's But, Castro said that he thought not" uons could not be dIScussed be- came in ... I said OK, in certain other of Ta's auomeys, the businessman would consider viewed following the Monday dropped. idea it was to specifically ask for it was himself who proposed the Asked if he felt such types of tween the pros~utor and the cases, certain charges can be dis- police radios, the AG said "I look radio in lieu of fine idea, not the Ta and Congress Ben buying police radios for the De- trial. Buso said "My recollection Castro said in an interview plea bargaining was inappropri­ 1 defendan.t without . the missed while the defendant around the department, because DPS director. Filial. partment of Public Safety. The of that conversation is not what with reporter Nick Legaspi Tues- ate, Castro said, "Innovative bar­ defendan~ s lawy~r. He said that pleads on other charges. I don't in this case it was the police who The attorney said that he felt McKibben said in her lawyers said they were under the was said in court," Busa said. day that former Rep. Benigno gaining ... innovative pleas ...I was agamst ~thical rules and know what happened, whether assisted Mr. Buso in tenns of the plea to the court to reduce impression that Castro was offer- Asked exactly what his recollec- Fitial came to the AG' s office the radio idea was a way for Kuy don't. Maybe they have their own could ~ead to disbi;irmen~. . that's what happened in this case, raid ... " to make restitution to the people personal opinion ... I respect their the possibility of a heavy ing to not bring the cases to trial - tion of the conversation was, the after the charges against Ta and In his Tuesday .mt~ryiew with because I wasn't on top of the fine against the two cor- and effectively remove them attorney refused to say, instead his companies were filed in court. Finally, Castro said the radio of the Commonwealth - as op­ own opinion in that they felt it Hughes, <;~tro saidFitial wan~d case." idea came about when he went to porations, that a whole from the public record. advising the reporter. to "ask the Filial, acc~rding to 01stro, intro- posed to just assessing a mone­ was inappropriate." to ascertain if there was a w~y to The AG said in the interview Manibusan 's office and told him series of extenuating cir- McKibben and Wiseman said duced himself tary fine. , He also said that such "innova­ have the matter not filed m the that during one of the conversa- He said that on the surface the tive" approaches were suggested cumstances led to the that they "didn't entertain the KcKibben said in a subse'." as the resident court." arrestoftheman,andshe thought of such an arrangement ·. • ' · representative tions he had with Fitial that, "at idea of radios instead of fines was long ago by a judge who was also also touched on the al- for one minute." She said that quent mterview that Fitial be~ . of Ta's compa- The AG said that he wasn't that time I said, OK, our police like "if you don'tdo this, then we a friend and mentor. That judge handling the case, Ray Buso was, department is lacking communi- are going to go ahead with the said that he was sick of monetary leged conversation with such an offer was questionable, came involved when he felt nies. and "That it is not only improper, cations systems from their patrol prosecution .. that's not what fines, and other methods should ea:~~~~t ~~t~~di~!~ :~e;~~o~~~a:nbe~;~e~~ Kuy hac[ .been given wrong co~~w~~~cia~~ \· but its not a lawyer approach to to the central station. If your happened,"hesaid. "I think when be found in lieu of money - espe­ just walk in a case and grab a case. client-and I mean either Mr. Kuy. it was brought up the other two cially if the accused was not fi­ additional story else- with the Commonwealth because ,information and WaS. arrested .. Fitial told the r .. ; Mr. Buso will come up with or the Corporation for example - where in this issue about of its possible legal question. ·· · judge that he lawyers don't like the idea, so it nancially able to pay it. possible charges and the matter enters a plea of guilty to particu- was let go," the AG said. "I don't Buso tod the court Monday that that trial and subsequent "What made it even more improperly~ "Our client .·was "was not an of- would be filed." Castro said he told Fitial that lar charges, the other charges know why it was brought up Ta was a Vietnamese refugee ctecisions by DelaCruz.) strange," she said, "was the dis- to.Id he. could set up a gallery~" ficer of the again in the court .. " After the judge ruled tinct feeling that I and others in company, Mr. may be dismissed if he - at their who "had parlayed nothing into a Lizabeth McKibben they "were talking about two dif- own expense _ purchase the Castro said perhaps one reason personal fortune of almost a half­ ferent people, Mr. Kuy (Ta) and Dave Wiseman Wiseman and McKibben were million dollars." Ta is just my friend." Later, he the corporation and before I dis- said that he was the agent for cussed the case I want Mr. Kuy service for the two corporations . and the corporation to be repre­ ... but has no financial interest in sented by an attorney. the companies." "I think the discussion ended at s,~1.1: Castro told the reporter that that time, but when he found out Filial talked about the possibility that we had filed a case .. he asked of dropping the charges without to come see me again . . .. , Hollow Core, Flush Doors, going to court. Castro said he told "Castro said. Fitial allegedly told Filial that negotiations for non­ the AG that he would "like to see Tension Curtain Rod trial disposition of the case the case disposed of before it Interior, 1 3/8" x 80" should be done in the presence of reaches the court. " lawyers. Any agreement between The AG said he told the con­ 28" - 48" s the prosecutor and the lawyers 'i ss6 gressman again that the "case had 24" 32" must be presented to court, which been filed, and the proper proce­ may accept or reject it. dure is to have an attorney on the Reg. $24.32/ea. $33.63/ea. Castro said he explained to other side because I can not dis­ Filial the standard plea bargain­ cuss cases ex parte. We can Cafe Rod ing under which Ta might plead discuss non-trial disposition ... if guilty while the charges against you are looking at . . . he was 111111 Sale his companies are dismissed? or 28" 48" 1900 26'1S concerned with jail, also," Castro vice versa. He said Ta or his said, "and that his client would · companies might be fined about rather pay money rather than go 28" 34" $15,000. to jail..." Economy Castro said he was not sure In the interview, Castro said his Traverse $28.00/ea. $34.38/ea. whether he or Fitial brought up recollection of those events in the the subject of police radios. He closing weeks of 1987 was that Rod- said the discussion that the fine Filial was "not arguing, but in­ (of $15,000) could be in the form sisting about having the matter 28" 48" 261S of police radios. totally disposed of administra­ - 20'' Castro noted that nothing came tively. . . as opposed to court­ 30" out of the discussion because no sanctioned judgement." 36" lawyers were present. He said "I said one way of ... uh ... .I lawyers representing lhe busi­ Traverse Rod said the matter has been filed, so $30.36/ea. nessman talked with Castro and $36.85/ea. lhe only way to it was to enter to his staff about the facts of the case a plea agreement. In a plea agree­ and did not touch on plea bargain­ 48" - 84"/'}f.O ment we can agree ro certain ing. 5 things. Ifyourclientagrees,and if But in a later interview with our office agrees, then we have to 22'' 28' Marianas Variety editor, David put it in writing and submit it to Slip-in Hooks, Cafe Solid Core~ One side carved, Decorative Exterior T. Hughes, Castro said that he did the court so they can look at it and talk about the radios. tell us if it is an agreement that is He recalled that during his acceptable to the court or not." Rings and drapery Door 1 3/4" x 36" Reg. $ 69.95 meeting with Fitial, Castro men­ Castro said it was either that Salef.900 tioned that in a case many years discussion, or an earlier discus­ carriers also in ago in Rota a driver who was sion that we discussed it. convicted for not obeying a stop "Hencvcrrcallykncw1 butRay stock. sign agreed with the prosecutor, and I were looking at a stiff fine, with the consent of the court, to _._;_;; I I and we usuallv don't recommend •• __ I Page 20 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS - Page 25 Unequal prosecution of crooks questioned By Nick Legaspi Asked on how the alleged pay­ Staff reporter roll padding was done, Reyes Blas Mafnas, an employee of said the time and attendance re­ the Division of Customs, took ports which are used as basis in more than $10,000 in govern­ computing the wages employees ment money about two years ago. must receive are prepared in He paid it back and was not prose­ duplicates. The duplicate is re­ cuted in court tained by the Customs office and Mafnas' co-employee, Ra­ the original is sent to the Depart­ mona S. Schardt, was not as ment of Finance. Investigation lucky. She is facing a theft charge allegedly showed that the copies for allegedly stealing $11,620.35 of the time and attendance reports in government money between of Mafnas and Schardt were Jan.1,1985 and Jan.1,1987. "doctored" while the duplicates The amounts allegedly stolen at the Customs office were not by the two were payments for Reyes noted during the inter­ fictitious overtime work at the view that thed amount allegedly Customs office at the airport. received by Schardt was about Schardt only recently lost her half the amount cited in . the husband. Joseph Schardt, a fire­ charge. man, committed suicide Jan.27. Reyes said that he and other The widow herself had resigned supervisors at the office now in­ from her job at Customs. spects and signs overtime claims Chief prosecutor S. Jane by Customs employees to pre­ Haggerty filed the fonnal com­ vent the repetition of the inci­ plaint against Schardt Wednes­ dents. day. She will be arraigned March 7. Major Pete P. Reyes, Customs INVITATION TO BID ISLAND COMMERCIAL CENTER chief, said in an interview yester­ day that he reported the incidents The Executive Director's Office is soliciting sealed bids for to the Attorney General's office Construction of the & Isley Well Extension as soon as these were discovered. Project, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana He said he also requested the Islands. The sealed bid shall be identified on the outside of the public auditor to investigate the envelope by the invitation for bids number of "CUC-ITB-88- payroll padding scheme. W552." Bids in duplicate will be accepted in the Office of the Reyes said an understanding Chief of Procurement and Supply at Lower Base, Saipan until was reached with theAG's office 2:00 p.m., local time on March 11, 1988 at which time and that Mafnas and Schardt would place the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. 3,000 gallons 8' O" diameter x 8' O" height $1,650.00 be allowed to make restitution FRONT ELEVATION and not be prosecuted in court A bond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany the bid. NEXT TO AND SOUTH OF POP'S STORE, GUALO RA! 1,500 gallons 6' O" diameter x 7' 1 /4 height $ 995.00 Mafnas paid the excess over­ This security may be in cash, a certified check, cashier's check, time pay he collected but Schardt or other form acceptable to the Government made payable to Name: Island Commercial Center did not Reyes said that several the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation"with a notation on Location: Next to and south of Pop's Store gallons 6' O" diameter x 4' 8" height $ 880.00 the face of the check: "Credit Account Gualo Rai & Isley Well 1,000 months ago he received infonna­ Extension Project." Type of Building: Commercial and Office Space tion that Schardt would be prose­ Number of Units: 6 Units (3 units each floor) 600 gallons 4' O" diameter x 6' 6" height $ 500.00 cuted. He said he wrote a letter to The bidder is required to submit witn his proposal, a copy of Measurement: 20 feet by 40 feet (800 sq. ft.) the AG to clarify that information his Business permit in compliance with the Contractor's When available: April 01, 1988 and to tell the office that Schardt Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the Contact: Mr. Henry M. Sablan or Bert M. Sablan 300 gallons 3' O" diameter x 6' O" height $ 300.00 was not doing anything to make Northern Mariana Islands. Phone: 234-8343 or 234-6526 restitution. Advantages: large highway, ample parking, easy to Schardt resigned from her job The project consists of the drilling of three holes (to be field locate, airconditioned, bathroom, wash­ as tax technician and co-time­ located). approximately 320 feet each in denth and lhe basin, telephones, etc. keeper a couple of days after the construction of production wells from the test holes thill prove excess overtime payment was satisfactory for further development. All locations are For 3,000 gallon tank 8' diameter x 2' H $300.00 discovered. Mafnas submitted accessible by good highways. 2ND ANNIVERSARY ROSARY his letter of resignation Feb.19. 2' Reyes said the two were notasked A non-refundable payment of $50.00 is required for each set of We, the Family of the Late For 1,000 gallon tank 6' diameter x H 250.00 to resign. Plans, Specifications, and Proposal Forms, available on or afler March 4, 1988 at the Water Planning & Construction BALBIN A For 600 gallon tank 4' diameter x 2' H 175.00 Office, Commonwealth Utilities Corporation, Saipan. A pre­ MANGLONA bid conference for this project is scheduled at 2:00 p.m. local CONCEPCION time, March 4, 1988 to be held at the Water Planning & For 300 gallon tank 3' diameter x 2' H 100.00 Construction Office, Lower Base. March 8 1913 - March 8, 1988 Attention is called to the Labor Standard Provisions for Wage Rate Determination of the CNMI Classification and Salary Would like to invite all our relatives and friends to ' . Structure Plans, and that payment of not less than the mini­ ~Lr~y aree.tLncis to join us for the Second Anniversary Rosary of our mum salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must beloved Mother and Grandmother. ''.L.A.'T.ASU '.P. be paid on this project. LEON au:E:RRERO Holy Rosary will begin on Monday, February 29, _on. :J'Wrch 2, 1988 1 from: All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the 1988 at 8:00 p.m. at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. DClcl, ttom, Cci(vcmi Northern Mariana Islands with the exception of bid bonds, Victorino D.L. Guerrero in Sadog Tase and will end """'"-".._~ciml~D~es~Lr~ee."--~ certified checks, or cashier's checks which will be returned to on Tuesday, March 8, 1988. ~ =<~ the bidders in accordance with the specifications section, l:l!' Birthday Greetings ' Instruction to Bidders, Paragraph No. 8, Bid Guaranty. Anniversary Mass will be offered on Tuesday, 'JANET R. 1YD!NGCO" . March 8, 1988 at 6:00 a.m. at Kristo Rai Church. who celebrates her The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and Breakfast will be served after the Mass. 17th Birthday on to waive any imperfection in the bid proposal in the interest of 'March 1, 1988 the Government. P.O.BOX 61, SAIPAN, MP 96950 From: From All of Us DANGKULU NA SI YUUS MAASE. Uncle Frank, Auntie Ning, PEDRO SASAMOTO . Latasia, Desiree and Executive Director, CUC Calvani The Family Page 26 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26;1988 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS - Page 27 .. '·. Beauty and brains vie for title in CNMI

By Nick Legaspi OUR BIGGEST SALE Sta ff reporter Parents and boyfriends stood in the way but, finally, five of the ~ommonwealth's bright and beautiful young women made the offi­ WITH ANY PURCHASE WORTH $30.00 OR MORE cial candidates' list for the 1988 Miss CNMI Universe/International. The contestants who were presented to the press Feb.20, are: Ruby .. GET ONE FREE BATH TOWEL ,... Jean Hamilton, Simplicia C. Camacho, Charlene Q. Santos, Dorsha Renay B. J?hnson and Gloria Patricia Propst.They will be presented to the pubhc at 7 p.m. March 5 at the Diamond Hotel ballroom. ff.~ IREADY TO MOVE AT OUR NEW BUILDING I - Florence Bocago, president of the Northern Marianas Beauty Pag­ eant Association, the local franchise holder for the two world beauty contests, said the search for this year's candidates met opposition from NATIONAL SONY & JVC QUARTZ p~e~ts and boyfriends who did not want to see their daughters or COLORED TV LADIES DOUBLE CASSETTE RECORDER g1rlfnends parade in public in swimsuits. Despite the difficulties she said the association made sure this year's ~geant ~ould be better than in the past years. For instance, two wm~ers w!II be chosen during pageant night to represent the Northern M?Tianas m ~e Miss Universe contest in Taiwan in May and in the Miss International contest in Tokyo in September. !"' Last year, Luciana Ada represented the CNMI in both contests. Prizes are also getting better. This year's Miss CNMI/Universe will Candiates in the 1988 Miss CNMI Universe/International Pa.geant were presented to the receive $1,000 cas?, one-year use of a car from Triple J Motors, a press Feb. 20. They are (from left) Ruby Jean Hamilton, Simplicia C. Camacho, Charlene luggage set, executive gown and national costume and the trip to the Q. Santos, Dorsha Renay Johnson and Gloria Patricia Propst.. Miss Universe contest and back. REG. $249.95 The Miss CNMl/lntemational will receive $500 cash and other 14" & 21" Trinitron & 7 System Colored T.V. with prizes. Remote Control. 69 Channels. Automatic Voltage New arrival Quality Watches for Men's & Ladies. Speci~ aw~ds will also t>e given to the five prospective beauty System.. Black Tinted Screen. Auto Color Gold Plated & Silver. So many differentt kinds of queens, mcludmg the Miss Photogenic, Miss Congeniality and the System. Made in Japan. watches to choose from. ·runnerup position. DOUBLE RADIO CAMERA The five candidates, when asked during their introduction to the CASSETTE RECORDER 34MM press at the Pacific Gardenia Hotel, gave not too varied reasons for . . ·- joining the pageant. "It's a great opportunity for me to get out and become involved" said Ruby Jean,21, a sales manager at Tropic Isles Cable Televisidn · Corp. Simplicia,20, a ticket agent at the Marianas International Travel Agency, said she joined the contest "to experience how it feels." "To experience who it is to travel to other places and meet other people," was Charlene's reason. . ~ "It's my childhood dream,"Gloria,19, a dancer and a secretary for ) Mike Pai's accounting firm, said."l'm always interested in being 1. With Purchase any kind of Radio Cassette there." Player & Rice Cooker Get One FREE "G-SHOCK" emmmamm1~~ The candidates will be interviewed in private by judges this week. QUAR1Z WATCH. REG. $59.95 New Arrival 35 MM Camera. Other activities include dancing lessons, a sunset cruise and a picnic 2. Buy any kinds of TV Get One "FREE" WALL Built-In Flash. Focus Free. Made in Japan. High Speed Dubbing. 5 Band CLOCK. F:56 Lens Made In Japan. at Managaha Island. Graphic Equalizer. Portable Stereo Component 3. Any kind of VCR Get One FREE "6" DESK Easly to Operate. $3495 System. 2-Way 4 Speaker System. Auto Stop. FAN. Compact Size l MARIANAS BAPTIST CHURCH VCR WALKMAN AUDIOMATE l VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER NO ENEMIES? A persistent Bible theme is that those who love truth must expect to be hated by those who are not of the truth. The Lord Jesus Himself, of course, in this as in all other areas of witness, is our ..J -··-- foremost example. He who had been sent by the Father as the ultimate ...... ~ Baby Powder ~ expression of His love to men, understood that He had been ordained for hatred and rejection by those to whom He had been sent. He ~BabyBath s· 6.95 instructed His disciples, "If the world hates you, you know that it ~ ... ~H!J $17REG•. $295.95 Mad.a i~ Japan. Li:B 70 8.95 hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world ~BabyOil ~ ~ Y mi mat1c. Keep War~..;. would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose 9 many Colors to ;..-:"':.·Vii-. • 14.95 you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the New Arrival VHS/Bela (!! ft~ I~. ~. Choose from 3 to 22 VCR, Sony, JVC, i2· word that I said to you. 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If ~ Baby Lotion iji W~ ~ ~ cups. 110 & 220 volts. ~ 16.95 r Panason!c, Toshiba, they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My Flsherwilh Remote 16·23.95 ' word, they will.keep yours also. But all these things they will do to Control. HO. 93 Ch. Mini Hi-Fi Stereo Cassette Player. you for My name's sake, because they do not know Him who sent ~ Baby Shampoo Stand Fan 27.95 i Cable Heady Tuner, Anti-Rolling Mechanism. Auto Stop. Me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, Auto Voltage System. With Head Phone. Mace in JafJc::11 •. mm7o~mm BoxFan 27.95 but now they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates Me hates My ~BahySoar I Father also. If I had not done among them the works which no one TABLE CLOTH else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also SHOES UMBRELLA MEN'S SHORT MEN'S BELT TOYS hated both Me and My Father. But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, They hated Me without a New Arrival New Arrival New Arrival New Arrival So many different kinds of Men's & Boy's Short Pants. cause.' " (John 15: 18-25) Men's Belt. Two in One . I think that there is a comfort somewhere in all this for those who ~ Men's & Boy's Shoes. Ladies Umbrella. Table Cloth. Small & Big toys to choose from. All Sizes. have recently received death threats and other cowardly messages from baby soap shadowy underworld types. The message of the Bibe is clear. Who ever accomplished anything for the cause of truth and righteousness ~ 500 250 500 595&UP 500 3030FF that didn't earn for himself powerful enemies in the process? He has no enemies, you say? My friend, your boast is poor. ·~- He who hath mingled in the fray of duty that the brave endure, DISTRIBUTORS:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Must have made foes. If he has none, small is the work he MIKE'S FLOWER SHOP has done. MfCRONESIAN SALES CO., INC. Anigua, Guam He has hit no rraitor on the hip; he has cast no cup from tempted lip; GUAMa=fb: SAIPN.JC'fR:E Tel. #477-5250 MlCRCN:sw.J S<\LES CO. INC. Muroc::m:E He has never turned the wrong right; he has been a MCRCNES!AN SALES CO. MX;fO\ESWI !W.ES coward in the fight. P.O. OOX 7900 (Sl\IPAN) N::. TAMJ'JING, GLIAM 00011 (~t.C. P.O. OOX 2J9 CHR8 P.0.BOXZ70 Road, San Jose Village For More Information Call ROGER 64592011 os •n.xsmMSCO SAIPAN CM $950 MUJROM~RSHAU.SIS. ~ Tinian, MP 96952 FAX 546 455() 234-3296 or 433-3009 co-pastor Bob Berkey TEL 332-9728 TEL :J£08 FAX 322'1714 llA..UOO TElEX 7XO!>l 1 I:·1 FRIDAY, FE.BRUARY 26, 1988 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 29 .. Page 28 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 ****************************************************************** TRANSAMERICA g~~~~~~~CORP. SP CTRA-TOnE-PAlnT ****************************************************************** SPECTRA-TOnE-PAlnT ( SPECTRA-T~nE-PAmnt

· >~- i/,~!f F~''." ~,.~,·~,,,,,

! PAINTS LAMPSHADES SMOKE ALARM Roller fillers (w/ picture diff. kinds) ' Emergency/Security Light Single Pole Slide Dimmer Paint insecticide Dimmer Control Paint additive · . ROu .,.;; ...... Lights - for ceiling Roller Metal poles -·.·-~ :.·-- Roller Trays wall mounted Roller Frames Brushes . Roll-a-tex paint 0 ' DOOR CLOSERS 1r_i_ ,• . .. ' J.2:' -m·• Water Pumps MCD 24 h.p. Padlocks .~~'{:". .:. ~~,.· ·· · · '!t 50 h.p. 35 h.p. Safety Hasp 5" & 3 112" ~. t- · 1 ADHESIVES . ~'if""~ . ...._ PLYWOOD LOUVER LIGHTS (different sizes) For Roof/Floor/Carpet/Wa.·11 .·. fl_,.,.~..~·---,/,,, ~:.:: SEE US TARP&COVER -~~ FOR PAINT ADDITIVES mm~ m~~~·~mmm ·~-- ·:"~~---=~ _.... "¥""'"'tiff ...... ji,,,,.,~·-1' NEW ARRIVAL PAINTS - container load ; ·; _._...... ~ ...... a ... · TIDE WIRE G16 ilil1 ...~ ','- ·' .l'll'J>, CERAMIC & MOSAIC TILES : . 't WHITE CEMENT DRAWER PULLS LOCKSETS w/ or w/o key PVC VINYL FLOOR TILES $12 /BOX \ STYLE 11 4 • STYLE 852 · I BATH TUBS/WATER CLOSETS/LAVATORIES/URINAL I I WATER HEATERS I I BATHROOM ACCESSORIES & FITIINGS I I EXHAUST FANS I I WIRE GUTTERS I /ANCHOR PLATES I I KITCHEN/LAVATORY FAUCETS I f KITCHEN SINK Jf PANEL BOXES/SAFETY SWITCHES/METERBASE 7 I MINI BLINDS/MINI BLIND <;LEANER I I FLOURESCENT FIXTURES/TUBES I ./PIPES & FITIINGS I I PORTABLE GFI I I SOLAR LANTERN KEROSENE I -.. TRANSAMERICA CORPORATION FREE 1 TELEPHONE FOR ANY ONETIME PURCHASE OF $750.00 ABOVE BEACH ROAD, GARAPAN TELS. 234-7631 e 7833 • 6834 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS - Page 31 Page 30- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS·- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 Alien workers are MP designation an affront to the CNMI By Nick Legaspi Harada. "This MP dcsign?tion was criminal four decades Commonwealth status with the U.S. and a geographical given little hope for Staff reporter ago, and its present use represents a demeaning socio- identification which expressed our specialness as a loca- MP, the new two-letter postal code assigned to the cultural errortoday." lion." · 'lorthem Marianas may have meant nothing to the post Joyner expressed displeasure at the decision to change In contrast., he said the new postal designation was change· in new rules )ffice but a lot to local residents. the CNMI 's postal designation from CM to .MP effective nothing more than an element of codification "devoid of "Forty years ago, during the initial occupation by the jan.1. "We are a proud people of historical significance meaning and historical significance." Salaries can't be combined for $20,000 'orces of the U.S. Navy, the people _who were prisoners and we resent the casual, arbitrary, unilateral manner in He asked Harada to allow local residents to be known by 1ere wore uniforms which had 'MP' emblazoned in red on which the decision was made to use 'MP' as the official a name that has meaning to them."Reverse yoursel, and By Nick Legaspi .he back of their blue shirt - to signify 'Marianas postal designation for us and our islands," he said. infonn the planet that MP is a designation for 'Marianas Staff reporter ?risoner, "'long-time Saipan resident John B. Joyner said He explained that theformertwo-letter code "contained People,' or 'Marianas of the Pacific,' or 'Mwar-Mwar Nonresident couples working in the Commonwealth cannot combine the .salaries they make to reach $20,000 and be allowed to bring their n a letter Feb.18 to regional post master Mike both a political that proclaimed our unique People' or 'Marianas Pearl'," Joyner said. DINNER SPECIALS significan~ children here,Deputy Commerce and Labor Director Joaquin S. Torres said Wednesday. Judges disagree on Torres, in a meeting with representatives of Filipino, Korean, Japa­ MONDAY NIGHT (MEXICAN NIGHT) nese and Chinese groups in the Commonwealth, said that the new law APPETIZERS CHEESE CRISP which took effect last year also provides no exemptions to the income SERVED WITH ALL YOU CAN EAT CHIPS AND DIP COMBINATIONS: plaee~ requirement, whether for foreign workers whose dependents were aIIisen?s land issues: No jury 1. Beef Taco & Enchilada already here before the law was enacted or whether the foreigners were 2. Chicken Enchllads & Tostsda Sale allowed to proceed working for the government 3. Beef Taco, Chicken Enchilada & Beef Tostada ALLISON'S PLAC.E GUAM IS EXPANDING TO SAIPAN "We're sympathetic to the situation but there's nothing we can do," 4. Beef Taco, Beef Enchilada, Chicken Tostads & Chill Releno By Nick Legaspi he said. 5. Fajitas We are now accepting applications for full-time and part-time Staff reporter He recalled that his office last year recommended that the annual sales clerks with the following qualifications: · Three judges at ·the District Court rendered opposing opinions salaries of couples be combined to meet the income requirement but ALL ABOVE COMBINATIONS ARE SERVED WITH REFRIED BEANS AND MEXICAN RICE Tuesday on an appeal filed by a landowner who claimed that the buyer nothing came out of it. SIDE ORDER: BEEF OR BEAN BURRITO High school graduate of his property was only an agent of persons not of Northern Marianas He said that in line with the new law, the Immigration and Naturali­ M1,1st be able to work flexible hours descent. zation Office refers to the commerce and labor deparunent requests by WEDNESDAY NIGHT (TEXAS NIGHT) Good communication skills Based on the court's majority rule, the Trial Court's summary nonresident workers to bring in their wives or children as dependents. Pleasant personality With Soup and Hot Rolls judgment was affirmed and the landowner's request for a jury trial was He said three such requests were rejected becase the department U.S. Choice Char Broiled T-Bone Steak with Baked Beans or Spanish Rice Japanese speaking preferable, but not necessary denied. detennined that the workers were not making $20,000 a year. Vegetable Salad Judges Cristobal C. Duenas and James M. Fitzgerald affirmed the Torres advised the group to go to the Legislature to have the law LOCAL HIRE PREFFERED summary judgment rendered by the Trial Court on Oct.15,1986 allow­ changed. He added that the department was also planning to hold public FRIDAY NIGHT (PRIME RIB NIGHT) ing Marian-Aldan Pierce to exercise an option to buy Leocadio C. hearings on the proposed labor rules and regulations. "It may be a good Interested persons may pick up and submit applications at With Soup or Salad and Hot Rolls Allison's Place located across the Grand Hotel next to Mafnas' property at $10 per square meter and later to lease it to Randall time for you to air your concern,'' he said. U.S. Choice Prime Rib Noa Noa. Monday - Friday, February 22 - 26. 1988, between Fennell and Brian McMahon. The group, which has appointed public relations specialist Lynn Rice or Baked Potato with Butter, Sour Cream, Chives & Bacon Bits the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Judge Richard I. Miyamoto issued a dissenting opinion and agreed to . Knight as spokesman, is scheduled to hold another meeting at 6 p.m. Mafnas' request for a jury trial on the case. Feb.29 at the New Century Restaurant in . Ssuteed Vegetables Mafnas claimed that Fennell and McMahon, both not of Northern SEAFOOD BOAT Marianas descent, engaged persons of Northern Marianas descent to acquire long-term interest in real property "in contravention of the AL elects new officers Assorted Pan Fried Seafoods Topped wl White Creamy Garlic-Parsley CNMI Post 56 of the American Legion on Saipan recently elected restrictions· on alienation of land contained in Article XII of the Sauce Served wl Choice of Steamed Rice or Scallop Potatoes or new officers for 1988. Sauteed Vegetable Commonwealth Constitution." Bruce Lloyd, who had served two previous tenns as Vice Com- · The Trial Court, in its summary judgment, found that there was '·1" mander of the organization was elected Commander of the post. Emmet HOUSE SPECIAL nothing unconstitutional about the transaction. The court said t.hat the I; Kay had served for two years as Commander. agent-principal relationship between Pierce and Fennell and McMahon 1. PAELLA - SPANISH DISH The new Vice Commander is Al Hockett Another newly elected . Serves Two to Three Person Preparation Time: 40 Minutes ceased to exist upon execution of the lease agreement 2. KA DUN-KA TN/ (Fresh ·Beef Bone Soup) Duenas and Fitzgerald agreed with this finding. They said Mafnas officer is Antonio C. "Mitch" Tomokane, who will serve as Veteran's Service Officer. Tomokane is also the Veterans Affairs Officer for the Chamorro Style with Steam Rice• and Vegetables failed to present facts to dispute evidence presented by Pierce that she 3. KADUN MANUK (Chicken soup) retains title to the land even after she leases it to Fennell and McMahon. Commonwealth. Chamorro Style with Steam Rice, Veg's and F/nsdenl Sauce ALLISON'S PLACE GUAM IS EXPANDING TO SAIPAN Other officers of the organization were re-elected by acclamation. "On the facts presented on the constitutional issue we cannot say the court erred in granting plaiQtiff's motion for summary judgment," the They are: Rudy Sedmik, Post Adjutant; Leonard Sine, Finance Officer; Jim Sirok, Legal Affairs Officer; Wilburn C. Hamilton, Post Historian; two judges said. Pauf'Perry, Chaplain; John Wilson, Sergeant-at-Arms. --~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~-- Miyamoto, in his dissent, disagreed with the grant of summary Members of the American Legion perfonned honorable service in judgment because of the significance of the case. "At the outset, it branches of the U.S. military during World Wars I and II, the Korean ODLrnna soon should be noted that this is of paramount importance to persons conflict or Vietnam. It is believed that more than 400 persons in the of Northern Marianas descent since the case involves the constitution­ BEACH ROAD, SUSUPE )i CNMI are eligible for membership. ~ g;~ ality of the practice in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana ,, ACROSS GRAND HOTEL ~ islands ... wherein persons of non-Northern Marianas descent acquired STORE HOURS . what may be considered permanent long-term interests in real estate in THURSDAY MON.· SAT. 10:00 a.m. · 9:00 p.m. MONDAY SUN. 10:00 a.m. · 6 p.m. the Commonwealth contrary to the provisions of the Constitution ... " he ~~~w~M£11C:S,~ said. f HOT TURKEY SANDWICH CHICKEN MARINGO Miyamoto cited previous court rulings against summary judgment on } A LOCALLY ~ >-l cases involving constitutional, public or complex issues. "Because of CHARTERED BANK BEEF & BROCOLLI PORKADOBO the importance of the issues presented in this suit, we think that it was ...... 0 ~.-...... STIR-FRY not one to be disposed of by summary judgment, even if proper motion ...... eAN~ ...... FRIDAY for such judgment had been made or proper opportunity accorded for sg appropriate showing by affidavit or otherwise," Miyamoto said, citing TUESDAY SHRIMP W/ COCONUT MILK We Offer You a previous case. The Following Banking Needs: MEXICAN SALAD-BEEF SEAFOOD NORMANDY Miyamoto also criticized the Trial Court's "marked desire" to speed OR CHICKEN up resolution of the case, considering its importance. ''The Trial Court, SAVINGS ~ TCDs -i' FHA HOME LOANS ... ROAST BEEF W/ GRAVY in an endeavor to resolve this case, simply looked at the bare legal FAJITAS-BEEF OR issues, without determining if there were any genuine issues still to be Interest Rates on Deposits CHICKEN SATURDAY resolved,"he said."To this extent, I feel that the Trial Court was in ~ DRESSES• PANTS• SKIRTS error." Savings Passbook 6.50% 11. BURRITOS-BEEF ROAST CHICKEN BLOUSES • SWEATERS Duenas and Fitzgerald, in a footnote to their opinion, said that BEANS COORDINATES• ACCESSORIES Miyamoto listed factual issues "which he believes may be present or TCDs: ~ M~l~Dru~E implied." 30 days $1,000.00 min 6.75% r.;:; ~ WEDNESDAY SUNDAY "It is the opinion of the majority that the issues raised by Judge 90 days - $1,000.00 min - 7% Miyamoto arc either irrelevant or if relevant, were not raised by the 180 days $1,000.00 min 8% I SHRIMP CHOPSUEY EGGS BENEDICT , appellant below," they said."A court may not look to the pleadings ',y~~ ,~ themselves to find genuine issues of material fact." 1 year - $2,500.00 min - 9% ENTER TO WIN UP TO STEAK SANDWICH CHICKEN TERIYAKI ;r;_ $100.00WORTH OF CLOTHING 2 years $2,500.00 min 10% ~ BEACH ROAD American ~w ·~a; AND ACCESSORIES Rte! Crott Smoking? 3 years - $5,000.00 min - 11.50% DIAWOND We,ll Help. HOTH Will You'? USE YOUR ASHTRAY CALL234-7773/8663/8664 ~ ~ + !\Ir. Lim's Bldg. Across Microl Corp. HllS: ;\fon . .f'ri 9.3 ~~~~~MK~·

t), ______:...F::R:.::ID::A.:_Y:_:.~F::.E:::B~R_::U~ARY 26, 1988 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 33 Page 32 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 1 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE COASTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT POSITION VACANCIES Commonwealth of the OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 6th Floor, Nauru Duilding. Saipan Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 96950 Commonwealth Trial Court Tel. No. 234-6623m20/3907 SAIPAN STEVEDORE COMPANY INC. · ·Nov~m~;cr 27, 1937 has the following position vacancies for im'mediate Civil Action No. 88-110 The following is a public announcement of Coa5tnl Penni! Applications received by placement. LOCAL HTRE ONLY. the CRM Office: NOTICE OF HEARING D1.1c Applieation Rcccivcd Project I. CONTAINER CONTROL CLERK (1) In the matter of the APPLICANT Application No. Dcsaption location T}P! SL:ltus Appointment of a General 1) Payless Ot/14/88 Paylw Chnlo.n Knnoa Shoreline APC Ccrtificx.I _j:. Guardian for Francisca Supcnnukct Ss-8&-X-7 Extension Complete - Must ~e a High School Graduate or Equivalent Cathalina Quidachai Arriola, 2) MSC OUI0/88 Fi!ming Micro Dcach Shoreline APC Approved SSm-88-X-31 - Exp~nence pr~ferred, but not required. Training a female minor child, 3) MSC OUt0/88 Filming Laddor Bcoch Shorclicn APC Arrrovcd SSm-88-X-32 will be provid~d to the successful applicant. 4) MSC OUI0/88 Filming Mmug:ilia Shoreline APC Approved By ROSA Q. ARRIOLA SSm-88-X-33 - Comp~t~r exp~nenced preferred but not required 5) MSC 2110/88 Filming ObyanBcach Shoreline APC Approved Petitioner. 6) VIP 2/t I /88 Filming Micro Bexh Shorclinc APC Approved Trammg will be provided to the successful 7) San Jose San Jose Village Shoreline APC Approved Elem. Sch. ss~'.~~~L36 Fundraising Saupan applicant. · Notice is hereby given that 8) San Jose 2117/88 Fundraising Civic Center - Shoreline APC Approved petiµoner, Rosa Q. Arriola has Elem, Sch. SSm-88-X-37 SUSllpc 9) Frank 2116/88 Con=sion Su~llpc - 5.lip.o.n Shoreline APC II. TIMEKEEPER (1) petitioned the above Court to Pangelinan SSm-88-X-38 Si.and Review appoint her the general 10) MSC 21t 8/88 Filming Micro Bc.ich/ Shoreline APC Arrrovcd SSm-88-X-39 Chalan Kru10n. Flcach Otib guardian of the above­ 11) Snn Jose 2119188 Fundraising Gar.!JXU1 Shoreline APC Approved - Must be a High School Graduate or Equivalent mentioned minor. The hearing Elem, Sch. SSm-88-X-40 12) S:m Jose 2(22/88 Fundraising Garapan Shoreline APC Approved - Experience in Computer preferred, but not on this petition has been set Elem. Sch. SSm-88-X-41 required. Training will be provided to the before the Commonwealth 13) PDI 2(22/88 Filming Muruigah.1 Shoreline APC Approved Trial ,Court, Saipan, Mariana MSm-88-X-42 successful applicant. 14) San Isidro 2fZU88 FW¥1raising Ch3l"J Kanoa Shoreline APC Approved Islanas for the 17th day of Fiesta SSm-88-X-43 March, 1988, at 1:30 p.m., or 15) lean D. 2(24/88 Wooden P1'mk G=pon Shoreline APC uro. For further details, please visit their office at Charlie as soon thereafter as the matter Sablan ssm-88-X-44 Rcpair(Bakcr Dock) Rcvii::w 16) E'Spn Motors 2/24/88 Ex.tension'. E'Spn lower Ba_o;c Port & lhd:r Dock, Puerto Rico, please no phone calls. can be heard. SPl-88-X-45 Motors APC Review t7) Synorgy. Int. 2/l4/88 Power Plant LowcrBa.o;c Slmrclinc APC Und.. r ~ny_ person who has any Inc. SPl-88-X-46 Renovation Rc\'icw o_bJec~on to the petition may t8) lo>quin S. 2/24/88 Concession Susupc Shorclim: Al'C Uod:r Acuon (Spn SSm-88-X~7 lloolh Review file !us or her objection with Diamond Holcl) the Commonwealth Trial 20) .MAC !tomes 9/28/87 Cornmerti3l Tan>pog Court at any time before the SMS-87-X-110 &. Hotel Resort Vill:ii;e hearing, or may appear at the :f'.ublicati?n of t!te ~bove list is in accordance with CRM regulations which r ulre all ~emut app!1ca~ons to b~ published in a local newspaper within 15 d~s of f4ARIANAS time set for hearing to present fue1pt ?~ appbcauon. The Im ieflccts recently received permit application~ and such objection or interest in ose w1 a recent change of status. New applications are marked with an asterisk: the above captioned matter. the pub.lie is invit~ to s~b!11it written comments regarding any of the above ro'ects Dated this 17th day of Feb. ror "'.h1ch a pei:niit deCISIO~ h~s not been issued. All public comment/sh~uld TUG l. BARGE INC. 1988. • ~de~n~y lithe project by apphcauon number. Your commen1s should be mailed or . an - e vi:red to the CRM Office. All persons who desire a public hearing re ard­ (A CNMI CORP.) /s/Dep. Clerk of Court ~Jl~fYcJ'{?iJCCt t?~ do so by submitting a wrillen request for a public hearing 1~ the R "d 'CCRwit m fo~rt.een (14) cale~dar days of publication of this notice. est en1s o ota '.'Jld Trn1an may submit comments and hearing requests to their local, CR!Y_l .Coordmator. P~rsons V(i~hing _to retain lhe right to appeal a CRM Pennll decmon must file a wnnen pe~non to intervene wilh the CRM Administrator no !~~er th~ ~~ve~ (7~ ~ays follow11_1g a first date of publication that 1he CRM Pe(mut Application is certJficd as complete as provided in CRM Regulations Secdon 8 F).

:. i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The ~oastal R~source~ Management Program (CR.MP) will be nari.mms Varwty ~oldmg a pubhc hearing regarding a Coastal Permit Applica­ Staff tion submitted by Mr. Morimoto, General Manager Saipan ~each. ~otel f~r the proposed extension of additional ;ooms to SERVING SAIPAN & TINIAN '--(:ggy ~

I: The public is invited to attend and to submit written or Lo m~e ora_l commc_nts regarding this project. All written or or:il testimonies received shall be m~dc 'l n3rt of the · r . ' ' l" permit app 1ca~on rcco;d. and shall be considered in any decision upon the subject application.

Please contact CRM at 234-6623 if you have any questions.

ls/ROBERT W. RUDOLPH HERMAN C. TUDELA Acting Administrator Coastal Resources Management Office :,'l~ase j~in m¥ Children and I during our nighly L1_sayo ~tarting ~ebruary 28, 8:00 p.m. at our residence 111 San Vicente and will end on March 7 I REFRIGERATION MECHANIC - 1988. , lligh school gradua1e, 2 years 1 CLAIMS OFFICER - lligh school I CJl'ERATIO:\ ~1A:\AGER . lligh experience. Salary: $2. 15 per hour. graduate. Salary: $750.00 per month. school grad., 2 years experience. WINNERS CAN CLAIM T rR-PRlZES-AT-P"A-ClFte-~-~-·~1I I ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 1 ACCOUNTAl\'T - lligh school grad., Salary: SJ.00 per hour. J\.~emori_al mass wi~l be at San Vicente Church at six years experience. Salary: $2. I 5 per 2 years experience. Salary: $600.00 per 2 RE:\TAL CLERK - lligh school o cloc.k m the evemng. D~nner will follow right after f': hour. month. equivalent. Salary: $3.00 per hour. ~"· TRADING CO. OFFI BlAllbrGtl~~~OJAFIJA(I: Qu11t1ng Smoking I Contac1: NORTHERN MARIANAS the 111.lss. Your presence is most appreciated. Contact: J.C. TENORIO ENTERPRI­ Con1ac1: YUKI Sll!GE AKIYA'.\1A SEAFOOD dba Spn. Fishing Cenlcr, SES, INC.. P.O. Box 137 Saipan dha :\ino Saipan. P.O. Box 910 P.O. Box 41, Saipan, MP 96950. MP 96950 - Tel. 234-6448. (J/18). ' Saipan. \11' 96950. (3/18). • '~ I , . c 1 , 'J 1n _ . U ''·" ,1 ·c pe . 121t . • (3/18). c.·~·,, 1 i;V1.~,',-, 1~,,-,.' ~re flepol! FdL 'nS - ... - --.---...... ,-- ...... -. .. --.. -""'.'""~ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 35 Page 34 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS --FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES '.'l 25¢ 'PER LINE/COLUMN ******* MarianasVariety ******* Minimum ad space: $2.00 I line x 1 co ...... $ .25 6 Jines x 1 col ...... I.SO 2 lines x 1 col ...... 50 7 lines x 1 col ...... 1.75 i J.: CLASSIFIED ADS ) 3 lines x 1 col ...... , ....75 8 lines x 1 col ...... 2.00 • J'S RESTAURANT CaU234-6341/7578 4 lines x 1 col ...... 1.00 ? lines x 1 col ...... 2.25 ** * * * * * * * * * * * * S lines x 1 col ...... 1. 25 10 lines x 1 col ...... 2.50 •GAME ROOM 1 PERSONNEL MANAGER • High 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 GENERAL MANAGER - High 1 CIVIL ENGINEER - High schc;>ol MANAGER/ACCOUNTANT school grad., 2 years experience. Salaiy: yean experience. Salary: $3.00-$4.50 school grad., 2 yean experience. Salary: grad., 2 years experience. Salary: Bowling Alley 1 SALES MANAGER • College $2.50-$3.00 per hour. per hour. $1,700.00 per month. $800.00-$900.00 per monlh. graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: 2 REFRIGERATION & AlRCONDI- 20 SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS 1 STORE SUPERVISOR - High school 22 CARPENTERS Kids Video Game $2.50 per hour. TION MECHANICS - High school - High school equivalent, 2 years grad., 2 years experience. Salary: $2.20- 9MASONS Contact: NAINA ENTERPRISES equivalent, 2 years experience. Salaiy: experience. Salary: $2.15-$3.15 per $2.25 per hour. 1 STEEL WORKER POKER MACHINE (CNMI) dba Roshi's, P.O. Box 1540, $2.15 per hour. hour. 1 ASST. MANAGER - High school - High school equivalent, 2 years Saipan, MP 96950. (3/11). Contact: FIL-MAR CORPORATION Contact: SAIPAN MANUFACTUR- grad., 2 years experience. Salary: $2.25· experience. Salary: $1.S0-$2.25 per $2.30 per hour. hour. 1 RESERVA'f'IONS"-M7(NAUER ~ dba JNK Repair Shop, P.O. Box 160?, ERS, INC., P.O. Box 2017, Saipan, Contact: KOSA ENT., INC., dba Round 5HEAVYEQUIPT.OPERATORS College graduate. salaiy: $1.000.00 per Saipan, MP 96950 - Tel. 234-7590. MP 96950 -Tel. 322-9361. (3/4). Oleai (3/11). 1 OFFICE MANAGER - High school House, P.O. Box 1401, Saipan, MP I COOK month. 96950. (2/26). I WELDER Contact: RIC TOURS, INC., P.O. Box i GEN. MANAGER - High school grad .• 2 years experience. Salary: 1 MANAGER - High school grad., 2 - High school equivalent, 2 yearr 94 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950. (2/26). graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: $600.00-$800.00 per month. experience. Salaiy: $1.75-$2.25 per '$1.500.00 per month. 3 SALES SUPERVlSORS years experience. Salaiy: $500.00· 1 ASST. MANAGER - High school hour. Contact: NORTHERN MARIANAS 1 MANAGER $700.00 per month. grad., 2 years experience. Salary: $2.15- 2 ASST. MANAGERS - High school Contact: H.S. LEE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL DEVELOPMENT, P.O. 7 SCUBA DIVING lNSTRUCTORS CO., INC., P.O. Box 440, Saipan, MP $3.50 per hour. Box 1135, Saipan, MP - Tel. 234-9475. - High school graduate, 2 years grad., 2 years experience. Salaiy: Contact: MARY ANNE P. REYES dba (3/11). experience. Salary: $600.00-$1,500.00 $400.00-$(i()().00 per month. 96950 - Tel 234-5201. (3/11). Char's Thrifty mart, P.O. Box 877, 2 FASHION DESIGNERS - High . 2 CIVIL ENGINEERS - College Saipan MP 96950. (2126). 1 OFFICE MANAGER - High school per month. 1 graduate, 2 years experience. Salaiy: Conlact: MARINE TECH (SAIPAN), school grad., 2 years experience. Salary: graduate, 4 years experience. Salaiy: I ACCOUNTANT- College graduate, 2 . $700.00 per month. INC .• P.O. Box 968, Saipan, MP $2.50 per hour. $1,400.00 per month. c' years experience. Salary: $2.15 ~r hour. Contact: YATSUHASHI CORPORA­ 1 CIVIL ENGINEER - College grad., 4 ebttuOJt~ \'· 1 GEN. MANAGER - High school 96950 • Tel. 234-6564. (3/4). TION, P.O. Box 1453, Saipan, MP years experience. Salary: $1,000.00 per 2 STORE SUPERVISORS - High grad., 2 years experience. Salaiy: 1 ACCOUNTANT - High school grad., 96950. (2/26). ll!!At. NIT£ school grad., 2 years experience. Salary: $1,000.00 per month. 2 years experience. Salary: $2.25 per month. $2.15 per hour. 1 ACCOUNTANT· College graduate,'2 Contact: SHIMIZU CONSTRUCTION ORAWING EVERY f1U. - ;II" Contact: SAIPAN SURF SERVICE, hour. CO., INC., P.O. Box 529, Saipan, MP Contact: IKE DLG. DEMAPAN dba JNC., P.O. Box 664, Saipan, MP 96950 Contct: EBH INTERNATIONAL, INC.• years experience. Salary: $3.00 per hour. Ike's Market & Laundromat, P.O. Box -Tel. 234-9475. (3/11). P.O. Box 1777, Saipan, MP 96950 - Contact: MRS. AIDA F. VENUS dba ' 96950. (3/4). 1549, Saipan. MP 96950. (2126). I CHIEF ENGINEER (Stationary 1 GEN. MANAGER - High school Tel. 234-625 1. <3!4). ITS-Jane's Trade & Services, P.O .. Box Engineer) - High school grad., 2 years 1 OPERATIONS MANAGER - High grad., 4 years experience. Salary: 1 MANAGER - High school grad., 3 194 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950. (2/26). school grad., 2 years experience. Salary: $2,676.00 per month. years experience. Salary: $500.00 per 1 ACCOUNTANT - College graduate, 2 experience. Salary: $1,700.00-$2,100.00 $1,000.00 per month. years experience. Salary: $500.00 per per month. ' . 1 TOUR COORDINATOR - High month. Contact: E.I.E. SAIPAN CORPORA­ 1 SALES SUPERVISOR - High school school grad.• 2 years experience. Salary: Contact: WASON CORPORATION, month. grad., 2 years experience. Salary: $3.10 $925.00 per month. P.O. Box 2648, Saipan, MP 96950. Contact: JOSE L. GALANG dba Jonette TION dba Hyatt Regency Saipan, P.O. per hour. 4 Ent., P.O. Box 816, Saipan, MP 96950. lJox 87 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950. 1 CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENT (3/ ). (2/26). Contact: ROBERT C. WILKIE dba (Guest Representatives) - High school 1 GEN. MANAGER - High school (2/26). Kwek's Enterprises Saipan, Inc., P.O. grad., 2 years experience. Salary: grad., 2 years experience. Salary: I ACCOUNTANT - College graduate, 2 1 ELECRICAL ENGINEER - Bachelor Box 2725, Saipan, MP 96950 - Tel. $875.00 per month. $1,000.00 per month. years experience. Salary: $3.00 per hour. of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE), a min. 4 years experience. 234-7243. (3{11). Contact: JETOUR SAIPAN, INC., Contact: NEW JAPAN ENGINEER­ 1 BEAUTICIAN - High school grad., 2 1 OPERATIONS MANAGER- College P.O. Box 860, Saipan, MP 96950. ING, P.O. Box 1909, Saipan, MP years experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Salaryu: $800.00-$1.200.00 per month. 1 STEEL WORKER (Ironworker) - grad., 2 years experience. Salary: (2126). 96950. (3/4). Contact: MRS. AIDA F. VENUS dba High school grad. or completion of 8th $650.00 per month. I STORE MANAGER· Collge grad., 2 JtS-Jane's Trade & Services. P.O. Box ------!3 MANAGERS - College graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: $1,500.00 per grade, min. 2 years experience. Salary: I SALES SUPERVISOR - High school 194 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950. (2(26). grad., 2 years experience. Salary: years experience. Salary: $500.00- month. $1.95-$2.00 per hour. 1 STORE MANAGER - High school $500.00 per month. $700.00 per month. Contact: HAKUBOTAN ENTER- I PLUMBER - High school grad. or graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: Contact: COMMERCIAL TRADING 3 MECHANICS - High school PRISES, INC., P.O. Box 127, Saipan, completion of Slh grade., min. 2 years OF SAIPAN dba Saipan Hardware, P.O. equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary: MP 6950 _Tel. 234-7362/ (3/4). $2.25 per hour. experience. Salary: $2.0,5 per hour. 9 Contact: MARGARITA R. TENORIO Box 724. Saipan, MP - Tel. 234-6089. $2.15 per hour. 1 ELECTRICIAN - High school grad. 2 SALES REPRESENTATIVES. High 1 GENERAL MANAGER - High dba Saipan Office Supply, P.O. Box (3/11). or C

I,! Page 38 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 ·MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS·- Page 39 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CLASSIFIED ADS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PUBLIC NOTICE Commonwealth of the Commonwealth of the The Mariana Islands Housing Authority (MIHA) is soliciting 2 COOKS • High school equivalent, 2 The Department of Public Health and Environmental Services Commonwealth of the The Division of Historic Preservation, Department of Northern Mariana Islands proposals from all licensed construction companies operating yean experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Nonhem Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands Community and Cultural Affairs is accepting proposals for an (DPH&ES) is soliciting proposals for contracted maintenance on Rota, MP, for routine repair and maintenance services of Contact: GALAXY ENT. dba Galaxy Commonweiilth Trial Court Commonwealth Trial court Commonwealth Trial court intensive archaeological survey of the Alaguan Latte Site on of outside grounds for the Commonwealth Health Center the 30 units at the Section 8 Housing Subdivision, Liyo, Snack Bar, P.O. Box 433, Saipan, MP (CHC). All proposals must be submitted no later than 3:00 96950. (3/4). Rota, MP. Civil Action No. 88-55 Civil Action No. 88-56 Rota. The scope of services to be provided shall include all p;m., March 4, 1988 to Director of Public Health and Civil Action No. 85-465 1 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRER· Order to Appear or Plead Order to Appear or Plead general repair and maintenance work, such as electrical, Environmental Services, Commonwealth Health Center, High school equivalent, 2 years MAJOR TASKS INCLUDE: Elizabeth Snyder Udui, plumbing, carpentry, masonry, painting, and maintenance of experience. Salary: S l.S0-$3.SO per Saipan; :MP 96950. Envelopes must be sealed and marked Plaintiff, FRANCISCAN. YUMUL FRANCISCAN. YUMUL all common areas (grounds, curb and gutters, septic tank and hour. (1) Conduct historical background review to collect data "MAIN1ENANCE OF OUTSIDE GROUNDS P88-001." Plaintiff, Plaintiff, ·V· leaching field areas). Copies of the proposals forms may be Contact: SABLAN CONSTRUCTION relating to the Alaguan area. CO., LTD., P.O. Box 1430, Saipan, Scope of work includes using some provided CHC equipment. Kaleb Udui 6btained at the following address: (2) Prepare research design and methodology. Defendant vs. MP 96950. (3/4). (3) Conduct field survey, map and photograph all archaeolo­ Proposer will provide at least two employees daily, Monday Unknown Heirs of Juan T. Unknown heirs of Manuel Dela MIHA Rota Field Office Blanco and Elizabeth B. Cruz, Rosa T. Dela Cruz, 1 AIR.CON MECHANIC· High school gical features in the Alaguan area. thru Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and additional needed NOTICE OF SALE P.O. Box 527 graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: Camacho. and all other persons Encarnacion T. Dela Cruz and (4) Undertake limited subsurface testing to detennine compo­ equipment and all petroleum to operate equipment. Detailed Rota, MP 96951 $2. lS per hour. requirements and information may be requested at the Director's Whereas, on January 15, unknown claiming any right Maria Dela Cruz Peredo and all Contact: BONG KEUN JUN dba Jun's sition of below ground cultural resources and site boundaries. other persons unknown claim­ 1988, the Court in this matter title, estate, lien or interest in Ent, P.O. Box 46, Saipan, MP 96950. (5) Prepare a final report of all research. Office during working hours, 7:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30 - the real property described in ing any right, title, estate lien Sealed proposals will be received at the MIHA Rota Field issued a Writ of Execution, (3/4). (6) Prepare draft National Register of Historic Places nomi­ 4:30 p.m., beginning February 12, 1988. Companies or the complaint adverse to plain­ or interest in the real property Office until 2:00 p.m., March 10, 1988, after which time, ·.directed to the Chief of Police I PERSONAL ATTENDANT - High nation fonns for the Alaguan Latte Site. persons interested in submitting a bid are invited to a pre-bid tiffs ownership. described in the complaint proposals will be opened and read aloud. school graduate. Salary: $200.00 per conference at the CHC Continuing Education Room on or any police officer of the Defendants. adverse LO plaintiffs owner­ month. Proposals shall be reviewed and ranked utilizing the following February 22, 1988 at 1:00 p.m. Northern Mariana Islands, and ship, Contact: LILUAN C. VILLAGOMEZ, directing him to attach and MIHA hereby notifies all interested parties that minority Saipan, MP 96950. (314). criteria (Listed in descending order of importance): Any company or person submitting a proposal should be Defendants. execute upon all of the right; To the above Named business enterprises will be accorded full opportunity to I PERSONAL ATTENDANT • High available for negotiation after the opening of the proposal, title, and interest of Kaleb Udui submit proposals in response to this request. In consideration school equivalent. Salary: $200. 00 per (I) Qualifications of Offeror (Offeror must meet the minimum Defendants: To the Above Named therefore, each proposal must contain telephone number and in and to that certain real of an award, no proposer will be discriminated against on the month. professional qualification for archaeologist set by the U.S. Plaintiff in the above entitled Defendants: name of responsible party who can negotiate their proposal. property described hereinabove; action has filed a Complaint to Plaintiff in the above entitled grounds of race, color, or national origin. Contact: JULIE C. DELA CRUZ, National Part Service). Saipan, MP 96950. (3/4). now, therefore, detennine the heirs of Juan T. action has filed a Complaint to (2) Quality of Research design and methodology. Further, proposer must be willing to purchase bond covering Notice is hereby given that Blanco and Elizabeth B. determine the heirs of Manuel 2 PERSONAL A TTEND~T • High personal liability insurance. A local business license that on Friday, February 26, 1988, MlHA reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, and school equivalent. Salary: $200.00 per (3) Cost of work Camacho, and to adjudge that Dela Cruz, Rosa T. Dela Cruz, waive any imperfection in the proposal in the interest of specifies landscaping/gardening and/or grounds must be at the hour of 3:30 p.m. of the Encarnacion T. Dela Cruz, and month. Plaintiff is the owner of the MIHA. 1 MAINTENANCE MEN - High school Proposals must be in sealed envelope, marked RFP88-0026 attached to all proposals. Length of contract will be from said day, at the police station following described real Maria Dela Cruz Peredo and to in Susupe, Saipan, Northern equivalent. Salary: $2.15 per hour. and submitted to the Chief, Procurement & Supply, ·Lower April 15, 1988 thru September 30, 1988. property in South Garapan, adjudge that Plaintiff is the .Mariana Islands, I will sell, at Contact: DORIS S. NUIQUE dba DSN Base, Saipan no later than 4:00 p.m., March 8, 1988. Saipan, Northern Mariana owner of the following /s/RUDY SEDMIK Ent., P.O. Box 713, Saipan, MP 96950 public auction, to the highest Executive Director Interested parties may acquire additional project infonnation at Dated: February 9, 1988 Islands: described real property in South . (3/4). bidder, all of the right, title, Garapan, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands Housing Authority 4MAINTENANCEWORK.ERS the Division of Historic Preservation located in the Com­ and interest of Kaleb Udui in Lot No. 008 D 15, contain­ /s/DR. JOSE T. VILLAGOMEZ Mariana Islands: 10 SALES CLERKS munity and Cultural Affairs Building at Lower Base. and to that certain tract or ing an area of 697 square Lot No. 013 D 06, contain­ • High school equivalent, 2 years Director, Public Health and Environmental Services parcel ofreal property situated meters, respectively, as ing an area of803 square experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. in Oleai, (San Jose Village), shown on Drawing Cadastral Contact: TAN BUN KUY dba Saipan ls/DAVID M. APATANG meters, more or less, as Saipan, NorLhern Mariana Plat No. 008 D 00 on shown on Cadastral Plat Connection/Common wealth Pacific, Islands, designated as Lots Inc., Saipan. MP 96950. (314). December 14, 1970 regis­ No. 013 D 03, registered INVITATION TO BID 1984 and 1986, more tered at the Mariana Islands in the Registrar's Office on 2 SEAMSTRESS particularly bounded and District Registrar's Office m 2TAILORS INVITATION TO BID No.: DPW88-ITB-00058 Saipan, Northern Mariana MOYLAN'S - High school equivalent, 2 years described as follows: bounded as Document No. 8340 on Islands as Document No. on lhe North· by a portion of June 11, 1979, Saipan, experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. The Procurement & Supply Division is now The Director's Office will receive sealed bids for the 6521 on September 23, 1 OPERATION MANAGER· College Lots No. 1983 and 1796, on Northern .Mariana Islands. 1977. VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT grad., 2 years experience. Salary: accepting competitive sealed bids for the reprint of Construction of Proposed Boat Ramp at Sasanhaya Bay, Rota, the East by a portion of Lois 100 sets of the Commonwealth Code. The sheet size Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Bids in The Complaint, an action to The Complaint, an action to $500.00 per month. No. 1796, 1772, and 2000, on quiet title of the above said real Contact: ROGEUA EUGENIO dba JRE of the code reprint shall be 6" x 9" with 3-holes duplicate will be accepted in the Office of the Chief of Procure­ the South by a portion of Lot quiet title of the above said real ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Ent., Saipan, MP 96950. (3/4). property, your reference to property, your reference to punched at 3-1/2" spacing. Bid shall be per page ment and Supply at Lower Base, Saipan until 3:00 p.m., local No. 1998, and on the West by which is invited for further 1 MATh'TENANCE WORKER - High time, Friday, March 18, 1988 at which time and place the bids a portion of Lots No. 1998, which is invited for further We are looking for a bright energetic individual to school equivalent. Salary: $2.15 per (both sides). Estimated number of pages for the particulars, is on file with the particulars, is on file with the will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received after -1986, 1988, 1987, 1975, and Clerk of this Court at Saipan, work as an ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE. hour. reprint is 1;100 both sides. Bids shall be submitted 1976, said parcel containing an Clerk of this Court at Saipan, Contact: J"s ENTERPRISES, P.O. Box the above time will not be accepted under any circumstances. Northern Mariana Islands. Now in sealed envelope, marked IFB88-0025, to Procure­ or Northern Mariana Islands. Must speak Chamorro 16 CHRB, Saiean, MP96950. (3/4). area of 5.0 hectares, more therefore: ment & Supply Office, Lower Base, no laer than less. sub.iect to survey. Now, therefore: Have own transportation l STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHER • High A bond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany the bid. You are hereby ordered to You are hereby ordered to 2:00 p.m., March 7, 1988, at which time and place, The right is reserved to reject Must enjoy meeting people school graduae, 2 years experience. This security may be a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Bid any and all bids, for any appear and plead in response to appear and plead in response to Salary: $2.15 per boor. all bids received will be publicly opened and read. the Plaintiffs Complaint the Plaintiffs Complaint Bond or other fonn acceptable to thr Government made payable reason. Contact: PACIFIC IMAGES dba Bids received late will not be considered. The within 21 davs of the elate of within 21 days of the date of We will train. Ramon Palacios, P.O. Box 261, to the Treasurer, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Dated, this 20th day of government reserves the right to reject any or all bids Islands with a notation on the face of the check: "Credit January, 1988: the last publication and posting the last publication and posting Please contact either SHAWN CUCHADO or Saipan, Mn 96950 (314). of this Order. If you answer, of this Order. If you answer, is in the best interest of the government. Account No. 1451." GRACE CONSTANTINO at MOYLAN'S 10 GARDENERS - High school /s/Chicf of Polici.. your answer should be in your answer should be in equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary: writing and filed with the Clerk· writing and filed with the Clerk INSURANCE, Sablan Bldg., San Jose. 2.15 per hour. /s/DA VID M. APATANG The bidder is required to submit with his proposal, a copy of of this court at Susupe, of this Court at Susupe, Contact: GARAPAN BAY CON­ his Business Pennit as a compliance with the Contractor's Saipan, Northern Mariana Saipan, Northern Mariana No phone calls please. STRUCTION dba Tropical Landscaping Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the Islands, and served upon Plain­ Islands, and served upon Plain­ P.O. Box 2660, Saipan, MP 96950. CLASSIFIED ADS tiffs counsel, Juan T. Lizama, tiffs counsel, Juan T. Lizama, (3(4. Northern Mariana Islands. 1 CARPENTER-MAINTENANCE - whose address is P.O. Box whose address is P.O. Box 25 OVERLOCKING MACHINE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL High school grad., 2 years experience. 1508, Saipan, Northern 1508, Saipan, Northern OPERATORS Specifications and plans of the profect will be available on or Salary: $2.15 per hour. Mariana Islands. If you fail to Mariana Islands. If you fail to 5 IRONING WORKERS The Board of Trustees, NMI Retirement Fund is seeking a after February 16, 1988 at the Technical Services Division, MOBIL OIL MICRONESIA, Contact: MR. & MRS. JACINTO appear or plead in accordance appear or plead in accordance SS SINGLE NEEDLE MACHINE properly licensed CPA firm to conduct a Single Audit of the Department of Public Works in Saipan. A non-refundable CRUZ, P.O. Box 1338, Saipan, MP with this Order,· this Court with this Order, this Court OPERATORS Fund's entire operation for fiscal year 1987. INC. S PATTERN GRADER CUTTERS payment of $75.00 is required for each set. Pre-bid conference : ! 96950. (2/26). may proceed as if you had been may proceed as if you had been - High school equivalent, 2 years for this project will be held at 2:00 p.m., on March 11, 1988 COOKS served with process in the served .with process in the SECRETARY experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. The Audit must include, but not limited to, the examination of at the Technical Services Division, Department of Public 2 SIGN MAKERS Commonwealth and judgment Commonwealth and judgment Contact: UNITED INTERNATIONAL the following: Works in Saipan. - High school equivalent, 2 years experi· by default may be taken against by default may be taken against Mobil Oil Micronesian, Inc. invites applicants for the CORPORATION, P.o. Box 689, ence. Salary: $2.25 per hour. you for lhe relief demanded in you for the relief demanded in Saipan, MP 96950. (314). position of an experienced Secretary. Applicants 1. Net Assets Available for Benefits. Attention is called to the Labor Standards Provisions for Wage Contact: PACIFIC CLOTHING, INC., the Complaint. the Complaint. P.O. Box 970, Saipan, MP 96950. should have at least 3 years secretarial experience, 2 AsSISTANT COOKS • High school 2. Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits. Rate Determination of the CNMI Classification and Salary Dated this 27th day of Dated this 27th day of graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: (2/26). January, 1988. 3. Statements of Accumulated Plan Benefits. Structure Plans, and payment of not less than the minimum January, 1988. possess good communication skills and be able to · $650.00 per month. 2 COOKS - High school equivalent, 2 type a minimum of 60 wpm. Candidates should also Contact: CHALAN KANOA BEACH 4. Changes in Accumulated Plan Benefits. salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must be years experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. /s/Robert A. Hefner ls/Robert A. Hefner be able to compose/edit Manager's correspondence CLUB CORP., P.O. Box 356, Saipan, 5. All other financial statements relating to the paid on this project. · 1 STORE MANAGER - High school Chief Judge Chief Judge MP 96950. (2/26). operation of the Fund. equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary: and be· conversant with general office procedures. $2.15-$3.00 per hoor. l DRIVER - High school equivalent, All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the Experience in Wang Word Processing is required. experience preferred but not required. Contact: MARIA M. SABLAN dba The firm selected must express an op1mon based on its Government of the Northern Mariana Islands with the Mom's Rest/Store, P.O. Box 166, 2 BAKERS - High school equivalent, 2 Salary: $2.15 per hour, l ELECTRICIAN Ability to take shorthand would be an advantage. 2 SCUBA INSTRUCTORS - High findings of the financial status and operations of the Fund for exception of bid bonds, certified checks or cashier's check Saipan, MP 96950. (/26). years experience. Salary: $450.00 per l MAINTENANCE REPAIRER month. school equivalent, 2 years experience. the fiscal year 1987. which will be returned to the bidders in accordance with the I BAKER HELPER - High school (Bldg.). Contact: MARGARITA P. TUDELA Salary commensurate with qualifications/experience. Sal.acy: $1,000.00 per month. specifications section "Instruction to Bidders" Page 1-2, equivalent. Salary: $2.15 per hour. - High school equivalent, 2 years dba Marg's Kitchen, P.O. Box 322, contact: S. ENDO dba Saipan Tropico, All interested and qualified firms must submit their proposal to Paragraph No. 5, Bid Guarantee. Contact: ESCOLASTICA T. CAB­ experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. P.O. Box 1249, Saipan, MP Saipan, MP 96950. (2/26). Contact: T & A ENTERPRISES, P.O. Send resume by February 12, to: Inc., the Office of the Public Auditor located on the fifth (5th) floor RERA (Escolastica's Ent.), Esco's Bake 96950. (2/26). - House, P.O. Box 92 CHRB, Saipan, 5 SEWlNG MACHINE OPERATORS - Box 1970. Saipan, MP 96950. (3/11). of the Nauru Building no later than 5:00 p.m., February 29, The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and MP 96950. (2!12). High school graduate, 2 years l GARDENER • High school 1988, or mail to: to waive any imperfection in the bid proposal in the interest of experience. Salary: $2.1 S per hour. 1 FLOWER ARRANGER - High MOBIL OIL MICRONESIA, INC. equivalent, 3 months experience. Salary: the Government. l AIRCRAFf MECHANIC - High 2 ACCOUNTANTS - Collce graduate, 2 school graduate, 2 years experience. P.O. Box 367 $2.J 5 per hour. Public Auditor school grad., 2 years experience. Salary: years experience. Salary: $2.15-$3.50 Salary: $2.15 per hour. Saipan, MP 96950 Contact: HOTEL NIKKO SAIPAN, $700.00 per month. per hour. Contact: FRA.l'{K C. CABRERA dba INC. dba Hotel Nikko Saipan, P.O. Box P.O. Box 1399 ls/JOHN C. PANGELINAN Contact: MATA WAN INVESTMENTS, Contact: JESUS M. TAITANO dba Design Florist/Cabrera's Funeral 152 CHRB, Saipan, Mp 96950 - Tel. Saipan, MP 96950 Director of Public Works INC., P.O. Box 690, Saipan, MP East-West Ent., P.O. Box 2309, Service, P.O. Box 866, Saipan, MP Attn: District Manager 322-311/12. (3/4). 96950. (3/4). Saipan, MP 96950. (3/4). 96950. (3/4). Page 40 __ MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page41 --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...;....~~-- CLASSIFIED ADS SAIPAN DIAMOND HOTEL PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Commonwealth of the REQUEST FOR 1 SEAMSTRESS - High school grad. or HAS AN IMMEDIATE OPENINGS PUBllC Nlt11C£ Northern Mariana Islands The CNMI Public School System is soliciting proposals for PROPOSAL c!iiuivalcnt, 2 ycan experience. Salary: FOR ·~ Commonwealth Trial Court qualified finns for a construction management contract for its $373.00 per month. FY 1988 Capital Improvement Projects. The scope of the The Department of Public Health and Environmental Services Contact: MARIA UG, Rota, MP 96951 Civil Action No. 88-132 contract will include project plans and specifications adminis­ is soliciting proposals for contracted pest and rodent control in - Tel. 532-34?8. (3/11). ·'* One (1) ACCOUNTANT trations and inspection, general supervision, compliance with and outside the Commonwealth Health Center (CHC). All 2 SCUBA INSTRUCTORS - High * Prefer degree in accounting or business February 18, 1988 Notice of Petition for local and federal regulations, geotesting, bid announcements school graduate, 2 years experience. Appointment of Administrator proposals must be submitted no later than 3:00 p.m., March administration. and other administrative functions relating to the management Salary: $800.00 per month. and Notice to Creditors 21, 1988 to Director of Public Health and Environmental Contact: BLUE SEA SPORTS, INC., * Minimum 2 years experienc~; aggressive, of construction projects. Services, Commonwealth Health Center, Saipan, MP 96950. P.O. Box 47, Saipan, MP 96950. with concentrated accountmg background. The due date for submission of proposals in In re the Estate of Envelopes must be sealed and marked "PEST AND RODENT (2!2h). * Strong management & administrative skills. response to CUC RFP 88S-001. for ~e!use ESPERANSA T. BABAUTA, A list of the FY 1988 Capital Improvement Projects and CONTROL P88-002". 3 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS - Dece.ased. further information may be obtained from Henry I. Sablan, High school equivalent, 2 years Collection Services has been mdef1n1tely Commissioner of Education, Public School System, Saipan, experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. One (1) TELEPHONE OPERATOR to: All Heirs, Devisees, Scope of work includes personnel to accomplish monthly and Contact: GREEN PARK ENTER­ postponed. The postponed due date will be Legatees, and cCreditors of MP 96950. daily unscheduled applications of pesticides to control insects * Excellent communication skill Esperansa T. Babauta, deceased. PRISES, IN~ .• P.O. Box 2689, Saipan, announced later on. and rodents. Contractor must use approved insecticides and MP 96950. (2/26). * Knowledge/experience in switchboard The selection of a firm will be made on the basis of construc­ accepted methods of applications set forth by federal law and Noticed is hereby given that I SUPERVISOR - High school operation . tion management experience, qualifications of key staff, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands pesticides graduale, 2 years experience. Salary: * With initiative & ability to work flexible hours. Mariano C. Torres has filed knowledge of applicable local and federal building regulations, S2.20 per hour. with the Clerk of this Court a regulations and standards. Detailed requirements and Contact: TOWER CORPORATION, Petition for Appointment of an and cost of services. information may be requested at the Director's Office during p.o. Box 968, Saipan, MP 96950. THREE (3) COOKS Administrator for the estate of regular working hours 7:30 - 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 - 4:30 (2126). . Proposals must be in sealed envelope, marked RFP88-0027, *Knowledge/experience in Western cuisine. PEDRO SASAMOTO Esperansa T. Babauta, deceased. p.m., Monday thru Friday' beginning February 26, 1988. l WATCH REPAIR The hearing on the Petition is and submitted to the Chief, Procurement & Supply, Lower i ' l DRESS MAKER * Ability t6 work flexible hours. Executive Director set for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on Base, Saipan, no later than 2:00 p.m., March 8, 1988. The Any company or person submitting proposal should be 2 GQLDSMITHS Thursday, the 3rd day of a - ·'High school graduate, 2 years Salary commensurate with qualifications. Public School System reserves the right to reject any or all available for negotiation after the opening of the proposal, March, 1988, in the experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. proposals for any reason and to waive any defects in any therefore, each proposal must contain telephone number and l MANAGER - High school gad, 2 Commonwealth Trial Court at proposals if in its sole opinion it is in the best interest of the Interested persons may apply in. person at the the Civic Center, Susupe, name of responsible party who can negotiate their proposal. years experience. Salary: $2.20 per hour. schools. All proposals shall become the property of the Public Contact: SUN TOWN CORPORATION Personnel Department, Ground Floor, SAIPAN REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Saipan, Northern Mariana School System. P.O. Box 2429, Saipan, MP 96950. DIAMOND HOTEL RFP NO.: DPW88-RFP-00059 Islands. Further, proposer must be willing to purchase insurance for (2126). For further particulars, please employees to cover accidents, injuries and death while in 33 SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS The Office of the Director of Public works is soliciting refer to the Petition on file ls/DAVID M. APATANG performance of the contract and property liability insurance. A - High school equivalent, 2 years proposals for furnishing and installation of Electronic Key herein or contact counsel for local business license that specifies pest control must be experience. ~alary: $2.15-$2.30 per Telephone System in the Department. Petitioner, Charles K. Novo­ attached to all proposals. Length of contract will be from April Gradac, of White, Novo­ ·hour. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS l, 1988 thru September 30, 1988. 3 PRODUCTION SUPERVISORS - Gradac, and Thompson, High school graduate, 2 years The Commonwealth Development Authority is The proposal shall include the following: Attorneys-at-Law, J oeten experience. Salary: $1,616.00 per HOUSE FOR RENT Dated: February 22, 1988 soliciting proposals for Agriculture Equipments and 12 Outside line access capacity .1, Office Building, Susupe, Post month. implements as follows: 32 Station memory capacity Office Box 222 Capitol Hill, 3 Bedroom, Fully Furnished with Living Room 8 LINKERS - High school equivalent, 2 Saipan, MP 96950. Signed; Dr. Jose T. Villagomez years experience. Salary: $2.15-$3.30 1 Key service unit Air-Con. Creditors of the Decedent or Director, Public Health and Environmental Services per hour. 1) One (1) Unit of 85 Horsepower, 4-Wheel 1 Power supply Located in San Vicente, Pacifica Villa 2 CUTTERS (Cuuing Machine of his estate are hereby notified Drive Fann Wheel Tractor, with one (1) 24 Telephone sets that they must file their claims Will be available in March 20, 1988. Operators) - High school equivalent, 2 2 Executive display telephone years experience. Salary: $2.77 per hour. set of disc harrow implement. with the Clerk of court for the Contact: SAIPAN MANUFACTUR­ 1 Console Commonwealth Trial Court ERS, INC., P.O. Box 2017, Saipan, 2 Ultrastyle 300 telephone set or equivalent within sixty (60) days of the INVITATION TO BID MP 96950. (3/4). 2) Four (4) Units of 50 or 60 Horsepower, 1 Sentry surge power protector first publication of this Notice, APARTMENT FOR RENT 1 A/C & REFRIGERATION 4-Wheel Drive Farm Wheel Tractors Cost of installation or the claims will be forever The Dept. of Public Safety is soliciting sealed bids for the MECHANIC - graduate, 2 with 4 sets of disc harrow and 4 sets Cost of maintenance of equipment installed baned 1 Bedroom, Fully Furnished. procurement and installation of the following: years experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. of rotary mower implements. Dated this 23rd day of Feb., 1 REFRIGERATION/AIR CONDI­ Located at Texas Road in Chalan Kanoa. The cost breakdown should be itemized in two (2) categories, 1988. VHF Antenna, 5.25 DB Gain 2Each TIONING SUPERVISOR - High school Available in March. grfd., 2 years experience. Salary: one under Purchase Option and the other under Lease Option. 1(2" Heliax Cable 200 Ft. All proposals must be in sealed envelope marked /s/AssL Clerk of Court S600.00 per month. RFP88-0024 and submitted to the Commonwealth Cable Straps 1 Box 1 POULTRYMAN - High school Contact: Carmen Safeway Enterprises Cable, RG-8 Development Authority Office, Gualo Rai, no later All proposals must be in sealed envelope marked RFP No. 10 Ft. graduate. Salary: S2.15 per hour. P.O. Box 922 Connectors, RG-8 8Each 1 FARM LABORER - High school than 2:00 p.m., February 29, 1988, at which time DPW88-RFP-00059 and submitted to the Chief of Procure­ PUBLIC NOTICE ment and Supply Division, Lower Base, no later than 2:00 ·saipan, MP 96950 Heliax Connectors 4Each graduate. Salary: $1.35 per hour. Commonwealth of the I WAREHOUSEMAN - High school and place, all proposals received will be opened. p.m., March 11, 1988. Proposals received late will not be Tel. 234-7313 Pole 70' (Telephone Pole) I Each graduarc, 2 years experience. Salary: Proposals received late will not be considered. CDA Northern Mariana Islands Guy Wire 7/16 considered. Commonwealth Trial Court 300 Ft. $3.00 per hour. Antenna Mount Support l STEEL WORKER - High school reserves the right to reject andy and all proposals and I Kit graudate, 2 years experience. Salary: to waive any imperfection in the interest of the The Department of Public Works reserves the right to reject Civil Action No. 88-130 $2.15 per hour. Authority. any and all proposals and to waive any imperfection in the Bids must be submitted in sealed envelope, marked IFB88- Conract: J.C. TENORIO In Re the Matter of the 0028, to Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later ENTEPRISES, INC., P.O. Box 137, interest of the Department. FOR LEASE Appoinunent of Guardian of ~an 2:~ p.m., .March 21~ 1988, at which time and place, all Saipan, MP 96950. (2/26). /s/DA VID M. APATANG /s/JOHN C. PANGELINAN MARY ANN I. CELIS bids received will be publicly opened and read. Bids received l EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - High Director of Public Works minor child, 55 Years late will not oo considered. The government reserves the right school equivalent, 2 years experience. by to reject any or all bids in the best interest of the government Salary: $1.75-$3.00 per hour. FELIPE T. CELIS and Contact: CONSTR. & MA T'L. ONE HECTARE SUPPLY, INC., P.o. Box 609, Saipan, NICOLASA I. CELIS, /s/DAVID APATANG MP 96950 - Tel. 234-6136. (3/18). VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Petitioners. Near Nikko Hotel 2 AIRCON & REFRlGERATION ME­ / CHANCIS - High school graduate, 2 The petition of Felipe T. years experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. LOCAL HIRED PREFERRED Celis and Nicolasa I. Celis 1800 Feet From Hotel Entrance INVITATION TO BID Contact: P. CLARK (SAIPAN), INC., $2.65-$3.00 per hour seeking for the appoinunent of P.O. Box 2740, Saipan, MP 96950 - David Lynn Jenkins and 145 Feet Road Frontage The Proocurement & Supply is inviting for sealed bids for a Tel. 234-8546. (3/18). Magdalena I. Jenkins as guard­ CHAMBERMAIDS (THREE) ian of the minor child, a Mary Ocean View one-year lease for the following type of vehicle: 5 CARPENTERS Ann I. Celis, has been set for 5 ELEC'IRICIANS Not on "Beach 1988 Automatic Transmission with Air Condition, S MASONS We urgently need honest, hardworking and hearing before the Common­ - High school equivalent, 2 years wealth Trial Court, Saipan, Four (4) Door Sedan with 2000cc Engine or Better responsible people to work in an expanding hotel. Norlhern Mariana Islands, on experience. Salary: $1.50-$2.00 per Duties and responsibilities include cleaning of hotel 234-5683 With Radio AM-FM, Complete rustproof and under­ hour. the 10th day of March, 1988 at coat, Complete Maintenance & Insurance during 2 CIVIL ENGINEERS- College rooms, changing/washing linen, and other related the hour of 1:30 p.m. graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: $125 per sq. m~ter lease period and must meet Federal Motor Vehicle functions in a hotel. Any person who has any Safety Standard (FMVSS). · $600.00 per month. objection to this petition may 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - file his or her objection with College graduate. Salary: $600.00 per If you think you are qualified and you a:e Bid must be submitted in sealed envelope, Marked IFB88- the Commonwealth Court at 1 HOUSE WORKER - High school 3 FARM WORKERS - High school month. interested in the above position, please apply m 0030, to Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later Contact: MASTERS BUILDERS, INC., any time before the hearing, or equivalent. Salary: $150.00 per equivalent. Salary: $150.00-$200.00 P.O. Box 103, Saipan, MP 96950 - Tel. person at: may appear at the time set for month. per month. t~an 2:0~ p.m., .March 08'. 1988, at which time and place, all Contact: MR. & MRS. JUAN C. 234-3619. (3118). hearing to present such Contact JUAN T. LIZAMA, P.O. bids received will be publicly opened and read. Bids received objection or interest in the AGUON, P.O. Box 844, Saipan, MP Box 1508, Saipan, MP 96950. (3118). 20MASONS ISLANDER INN 96950. (3118). late will not be considered. The government reserves the right 10 CARPENTERS above-captioned matter. Ferreira Building 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (I louse Worker) - 1 FARM WORKER - lligh school to reject any or all bids if doing so is in the best interest of the - High school equivalent, 2 years Dated this 23rd day of Feb., High school equivalent. Salary: equivalent. Salary: $150.00 per month. government. experience. Salary: '$1.75 per hour. Beach Road, Garapan 1988. $200.00 per month. Contacr: MR. LUIS CAMACHO, Contact: ALFREDO MALIT dba A.M. Saipan, MP 96950 Contact: YOUNG J. OJI, P.O. Box P.O. Box 14, Saipan, MP 96950. Ent./G.M. Cons1., P.O. Box 2095, /s/Deputy Clerk of Court /s/DAVID M. APATANG 2183, Saipan, MP 96950. (3/18). (3/18). Saipan, MP 96950. (3/18). ··-----·------··· -

I / j Ii: . FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS - Page 43 Page 42 MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 1 MANAGER - Sales - College 4 FISHER.MENS However, he didn't leave an address. CLASSIFIED ADS ; graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: 1 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC - HELP WANTED GRIPE One joker who identified himself as "Jose C. Santa : $800.00 per month. Engine Claus"( we apologize if that is a real name) called in to say - High school equivalent, 2 years Saipan Residents Tuesday paper DdAINTENANCE MANGER - High ; Contact: JOHN MICKELSON dba Contnued from page 1 7 ~~§ ~ he was against the poker machines. " ... not because I am :Tropical ·T-Shirts, P.O. Box 1171, experience. Salary: $200.00 per month. .. c~nlin~e"if~~m ..pdii'3' .... school graduate, 2 years experience. Contact: PRO HOOK-UP (C.S. Please Apply justment period involved. We will not have an LINE a gambler - I used to play poker - I feel the poker machine Salliry: $1,681.00 per month. : Saigan, MP 96950. (3118). . ; I GENERAL MANAGER - High HOFSCHNEIDER), P.O. Box 1086, editorial page in the initial Tuesday editions be­ ential has a party, a death in the family, they get water. I is nor proper for this islands ..." · 1 OPERATION SUPERVISOR - High Saipan, MP 96950. (3118). school grad., 2 yean experience. Salary: school equivalent. 2 years experience. cause of the time involved. As we expand our staff think that it would be nice if the rest of us could benefit the Bud White called in to also say that he was also against $1,681.00 per month. • Salary: $650.00 per month. 1 INSTRUCTOR (Diving) - High SENIOR ACCOUNTANT we may also include a Tuesday editorial page poker machines. "I'd like all poker machines to be dumped school grad., 2 years experience. Salary: same way ...." Contact: JAPAN AIR LINES CO., Contact: UNION CORPORATION dba eventually." The caller also alleged that the same thing applies to off Agrigan Point." LTD., P.O. Box 469, Saipan, MP Myung Dong Direct Sales, Caller Box $2.94 per hour. One of the new facts oflife with two newspaper public works. If someone influential has an event in their White hlso complained that one story didn't jump cor­ 96950 - Tel 234-6556. (3/18). PPP 101, Saigan. MP 96950. (3/18). Contact: MACRO ENERGY, INC., To work in pleasant, non-smoking offi~e. rectly from last week's paper. "When I go to that page (the I ACCOUNTANT- High school grad., P.O. Box 219 CHRB, Saipan, MP Experience required in all phases of Account11;1g publication days is :Ycloser observance of dead­ family they get a road, street lights, etc. "We haven't had 2 years experienC:e. Salary: $2.50 per 96950. (3/18). through F/S. Computer experience helpful. Must be lines. Younis said that deadlines for the Tuesday a street light repaired or our road repaired in three years," jump) and can't find it there, I get upset. Gee, if this hour. papers will be Friday BEFORE the Tuesday paper the caller said. continues and you go to doing the paper twice a week, I'll PUBLIC NOTICE 1 CARPENTER self-starter and dependable. Salary commensu~ate 6 ASST. STORE SUPERVISORS - 1 PAINTER by2p.m. "It will be nice when some of these services can be get to do that twice as often ..." High school grad., 2 years experience. · with experience. Please send resume statmg Commonwealth of the 1 POWER PLANT OPERA TOR Deadlines for the Friday issue will remain democratized ... " Local attorney David Wiseman also dialed our number Northern Mariana Islands Salary: $2.25 per hour. l A/C MECHANIC qualifications, work history & references to: Contact: HAKUBOTAN SAIPAN Wednesday at noon for ALL advertising. One caller said he was against poker machines. "I think to say that he would vote to keep poker machines if an Commonwealth Trial Court - High school equivalent, 2 years ENTERPRISES, INC., P.O. Box 127, experience. Salary: $2.80 per hour. Deadlines for advertisers wishing to place color they should be taken out of everywhere," he said. ''They election were held now. Civil Action No. 88-131 Saipan, MP 96950 - Tel 234-7362/63. 1 EXECUTIVE CHEF - College grad., Pacific International Marianas, Inc. ads will be Tuesday noon for the FRIDAY and don't belong on Saipan." Anotherlady caller said she wouldn •t vote to keep poker (3/18). 2 years experience. Salary: $28,000- TUESDAY issues. The same caller had an opinion about person who drive machines (killing Wiseman's vote, we guess) "I was Notice of Petition for Controller 1 MANAGER - High school $31,700 per year. Hughes said that news deadlines for the Tues­ against them before, and I am still against them, " Bobbi Appoinunent of Administrator eqquivalent. 2 years experience. Salary: 1 SALES MANAGER - High school P;O.. Box 887 drunk; "I think any accident that is caused by adrunk driver and Notice to Creditors $ 1,000.00 per month. grad., 2 years experience. Salary: Saipan, MP 96950 day edition are Friday noon for press releases, etc. is not an accident. I think the paper should say that it was Lynch said. Contact: KAZUE SUGIHARA dba $19,000-$21,700 per month. and 11 a.m. Monday for late-breaking material. not an accident that somebody was drunk and hurt some­ One local man called in to say how much he appreciated In re the Estate of Kazue's Boutique, P.O. Box 1249, 1 GEN. ACCOUTANT- College grad., "If they don't make deadline, it won't be in the one or wrecked the car." · the new service of the Variety. "It makes it easier to JOSE de TORRES. Saipan, MP 96950. (3118). 2 years experience. Salary: $13,000- paper - period," Hughes said. "Late material will communicate with you rather than writing you a letter .... $15,60q per year. Well, editor David Hughes said he appreciated the Deceased I GENERAL MANAGER - College appear in the next issue - now people won't have caller's sentiments, but "we don't print what isn't fact," he I hope a lot of people will do so." Continues TUF.sDA Y graduate, 2 years experience.' Salary: · Contact: E.I.E. SAIPAN CORPORA­ To: All Heirs, Devisees, From $3,000.00 per month depending TION dba Hyatt Regency Saipan, P.O. VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT to wait a week anymore." said. i•rr a police officer charges a person with driving Legatees, and Creditors of Jose on qualificatioru1. Box 87 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950 - Younis also said that advertisers have taken an under the influence of alcohol or drugs, we will print that. de Torres, deceased. Contact: CREATIVE TOURS MICRO­ Tel. 234-1234 exL 5118. (3/18). immediate interest in the new product He also If an officer says that a person was drunk as part of an NESIA, INC. dba Jalpak, c/o Hyatt P.o. ONE PART-TIME TELLER PQ INT: Continued from Paae 3 : 1 PAINTER - High school equivalent, 2 hopes to be able to speed up government's pur­ official accident report, we'll print that. We will not be Box 87 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96959 - Notice is hereby given that ·years experience. Salary: $2.25 per hour. chasing needs by giving them - as well as poten­ judgmental as to what caused an accident. that's for the Tel. 234-7417. (3/18). ONE FULL-TIME TELLER While on that subject, I want to say there is a differ­ Mariano C. Torres has filed •Contact: VICENTE SN. BABAUTA dba tial employers, an opportunity to cut delay time in with the Clerk of this Court a 1 GENERAL MANAGER - High Bldg. Maint. Services, P.O. Box 171, police to say - not us." ence between "David" and "the editor." Like cops, Experience not necessarily but preferable. half. Presently employers must run their an­ Another called in to say he would vote yes to keep poker Petition for Appointment of an . school grad., 2 years experience. Salary: i Saipan, MP 96950 - Tel. 234-6133. lawyers, doctors, etc., I wear at least two hats. I would Working hours: · nouncements for four weeks because the newspa­ machines because "even though they do take the money Administrator for the estate of $900.00 per month. (3/18). never betray a friendly conversation between friends by 1 ASST. MANAGER - High 'school Mon-Thur- 8:30 to 5:15 per only came out once weekly. out of people's pockets (and) I don't personally play them, Jose de Torres, deceased. The 2 BODY FENDERS - High school publishing it But, I am like a cop in many ways in that hearing on the 'Petition is set graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: With the inauguration of the Tuesday edition, the money gathered from these machines are donated to $750.00 per month. Friday - 9:45 - 6:45 anything I hear can be filed away in my mind and used for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on $2.15 per hour. there will now be eight issues a month - allowing some good causes ... just like the lotteries in California, Contact: SUNSHINE ENTERPRISES, as a basis for future stories . . Thursday, the 3rd day of Contact: JAMES CABRERA (David) bid proposals and employment notices to only run INC., P.o. Box 2183, Saipan, MP -Tel. . dba Saipan Speed Shop, P.O. Box 305, Apply in person at they benefit certain groups." ****************************** March, 1988, in the Common­ 234-7762. (3/18). two weeks. The caller also said he heard that Dr. Saliva Dadoush, a wealth Trial Coiirt at the Civic , Saigan, MP 96950. (3/18). _ Thanks for taking your time to read my ramblings. I 1 SALES MANAGER CALIFORNIA FIRST BANK well-known former physician here, had been felled by a Center, Susupe, Saipan, 1 PURCHASING AGENT - High Keep those letters to the editor and calls to the Gripeline ' 1 STORE MANAGER school gradfuate, experience preferred but heart attack. He suggested that the doctor be sent either a Northern Mariana Islands. - High st:hool graduate, 2 years coming! For further particulars, please not required. Salary: $374.00 per month. collective card, or individual cards to wish him well. experience. Salary: $2.15-$3.00 per Contact: LYNNE MICHAEL dba Dive refer to the Petition on file ·hour. Rota, P.O. Box 941, Rota, MP 96951 - LOOKING FOR A CAREER IN, THE herein or contact ·counsel for 1 GEN. MANAGER - High school Tel. 532-3377. (3/18). Petitioner, Charles K. Novo­ grad., 2 years experience. Salary: $2.50- HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY? ./ 3 GOLDSMITH - High school. .;·.~ Gradac, of White, Novo­ $3.50 per hour. equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary: Gradac, and Th'Jmpson, At­ Contact: MEI ART, INC., P.O. Box Why not make start with a company committed to 2790, Saipan, MP 96950 - Tel. 234· $600.00 per month. ~~ torneys-at-Law, loeten Office 1 GEM CUTTER - High school your development! Building, Susupe, Post Office 3532. equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary: 0 THANK YOU Box 222 Capitol Hill, Saipan, l CIVIL ENGINEER - College graduate, $2.15 pct hour. Hyatt Regency Saipan has immediate openings for: 4 years experience. Salary: $400.00 to -~-~----~ MP 96950. Contact: MIKE'S MFG., INC. (Mike - vv-~ -vv - ---~ $900.00 per month. Shin) dba Mike's Jewelry, P.O. Box BELLMAN/BELL A TIENDANT Creditors of the Decedent or Mr. & Mrs. Flaviano D. Guerrero would like to take ofhisestate are hereby notified 2 STEELJALUMINUM Fabricators 977, Saipan, MP 96950 - Tel. 234- FRONT DESK CLERK I 2 ELECTRICIANS that they must file their claims 7250. (3/18). HOST/HOSTESS this opportunity to express their sincerest thanks and , - High st:hool equivalent, 2 years 2 COOKS - High school equivalent, 2 with the Clerk of Court for the experience. Salary: $1.50 to $1.80 per BUS ATIENDANT/W AITER/W AITRESS heartfelt appreciation to: Commonwealth Trial Court years experience. Salary: $200:00 per hour. month. Excellent benefits: Duty meal, uniforms, medical a) Those who helped looked for blood donors: within sixty (60) days of the 3 CARPENTERS 2 DRESSMAKERS - High school first publication of this Notice, 9 FINISHING CARPENTERS equivalent, 2 year.i experience. Salary: insurance, vacation, sick leave an4 training provided. Sampaguita Club headed by Dr. Estella Christian and or the claims will be forever 4MASONS $150.00 per month. For local hires only. Tita Fidelino · - High school equivalent, 2 years barred. Contact: F.C. & R.A. DANGCA . Mr. & Mrs. Nick B. Loste Dated this 23rd day of Feb., expe.rience. Salary: $1.50 to $% 1.85 per ENTERPRISES, P.O. Box 4, Saipan, 1988. hour. MP 96950 - Tel. 234-6248. (3/18). Please apply at the Hyatt Personnel Office Mr. & Mrs. Bert Quiblat Contact: TAC INT'L. CONST., INC., Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Arsenio Flores ·'l>.o. Box 1579, Saipan, MP 96950 - 3 HOSTESS-GROUND - High school /s/Asst Clerk of Court equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary: Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Supnet ,JJ Tel. 234-6834. (3/18). $600.00 per month. 1 MAINTENANCE ENGINEER - High l WAITRESS - High school equivalenL HYATT REGENCY.@SAIPAN Mr. & Mrs. Juanito Niedo ~ school grad., 2 years experience. Salary: Salary: $2.15 per hout. Mr. & Mrs. Lauro Barasi PUBLIC NOTICE $1,500.00 per month. Contact: PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT, R.B. Electrical Commonwealth of the 1 STEWARDESS - College grad., 2 INC., P.O. Box 502, Saipan, MP - Tel. years e:xperience. Salary: $1,000.00 per Mr. & Mrs. Anastacio Buccat Northern Mariana Islands 234-5731. (3/18). WHY TAKE CHANCES? month. INVITATION TO BID Commonwealth Trial Court 1 QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTOR Mr. Bonifacio Magahiz ~ With FHP, you're covered for. .. l BOAT DRIVER - High school CHIEF - College graduate, 2 years Public Works Technical Services Division Civil Action No. 88-133 equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary: experience. Salary: $4.33 per hour. The Procurement & Supply Division is now accepting •Outpatient care Saipan & Guam Sl.800.00 per month. 1 CUTI'ER - High school graduate, 2 competitive sealed bids for the procurement of the following Mr. Soo In Kim Contat:t: DOSA· SUBSEA CO. LTD., ~Hospitalization Saipan & Guam Notice of Hearing years experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. vehicles: Rev. Fr. Roque E. Bitancur P.O. Box 2183, Saipan, MP 96950. Contact: EUROTEX SAIPAN, INC., @D •Emergency care, Saipan, Guam and out-of-area In the Matter of the (3118). P.O. Box 190 CHRB, Saipan, MP 1. One (1) Station Wagon, 1988, 2000cc, standard b) Blood Donors: Guardianship of MENJOR 2 WAITRESSES - High school 96950 - Tel. 234-5273. (3/18). transmission equipped with air-<'.ondition and ALEXANDER BUEKIS and equivalent. experience preferred but not 3 SUPER VISORS - High school grad., radio and must meet Federal Motor Vehicle Mr. John Halloran YOUR FAMILY IS WORTH FHP! LANI MARIE BUEKIS, required. Salary: $2.35 per hour. 4 years experience. Salary: $3.00 per Mr. Eduardo Dumolot 1 WAITER - High school equivalent, Safety Standard (FMVSS). Call Mary P. Sablan at 234-8125/8453 for more information. minor children. hour. Mr. Jorge Soledad Location: Design Florist Building, San Jose Address: Box 118, Saipan. C.M. 96950 experience preferred but ~ot required. · Contact: MARIANAS GARMENT 2. 1-12 Passenger Van, 1988, 2200cc, standard Notice is hereby given that Mr. Severo Avila Salary: $373.00 per month. MFG., INC., P.O. Box 1877, Saipan, transmission equipped with air-condition and Jr. Theresita S. Bombom, flea Contact: HAFADAI BEACH HOTEL MP 96950 - Tel. 234-5821. (3/18). Mrs. Ramona Barcinas D. radio and must meet Federal Motor Vehicle Theresita Saralu Buekis, has dba Saipan Hotel Corp., P.O. Box 338, · A FEDERALLY QUALIFIED HMO filed a Petition, asking that she Saipan, MP 96950 - Tel. 234-6495. ' 1 DOMESTlC HELPER (House Safety Standard (FMVSS). Mr. Edwin Flores be named as General Guardian (3/lS). · . _ . ·- .. Worker) - High school equivalent, Ms. Teresita Ramon of Menjor Alexander Buckis 2 FISHERMANS - High school experience preferred but not required. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelop, Marked IFB88- Mr. Leonardo Pascua and Lanie Marie Buekis, minor equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary: Salary: $2.15 per hour. Contact: MANUELA C. CEPEDA, 003 l, to Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later Mr. Danny Bumacod children; and that the said $215 per hour. than 2:00 p.m., March 22, 1988, at which time and place, all Contact: RODRIGO CAPATI dba P.O. Box 2395, Saipan, MP 96950. Mr. Wynne Babcock I HEALTH CARE CARD Petition will be heard by the (3/18). bids received will be publicly opened and read. Bids received Court on Thursday, March 10, Commercial Fishing Industry, P.O. Box Mr. Eric Sablan THE BETTER 2314, Sai an, MP 96950. (3/18 . 1 LlVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - late will not be considered. The government reserves the right VALUE IN QUALITY fMP Ull.lllll~Mt, lllUMl(ll • 1988, at the hour of 1:30 p.m. High school equivalent, experience of the said day. 1 UVE-IN-MAID (House orker - to reject any or all bids if doing so is in the best interest of the c) Friends and all who in one way or another helped HEALTH CARE High school grad. Salary: $150.00 preferred but not required. Salary: Dated, this 23rd day of Feb .• $175.00 per month. government. and morally support us while we were at CHC. 1988. . per month. u. THE HEALTH P\.AN WITH MULTl·STATE COVE11AGE Contact: MARIA C. PANGELlNAN Contact: MRS. GUADALUPE j, \ Many thanks and may God bless you all. SABINO, P.O. Box 1099, Saipan, P.O. Box 2395, Saipan, MP 96950. /s/DAVID M. APATANG /s/Dep. Clerk of Court MP 96950. (3/18). (3/18).

~i-:'------..... 11111111 Page 44 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 Store still trying to Senate By Nick Legaspi ing to $7,363.98 plus interest, $100,000 for punitive pay the original amount plus costs of suit. Staff reporter damages, attorney's fees and additional interest on the White said in the new complaint that the Senate had not A four-year-old Senate debt to Town House Depart­ total amount of judgment. paid the amount as set in the lower court. He said the ment Store, unpaid despite a court order, may balloon to Senate's failure the debt was a deprivation of his client's more than $100,000 as a result of a new lawsuit filed by the The original obligation represented purchases of vari­ store. rights, privileges and immunities under the constitution ous items under a $10,000 charge account opened in 1984 and existing laws. Jones and Guerrero Co., Inc., owner of Town House in by then President Ponciano Rasa. Chief J udgc Robert A. Saipan, filed the new complaint at the District Court Hefner, ruling on a complaint filed in the Trial Court by He alleged that the Senate's action was done wilfully, Tuesday asking for payment of the original debt amount- . Town House counsel Michael White, ordered the Senate to thus Town House was entitled to punitive damages. Health sleuths fin.d more filth in barracks Sanitary inspectors returning to a Dan Dan area con­ itruction barracks after nearly two months found condi­ ions as bad or worse than on a previous visit Their report n the Division of Public Health says conditions at the ~eyes-Gozum Construction Company barracks, which is 1ome to 71 workers, are "unsatisfactory" and that the milding itself is "uninhabitable." As in December, an overflowing septic tank continues to ;end a stream of raw sewage toward neighboring proper­ jes, creating a foul smell and health hazard. Piles of trash md junked cars on the property provide a refuge for rats. Inside the di in I y lit and stuffy barracks, cardboard boxes ire being used as room dividers, creating what the report foscribed as a "fire hazard." Hobie cat racing was In full swing over the weekend A tom screen door to the communal kitchen allows flies on Salpan waters. The top photo shows Hobie 14 :o infest cooking and serving areas. The report noted racing past the buoy. In the bottom photo, Sailrs of Tokyo won the Hobie 16 team race. ~oaches and rat droppings in the food preparation area and llso called for a cleanup of cigarette butts and empty beer Coming in the ;ans in the kitchen. Animal lovers at the bai-racks were told to get dogs out )f the kitchen and to move a fighting rooster's cage at least 100 feet from the building. NEW An overflowing, foul smelling septic tank was also a najor violation at the Genesis Construction Company Jarracks in San Vicente. Numerous other violations in­ ~olving the 185-man barracks included bad plumbing, TUESDAY mproper ceilings and missing floor tiles. The report also :alls for a dog to be removed from the sleeping quarters. The Michigan, Incorporated garment factory in San <\ntonio has also been told to clean up a variety of sanitary v'iolations, including tall weeds and trash strewn around :he property. Other sanitary demerits were found in toilets md the kitchen area. Excavation reveals new Genesis Construction and Michigan, Incorporated were :o be re-inspected in two weeks. evidence of early islanders Judge puts off ruling on Rocball action results released Saipan Stevedore rates Game of the Week: Bombers rally against Survivors: Remember the much-publicized gun 30-20. Luzarna's first goal set the pace of things to raid in November? Read how the CNMI The Survivors, except for Thomas Rufus' goal in the come. Arken Haddy's two xunks seemed to have demoralizing affect on the Survivors. The dropped 78 of 82 charges in that case first match set, dominated the Bombers like they own Bombers won the last two sets and were pretty Important news from Washington: them. However, in the second set the Bombers began much in control offensively and defensively. We have the scoop! playing like they were the World Champions of '87. Their The Survivors were only able to score four points 16 to 7 match defeat in the first set was what it took to make for the rest of the game but they gave notice of them realize they can't live on last years glory. The intent and if the Bombers were listening then Read all about it on March 1 Bombers exploded for a total of 5 goals and 2 xunks to they know, that in the future, they will have to ::rush the Survivors hope of an upset victory. Alfonso compete to win. Governor rubbing elbows 1nI D.C. Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio is off-island this month Lo hosted by President Reagan in honor of the Governors attend several meetings in Washington, D.C. including the including a separate briefing of issues of national concern. annual National Governors Association (NGA), the Pa­ Other officials accompanying the Governor arc: Direc­ cific Basin Development Council and the congressional tor of Finance Eloy Inos, Acting Planning and Budget oversight budget hearings. Officer Jim Ripple, Executive Director of the Common­ Gov. Tenorio, accompanied by his wife Sophie and wealth Development Authority Rex Palacios, Executive other officials, is a member of several sub-committees of Director of Commonwealth Utilities Corporation Pete the NGA and is the Treasurer of the PBDC. While in Sasamoto, Budget Officer Frank P. Rosario, Sen. Joseph Washington, the Governor is expected to meet with Inte­ Inos, Chairman of the Senate Fiscal Affairs Committee rior officials regarding the bon'd money for various capital and one House member. improvement projects in the Northern Marianas. The Governor and his entourage is expected Lo return on The Governor will attend a reception al the White House March 3. [ ~~:. '-~··,,, '