Boonville Briarcliff Manor Bridgehampton Bridgeport Brighton

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Boonville Briarcliff Manor Bridgehampton Bridgeport Brighton New York Directory of Radio Big Flats hrs wkly. Target aud: 40 plus. Spec prog: Pol 3 hrs, Irish 2 hrs, Polka Syracuse 13202. Phone: (315) 472 -9111. Fax: (315) 472 -1888. E -mail: 4 hrs, relg 3 hrs, Czech one hr wkly. Roger Neal, gen sls mgr & geninfo Web Site: Licensee: Galaxy Syracuse progmg dir. Licensee LLC. (group owner, (acq 4-6 -2000; grpsl). Law Finn: WENT -FM -April 1989: 97.7 mhz; 1.30 kw. Ant 482 It TL: N42 09 43 Leventhal, Senter & Lerman. Format: Classic rock. News staff: one; W77 02 15. Hrs opn: 24. Box 1047, Coming 14830. Secondary News: 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54 plus; stable, peak -earning adults. WAAL(FM) -owned with WYOS(AM).March 1954: 99.1 mhz; 8.7 address: 2309 Davis Rd., Coming 14830. Phone: (607) 962-4646. --Co Ed Levine, Ares; Mike Lucarelli, CFO; Ed Levine, gen mgr; Lisa kw. Ant ft. TL: N42 W75 Hrs opn: 24. Web Fax: (607) 962-1138. Licensee: Group A Licensee LLC. Group owner: 954 03 31 57 06. Stereo. Morrow, sls VP; Mimi Grizwold, progmg VP. staff: one; News: 2 Route 81 Radio LLC (acq 10-31 -2003; grpsl). Network: ABC. Natl rep: Site: Format: Classic rock. News Roslin. Format: Oldies. Target aud: 25-54. *Bob Eolin, gen mgr, nati hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 -49; CHR/rock listeners. *Don Morgan, sls mgr & progmg dir; Richard Burton, rgnl sis mgr; Dee Eolin, news progmg dir. dir & pub affrs dir; Jim Appleton, chief of engrg. Brighton Blue Mountain Lake WZNE(FM)- November 1996: 94.1 mhz; 6 kw. 318 ft. TL: N43 08 07 W77 35 07. (CP: 1.8 kw, ant 407 ft.). Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.1700 HSBC Binghamton Plaza, Rochester 14604. Phone: (585) 399 -5700. Fax: (585) 399 -5750. 'WXLH(FM)-November 1992: 91.3 mhz; 78 w. 1,729 It TL: N43 52 Web Site: Licensee: Infinity Radio Inc. Group 18 W74 24 02. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WSLU(FM) Canton 100 %. owner: Infinity Broadcasting Corp. (acq 6-5 -98; grpsl). Network: CNN WAAL(FM)- Listing follows WYOS(AM). SI. Lawrence Univ., North Country Public Radio, Canton 13617. Radio. Format: Alternative. Target aud: Men 18 -34; Affluent fans of Phone: (315) 229 -5356. Fax: (315) 229 -5373. Web Site: Alternative Rock music. *Al Casazza, gen mgr. WENE(AM )-See Endicott Licensee: St. Lawrence University. Law Firm: Donald E. Martin. Format: Eclectic public radio. News staff: 2; News: 35 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Gospel, jazz, class, folk, pub affrs. Ellen WHRW(FM) -Mar 1, 1966: 90.5 mhz; 1.45 kw. -47 ft. TL: N42 05 24 Rocco, gen mgr; Sandra Demarest, dev dir. Brockport W75 58 05. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 2000, Univ. Union, Binghamton Univ. 13902-6000. Phone: (607) 777 -2137. Fax: (607) 777 -6501. WASB(AM) -Feb 15, 1970: 1590 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -2. TL: N43 11 44 E -rtmalf: [email protected]. Web Site: Licensee: W77 57 05. His opn: 24. 6675 4th Section Rd. 14420. Phone: (585) State University of New York. Format: Var /div. News: 5 hrs wkly. Target Boonville 637 -7040. Web Site: www.fountainof- Licensee: David L. aud: General. Spec prog: It 3 hrs, Jazz 9 hrs, Pol 3 hrs, ReIg 6 hrs, Wolfe (acq 12 -21 -2005; with WRSB(AM) Canandaigua). Format: Sp 9 hrs wkly. Sam Smith, gen mgr; Brian Napolitano, chief of WBRV(AM) -June 22, 1955: 900 khz; 1 kw -D, 52 w -N. TL: N43 30 47 Christian. Target aud: All ages; rural audience, westem Rochester & engrg. W75 21 46. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WLLG(FM) Lowville 50 %. 7606 State St., Lowville 13367. Phone: (315) 942-4311. Phone: (315) suburbs. Daniel Wolfe, gen mgr & stn mgr. 376-7500. Fax: (315) 376-8549. Web Site: Licensee: WHWK(FM) -Listing follows WNBF(AM). Flack Broadcasting Group L.L.C. Network: LISA. Law Firm: Shaw WYBSU(FM) -Jan 14, 1981: 89.1 mhz; 7.33 kw. 160 ft. TL: N43 12 45 Pittman. Format: Country. News: 18 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. W77 5717. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Seymour Union 14420. Phone: (585) Sara Flack, sr VP; William Rack, pres, gen mgr & progmg dir; Brian mhz; 100 w. Ant ft. TL: N42 10 W75 395-2580. Fax: (585) 395 -5334. E -mail: [email protected]. 'WIFF(FM )-1995: 90.1 686 03 Best, news dir. New 42 07. His opn: 24. 111 N. Main St., Elmira 14901. Phone: (607) Web Site: Licensee: Stale University of 4 hrs 732-2484. Fax: (607) 732 -8704. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: York. Network: AP Radio. Format: CHR, AOR, alternative. News: Licensee: CSN International (group owner; acq WBRV- FM-Jan 31, 1989: 101.3 mhz; 5.5 kw. 348 ft. TL: N43 26 53 wkly. Target aud: 17 -34; college & young professional. Spec prog: Halstead, 5-30-2003; $67,000). Law Firm: .Reddy, Begley & McCormick Format: W75 20 48. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WLLG (FM) Lowville Black one hr, pub affrs 8 hrs wkly. Dr. John pres; Warren Christian adult contemp. News staff: 2; News: 8 hrs wkly. Target aud: 50 %. Web Site: News: 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: Kozireski, gen mgr; Dean King, chief of engrg. General. Lorenzo Galletli, gen mgr; Gina Galletli, progmg mgr; General. Spec prog: Farm 3 hrs, relg 3 hrs wkly. Stacey Sosnoski, asst music dir. WKDL(FM) -1999: 104.9 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 328 ft. TL: N43 09 51 W77 47 02. 5700 West Oaks Blvd., Rocklin, CA 95765. Phone: (916) Fax: (916) 251 -1650. Web Site: Licensee: WINR(AM )-1946: 680 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 w -N, DA -2. TL: N42 06 53 Brentwood 251-1600. Brockport Licenses LLC. (acq 1- 27- 2006; $4 million). Network: W75 51 16. Hrs opn: 24. 320 N. Jensen Rd., Vestal 13850-2111. K-Love. Format: Contemp Chirstian. Richard Jenkins, pres. Phone: (607) 584 -5800. Fax: (607) 584 -5900. Licensee: AMFM Radio 'WBEA(FM) -June 21, 1975: 88.1 mhz; 180 w. 90 ft. TL: N40 46 19 Licenses LLC. Group owner Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq W73 15 19. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Ross High School, First & 5th Aves. 2 -13 -2001; $1 million). Network: CBS. Law Firm: Fisher, Wayland, 11717. Phone: (631) 434-2581. Phone: (631) 434 -2582. Fax: (631) Cooper, Leader & Zaragoza. Format: MOR, newsttalk. News staff: 273 -6572. E -mail: wxba Web Site: www.88x.ne1. Licensee: Brooklyn one; News: 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 plus. Tom Barney, gen mgr; Brentwood Public School District. Format: Educ, CHR. News staff: 2; Doug Mosher, opns mgr. News: 3 his wkly. Target aud: 18-54; general. Spec prog: Black 5 hrs WKRB(FM) -Licensed to Brooklyn. See New York wkly. Les Black, gen mgr; Jaimie Ottone, stn mgr; Charles Vollmer, progmg dir; Paul Bryant, news dir; Frank Lapple, chief of engrg. WNBF(AM )-1928: 1290 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. TL: N42 03 31 W75 57 WNYE(FM) -See New York 14. Box 414 13902. Phone: (607) 772-8400. Fax: (607) 772-9806. Web Site: Licensee: Citadel Broadcasting Co. Group owner: Citadel Broadcasting Corp. (acq 6 -9-99; grpsl). Format: Brewster News/talk. Target aud: 35-64. *Roger Neal, progmg dlr. Bernie Brookville Fionte, news dir; Larry Hodge, chief of engrg. WPUT(AM)-Licensed to Brewster. See Patterson WCWP(FM) -April 1965: 88.1 mhz; 100 w. 190 ft. TL: N40 49 00 WHWK(FM) --Co -owned with WNBF(AM).September 1956: 98.1 mhz; W73 35 49. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WLiU(FM) Southampton 10 kw. 960 ft. TL: N42 03 34 W75 57 06. Stereo. Web Site: Briarcliff Manor 85 %. Long Island Univ., C.W. Post Campus. 11548. Phone: (516) Format: Country. Target aud: 25-54. Ed Walker, 299 -2683. Phone: (516) 299 -2626. Fax: (516) 299 -2767. E -mail: progmg dir wcwp Web Site: Licensee: Long WXPK(FM)-Apr 8, 1960: 107.1 mhz; 890 w. 590 ft. TL: N41 04 49 Island University. (acq 8 -90; 8- 13 -90). Network: NPR. Format: News. W73 48 26. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 56 Lafayette Ave., White Plains jazz, AOR. News staff: one; News: 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. 10603. Phone: (845) 838 -6000. Fax: (848) 838 -2109. Web Site: *WSKG-FM--Oct 22, 1975: 89.3 mhz; 10.2 kw. 942 ft. TL: N42 03 22 Spec prog: Relg 4 hrs, Sp one hr, pub affrs 5 hrs, sports 3 hrs, classic Licensee: 6 Johnson Road Licenses Inc. W75 56 39. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 3000 13902. Phone: (607) rock 2 hrs wkly. Dan Cox, gen mgr, Joe Manfredi, cens dir; Jan Group owner: Nassau Broadcasting Partners L.P. (acq 11 -5 -2004; 729 -0100. Fax: (607) 729 -7328. Fax: (607) 231-0996. E -mail: Robin, mktg mgr; Joe Sallo, progmg mgr, Lauren Shaitash, mus dir. $18.4 million). Law Firm: Hogan & Hartson. Format: AAA. News staff: Web Site: Licensee: WSKG one. Target aud: 18 -44; upscale, young, suburban. Darren DiPrima, Public Telecommunications Council. Network: NPR, PRI. Law Firm: stn mgr. Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Format: Class, news. News staff: one; News: 33 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Jazz, folk 5 hrs Buffalo wkly. *Gary Reinboft, CEO & gen mgr; Gregory Keeler, opns dir; Linda Cohen, prom dir; William Snyder, mus dir; Mike Pufky, engrg dir Bridgehampton WBBF(AM) -Listing follows WHIT-FM.
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