Aylesbury High School Magazine Contents Introduction

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Aylesbury High School Magazine Contents Introduction li ahs , aylesbury high school magazine contents Introduction . 1 EDITOR Mrs. J. McLauchlan Foreword .... 2 ART EDITOR Mr. D.A. Briggs Editorial 3 BUSINESS MANAGER MissM.E. Cattell Staff Report 4 SALES MANAGER Mr. G. Marshall-Taylor School Calendar 6 House Results . 9 Senior Speech Day 10 autumn 1969 The Winter's Tale 11 The School's Music 13 aylesbury high school A Cruise to Greece 16 Perseus and Andromeda ... 17 The Year's Visitors 18 EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Hilary Merralls Operation Uganda 20 Upper 6th Julie Evans Two Teachers of English . 23 Heather Murphy Some Old Girls 25 Joy de Burgh Sidley Portrait of the School .... 36 Jane Cunningham The Storm 42 The Hunted 45 Lower 6th Janice Deung Fourth Year - Past and Present 48 Sally Morbey A Decade of Drama 52 Margaret Pace Work from the Art Room . 57 Beauty and Ugliness 59 Fifth Year Melanie Bayley Two Sporting Personalities . 61 Susan Chapped Candlelight 66 Work from the Craft Room . 68 Open Day 69 ADVERTISING ASSISTANTS Moira Brown Sports News 70 Geraldine Samuel Examination Results 71 The following articles are from past COVER D.A.B. pupils during and after their further education. ILLUSTRATORS June Thorne Sally Mussen My Australia 26 Janet Castle Canada 27 Law at King's College . 28 Vanda Caudrey Voluntary Service Overseas 29 Linda Metalica In Defence of the Dip. A.D. 31 A Saga of Three Years ... 32 PHOTOGRAPHERS Bucks Herald A Career in Marks and Spencers' 33 Bucks Advertiser A Career in Music 34 Breakaway : Ten Years After 38 Hector Smith Life 39 Robert Glover Biological Research 41 Maurice Cousins Architecture at Nottingham . 44 We thank the above for their Over the top and after .... 46 kind permission to reproduce My Years at Sussex University 49 their work. Reflections on a B.A 51 The poem MissM.E. Cattell Sociology at Durham .... 54 Sussex University 56 Perseus and Andromeda Mr. D.A. Briggs Sociology at Leicester .... 58 is by Clare Riley 1G Mr. K.E. Evans Robin Hood Never had it so Miss J.E. Williams Good 60 Jennifer Wilding Why ChooM Nursing? .... 62 P.E. at Dartford College. ... 63 A Tri- Lingual Secretary ... 63 Teaching in France 65 Luton College of Technology 67 THE FROST SCHOOL BAKER'S OF for DANCE AND DRAMA BICYLES TOYS WITH ASSOCIATED SUBJECTS. EAILWAYS CLASSES DAILY. MOTOK EACING FULLY QUALIFIED STAFF. MODELS PRINCIPALS:- MRS. R.D. FROSTMISTD. M/DTA. MISSK. FROSTAISTD. A IDT A. * LARGEST DISPLAY DIPLOMA LONDON COLLEGE OF DANCE AND * AFTER SALES SER VICE DRAMA. ENQUIRIES TO:- 9, CHESTNUT CRES., SOUTHCOURT, AYLESBURY, BUCKINGHAM ST. BUCKS. AYLESBURY. Phone 2077 TELEPHONE AYLESBURY 4884. JARWS'S HAVE SPECIALISED IN SCHOOL WEAR FOR OVER 50 YEARS. YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND A LARGE SELECTION OF REGULATION RAINCOATS, BERETS, CARDIGANS, PULLOVERS, SPORTS SHIRTS, SKIRTS, GAMES SKIRTS, BLOUSES AND BLAZERS - WITH BADGES EMBROIDERED ON POCKETS, KNITTING WOOL FOR SPORTS SWEATERS AND WOOL AND COTTON DRESS FABRICS. J.H. JARVIS LTD. Tel. AYLESBURY 2384-5 'WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF ZODIAC TOYS & GIFTS Your new Toy Shop in Friars' Square, Aylesbury (Opposite the new 'BOOTS')" IVATTS & SON LTD QUALITY SHOEMAKERS SINCE 1723 27 Kingsbury and 43 High Street, Aylesbury 5 High Street, Wendover C. N. A. A. DEGREES Full-time and Sandwich Degree Courses in Applied Chemistry, Applied Physics, Biology, Business Studies, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Geology and Geotechnics, Arts (English, French, German, History), French Studies, Geography, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Pharmacy and Spanish UNIVERSITY OF LONDON EXTERNAL DEGREE Full-time Honours Degree Courses in Botany, Economics, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Sociology, Zoology, General Degree in Science HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMAS Applied Physics, Business Studies, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mathematics Statistics and Computing, Mechanical Engineering COLLEGE DIPLOMAS Architecture, Building Economics, Business Studies, General Surveying Advisory Service Established at the College to provide expert advice on Courses and Careers to prospective students Further information may be obtained from The Registrar: Admissions Office PORTSMOUTH COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Hampshire Terrace, Portsmouth, PO1 2EG. Telephone: Portsmouth 21371 Does the ever INCREASING COST OF LIVING worry you ? Do you know that you can offset part of the high cost of living by owning a deep freeze chest or cabinet which enables you to store frozen foods that can be purchased in bulk supplies at much cheaper than normal over-the- counter prices. Also, you can deep-freeze your own garden produce and these foods can be stored almost indefinitely. The purchase and running costs of a popular sized chest or cabinet of something in the region of nine to twelve cubic feet is soon recovered by the savings on your food bills. For further information contact. BATSON & DAVIS LTD 3, TEMPLE STREET, AYLESBURY, BUCKS. Phone: AYLESBURY 4108 Stockists for UPO, LEC, BOSCH, etc. For attractive prices on frozen foods ring LONG CRENDON 337 BEFORE YOU LEARN HOW TO DRIVE Phone: Mr. E.W.M. DAVIES STONE 416 He is: * Experienced Ministry of Transport * Qualified A.D.I. * Patient I.A.M. * Firm — But Human WILLIAM JOWETT Proprietor: W. T. PfflLBEY IRONMONGER Extensive Stocks of all reliable and leading makes of ntensils and equipment for HOUSEHOLD AND KTTCHENWARE Swan Aluminium, Judge Enamel, Pyrex Glassware, Addis Brushware, Acme Wringers, Ewbank Carpet Sweepers, Prestige, Skyline and Wostenholm Cutlery, etc.. Ironing Tables, Sailer's Scales, Spong's Mincers, Kilner Jars. 3, KEVGSBURY, AYLESBURY Telephone: Aylesbury 2152 V. A. ROSE LTD. Go with Telephone: AYLESBURY 3825 someone who knows CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, ENLARGERS AND ALL PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. COLOUR, AND BLACK & WHITE FILM PROCESSING Gateway Travel will BINOCULARS-TELESCOPES MICROSCOPES serve you better SLIDE RULES-ENGLISH & METRIC SCALE RULES HEAD OFFICE: Travel Service: 5 Temple Street, Agents for all major tour ROTRING & STANDARD GRAPH Aylesbury, Bucks. operators for holidays in Phone: 83361^2/3 Greece, Europe, Africa and TECHNICAL PENS & STENCILS world wide, Cruises, air/ BRANCHES: sea/rail tickets. Buckingham Street, Freight Service: MARABU DESIGNERS TEMPERA. Aylesbury, Bucks. POSTER COLOURS & AEROSOL BL SPRAY Phone: 4361/2 Full Export/Import freight facilities, full documenta- tion and transport arrange- PRESLETTA & ALFA TYPE DRY TRANSFER 169 Queensway, ments. LETTERING Bletchley, Bucks. Phone: 4551/2 Travellers Cheques: ALL LETRASET INSTANT LETTERING & Agents for American Ex- GRAPHIC ART PRODUCTS FROM STOCK press Travellers Cheques. 74 High Street, The 100 per cent safe me- Whitton, Middx. thod of carrying your travel Phone: 894/9198/9 funds. EXTENSIVE RANGE OF CHART PAK TAPES ETC. Freight Department, Currency: Temple Street, All offices carry a foreign OVERHEAD PROJECTOR ACETATE SHEETS Aylesbury, Bucks. currency till and can issue ROLLS & COLOURING PENCILS Phone: 83652 your "V Forms". GATEWAY TRAVEL LTD 36, HIGH STREET, AYLESBURY, BUCKS. One of Buckinghamshire's Largest Travel Agents DO YOU WANT A WELL-PAID JOB WITH INTERESTING PEOPLE? Join us at the Midland! The work is interesting from the day you start, and the more responsible you are, the more interesting it becomes. If you have a good general education up to GCE level, you are very well qualified to join us—your promotion prospects have never been better! A pleasing personality and common sense are more important than office training, because you will be trained by the Bank. Our salary scales ensure that merit and responsibility are additionally rewarded at all stages. For full details about our social and recreational facilities, marriage gratuities after five years' service, three weeks' paid holiday a year, write to: The Staff Manager, Midland Bank Limited, Poultry, London E.C.2. Midland Bank Questions School leavers askus before they come and join us at the National West minster "Can I become really successful in bank- "Will it be fun?" ing?" Well, people won't exactly be doing hand- If you call earning anything between £2,300 springs and blowing up coloured balloons and £6,000-plus a year successful, yes. all over the place. But they will be earning That's the kind of rarified air National good money to buy clothes and holidays. Westminster management breathes. Independence is fun. And so is working with bright and friendly people. And so is dealing with peoples' affairs. This is what "Will there be much routine?" banking is all about. Not much, and the higher you go the "Do I need to be good at maths?" further away from it you'll get. Money is Not necessarily. We have computers which the fuel that powers peoples' lives and are very good at maths, but we like you to banking is as varied as life itself. be good at thinking. Q "Okay, what qualifications do I need?" A good G.C.E. and the energy to cut out A this coupon or drop into any branch of the Group and ask to talk to the manager.Okay? Come and join us ' The General Manager, Staff Control, I Westminster Bank Ltd., Box BG2/SM, • 41, Lothbury, London, E.C.2. at the National J Name I Address Westminster Bank | 'Phone I I have G.C.E. passes in these subjects: Group "A" "O" I This year I'm also taking Y The District, I Please D Send me appropriate literature National Provincial and ! tick D I am available for interview Westminster Banks Pride ALTERNATIVE QUALITIES BLAZERmmS Twenty sizes and choice of styles also TRUTEX BLOUSES also RAINCOATS SCHOOL PULLOVERS HOCKEY STOCKINGS SCHOOL SCARVES TIES, ETC. W. THRASHER & SON 7, HIGH STREET, AVLESBURV The Suppliers to the Aylesbury Grammar School for over 60 years robert glover photographer 23 CHESHAM ROAD AMERSHAM, BUCKS TEL AMERSHAM 3453 introduction A Message from the It is with great pleasure that I write on the tenth anniversary of the Chairman of the opening of the school. When one reaches the various milestones in life Board of Governors one is inclined to look back.
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