B1 Self Managed Abortion
B1- Ensuring Support for and Access to Self-Managed Abortion 1 I. Title: Ensuring Support for and Access to Self-Managed Abortion 2 3 II. Author Identification 4 • Monique Baumont, Center for Reproductive Rights, 199 Water St, 22nd Floor, New York, NY 5 10038, mbaumont@reprorights.org, Member #10432693, Sexual and Reproductive Health 6 Section 7 • Bonnie K Epstein, unaffiliated, 4403 Riverview Ave, Englewood, NJ 07631, 8 bkemengso@gmail.com. Member #9855820, Sexual and Reproductive Health Section. 9 • Caitlin Phelps, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 409 12th Street, SW 10 Washington, DC 20024-2188, cphelps@acog.org, Member #9847505, Sexual and Reproductive 11 Health Section 12 • Silpa Srinivasulu, Reproductive Health Access Project, P.O. Box 21191, New York, NY 10025, 13 silpa@reproductiveaccess.org, Member #10338166, Sexual and Reproductive Health Section 14 15 III. Co-Sponsorship: Sexual and Reproductive Health Section 16 17 IV. Collaborating Units: N/A 18 19 V. Endorsement: International Health Section 20 21 VI. Summary 22 Access to abortion care is essential to the health, well-being, and bodily autonomy of pregnant 23 people and their families. While the right to abortion is constitutionally protected in the U.S., restrictive 24 state and federal legislation and regulations have eroded this right. These policies have exacerbated 25 structural inequities to undermine and impede access to care, disproportionately affecting Black, 26 Indigenous, and people of color, those with lower incomes, immigrants, and people in rural areas. Due to 27 logistical and financial barriers to accessing abortion care, and some people’s personal preferences and 28 experiences of stigma and structural racism with respect to the medical system, there has been 29 considerable growth in demand for self-managed abortion in the U.S.
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