Resolution C.S. No. C-1566
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ST.TAMMANY PARISHCO(NCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTIONCOUNCIL SERIES NO. C-I566 COI]NCILSPONSOR MR.GOULD PROVIDEDBY COT'NCILOFFICE RESOLUTIONOBJECTING TO THE OFFENSIVE REMARKS OF IDAHO SENATORLARRY CRAIG AND RECOMMENDINGTHE CITIZENS OF ST.TAMMANY PARISH AND THE STATE OF LOUISIANA BOYCOTI PRODUCTSFROM THE STATEOF IDAHO I]]..ITILAN APOLOGYIS RECEIVED. WHEREAS,U.S. Senator Larry Craig from the State ofldaho wasquoted telling his home stateconstituents "fraud is in theculture oflmqis. I believethat is truein theState oflouisiana as well" and "Louisiana andNew Orleansare the most corupt governmentsin ourcouotry and they always have been" by the Lewiston(Idaho) Moming Tribune and Mccall (Idaho)Star News on October13, 2005; and WHEREAS,such ignomnt, insulting and hurtful cormentsare offensive to the hardworkingand hononblepeople of St.Tammany Padsh and tho Stateof Louisiana,who are sauggling so hard to rebuild theircommunities following the worst nah[al disasterto strikethis nation; and WHEREAS,Senator Craig's comments are ospecially wonisome to thepeople ofthis parishbecause his stereotypingand blatantbias againstth€ peopleof this statemay be fr[ther advancedthrough his membershipon the Senate Appropdations Committee which makes recomrnendations for hunicane-related spendingby the federal govemment: and WHEREAS,it is appropriatefor thecitizens ofthis parisl; throughits parishcouncil, to publically objectto S€natorCmig's comments and rcspond in kindby demandinga public apology to thepeople ofst. TammanyParish and the State oflouisiana fromSenatot Cmig and recommending the boycott ofproducts fromthe Stateof Idahountil saidapology is received. THEPARISH OF ST. TAMMANY HEREBY RESOLVES to obiecttothe offensive remarks ofldaho SenatorLarry Cnig andrccommend the citizens ofSt. TammanyParii andthe State oflouisiana boycott productsftom the Stateofldaho until anapology from SenatorCraig is received. THISRESOLUTION HAVING BEEN SUBMITTED TO A VOTE,THE VOTE THEREON WAS AS FOLLOWS: MOVEDFOR ADOPTION BY SECONDEDBY YEAS: NAYS: ABSTAN: ABSENT: THIS RESOLUTIONWAS DECLARED ADOPTED ON THE DAY OF 2005, AT A REGULARMEETING OF THE PARISHCOTNCIL, A QUORUMOF THE MEMBERSBEING PRESENTAND VOTING. STEVESTEFANCIK, COIJNCIL CHAIRMAN ATTEST: DIANEHUESCHEN, COTJNCIL CLERK HURRICANEAFTERMATH Pn*c-tst'a A-18 SATURDAY,OCTOBER 15, 2OO5 THE TIMES_PICAYUNE Iilaho senatorsays fraud part of La. culture More lawmakers 'stonnioin debate on rehefpkn By Bill Walsh Washingtonbureau WASHINGTON* A U.S.senator ftom Idahois thelatest to slamLouisiana's reputation for political conuptionas Congress considers whetier to spendbillions of dollarson hunicane recovery. Sen.Larrv Crais. a Reoublican.told his homestate constituents that fraud is asmuch a Dartofthe fabricofLoiisiana-es it is'in lraqind thatflooded sections ofNew Orleansshould be abanidoned. "Fraudis in theculture of Inqis. I believethat is truein thestate of Louisianaas well," Cmigwas quotedas saying Thursday in the'Lewiston(Idaho) Moming Tribune. TheMcCall fldaho) Star News. quoted him savins"Louisiana and New Orleans are the most corruDt sovemmentsin our coirntrvand tliei alwavshave beEn. A rooKecop in NewOrleans. they pay - hitit 6rher$lT,000saningpayandtheriwinkiandsayyoubettermaketheristofitonthesheet."-' As a memberoftlrc Senate Appropriations Comminee, Craig is in a positionto backup his opinions with actionsby withholdingsupli6rt for hunicane-relatedspending. "old "ignomnt Sen.Mary Landrieu. D-La. blasted Craie's -pascomments as stereotwes"and remarks." But Louisiaria'ssometimes shady political hasclearly become part dfthe hunic-ane-recoverydebate rn Longless. Rep.Tom Tancredo. R-Colo.. has ursed his colleasues noi lo letL,ouisiana ooliticians eet their hands on the$62 billion appropriatedso far be-causeof "minl-boggling incompetenca" in dealinEwith the stormand Louisiani's -long history ofcomrption." Earlierthis week.Sen. Susan Collins. R-Maine- was slishtlv more diolomatic. but iustas wonied. Collins,Llins. chairwoman ofofthe the Sena&SenaGCom;titt€eCominittee on i{omelaiHomelantSi:curiw ty arid#d no Govemmeritaluove[lmenuu AIIars.Affairs,Affairs- utgedurg9(ursr Senateleaders to ouicklvquicklv take unuD leeislationlesislationleeislalion totc strensthenoversishto of hurricane-relatedsoendins.soendinl. She saidit is becomindrind "incieasineli,"incieasinelv e\.ident"evident"eridenf' thatlhat federil federil reliefreliefeffois effois are"vulnerable to widesoreailwidespreaabusabuse andwaste." - -niCraigAs Cnis touredtourel'hishis state du nsng theconsessionalcongessional recess. he also had some ihoughtsthoul - on redevelopingNew Orleans that may be wonis6me to peiople in floodravaged neighborhoods contemplatingcontemolatmsrebuilding.reDull ns TheMomins Tribune ouoted him assayine there is erowinsSenate suDDon for abandoninerhole sectionsofNew Orleansflooded bv HuniianEsKarrina-and Riia. He meniionedthe Lower Ni-nth Ward asan example. "I'm not humorouswhen I sugg€stwe shouldtum it back to whai it was,a wetla[d," Craig was quorcoas saylng. Thecomment echoed a remarkby HouseSpeaker Dennis Hastert, RJII.. in the daysaffer Katrina hit Aug.29. He saidlhat whole neighbrirhoods ofthe city shouldbe bulldozed. Landrieuconceded that the statehas a checkeredDolitical Dast. but also notedother stateswith She mentioned Houie Majority L.eader Tom DeLay.Rtexas. who was recenflyInorcreo oR money laundenng and consplracy charges. Shecalled Craig's referencesto the Ninth Ward, "absolutelyoffensive." "l remainhopeful that thesehwtful remarkswerc not repoftedas h€ i ntend€d," I^andrieusaid. A Craigspokesman said Friday that the senator stands by thecomments. but thespokesman added theywerei'rinrended to reflectoi Landdeupersonally. aoaoaaa Bill Walsh can be reachedat [email protected] fndson;waytoget momi homqand many livee ocsansprinls, Mks. tna[ uus Lt[Illtlulury to hear The metro area fgcer reviving its economyLoc erDDettmust be r€spon in addreEsingthe rcedso theicebox tor to get busirc8sesbac tlem from leaving.If w 'The :iRe Upto$nrcfrig€rator exodusof stateagencies a$s." Ln'ins,Oct. 18. this aree'seconomic pro Rce ne€dsto get a grip his whining.Everyone far mor€grim. adect€dby Kahina The governorospro! kuction. Mustwe be New Orleanscan count , rt€dto ML Roee'Etirades sting awaywithout his Stat€University Health (rnveniedcesvrhile oth- tlE stateSuprene Cour'{ ,etsare throwing away peGonel SIAFFPTIOTO tutions to stay and con .' Etongingsand gutting their CharlesAvenue t0 an goodjobsand the stab iq .liomes,finding thsb businesses Aman helps an elderly woman affoss St. nined or losingtheirjobs? evacuationpoint sept. 2, three days after Hurricane Katrina blew . Peoplewho have lo6t a lot thmughtire ci$. lt' lr@re than atuconditioning or hot . ,:,,r,,',t' 'No hiod ior e coupleofw€bks speak roof! ebouttle beautyof New Headi,i,, more grleais.and Hearthis, Mr the.anazingpoten- . 'il:i; tial for ou.lcity thandoe6 Mr. Wilrnawa! ne: "ldaiiosenator iuys baua Wlat wouldthis vorld be I{urrica& 8.Ge.And theydo it in arlelo- ' for tlle ttoolc no matte| quent!$!ity mannen partol La"cultule," Ihge A-I8, withoutthe poehysnd Fose of Thercerc plentyof st6ri6 to oct,18. Idaho$/riters, Poeb and play- ancetied tlle hunber of (Surelythere must be - - h told.I chauengeChis Ro6e vrights? a single seasott 21 rb suckit up,adust and ov€r- o[e.) of hurricanes- 12. abme.Wdre outside the bo( and . And,oh, tlrc nltied oJcook- . ' .But trVihn wasnt co cuidneof s€ektle realstories on the bookscelebreting the The litonn has claimed : I{9 canstiu hy ta be Idaho.And let u8not forgett,}re ir{eets. the'niriirids,roaring to ( .$Dnv rrt srd ,rchit€ctureuliqu€ to ro! 0.tDl ... Boise? fasterthan any Btormin , i{swo&sns Of course,the music,tiere'r tiag the record as the alwa]'stie music:the glrh everrecorded in tlIe Atl ard ignorantto appr€ilcistethe vrenching,soul-seaiing music pressurethat measur( is Idaho. uniqueberuty of fordgncul- that Wednesdaymoming. Homes pehapsrre should hu€. In su4 Hurricane Wilm. i8 But ]'es,perhps we sbould bulldozeIdahq b€caweno one lardto waste br doz€New Orlesn! rnd tuln vould evenmis6 iL Louisian4and thaf,s a n ourattention to aculturalyrich 0dtir t{n canlook at this stormat Jeffers(8lhrish Prcsident statesuch as, qall lddfto. Colh$on of reliel Wilna is gojn iuron Bmussardshouldn't ston4 evetrif it rt€aken $astethat onads. He ' $38,000 onetllai $ill cauBedest shoddgi'eittohohediners Ve'veeot a friendin Boise it lsnds,At this point, $io llooded,evei! if it wouldbe a &op in thebuaket Better a dlop 'in the bucketthan a flooded I arnback in Bobe,Idhho, Oursenator's conm€nts insult ' 'iome, afterspending tbi€e weeks in potceofrcers who worked 6ide , \l'e evacuatedwith ourhand- Louisienas/iti a nationalr€lief by sidewith aidnorkers in spite i ricappedson and daughtetr, only organization.It was a difficult oftheir ovn loese3of homes, Vantfrit to comehome to totaldevasta- butrxofthwNle e.qsignrnent pm. fsrnilyaDd commtnity tion.My childrcncould not eveh vidinga&sistance to glacious and Oursenio! Idaho semtor iA g0into ourhome. They are alis- tiantrdrlpeople. out,of ltep witl tensof thou- There are a lot of cl sandsof Idahoanswho made ,ifonnectedand confuled; tiey no ldaho$e!r. Larry uralgwzts Louisiardanscluld use1 Iong€rhave an!'thing familis 'A over$1 milion in donationsto ign, quot€das sqyin& roohemp assistthos€ in needin Loulsiana. Sen.Lgrry Craig's .,.thatthey can call their oPi- My in NewOderis, they pay him or spiritedattack on tfiis s hurtafor ther&more than . Sen.Crsig should stop th&wing ibeirt her$1?,000$ta