Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting


Cllr R Morris summarised the virtual meeting etiquette guidelines for all present at the meeting. Clerked locked meeting room at 19.02.

Cllr Morris formally introduced the new councillors recently co-opted. We have Jenny Bexon-Smith from Tonge, Alan Popejoy a Breedon resident and Tam Bream from Wilson. It is great that we have a representation from each village, which we haven’t for many years. Cllr Rushton, County Councillor was introduced to the new Councillors.

Open Forum: Comments made regarding the mess on the road left by the contractors at the building site. Why isn’t there a wheel washing facility? All contractor vehicles should be turning to Ashby, although some have permits to allow them to pass through the village.

2083) Attendances and apologies: Present: Parish Councillors: Cllrs R Morris, R Bates, J Bexon-Smith, A Popejoy and T Bream. Clerk: Miss S Lockwood. County Councillor: Cllr N Rushton. 2 Members of the public. Apologies: Cllr S Jones.

2084) Code of Conduct - Councillors’ Declarations of Interest RESOLVED: Cllr Bream declared a pecuniary interest at point 2091 (b) of the minutes regarding planning application 20/01162/TCA, he took no part in the discussion or decision making of this application.

2085) To approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council RESOLVED: The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 6th July and 17th August 2020, having been previously circulated, were signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of that meeting.

2086) Any matters to be raised with the County Councillor and District Councillor. RESOLVED: Trucks through the village requiring a permit, not something Cllr Rushton would know about individual occasions, however, will make enquiries tomorrow and believes it is LCC that issue the permits.

Pedestrianisation Order at the Church is with LCC highways and Cllr Rushton will chase this up tomorrow.

Planning White paper to make comment.

Neighbourhood Plan would be a benefit as they sit under the Local Plan, it would defend what we consider to be important within the parish. Any help to email Cllr Rushton.

2087) Police, crime, safety Police Report RESOLVED: Emailed to members of the Parish Council, uploaded onto PC website and Facebook page.

Update in addition to the report: East Midlands Airport Police now parole Breedon Church, which is helpful due to staff available 24hours a day.

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2088) Chairman’s Report RESOLVED: Final welcome to new members, with a great representation throughout the Parish. Village Hall update: The Parish Council has the revised plans but is awaiting the specification to go with the plans. Once received the plans will be published on the Parish Council website and notice boards for public comment. Ashby Cycle Trail: The group has now produced a feasibility study. This will be a major benefit to the villages. Thank You: To a resident of Breedon for his support and solute on VE Day and VJ Day. The Parish Council would like to work with him on future events.

2089) Audit (a) To accept the conclusion of audit year ending March 20 and the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 19/20. RESOLVED: The Parish Council accepted the conclusion of audit year ending March 20 and the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 19/20. The external auditor reported that on the basis of their review of sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) in their opinion the information is in accordance with proper practises and no other matters have come to their attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met.

2090) Administration & Finance (a) Clerk's Report and to confirm Council payments. RESOLVED: Speed Watch Data will be collected through use of covert data boxes which will be placed at the specified locations before boards are put in place. The same boxes will then be placed back at the location for a period of time after the boards have been removed. The Police are willing to resource Beat Officers to follow up in locations where there has been a speeding problem. It is important to note that covert speed data boxes will not record speed from an individual vehicle or it’s Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM). The use of volunteers with approved cameras allows the Leicester, and Rutland Road Safety Partnership (LLRSP) and Police to record an individual vehicles speed and write to the owner advising them that future offences will result in further action, namely a fine and endorsements on the driver’s licence.

HS2 HS2 through Leicestershire Working Group Meeting Part 2 – 7th September I attended.

Common Themes/ Topics Working group members to give more thought to topics/key themes in prep for next meeting. Example of topics; suggested at the meeting

PROW Traffic management Community Impacts & Severance Contractor behaviour Mitigations & restoration after construction

The group discussed next steps (workshops in the Autumn of 2020 for communities in NWL impacted by and in close proximity to the HS2 line).

Group advised to make the workshops as flexible as possible, agreed the groupings would need to allow for an overlap of areas and attendance. Monday 7th September 2020. 2

A grouping of affected areas was discussed. Below is the suggested grouping by LCC & NWL Officers, working group to provide comments and suggestions.

Group 1- to cover the geographic areas of: Lockington/Hemington, ,

Group 2- to cover the geographic areas of: Breedon, Worthington, and , Isley cum Langley, , Belton

Group 3- to cover the geographic areas of: , Appleby, ,

Group 4- to cover the geographic areas of: , Ashby,

Group 5- to cover the geographic areas of the railhead:

Group 6- to cover the geographic areas beyond those highlighted in the groups above.

The above geographic grouping workshops would be open to any Parish Council or action groups, regardless of whether or not they are located in that geographic area. An alternative approach would be to have workshops that were Parish Council specific. However, this could lead to duplicating discussion matters in more than one workshop.

Working group to also put forward suggestions for the format and timings of these workshops. Officers outlined that these would need to be conducted virtually in line with Government advice on COVID-19.

One of the working group attendees suggested that directly impacted areas should be receive more focus in the workshops. Website Accessibility Regulations

Bio Diversity Training https://www.lrwt.org.uk/news/free-biodiversity-training-available-parish-councillors Working in partnership with Leicestershire County Council, Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust have created a short training course, plus useful fact sheets, to help Parish staff and councillors understand the true impact of the biodiversity crisis, and how best to tackle the issue using Parish powers and resources.

The free course covers everything from how to deal with planning application responses and neighbourhood planning to introducing biodiversity into open spaces such as allotments, cemeteries, verges and recreation grounds.

A successful pilot course ran in June and July, with positive comments from attendees such as ‘it was really informative’ and ‘the course gives councillors more knowledge to what to aim for with biodiversity improvements’.

The course runs as three one-hour sessions spread over consecutive Friday mornings and is free to parish staff and councillors. The session offers the opportunity to ask questions to expert on biodiversity: Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust Head of Conservation, John Clarkson.

Flood Update is positive with the landowner. Consultant is arranging another direct meeting with TRT and Landowner to further clarify matters. After that meeting the main focus is the public report and then submitting the Business Case to the Environment Agency. LCC is currently working to the deadline of Christmas for the business case and should have the public report with you for 4th November (subject to no further severe weather setbacks). Monday 7th September 2020. 3

Recycling and Landfill Refuse Tips and Collection is a major problem with residents trying to do the correct thing – the appointment system is hard work and you struggle to get an appoint. Fly tipping has increased. Clerk emailed County Councillor N Rushton who is taking it to his leader meeting next Tuesday 8th September as he has also received many complaints and will come back to me with a response afterwards.

Community Highways Fund The Highways Parish and Community Fund is an option to consider to look at implementing either temporary or permanent measures in the locality that will support social distancing and active travel.

The Parish Council has been allocated an amount of money that you can use to fund improvements on the network, providing they are safe, allowable on the highway and do not simply displace an issue (e.g. move parking so that it becomes a problem somewhere else or route HGV’s through another community). Making footpaths wider is a huge problem in the parish and has been for many years as the undergrowth spreads onto the pavement making it narrow and the hedges also encroach onto the paths pushing residents onto the road.

The application form is to be completed by 30th September. Councillors to come back to Clerk by the end of the week in order for the Clerk to liaise with the contractor.

Payments Approved August. Payee Reason Cheque No Amount S Lockwood July Salary 101768 £432.40 Ian Coulton Castle Creative – Pay Area Signs 101769 £39.00 British Gas Electricity on The Green DD £9.57

Total: £480.97

Payments Approved September. Payee Reason Cheque No Amount S Lockwood August Salary 101770 £432.40 LWDPC SLCC half Membership fee 101771 £80.50 PKF Littlejohn LLP External Audit Fee March 2020 101772 £360.00 British Gas Electricity on The Green DD £9.90

Total: £882.80 (b) To renew Society of Local Council Clerks membership for 2019/20. RESOLVED: The Parish Council agreed to renew its membership with the Society of Local Council Clerks for 2020/21. (c) To ratify the response made on the appraisal of Breedon Conservation Area. RESOLVED: The Parish Council ratified its response to the appraisal of Breedon Conservation Area. (d) To discuss a future date for a community litter pick. RESOLVED: The Parish Council confirmed 10th October for the next litter pick, providing it complies with Covid 19 guidelines. All attendees must email to register their attendance. (e) To adopt the Memorial Bench Policy. RESOLVED: The Parish Council approved and adopted the Memorial Bench Policy. (f) Cllr Morris to provide an update on the proposed pedestrianised access at Breedon Church. RESOLVED: NWLDC has redone the report, which has now been re-submitted to county highways. (g) Does the Parish Council wish to attend the virtual hearings for the Local Plan Review? RESOLVED: Cllr Morris to attend the hearing.

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(h) National Forest - Cllr Morris to provide an update. RESOLVED: A meeting with a National Forest representative, Worthington, and Parish Council was held on 3rd September. The representative gave an overview of what is happening within the National Forest and the benefits of being in it. The principle reasons for wanting to join the National Forest are the following: Biodiversity, landscape and recreational aspects, timber production, employment and tourism – all of these help our locality. The presentation was excellent. It’s not a straight forward solution as the boundaries are set and it would need a lot of work and approval from DEFRA. It can be done as evidenced by the Suffolk ANOB which has been altered recently. Cllr Rushton fully supports the proposal. (i) Changes to the current planning system and the new government white paper: How does the Parish Council wish to respond to the consultation? RESOLVED: These are technical documents which require a professional. The planning officers at NWLDC were still awaiting clarification from government on queries they have made. The Parish Council confirmed that it would wait to consider the response produced by NWLDC and be guided by them as to whether or not to support its comments. NWLDC will be going to Local Plan Committee with the Changes document on 24th September and then to Cabinet on 29th September. The Reforms document will be considered by the Local Plan Committee on 15th October and then Cabinet on 20th October. After these dates the Parish Council can see the documents and resolve its decision. (j) Neighbourhood Plan: 1. The Parish Council to discuss the information received for creating a Neighbourhood Plan. 2. To make a formal decision as to whether to create a Neighbourhood Plan for Breedon, Tonge and Wilson. 3. To confirm appointment of a Planning Consultant to assist undertaking the plan. RESOLVED: The Parish Council agreed to appoint Planit-X Town and Country Planning Services Ltd as it's planning consultant to undertake a Neighbourhood plan for the parish. The Parish Council has seen the documents with the project plans and outline fees. Planit-X meet the requirements of the grant funding body, therefore should be successful with the grant application, which would see the programme delivered without call on the parish precept.

2091) Planning (a) Planning: to ratify the responses made since the last full council meetings as follows: . 20/00983/VCU: Variation of condition 4 of planning permission 19/00619/OUT to allow for an amended layout at Manor Farm, Main Street, Breedon On The Hill, Derby, DE73 8AN. – NO OBJECTIONS. . 20/00869/VCI: Variation of condition 2 of Planning Permission 17/01796/FUL to allow for gable roof instead of hipped roof, alteration to first floor rear window size and alterations to single storey rear extension window size, door size and roof light positioning at 28 Berry Avenue, Breedon On The Hill, Derby, DE73 8AL. – NO OBJECTIONS. (b) Planning Applications: consider and respond to the following: 20/01038/FUL: Re-consultation - Erection of single storey rear extension, raising of roof height to garages, single garage conversion to form reception room, entrance porch and other external alterations at 2 Manor Court, Breedon On The Hill, Derby, DE73 8FW. – NO OBJECTIONS. 20/01174/TCA: Felling of one Ash tree and works to various trees (Unprotected tree in a conservation area) at Barn Cottage, Main Street, Wilson, Melbourne, Derby, DE73 8AD. – NO OBJECTIONS. 20/01176/TCA: Various works to four trees (Unprotected tree in a Conservation Area) at Thatched Cottage, Slade Lane, Wilson, Melbourne, Derby, DE73 8AG. – NO OBJECTIONS. 20/01162/TCA: Felling of Ash trees and works to other trees (Unprotected tree in a conservation area) at Field Cottage, Dog Lane, Wilson, Melbourne, Derby, DE73 8AH. - – NO OBJECTIONS.

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(c) Planning Decisions notified since the previous meeting: 20/00977/TCA: Felling of 1 no. Sequoia (unprotected tree in a conversation area) at Twin Gables, Main Street, Wilson, Melbourne, Derby, DE73 8AD. – WORK TO TREES WITHIN CONSERVATION AREA. (d) 20/00869/VCI: Variation of condition 2 of Planning Permission 17/01796/FUL to allow for gable roof instead of hipped roof, alteration to first floor rear window size and alterations to single storey rear extension window size, door size and roof light positioning at 28 Berry Avenue, Breedon On The Hill, Derby, DE73 8AL. – PLANNING PERMISSION.

2092) Miscellaneous Correspondence (to note and made available for Councillors' inspection) (a) LRLAC – General Meeting – 14th Sept (fwd Cllrs) (b) LRALC Round Robin Newsletters - 21/08 (fwd Cllrs) (c) LRALC Round Robin Newsletters – 24/07 (fwd Cllrs) (d) Letter from Government – Virtual Meetings. (fwd Cllrs) (e) Model Code of Conduct Meeting – 17/09 (fwd Cllrs) (f) Bio Diversity Training course – 25th Sept (fwd Cllrs) (g) EMA Covid Relief Fund. RESOLVED: To receive the information.

2093) Next meeting will be held on 5th October at 7.00pm. RESOLVED: Noted.

2094) Other matters/items for future Agendas at the Chairman's discretion RESOLVED: None.

Meeting ended 20.25

CHAIRPERSON …………...... DATE ………………......

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