ASSESSMENT OF BLASTING NOISE ON FISH AND MARINE MAMMALS FROM EXPLOSIVES USED DURING BERTH EXPANSION AT BAE SYSTEMS, SCOTSTOUN Prepared on behalf of TECHNICAL REPORT 1 January 2021 Action Name Function Date Signature Author Dr Victoria Todd Project Manager 01/02/2021 Author Dr Laura Williamson Senior Analyst 29/01/2021 Review Ian Todd Report QC 02/02/2021 © Ocean Science Consulting Limited (OSC) 2021 Modelling blasting noise in the River Clyde Client: Ideas and methodologies presented in this Arch Henderson LLP document and template format in which 142 St Vincent Street this information is presented remain the Glasgow G2 5LA intellectual property of OSC, irrespective T: +44 (0)1412 273 060 of whether OSC subsequently changes its W: identity or is purchased by another organisation. FAO: George Bowie Views expressed by authors in this Partner document do not necessarily reflect those T: +44 (0)1412 273 060 of OSC. Authors have used all reasonable M: +44 (0)7789 691 625 endeavours to ensure that content of this E:
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