A Special 100 th Birthday Celebration By Daniel Gomes Men and women who are 100 or older tend to have extroverted personalities, according to Thomas T. Perls, the director of the New England Centenarian Study at Boston University. Centenarians will often have many friends, strong ties to relatives and high self-esteem. In addition, some research suggests that the offspring of centenarians are more likely to age in better cardiovascular health than their peers. Carmen certainly has an extroverted personality, many friends, strong ties to relatives, and high self- esteem. And to top it all her mother, my aunty Sylvia Gomes da Roza lived to be a centenarian so Carmen have all the traits to be a super – centenarian, a person who lives beyond 110.

At the age of 100, she still goes to mass every day. When asked, a 105 year old Texas woman says bacon was the secret of her long life so I asked Carmen what was the secret behind her longevity. She immediately replied, “God is”, without hesitation.

On April 27, 2014 Carmen celebrated her 100 th Birthday at Beresford Park in San Mateo surrounded by her daughter “Pinky”, husband and grandsons David and John, nephew Alvro, relatives and friends. Her sister Gloria Roza Pereira and family, and her late sister Marie’s family came from Southern California to celebrate this auspicious occasion with her. Her nephew Bruno and niece Helena came from Seattle. Her cousins Gustavo Da Roza and wife Gloria came from Vancouver, and Natalia da Roza came from Statesboro, Georgia. Her (Capigalo) Gomes and da Roza cousins from all over the Bay Area came out in force to join her many friends and other relatives to celebrate this joyous occasion with her.

Most Centanarians would rely on friends and relatives to plan their 100 th Birthday bash – but not Carmen. She had to do it herself. She delegated the job of coordinating the event to Dorothy Oliver who did a marvelous job of coordinating the food, beverage and venue. However, she would not delegate the “invitations’ to anyone. She personally called up every one to invite them personally. It was such a pleasure to get her call and chat with her for half an hour about old times – it certainly made my day!

She received congratulatory messages from Pope Francis, President Obama, Governor Jerry Brown and the Portuguese Consul General Nuno Mathias and her 1 st cousin Monsignor Desmond Dillon. After a delightful luncheon and toast, we all sang “Happy Birthday” to this dear young lady and then she was gracious enough to pose for pictures with anyone who wanted their picture taken with her, and many, many, many did.

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28 Carmen’s 100 th Birthday Celebration

Carmen & family enjoying her birthday cake Carmen, daughter Pinky, & her two grandsons

Carmen & daughter Pinky

Carmen & sister Gloria

Carmen, Gloria and Gloria’s daughter Marie Carmen with sister Marie’s daughter Bonnie and family

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28 Carmen’s 100 th Birthday Celebration

Carmen’s relatives and friends celebrating Helena & Bruno (Edie & Therese’s Children)

The da Roza Clan

Editor’s Note: Pictures courtesy of Dorothy Olivera & Marie Roliz

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28 HISTORY PROVES THAT "THERE IS A FUTURE" FOR THE MACANESE COMMUNITY by Liane Ferreira, Tribuna de Macau, June 6, 2014, translated & edited by Daniel Gomes Permission to publish by Roy Xavier

Macau as neutral and host to refugees from World War II territory is the subject of the latest research from Roy Eric Xavier. For the researcher, the Macanese community has proven to be resilient and innovative when it comes to survival

Professor Roy Eric Xavier, project director Macanese and Portuguese Studies and professor at the Institute of Social Studies, University of California, Berkeley, explained to JTM your last article about the role of Macao and Macao, as support for refugees during the 2nd World War, arguing that the lessons of the past show that there is a future for the Macanese community.

The latest research on the Macanese, Roy Xavier focuses on World War II and, according to the author, aims to explore the contributions of these people to the effort of the Allies. "Refugees of Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other parts of China fled to Macau, as the only neutral venue in Asia. The article is about what happened during this period, with all the complex relationships that are involved, "he said.

In the article, Roy Xavier points out that during this dark period of world history, with about 4,000 Macanese with Portuguese nationality and more than 10,000 holding British passports fled Hong Kong and were sheltered by family and refugee centers, assembled by the Government and the Catholic Church.

One of these centers was located in the Bela Vista Hotel, now the official residence of the Consul of Portugal to Macau and Hong Kong housed approximately 300 refugees,

The academic believes that these episodes show that "the Macanese have been resistant in historical terms and innovative in terms of survival, even under conditions imposed by war."

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28 Future for the Macanese Community

"At the same time, serves as a lesson to future generations that they can overcome any obstacles and that there is a future for the Macanese community," stated Roy Xavier, whose main aims is "to educate people in Macau and the rest of the World", in relation to the history of the territory.

Asked about the importance of this and other episodes in the history of the territory for the younger generations, Roy Xavier argued that "it is very important for current and future generations to understand and learn about it." "Such understanding (about the story) helps bring more clarity about cultural identity and historical significance, especially played by people of Macao and Macao roles throughout history," he said.

In this sense, the researcher hopes that "people of Macau and those of the diaspora find a common bond, that attaches to a community interested not only in Macau's history, but also the present and future of Macau worldwide."

History and Biography

Roy Xavier told JTM that his research process "is a mixture of history and biography, in which the intention is to learn how the Macanese lived throughout history, including its origins, the development of communities, based on family relationships and the conditions they lived in Macau and Hong Kong at different times in history, and the effects of development in other countries, as called Diaspora ".

According to the investigations of Roy Xavier, there are about 200,000 Macanese spread across 35 countries, however, "little is known about them." Hence, his work includes the disclosure of "individual stories of triumph and loss, of achievements and failures, all with the backdrop of the history of Macau".

The transcript revealed that one of the aspects that most surprised him during the research, was "having such a positive response from all the people around the world." "Many people seem thankful that someone is finally doing this kind of research, after so many years of neglect. It is for this reason that, I as Macanese, have a special responsibility to be historically correct, "he said.

Part of the research process involves contacts with older Macanese, but Roy Xavier confesses that has found some resistance among these people, who consider their "inaccurate interpretation or should that just be positive." However, note that you are not able to provide documentation so that you can correct such errors.

The investigator admits that this situation can be linked to a contradiction of ideals of generations, in which some of the older Macanese "want to return to Macao and Hong Kong in the past," while younger generations prefer to know all the facts "history , whether good or bad. "

Living in the United States, Roy Xavier ensures that "Americans are curious about Macau", although they have difficulty understanding what is, in fact, a Special Administrative Region of China. "Many do not know the history of Macau, however, some feel a closeness to the cultural traditions of Macau," he said.

This multiculturalism, both in the United States as in Macau means that many Americans are "receptive to understand that the Macanese are a racial mixture."

From the perspective of academic, binding of Macao with China "is interesting for Americans, especially for those with Macanese origin", especially because these members of the diaspora are interested in business and culture. Thus, assume roles of intermediaries "in order to build a connection between American and Chinese companies and governments to work together."

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28 Jeffrey Remedios brings sound Judgment to the music business Edited by Dan Gomes with permission from Jeff Remedios

An article written by Deidre Kelly of The Globe and Mail in praises Jeffrey Remedios (son of Eric & Lourdes Remedios, both born in Hongkong) for bringing sound judgement to the music business.

Jeffery is one of three chosen to judge The Globe and Mail’s Catalysts contest for his ability to spot and nurture talent.

At the age of 37, he heads up “Arts & Crafts” an influential label company in Toronto. The wall is covered with many gold records and other prominent music-industry awards earned by some of the acts in his charge.

Being simultaneously interested in marketing and music led him to pursue joint degrees in business and music at McMaster University in Hamilton. Immediately upon graduation, he was hired full-time by Virgin Records where, among other jobs, he staffed the promotions department and helped launched Virgin’s first digital media division. He founded Arts & Crafts in 2003 and has accumulated 20 Juno Awards in just 10 years. He has promoted many famous artist, such as, Feist, , Dan Mangan, The Darcys and Timber Timbre and other acts hand-picked and nurtured by Jeff over the past decade.

On the 10th-anniversary celebration of the label last year, he released a retrospective album. “ The idea from the beginning was to marry art with commerce. I wanted to put the same amount of care into an artist’s life as an artist puts into what it is he or she is creating,” he says.

In the beginning, Arts & Crafts was something of a one-band operation. It existed mostly to feed the sprawling college-rock phenomenon , creating projects for the band and band members wanting to embark on a solo career, as was the case with Collett. After a few years, however, Broken Social Scene was willing to share the love and was soon inviting in friends to participate in the Remedios-managed action, among them Canadian singer-songwriter Leslie Feist, another former band member,

Jeffery is credited for helping to nurture a number of home-grown acts, including Cold Specks, Hayden, and Apostle of Hustle, to name just a handful of artists on the label’s roster. Jeff is now in great demand as a talent spotter, often travelling across the country to meet with and listen to acts wanting to be blessed by his Midas touch.

On a recent trip to Calgary, a local music presenter lined up five bands for him to consider for signing. In the end, just one caught his fancy and not only because of their musical talent. It all ultimately boiled down to a personal connection. “I have to want to get involved in someone’s life,” Jeffery says, leaning across his parents’ old table for emphasis. “I’m investing in a long-term relationship.”

Jeff had a very huge and successful concert last weekend (June 2014). Most of his band played to young adults. There were close to 10,000 people each day. Aside from music he arranged to have over 20 food stalls selling their specialties, i.e. lobster sandwich, elk sandwiches, etc. and needless to add, beer, wine and liquor were flowing and to top it all there were no problems. There were about 100 security guards, 100 volunteers and staff.

Congratulations Jeff from the UMA Community and look forward to many more good things to follow.

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28

Alcatraz Swim

Vilma Remedios is the proud grandmother of 15 year old Kyle Edward Swardenski, and rightly so. Kyle is the son of Jay and Annamaria Swardenski. This young man joined the Eighth Annual Neptune Alcatraz Swim, a charity event in which swimmers raise funds for safety in swimming.

This event took place the weekend of April 11 and 12, 2014. On Friday, April 11, Kyle swam from Alcatraz to the San Francisco Aquatic Park. Even though the current was so strong, he made it in 39 minutes and placed 3rd out of 97 swimmers. On Saturday, April 12, the same group swam the length of the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco to Marin. This time it took Kyle 29 minutes and he came in came in 2nd.

Congratulations Kyle! That was a remarkable feat. We're so proud of you

BOOK FOR SALE At Amazon.com The Portuguese in the East by Shihan de Silva Joyasuriya A Cultural History of a Maritime Trading Empire

While Portugal’s direct political influences in Asia was comparatively short-lived it’s linguistic influence remain. Dr. Shihan charts the influences of the Portuguese in more than fifty Asian tongues.

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28

Book Review By Daniel Gomes

I received an email from my good friend and longtime UMA Member from Sydney, Australia, Al Guterres informing me that his daughter has completed Vol 1 of her series of novels, and it is now available at Amazon.com.

“db Nielsen” ( Al & Rosie’s daughter) was born in British Hong Kong and immigrated to Australia in childhood. db likes to travel the world with family; dividing time between residing in Sydney and visits to the cathedrals, crypts and museums the world over, doing research for new projects. The author is a university lecturer in Linguistics and Semiotics, and continues to teach English Literature and Language whilst writing fiction. db’s passion is for throwing elaborate dinners and themed parties (such as medieval banquets), and reading anything and everything.

Below is a synopsis of the Seeds: Keepers of Genesis, Vol 1:

A powerful, hidden artifact is unearthed in modern day Iraq and, with its discovery, an ancient conflict is reignited. Seventeen-year-old Sage Woods, the daughter of an eminent archaeologist working at the British Museum recently relocated from Australia, uncovers the artifact’s disturbing secret and is placed in terrible danger. Unwittingly, she has stumbled into an invisible war between two primordial dynasties of a supernatural order – a war in which she has a fateful role to play in a race to control the power of the SEED. Embroiled in a quest that takes her from the British Museum to the Louvre to the Vatican Secret Archives, Sage realizes that her blossoming romance with the mysterious, alluring St. John Rivers is inextricably tied to the artifact. Up until now, St. John has managed to keep his true identity hidden, but Sage is determined to delve deeper to uncover his dark secret and his connection to the SEED. It is a decision that will have a devastating effect on humankind… A brilliant new adult paranormal romance with action, adventure, suspense and supernatural fantasy. SEED is the first book in this gripping new epic adventure series sure to appeal to young adults and crossover fiction readers who enjoy an assured blend of romance, fantasy and history. SEED and the other three novels in the Keepers of Genesis series (SCROLL , SWORD and STONE) should appeal to readers of Becca Fitzpatrick, Stephenie Meyer, Cassandra Clare’s MORTAL INSTRUMENTS series, Lauren Kate’s FALLEN books, Danielle Trussoni‘s ANGELOLOGY as well as to quest/thriller novels by Dan Brown, Matthew Reilly, Steve Berry, and to fans of Indiana Jones, National Treasure, The Mummy or Lara Croft’s adventures.

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28 Restaurant Review By Gabriela D'Aquino Erickson


Dear Mr. Gomes,

In the Winter Issue 2013 of the UMA Bulletin you wrote a short article on the restaurant Fat Rice in Chicago and asked readers to drop you a line to let you know what we thought of the restaurant. Here is a short account of my visit to the restaurant.

My husband, daughter and son-in-law and I, celebrated Mother's Day 2014 at Fat Rice in Chicago. It is a very popular restaurant in Chicago and we tried several times to get in for dinner and were unable to get in. However, for Mother's Day, we enjoyed a wonderful brunch where Minchi and various Macanese/Chinese dishes were served. The preparation for minchi was authentic, where Chef Abraham Conlon told me was made of both pork and beef, served with a fried egg. I told him my family's recipe was made only with beef and fried potatoes and as children, our amah added raisins which my daughters still enjoy adding today.

Unfortunately, Fat Rice (Arroz gordo) was not available at the brunch and we will have to return to enjoy this dish at our next visit. Chef Conlon was very pleased to have met a true Macanese and presented me with a large jar of Balichao made in his restaurant. He asked about other Macanese dishes and we had a nice conversation about Macanese cuisine.

I told Chef Conlon about UMA and said that I would make sure to let other Macanese know of this wonderful restaurant called Fat Rice in Chicago and how he is preserving cuisine of Macau.

Editor’s Note: Gabriela Erickson is Raquel Carvalho’s cousin. She is the daughter of Raquel’s uncle, Gastão D'Aquino, the famous Hong Kong tenor. Gabriela lives in Chicago with her husband, Ron, and family.

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28


Monsignor Dillon was born January 31, 1915 in Hong Kong, to Francis Dillon and Petronila (Lima da Roza) Dillon. He attended schools in Hong Kong; Victoria, BC; and Seattle before graduating from O’Dea High School in Seattle in 1933. He then entered St. Edward Seminary in Kenmore for an eight year course of study. He is First cousin to our Centenarian Carmen Da Roza Lopes, and he officiated at Zinha & my wedding in 1965 and my daughter Debra & Greg’s wedding in 1998.

Monsignor Dillon was ordained on May 22, 1941 at St. James Cathedral in Seattle by the Most Reverend Gerald Shaughnessy, S.M. He served as a Parochial Vicar at St. Patrick Parish in Tacoma, the Holy Family Parish in Auburn, and St. Catherine and St. Theresa Parishes in Seattle. Special assignments in Seattle included assisting then Fr. C. M. Power (later Bishop of Yakima) at the St. Peter Claber Inter-racial Learning Center in 1944 to 1946. He was named Administrator of St. Andrew’s Parish in Elensburg in 1946.

Monsignor Dillon became a priest in the Diocese of Yakima at the formation of the diocese in 1951, and remained at St. Andrew’s until 1959. Special assignments in Elensburg included work with the Central Washington State College (now University) Newman Club and assisting in establishing the Catholic Credit Union. He was named pastor of St. John Parish in Naches in 1959 where he served for three years, along with being named Director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Yakima. He served in that role until 1968 and was in residence at Holy Rosary Parish in Moxee from 1962 to 1966. He established the St. Vincent de Paul Stores and helped to resettle Cuban Refugees in his parish.

In August 1966, Monsignor Dillon was name pastor of St. Paul Cathedral. He served there for two years, then was pastor of St. Pius X Parish in Quincy briefly. Following a sabbatical, he was a Diocesan Property Manager for three years while in residence at St. Peter’s in Cowiche. He was named pastor of St. Joseph’s Parish in Kennewick in September 1972 serving for three years and then served for four years as pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Prosser.

Monsignor Dillon was named pastor of St. Joseph in Sunnyside in August of 1979, serving for four years, then was named pastor of St. Aloysius Parish in Toppenish, where he served until 1986. He then assumed Senior Priest Status and moved back to St. Joseph’s in Kennewick in 1991.

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28 MONSIGNOR DESMOND PATRICK DILLON

On the occasion of his 50 th Anniversary of Ordination, he was named a Chaplain to His Holiness by Pope John Paul II, with a title Monsignor. He continued to assist regularly at Sunday Masses at Kennewick until poor health and advancing age in recent years made it impossible for him to continue.

In retirement, Monsignor Dillon kept up a lively correspondence with the Bishops of the Diocese, and was a frequent contributor to the “Letters to the Editor” section of the Tri-City Herald Newspaper, writing on the topics ranging from abortion, to secularism, to interreligious dialogue, to musings about eternal life.

Monsignor Dillon has an abiding love for the Jesus Charitas Fraternity of Priests, based on the writings of Blessed Charles Eugene de Foucald, a French priest, ascetic and martyr who died in 1916 in Algeria. As the “Regional Responsible” in the Fraternity for many years, Monsignor Dillon regularly exhorted his brother priests to build fraternity in small groups. He also was an avid promoter of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

During Monsignor Dillon’s final illness, a steady stream of parishioners from the Tri-Cities came to pray with him at his bedside, a testament to the mutual relationships of love and concern he had developed with the clergy and laity alike. He was also able to finalize his funeral plans and to dictate the final letter to Bishop Joseph Tyson, who was able to pray at Msgr. Dillon’s bedside shortly after his death.

The Francis & Petronila (da Roza) Dillon family

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28

Capitule, Antonio Dos Santos passed away on May 1 st , 2014 at the young age of 74 in Walnut Creek, California.

Antonio was born in Macau on March 8, 1940 to Cesar and Maria Capitule. He was a beloved member of Casa De Macau and the UMA Club.

He is survived by his wife Ida; his daughter and son-in-law, Patricia and Jack Parker; son and daughter- in-law, David and Cristina Capitule; grandchildren, Makayla, Wyatt, Emma and Zoey; step grandchildren, Tito, Raquel and Eliana; brothers, Joao and Jose; sisters, Irene, Maria and Ivone.

He is buried at the Queen of Heaven Catholic Cemetery in Lafayette, California. He will be truly missed but not forgotten. da Luz, Daniel Eduardo . Daniel was born on 14 August 1930 in Hong Kong and died after an extended illness on 12 December 2013 in San Francisco. He was the eldest son of the late Eduardo and Olga da Luz, the brother of Leo, Irene (Alphonse Demee) and the late Doreen Cruz. His ashes are placed at Holy Name Cemetery in Colma following a Memorial Mass on 23 December 2013.

Daniel attended La Salle College . He was a refugee in Macau during WWII and emigrated to San Francisco in 1960. He held his job as a medical claims adjuster with a prominent insurance company until retirement. Daniel was an avid punter and was most passionate about the roar of crowds to the sound of galloping hoofs during horse racing weekends at Bay Meadows Race Track in San Mateo County. R.I.P. da Luz, Elsa M, entered the embrace of God on May 11, 2014 at the age of 93. Beloved wife of Luiz da Luz; loving mother of Doreen McKissack and the late Marcus da Luz; caring grandmother of Kirk, Keith, Kenneth, Deanna, Dawn, Tricha, Bryan and Michael; Great-grandmother of Nailah, Brenden, Cameron, Kylie, Arlo, Brendon , Elsa, Robert , Dylan and Camilla.

Elsa was born February 11, 1921 in Hong Kong to Gregorio M. and Guilhermina (ne¨¦ Ribeiro) Gutierrez and is survived by one sister, Philomena (Nena) Remedios. She was predeceased by seven siblings, Maria, Gregorio, Alberto, Mercia, Marcos, Guilhermina (Mina) and Alfredo. She is lovingly remembered by her nieces and nephews most notably, Edward Thompson, Brenda Xavier, Tony and Mario da Roza.

Elsa passed away peacefully in San Francisco, where she resided since 1958. Elsa attended Italian Convent School in Hong Kong and worked at Dairy Farm until she immigrated to the United States where she was a homemaker for over forty years in SF and Pacifica. She will be missed by countless cousins, friends and family, especially those in the Macanese Community in the Bay Area, whom she warmly welcomed into her home and heart.

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28 Obituaries

Dillon, Monsignor Desmond Patrick, was born on January 31, 1915 in Hong Kong, the son of Francis Dillon and Petronila (Lima da Roza) Dillon. He attended schools in Victoria, BC; Hong Kong; and Seattle before graduating from O’Dea High School in Seattle in 1933. He then entered St. Edward Seminary in Kenmore for an eight year course of study. Monsignor Dillon was ordained on May 22, 1941 at St. James Cathedral in Seattle by the Most Reverend Gerald Shaughnessy, S.M.

On the occasion of his 50th Anniversary of Ordination, he was named a Chaplain to His Holiness by Pope John Paul II, with a title Monsignor. He continued to assist regularly at Sunday Masses at Kennewick until poor health and advancing age in recent years made it impossible for him to continue. On May 9th Monsignor Dillon passed away at the age of 99 just short of celebrating his 75th Anniversary of Ordination this year.

Diniz, Jose Antonio better known to most of us as "Tony", passed away on Thursday, June 5th, 2014 in Santa Ana, CA. He was 96 years old. Tony was the older brother of Alfonso Diniz. Al Diniz was the esteemed editor of the UMA Bulletin for many years.

Lee, Bernard Joseph , age 74, of Ottawa, Ontario, passed away Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at the Toronto General Hospital. Born in Hong Kong to Joseph William Lee and Maria Christina Ozorio, he moved to Canada at the age of 19 to study engineering at McGill University, Montreal.

Beloved husband of Lynne (née Watts). Cherished father of Christopher (Katherine), Russell and Cynthia (Neil). Proud grandfather of Allison, Sasha, Nathan, Millie, Jacqueline and twins on the way. Great-grandfather to Hunter and Jazzlyn. Dear brother of Astrid (Late Joseph Mendes) and fond brother-in-law of Geoffrey Watts and Debbie Jacobsen. Will be dearly remembered by many nieces, nephews, cousins and dear friends.

Beginning his career as a young engineer with Alcan Aluminum and finishing as Manager, Engineering Services, PWGSC, Bernie finally discovered his true passion in retirement as a figure skater. Partnering with Lynne in dance and pair figure skating, Bernie lit up the ice, as he did our lives, with his familiar smile and loving heart.

Lopez, Thelma (Mendes), passed away peacefully at home in “Chino, Ca on June 18, 2014. She was the wife of the late Albert Lopes (brother of late Elvie Gaan). She is survived by her daughters Diana Cresteao, Virginia Seitz and brother Henry Mendes.

Book for Sale

Reminiscences of a War time Refugee by Jim Silva

Cost US$5 if picked up from Editor of the Bulletin At 2021 Ptarmigan Drive, Unit 1, Walnut Creek, Ca Or US$7.50 if mailed within the United States Call 925-482-0711 or email [email protected]

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28

UMA, Inc. - Officers & Directors Title Name Home Address Phone (Fax) Email President Maria Gomes 2021 Ptarmigan Dr. #1, 925-482-0711 [email protected] Walnut Creek, Ca 94595 Vice- Flavia Greubel 1232 Skycrest Drive, #2 925-930-8672 [email protected] President Walnut Creek, Ca 94595 Treasurer Francis Carion 1112 Rockledge Ln, #7 925-979-0679 [email protected] Walnut Creek, Ca 94595 Secretary Pauline de Assis 1124 Singing Wood Ct 925-943-2003 [email protected] Walnut Creek, Ca 94595 Director Marie Guterres 825 Prairie Creek Dr 650-359-3858 [email protected] Pacifica, Ca 94044 Director Luiz Ozorio 3152 Ptarmigan, #1 650-245-3374 [email protected] Walnut Creek, Ca 94595 Director Joanne Segovia 1417 Oakmont Dr, #1 925-891-4474 [email protected] Walnut Creek, Ca 94595 Director Sandy Souza 1340 Canyonwood Ct #3 925-639-7708 [email protected] Walnut Creek, Ca 94595 Director Ramon Xavier 2061 Pine Knoll Drive #1 925-934-2618 [email protected] Walnut Creek, Ca 94595



The flyers for the upcoming events are in this bulletin on Pages to , and they are also available on our UMA Website for you to download and print to send in with your check.

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28

Dia Portugal in Lusitano Hong Kong with the Consulate general Vitor Sereno.

A Quarterly Publication of the Macanese Diaspora sponsored by Fundação Oriente Associate Editor Distribution: Francis Carion, 1112 Rockledge Lane, # 7, Walnut Creek, Ca 94595

UMA New Bulletin = Summer 2014 13 through 28