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This listing does not imply endorsement or approval of the content of this website by any of these organisations. This is a comprehensive listing of the groups I have worked with in areas such as governance, compliance, policies & procedures, board training & development, strategic planning, charitable status, governance risk assessment & management, GDPR. This listing is effective as of 25/1/2021.

I have worked with the following groups on an independent basis:

Annacarty Childcare, Co. Tipperary ASH Ireland Association of Irish Riding Clubs Ballyfermot Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force Belgard Heights Community & Residential Association Butler Community Centre Children's Group Link Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise County Wexford Chamber of Industry and Commerce Department of Children and Youth Affairs Down Syndrome Ireland, and South Kilkenny Branch EmployAbility Service Waterford Family Resource Centre National Forum Fettercairn Youth & Community Centre Grantstown Park Residents Association Healthy Cities & Counties Ireland I4Life Kilkenny Leader Partnership Kilkenny Public Participation Network Leave No Trace Local Link Cork Local Link Waterford Place of Sanctuary, Waterford 2 | P a g e

South Dublin County Council South Dublin County Childcare Committee St. Brigid’s Family and Community Centre St. Louis Day Care Centre The Thomas Hayes Trust (Teac Tom) Tipperary Public Participation Network Tallaght Probation Project Trust Us We Care U-CASADH Volleyball Ireland Waterford Area Partnership Waterford Childcare Centre Waterford County Museum Waterford Cultural Quarter Waterford Public Participation Network Waterford Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre Waterford Voluntary Youth Council Wexford County Childcare Committee Wexford Public Participation Network I have worked with the following clients under contract to Waterford Area Partnership: Community Council Aglish Community Development Company Assisi Day Centre Ardmore Pattern Festival Ballybeg Community Development Project Ballyduff Muintir na Tíre Barron Community Hall Stradbally Ltd. Boatstrand / Dunabrattin Fisherman's Group Buzy Bees Youth Community Garden Project Civic Trust Carbally Community Centre Kinsalebeg Community Council Clonea-Power Tidy Villages Company Club 3 | P a g e

Garter Lane Arts Centre Kinsalebeg Community Group Little Red Kettle Manor St. John Youth Services Men's Development Network Mount Melleray Community Group Rise & Shine Youth Group Sacred Heart Family Resource Centre Sacred Heart Community Action Group Southeast Deaf Women's Group SPACE St. Paul's Women's Group Sudanese Community Group Waterford The Nagle Centre Tinteán Housing Association Tallow Community Council TREO Port Láirge U-Casadh Uganda Community Group Waterford Waterford Disability Network Waterford Youth Transport Service Waterford Youth Arts Waterford Stroke Club I have worked with the following childcare centres under contract to Waterford Childcare Committee: Butterflies Playgroup, Ballyduff Cappoquin Community Childcare Centre Children's Playgroup Tallow Community Childcare (Le Chéile), Naíonra KCK , Waterford Naíonra an tSean Phobal, Waterford Naíonra Philib de Barún, Education & Culture Project Waterford Childcare Centre 4 | P a g e

Waterford Women's Centre Williamstown Community Childcare I have worked with the following under contract to South Dublin County Partnership / Tallaght Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force. ACE Enterprise Park Brookfield Addiction Support Programme CARP Killinarden Clondalkin Travellers Development Group Clondalkin Travellers, Training, Enterprise & Employment Development Company Fettercairn Community and Youth Centre Fettercairn Drug Rehabilitation Programme JADD Project Killinarden Drug Primary Prevention Group Lucan Disability Action Group New Hope Residential Centre Oakfield Trust Palmerstown Community Centre St. Aengus Community Action Group St. Dominic's Community Response Project SWAN Family Support Organisation Tallaght Drug and Alcohol Task Force Tallaght Rehabilitation Project Trust Us We Care WASP Community Education Programme I have worked with the following groups under contract to Wexford County Childcare Committee : Blackstairs Community Playgroup Kilmuckridge Community and Family Resource Centre St. Brigid's Community Playgroup Teach na bPáistí Tintern Childcare Templeshannon Childcare I have conducted work with the following groups under contract to Mayo North East Development Company Ballycroy Community Council 5 | P a g e

Ballina Community Centre Clew Bay Heritage Centre Crossmolina Community Council Dolmen Clubhouse - Ballina Eskeragh Old School House Kilmurry Sport and Social Centre Muintir A’ Chorráin Teoranta Westport Community & Family Resource Centre