NO CHOICE, BUT DEMOCRACY: Prising the People out of Politics in Africa? Cyril I. Obi Claude Ake Memorial Papers No. 2 Department of Peace and Conflict Research Uppsala University & Nordic Africa Institute Uppsala 1 © 2008 Cyril I. Obi, DPCR, NAI ISSN 1654-7489 ISBN 978-91-506-1982-9 Printed in Sweden by Universitetstryckeriet, Uppsala 2008 Distributed by the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University & the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala Phone (DPCR) +46 18 471 76 52; (NAI) +46 18 56 22 00 Fax (DPCR) +46 18 69 51 02; (NAI) +46 18 56 22 90 E-mail (DPCR)
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[email protected]; 2 The Claude Ake Visiting Chair A Claude Ake Visiting Chair was set up in 2003 at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research (DPCR), Uppsala University, in collaboration with the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI), also in Uppsala. Funding was provided from the Swedish Government, through the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The Chair was established to honour the memory of Professor Claude Ake, distinguished scholar, philosopher, teacher, activist and human- ist, tragically killed in a plane crash near Lagos, Nigeria, in 1996. The holders of the Claude Ake Visiting Chair give, at the end of their stay in Uppsala, a public lecture, entitled the ‘Claude Ake Memorial Lecture.’ While the title, thematic and content of the lecture is up to the holder, the assumption is that the topic of the lecture shall, in a general sense, relate the work of the holder to the work of Claude Ake, for example in terms of themes or issues covered, or in terms of theoretical or normative points of departure.