Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Official journal of the CIOMP 2047-7538 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41377-020-00423-3 www.nature.com/lsa

REVIEW Open Access Powerful terahertz from long- filaments Vladimir Yu. Fedorov1,2 and Stelios Tzortzakis 1,3,4

Abstract Strong terahertz (THz) electric and magnetic transients open up new horizons in science and applications. We review the most promising way of achieving sub-cycle THz pulses with extreme field strengths. During the nonlinear propagation of two-color mid-infrared and far-infrared ultrashort laser pulses, long, and thick plasma strings are produced, where strong photocurrents result in intense THz transients. The corresponding THz electric and magnetic field strengths can potentially reach the gigavolt per centimeter and kilotesla levels, respectively. The intensities of these THz fields enable extreme nonlinear optics and relativistic physics. We offer a comprehensive review, starting from the microscopic physical processes of light-matter interactions with mid-infrared and far-infrared ultrashort laser pulses, the theoretical and numerical advances in the nonlinear propagation of these laser fields, and the most important experimental demonstrations to date.

Introduction chemical bonds or cause electronic transitions in a med- The terahertz (THz) range is the last lacuna ium and thereby damage it. As a result, THz radiation fi

1234567890():,; 1234567890():,; 1234567890():,; 1234567890():,; in the , where we have no ef - becomes very attractive for various applications related to cient sources of radiation. Being usually understood as the imaging and diagnostics in areas such as medicine, region of from 0.1 to 10 THz or, equivalently, industrial quality control, food inspection, or artwork – of from 3 mm to 30 μm, the THz part of the examination1 4. Moreover, a large number of processes at spectrum is squeezed between the domains of high- the microscopic level occur with characteristic times frequency electronics and photonics. While a large corresponding to terahertz frequencies, for example, number of powerful sources exist in high- rotations and vibrations in large molecules (nucleic acids, frequency electronics and high-energy cover the proteins, synthetic polymers, etc.), lattice vibrations and needs in photonics, there is currently no easy, direct way free carrier motion in solids. Therefore, THz waves serve to generate THz fields of any comparable strength. an important role in fundamental studies of matter and The THz frequency range draws attention for a number find their applications in and the control of of reasons. First, THz waves penetrate almost losslessly materials, including ultrafast electric-field and magnetic- through a large number of different materials, such as field switching, being much faster than in conventional plastics, fabrics, concrete, wood, and paper. However, electronics5,6. In addition, there is a whole set of appli- unlike X-rays, the energy of THz photons, being on the cations that directly rely on strong, high-energy THz – order of several meV, is too low to directly disrupt any fields, for example, table-top THz electron acceleration7 9 or THz enhancement of attosecond pulse generation10,11. Despite the existing need for strong THz radiation, the 12 Correspondence: Vladimir Yu Fedorov ([email protected])or list of available powerful THz sources is quite restricted . Stelios Tzortzakis ([email protected]) Currently, there are two major techniques that allow one 1Science Program, Texas A&M University at Qatar, P.O. Box 23874, Doha, Qatar fi 2 to generate intense THz elds on a table top: optical P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 53 13–15 Leninskiy Prospekt, Moscow 119991, Russia rectification in electro-optic crystals and two-color Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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 Lens SH crystal  Filters Plasma

2 THz


1 mm

Fig. 1 Typical setup for THz generation by two-color filamentation. The fundamental component of a laser pulse is focused through a nonlinear second harmonic (SH) crystal into ambient air. The second harmonic generated in the nonlinear crystal mixes with the fundamental pulse and provides the desired field symmetry breaking (the phase between the ω and 2ω fields is controlled by the crystal position along the optical axis). The plasma channel generated close to the lens focus emits THz radiation, which is then filtered out by a set of longpass filters (in most cases, high- resistivity silicon wafers)

– filamentation in gases and liquids16 20. In THz generation very high intensity. Furthermore, two-color filamentation by optical rectification, a crystal with a second-order makes it possible to generate THz radiation remotely, nonlinearity is pumped by an ultrashort laser pulse; the thereby avoiding challenges such as the high absorption of – difference frequency mixing of various spectral compo- THz waves in atmospheric water vapor25 28. nents in the wide pulse spectrum produces a beating In addition, the THz radiation generated by optical polarization that gives rise to the emission of radiation in rectification and two-color filamentation has different the THz spectral region. In turn, two-color filamentation emission patterns. Unlike optical rectification, where the is based on the ionization of a medium by an ultrashort spatial profile of the generated THz radiation repeats the laser pulse consisting of fundamental radiation and its shape of the pump laser beam, the THz radiation pro- second harmonic. Then, free electrons of the generated duced by two-color filamentation is emitted as a cone plasma oscillate in the driving laser field and emit elec- whose angle depends on the thickness of the plasma – tromagnetic waves. By a proper choice of the phase channel and its length29 31. between the fundamental and second harmonic pulses, it Figure 1 shows a typical experimental setup for THz is possible to break the field symmetry and force the free generation by two-color filamentation. electrons to produce a residual photocurrent oscillating at Due to the prevalence of commercially available high- THz frequencies21. power laser systems operating at near-infrared - Among the two above techniques, optical rectification lengths, most experiments on both optical rectification allows one to generate THz pulses with higher energy, up and two-color filamentation were conducted using near- to 0.9 mJ14, and higher THz conversion efficiency (the infrared laser pulses. While the choice of the pump ratio of the THz energy to the energy of the input two- wavelength for optical rectification is mainly dictated by color laser pulse), up to 3.7%22. Unfortunately, inevitable the phase-matching properties of the available nonlinear optical damage of nonlinear crystals by high laser inten- crystals, the wavelength of the laser source for two-color sities makes further step ups in THz energy very trou- filamentation can be chosen more freely. Taking into blesome. In addition, THz pulses generated by optical account that many parameters governing the physics of rectification are spectrally quite narrow (the spectral ionization and the motion of electrons in the laser field width is below 5 THz) and, as a result, are quite long (the depend on its wavelength, we can assume that certain corresponding pulse durations are approximately several laser wavelengths will be beneficial for two-color fila- picoseconds). On the other hand, common two-color mentation. In particular, since the ponderomotive energy filamentation with near-infrared laser pulses offers less of free electrons under the action of a laser field increases energetic THz radiation (up to 30 μJ in gases18 and up to as the square of the field’s wavelength, it is reasonable to 80 μJ in liquids20) with less THz conversion efficiency, expect that laser sources operating at longer wavelengths which is usually close to 0.01%. Nevertheless, since the gas should produce stronger photocurrents and, conse- and liquid media recover in-between laser shots, the quently, more energetic THz radiation. However, to optical damage issue becomes irrelevant. Moreover, two- produce filaments with long and dense plasma channels color filamentation allows one to generate ultrashort favorable for THz generation, the peak power of a laser single-cycle THz pulses with femtosecond duration and pulse should exceed the critical power for Kerr self- spectral bandwidths exceeding 50 THz23,24. Therefore, focusing (otherwise, the dense enough plasma can be despite the lower energies, these THz pulses can have a produced only by tightly focused laser pulses and only in Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Page 3 of 16

the vicinity of the focal spot). In turn, since the critical equation, under the action of an electric field power for Kerr self-focusing also scales as the wavelength EðtÞ¼AcosðωtÞ, the electron gains velocity squared, until recently, the experimental investigation of vðtÞ¼eAsinðωtÞ=mω. The corresponding average kinetic two-color filamentation at wavelengths from mid-infrared energy is and far-infrared parts of the spectrum was almost prohi- bitive because of the demanding optical power mv2 e2A2 U ¼ < > ¼ / Iλ2 ð1Þ requirement. p 2 4mω2 Everything changed with the advent of a new generation of optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers (OPCPAs) where A, I, and λ are the field amplitude, intensity, and capable of delivering high-peak-power sub-100 fs pulses at wavelength, respectively. This energy, known as ponder- – a central wavelength of 3.9 μm32 34. Recent advances in omotive or quiver energy, is one of the basic parameters the development of high-power pulsed CO2 lasers are also governing strong-field physics. very encouraging35,36. With these newly appeared laser Thus, the most straightforward way to obtain more systems, the studies of laser filamentation in gases have energetic THz radiation is to increase the ponderomotive been extended to the mid-infrared and far-infrared energy Up of plasma electrons. According to Eq. (1), this spectral ranges. The first experiments on long- can be accomplished either by increasing the pulse wavelength filamentation revealed a number of unique intensity I or its wavelength λ. Obviously, the wavelength regimes of nonlinear spatiotemporal wave dynamics and is a more effective control knob because Up depends on λ demonstrated many unusual aspects in the nonlinear- quadratically but only linearly on I. Moreover, the max- optical response of gaseous media to mid-infrared and imum laser intensity during filamentation is restricted by far-infrared laser radiation37,38. One can easily expect that the effect of intensity clamping39. Since the energy of THz these peculiar laser-matter interactions will also be pulses linearly depends on Up, it should also scale quad- reflected in the generation of THz radiation by the two- ratically with the laser wavelength. The latter conclusion color filamentation of long-wavelength laser pulses. is the main motivation for increasing the laser wavelength Here, we review the recent experimental and theoretical in studies of THz sources driven by laser filamentation. advances in the interaction of long-wavelength laser Another important aspect of the ionization process radiation with gases in the context of two-color fila- involves the Keldysh parameter γ, which can be expressed mentation, which show great promise as sources of through the ponderomotive energy Up as extremely powerful THz waves. We carefully analyze how sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the complex nonlinear-optical response of gaseous media Ui p1ffiffi ð Þ on mid-infrared and far-infrared radiation can affect the γ ¼ / 2 2Up Iλ process of THz generation and what the prerequisites are for stronger and more powerful THz fields. The theore- where Ui is the ionization energy of an atom or a tical analysis is completed with a review of the current molecule. The value of γ distinguishes the tunneling (γ ≪ 1) state of research on the nonlinear propagation of mid- and multiphoton (γ ≫ 1) regimes of ionization40. For an infrared and far-infrared two-color filaments. atom or molecule at constant intensity, γ scales as 1/λ. Therefore, longer wavelengths drive ionization further Medium response into the tunneling regime. In turn, an extremely fast, Ionization and free electrons exponential dependence of the tunnel ionization rate on Ionization plays a central role in the process of THz the field amplitude40 implies that photoelectrons are generation by two-color laser filamentation. Following the released in a narrow range of time close to the peaks of photocurrent model21, THz radiation originates from the the field. As a result, the maximum ponderomotive energy current J of free electrons oscillating under the action of that an electron can gain will depend on the particular an electric field with broken symmetry. In this framework, phase of the field at the moment of electron release. the amplitude of the emitted THz pulses is proportional Figure 2 shows the temporal evolution of several electron to the first time derivative of the electron current ∂J=∂t. velocities v(t) within the driving laser field for the case of Since the magnitude of J depends linearly on the electron single-color and two-color laser pulses with different velocity v, the energy of the generated THz radiation phases. In Fig. 2a, one can see that at the end of a single- should be proportional to v2 and thus to the kinetic color laser pulse, the final velocities of individual electrons energy of the electrons acquired within the electric field. become uniformly distributed around zero, resulting in a A classical nonrelativistic equation of motion for an zero average photocurrent. The situation is similar in the electron driven by a field E can be written as case of two-color laser pulses with zero phase difference ϕ dvðtÞ=dt ¼ eEðtÞ=m, where e and m are the charge and between the fundamental and the second harmonic mass of the electron, respectively. According to this components (see Fig. 2b). However, when ϕ = π/2 (see Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Page 4 of 16

1.0 a 6×103 0.5 103 0.0

–0.5 102 single-colour 4×103 –1.0 1.0 b 101

0.5 Counts 2×103 100 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 E(t), v(t) –0.5 electron energy [UP] two-colour –1.0 xenon 1.0 c 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.5 Electron energy [eV] 0.0

–0.5 Fig. 3 Low-energy photoelectron spectrum in the tunneling two-colour 2 regime. Dependence of the photoelectron spectra of xenon on the –1.0 intensity of 3.6 μm, 140 fs laser pulses. The laser intensity used to 024681012 generate the spectra (presented in different colors) was varied in steps Time t (fs) 14 −2 of 0.025I0, where I0 = 0.65 × 10 Wcm is the maximum laser Fig. 2 Mechanism of THz generation by two-color filamentation. intensity. The spectra exhibit a spike-like enhancement for electron Electron velocities v(t) ( lines) for several electrons released at energies Et10 eV, known as the low-energy structure. The inset different time instances close to the peak of the driving field E(t) ( displays the spectrum on a semi-logarithmic scale for electron 43 lines). a Single-color laser field EðtÞ¼AðtÞ cosðω0tÞ. b, c Two-color energies in units of ponderomotive energy Up. Reprinted from ref. laser field EðtÞ¼AðtÞ cosðω0tÞþ½AðtÞ=2Š cosð2ω0t þ ϕÞ with b ϕ = 0 under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence ϕ = π ð Þ¼ ðÀ 2=τ2Þ τ = and c /2. The amplitude A t exp t 0 , where 0 5 fs. The central frequency ω0 corresponds to a wavelength of 800 nm demonstrated that with an increase in the laser wave- length, the photoelectron energy spectrum evolves Fig. 2c), most of the electrons at the end of the laser pulse towards the structure predicted by the semi-classical acquire final velocities of the same sign, giving rise to a theory (known as a simple man model)—a spectrum nonzero residual photocurrent, which is responsible for clipped by 2Up followed by a plateau descending to the 21 THz generation . Thus, the concept of sub-cycle tunnel 10Up cutoff caused by photoelectron rescattering and re- ionization in a time-varying field becomes central for acceleration by the field43. Thus, the physics of ionization studies of mid-infrared and far-infrared two-color fila- and motion of photoelectrons with increasing laser mentation. In contrast, in the limit of short wavelengths, wavelength tends closer to the classical scenario. corresponding to multiphoton ionization (γ ≫ 1), the Apart from the confirmation of theoretical expectations, effect of the field phase on the ionization process vanishes. experiments on high harmonic generation with mid- In this case, the ionization probability (measured in infrared laser pulses led to the discovery of a previously inverse seconds) is much less than an optical cycle, and unknown feature in the energy distribution of photo- many field periods should pass to release a single free electrons. It was found that the lowest energy part of the electron. As a result, the ionization rate becomes photoelectron energy spectrum has an unexpected peak, dependent on the field envelope or, equivalently, on the the so-called low-energy structure, which becomes pro- – cycle-averaged intensity rather than the instantaneous minent only when using long-wavelength laser pulses43 45 field strength. Therefore, the asymmetry introduced by (see Fig. 3). Interestingly, it appears that these low-energy two-color fields smooths out, leading to less efficient THz electrons are tightly connected to the emitted THz waves generation. However, effective THz generation in the and can shed light on the microscopic mechanisms of multiphoton regime can still be achieved if one uses a THz generation46. laser field with two frequencies of noninteger ratio (i.e., ω Another distinguishable feature of ionization driven by and 2ω + δω), which result in fast beatings of the pulse long-wavelength laser pulses is related to the increasing envelope41. role of free electrons in the overall nonlinear response of a To date, a large amount of data on the ionization of medium. The solution of the Schrödinger equation for a gases by mid-infrared laser pulses has been obtained in generic hydrogen quantum system shows that for high- experiments on high-harmonics generation42. These intensity long-wavelength fields, electrons released after experiments confirmed that the kinetic energy of photo- ionization can travel far away from the atomic core, electrons indeed scales as λ2. Moreover, they acquiring high energy within the long field period47.In Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Page 5 of 16

0.4 0.4 ionization yield ratio between circular and linear laser

a b E polarizations. (

0.2 0.2 t ) (arb. un.) The estimations of classical electron trajectories under 0.0 0.0 the action of strong mid-infrared and far-infrared laser –0.2 -0.2 fields show that tunneling electrons can travel away from –0.4 -0.4 the parent atom or molecule over distances comparable to –2 –1 0 1 2 –2 –1 0 12 a collisional mean free path in gases38. Consequently, an Time (cycles) electron released from a parent atom or molecule can cd0.9 interact with many other atoms or molecules located 100 nearby. In particular, on the way from its birthplace, such -1 10 0.6 an electron can acquire enough energy to ionize neigh- 10-2 0.3 boring atoms or molecules and give rise to significant -3 10 avalanche ionization. Thus, compared to near-infrared 10-4 0.0 fi 357 357 laser elds, the theoretical description of laser-plasma interactions with mid-infrared and far-infrared laser pul- Fig. 4 Comparison of radiation amplitudes of bound and free ses requires paying more attention to many-body effects. electrons at different laser wavelengths. Time-resolved radiation For example, recent theoretical studies suggest that

amplitudes abb (blue) and aff (red) of bound-state and free electrons many-body effects in gases can lead to an additional a, b and their spectra c, d for a laser pulse (purple dashed line) with an ionization channel through excitation-induced dephasing 2 μ μ – intensity of 110 TW/cm and wavelengths of 0.8 m a, c and 4 m (EID), which manifests itself at low laser intensities51 54.It b, d. The results of calculations using the semi-classical model for free electrons are indicated by the line. Reprinted from ref. 47 with was found that the following semi-phenomenological permission from the American Physical Society formula for the ionization rate provides a good fit to the full many-body quantum theory of EID38,54: sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2ð Þþ ð Þ¼ 4ð Þ E t s ð Þ this regime, the electron wave function is no longer tightly R E CMBIE t 3 E2ðtÞ localized around the atomic core, and a significant frac- −7 −3 −1 4 −4 tion of electrons undergoing ionization do not recombine with CMBI = 2.84 × 10 (m s )(m V ) and s = 4.6 × − back to bound states, building up the continuum popu- 1018 V2m 2. According to Eq. (3), the additional ioniza- lation in a stepwise fashion after each field half-cycle. The tion yield proposed by EID calculations scales quadrati- steps in the continuum population, synchronized with the cally with the laser intensity I, in strong contrast to the field half-cycle, translate into harmonics whose intensity much higher intensity powers predicted by the multi- is much higher than the intensity of harmonics emitted by photon ionization model. The validity of EID calculations bound-state electrons (see Fig. 4). As a result, for high- was tested by comparing the results of comprehensive intensity long-wavelength pulses, free-state electrons propagation simulations with data from experiments on dominate over bound electrons in the overall nonlinear the filamentation of terawatt picosecond CO2 laser response. Thus, since for longer laser wavelengths, the pulses55. It was shown that the plasma electrons produced behavior of free electrons tends to be more classical, the through the EID mechanism provide a necessary seed for use of simple semi-classical models for studies of mid- avalanche ionization, which then produces enough infrared and far-infrared two-color filamentation seems electrons to stabilize the laser pulse propagation, leading appropriate. to extremely long and wide filaments. To complete the semi-classical description of ionization The apparent discrepancy between the experiments of for long-wavelength laser pulses, we have to indicate the Lai et al.48, showing the validity of the PPT ionization rate way to calculate the corresponding ionization rate. formula, and the EID calculations can be explained by the Recently, Lai et al.48 experimentally studied the ionization fact that the experiments by Lai et al. were conducted at yield versus laser intensity for various atomic targets low gas pressures, where the many-body interactions lose irradiated by laser pulses with different polarizations and their importance. To clarify this situation, Woodbury wavelengths ranging from the visible to the mid-infrared et al.56 experimentally measured the ionization yield in (0.4–4 μm) in both the multiphoton and tunneling air, nitrogen, and argon at atmospheric (0.5–3 bar) pres- regimes. The experimental findings were compared to the sures for 1.024 and 3.9 μm picosecond laser pulses. The ionization rate calculated by the Perelomov-Popov-Ter- ionization yield was measured over a dynamic range of ent’ev (PPT) formula49. It was shown that the PPT for- intensities covering 14 orders of magnitude (the sensi- mula, corrected by a generalized Coulomb prefactor50, tivity of the experiment allowed to observe individual agrees well with all of the experimental data, including the ionization events at low intensities). The obtained Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Page 6 of 16

experimental results can be summarized as follows. At for Kerr self-focusing) due to the transverse variations in low intensities (<4 TW/cm2), where the largest relative intensity-dependent electron-impact ionization. contribution from EID ionization is expected, the ioni- From the above discussion, it becomes clear that one zation yield was consistent with the multiphoton ioniza- should be very careful in modeling the ionization and tion rate of an unknown contaminant (found in all electron dynamics driven by mid-infrared and far-infrared considered gases) with ionization energy Ui = 6 eV. Nei- fields. Electron densities and energy distributions sensi- ther the wavelength-independent I2 scaling nor the tively depend on the driving field wavelength, and there wavelength-insensitive absolute yield suggested by EID are still a number of blind spots and controversies in our was observed. In addition, the measured yields were a understanding of these dependences. However, the clas- factor of 106 lower than those predicted by EID. At higher sical treatment of electron dynamics allowed at these intensities (>10 TW/cm2), the ionization yields were frequencies can greatly simplify the theory. To date, the consistent with the multiphoton or tunneling ionization simulations of THz generation from mid-infrared fila- rates of isolated molecules calculated by the PPT for- mentation account for the simplified theory and seem to mula49 with a generalized Coulomb prefactor50. At the reproduce the experimental findings well, as we will show moment, the source of the aforementioned contradiction in the following. between the experiments and theory remains unclear and requires further study. Nonlinear polarization: Kerr and Raman effects Recent numerical simulations showed that seed elec- The effect of self-focusing lies in the basis of laser trons for avalanche ionization can come from the ioni- filamentation and, alongside ionization, is responsible for zation of air aerosols57. Similar to the EID mechanism, the formation of the extended plasma channels necessary this scenario can explain the appearance of additional free for effective THz generation. This nonlinear effect leads electrons (which otherwise cannot be produced through to an intensity-dependent change in the total refractive an avalanche seeded solely by tunnel ionization), which index n = n0 + n2I,wheren0 is the linear part of the are necessary to obtain the long and stable far-infrared refractive index, n2 is the nonlinear index, and I is the filaments observed in the experiment55. laser intensity. In molecular gases, such as nitrogen or In addition to the ionization yield measurements, oxygen, there are two contributions to the nonlinear 56 Woodbury et al. estimated the effective collisional fre- index n2.Thefirst one (Kerr) is nearly instantaneous and quency νc, which determines the avalanche ionization originates from the nonlinear response of bound elec- −1 rate. νc = 0.55 ps was found for both the 1.024 and trons to the external electric field. The second one 3.9 μm wavelengths. However, in view of the growing role (Raman) is time-dependent and arises from the tendency of many-body effects in laser-plasma interactions with of gas molecules to align themselves along the field mid-infrared and far-infrared laser pulses, a recent theo- polarization. Due to inertia during the rotation of mole- retical study by Wright et al.58 put the simple, one- cules, the molecular alignment lags behind the driving parameter description of the avalanche ionization rate field and results in a delayed increase in polarizability, into question. They proposed a two-temperature model, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the refractive index which provides a microscopically motivated foundation near the trailing end of the laser pulse. The combination for avalanche ionization in gases with long-wavelength of these two effects gives rise to a nonlinear polarization, laser pulses. The basic idea behind this model is that free Pnl, which can be modeled as fi electrons, moving in the laser eld after photoionization Z t occurs, need some time to acquire a large enough kinetic ð3Þ 2 0 2 0 0 Pnlðr; tÞ¼ε0χ ð1 À fRÞE ðr; tÞþfR Rðt À t ÞE ðr; t Þdt Eðr; tÞ energy to collisionally ionize neighboring atoms or À1 molecules. As a consequence, avalanche ionization does ð4Þ not instantaneously follow the laser intensity, leading to memory or transient effects. In particular, the plasma Here, χ(3) is the total (Kerr plus Raman) third-order density can continue to increase well after the pulse has susceptibility, and fR 2½0; 1Š is the fraction of the Raman passed due to the presence of high-energy electrons that contribution. For subpicosecond laser pulses, the store enough energy for impact ionization of the neutral response function R(t) can be calculated based on the atoms or molecules at later times. damped harmonic oscillator model60,61: The increasing role of free electrons in the overall nonlinear response of a medium can lead to even more RðtÞ¼R0expðÀΓt=2ÞsinðΛtÞð5Þ exotic scenarios. For example, numerical simulations by 59 2 2 À1 Gao and Shim showed that a 15 μm laser pulse propa- where R0 ¼ðΓ =4 þ Λ ÞΛ is a normalization factor and gating in a weakly ionized argon gas can undergo self- Γ and Λ are the damping and oscillation frequencies, focusing (at a power much lower than the critical power respectively. Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Page 7 of 16

(3) The total nonlinear index n2 linearly depends on χ À ð3Þ 2 1 /W) 11 ¼ χ ð ε Þ 2 and can be written as n2 3 4 0n0c0 . We can theory experiment a express n as a sum of nonlinear indices n and n , cm 10

2 2K 2R –20

responsible for, respectively, the Kerr and Raman con- (10 9 2k tributions: n2 ¼ n2K þ n2R, where n2K ¼ð1 À fRÞn2 and n 8 n2R ¼ fRn2. Since most of the experiments on two-color filamenta- 7 tion, due to their simplicity, are conducted in air, let us

Nonlinear index Nonlinear index 0246810 consider the nonlinear indices of air in more detail. While Wavelength (um) the values of the Kerr nonlinear index n2K for air have 17 been measured for various wavelengths, from the ultra- 16 b up to the near-infrared parts of the spectrum, until 14 16 recently, there were no corresponding data for the mid- 12 15 (THz) 10 infrared and far-infrared spectral range. Currently, the Γ most comprehensive measurements of n2K for different 8 14 62,63 air constituents were made by Zahedpour et al. using 6 13 the single-shot supercontinuum spectral interferometry 0 100 200 300 400 500 technique. They presented the experimental values of the Pulse duration (fs) Kerr nonlinear index for nitrogen and oxygen in a very 0.75 μ c wide range of wavelengths from 0.4 to 11 m. With these 0.70 data, we can calculate the values of n2K for air as a ð Þ ð Þ ð Þ ¼ : N2 þ : O2 N2 0.65 weighted sum n2K 0 79n2K 0 21n2K , where n2K (THz) ðO2Þ R 0.60 and n2K are the Kerr nonlinear indices of nitrogen and f oxygen, while the factors 0.79 and 0.21 are the typical 0.55 0.8 m1 m2 m3 m4 m fractions of these gases in air. Figure 5a shows the 0.50 resulting wavelength dependence of the Kerr nonlinear 0 100 200 300 400 500 Pulse duration (fs) index n2K for air. Evidently, despite some noise, the Fig. 5 Parameters of Kerr and Raman contributions to the obtained values of n2K demonstrate that over the studied range of wavelengths, the Kerr nonlinear response of air is nonlinear index of air. a Dependence of the Kerr nonlinear index for air on the laser wavelength: experimental data obtained by quite dispersionless. Zahedpour et al.62,63 (points) and theory developed by et al.64 64 In turn, Brown et al. used ab initio calculations based according to Eq. (6) (line). b Values of frequencies Γ and Λ determining on the time-dependent density functional theory to com- the Raman response function R(t) (arrows indicate the associated scale), and c the fraction of the Raman contribution f in air as a pute the Kerr nonlinear index n2K for nitrogen and oxygen R function of the pulse duration for wavelengths of 0.8–4 μm. Figures at near-infrared and mid-infrared wavelengths in the range 61 μ b and c are reprinted from with permission from the American from 1 to 4 m. It was shown that the calculated values of Physical Society n2K can be well fitted by a Sellmeier-like equation:

PÀ1 ionization, was observed for intensities above 5 × 1013 W/ n ðλÞ¼ ð6Þ 2 2K λÀ2 À λÀ2 cm ). These findings are in line with recent experiments 0 that showed that for near-infrared laser pulses, the non- where P = 14.63 GW, λ0 = 0.3334 μm for nitrogen and linear response of bound electrons preserves its linear P = 14.62 GW, λ0 = 0.3360 μm for oxygen, with the dependence on intensity even in the presence of sub- wavelength λ measured in μm (as before, the nonlinear stantial ionization, well beyond the limits of perturbation index for air can be calculated as the corresponding theory65. In turn, any dependence of the Kerr nonlinear weighted sum). Figure 5a shows that Eq. (6) provides a index n2K on intensity would signal that there are some very good fit for the experimental data obtained by nonlinearities of higher order that we do not take into Zahedpour et al.62,63 and confirms the flat and featureless account. Since with increasing wavelength, ionization landscape of air n2K dispersion at mid-infrared and far- tends to occur in the tunnel regime and thus becomes infrared wavelengths. independent of the wavelength, one can assume that the 64 Additionally, Brown et al. found that over the wave- above conclusions on the independence of n2K from the length range of 2–4 μm, the Kerr nonlinear index n2K of intensity can be safely extended to laser pulses with even air is insensitive to the laser intensity up to intensities as longer wavelengths located further in the far-infrared high as 1014 W/cm2 (though at shorter wavelengths, a spectral region. Thus, we can conclude that in the range weak intensity dependence, caused by nonnegligible of wavelengths from near-infrared to far-infrared and at Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Page 8 of 16

14 2 intensities up to 10 W/cm , the dominant contribution generated by a pulsed CO2 laser. However, due to the long to the nonlinear polarization comes from the effects of the pulse duration and the time-integrated measurements, the third order, while higher orders of nonlinearity can be Kerr and Raman contributions in these experiments neglected. cannot be separated. 62,63 In addition to the n2K values, Zahedpour et al. also In summary, the above results show that the nonlinear measured the Raman nonlinear index n2R for nitrogen and polarization response of air at mid-infrared and far- oxygen in the same wavelength range from 0.4 to 11 μm. infrared wavelengths is explored in depth, both experi- According to the obtained results, the value of n2R for air mentally and theoretically. The good quantitative agree- (calculated through the corresponding weighted sum) is ment between the theory and experimental data indicates constant over the considered wavelength range and equal that the basic underlying physics is well understood, while − to approximately 3 × 10 20 cm2/W. Taking into account the obtained values of the Kerr and Raman response the values of the Kerr nonlinear index n2K presented in parameters can be used for comprehensive simulations of Fig. 5a, this n2R value suggests a fraction of the Raman THz generation by mid-infrared and far-infrared two- contribution fR ¼ n2R=ðn2K þ n2RÞ0:8. color filamentation. In parallel, Langevin et al.61 numerically studied the molecular Raman contribution in air at mid-infrared Dispersion of air refractive index wavelengths. By solving the time-dependent Schrödinger Due to its simplicity, most of the experiments on THz equation, they calculated the rotational molecular generation by two-color filamentation are conducted in response of air for laser pulses with wavelengths from 0.8 air. By itself, air is a mixture of different gases, including to 4 μm, pulse durations from 10 to 500 fs, and intensities nitrogen N2, oxygen O2, water vapor H2O, carbon dioxide from 0.2 to 20 TW/cm. It was demonstrated that the CO2, and several others. Depending on its wavelength, treatment of the Raman contribution by Eq. (4) with the electromagnetic radiation propagating in air can fall in damped harmonic oscillator response function given by resonance with various electronic transitions, as well as Eq. (5) can be safely extended to mid-infrared wave- vibrations and rotations in the above molecular gases, lengths. Figure 5b shows the two frequencies, Γ and Λ, which will result in the absorption of this radiation. As a calculated by Langevin et al.61 for air in the range of result, only radiation of specific wavelengths, lying in so- different wavelengths and pulse durations. According to called transparency windows, can propagate in air without this figure, the values of Γ and Λ are almost independent losses. Therefore, before developing any specific laser of the wavelength but exhibit a moderate dependence on system for two-color filamentation in air, it is necessary to the pulse duration. In turn, Fig. 5c shows that, depending ensure that the wavelengths of its fundamental and sec- on the pulse duration, the value of Raman fraction fR ond harmonic fall into one of these transparency win- smoothly changes in the range from 0.55 to 0.7 but, dows. This is especially important for laser pulses from similar to the characteristic frequencies, remains nearly mid-infrared and far-infrared parts of the spectrum, independent of the wavelength. which are densely populated by absorption lines corre- From Eq. (5), we find that the peak of the response sponding to the vibrations and rotations of H2O and CO2 À1 À1 function R(t) occurs at time tp ¼ Λ tan ð2Λ=ΓÞ. molecules. According to the values of Γ and Λ calculated by Langevin Figure 6a shows the real part of the air refractive index 61 et al. , tp lies in the range between 75 and 90 fs, which nðwÞ, as well as the corresponding absorption coefficient roughly indicates the pulse durations above which the αðwÞ calculated using the HITRAN database68,69 for Raman contribution will have a significant impact on the wavelengths in the range from 0.5 to 12 μm. We can see refractive index change. Therefore, taking into account that the presence of H2O molecules in air gives rise to the above values of fR, we can conclude that for laser several groups of absorption lines between 1.3 and 3 μm, pulses with durations above approximately 75 fs, the as well as to a wide absorption band located between 5 molecular Raman contribution prevails over the electro- and 7.5 μm. In turn, the presence of CO2 molecules leads nic Kerr response for all wavelengths from the near- to the strong absorption of radiation at wavelengths from infrared to the mid-infrared region. 4.1 to 4.4 μm. With this knowledge of air absorption In addition, numerical simulations of laser filamentation bands, we can determine the wavelengths of possible laser in air performed by Langevin et al.61 demonstrated that the sources suitable for two-color filamentation. The shaded Raman contribution manifests itself in exactly the same areas in Fig. 6 indicate the spectral regions where the way (through a considerable red-shift of the laser spec- central wavelength of either the fundamental pulse or its trum) for all near-infrared and mid-infrared laser pulses. second harmonic falls into one of the absorption bands. We also mention the experiments by Pigeon et al.66,67, As we can see, the choice of allowed wavelengths in the −20 where the total nonlinear index of air n2 = 50 × 10 mid-infrared and far-infrared part of the spectrum is quite cm2/W was measured for 200 ps, 10.6 μm laser pulses restricted. Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Page 9 of 16

5 CO2 a 2.775 4 4 3 2.750 H2O H2O 2

– 1) × 10 2.725 n ( 1 Refractive index Refractive H O 2.700 2 0

1.0 b 0.5 /m) 2 s 0.0 –28 (10

2 –0.5 k GVD coefficient –1.0 101 c 100 (m) eff

L 10–1

10–2 12345678 9101112

Fig. 6 Dispersion of air. Wavelength dependence of a the refractive index n (blue) and absorption coefficient α (), b the group velocity

dispersion coefficient k2, and (c) the phase velocity walk-off length Leff for several pairs of frequencies

One should also be aware of another phenomenon that oscillating at THz frequencies (see Fig. 2). However, since can potentially shrink the selection of possible wave- the air refractive index varies with frequency, the funda- lengths even further. Filamentation of ultrashort laser mental and second harmonic waves propagate at different pulses is accompanied by broadening of their spectra and phase velocities. As a result, the optimal THz generation the generation of a supercontinuum. Therefore, if the phase difference can be sustained over only a limited central wavelength of a laser pulse is located close to one propagation length. We can estimate this length as of the absorption bands, a part of the nonlinearly Leff ¼ðλ=2Þ=jnðωÞÀnð2ωÞj, where λ ¼ 2πc0=ω is the expanding spectrum will penetrate the region of reso- central wavelength of the fundamental wave and n(ω) and nance frequencies and will be continuously absorbed69,70. n(2ω) are the linear refractive indices at a given frequency. Under certain conditions and especially under loose The effective length Leff corresponds to the distance focusing, this nonlinearly enhanced, through spectral where the phase difference between the fundamental and broadening, linear absorption can dominate other sources second harmonic waves changes by π and indicates the of losses and strongly alter the process of filamentation maximum length of effective THz generation. Figure 6c 69 and generation of plasma . shows the dependence of Leff on the wavelength λ.Itis Among all of the air transparency windows, the one clearly seen that during the transition from the near- from 3.8 to 4.1 μm draws special attention. As shown in infrared to the mid-infrared spectral range, the effective Fig. 6b, this spectral range is characterized by large length Leff rapidly increases until it saturates in the far negative values of the group velocity dispersion coefficient infrared region. For comparison, for laser wavelengths of 2 2 k2 ¼ ∂ k=∂ω , which corresponds to anomalous group 0.8, 3.9, and 10 μm, Leff is equal to 5 cm, 2.6 m, and 4.9 m, velocity dispersion. The propagation of ultrashort laser respectively. Thus, by using laser pulses with longer pulses in anomalously dispersive nonlinear media is wavelengths, it is possible to maintain the optimal phase characterized by temporal self-compression and the for- difference between the fundamental and second harmonic mation of quasi-solitonic light bullets that lead to the pulses over a longer propagation distance, thereby formation of more uniform, elongated plasma channels, increasing the length of efficient THz generation. thus providing more favorable conditions for THz Beyond the phase difference discussed above and its generation. implications, the difference in group velocities of the One of the essential prerequisites for efficient THz fundamental and second harmonic pulses leads to a generation by two-color filamentation is the properly temporal walk-off between the two-color pulses along the chosen phase difference between the fundamental and propagation. This temporal walk-off for a given distance z fi 4 ¼½ À1ð ÞÀ À1ð ފ second harmonic pulses, which guarantees optimal eld can be calculated as: tg vg w vg 2w z, where symmetry breaking and thus maximizes the photocurrent vg ðwÞ and vg ð2wÞ are the group velocities of the Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Page 10 of 16

fundamental wave and its second harmonic, respectively. nonlinear propagation can be effectively studied, while For example, after one meter of propagation in air of anomalous dispersion regions can be useful for solitonic- fundamental pulses with central wavelengths of 0.8, 3.9, like propagation. and 10 μm, their second harmonics will lag behind by, In the following, we use the microscopic description of respectively, 81, 0.15, and 2.2 fs. Therefore, we find that light-matter interactions with intense mid-infrared and the group velocity walk-off reduces in the mid-infrared far-infrared light fields, discussed in detail in the last three and far-infrared spectral regions, thereby making prefer- sections, to explore the generation of THz radiation from able the choice of longer driving wavelengths for two- mid-infrared and far-infrared filaments. color filamentation. Apart from the effective length Leff the waves at fun- THz generation damental and second harmonic frequencies (ω – 2ω), Fig. 6c Early evidence of stronger THz radiation at mid- also shows Leff for several other harmonics (ω–3ω, ω–4ω, infrared wavelengths was obtained from particle-in-cell and ω–5ω) appearing during two-color filamentation as a (PIC) simulations of 4 μm single-color laser pulses inter- part of the generated supercontinuum. Similar to the case acting with a hydrogen gas target75. It was shown that the of the second harmonic, the corresponding values of Leff amplitude of the emitted THz pulses is enhanced by 35 increase with wavelength. In other words, the higher times as the laser wavelength increases from 1 to 4 μm. harmonics of long-wavelength laser pulses remain in However, since the single-color pulses cannot provide phase with the wave at the fundamental frequency over a effective field symmetry breaking and PIC simulations do considerable propagation distance. As a result of this not take into account propagation effects, it was difficult continuous phase locking, the underlying optical carrier to extrapolate these results to the case of actual experi- wave exhibits extreme shock formation, as in the case of ments on two-color filamentation. an ideal nondispersive medium71. Under certain condi- In a later study, a comprehensive model based on the tions, in the case of collimated or weakly focused laser unidirectional pulse propagation equation (UPPE) was beams, this shock wave formation may occur well before used to simulate THz generation by two-color laser fila- ionization can generate a sufficient amount of plasma to mentation in argon76. Among other things, the authors stop the intensity growth caused by Kerr self-focusing72. compared two-color filamentation with 0.8 and 2 μm laser In this situation, shock wave formation becomes a pulses and showed that, in the latter case, the THz energy dominant mechanism of intensity clamping, which may is approximately ten times higher. no longer require the generation of plasma. Under these The first experimental study of THz generation by two- loose focusing conditions and in the absence of a suffi- color filamentation at different wavelengths, in the range cient number of free electrons, one can expect the sup- from 0.8 to 2.02 μm, was carried out by Clerici et al.77. pression of THz generation. The obtained results, reproduced in Fig. 7a, clearly show a A recent theoretical study predicts another unusual fast increase in the THz energy with increasing laser nonlinear-optical effect caused by anomalous dispersion of wavelength λ. The growth of the THz yield extended up to the air refractive index73. It was shown that nonlinear pro- a wavelength of 1.85 μm, where the THz energy reached pagation of a long-wavelength ultrashort laser pulse in a its maximum value of approximately 0.65 μJ, which is medium with a broad and weak region of anomalous dis- approximately 30 times larger than that at 0.8 μm. The persion (as an example, the authors considered 100 fs pulses strength of the corresponding THz field was estimated to at a 10 μm wavelength) can be accompanied by the for- be 4.4 MV/cm. However, at wavelengths above 1.85 μm, mation of attosecond (≈0.66 fs) subcycle ripples on the the observed THz energy unexpectedly decreased. In temporal pulse profile. It was predicted that these ripples addition, the initial increase in the THz yield could be well can occur during the initial stage of propagation, well before fitted by a λ4.6 power law, while the photocurrent model the self-focusing collapse point. The above results echo predicts at most a λ2 dependence. The authors partially earlier theoretical studies that predicted the formation of justified the observed deviations from the theory by their intense attosecond shock waves for near-infrared laser specific experimental conditions, such as the focusing and pulses74. In general, the appearance of extremely short sub- input energy limitations. Another suggested idea was that cycle formations with high intensity can locally enhance the the length and radius of the generated plasma channels yield of tunneling electrons and thus alter their acceleration depend on the laser wavelength, which introduces a cor- and deceleration phases in a laser field. As a result, one can rection to the λ2 scaling and could explain the saturation expect a strong disturbance of the optimal phase between of THz energy at longer wavelengths. the fundamental and second harmonic waves and thereby Subsequent theoretical studies questioned the very disruption of the process of THz generation. possibility of describing the wavelength-dependent scaling In summary, the linear medium absorption places strict of the THz yield as a simple λa power law with a universal limits on the operational spectral windows where power α79. For the example of two-color laser pulses with Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Page 11 of 16

0.7 8 a 15 a 7.5 b 0.6 (%) (mJ) 10 7 J)

0.5 THz μ THz 5 Q 6.5 0.4 W 0 6 0.3 400 0.2

THz energy ( 1 c 300 d 0.1 (T) 200 (GV/cm) 0 0.5 THz

B 100 THz

0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 E 0 0 m 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250 W (mJ) W (mJ) 2 10 2.2 m 100 b 1.8 m Fig. 8 Various parameters of THz radiation generated by mid-  1 1.45 m fi [mV] 10 infrared laments. a THz pulse energy WTHz, b THz conversion

pyro fi fi

V ef ciency Q , c estimated peak electric E , and d magnetic eld λ7.8 11.4 THz THz 0 λ 80 μ 0 B of a focused THz pulse versus the input energy W of 3.9 μm two- 0 1.3 m THz 10 81 λ4.6 200 400 color laser pulses. Reprinted from ref. with permission from the 0 PFH [mW] American Physical Society 60 [mV] λ14.5 0 pyro 9.4

V λ 0 40 λ8.1 0 14.3 (see Fig. 7b). By means of comprehensive 3D simu- lations, Nguyen et al. demonstrated that these high scaling 20 λ5.6 0 λ14.3 0 powers can be caused by variations in the laser beam size and pulse duration during the process of tuning the OPA 0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 carrier wavelength, as well as by subsequent deviations of λ0 [m]m the phase-matching conditions during the generation of the second harmonic component. In particular, it was Fig. 7 Scaling of THz energy with the laser wavelength. a THz energy measured by Clerici et al.77 for 12 different pump wavelengths shown that the lack of control of the phase difference (solid circles). The red solid curve shows the power law fit λ4.6±0.5 between the ω and 2ω laser pulse components can explain together with the 65% confidence bounds (red dashed curves). the saturation of the THz energy yield at longer b Wavelength dependence of the pyroelectric detector signal wavelengths. 78 indicating the THz energy yield in the experiments by Nguyen et al. . We also would like to mention the experiments by Zhao Different point sets correspond to different OPAs and input pulse 80 fi energies. The dotted curves provide the λa fitting. The gray circles et al. , who studied two-color lamentation in different correspond to the data obtained by Clerici et al.77. Figure a is reprinted gases (helium, neon, argon, nitrogen, krypton, and xenon) from ref. 77 with permission from the American Physical Society, and at different wavelengths from 1.2 to 1.6 μm. The THz b, from ref. 78 with permission from the Optical Society of America energy in these experiments was measured as a function of the input pulse energy, gas species, gas pressure, and pump wavelength. As a result, it was shown that stronger terahertz signals are more likely to be produced by longer wavelengths from 0.8 to 2 μm, it was demonstrated that wavelengths in heavier gases. depending on the relative phase between the ω and 2ω The above studies of two-color filamentation were pulse components, as well as their envelopes, the photo- carried out using typical OPAs as a source of the long- current model can justify powers a between 2 and 5. In wavelength laser pulses. Due to the restrictions of the turn, UPPE simulations of two-color filamentation per- OPA technique, the peak power of the obtained mid- a formed in propagation geometry demonstrated λ scaling infrared laser pulses was less than the critical power Pcr of the THz energy yield with a power a ranging from 2 for Kerr self-focusing, thereby far from optimal for fila- to 3.5. mentation. Taking into account the appearance of new The anomalous growth in THz energy with laser OPCPA laser systems capable of generating 3.9 μm mid- wavelength was specifically addressed in recent experi- infrared laser pulses with a peak power exceeding Pcr, the ments by Nguyen et al.78, where two distinct optical THz generation by two-color filamentation in air at parametric amplifiers (OPAs) were used to generate two- 3.9 μm was compared to the case of 0.8 μm in recent color laser pulses with fundamental wavelengths from 1.2 numerical studies by the present authors81,82. Figure 8 to 2.6 μm. As a result, THz energies were measured to shows a brief summary of the obtained results. According scale like λa with large exponents a ranging from 5.6 to to these results, with 3.9 μm two-color laser pulses, one Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Page 12 of 16

can achieve a THz conversion efficiency close to 7% (see 1.2, independent of the wavelength. As a brief outcome of Fig. 8b), which is more than two orders of magnitude the obtained results, Fig. 9 shows how different para- higher than the 0.8 μm case and appears to be the highest meters of the emitted THz radiation change with the THz conversion efficiency reported to date compared to wavelength. First, one can see that the THz energy grows any of the known approaches for THz generation. It was non-monotonically with the wavelength, albeit without shown that by further scaling of the input laser energy, it saturation (see Fig. 9a). Next, Fig. 9b shows that the THz would be possible to generate multi-millijoule THz pulses conversion efficiency QTHz depends on the wavelength λ (see Fig. 8a) with electric and magnetic fields at the GV/ in a quite peculiar way, increasing and decreasing at cm and kT levels, respectively (see Fig. 8c, d). The high wavelengths below 1.8 μm, then reaching the global conversion efficiency of THz radiation driven by 3.9 μm maximum of approximately 7% at approximately 3.2 μm, two-color laser pulses, in comparison with the near- and finally decreasing towards far-infrared wavelengths. infrared ones, was explained by the synergy of the fol- The presence of the global maximum near λ = 3.2 μm lowing factors: stronger photocurrents caused by higher allows one to conclude that this laser wavelength is the ponderomotive forces, negligible walk-offs between har- optimal one for all THz sources based on two-color fila- monics, and longer and wider plasma channels. In addi- mentation in air. In turn, Fig. 9c demonstrates that tion, the authors predicted the existence of a novel around λ = 4 μm, the initial growth of the THz field mechanism in which higher harmonics generated in the strength saturates at approximately 50 MV/cm within the process of two-color filamentation contribute to field filament. For applications, one can collect this THz symmetry breaking and thus enhance THz generation. radiation after the filament and refocus it, achieving The impressive increase in the THz conversion efficiency electric field strengths at the GV/cm level81,82. Finally, Fig. using 3.9 μm two-color laser pulses in air was later con- 9d shows that the THz conical emission angle mono- firmed by additional numerical simulations performed by tonically decreases with the wavelength, making the THz Nguyen et al.83, who also considered the case of two-color radiation from mid-infrared and far-infrared laser pulses filamentation at 10.6 μm. better directed and easier to collect. As explained by the – To find an optimal laser wavelength for two-color fila- interference model85 87, this effect is linked to the longer mentation in air, the whole range of possible two-color and thicker filament plasma channels generated by laser laser sources with fundamental wavelengths from 0.6 to pulses with longer wavelengths. 10.6 μm was considered in a series of full 3D numerical The first experimental evidence of THz generation by simulations by the present authors84. For a fair compar- 3.9 μm two-color laser pulses was presented at the CLEO ison, the ratio of the laser pulse peak power to the critical conference in 201888. In these experiments, the authors power of self-focusing in these simulations was fixed at used the high-power 3.9 μm OPCPA laser system

THz energy THz conversion efficiency 6 a 6 b

4 4 (%) (mJ) THz THz Q

W 2 2

0 0

THz electric field THz emission angle 60 c 7 d 6 40 5 4

(MV/cm) 3

THz 20

E 2 1 0 0 01234567891011 01234567891011  

Fig. 9 Dependence of various THz parameters on the laser wavelength. a Energy of the generated THz pulse WTHz, b THz conversion efficiency 84 QTHz, c peak THz electric field ETHz, and d THz emission angle θTHz versus the wavelength λ0 of the fundamental laser pulse. Reprinted from with permission from the Optical Society of America Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Page 13 of 16

increasing input laser energy Win, the energy of the THz a 0.20 2.5 pulses grows and reaches a maximum value of 0.185 mJ 0.15 2 for Win equal to 8.12 mJ. In turn, the corresponding (%) (mJ) 0.10 1.5 maximum of the THz conversion efficiency reaches THz THz 1 Q W 0.05 0.5 2.36%. At the same time, the measurements based on both 0 0 electro-optic sampling and Michelson interferometry 12345678910 demonstrate that these high-energy THz pulses are W (mJ) in single-cycle pulses with femtosecond duration and a b 1 spectral width of at least 20 THz (see Fig. 10b, c). At this 1 echo electro-optic 0.5 moment, the above values of the THz energy and THz 0 Michelson 0.5 −0.5 conversion efficiency remain the highest among all values −1 0 1 2 Time (ps) previously reported for plasma-based THz sources. (arb.u.) 0 Moreover, according to numerical simulations bench- THz E marked by the experimental data, by further optimization −0.5 of the existing experimental setup, it would be possible to −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 significantly upscale the observed THz yield and reach a Time delay (ps) THz conversion efficiency of at least ~5%90. fi c 100 Since then, two more experiments on two-color la- mentation have demonstrated the significant enhance- μ 91,92 10–2 ment of the THz yield for 3.9 m laser pulses . In both of them, THz radiation was studied as a part of the

(arb.u.) μ –4 broadband supercontinuum generated by 3.9 m two- THz 10 S color laser pulses jointly with the supercontinuum of fi –6 higher harmonics. In the rst experiment, conducted by 10 91 010203040 Jang et al. , the observed THz conversion efficiency was Frequency (THz) ~1%, with the corresponding THz energy being close to 91 Fig. 10 Energy, temporal, and spectral characteristics of THz 30 μJ. In addition, Jang et al. studied the dependence of pulses generated by 3.9 μm filaments. a Dependence of THz the energy of THz pulses generated by 3.9 μm laser pulses fi energy WTHz and the corresponding THz conversion ef ciency QTHz on on the initial ω − 2ω phase difference and found that it the input laser energy Win. b THz signals ETHz measured by electro- has the same π/2 period as in the case of near-infrared optic sampling (inset, blue) and by a Michelson interferometer (red). laser pulses. c THz power spectra STHz (solid lines) obtained by the above techniques together with the noise levels of each technique (dashed In the second experiment, carried out by Mitrofanov lines). Reprinted from ref. 90 under the terms of the Creative Commons et al.92, THz generation by 3.9 μm two-color laser pulses CC BY license was studied in various gases (helium, argon, nitrogen, air, and krypton) under different pressures. Gases with a lower ionization potential were shown to provide a higher THz yield. In particular, under the fixed energy of the developed at the TU Wien Photonics Institute32. How- 3.9 μm laser pulse, the highest THz energy (24 μJ) was ever, due to the unoptimized experimental conditions, the achieved in the experiments with krypton. For compar- maximum achieved THz energy at that time was only ison, the highest THz energy measured in air was 18 μJ ~49 μJ, with the corresponding THz conversion efficiency (corresponding to a 5 MV/cm THz field after focusing). being ~0.77%, which nonetheless was almost two orders In Table 1, we summarize the parameters of the THz of magnitude higher compared to the typical values pulses generated in experiments using two-color fila- reported for 0.8 μm two-color laser pulses. mentation with different laser wavelengths. The existing At the 2019 CLEO conference, the same group of mid-infrared laser sources are clearly able to generate authors presented the results of THz generation by 3.9 μm THz fields with energies and amplitudes exceeding, two-color laser pulses obtained in a better optimized respectively, 0.1 mJ and 0.1 GV/cm. According to the experiment on two-color filamentation89. Over the year, theoretical predictions, in the near future, we can expect the energy of the emitted THz pulses increased up to the appearance of THz sources capable of generating 0.185 mJ, and the THz conversion efficiency increased up multi-millijoule THz pulses with peak THz electric fields to 2.36%. The details of these experiments can be found at the GV/cm level. To gain some intuition about the in90. strength of these THz fields, let us consider them in the Figure 10 presents various parameters of the obtained context of current THz-based electron accelerators. Since THz pulses. In particular, Fig. 10a shows that with the electron energy gain and acceleration gradient scale Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Page 14 of 16

Table 1 Energy WTHz, conversion efficiency QTHz, and Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Priorities Research Program grant No. peak electric field ETHz of THz pulses generated in experiments using two-color filamentation with different NPRP11S-1128-170042 from the Qatar National Research Fund (member of The λ Qatar Foundation), the H2020 Laserlab-Europe (EC-GA 871124), the H2020 MIR- laser wavelengths BOSE (EC-GA 737017), and the “HELLAS-CH” (MIS 5002735), co-financed by Greece and the European Union. We also thank Anastasios D. Koulouklidis for λ (µm) WTHz (µJ) QTHz (%) ETHz Ref. (MV/cm) the preparation of Fig. 1 with the typical setup for THz generation.

0.8 1.44 0.01 817 Author details 1 18 Science Program, Texas A&M University at Qatar, P.O. Box 23874, Doha, Qatar. 0.8 31 0.07 21 2P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 53 3 1.5 0.099 0.56 –80 Leninskiy Prospekt, Moscow 119991, Russia. Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL), Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), P.O. 1.85 0.63 0.16 4.477 Box 1527, Heraklion GR-71110, Greece. 4Department of Materials Science and Technology, University of Crete, Heraklion GR-71003, Greece 3.9 18 0.3 592 3.9 27 1 –91 Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. 3.9 185 2.36 15090

Received: 13 May 2020 Revised: 11 October 2020 Accepted: 19 October linearly with the THz field amplitude, one would expect 2020 GV/cm THz fields to allow achieving multi-GeV/m gra- dients and electron energy gains exceeding 10 MeV— numbers that are characteristic of electron accelerators 7,8 References based on petawatt laser technologies . 1. Tonouchi, M. Cutting-edge terahertz technology. Nat. Photon. 1,97–105 (2007). Conclusions 2. Danciu, M. et al. Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging: a cutting-edge method for diagnosing digestive cancers. Materials 12, 1519 (2019). In summary, we have reviewed the most promising way 3. Massaouti, M. et al. Detection of harmful residues in honey using terahertz to date of developing high-peak-power THz sources. THz time-domain spectroscopy. Appl. Spectrosc. 67,1264–1269 (2013). sources driven by ultrashort mid-infrared and far-infrared 4. Manceau, J.-M. et al. Terahertz time domain spectroscopy for the analysis of fi cultural heritage related materials. Appl. Phys. B 90,365–368 (2008). two-color laser lamentation demonstrate unprecedented 5. Kampfrath, T., Tanaka, K. & Nelson, K. A. Resonant and nonresonant control conversion efficiencies on the level of 5–7%. Starting from over matter and light by intense terahertz transients. Nat. Photon. 7, 680–690 the fundamental microscopic physical mechanisms, we (2013). 6. Mittleman, D. M. Perspective: terahertz science and technology. J. Appl. Phys. drove all the way to nonlinear propagation in the form of 122, 230901 (2017). filaments and explained the physics behind these sources. 7. Nanni, E. A. et al. Terahertz-driven linear electron acceleration. Nat. Commun. 6, We showed that although some aspects of the funda- 8486 (2015). 8. Curry, E. et al. Meter-scale terahertz-driven acceleration of a relativistic beam. mental processes have still not been fully elucidated, such Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 094801 (2018). as the role of many-body effects, quantitative agreement 9. Zhang, D. F. et al. Segmented terahertz electron accelerator and manipulator between the theory and the experiments can be achieved (STEAM). Nat. Photon. 12,336–342 (2018). 10. Balogh, E. et al. Single attosecond pulse from terahertz- assisted high-order if one accounts carefully for the complex spatiotemporal harmonic generation. Phys.Rev.A84, 023806 (2011). phenomena of two-color filamentation. 11. Tóth, G. et al. Single-cycle attosecond pulses by Thomson backscattering of The development of powerful THz sources similar to terahertz pulses. J. Optical Soc. Am. B 35,A103–A109 (2018). 12. Fülöp,J.A.,Tzortzakis,S.&Kampfrath,T.Laser-drivenstrong-field terahertz the ones we discussed here opens up new horizons in THz sources. Adv. Optical Mater. 8, 1900681 (2020). nonlinear science. The experimental findings and the 13. Fülöp,J.A.etal.Efficient generation of THz pulses with 0.4 mJ energy. Opt. most recent numerical simulations we discussed here Express 22, 20155–20163 (2014). 14. Vicario, C. et al. Generation of 0.9-mJ THz pulses in DSTMS pumped by a Cr: point to a new generation of extreme-power THz tran- Mg2SiO4 laser. Opt. Lett. 39,6632–6635 (2014). sients. Near-future THz sources, driven by two-color mid- 15. Shalaby, M. & Hauri, C. P. Demonstration of a low- frequency three- infrared and far-infrared filaments, are projected to offer dimensional terahertz bullet with extreme brightness. Nat. Commun. 6,5976 (2015). multi-millijoule energies per pulse and peak electric and 16. Kim, K. Y. et al. Coherent control of terahertz supercontinuum generation in magnetic fields at the gigavolt per centimeter and kilotesla ultrafast laser–gas interactions. Nat. Photon. 2,605–609 (2008). levels, respectively. Quasi-static ultrashort electric and 17. Oh, T. I. et al. Generation of strong terahertz fields exceeding 8 MV/cm at 1 kHz and real-time beam profiling. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 041103 (2014). magnetic bursts at these intensities will enable free space 18. Kuk, D. et al. Generation of scalable from cylindrically extreme nonlinear and relativistic science for not only focused two-color laser pulses in air. Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 121106 (2016). accessing unexplored basic science problems but also 19. Jin,Q.etal.Observationofbroadbandterahertz wave generation from liquid water. Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 071103 (2017). offering unique solutions to demanding applications, such 20. Dey, I. et al. Highly efficient broadband terahertz generation from ultrashort as compact charged particle accelerators. laser filamentation in liquids. Nat. Commun. 8, 1184 (2017). Fedorov and Tzortzakis Light: Science & Applications (2020) 9:186 Page 15 of 16

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